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Names: Scholars Benitez and Coston

Three-Dimensional Science Lesson Plan

Lesson/Unit Title: Chemical and Physical Created by: Lydia Benitez
Properties—I-85 Bridge Collapse.

Lesson to Redesign or Plan: Briefly describe a favorite or upcoming lesson that

you would like to redesign or plan.

Students will make observations of a few physical changes and a few chemical
changes. These observations will be used to determine whether the I-85 bridge
collapse was due to chemical or physical properties.

Core Ideas: List the GPS/GSE content standards on which your lesson will focus.

Physical Science S5P1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to explain the differences between a
physical change and a chemical change.
b. Construct an argument based on observations to support a claim that the physical changes in the state of
water are due to temperature changes, which cause small particles that cannot be seen to move differently.
c. Plan and carry out an investigation to determine if a chemical change occurred based on observable
evidence (color, gas, temperature change, odor, new substance produced).

Authentic Scenario: Describe a real-world scenario that will engage students in making sense of a phenomenon
or designing a solution to a problem that is meaningful to them.

Show a video of the fire/collapse on I-85.

Guiding Question: Craft and open-ended, grade-level appropriate question that will provoke inquiry and
engagement focused on the core idea of the lesson.

Do you think that the collapse of the bridge was due to a chemical or physical change?

Science & Engineering Practices: List the specific Crosscutting Concepts: List the specific elements of
elements of 1-2 practices the lesson will emphasize. 1-2 crosscutting concepts the lesson will emphasize.

-Asking questions -Cause and effect

-Developing and using models -Energy and matter
-Planning and carrying out an investigation
-Constructing explanations How will you support students in developing
understandings about the crosscutting concept(s)?
How will you support students in developing
understandings about the practice(s)? Students will learn about cause and effect by seeing
how the input of heat, the combination of certain
I will guide students through relevant facts about the chemicals, or pressure can alter the physical or
collapse (inform them about what components played chemical state of an object.
into effect—a burning couch, burning construction
equipment beneath bridge, concrete, and metal beams Energy and matter will be reiterated throughout the
used for support), and then ask them to form a process as the concept of heat in chemical reactions
hypothesis about if the collapse was due to a chemical comes up as well as the conservation of elements
or physical change. throughout a reaction. If there is time, I would like to
demonstrate this conservation with a demonstration of
cleaning pennies in a solution of vinegar and salt. Once
I will then guide them through a series of the pennies have sat in the solution and appear clear,
demonstrations using glass & ice as models. they are removed. Clean nails/screws are then soaked
in the same solution, and after 10 or so minutes, they
(1) I will apply heat (from a hairdryer) to a chilled develop a copper coat.
glass so that it cracks and breaks.
(2) I will demonstrate three versions of ice melting
-naturally, with heat from a hair dryer, and with
salt How will you engage students in applying the
(3) I will show them the reaction of baking soda crosscutting concept(s) to make sense of phenomena
and vinegar in a clear jar and/or to design solutions to problems?

Students are to make observations about the

demonstrations on a sheet that they will be given. -Students will engage in cause and effect by verbally
discussing/reasoning through the demonstrations and
Once the demonstrations are complete, we will return what is occurring.
to the bridge collapse and use the information we have -Students will engage in energy and matter through
learned along the way (using a model discussion and observation of what is happening in the
system/investigation) to decide which one applies more reactions.
closely to the bridge collapse.

How will you engage students in applying the

practice(s) to make sense of phenomena and/or to
design solutions to problems?

I will use real life examples (like the I-85 bridge

collapse) and have worksheets for them to fill out as
the demonstrations are happening.

Integration: Explain how the three dimensions will work together to support students in making sense of
phenomena and/or in designing solutions to problems.

Students will study the core ideas of physical and chemical changes by using the practices of asking questions
(why did the bridge collapse?), using models (glass, ice, baking soda), and constructing explanations (how does
the information learned from the models pertain to the bridge collapsing) to better understand the cross cutting
concepts of cause and effect as well as energy and matter.

Lesson Sequence:
5E Stage Student Activities Teacher Activities
How will students engage actively in the How will the teacher facilitate and monitor
three dimensions throughout the lesson? student learning throughout the lesson?
Engage Lesson builds off of students’ Teacher will guide students through
How does the lesson capture knowledge on physical and chemical thinking about the bridge collapse
student interest, activate prior
properties. incident, give them facts about the key
knowledge, and connect to a
complex question, global issue, components of the incident, and probe
or real world problem? They are engaged through the I-85 fire them to make assessments/connections
(real world issue). to their prior knowledge in order to
assess what happened.
Explore The demonstrations of physical and Teacher will perform demonstration for
How does the lesson allow chemical changes will give all the students to make observations of.
students to develop a common
base of experiences by actively
students the ability to make
investigating the phenomenon or observations based off of models. -Demonstrate with glass
problem? Students will have to record their Heat the cold glass with a hair dryer
observations in a handout. to watch how it cracks
-Other household demonstration
Ice Melting: naturally, with heat from
a hair dryer, dropping, and with salt
(time each cube melting, have the
students chart observations on how the
ice melts
Baking soda + vinegar

Explain Students use their observations of the Teacher will help students piece
How does the lesson allow demonstrations to develop an together the information and point out
students to develop, share,
explanation about what happened to which demonstration aligned closely to
critique, and revise their own
explanations before connecting the bridge different parts of the bridge fire incident
those to accepted scientific (the chilled glass cracking is like the
explanations and terminology? concrete cracking).

Elaborate Students get to see in person examples Teacher will guide students through
How does the lesson allow of chemical and physical changes their conclusions by probing them with
students to extend their
conceptual understanding of the
occurring. They get to use this questions and will serve as the
three dimensions through information to make an assessment on facilitator of the demonstrations.
opportunities to apply knowledge, the chemical and physical changes
skills, and abilities in new occurring in a real-life event.

Evaluate Formative: Students will have plenty Formative: Teacher will guide the
How does the lesson—through opportunities to discuss and verbally students through discussing their ideas
both formative assessments
embedded throughout the lesson
process their conclusions throughout on the situation by probing them with
and a summative assessment the process directed questions.
that might coincide with the
elaborate phase—make visible Summative: Students will have to make Summative: Teacher will ask students
students’ thinking and their ability
to use practices with core ideas
a conclution/determine if the bridge to make a final conclusion and asses if
and crosscutting concepts to collapse was due to a physical or they deduced correctly (the concrete
make sense of phenomena chemical change. collapse was a physical change, the
and/or to design solutions? burning of objects below was a
chemical change).

Classroom Reflections (To Be Completed After the Lesson and Provide Feedback to Others):
Based on your experience teaching this lesson, what will you do differently, or what suggestions would you give
to someone else using this lesson plan?
Achieve, Inc. and NSTA. (2014). EQuIP Rubric for Lessons & Units: Science. Washington, D.C.: Achieve, Inc.

Bybee, R. (2013). Translating the NGSS for Classroom Instruction. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.

Chris Embry Mohr. (2015). Personal communication. NGSS Unit Implementation Resources.

3-D Lesson Planning Template Source:

Planning a Three-Dimensional Science Lesson by Jeremy S. Peacock (Northeast Georgia RESA) is licensed under a

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Hypothesis: Was the bridge collapsing a result of a chemical or physical change?

Glass Ice Ice + heat Ice + Salt Vinegar +

Baking Soda



Which demonstration do you think most closely resembles the bridge?

Conclusion: Was it physical or chemical?

What evidence do you have to support this conclusion?

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