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Management of psychiatric and

neurological comorbidities in epilepsy
Andres M. Kanner
Abstract | The treatment of epileptic seizure disorders is not restricted to the achievement of
seizure-freedom, but must also include the management of comorbid medical, neurological,
psychiatric and cognitive comorbidities. Psychiatric and neurological comorbidities are relatively
common and often co-exist in people with epilepsy (PWE). For example, depression and anxiety
disorders are the most common psychiatric comorbidities in PWE, and they are particularly
common in PWE who also have a neurological comorbidity, such as migraine, stroke, traumatic
brain injury or dementia. Moreover, psychiatric and neurological comorbodities often have a
more severe impact on the quality of life in patients with treatment-resistant focal epilepsy than
do the actual seizures. Epilepsy and psychiatric and neurological comorbidities have a complex
relationship, which has a direct bearing on the management of both seizures and the
comorbidities: the comorbidities have to be factored into the selection of antiepileptic drugs,
and the susceptibility to seizures has to be considered when choosing the drugs to treat
comorbidities. The aim of this Review is to highlight the complex relationship between epilepsy
and common psychiatric and neurological comorbidities, and provide an overview of how
treatment strategies for epilepsy can positively and negatively affect these comorbidities
and vice versa.

Psychiatric and neurological comorbidities are rela- and some of the neurological and psychiatric comor-
tively common in people with epilepsy (PWE), affect- bidities, and a bidirectional relationship has also been
ing, on average, 30–50% of patients1. Population-based reported between some of these neurological (stroke,
studies have identified a 35% lifetime prevalence of migraine, dementia, TBI) and psychiatric (depression
psychiatric comorbidities, most commonly mood and and anxiety disorders) comorbidities (TABLE 1).
anxiety disorders, in these patients2; among neurolog- In any PWE, a comprehensive treatment plan is not
ical comorbidities, migraines are the most common, restricted to aiming for a seizure-free state, but also
with a reported prevalence of 20–40%3. requires careful investigation and treatment of psychi-
The relationship between epilepsy and psychi­ atric and neurological comorbidities. Unfortunately,
atric and neurological comorbidities is complex, and more often than not, several obstacles prevent such
needs to be considered when planning the manage­ comprehensive management: psychiatric comorbidities
ment of any seizure disorder. Some of the psychi- often go unrecognized and untreated; the management
atric comorbidities (such as mood and anxiety of neurological comorbidities is often not factored into
disorders) often co-occur with some of the common the therapeutic plan for the seizure disorder; the treat-
neurological comorbidities associated with epilepsy ment of psychiatric comorbidities is empirical, as data
(such as migraine, stroke, dementia, traumatic brain that are based on methodologically sound research do
injury (TBI) and autistic spectrum disorder (ASD)). not exist; several misconceptions about ‘reported pro-
Department of Neurology, Moreover, not only are PWE at increased risk of devel- convulsant effects’ of psychotropic drugs have become
University of Miami, oping neurological and psychiatric comorbidities, but an obstacle in the treatment of psychiatric comorbid-
Miller School of Medicine, patients with certain primary psychiatric disorders ities in PWE; and the pharmacological and surgical
14th Street, 1120 NW, Miami,
33136 Florida, USA.
(attention deficit–hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and treatments of seizure disorders can negatively affect
Correspondence to mood, anxiety and psychotic disorders) are at increased psychiatric and neurological comorbidities. risk of developing epilepsy4,5 and neurological comor- The purpose of this article is to review prac-
doi:10.1038/nrneurol.2015.243 bidities (including migraine and stroke)6,7. These find- tical principles that should be considered in the
Published online 18 Jan 2016 ings imply a bidirectional relationship between epilepsy management of the most common psychiatric and

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Key points A complex relationship

Psychiatric comorbidity and epilepsy
• Psychiatric and neurological comorbidities are relatively common in epilepsy, affecting As indicated in the Introduction, several population-­
up to half of the patients based studies have suggested the existence of a
• Psychiatric and neurological comorbidities have a complex relationship with epilepsy: bi­directional relationship between epilepsy, ADHD,
comorbidities can exacerbate epilepsy or each other, and vice versa and primary mood, anxiety, and psychotic disorders.
• Treatment of psychiatric and neurological comorbidities needs to be incorporated into Not only are PWE at higher risk of developing one
the overall management of patients with epilepsy of these psychiatric disorders, but patients with one of
• Both pharmacological and surgical management of the seizure disorder can have these primary psychiatric disorders are at greater risk
either a negative or a positive impact on psychiatric and neurological comorbidities of developing epilepsy4–7. This phenomenon is of great
• Neurologists should be able to treat some of the more common psychiatric importance in the management of these psychiatric
comorbidities in patients with epilepsy and identify patients at risk of adverse events comorbidities, as the occurrence of a seizure or epi-
from psychotropic medications, because psychiatric care is not available to all patients lepsy in patients treated with a psychotropic drug is
• This Review provides practical principles and considerations for the management of not necessarily the expression of an iatrogenic effect
the most common psychiatric and neurological comorbidities in patients with epilepsy (as it is typically diagnosed), but rather could reflect the
natural course of the underlying psychiatric disorder.
Failure to treat psychiatric comorbidity in PWE,
neurological comorbidities in PWE, based on the in turn, has important negative implications at sev-
complex relationship that exists between epilepsy and eral levels. For example, comorbid mood and anxiety
these comorbidities. Moreover, considerations for dis­orders have been identified as the strongest inde-
neurologists treating PWE with these comorbidities pendent variables that predict an increased risk of
are outlined. suicide11, pre­mature death12 and poor quality of life13.
In addition, these disorders have been associated with
A common problem a reduced tolerance to AEDs 14, which in turn can
Psychiatric comorbidities interfere with compliance and thereby increase the
Mood and anxiety disorders are the most frequent risk of seizure recurrence. Furthermore, two studies
psychiatric comorbidities in adult and paediatric have already identified a relationship between a his-
patients with epilepsy, with lifetime prevalence rates tory of depression preceding the onset of epilepsy and
of up to 30–35%1,2, whereas ADHD is typically iden- an increased risk of treatment-­resistant epilepsy15,16.
tified in paediatric populations with prevalence rates Although poor AED compliance cannot be excluded
of 13–50%8,9. The prevalence of ADHD in adults with as a cause of refractory epilepsy, endogenous neuro­
epilepsy is yet to be established, but if one estimates biological aspects of mood and anxiety disorders have
that 50–75% of children with primary ADHD remain been suggested as pathogenic mechanisms of treatment
symptomatic in adulthood10, prevalence in adults with resistance17. In children with epilepsy and ADHD, fail-
epilepsy is expected to be relatively high. Psychotic ure to treat ADHD is likely to have dire consequences
disorders are less common than ADHD, but their on their academic performance and social interactions;
prevalence rates are higher in PWE (7–10%) than in untreated ADHD in adults with epilepsy is likely to
the general population (0.4–1%)1. Of note, all of these have a compounding effect on cognitive disturbances
psychiatric comorbidities tend to recur throughout the associated with several epilepsy syndromes, interfere
life of the PWE. in their professional achievements and worsen their
quality of life.
Neurological comorbidities
Any insult to the CNS has the potential to cause sei- Psychiatric and neurological comorbidities
zures or epilepsy. The most frequent of these insults Mood and anxiety disorders have been identified as
include cerebrovascular incidents, cerebral palsy (with independent predictors of a worse quality of life that
or without mental retardation), arteriovenous malfor- occur alongside other common neurological comor-
mations, brain tumours, cortical malformations, CNS bidities associated with epilepsy, including migraine18,
infections, TBI, dementia and autoimmune disorders11. stroke19, TBI20 and dementia21; an increased risk of sui-
Some neurological disorders, including migraine, cide was found to be associated with TBI23 and migraine
stroke, dementia, brain tumours, and autoimmune with aura22. Moreover, patients with TBI who experi-
disorders, require long-term follow‑up and ongoing enced depression that persisted for at least 6 months
thera­peutic interventions to achieve remission or pre- after the injury had worse psychosocial outcomes then
vent their recurrence. Others — for example cerebral TBI patients without depression; short-term depression
palsy, ASD and TBI — require symptomatic treatment (<3 months) did not affect recovery24.
of neurological, cognitive and psychiatric complica- In addition, failure to treat psychiatric comorbidity
tions. In some neurological comorbidities, such as associated with neurological comorbidity can have a
dementia, migraine, stroke and autoimmune dis­ direct negative impact on the course of the neurolog-
orders, both of these intervention types are necessary. ical comorbidity. For example, in patients with stroke
The pharmacological treatment of the seizure disorder (the most frequent cause of epilepsy in elderly PWE),
can have either negative or positive impact on these poststroke depression impairs recovery from cognitive
neurological comorbidities. deficits and the ability to perform activities of daily


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Table 1 | Common psychiatric comorbidities that occur with neurological comorbidities in people with epilepsy
Neurological comorbidity Common co‑occurring psychiatric Bidirectional relationship between
comorbidities epilepsy and neurological comorbidity?
Stroke • Depressive disorders Yes
• Anxiety disorders
• Psychotic disorders
Migraine/headaches • Depressive disorders Yes
• Anxiety disorders
Dementia • Depressive disorders Yes
• Anxiety disorders
• Psychotic disorders
Traumatic brain injury • Depressive disorders No
• Anxiety disorders
• Behavioral disorders
Cerebral palsy (with • ADHD No
or without intellectual • Behavioural disorders
disability) • Depressive disorders
• Anxiety disorders
• Psychotic disorders
Autistic spectrum disorder • ADHD Yes
• Behavioural disorders
• Anxiety disorders
• Depressive disorders
• Psychotic disorders
Multiple sclerosis • Depressive disorders No
• Anxiety disorders
ADHD, attention deficit–hyperactivity syndrome.

living (ADL), and increases mortality19,25. In the case screening of psychiatric symptoms often fails to discrim-
of migraines, psychiatric comorbidity has been linked inate between interictal and peri-ictal symptoms. Yet, as
with more severe headaches and a poorer response shown below, the course of the disease and response to
to treatment26. Likewise, a history of depression can treatment in these two contexts vary widely.
be associated with a worse course of dementia27, both
in patients with mild cognitive impairment — who Peri-ictal episodes
develop symptoms of dementia at a much earlier age Peri-ictal episodes include signs and symptoms that are
than those without a prior history of a depressive temporally related to seizures; their existence has been
disorder — and in patients with Alzheimer disease, in acknowledged since the ninteenth century, but more
whom comorbid depression is associated with faster often than not, they have gone unrecognized.
cognitive deterioration, including worse deterioration
in the ability to perform ADL, and earlier placement in Preictal symptoms and episodes. Preictal symptoms typi-
a nursing facility21,28,29. Depression associated with TBI cally present as a dysphoric mood preceding a seizure by
impairs patients’ motivation and engagement in rehab­ a period of between several hours and up to 3 days. The
ilitation programmes and social activities; the ability severity worsens during the 24 hours before the seizure
of these patients to recover from cognitive deficits and and remits postictally, though occasionally, the symptoms
impaired ADL is reduced even after remission of the can persist for a few days after the seizure30.
depressive disorder.
Postictal psychiatric symptoms or episodes. Typically,
Psychiatric comorbidities in PWE postictal psychiatric symptoms are observed after
Recognizing the type of psychiatric symptom in PWE is a symptom-free period of between several hours
essential for planning appropriate therapy. Psychiatric and up to 7 days after a seizure. Postictal psychi­atric
symptoms in epilepsy can be the expression of spontane- symptoms are relatively frequent in patients with
ous interictal psychiatric disorders, peri-ictal symptoma- treatment-­resistant focal epilepsy. For example, one
tology (including preictal, ictal and postictal), para-ictal study of 100 consecutive patients with treatment-­
episodes (forced normalization phenomenon), or iatro­ resistant focal epilepsy identified recurrent postictal
genic psychiatric episodes triggered by pharmacological symptoms after >50% of seizures durin the 3 month
or surgical treatment of the seizure disorder. All of these study period: depression in 43% of patients, anxiety in
possibilities must be investigated before initiating any 45% and suicidal tendencies in 13%31. Postictal psychi­
treatment regimen. atric symptoms can also occur in PWE with interictal
Clinicians tend to assume that any reported psychi- psychiatric disorders that are in remission (or con-
atric phenomena are interictal; rarely do they investi- trolled with psychotropic medication), or can present
gate the possibility of peri-ictal symptoms. Furthermore, as psychiatric symptoms with postictal exacerbation of

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interictal symptoms. To date, only postictal psychotic Impact of epilepsy treatments on comorbidites
symptoms or episodes have been found to respond to Any comprehensive treatment plan of a seizure dis­order
pharmacological interventions, whereas symptoms of has to factor in the existence of any neurological and
depression, anxiety, irritability, suicidality and impul- psychiatric comorbidities and any concomitant medi-
sive behaviour failed to do so31. Clearly, remission of cations prescribed for their management. Certain AEDs
postictal psychiatric symptoms can only be achieved can have a therapeutic effect for several neurological
with full remission of the seizure disorder. Of note, the and psychiatric comorbidities, whereas others can result
symptom-free period between the seizure and the onset in iatrogenic symptoms or affect the course of these
of psychiatric symptoms can often lead to misdiagnosis comorbidities, primarily through pharmaco­dynamical
as interictal phenomena. mechanisms or pharmacokinetic interactions with
concomitant medications.
Ictal psychiatric symptoms. Seizure activity can mani-
fest as ictal psychiatric symptoms. Ictal fear or panic is Impact of AEDs on psychiatric comorbidities
the most common type, comprising 60% of ictal psy­ Therapeutic effects. In the past three decades, manu­
chiatric episodes; ictal symptoms of depression are the facturers have tested AEDs for mood-stabilizing, anti­
second-most common type32. Failure to recognize ictal depressant, antimanic and anxiolytic effects, as well as
fear has often resulted in misdiagnosis of ictal fear as for analgesic effects in neuropathic pain and headaches
an interictal panic disorder. (TABLE 2). Accordingly, AEDs with mood-stabilizing,
antidepressant (valproic acid, carbamazepine, oxcarba-
Paraictal episodes zepine and lamotrigine) or anxiolytic properties (pre-
Paraictal psychiatric episodes are rare psychiatric gabalin, gabapentin) can be considered even in patients
disorders in PWE, and can result from either forced with a current or prior history of a mood or anxiety dis­
normalization 33 or certain psychiatric and cogni- order. Certain exceptions have been reported, including
tive disorders, including hypothalamic hamartomas behavioural disturbances in children treated with val-
and epileptic aphasia of childhood34,35 — the onset, proic acid at high doses36. This effect is dose-dependent
improvement and/or remission of these disorders is and remits at lower doses36. Likewise, lamotrigine and
closely associated with the onset and remission of the gabapentin can cause behavioural disturbances (irrita-
seizure disorder. bility, poor frustration tolerance, agitation) in patients
with cognitive impairment37.
Forced normalization. Forced normalization, also
known as alternative psychopathology, refers to the Iatrogenic psychopathology. AED-related iatrogenic
development of psychotic or severe affective symptom- psychiatric symptoms can occur in PWE after expo-
atology following seizure remission in patients with a sure to any AED, particularly when the drug used at
treatment-resistant seizure disorder. Forced normaliza- high doses. Such symptoms include depression, anxiety,
tion has been associated with the use of certain AEDs, psychosis and ADHD, and can mimic one of these psy­
including vigabatrin, clobazam and ethosuximide 33. chiatric conditions. However, psychiatric adverse events
The psychopathological symptoms remit upon the are more likely to occur in several specific groups of
recurrence of epileptic seizures, though symptomatic patients: those who are considered to be at risk of psy­
treatment can be attempted with psychotropic drugs. chiatric disorders in any case (that is, patients with a
The presentation of forced normalization as a psychotic personal or family (particularly first-degree relatives)
episode is rare and has been estimated to occur in history of psychiatric disorders (TABLE 2))38; patients
approximately 1% of patients with treatment-resistant who are started on AEDs with known negative psycho­
epilepsy, but its presentation as a depressive episode is tropic properties (including GABAergic drugs (such as
thought to be more common and often unrecognized33. the barbiturates phenobarbital and primidone, benzo­
diazepines, vigabatrin and tiagabine), topiramate,
Hypothalamic hamartomas. Hypothalamic hamar- zonisamide, levetiracetam, ezogabin and perampanel);
tomas have been associated with the occurrence of patients who discontinue AEDs with anxiolytic or
cognitive and severe behavioural disturbances, includ- mood stabilizing properties (which might have kept an
ing psychotic symptomatology, that are difficult to underlying anxiety or mood disorder under control);
control with psychotropic drugs. Complete resection and patients who are on psychotropic drugs to man-
or ablation of the hamartoma and the subsequent sei- age a mood, anxiety or psychotic disorder and who are
zure remission result in remarkable improvement or started on an AEDs with enzyme-inducing properties
remission of psychiatric disturbances35. Of note, par- (carbamazepine, phenytoin, barbiturates, rufinamide,
tial resections do not yield the same improvement in high dose of topiramate and oxcarbazepine) that can
seizure frequency and psychiatric disturbances. accelerate the clearance of some of these psychotropic
drugs and limit their efficacy (see below).
Iatrogenic psychiatric phenomena In 2008, the FDA issued a warning that suggested
Iatrogenic psychiatric symptomatology can be caused that “all” AEDs had the potential to cause suicidal
by AEDs or epilepsy surgery. The pathogenic mech- ideation and behaviour and led to the inclusion of a
anisms of these adverse events are complex and warning of suicidality in the package information for
multifactorial, and are discussed in greater detail below. all AEDs39. The validity of the data that resulted in


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Table 2 | Antiepileptic drugs with positive and negative psychotropic properties

Drug Psychiatric benefits Psychiatric iatrogenic symptoms Analgaesic value
Barbiturates Anxiolytic • Depression No
• Behavior disturbance and/or
Benzodiazepines Anxiolytic • Depression No
• Behavioral disturbance and/or
Carbamazepine • Mood stabilizing Not reported Neuralgic pain
• Anti-manic
Oxcarbazepine • Mood stabilizing Not reported Neuralgic pain
• Anti-manic
Ethosuximide No • Behavioural disturbance No
• Psychotic symptoms
Tiagabine Anxiolytic Depression No
Levetiracetam No • Depression No
• Anxiety
• Behavioural disturbance
Topiramate No • Depression • Headaches and
• Behavioural disturbance migraines
• Anxiety • Neuralgic pain
Zonisamide No Depression No
Felbamate No Depression No
Vigabatrin No • Depression No
• Behaviour disturbance and/or
• Psychosis
Perampanel No • Behavioural disturbance No
• Psychosis
• Depression
Lamotrigine • Mood stabilizing • Anxiogenic No
• Antidepressant • Behavioural disturbance in
cognitively impaired patients
Valproic acid • Mood stabilizing Behavioural disturbance at high Headaches and migraines
• Anti-manic doses in children
• Anti-panic
Gabapentin Anxiolytic (social phobia) Not reported • Headaches
• Neuralgic pain
Pregabalin Anxiolytic (generalized anxiety Not reported • Fibromyalgia
disorder) • Neuralgic pain
ADHD, attention deficit–hyperactivity disorder.

this warning has been questioned because of several in children, prevalence rates can be even higher46. Epilepsy
method­ological problems40,41. Furthermore, attempts to surgery can have various effects on psychi­atric comor-
replicate these findings in large studies have resulted in bidity: it can improve pre­surgical psychiatric comorbid-
discrepant data42–45. In the opinion of this author, some ity or cause its remission, it can cause a recurrence or
AEDs can cause iatrogenic symptoms of depression, worsening of a presurgical comorbidity, or it can cause
which can facilitate the development of suicidal idea- the development of a de novo psychiatric comorbidity47.
tion and behaviour in vulnerable patients. Yet, the FDA Episodes of depression and anxiety are relatively com-
data have to be considered in the context of a higher mon post­surgical psychiatric complications: they are
risk of suicidality associated with epilepsy alone, which observed after 20–40% of anterotemporal lobectomies
is further enhanced in the presence of mood, anxiety and occur within 3–6 months of surgery46–48. Often, these
and psychotic disorders12. Clearly, identification of PWE complications are an exacerbation or recurrence of pre-
with a current, past and/or family psychiatric history is surgical dis­orders, though de novo episodes of depression
the first step in minimizing the occurrence of iatrogenic or anxiety have been reported in 10–15% of patients46,47.
psychiatric symptomatology. Although mood and anxiety disorders tend to remit
in the majority of patients by the end of the first year
Comorbidities caused by epilepsy surgery. In adults with after surgery, they persist in approximately 10–15% of
treatment-resistant focal epilepsy, the prevalence of patients47. De novo postsurgical psychotic episodes are
psychiatric comorbidity can be as high as 40–60%46–49; less common, observed in 3–10% of patients47.

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Although postsurgical episodes of mood and anxiety among those given a placebo (standardized incidence
disorders should be anticipated in patients with a psychi- ratio = 0.48; 95% CI 0.36–0.61), whereas in patients
atric history, these data are rarely obtained in presurgical randomly assigned to receive a placebo, seizure occur-
evaluations. The use of psychotropic medication is nec- rence was 19‑fold higher than in the general population.
essary and often sufficient to achieve symptom remission Of note, the incidence of seizures in patients assigned
(see below), though in patients with more severe forms of to either antidepressants or placebo was greater than
mood disorder, electroconvulsive therapy has sometimes the published incidence of unprovoked seizures in the
been required. general population52. These data support the notion that
depression is a risk factor for the development of unpro-
Therapeutic effects of epilepsy surgery. In 30–50% of voked seizures and epilepsy, and raises the question of
patients with presurgical mood and anxiety disorders, whether SSRIs and SNRIs could protect from seizures.
particularly in patients that become seizure-free, antero­ Data from animal models of epilepsy seem to support
temporal resections can yield a marked improvement this hypothesis53,54, but no controlled studies have yet
or remission of affective symptoms47–49. Remission of been conducted in humans. It should be noted, however,
obsessive–compulsive disorders has also been reported50,51. that Alper et al. also found that the incidence of seizures
was higher among patients who received bupropion or
Impact of psychotropic drugs clomipramine than in those who received a placebo52.
Do psychotropic drugs cause seizures? A long-held belief According to a general consensus, antidepressants
that psychotropic drugs have proconvulsant properties can cause seizures at toxic doses; indeed, most reported
has become the biggest obstacle in the management seizures associated with antidepressants have occurred
of psychiatric comorbidities in PWE, but do the data after overdoses. One other antidepressant, maprotiline,
support these concerns? This question was carefully has been reported to increase the risk of seizures in
investigated in a study published in 2007 by Alper and patients without epilepsy (incidence rate of 15.6%) in a
colleagues — before their investigation, much of the dose-dependent manner55.
data on psychotropic drugs and seizures were based on Alper et al. also reported that patients randomly allo-
anecdotal reports and small case series52. Alper et al. cated to receive the second-generation antipsychotic
compared the incidence of seizures among patients ran- drugs clozapine, olanzapine or quetiapine had a higher
domly assigned to a psychotropic drug and patients who incidence of seizures than those who received the pla-
received a placebo in phase II and III, multicentre, ran- cebo52. The first-generation antipsychotic drugs with the
domized placebo-controlled trials that were submitted lowest proconvulsant properties include haloperidol,
to the FDA for regulatory purposes between 1985 and perfenazine, fluphenazine and molindone56.
2004. A total of 75,873 patients with primary psychiatric The data on suspected proconvulsant properties of
disorders were included. In addition, the investigators CNS stimulants is anecdotal at best. Yet, there is a con-
compared the incidence of seizures during the rand- sensus among recognized experts in pharma­cotherapy
omized placebo-controlled trials with the published of ADHD in epilepsy57, supported by five small studies of
rates of unprovoked seizures among the general popu- human patients58–62, that these drugs and the noradren-
lation. Trials of antidepressants included several tricyclic ergic drug atomoxetine are safe, and that treatment, if
anti­depressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors clinically indicated, should not be withheld57.
(SSRIs), the serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibi- There is almost no evidence-based data on the effi-
tor (SNRI) venlafaxine, the α2‑antagonist mirtazapine, cacy of psychotropic drugs for the treatment of psy­
and the noradrenaline–dopamine reuptake inhibitor chiatric comorbidities in PWE. Thus, clinicians have
bupropion. The incidence of seizures was substantially followed the treatment strategies used in primary
lower among patients who received antidepressants than psychiatric disorders for the treatment of psychiatric

Table 3 | Efficacy of SSRIs and SNRIs in primary depression and anxiety disorders
Antidepressant Depression Panic Generalized Starting dose Maximum dose
drug disorder anxiety (mg daily) (mg daily)
Paroxetine* ++ ++ ++ 10 60
Sertraline* ++ ++ + 25 200
Fluoxetine* ++ ++ – 10 80
Citalopram* ++ + ++ 10 60
Escitalopram* ++ + + 5 30
Fluvoxamine + + + 50 300
Venlafaxine‡ ++ + + 37.5 300
Duloxetine ‡
++ + + 20 120
+ indicates that the drug is used for the treatment of this condition; ++ indicates that the drug has an FDA approval for this
condition; – indicates that the drug is not used to treat this condition. SNRI, selective noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor; SSRI;
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. *SSRI; ‡SNRI.


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Table 4 | Adverse effects linked to SSRIs and SNRIs By contrast, valproic acid has been reported to
decrease the clearance of certain tricyclic antidepres-
Adverse effect Prevalence sants (amitriptyline, nortriptyline) and antipsychotic
Nausea 35% drugs (clozapine, olanzapine, quetiapine). Given that the
Insomnia 25% second-generation and third-generation AEDs are gen-
erally less reliant upon the cytochrome P450 isoenzyme
Diarrhoea 19%
system for their disposal, they are likely to have fewer
Headache 15% opportunities for pharmacokinetic inter­actions with
Dry mouth 13% other AEDs, psychotropic drugs and other concomitant
Impaired sexual function 9–20% medications63,64.
Only most common adverse effects are included. SSRI,
Conversely, several psychotropic drugs can inhibit the
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; SNRI, selective clearance of some enzyme-inducing AEDs, in particular
noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor. phenytoin and carbamazepine. These psycho­tropic drugs
include the SSRI antidepressants fluoxetine, fluvoxamine
comorbidities in PWE. Although many antidepressant and paroxetine, some of the first-generation (haloperi-
drugs are considered to be safe for the management of dol and loxapine) and second-­generation (risperidone,
depressive and anxiety disorders (TABLE 3), these drugs quetiapine) anti­psychotic drugs and the CNS stimulant
have common adverse events even in indivi­duals without methylphenidate, which has been reported to increase
epilepsy (TABLE 4); the same goes for neuro­leptic drugs the serum levels of pheno­barbital, phenytoin, primidone,
(TABLE 5). A number of CNS stimulants and noradrener- SSRIs and tricyclic antidepressants65. Citalopram and
gic agents are commonly prescribed for the treatment of escitalopram do not inhibit other drugs, and the inhibi-
ADHD and are considered acceptable in PWE, though tory effect of sertraline is minimal. Although definitive
these drugs are also associated with common adverse studies are lacking, it has also been suggested that ven-
events (TABLE 6). lafaxine and duloxetine are unlikely to cause significant
interactions with currently available AEDs.
Pharmacokinetic interactions
Interaction between psychotropic drugs and AEDs. As AEDs and drugs used in neurological comorbidities.
indicated above, certain (but not all) enzyme-­inducing Enzyme-inducing AEDs can increase the clearance of,
AEDs can increase the clearance of psycho­tropic drugs and thereby render less effective, various calcium chan-
metabolized in the liver, including tricyclic antidepres- nel blockers, as well as beta-blockers, antihypertensive
sants, SSRIs and mirtazapine, trazadone, first-­generation agents (such as losartan), oral anticoagulants (dicouma-
antipsychotics (including chlorpromazine, fluphenazine rol and warfarin), statins (atorvastatin and simvastatin),
and haloperidol) and atypical antipsycho­tics (including acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (donepezil) and steroids
clozapine, olanzapine, ris­peridone (with the exception (dexamethasone, methylprednisolone and prednisolone).
of phenytoin which inhibits ris­peridone clearance), Valproic acid can increase the risk of bleeding when
quetiapine, aripiprazole and ziprazidone)63,64. interacting with oral anticoagulants65.

Table 5 | Adverse effects of antipsychotic drugs

Antipsychotic Seizure Impact on EEG recordings Extrapyramidal Metabolic Anticholinergic Hyper QTc
threshold symptoms syndrome effects prolactinemia prolongation
Slowing of Interictal
background epileptiform
activity activity
Low potency FGAs ++ ++ – + ++ +++ ++ +
High potency + + – +++ + +/− +++ ++
FGAs (haloperidol,
Aripiprazole – + – + −/+ – – +
Clozapine +++ +++ +++ – +++ +++ – +
Olanzapine + ++ + + +++ + −/+ +
Quetiapine + ++ – – ++ + – +
Risperidone −/+ + – ++ + −/+ +++ +
Ziprasidone – + – + −/+ + ++
– indicates a rare adverse effect; + indicates low risk; ++ indicates medium risk; +++ indicates high risk. The mood–stabilizing property of FGAs is notably worse than
that of second-generation antipsychotics; FGAs are included in this table for comparison purposes. Symptoms of metabolic syndrome include weight gain,
increased risk of diabetes mellitus type II and hypertriglyceridaemia. FGA, first generation antipsychotic. *Low to medium potency.

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Table 6 | Commonly used drugs for the treatment of ADHD

Drug Mechanism of action Initial Range of daily Adverse effects Potential for Safety in people
daily dose dose drug abuse with epilepsy
Methylphenidate DA and NA reuptake 5 mg 20–30 mg • Appetite suppression Moderate Safe at therapeutic
inhibitor (0.3 mg/kg) • Emotional lability doses
• Sadness
• Anxiety
• Insomnia
• Psychotic symptoms
d,l‑amphetamine • DA and NA reuptake 5 mg 20–40 mg • Appetite suppression Moderate Safe at therapeutic
inhibitor • Emotional lability doses
• Pseudosubstrate • Sadness
for NA and DA • Anxiety
transporters • Insomnia
• Psychotic symptoms
Atomoxetine • NA‑reuptake inhibition 0.5 mg/kg 1–1.8 mg/kg • Sedation Low Safe at therapeutic
• Increases DA indirectly • Loss of appetite doses
• Nausea
• Drowsiness
ADHD, attention deficit–hyperactivity disorder; DA, dopamine; NA, noradrenaline.

Calcium channel blockers can inhibit the metab- PWE, migraines and other types of headaches can occur
olism of carbamazepine, phenytoin and topiramate, inter­ictally or can be temporally related to seizures,
whereas propranolol and sumatriptan can inhibit the either preceding them (known as migralepsy, present
clearance of topiramate. Likewise, the anti­platelet in 3% of PWE) or — more commonly — following
ticlopidine and the anticoagulant dicoumarol can the seizure (postictal headaches, present in 20–40% of
inhibit phenytoin clearance. PWE)2. Theoretically, topiramate and valproic acid can
have a prophylactic effect against migraines and focal
Pharmacodynamic effect of AEDs on comorbidities and generalized epilepsy. Yet, certain caveats need to
AEDs might improve psychiatric comorbidities. Several be considered before these AEDs can be prescribed.
AEDs have positive psychotropic properties (TABLE 2), Topiramate — particularly if started at a high dose or
which should always be considered in the selection of titrated rapidly — can increase the risk of depression
an AED. For example, in a patient with focal epilepsy in PWE who have a previous personal or a family his-
and a generalized anxiety disorder, the use of pregabalin tory of mood disorder70. Valproic acid would seem to
can improve both conditions66, and gabapentin can be be the ideal AED, given its broad spectrum efficacy
a potential drug of choice in patients with social pho- in epilepsy, its prophylactic effect on migraines and
bia37. Although there is no evidence that AEDs with headaches, and its mood-stabilizing and anxiolytic
anti­depressant properties, such as lamotrigine, preclude properties37,68. Yet, its potentially serious and relatively
the use of an antidepressant to treat a major depressive frequent teratogenic effects and iatrogenic effects on
episode (MDE) in PWE. Once the patient reaches a women’s reproductive functions limit its use in women
euthymic state, AEDs with mood stabilizing properties of childbearing age71.
might maintain remission of the depressive disorder if In addition, headaches are a common adverse effect
the antidepressant drug is discontinued. Discontinuing of high-dose AEDs in the early stages of therapy after
this type of AED in PWE who have a prior history of a rapid dose titration. Furthermore, headaches can be
mood disorder can result in recurrence of a depressive an adverse effect of certain AEDs (such as lamotrigine)
episode67. Clearly, the choice to use one of these AEDs even at low doses. It should also be kept in mind that
has to be weighed against its tolerability and its toxicity enzyme-­inducing AEDs can interfere with the thera-
and pharmacokinetic profiles. peutic effects of certain migraine prevention medica-
tions, including calcium channel blockers, by increasing
AEDs might improve neurological comorbidities. their clearance and thereby substantially lowering their
Most AEDs that enter the market today are tested for serum concentration.
their prophylactic and analgaesic effects in different
types of migraine and neuropathic pain. For example, AEDs can worsen neurological comorbidities. AEDs
topiramate, gabapentin and valproic acid are commonly with enzyme-inducing properties have displayed athero­
in use as prophylactic agents for the treatment of head- genic effects through their effect on the cytochrome
aches68, and gabapentin, pregabalin, carbamazepine and P450 system. Indeed, in one study, discontinuation of
topiramate can improve neuropathic pain69. either pheny­toin or carbamazepine, or switching to
Yet, in PWE, neurological comorbidities are often AEDs with no enzyme-inducing properties (for exam-
accompanied by psychiatric comorbidities. The treat- ple lamotrigine or levetiracetam), resulted in a notable
ment of comorbid headaches, in particular migraines, reduction of several atherogenic chemicals including
illustrates the potential benefits and limitations of AEDs total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and
in the setting of comorbid psychiatric symptoms. In C‑reactive protein72. In addition, lipoprotein (a) levels


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Box 1 | Considerations for drug selection whether these pharmacological effects of AEDs account
for some of this increased risk is yet to be established.
The following factors should be considered when Cognitive disturbances are often associated with sev-
choosing antiepileptic and psychotropic drugs in eral neurological comorbidities, including stroke, TBI,
patients with epilepsy. ASD, MS and dementia. Most — if not all — AEDs,
Demographic data when taken at high doses, are linked with cognitive dis-
• Gender turbances in PWE of all ages; elderly patients are also
• Age more susceptible to cognitive adverse events at relatively
• Education low doses because the drug clearance is lower in this
• Occupation age group76.
• Marital status AEDs such as topiramate77 and zonisamide78 are
known to impair verbal functions; specifically, they
Epilepsy data
can cause word-finding difficulties, spelling errors
• Seizure types
and memory disturbances. These iatrogenic effects
• Epileptic syndrome are magnified when either AED is combined with
Is this medication likely to valproic acid77,78.
• Worsen or improve a comorbid medical disorder? Of note, comorbid mood disorders are also com-
• Worsen or improve a comorbid neurologic disorder? monly linked to poor concentration and memory
• Worsen or improve a comorbid psychiatric disorder? disturbances79. Thus, screening for mood disorder is
• Worsen comorbid cognitive disturbances? essential in the assessment of any iatrogenic cognitive
adverse event attributed to an AED or epilepsy surgery.
• Interact with concomitant antiepileptic drugs or other
Other pharmacodynamic effects. From a pharmaco­
• Affect reproductive functions?
dynamic standpoint, the following properties of psycho-
• Affect bone health?
tropic drugs must be kept in mind in the treatment of
• Affect the blood lipid profile? PWE with and without neurological comorbidity. First,
Additional information to aid selection of a all antipsychotic drugs have the potential to increase the
psychotropic drug QT interval; among the first-generation antipsychotic
• Psychiatric comorbidity drugs, haloperidol, fluphenazine and trifluoperazine
• Depressive or anxiety disorder carry the highest risk, whereas among the second-­
• Attention deficit–hyperactivity disorder generation antipsychotic drugs, ziprasidone carries the
• Psychotic disorder greatest risk. Given that PWE are at increased risk of
sudden death, and prolonged QT has been suggested as
Is this medication likely to
one of the possible pathogenic mechanisms80, patients
• Worsen or improve a comorbid medical disorder?
treated with these AEDs should have an ECG before the
• Worsen or improve a comorbid neurologic disorder? treatment is started and once the target dose is reached.
• Worsen the seizure disorder? Repeated EKG is even more important in those patients
• Interact with concomitant antiepileptic drugs or other who have a neurological comorbidity associated with
medications? a cardiovascular disease, such as dementia or history
• Affect reproductive functions? of stroke. Second, SSRIs and SNRIs can increase the
• Affect bone health? risk of bleeding, warranting cautious use in PWE on
• Affect lipid profile? anticoagulants or NSAIDs81. Third, SSRIs and SNRIs
can facilitate the development of hyponatraemia by
promoting excessive antidiuretic hormone secretion82;
dropped in PWE who discontinued carbamazepine, serum electrolytes must be monitored in patients taking
whereas those who discontinued phenytoin had a these drugs, in particular if they are on diuretic agents
decrease in blood levels of homocysteine72. The authors simultaneously with carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine,
of the study concluded that enzyme-inducing AEDs or eslicarbazepine. Fourth, SSRIs have been linked
increase the risk of cardio­vascular and cerebrovascu- to osteopenia and osteo­porosis in population-based
lar disease by facilitating the synthesis of atherogenic studies83,84; in addition to the supplementation of vita-
chemicals. Other investi­gators have demonstrated that min D3 and calcium, bone mineral density should
the weak enzyme inducers oxcarbazepine (>900 mg be monitored, particularly in PWE who are taking
daily) and topiramate (200 mg daily) are associ­ated enzyme-inducing AEDs.
with hyperhomocysteinaemia, which suggests that the
atherogenic effect might not be exclusive to AEDs with Who should treat these comorbidities?
strong enzyme-inducing properties73. A later prospec- In an ideal world, any PWE with a psychiatric comor-
tive study of AEDs without enzyme-inducing properties bidity would be referred to a mental health professional
also demonstrated an association of these drugs with who would decide on the best course of treatment.
an increase in several atherogenic chemicals74. Of note, Unfortunately, access to psychiatric care is usually lim-
a population based-study in the UK demonstrated ited in both industrialized and developing countries,
that a history of epilepsy increased the risk of stroke75; and in both universal and private health care systems.

114 | FEBRUARY 2016 | VOLUME 12

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Managing the psychiatric comorbidities in PWE with on a Lickert scale (0–3), where a score >10 is suggestive
and without neurological comorbidities cannot wait of GAD. Neurologists can follow the response to treat-
until this serious and very complex problem is solved. ment over time by having the patient complete these
One potential solution is for neurologists to begin instruments at each visit.
pharmacological therapy for uncomplicated and non-
refractory mood and anxiety disorders and ADHD in Conclusions
patients who are not comorbid with an increased risk The studies reviewed in this article clearly demonstrate
of suicide, a personality disorder, drug or alcohol abuse, that PWE are at increased risk of psychiatric and neuro­
a bipolar disorder or a psychotic disorder. Mood dis­ logical comorbidities, which can precede or follow the
orders that do not remit after two treatment courses onset of the seizure disorder. Thus, early recognition
with two different antidepressant drugs at optimal of these comorbidities and their risk factors, such as
doses must be considered as treatment-resistant. A family history of psychiatric symptoms, at the time of
bipolar disorder can be suspected in PWE who experi- the initial evaluation is crucial for formulating a com-
enced hypomanic or manic symptoms after exposure prehensive treatment plan. Accordingly, treatment
to antidepressant drugs, or who have a family history of the seizure disorder must be based on the AED’s
of bipolar illness85. In addition, PWE who had an initial efficacy for the seizure type and epileptic syndrome,
MDE before the age of 15 have a 50% chance of having its adverse event profile, and its pharmacokinetic and
a bipolar disorder. pharmaco­dynamic properties that can have therapeutic
To conclude, the psychiatric comorbidities for or iatrogenic effects on comorbid medical, psychiatric
which neurologists could offer pharmacological treat- and neurological comorbidities. Likewise, the pharma­
ment include: mood disorders presenting as a MDE, cological regimen for treatment of psychiatric and neu-
dysthymic disorder and subsyndromic depressive epi- rological comorbidities must be selected not only on
sode, defined as the presence of symptoms of depres- the basis of the potential therapeutic effect, but also
sion but which do not meet criteria of the other two on potential iatro­genic effects on the seizure disorder.
conditions; anxiety disorders presenting as general- Going through a simple list of considerations (BOX 1)
ized anxiety disorder (GAD) and panic disorders; and will ensure that every aspect of the patient’s history has
attention deficit disorders of hyperactive, inattentive been considered in the formulation of a comprehensive
and mixed type, as well as adult-type ADHD. treatment plan. Just as seizure freedom is the goal of
MDE and GAD in PWE can be easily identified any pharmacological or surgical intervention in PWE,
with two self-reporting screening instruments that the treatment of psychi­atric comorbidities must aim
patients can complete at every visit. These screening to reach complete remission of all psychiatric symp-
instruments can be completed in less than 5 min- toms. With certain exceptions, the use of most psycho-
utes, and are available in multiple languages. One of tropic drugs at therapeutic doses is safe in PWE, and
these instruments, Neurologic Depressive Disorder the occurrence of seizures does not need to result in
Inventory in Epilepsy (NDDI‑E) 86, was developed discontinuation of such drugs.
specifically for PWE. NDDI‑E is a six-item screening Whether neurological comorbidities increase the
tool in which each item is scored on the Lickert scale risk of developing psychiatric comorbidities (and vice
(1–4). A score of >15 is suggestive of a MDE86. To iden- versa) remains to be investigated. Yet, an effective
tify GAD in PWE, the Patient Health Questionnaire- treatment of psychiatric comorbidities in PWE with a
Generalized Anxiety Disorder‑7 has been widely used neurological comorbidity is of the essence to minimize
in general practice87. It consists of seven items scored worsening of the neurological comorbidity.

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