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First of all Duterte become a mayor in the city of davao and he makes the davao free
means all the criminals , drug lord , pusher and other crimes have punishment and you
can’t also have a cigarette or smoking to the public area. And after a few years Duterte
said that he will be running for a president. So when Rodrigo Duterte campaigne for
president, he said that drug dealing and drug addiction were major obstacle to the
Philippines economic and social progress. So since Duterte become a president on june
2016. Rodrigo Duterte said that the Drug War on drugs has launched and it can cost a
extrajudicial deaths of a thousands of Drug dealer and drug pusher. But the the
perspective of kant. Duterte’s goal is not good and its not right too because Kantian
formula said that the universal law means if I killed someone the other people need to
kill too. And the 3 Categorical Imperative is Basis , Source , and Motive the basis is the
intention example is Duterte’s War on Drugs. Duterte wants all drug addict and pusher
have been killed the intention is he wants to kill all drug addict to make the Philippines
free to all crime or like what I said DRUGS. And the Source is. Example Duterte want all
people to be a equal he don’t want to the people who have higher position or low
position he just want a equal administration. And the maxim example Duterte gave me a
task to kill people with no reason. So for me iwont follow it because I want the right
things to do because if I killed just 1 person the happiness point will be reduced lets say
that 50% of happiness will lost because the family of that person will be sad not only the
family. The friends , schoolmate , teacher , and the neighbors and the other example is I
killed Hitler ofcourse 1 and half of the countries will get happy and the german is the
only country sad. And the last is Motive means Duty so Duterte’s duty is to kill all drug
dealer and all drug pusher and his duty is to make the Philippines free to all crimes. And
Kant’s theory is an example of a deontological moral theory like what I said according to
this theories, the rightness or wrongness of action does not depend on their
consequences but what on whether they fulfill our duty. And according to his theory
Kant believe that there was a supreme principle of morality, and he refers it as The
Categorical Imperative. The 3 categorical imperative is basis , source , and motive and
kant wants all people knowledge became a Apriori, Apriori means LOGIC and Kant wants
all religion is to became a apriori example if I ask them 2 plus 2 ofcourse its already
LOGIC and they already know the answer is 4 and the Apriori is you need to experience
it before you know that its wrong.

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