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Plain Sailing: The Props

By Sam Wiggin
Prop 1: Phones
On Set Notes:
• Isaac’s iPhone 7

• Scene 4, 5,

• Owned by Zak

• Used for texts and Calls

• Screen seen in shots

• Anna’s iPhone 6s

• Scene 4

• Owned by Demi

• Used for Call

Isaac will use Zak’s iPhone 7.
• Screen not seen
Real Media Examples:

• In ‘The Fault in our Stars’, Hazel uses an iPhone. As a

16 year-old protagonist, Hazel is a good
representation of what our characters would be using.
The iPhone itself sets the historical context of our film
as they are synonymous with the 2010s. Other than
this the iPhone makes it easier for our audience to
relate to the characters in the story as they most likely
In ‘The Fault in our Stars’, Hazel
use something similar, TFIOS is a good example of uses an iPhone.
how to create a ‘relatable’ teenage character as it’s
demographic is overwhelmingly teenage.
Prop 2: Airline tickets and Passport
• As Isaac decides to take a gap year at the end of the
film, we will be using props such as a passport and
airline tickets to convey his intentions.

On Set Notes:

• We will use Zak’s passport with the tickets

slotted inside of them as to not reveal any
personal information.

• Tickets will be printed and cut out after finding

Zak’s passport will be used for the shot.
a suitable image online.

Prop 3: Suitcase
• As Isaac decides to take a gap year at the end of the
film, we will also be using props such as a suitcase to
convey his intentions.

On Set Notes:

• We will be using Zak’s suitcase as the scene it

is involved in is shot at his house, eliminating Isaac will leave the house with his
the need to transport the prop between suitcase to show him embarking on a gap
locations. year.
Prop 4: Game of Life
• As Isaac comes to the realisation he is unhappy on
his current future trajectory, it becomes clear to him
he needs to make a change. The options he comes
up with are take on a degree or start a career. As the
Game of Life allows you to choose whether you go
straight into a career or go to university, we are using
the Game of Life to materialise this conflict in a real
world setting. At a gathering with his friends, friend
Tom will advocate University and Alex will advocate a
Career. These till arguments will play out on camera
until they reach the decision that a gap year is the The Game of Life will be used to represent Isaac’s
best choice for Isaac. difficult choice between a Career or University.

On Set Notes:

• We will be using the Game of Life set owned by

myself. As the scene it is involved in is shot in my
kitchen, there will be no need to transport this prop
between locations.

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