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YEAR 2018

Unit of Education :SMA

Class / Semester :X / 1
Subject :Mathematics - Required
Sub Chapter :The Absolute Value Concept
Time :1 x meeting (2 x 45 minutes)

A. Core Competencies:
KI-1 Living and practicing the religious teachings it embraces
KI-2 Demonstrate honest, disciplined, responsible, caring (cooperative, tolerant, peaceful)
behavior, polite, responsive, and pro-active as part of solutions to problems in interacting
effectively with the social and natural environment and putting self as a reflection of the nation
in the association of the world
KI-3 Understand, apply, and analyze factual, conceptual, procedural knowledge based on his
knowledge of science, technology, art, culture, and humanities with the insights of humanity,
nationality, state and civilization on the causes of phenomena and events, and apply procedural
knowledge on a specific field of study according to his or her talents and interests to solve the
KI-4 Processing, reasoning, chanting, and creating in the realm of concrete and abstract
spheres associated with quadratic equations independently, and capable of using methods
according to scientific rules.
B. Basic Competencies
1.1 Living and practicing the religious teachings that it embraces
2.1 Have internal motivation, cooperative ability, consistency, discipline, confidence, and
tolerance in different thinking strategies in selecting and implementing problem-solving
2.2. Able to transform themselves in honest behavior, tough to face problems, critical and
discipline in doing the task of learning mathematics.
2.3 Demonstrate a responsible, curiosity, honest attitude and environmental caring behavior.
3.2 Describe and analyze the concept of absolute values in equations and inequalities and apply
them in solving real problems.
4.2 Apply the concept of absolute values in linear equations and inequalities in solving real
C. Indicators
1. Engage actively in the learning process the concept of absolute value
2. Collaborate in group activities and tolerant of different and creative problem-solving
processes in learning the concept of absolute values
3. Critical and discipline as well as responsible in doing the task of learning mathematics.
4. Understand the concept of absolute value
5. Write down the definition of absolute value
D. Learning Objectives
With learning activities the concept of absolute value is expected students:
1. Being actively involved in the learning process the concept of absolute value
2. Being able to cooperate in group activities and tolerant of different and creative problem-solving
processes in learning the concept of absolute value
3. Able to understand the concept of absolute value
4. Being able to write the definition of absolute value
E. Lesson Materials
Absolute value or absolute value or often also called modulus is the value of a real or original
number without the plus sign minus (±). Good | a | or | a | The way of writing, for all real
numbers or native a, is an absolute value given by | a | (a flanked by a vertical line) and is
defined as:

The above definition explains that the absolute value of a positive or zero number is the number
itself, whereas the absolute value of a negative number is the opposite of the negative number.
Another definition of absolute value is:
|6| = 6
|-6| = -(-6) = 6
|-2| = -(-2) = 2
|2| = 2
Examples of problems related to absolute values:
Paskibra members are practicing line marching
on the school grounds. The leader gave the troops
command "Forward 3 steps, path!", p
this means the range of the movement of the sequence is 3 steps
forward. If the commander orders troops: "Back off
5 steps, road! ", This means that the troops will
move against the direction as far as 5 steps. Thereby
so on.
The movement of the troop movements is
absolute value, not determined direction. "Forward 3 steps",
means an absolute 3 steps from a stationary position and "backwards
5 steps, means absolutely 5 steps from the position
silent. In this case, what is seen is its value,
not its direction.

F. Models, Approaches and Learning Methods

Learning Model :Problem Based Learning (PBL) or learning model problem-based
Learning Approach :The Saintific Approach
Learning Methods :Discussion, frequently asked questions, assignments
G. Learning Activities

Activities Event Description
1. Saying a greeting
2. See students readiness learn.
3. Checking student attendance.
4. Ask students to ask about difficulties regarding prior material
and / or homework
5. Ask students to respond to difficulties that arise
6. Provide reinforcement of student answers or provide scaffolding
to resolve the issue, if no student gives the correct answer.
preliminary 10
1. The teacher gives an idea of the importance of understanding the
concept of absolute value, ie this material will be very important for
the next learning, for example the solution of equations and
inequalities of absolute value.
2. As an apperception to encourage curiosity and critical thinking,
students are invited to listen to the story of the concept of absolute
value. For example, the command given by the sports teacher to his
students is, "go five steps!" Then "back two steps!"
Teachers convey the purpose of learning to be achieved is to
understand and write the definition of absolute value.

Observe :
1. The teacher gives problems of absolute value
Core 2. The teacher asks the students to observe and understand the 65
problems presented individually minutes
3. Asking:
1. Teachers invite students to ask things that have not been
Collecting Information:
1. The teacher explains the concept of absolute value
1. The teacher asks students to form heterogeneous groups (in terms
of ability, gender, culture, and religion) consisting of 4 to 5 people
2. Teachers Distributed LTS (Student Duty Sheet) to each group
and asked each group to do it.
3. During the discussion the teacher monitors the work of each
group and helps the group in difficulty
1. The teacher asks representatives of 2 or 3 people from each
group to present their group work in front of the class
2. The teacher asks students from other groups to respond, ask
questions, suggestions and so on in order to refine.
3. Teachers encourage students to appreciate the opinions of friends
/ other groups

1. The teacher asks each group to collect the results of their work
2. Teachers guide students to make conclusions of learning that
Cover 15
have been done
3. The teacher ends the learning activity by giving the message to
keep learning and greeting

H. Media and Learning Resources

a. Media
 Student Activity Sheet (LAS)
 Whiteboard
 Markers
b. Learning Resources
Learning Resources: Mathematics Book SMA / MA / MAK Class X Ministry of
Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia 2016 Curriculum 2013 Revised

I. Assessment
1. Knowledge
a) Assessment Technique: Written Test
b) Instrument Form: Description (Attachment 1)
2. Skills
a) Assessment Technique: Observation
b) Instrument Form: Check List (attachment 2)

Denpasar, 2018
Tutor teacher PPL Student

Wayan Kariasa,S.Pd,M.Pd Ni Luh Putu Suningsih

NIP. 197003101997021007 NPM. 1401842020025


Drs. I Ketut Suwija, M.Si

NIP. 19660819 199203.1.003
Appendix 1


Determine the Absolute Value of the following problem:

1. |3| =
2. |13|=
3. |-10| =
4. -|-33|=
5. |10 x (-3) + 5| =
6. |15 x 2 : 5 x (-1)| =
7. |10 + 3 x 5 + (-3)| =
8. -|-5 + 15 : 5| =
9. |25 - 32| =
10. |-|43 + 34|| =

Screening Guidelines

NO Question Lock SCOR

1 The value of absoluteof |3|= 3 1

2 The value of absoluteof |13|= 13 1

3 The value of absoluteof |-10| = -(-10) = 10 1

4 The value of absoluteof -|-33|= -(-(-33)) = -33 1

The value of absoluteof |10 x (-3) + |10 x (-3) + 5| = |-30 + 5| = |-25|
5 2
5| = = -(-25) = 25
The value of absoluteof |15 x 2 : 5 x |15 x 2 : 5 x (-1)| = |30: -5)| =
6 2
(-1)| = |-6| = -(-6) = 6
The value of absoluteof |10 + 3 x 5 |10 + 3 x 5 + (-3)| = |10 + 15 +
7 2
+ (-3)| = (-3)| = |22| = 22
The value of absoluteof -|-5 + 15 : 5| -|-5 + 15 : 5| = -|-5 + 3|= -|-2| =
8 2
= -(-(-2) = -2
The value of absoluteof |25 - 32| =
9 |25 - 32| = |32 - 9| = |23| = 23 2

3 4
|-|43 + 34|| = |-|64 + 81|| =|-|145||
10 The value of absoluteof |-|4 + 3 || = 2
= 145

Assessment Guidelines:
(scores obtained) / (maximum score) x 100
Appendix 2


Skilled Indicator applies the relevant principle concepts / principles and strategies pertaining to
the use of the concept of equation and quadratic inequalities in solving the problem:
1. Less skilled if not at all able to apply relevant concepts / principles and problem-solving
strategies related to the concept of equation function and inequality of kudrat.
2. Skilled if it shows an attempt to apply relevant concepts / principles and problem-solving
strategies related to the concept of equation function and quadratic inequality.
3. Highly Skilled if it has shown its efforts to apply relevant concepts / principles and problem-
solving strategies related to the concept of equation function and quadratic inequality.

Put a check (√) on the columns in accordance with the results of observation







Information :
KT: Less Skilled
T: Skilled
ST: Highly Skilled
Appendix 3

Issue 1

A child is playing jumping on the field. From a stationary position, the child
jump forward 2 steps, then 3 steps backwards, continue
2 steps forward, then 1 step back, and finally 1 step
to the back.

a. sketch the child's sketch!
b. Determine how the child's final position steps from the original position!
c. Determine how many steps the child is living!

a. Sketch the child's leap

a. We define the leap forward in the direction of the positive x axis, with
so the leap back is in the direction of the negative x axis.

Backward 1 step
Backward 1 step
Go forward 2 steps
Back 3 steps
Go forward 2 steps

we suppose that x = 0 is the child's stationary position.

The first arrow above the line represents the number, the first step si
child as far as 2 steps forward (leading to the positive x axis), the second arrow
shows the child's 3 steps back (leading to the x-negative axis) of
the end position of the first step, and so on until finally the child
stop at step 5.
So, we can see the final movement of the child from the starting position is 1 step
just backward (x = -1).
b. Many of the steps that the child lived is a concept
the absolute value, because we only count the many steps, not the direction. Many
the step is always expressed by a positive integer despite its direction in the direction
negative x axis. Many steps can be expressed with the absolute value of an integer. So many
steps the child is | 2 | + | -3 | + | 2 | + | -1 | + | -1 | = 9 (9 steps).

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