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W ith the mine development and utilization, the mine environment problem s and subordínate geology disaster
phenomenon it causes have been revealed gradually, some also lead to serious results. Therefore, the balanced
relation o f “resources mining - environmental protection - mining area sustainable development” is a very important
topic o f resource development in our country in the 21 st century, named “green m ining”. In accordance with this
balanced relational mining area development pattern, it is called “the green mining area” pattem o f the sustainable
development. One o f it’s core contents is to be aware o f “green mining”.

© 20111’ublished by Elsevier B. V. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of International Materials Science Society.
Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Keywords: Mine environment; Resources mining; Green mining;

1. T he brought forw ard o f the green m ining

N ow adays, fossil fuels still occupy the dom inant station in the w orld's energy structure, as show n in
Figure 1. B ut as the expansión o f industrial production and advancem ent o f the industrial technique, the
dem and for energy is grow ing, at the sam e tim e the fossil energy resources have gradually depleted, and
the unrestrained use o f fossil energy has given rise to increasingly serious environm ent problem s.
A t present, the problem s o f energy and environm ent have becom e the m ajor focus o f global concern,
"sustainable developm ent" has becom e a com m on them e in today's w orld. A t the sam e time,
environm ental problem s o f m ine have also attracted large concem s and attention o f the intem ational
com m unity. W ith the increasing depletion o f fossil energy and the environm ent getting w orse, carrying
out the research o f the technology o f the green m ine in -the m ining area, achieving a clean and effícient
utilization o f energy, the d evelopm ent and utilization o f biom ass energy has becom e a global issue. The
father and the repair o f the zoology in the m ine area is an inevitable requirem ent in the m ining industry o f
the w orld m ining area, it w ill be an inevitable and im portant /issu e o f the environm ent and the
developm ent o f the w orld. ;

* Zhifei Song. Tel.: 18618366770.

E-mail:song59672@ ..

1876-6102 © 2011 Published by E lsevier B.V. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of International M aterials Science Society
Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2012.01.067

Fig. 1. the situation o f the world energy

Green m ining "follow s th e econom ic cycle o f the principies o f green industry, w hich coordinates the
form ation o f m ining and the environm ent, it is a technology o f exploitation w hich achieves the goal o f
"low production, high efficiency, low em issions". G reen m ining in the coal m ining area is the only w ay
for the healthy d evelopm ent o f the coal industry, for it can prevent or reduce the adverse environm ental
im pacts from coal m ining as m uch as possible, so as to achieve the best econom ic and environm ental
benefits in the ex ploitation o f coal resources.

2. The effect and the m an ifestation o f the coal m ining

2.1. Coal mining destroys water resource

The destruction o f w ater resource caused by the coal m ining is m ainly m anifested in two aspects. On
the one hand, it is in th e p rocess o f the coal m ining, because o f m an-m ade drainage and dew atering
mining, the form ation o f the hydraulic fracture o f the natural aquifer coal dew atering w ould result in the
w ater level’s drop sig n ifícan tly in a large area o f the ground. A m ajor m ining area o f w ater supply dried
up, m aking surface o f earth dry, that w ill destroy the natural landscape, the reduction o f agricultural
production, w hich can cause serious desertification and soil surface, show n in F igure 2 .0 n the other hand,
the exploitation causes the p o llu tio n o f surface w ater and groundw ater. M ine w ater, w aste heap leaching
o f w ater, coal p reparation w a ste w ater containing such as coal, rock flour suspended solids and soluble
inorganic salts. In w estern o f C hina, H uang-H uai area, the mine w ater has salinity highly, and high-sulfur
coal m ine in the South, m o stly o f acid m ine drainage. D ischarging the w aste w ater into the surface river,
sea and reservoirs, and o th ers w ould lead to m ore serious pollution o f w ater resources, lead to the earth’s
poor and causes vegetation p o llu tio n in the m ining area, it has also affected the sustainable developm ent
o f agriculture seriously.
H u i-q i S h i / E nergy P rocedía 16 (2012) 4 0 9 - 4 1 6

2.2. Coal mining results in the destruction o f land resources

T he destruction o f the land resources caused by the coal m ining are displayed in tw o aspects ,on one
hand, the surface subsidence and w aste pressure account for m ainly in the w ell w orks m ining, on the other
hand, the hurt and foreign direct dug dum p pressure account for m ainly in the open-pit m ining, as shown
in Figure 3.A large num ber o f harm ful gases such as S 0 2 , C 0 2 , H2S and nitrogen com pounds, such as
dust w as discharged during the process o f the spontaneous com bustión o f w aste rock, w hich w ill pollute
the air, result in acid rain, pollute w ater and land, inhibiting the grow th o f plants, endangering hum an

2.3. Produce the massive virulent noxious gases

In the underground ore bed, there are m assive virulent*noxious gases, like CH 4, CO, C 0 2 , SO, S 0 2 ,
H2S and so on. B ecause m ines, loose and carries the m assive dust row after the m ine ventilation to the
atm osphere. A pproxim ately 10,000,000,000 m3 o f CH4 is discharged into the atm osphere from the coal
m ining every y ear in our country, the em issions dust approxim ately 400,000 tons, not only this reason has
caused the serious environm ental pollution in the m ining area , as show n in Figure 4. M oreover, this will
lead to the consequence that hundreds o f thousands o f people m ay g et'pulm onary disease.
412 H ui-qi S h i/E n e r g y P rocedía 16 (2012) 4 0 9 - 4 1 6

Fig.4. coal mining induce air pollution

2.4. Traditional methods o f exploitation create ecological and environmental problems

(1) Coal m ining causes the m igration o f the strata, it.causes the w ater and the gas flow ing in the rock
layer and causes coal m ine gas accident and the incidents o f w ater bursting. A t the sam e time, the gas is
discharged into the atm osphere w hich will produce environm ental pollution. C oal m ining im m ediately
influences ground w ater outflow , even causes the land desertification. A ccording to the calculations, the
coal m ines the national average ton coal w ater price is 2t, northem región lOt, reaches 4 7 t high, the coal
m ine displacem ent has occu p ied the northem area karst w ater resources 19%, the use factor only account
for 30%.
(2) Coal m ining causes the rock layer m igration, then causes settlem ent o f the surface and dam age o f
the farm land and the b u ild in g facilities. A ccording to the statistical data, the destruction w hich because o f
the nation coal m ining occupies land o f 430,000 hm 2, picks ten thousand tons coal collapse land 0.2 hm2
every tim e equally, every y ear increases the collapse approxim ately 20,000 hm 2. Piles up under the
building, the w ater body and railroad's coal resource reaches tens o f billions t to be unable to mine, the
cause m ine pit discards ahead o f time;
(3) Coal m ining form s b u lk depositions in ground gangue, both takes the fertile farm land, and causes
the environm ental pollution. A lready accum ulated gangue 3,000,000,000 t, and w as increased every year
still by 1.5 ~ 200,000,000 t quantities. In the national 1500 hillocks has 140 in the spontaneous
com bustión, to the atm osphere, the land and the environm ent causes the serious pollution.
(4) A long w ith our co u n try m ine p it m ining depth's unceasing increase, the frequency w hich pow er
disasters and so on u n d erg ro u n d pressure appearance and im pact geostatic pressure occur increases, the
intensity increases, endangers the m ine pit the safety in production.

3. coal resource green m in in g technology system

3.1. Protect water mining technology

The goal o f protect w ater m in in g is to be conscious o f w ater resources protection during the prevention
and control o f w ater inrush, carrying on conscious protection o f w ater resources to m ake the disturbance
to the hydrological en v iro n m en t o f coal m ining o f m ining disturbance less than the capacity o f regional
hydrological environm ent. R esearch after m ining the overburden breaking rule an d the ground w ater
funnel's form ation m echanism , as w ell as under each geological conoition the m ining period rock layer
activity and the u nderground w a te r percolation's relations, From al^m ining m ethods and ground grouting
m easures, etc., realizing the m in e p it w ater resources protection and the com prehensive utilization.
Ensure the selection o f m in in g areas is a reasonable to rem ain suitable supposes the w aterproofm g
H ui-qi S h i / E nergy P rocedía 16 (2012) 4 0 9 - 416

(granulated substance) the coal (crag) the colum n and the application reasonable m ethod o f exploitation.

3.2. Measures to reduce the sink

(1) B ackfíll m ining

The backfíll m ining is backfíll the m ining goals by useing the foreign m aterials, including the scoop
up last bit o f w ater granulated substance backfíll, the w aste filling and so on.
(2) B anding m ining
Strip m ining is currently under the control o f the building o f surface coal m ining subsidence, w hich is
m ost w idely used.
B anding m ining is currently the m ain technical w ay to control the surface subsidence w h en coal
m ining under the building in our country. A nd the technical w ay is w idespread. The banding mining
principie is the coal b ed w hich m ust m ine divides the quite regular banding to carry on m ining, picks one,
and keeps one, the banding virgin coal support overburden w hich the use retains, thus the reduced cap
rock settlem ent, Controls the surface the m igration and the distortion, serves the ground protection purpose.
(3) D elam ination m ining
On the gently inclined angle thick coal seam , using the w ay o f tilted layered m ining, layered sub-
m ining program s can reduce the im pact o f ground-level structures from the surface subm ersion ,w hen we
slice m ining ,we should control the thickness o f each stratifíed, So that the deform ation o f the surface
caused by the exploitation does not exceed the surface deform ation allow ed.
(4) C oordinated m ining
W hen m ining thick coal seam , w e should have a reasonable design the spacing o f m ining o f various
w orking surfaces, the m utual position and the m ining sequence, cause to achieve a counter-balance or a
part counter-balance m utually o f the m ine the surface w hich a coal bed (w orking surface) produces to
distort and m ine the surface w hich another coal bed (w orking surface) produces to distort ,in order to
reduce the m ining-induced surface deform ation to achieve the goal o f protect the ground built structures.
This technology m ust m aintain certain w rong distance, therefore it is difficult to organize production.
(5) O verburden rock's abscission layer note thick liquid
T he technology o f overburden rock's abscission layer belt high pressure note thick liquid to slow down
the surface's subsidence is D rilling through the ground to the top o f m ined-out area o f separation o f
overlying strata w ith high-pressure injection o f liquid filling m aterial, to take control o f the subsidence o f
overlying strata, so as to achieves the goal o f control the surface subsidence .

3.3. Coordinated mining technologies o f coals and gas

A ccording to the differences o f the m ine m ethod o f coal bed m ethane ,the ¿ource o f the pressure o f
gas's and the m ine m ethod o f the pressure gas ,we have constructed the technical system chart o f ‘a total
o f coal and coal-bed m ethane m ining” , as show n in Figure 5.

3.4. The processing o f the gangue in the mine

O ne problem o f g reen m ining technologies is the processing o f the m ine shaft gangue. The first step is
to strengthen the m aintenance technology o f the coal lañe, so as to cre.ate less o r no w aste rocks. W ith the
increase o f the m ining depth, rocks Lane's digging will be inevitable, therefore the gangue w ill not be
taken out o f w ells, it can be used as filling m aterial. Thus, there is a technology and the system question a
gangue dow n-the hole treatm ent underground, the key is the cost o f it. A nother problem is w hether the
gangue can be disp o sed o n the ground for recycle w aste, for exam ple, change it into the building m aterial,
the hydraulic fill and so on .A fter all, the processing o f the gangue on the ground is sim pler than
underground treatm ent.

Fig.5. technology system o f coal and gas coordínate mining

3.5. Gasification technology o f coal underground

The gasification o f the co al underground is refers to the process o f obtain com bustible gas at the coal
storage sites directly, T hat is changing solid m inerals into gaseous fuel through therm o-chem ical process
on the ground , then ejected a t the ground from the drill hole platoon, supplying the users. It is a kind o f
C om prehensive green m ining technology.

4. T he significance o f the green m ining in the m ining area

(1) T he exploitation o f g reen m ining requires the im provem ent ofrthe technology level. China's coal
industry hav en ’t even as a w hole, follow ing the path o f extensive dev.elopment for a long time, intensive
level o f production is very low . The exploitation and innovation o f m ulti-dim ensional and m ulti-angle are
H ui-qi S hi / E nergy P rocedía 16 (2012) 409 - 4 1 6

the necessary requirem ent for G reen m ining

(2) G reen m ining system s require the efficient use o f products. G reenpeace dem ands the exploitation
o f resources in a broad perspective w ithin the fram ew ork o f the coal m ining area, w ater, coal-bed m ethane,
land, coal gangue, as w ell as in other nearby deposits, and other resources available, w e should m inim ize
the negative im pact on the environm ent w hile in the pursuit o f the best econom ic and social benefits while.
(3)The green m ining requests a com prehensive evaluation o f the enterprises, considering the ecological
environm ent. E xploitation o f the large green uses the way o f ecological system to look on and evalúate the
econom ic activities o f enterprises, to achieve sustainable developm ent o f the ecological system . W hich
requests them to pursue their ow n econom ic benefits, it also requests them to take full account o f the
social and environm ental benefits.

5. C onclusions

In the early 1980's, It was called in the U nited N ations that: it is necessary to study the basic relations
o f the natural, the social, the ecological, the econom ic as w ell as the process o f the use o f natural
resources, so as to ensure the sustainable developm ent o f the w orld." A t this point, "sustainable
developm ent" caused w idespread concern in all w alks o f life and identity on a global scale, our
g ovem m ent have also put the sustainable developm ent into the A genda o f 21 st. in the near future, the
econom ic cycle (R ecycling Econom y) refers to follow the natural ecosystem s o f m aterial circulation and
energy flow to follow the law o f econom ic reconstruction, econom ic activities w ill be highly efficient and
orderly organization as a "resource utilization - the green industry - renew able resources" closed M aterial-
energy cycle feedback processes, to m aintain the econom ic production o f low quality, low -w aste, so that
the im pact o f econom ic activity on the natural environm ent dam age to a m inim um . It is different from the
traditional econom y o f "high production, high em issions," but to achieve the goal o f sustainable
developm ent w hich is "the exploitation o f low -and high use, low em issions".
W ith the developm ent and utilization o f m ines, environm ent problem s o f m ines and a variety o f
secondary geological disasters caused by it has gradually revealed, and som e also have brought out
serious results. A s a result, keeping the balance o f relations o f the "exploitation o f resources -
environm ental pro tectio n - the m ining area o f sustainable developm ent," is the global issues in
exploitation o f resource facing w ith us, It is the coal resources "green m ining" that in line w ith the balance
o f relations b etw een the m ining area developm ent m odel, It is "green m ining" w hich is one o f the core
content to achieve a "green m ining." know n as the sustainable developm ent m odel.
G reen m ining in the m ining area is the only w ay for the developm ent o f m ining area ,it is the only w ay
to ensure the sustainable developm ent ,It is a new technique benefits for generations. T he new technology
o f green m ining is bou n d to achieve a harm onious m ine production, eventually to achieve the grand goal
o f establishing a harm onious society.

Acknovvledgem ents

N ational N atural Science Foundation in china (4 L172250) and B eijing C reative Talents Project
(P H R 201006118)


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