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Individual Education Plan

Duration of Plan: July - December 2017

Student Learning Profile (Likes, Interests, Communication, Stressors, Risks)

- Vishwaa likes to play with exploratory toys such as bubbles, mirrors and water table.
- He likes physical play such as playing with ball and beanbags, jumping on the trampoline and playing at the
- He also likes manipulatives toys such as build-and-stack sets, Mr. Potato Head, parquetry blocks, puzzles and
shape sorter.
- Constructive play like bristle blocks, building blocks, legos models, train and connecting tracks interests him too.
- He enjoys finger painting and playing with playdough.
- Literacy materials such as ABC stickers, computer programs, magnetic letters and sorting/matching activities are
what he likes too.
- Vishwaa will arrange alphabet and number blocks in order and sing.
- His favourite sociodramatic play includes birthday play, cars and garage, grocery store and tent.
- His favourite social game is peekaboo and loves to play “Row, Row, Row your Boat” by pulling partner.
- In addition, he enjoys water play as well as listening and dancing along to music on Ipad.

- Vishwaa is able to follow familiar 1-part verbal instruction such as take off shoes and keep shoes.
- He is able to look at adult in response to his name being called with a material prompt, e.g. with teacher holding
on to a matching puzzle.

- Vishwaa is able to request for desired items using Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) Phase 1 with a
familiar adult. For example, he requests for a yellow toy bus with Teacher Jiamin at Choice area.
- He is able to indicate preference when given a choice between preferred and non-preferred objects by taking it,
e.g. the songs that he wants during music time.

- Nil

- Running very fast or “darting away” from an adult
- At times bangs head on the floor (has reduced this behaviour drastically)

Key Input from Parents

Parent’s Goals:
- To be able to speak for communication and interaction purposes

Input from other professionals:
- According to his speech therapist, he is trying to speak and he is now able to look at adult’s mouths as we speak
and tries to say the word.
Summary of Key Intervention Team Feedback

Child’s Achieved Skills:
- Vishwaa is able to respond to adult calming strategies such as providing him with a water timer and giving him
ample time to calm down with a familiar teacher.
Individual Education Plan

- He is able to perform Start-Do-Finish tasks and activities at Work by Myself and Work with Teacher with a gestural
- He is able to imitate adult’s one step action with his desired toys. For example, he imitates teacher as she stacks
blocks to form AB pattern (red block, blue block, red block, blue block).

Child’s Learning Needs:
(based on the first 2 weeks’ assessment)
- Vishwaa needs to be given opportunities to request for desired items by using PECS. This will help him to be more
intentional in communicating his needs and wants.
- He will be given opportunities to engage in functional play such as associating related objects (e.g. cuts toy fruit
with a knife). This expands his play skills and social learning.
- He will be provided with learning experiences to respond to joint attention bids with adults such as following
adult’s point gesture (e.g. child to look at the direction of adult’s pointing to the puzzles on the wall. This helps
him to be more aware of the people around him and build meaningful relationships with others.

Individual Education Plan

IEP Scope
Work Habits

WH1.1. Follows routine 1- part instructions (sit, stop, keep, hands down)
To follow routine 1-part verbal instructions, 70% of the time, in at least 2 teaching focus areas, with 3 different
adults, with a gestural prompt.
Self Regulation

SR2. Responds to Adult’s Calming Strategies

To accept calming strategies from 2 different teachers, 3 out of 5 opportunities with a gestural prompt.
Functional Communication and Social Interaction

FC2. Requests for Desired Items

To request for desired items, in at least 2 teaching focus areas, with 3 different adults, with a gestural prompt.
FC4. Requests for Help
To request for help in order to get desired items/actions, in at least 2 teaching focus areas, with 3 different
adults, with a material prompt.
SI1.2. Responds to the Joint Attention Bids by Others
To respond to joint attention bids with 3 different people, in at least 2 different teaching focus areas, with a
gestural prompt.
SI2.1. Imitates with objects
To imitate adult’s actions with different objects, in at least 2 teaching focus areas, with 3 different adults, with a
gestural prompt.
Life and Leisure

LL1.2. Engages in Functional Play

To engage in functional play, in at least 2 teaching focus areas, with 3 different adults, with a gestural prompt.

Cur1.2. Performs Basic Sorting

To perform basic sorting, with 2 or more attributes, 70% of the time, in at least 2 teaching focus areas, with a
material prompt.

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