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Pathologic Physiology of Angina Pectoris and

Acute Myocardial Infarction


T HE DISTRESS or pain of angina pee- and the rates of development of the lesions,
toris and of acute myocardial infarction and the compensatory collateral channels.
is consequent to ischemia. In angina pectoris Anatomic Pattern of the Coronary Arteries: the
the isehemia is transitory because of tempo- Incidence and Localization of
rary disproportion between the blood supply Arterial Occlusions
and the myocardial requirements; in acute The 3 main coronary arterial branches, the
myocardial infaretion the ischemia is pro- left anterior descending, the left circumflex,
longed and leads to the irreversible changes and the right coronary vary from heart to
of necrosis. The actual stimulus at the nerve heart in the relative size of the area they
end-organs that give rise to the pain has not supply. Schlesinger classified hearts in 3
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been identified with certainty. Sir Thomas groups according to the anatomic distribu-
Lewis termed it the "P factor." It has cer- tion of these 3 arteries.1 In group I, com-
tain characteristics in common with lactic prising half the hearts in his series, the right
acid: it is acid, is destroyed by alkali and coronary artery predominated in the blood
by oxidation, and develops most rapidly un- supply of the heart, nourishing the right ven-
der oxygen deprivation and carbon dioxide tricle and a large part of the posterior wall
accumulation. of the left ventricle. In group II, comprising
The predisposing cause of these two con- approximately one third of human hearts, the
ditions is coronary obstruction. Atherosclero- coronary artery blood supply was balanced
sis is the most prevalent lesion. Syphilitic between the right and left coronary arteries.
aortitis distorting the coronary ostia and The right coronary artery supplied the right
rheumatic arteritis are next in frequency. ventricle plus the posterior wall of the inter-
Rarely, periarteritis nodosa, seleroderma, ventricular septum, and the left coronary
amyloid, hemorrhagic diseases, vegetations of artery supplied the left ventricle plus the
bacterial endocarditis or tumors impinging anterior part of the interventricular septum.
on the ostia, emboli, and the arteritis associ- In group III, comprising one sixth of human
ated with systemic infections may be respon- hearts, the left coronary artery predominated
sible. Congenital malformations and trauma and supplied more than the entire left ven-
are sometimes encountered. The chief effect tricle and interventricular septum. In some
of these lesions is to interfere with coronary instances the left coronary artery extended
blood flow and to prevent an adequate blood to the free surface of the right ventricle.
supply to the myocardium. There are various degrees of this preponder-
Various factors greatly influence the de- ance of the left coronary artery. In the least
gree of ischemia. Among these are the ana- marked form both the right coronary artery
tomic distribution of the coronary arteries, and the left circumflex coronary artery ex-
the localization of the atheromatous lesions tend to the crux of the heart, and both termi-
nate in parallel posterior descending branches.
From the Medical Service and the Medical Research In other hearts the terminal branch of the
Department of the Yamins Research Laboratory, Beth left circumflex coronary artery constitutes
Israel Hospital, and the Department of Medicine, the sole posterior descending coronary artery.
Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass.
Supported in part by the Sydney R. Green Heart There is no great sex difference in the dis-
Research Fund, Beth Israel Hospital. tribution of the groups although women evi-
Circulation, Volume XXII, August 1960 301
dently have a somewhat disproportionately mary branches, and are almost entirely epi-
large number of the balanced group II hearts. cardial. The highest inciden-ce of ocelusiolls
The degree to which these anatomic groups is not directly at the mouth of the vessel but
are hereditary and may be responsible for a short distanee distal to the mnouth.d One
familial tendencies to nmyocardial infaretion half are within 3 eml. aiid 70 per cent are
and angina pectoris is unknown. withill 4 cm. of the coronary ostia. The lesionis
Another variation in local anatomy of the are imlostly localized aild segmental. In a study
coronary arteries that may significantly influ- of almost 200 occlusions of the iilaii coronary
enee the effects of coronary occlusionl is the arteries aiid their brailehes ill a series of 400
presence or absenee of a coronary artery to hearts, 64 per cent were less thail 5 mim. in
the area of the conus arteriosus (conus ar- length and 40 per ceilt were less than 3 mm.
tery).2 The coronary vessel supplying this in leligth. More thail half of all the occlusions
area may arise as a branieh of the right cor- were in the mlain stems; the remainder were
onary artery or as a separate, third, super- in the primary branches. Fibrosis and cal-
niumerary coronary artery with its own ostium cificatioll may inlvolve ilot only the iiltima but
from the aorta. Because of its separate origin
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also the entire media. Occlusions in affected

the conus artery is independent of obstruction hearts teild to be multiple. In 100 consecutive
so often found at or near the mouth of the hearts with occlusions, there were 248 occlu-
right coronary artery. The conus artery also sions or an average of 2.5 occlusions per heart.
appears particularly suited as a collateral Onlly 33 of these hearts had but 1 occlusion.
source of blood supply to the heart. Its direct Atherosclerotic inarrowiilg or occlusioni of
communication with the aorta and its location a coronary artery mnay be caused by an ather-
betweeii the maini left deseendinlg and right oma with progressive fibrosis, by a super-
coronary arteries imake it a ready souirce of inlposed throinbus, by intranlural hemorrhage
anastoniotic coninection between the aorta and in an atheroma, or by rupture of an athero-
the coronary arterial svsteni distal to the matous abscess. Thus, in 6,800 coilsecutive
zoiies in which the ineidence of occlusion is autopsies, thrombosis on an arteriosclerotic
highest. Furtheriiiore, the low iiieideniee of basis (43 per cent), oeclusioils due to arteri-
occlusions in the conus artery, lower than in osclerosis per se (41 per cent), and iiitranlural
the other coronary arteries, enhances its value
as an effective pathway of collateral blood
hemorrhage (8 per eent) presumably oni an
supply. arteriosclerotic basis nlade up 92 per cent
The presence of a large, third division of of the causes of occlusioii, with the remnaiiiilg
the left coronary artery was described in the 8 per cent distributed amnoilg enibolismn, in-
Bantu and suggested by Brink as an expla- flanlmation, and syphilis.6
nation for the low incideilee of angina pee- The arteries are metabolically active struc-
toris aild myocardial infaretioni in that race.3 tures that may be altered even in the absenee
Although the presence of this racial anatomic of atherosclerosis. They participate, as do
variation has been confiruied, it is not as- other tissues, in the aging process. The mledia,
sociated with significailt anastomotic eircula- initially mlade up of circular, smooth muscle
tionl betweeni the left anid right coronary ar- and elastic fibers, aild the adventitia, a mesh-
teries aild does not appear to be of prinlary work of conllective tissue containing elastic
importaiiee in the lowered ineidenee of clini- fibers, both lose elastic fibers with age. These
cal manifestationis of coronary disease in this changes are nlost rapid in the left anterior
race.4 deseendiiig artery aild slowest in the right
Pathologic Characteristics of Coronary coroiiary artery. Fibroelastic chaiiges occur
Arteriosclerosis in the intinla and media, atrophy of the
Coronary artery occlusions are limited to simlooth musele is seen in the media, and ir-
the 3 miain coronary arteries and their pri- regular patehes of connective tissue develop.
Circulation, Volume XXII, August 1960

Comparison of Blood Supply to Skeletal communications, while of some limited fune-

and Cardiac Muscle tional value, are not sufficient to prevent in-
The circulation of the heart presents many faretion of the myoeardium when coronary
interesting differences from the rest of the arteries are ligated experimentally in animals
body. Skeletal muscle on vigorous contraction or are suddenly occluded by thrombi or em-
can increase its oxygen consumption 30 or boli in man.7 8
more times. This vastly increased requirement Obviously, therefore, anatomic patency of
is met in part by an increase in arterial and the coronary arteries is of cardinal impor-
capillary blood flow and in part by greater tance in the maintenance of normal cardiac
extraction of oxygen from each unit of blood nutrition and performanee. The very large
passing through the capillaries. Thus, the extraction of available oxygen by the normal
oxygen content of venous blood, which is ap- heart, the inability of the myocardium to in-
proximately 12 volumes per 100 ml. with cur a sizable oxygen debt, and the fact that
skeletal muscle at rest, may be reduced to coronary arteries are functional end arteries
5 volumes per cent or less on exercise. This in the normal heart make it necessary that
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ability to borrow on the "reserve" oxygen any significant increase in oxygen need by
is not enjoyed by the heart. Under normal the heart be met by an increase in coronary
conditions the venous blood of the coronary blood flow.
sinus contains only 2 to 5 volumes per cent Failure to meet the demands of the myo-
of oxygen. There is little to borrow and so cardium as a whole may lead to congestive
the heart must "pay as it goes" by inereasing
heart failure; ischemia of certain areas may
the coronary arterial blood flow proportion-
lead to the clinical symptom of cardiac pain
ately when the myocardium needs more oxy-
or disturbances of impulse formation and
gen to do more work. Skeletal muscle is also
conduction in the form of arrhythmias; if the
different in that it can continue to contract
ischemia is sustained, actual injury or ne-
during exercise, even if the oxygen supply is
momentarily inadequate, by incurring an
crosis of heart muscle, i.e., myocardial infare-
tion, may develop.
oxygen debt which is repaid later during rest.
The myocardium, however, cannot do this; Effect of Acute Coronary Occlusion
it depends for its contractility on the oxygen When a coronary artery is suddenly and
immediately available in the coronary blood. completely occluded in a previously normal
It ceases to contract when it has incurred only heart, a myocardial infaret is usually pro-
one fifth of the oxygen debt skeletal muscle duced. This sequelee is observed experimen-
can endure. tally and clinically. The coronary arteries
Skeletal and cardiac muscle also present an consequently must be eonsidered to be end
interesting difference in their vascular sup- arteries in the physiologic sense.8 The size of
ply. The smaller arteries and arterioles of the infaret, however, is always less than the
striated muscle communicate freely with each total territory supplied by the artery.9 This
other by large anastomotic vessels. Except difference is related to the fact that minute
for sudden occlusion of large trunks such as intereoroinary capillary and arteriolar con-
the brachial, iliac, or femoral arteries, infare- nections less than 40 ,u in diameter are nor-
tion of skeletal muscle is rare. The coronary mally present. These may be readily demon-
arteries, on the other hand, are end arteries strated in the normal heart upon injection
in a physiologic or functional sense. It has of a colored watery solution into a coronary
gradually become the consensus that the con- artery by its immediate appearance in other
_ections that exist normally among the cor- areas of the heart that are supplied by the
onary arteries are only fine communieations other coronary arteries. The peripheral bor-
of an arteriolar or capillary nature, which der of the infareted muscle may be supplied
are less than 40,u in diameter. These inter- by blood oozing through these fine channels
Circulation, Volume XXII, August 1960
or, as Wiggers maintained, by diffusion from occluded arteries. This anastomotic circula-
the surrounding myocardium. tion evidently develops as a compensatory
Within a minute following acute occlusion phenomenon in relation to marked arterial
myocardial contraction diminishes progres- narrowing or occlusion.
sively as isehemia continues. As the contrac- These phenomena have been reproduced by
tions become feeble, they are balanced by the the authors under controlled experimental
intraventricular pressure, and the isehemic conditions in the domestic pig, the coronary
area expands paradoxically with each sys- arterial tree of which is strikingly similar to
tole.7' 8 The small collateral channels that that of man.12 Intereoronary collateral chan-
normally exist in the coronary arterial system nels of more than 40 ,u may be seen within
do not supply enough blood to support useful 24 hours after marked coronary narrowing
contractions for many minutes. but their rich development usually requires
In an extensive study of 1,200 human 7 to 21 days. After 5 to 12 days of prelimi-
hearts, the clinical manifestations were inter- nary narrowing, sudden acute occlusion of
preted on the basis of the findings disclosed the narrowed artery no longer regularly re-
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by the Schlesinger technic. By this technic, sults in death. Examination of the myo-
the coronary arterial system is injected with cardium grossly and microscopically showed
a lead-agar suspension which penetrates regu- that these collateral channels not only per-
larly as far as 40 ,u in diameter. Only the mitted survival of the animal but at times
larger intercoronary communications that protected the myocardium from serious dam-
have been demonstrated to be functionally im- age. Somewhat similar results in dogs have
portant are delineated by this method. been reported by others.13' 14 Under favorable
In 9 per cent of normal human hearts, conditions the major portion of the coronary
larger intercoronary communications, 40t or artery system can be gradually occluded with
larger, may be observed.10 They are not suf- minimal or no infaretion in the animals that
ficiently numerous to prevent infaretion; survive.
however, clinical, electrocardiographic, and The clinical counterpart of these experi-
pathologic data indicate that the heart may ences, i.e., the occurrence of complete cor-
recover without structural damage if the du- onary artery occlusions without myocardial
ration and degree of ischemia are not too infaretion has been noted repeatedly.15 In a
great. Experimentally, myocardial ischemia small series, Snow and his associates16 also
produced by temporary occlusion of the main observed gross infaretion to be smaller than
stem of a coronary artery for 40 minutes gen- anticipated but they encountered no instance
erally produces areas of irreversible damage of complete occlusion without infaretion. There
and necrosis.1" At any time during or after is general agreement, however, regarding the
occlusion, ventricular fibrillation or other prevalenee of functionally important anasto-
arrhythmias may appear. Their development motic channels in response to coronary ar-
may well be related to differences in the
terial obstruction and their great protective
gradient of oxygen potential. value against myocardial damage.
In contrast to this general agreement re-
Effect of Gradual Coronary Occlusion: Importance garding the development of extensive col-
of Intercoronary Arterial Anastomoses lateral channels in hearts with marked cor-
In human hearts with old occlusions, inter- onary narrowing and complete occlusion,
coronary collateral channels of a size greater divergent results have been reported regard-
than 40 ,u were observed in practically 100 ing the incidence of sizable, functionally sig-
per cent of cases. These collateral vessels nificant intereoronary anastomoses in the nor-
served as a bypass or detour and supplied mal heart. In an extensive series of over
the myocardium distal to the area of marked 1,500 consecutive normal hearts studied by
narrowing or occlusion from neighboring un- the Schlesinger technic, the incidence of
Circulation, Volume XXII, August 1960

anastomoses was 9 per cent after exclusion of pressures in the peripheral end of the oc-
anemia, cardiac hypertrophy, valvular heart cluded coronary artery.
disease, and other categories in which hypoxia Observations of the heart post mortem in
evidently leads to an increased incidence of man are in accordance with these experimen-
anastomoses.10 Although this experience has tal studies and explain the apparent incon-
been confirmed by many others9' 17 certain sistency between the presence of long-standing
observers using other technics have reported obstructive lesions, on the one hand, and the
an incidence greater than 10 per cent. Laurie absence or relatively slight pathologic or clin-
and Woods,18 indeed, alone among investiga- ical evidence of myocardial damage, on the
tors, observed sizable intereoronary arterial other hand. Indeed the hearts of patients with
anastomoses in 75 per cent of patients over angina pectoris may show one or more occlu-
4 years of age and in only 23 per cent of sions in 2 or even 3 main stems, a rich col-
patients with severe atheroselerosis.18 There lateral development, and only scattered mnyo-
is reason to believe that the role of anemia cardial fibrosis.20 21 While there is a general
and technical differences in pursuing the relationship between the incidence of coronary
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study account for their aberrant results.4' 10, 19 occlusion and the occurrence of angina pee-
The development of intereoronary collateral toris, other modifying factors such as the
vessels also can be demonstrated experimen- exact site of the occlusion, the importance of
tally by measurement of retrograde flow the vessel involved, the adequacy of the col-
and pressure from a severed main coronary lateral circulation, the rate at which such oc-
branch. Immediately following abrupt occlu- clusions or narrowings develop, the temporary
sion of a main coronary branch, the retro- influence of emotion, exertion, and vasomotor
grade coronary flow approximates 5 to 5.8 reflexes are also of great importance. Although
ml. per minute compared to control values damage to the heart is minimized by the de-
of 2 to 3 ml. per minute and is relatively velopment of the collateral circulation, the
constant in any one dog for a few hours.7 margin of safety or, as it may be termed,
Measurements of retrograde flow during tem- the coronary reserve" is reduced.
porary clamping of the other coronary ar- Augmentation of Coronary Blqod Flow by
teries indicate that the latter are the major Medical Measures
source of flow. Augmentation of the coronary collateral
After long-continued obstruction of a cor- circulation beyond that occurring naturally
onary artery or a branch in an otherwise following marked coronary narrowing or com-
normal animal heart, the flow of blood from plete obstruction inevitably is limited be-
the cannulated end of the artery becomes cause the extent of the natural development
quite large. It begins to increase within a appears to be well nigh maximal and marked
few hours, may double within 2 days, and in the area where it is most effective. Vaso-
may become 3 to 4 times the control level dilator drugs have not been demonstrated to
within a week. Within a few weeks, the flows accelerate the rate of development or aug-
approximate the values for the normal rate ment the extent of the intereoronary anasto-
of inflow before occlusion in that coronary moses.22 In grossly normal hearts from anemic
artery or branch. The observation that the patients the incidence of anastomoses was 39
retrograde blood had the same content of per cent compared to 9 per cent in grossly
oxygen and carbon dioxide as that in a sys- normal hearts from nonanemic patients.10 19
temic artery leaves no doubt that the col- Anemia may conceivably have some thera-
lateral circulation is on the arterial side of peutic application in the treatment of cor-
the coronary capillary bed. The gradual aug- onary artery disease but its application seems
mentation of retrograde flow is attended by hazardous and to date its practical use has
similar elevations of systolic and diastolic not been feasible.
Circulation, Volume XXII, August 1960

Augmentation of the coronary collateral with the demonstration and importance of

circulation after a program of exercise has widespread pathologic changes in the hearts
been observed experimentally by Eckstein of patients with angina pectoris. The primary
after coronary occlusion in the dog.23 Al- etiologic factors of coronary obstruction, val-
though the clinical implications are important, vular disease, and arterial hypertension are
they do not afford a therapeutic approach not to be considered the exclusive eause of
of major proportions. Furthermore, exercise cardiac pain; rather they constitute the stage
in dogs with coronary artery occlusions was upon which various transitory precipitating
attended by inereased risk of myocardial factors may operate. Thus, coronary vasocon-
damage and death.23 It is a plausible assump- strictioni, anemia, tachyeardia, fever, hyper-
tion that relative anoxia is the factor that metabolism, or hypotension may act as pre-
stimulates the formation of the collateral cir- cipitating agents in the production of pain in
culation after coroniary obstruction, in ane- a patient whose coronary circulation is al-
mia, exercise, cardiac hypertrophy, and cor ready compromised by arterial obstruction.
pulmonale. 10 22 In the absence of an adequate pathologic
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The Question of Vasomotor Control of the substrate, these factors rarely, if ever, are
Coronary Circulation sufficient in themselves to produce angina
"Spasm" of the coronary arteries with pectoris. In a series of 1,200 patients studied
diminished blood flow has also been invoked clinically and at postmortem examination by
frequently to explain the precipitation of injection of the coronary arteries not a single
episodes of angina pectoris. Attacks of angina instance was found of angina pectoris in the
brought on by exposure to cold or " by a absenee of structural heart disease.21
disturbanee of mind" '24 and prevented or Summary
terminated by nitroglycerin are difficult to Some of the uniique physiologic characteris-
explain solely oii the basis of long-standing ties of the coronary eirculation have been
anatomic changes in the coronary arteries or pointed out. In the normal heart, the cor-
myocardium. Spasm could result from a di- onary arteries are functionally end arteries.
rect effect of epinephrine or other circulating Watery injections, however, reveal anatomic
substances on the smooth muscle of the ar- fine anastomotic communications between the
teries, or it could be induced by vasomotor coronary arteries measuring less than 40 [.
reflex impulses. The vast accumnulation of ex- But they are of limited functional signifi-
perimental observations of coronary vasocon- cance in obviating the untoward effects of
striction in animals cannot be transposed to sudden coronary narrowing or occlusion. Com-
man with assurance, but recent observations plete occlusion or considerable narrowing of
in patients with angina pectoris now afford one or more coronary arteries may exist with-
strong evidence of the existence and signifi- out giving rise to any elinical signs or symp-
canee of vasomotor influences. Vasomotor re- toms and without having produced myocardial
flex changes account in part at least for the damage. The apparent inconsistency betweeni
effects on anginal attacks of atropine, local the presence of long-standing obstructive ar-
chilling, and anesthesia of the hands, carotid terial lesions and the absence of significant
sinus stimulation, tobacco smoking, pulmo- pathologic or clinical evidence of myocardial
nary emboli, and gastrointestinal disorders. damage is dispelled by the demonstration of
Indeed, reflex coronary vasomotor spasm may a collateral eirculation which serves as a by-
be important in iiiereasing the extent of myo- pass in relation to the obstruction in each
cardial necrosis and the mortality following of these hearts. The pathologic and physio-
acute coronary artery oeclusion.25 logic substrates of angina pectoris, coronary
The existenee of vasoinotor effects that re- failure, and acute myocardial infaretion have
duce coronary flow is in no way incompatible beeln discussed.
Circulation, Volume XXII, August 1960
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Circulation, Volume XXII, August 1960

Pathologic Physiology of Angina Pectoris and Acute Myocardial Infarction

Circulation. 1960;22:301-307
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doi: 10.1161/01.CIR.22.2.301
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