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Health and Safety

Hazardous Substances (COSHH)

 The definition of COSHH

 The law relating to hazardous substances,

 Identifying dangerous substances and management of this process

 Contact with dangerous substances their dangers

Fire and Safety course covers:

 Causes of fire

 Fire prevention

 Firefighting equipment

 Fire reporting and evacuation

Manual Handling course covers:

 Legislation relating to manual handling

 Spinal awareness

 Postural awareness

 Risks manual handling activity

 Lifting techniques

Risk Assessment

 Risk Assessments and the law

 Hazards and risks Control measures

 Dynamic risk assessments

 Communication

Violence and Aggression course

 The definition of violence and aggression

 Legislation

 Explanations of the risks

 Exploration of trigger factors and signs

 Highlights further training

 Coping strategies and suggestions

 The importance of always reporting incidents

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