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1 I’d like to thank Marco Zennaro and Ermanno Pietrosemoli for the invitation to speak at this

year’s School for School on Applications of Open Spectrum and White Spaces Technologies
at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy. I’d also like to thank
the University of Oregon’s Network Startup Resource Centre (NSRC) for sponsoring my visit
to Italy for this talk.
The Internet of Things
Jonathan Brewer
Network Startup Resource Center

These materials are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license

We need to empower computers with their own means of

gathering information, so they can see, hear and smell the
world for themselves, in all its random glory.

Kevin Ashton, RFID Journal, June 2009

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

3 I read about Twine on the Internet in 2011. The founders crowd-funded their product via
Listen to your world,
Kickstarter, and eventually raised half a million dollars from nearly 4,000 backers. I was one
talk to the Internet.
of them.


Twine: is a Magic Box Twine was my introduction to the Internet of Things. I thought it was the coolest thing in the
that listens to the world with:
Temperature Sensor They solved it with one device. Buy one and you’ve got the Internet of Things.
Magnetic Switch
Moisture Sensor It took a year from ordering my Twine until I received it at the end of 2012. It was clever, it
and talks to the world via Wi-Fi with:
had beautiful packaging, it was well manufactured, and it didn’t work.
Text messaging (SMS)

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

5 !
All at once we see an overview of the challenges we face with the Internet of Things. Twine
Twine: Lives in its Box
had limited sensors, communications problems, architecture problems, power problems, and
a cloud-only provisioning and data-collection platform. We’ll cover all of these issues and
Overly Simple Sensors, non-standard expansion
more this morning.
Limited Wireless Range

Only old, simple network architectures and protocols

Battery life of days, rechargeables didn’t work.

Strange cloud platform locking up the data

Topics for this talk:

• Sensors: We’ll talk about all of them

• Platforms, Architectures, Programming Environments

• Taking Action: Interacting with the World

• Power Generation, Storage, and Consumption

• Communications & Addressing

• Data: What do we do with it?

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

7 We might spend an hour talking about sensors. Why? They are the most interesting part of
the Internet of Things. They translate the world into digital signals that can be understood
and acted on by computers. They’re the basis of everything we’ll talk about in relation to the

Sensors Internet of Things.

I built this talk by visiting a few popular web stores, and just browsing through their low-cost
offerings. At the bottom of each slide is a Euro symbol. I use one symbol to represent a cost
of 10 Euros or less, two symbols for 20 Euros or less, and so on.

8 Basic digital output means the sensor provides voltage or it doesn’t, while analog output
provides variable voltage to indicate variable readings. A number of serial interfaces are
Sensors: Considerations
supported by IoT sensors and technologies, with I2C being a popular, low-cost bus topology.
• Analog or Digital Some high end sensors have the ability to connect over more than one digital or serial
• RS232, RS485, I2C, SPI, CAN, USB method.
• Accuracy typically varies with price

• Some need warm-up, others need calibration

• Power requirements vary widely

• Wrong data can be worse than no data at all!

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

9 Measures acceleration in multiple axis.
On a person or animal, an accelerometer can help to track motion for health.
I actually wear an armband that has an accelerometer, along with a few other sensors. It
helps to remind me to get enough exercise.

10 Air quality sensors typically look for a few different things: carbon monoxide, alcohol,
acetone, formaldehyde. A generic, inexpensive device might give you a warning that
Air Quality Sensor
something is wrong, but not necessarily what is wrong.

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

11 This five-euro sensor can be used to test breath alcohol. It could be used to provide an
inexpensive interlock on a machine, a car or a tractor that shouldn’t be operated by
Alcohol Sensor
someone who has been drinking.

12 The most obvious use for a barometer pressure sensor is for weather monitoring. A change
in reading from a stationary barometer can mean that the weather is going to change.
Barometric Pressure
I think the most common use for barometers today though is in smartphones. They use
barometers in a mobile application to determine a device’s height above sea level.
Combined with details from a GPS and from a cellular network, a barometer can help a
phone get very accurate positioning information.

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

13 We all know what cameras are good for. I’ll just use mine right now. (and now for a selfie). In
the world of the Internet of things a camera can do more than just take selfies. Coupled with
a Raspberry Pi and some free, open source software called OpenCV, a camera like this can
be used for face recognition.

14 Much of the popularity of small microprocessors like the Arduino is a result of people’s
fascination with robots. This very rudimentary collision sensor allows a moving device
Collision Sensor
(hopefully moving very slowly) to know when it’s hit something else - maybe a wall, another
robot, or a shoe.

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

15 Colour sensors are a bit more interesting to me than cameras. I think this one senses red,
green, blue, and brightness, and reports back an intensity You could point one at a machine
Colour Sensor
that has red and green lights, to easily know the state of the machine. You could also use
one with a conveyer belt to check or record the ripeness of some fruit or vegetables.

16 Which way is North? This is a very easy to understand sensor that is important to anything
Compass (Digital)

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

17 Formaldehyde is used in the manufacture of fabrics, wood products, tissue products,
insulation, and thousands of other products. It can be used as a disinfectant as it kills fungus
Formaldehyde Sensor
and bacteria. It can be emitted from many manufactured products when they’re heated or
burned. It’s also toxic!
Detecting formaldehyde concentrations and other indoor air pollutants in a factory or
workshop is a good way to ensure the health and safety of workers.

18 Galvanic Skin Response measures the conductivity of skin, which can change depending on
how active a person’s sweat glands are. Physical and Psychological stress makes glands more
Galvanic Skin Response
active and this lowers the skin’s electrical resistance. My armband - the one with the
accelerometer in it, also tracks galvanic skin response.

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

19 Gas sensors come in a number of different versions, Methane, Butane, LPG, Alcohol,
Ethanol, Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen, Ozone, Benzene, Hydrogen Sulfide, Ammonia… the
Gas Sensor
list goes on. Inexpensive sensors will output a voltage that varies with the concentration of
the target gas. As with the formaldehyde sensor, these gas sensors can be important for
indoor health and safety in labs, workshops, and manufacturing facilities.

20 GPS can be used to find where we are on earth. Modern GPS receivers can pick up signals
from the original US owned satellites, from Russia’s GLONASS, and in the future from similar
Global Positioning System
European, Chinese, and Indian systems. GPS is also useful in that it provides accurate time.
Very, very accurate time, anywhere in the world. If you need to accurately synchronise
devices in different places, like flashing safety lights, telecommunications transmissions, or
logging of time sensitive data, a GPS based clock is the way to do it.

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

21 This sensor allows you to pass a wire through it to monitor the current flowing through the
wire. You might use it as an electricity meter, or you could use it to keep track of when an
Electricity Current Sensor
automated pump, fan, or light was running.

22 This flow sensor uses a hall effect to measure how fast a liquid or gas is moving through a
pipe, and to record the volume of liquid or gas that has passed through in a particular time
Flow Sensor

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

23 A flow switch protrudes into the middle of a pipe. It can be set up to turn a device on or off
depending on whether a liquid or gas is flowing or not.
Flow Switch

24 As you press on the surface of a force sensitive resistor, resistance through the circuit goes
Force Sensitive Resistor
It can be used as a robust, non-mechanical button or touch sensor, or as a very thin but not
very accurate device for determining the weight of small load that has been placed on top of
it, maybe up to half a kilo.

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

25 A gyroscope measures orientation in multiple axis.
It helps you know which way is up, for example if a device has fallen over.

26 Measures magnetic field

Detect distance from a target
Hall Sensor

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

27 Measures the relative humidity of the air.

Humidity Sensor

28 This sensor generates infrared light and measures its reflected strength. One of its
applications is to determine distance. Infrared reflection sensing is also used to help robots
Infrared Reflection
follow lines, and in optical dust sensors.

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

29 A passive infrared sensor allows non-contact sensing of temperature. Point it at an object
and you can take its temperature. When configured appropriately, it can be used as a
Infrared Sensor (Passive)
motion sensor.

30 A light sensor, or a light dependent resistor, is a very inexpensive but relatively inaccurate
device that will tell you if it’s light or dark.
Light Sensor

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

31 A load sensor, or load cell, converts force into electrical output. This one is good for
measuring weights up to 50 kilograms, but all sizes are available.
Load Sensor

32 A loudness sensor uses a microphone, an amplifier, and filters to output a digital signal that
can be translated into a measurement of the decibel level of sound.
Loudness Sensor

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

33 While Internet of Things microprocessors aren’t typically fast enough to process audio from a
microphone, other small platforms like Raspberry Pi are, and can analyse sound from a
microphone in real time.

34 Moisture sensors measure the dielectric constant of soil, or its ability to transmit electricity,
and derive an amount of moisture in a particular volume of soil. They can range from
Moisture Sensor
inexpensive and inaccurate for a cheap sensor stuck in a pot plant, to expensive and very
accurate when properly installed and calibrated to the type of soil they’re embedded in.

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

35 The moisture chip from Cornell, reported just in the last few months, promises to change soil
moisture sensing for the better. Instead of measuring electrical conductivity, it measures the
Moisture Sensor Chip (Cornell)
pressure on a semi-permeable membrane. It’s so small it can in inserted into the stem of a
plant, and is expected to be far more accurate and far less expensive than traditional

36 An infrared transmitter and receiver that measures reflections from dust and particulate
matter in the air inside a small chamber.
Optical Dust Sensor

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

37 A photo interruptor has a light emitter and a light receiver in-line When something comes
between them, a pulse is generated. It can be used to count things or switch things.
Photo Interruptor

38 Micro Electrical Mechanical Pressure Sensor - a little machine made of silicon for very
precisely measuring pressure.
Pressure Sensor (MEMS)

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

39 A real-time clock is an accurate clock that’s not a part of the main system of a computer, but
operates on its own, and has its own power supply. Some chips have programmable
Real Time Clock
functionality, allowing you to not just keep time but turn things on and off per a calendar or

40 A Reed switch is a glass tube with two wires. A magnet will bring the wires together, causing
the circuit to be connected. Some applications that use Hall effect to count revolutions of a
Reed Switch
wheel could use a Reed switch instead.

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

41 Temperature sensors range in cost an accuracy, but are almost always inexpensive and easy
to use. They’re so inexpensive, they are often integrated into other sensors and circuit
Temperature Sensor
boards. This model uses a 1-wire communications bus, with each device having a 64-bit
serial number. Many sensors can be chained together to produce high resolution data.

42 The thermistor varies resistance depending on its temperature.


ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

43 Capacitive Touch Sensors detect when they are touched by a conductive surface, such as a
Touch Sensor (Capacitive)

44 Some vibration sensors are based on piezoelectric devices, and generate voltage in
response to being vibrated. Any movement can activate a sensor, the signal from which
Vibration Sensor
could be used to wake up a microprocessor and other sensors or actuators.

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

45 Ultrasonic Range Finders are used to measure distance. An ultrasonic ping is sent from the
device, which then listens for the ping to come back, and uses the delay between sending
Ultrasonic Range Finder
and receiving to calculate the distance of an object. The company I’m working for now is
using these ultrasonic sensors to measure the amount of water in water tanks.

46 Tracking ultraviolet radiation can be useful in evaluating inputs in agriculture. Ten years ago
in New Zealand is was important to track UV for skin safety reasons - because of a hole in the
Ultraviolet Radiation Sensor
ozone layers we had very high uv radiation and it was very easy to get a sunburn because of

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

47 More than just a light dependent resistor, a solar radiation sensor provides intensity as a
digital output. It can be used in agriculture to record the amount of sunlight that crops have
Solar Radiation Sensor
had, or in solar power applications to check the efficiency of installed solar systems.



ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

49 What I think is most important is io availability and power consumption. Think back to the
sensors we discussed before the break. What do you want your computer to talk to? If it’s a
Platform: Considerations
sensor that only supports I2C bus, make sure your platform does too. If your application is
• Architecture, Memory, IO, & Storage Capabilities power restricted, make sure you’re using a very low-power device! Finally if you want to do
• Processor Speed anything more complex than reading values and sending them on, make sure the platform
• Power Consumption you pick is programmable in a language you’re comfortable using!

• Ease of Programming

• Availability

• Documentation, Support & Community Involvement

50 Arduino may not have started the Internet of Things, but it started making the Internet of

Arduino Things accessible to everyone.

Designed here in Italy, it features an ATMEL ATMega. There are at least eight official Arduino
designs - all of which are open Source Hardware.
Program in C or C++ in a free Integrated Development Environment. Given the community
that’s built up around Arduino, it’s easy for anyone to download free tools and code samples
to make an arduino perform simple tasks in just an afternoon.

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

51 Arduino is an open source hardware platform, so it’s trivial for companies in the business of

Arduino Clone making circuit boards to produce clones. This one can be had for less than 10 Euros, and is
the kind I started my adventures in Arduino with. It’s programmed with USB and takes its
power from the same cable, making it quick and easy to work with.

52 Just like the Arduino, but with the addition of an Atheros router chipset, allowing users to

Arduino Yun interact with the board using standard linux tools, and provide network security through the
well known router and firewall distribution OpenWRT.

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

53 The BeagleBone Black is the hands-down winner when it comes to input-output. It supports

BeagleBone Black more protocols and has more ports than any of the other platforms we’ll discuss today. It
runs Linux and can boot from power-on in five seconds. If you’ve got a background in web
applications, you’re in luck - its main programming environment is node.js, a javascript

54 The mbed uses 32-bit ARM Cortex microprocessor design manufactured by NXP, Freescale,

mbed and others

It was originally designed to help students learn to prototype with microprocessors. It’s
programmed in C/C++ using the mbed environment.

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

55 The PIC is a RISC architecture processor in use for decades. It’s very low power, very low

PICmicro cost, and has a huge installed base. Of all the IoT environments we’ll talk about today, the
PIC is probably the one used most commercially.

56 The IOIO is an expansion board for Android phones that allows easy input/output to sensors
and actuators from within the Android environment. This means you code in Java for
Android + IOIO
Android & don’t have to learn C or C++. You also get to add sensors to a platform where a
basic, 100 euro handset has a big, bright LCD display, a GPS, accelerometer, compass,
thermometer, barometer, Wi-Fi, bluetooth, and 3g radios. Quite a package for the price.

10 x

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

57 Finally we get to the Raspberry Pi. This model Pi uses a Broadcom chip that combines a
processor with a graphics chip. It’s linux-capable, and users typically use a Debian variant
Raspberry Pi
called Raspbian. You can program in any language but Python seems particularly popular.

58 Actuators are things that do things!


ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014


Actuators: Considerations
• Power Use

• Interface

• Accuracy (and Cost!)

• Availability

• Documentation, Support & Community Involvement

60 We all know what LEDs do. Give them a bit of voltage and they light up. What’s more
interesting is that beyond the basic visible colours, infrared and ultraviolet LEDs are available
Light Emitting Diodes

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

61 Relays act as a switch for current. This one has three ports: com means common, and is
involved in all circuits through the relay. NO means normally open, and NC means normally
A signal passing into common will pass through the NC port unless the relay is switched on,
at which point it will pass through the NO port. Relays are just about the easiest actuators
for Arduino - easier even than LEDs. As a bonus they make a satisfying click when you turn
them on and off.

62 Transistors are used for amplifying or switching electronic signals or power. While a relay can
just switch things in two directions, a transistor can help an Arduino provide granular levels
of power to a device like a fan or a motor, without passing high power current through the
Arduino itself.

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

63 This servo takes DC power and a digital signal from a computer like an Arduino. Send it
directions to turn to an arbitrary position like 274 degrees and it’ll do it. Servos like this one
are commonly used to steer robots and controlled or autonomous vehicles.

64 This solenoid is a specially designed electromagnet. The piston in the middle is normally in
the out position. When current flows through the solenoid, the piston pulls in. This action
could open a valve, activate a mechanical switch, ring a bell, or do anything you could think

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014




Power Generation: Considerations

• Amount of Power Required

• Stationary or Mobile Application

• Robustness

• Physical Size

• Level of Human Interaction Required

• Technological Maturity

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

67 Ambient Backscatter transforms existing wireless signals into both a source of power and a
communication medium. It enables two battery-free devices to communicate by
Ambient Backscatter
backscattering existing wireless signals. Backscatter communication is orders of magnitude
more power-efficient than traditional radio communication. Further, since it leverages the
ambient RF signals that are already around us, it does not require a dedicated power
infrastructure as in RFID.

68 Biomechanical is an area that hasn’t quite reached prime time. In recent years patents have
been filed for materials like this one that you could stick in a pair of shoes to generate
electricity just by walking.

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

69 Induction power is achieved by a device that produces voltage when exposed to a magnetic
field. It’s typically used in near-contact situations where having a cable would be
inconvenient - like recharging a wireless toothbrush, and for near-field communications
devices. My bus pass is an NFC device that has a microprocessor and runs javaOS. It can
power on, boot up, conduct a transaction, and shut down all in 200ms.

70 If you’ve ever seen a flashlight that you shake to use, or a radio that you turn a crank to
power up, you’ve seen mechanical power. The device above is a GravityLight, an LED lamp
that gets powered by a weight attached to a cord that turns its generator for about 30
minutes. Mechanical power is great if you’ve got a person around a place with no electricity -
say a bus stop in a remote location.

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

71 This particular micro-hydro generator is actually a complete power supply - it has a battery
and charge controller embedded in it. Others just have a generator component. If you’ve
got clean, filtered fresh water nearby, micro-hydro might be a good fit for your application.

72 Tiny amounts of electricity can be produced with piezoelectric elements - for example when
you press a mechanical button to light a burner on a gas stove, the spark that lights your gas
often comes from a piezoelectric element. These panels are meant to vibrate when you
apply power to them, but the opposite will work too - vibrate them the right way and they
will produce electricity. As with ambient backscatter and biomechanical methods, I haven’t
listed a price next to Piezoelectric power generation - for now it’s the domain of
experimenters and inventors.

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

73 Peltier devices like this one translate differences in heat into electricity. The bigger the
difference between hot and cold, the better they work. Last year a company called Biolite
released a couple of woodstoves with Peltier based thermoelectric devices embedded in
them. Power from the peltier is used to drive a fan, causing the fire to burn hotter and
cleaner, while extra power is sent to a USB port for charging phones or rechargable lights.

74 Finally we have solar. This two-watt panel is a bit bigger than my hand, and costs less than
ten Euros. I understand Sebastian is going to talk about solar power later in the week, so I’ll
leave it to him.

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014




Power Storage: Considerations

• One-Use or Renewable

• Capacity of Storage

• Lifetime / Charge Cycles

• Current Required

• Physical Size

• Environmental Impact

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

77 Standard alkaline batteries have a long storage life and a relatively high capacity when used
for low power applications. They’re cheap, and the world treats them as disposable,
Alkaline Battery
consuming around 15 billion a year. Alkaline batteries made today are generally free of toxic
heavy metals, but they’re still a waste of resources.

78 Lead Acid batteries are the most common rechargeable batteries made, and are used in
vehicles, alarm systems, solar installations, and most cellular and wireless base stations.
Lead Acid Battery
They’re not as energy-dense as Lithium-Ion batteries, but they’re a lot cheaper. Depending
on how they’re made, they can last from a few years up to two decades, retaining a large
amount of their charging capacity.

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

79 This Lithium battery is a one-use, non-rechargable battery. It’s got a lifespan of more than
ten years, and if use carefully, will power a device with intermittent usage over all that time.
Lithium Battery
Internet of Things company Taggle combines single-use lithium batteries with PICmicro
processors and their own proprietary radios, and claim with a D-cell battery they can
transmit data from a sensor to their network once an hour for ten years.

80 Lithium ion and lithium polymer batteries are the most common batteries used in electronics
today. They’ve largely replaced older technologies like Nickel metal hydride, and they’re
Lithium Ion Battery
starting to replace lead acid for applications where size and weight matter. Lithium Ion
batteries lose a bit of capacity with every charge, and rarely last more than 1000 charges. If
you’re charging via solar every day, don’t expect your batteries to last more than three years.

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

81 A capacitor can be an inexpensive way to collect and use power very quickly. Why use a
supercap and not a battery? Supercaps only hold 10% of the energy of a similar sized
Super/Ultra Capacitor
battery, but they can charge and discharge 10x as fast, and they can charge many, many
more times than a rechargeable battery without wearing out.



ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014


Radio Comms: Considerations

• Data Rates Required

• Topology & Power Utilisation

• Fixed or Mobile

• Frequency & Physical Size of Antenna

• Spectrum: Licensed or Unlicensed

• Operating Cost

84 Very low cost, very low power utilisation, very low data rates, typically ISM band. One way
only so your sensors don’t know if their message has made it through. Australian company
Simplex Radio
Taggle has an M2M platform built around Simplex Radio.

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

85 Wi-Fi is the most common wireless we encounter outside of cellular, but for the Internet of
Things it has Major power and securicy implications. It’s also typically restricted in frequency
Wi-Fi / 802.11
to 915, 2.4GHz, and 5GHz

86 Star or mesh topology. 868, 915, or 2.4GHz frequency bands. When using a mesh topology,
radios need to listen for other nodes and relay their transmissions on, which can have major
power implications.

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

87 Bluetooth is the most common personal area network. Originally based on IEEE 802.15, it’s
since evolved into standards controlled by an industry group. It operates in ISM bands,
typically at 2.4GHz. Bluetooth’s relative low cost and low power has led to its immense
popularity for devices that are no more than a few meters apart.

88 Nearly ubiquitous coverage around the world in the 900MHz band. Even when carriers
upgrade to newer technologies like LTE they continue to support some GPRS capabilities to
2.5G Cellular / GPRS
keep from locking out M2M applications and older handsets. Can consume as little as
200mA while transmitting.

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

89 3G, typically Wideband CDMA, can happily transmit hundreds of kilobits a second and
download megabits per second. It does this at the expense of operating power, taking 3-5
3G Cellular / UMTS WCDMA
times as much power as a 2G modem.

90 LTE and LTE-Advanced are another step up in transmission capabilities from 3g, and in
power utilisation. I think very few things in the Internet of Things will ever need the
4G Cellular / LTE & LTE-A
transmission capabilities of a 4g modem - but who knows. Ken Olsen of Digital once said
that no-one would ever need a computer at home, and Bill gates said 640 kilobytes of RAM
should be enough for anyone.

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

91 Proprietary closed network local to wide area system for data collection. This system and
ones like it are using in Automated meter reading. Cellular modems are installed in some
Frequency Hopping Mesh
meters and those act as gateways, relaying mesh node data out of the mesh. Mesh networks
work best when they have constant power.

92 Sigfox is a French technology and service provider that uses low frequencies and very low
data rates, designed specifically for the Internet of Things. Devices can send up to 12 bytes
of information at a time, to a network of receiver antennas. Transmissions can be picked up
by multiple receiver antennas and then de-duplicated in a cloud based application before
being passed on to applications that use the data. I’m not sure if SIGFOX is two-way yet.

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

93 Combination of TD-CD-FDMA that can be used across a wide spectrum range, including in
TV Whitespaces. Base stations coordinate frequency use and assign timeslots. Information is
encrypted in transit. Standard is published and accepted by many companies, but not any
industry body like IEEE, ETSI, or 3GPP. Any company can obtain the standard, and any
licensee can produce weightless equipment.

ICTP-Brewer-IoT-Lecture-Public.key - 11 March 2014

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