Sie sind auf Seite 1von 6


Standard Installation:

- boot arch linux

- fdisk -l --> show us a list of disks and partitions /dev/sda usually
- fdisk /dev/sda and press enter -> enter software command line to make the
- press 'o' and enter to blank out the hdd -> Created a new DOS
- n -> press 'p', partition number 1, press enter at first sector, then enter
sector to define size of the partition, use 30gigs for system
- a -> select partition and make bootable flag
- n -> p -> enter -> 2gb -> swap
- type -> 2 -> 82
- n -> p -> enter -> 3 -> enter
- w -> used to write partitions for system
- fdisk -l -> check if you made good partitions
- mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1 -> format the partition (do this for sda3)
- ip a -> shows us all interfaces -> if you have ip address(you are on ethernet)
you are all set
- if you don't have ip address but have ethernet, you must use dhcpd, then ping to
see if you
are online
- if you have wireless you need to
- cp /etc/netctl/examples/wireless-wpa /etc/netctl/wireless-name
- nano /etc/netctl/wireless-name -> change interface name, change essid and key
- netctl start wireless-name
- ip a -> you should see your wireless network
- mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
- mkdir /mnt/home
- mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/home
- mount -> you can see at the bottom of the output that 2 new partitions are
- pacstrap -i /mnt base -> base of the distribution, press enter to install
- genfstab -U -p /mnt >> mnt/etc/fstab -> generate the fstab file
- arch-chroot /mnt -> now we are using our installation
- pacman -S openssh grub-bios linux-headers linux-lts linux-lts-headers
- nano /etc/locale.gen -> found our locale and uncomment it
- locale-gen -> generate our locale
- ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Detroit /etc/localtime
- hwclock --systohc --utc -> syncronizing the clock
- systemctl enable sshd.service
- passwd -> set our root password
- grub-install --target=i386-pc --recheck /dev/sda
- cp /usr/share/locale/en\@quot/LC_MESSAGES/ /boot/grub/locale/ ->
- grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
- type exit, and return to live media mode
- umount /mnt/home
- umount /mnt
- reboot -> reboot, and boot the existing OS
- df -h -> check all paritions to see if everything is there, see if sda3 is there

Post Install

- localectl set-locale LANG="en_US.UTF-8" -> some apps won't run without this
especially gnome
- free -m / we see that swap is not on
- mkswap /dev/mapper/volgroup0/lv_swap -> you'll get swap uuid
- nano /etc/fstab and add uuid none swap defaults 0 0
if you use ssd, add discard, to your values after uuid in fstab
systemctl enable fstrim.timer -> use this option instead of discard in fstab

you can also use swapon to activate swap

- pacman -Sy networkmanager network-manager-applet wireless_tools wpa_supplicant
wpa_actiond dialog
- network-manager-applet -> will cause problems libg because we havent yet
installed desktop
- pacman -S xf86-input-libinput xorg-server xorg-xinit xorg-server-utils mesa
- lspci -> find graphics
- pacman -Sy xf86-video-intel lib32-intel-dri lib32-mesa lib32-libgl
- pacman -Sy virtualbox-guest-utils
- pacman -Sy sudo
- visudo uncomment %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL
- useradd -m -G wheel -s /bin/bash jay
- passwd jay
- hostnamectl set-hostname name -> restart the system to see that

Arch Linux Tips for healthier installation

- subscribe to rss feed, always look here before updating

- never delete your pacman cache -> cd /var/cache/pacman/pkg -> all downloaded
if you want to delete this, save it on the flash drive
- don't update constantly, not more than once in two weeks, no less that once a
- if there's a manual update needed in newsletter, do that immediately(manual
- /etc/pacman.conf -> Most critical packages shouldn't be updated
IgnorePkg = linux linux-headers linux-lts linux-lts-headers virtualbox virtualbox-
Easiest way to install Arch Linux GnomeDroid

- boot arch in vbox

- arch_install file for standard arch install then follow the guide to install
- screenfetch
- Desktop Enviroment - archwiki
- first install graphical server -> xorg
- sudo pacman -S xorg-server xorg-xinit

ls /sys/firmware/efi/efivars -> check if your system uses uefi -> link to install arch script
AUR - Arch User Repository
LVM - Logical Volume Manager
better partitioning scheme, able to have root filesystems on a
logical volume, also can be encrypted


Linux Filesystem
- root directory /
- bin -> binary, executable programs and commands which can be used by all users on
- opt -> optional, software that is not by default installed, ie chrome goes here
- home -> users directory
- tmp -> temporary, temporary files which are often changed or deleted
- var -> variables, variable data, data that changes over time

absolute vs relative path

root / -> root of the file system not root user!

/bin -> binary, all of the programs live in here

/opt -> optional, some programs are here stored
/boot -> kernel and bootloader
/media -> here is where everything is mounted, like usb stick
/dev -> all of the devices on computer, everything is represented by file or
/sbin -> more binaries, usually used by the system
/etc -> all sorts of configurations for your system
/cdrom -> old compatibility folder
/root -> where root users home directory is
/home -> user files, most commonly on other partition or hdd
/tmp -> temporary files are stored here, cleared out when system shuts
/lib -> where libraries live
/usr -> universal system resources, icons etc
/var -> logs and temporary files, caches, backups, etc

ctrl+h to show hidden files


Getting Started with Arch Linux (3rd Edition)

Video 1: Introduction
Video 2: Starting the Installation

For anyone else following this who also uses a Lenovo laptop, in order to get wifi
working you need to:
echo "blacklist ideapad_laptop" >> /etc/modprobe.d/ideapad.conf
rfkill unblock all
nano /etc/resolv.conf
and change the DNS to either your DNS or a public DNS

- boot into arch

- ip a
- wifi-menu -> gives you menu to connect to wifi networks
- ping google and see if you have internet

Video 3: Partitioning

- fdisk -l
- fdisk /dev/sda
- m -> shows commands
- you can create gpt or dos partition table
- o -> creates a dos partition table
- n, p, 1, en, +30G -> a, -> make bootable -> root partition
- n, p, 2, en, en -> second partition for files
- w -> write, fdisk -l -> you'll see those new partition
- mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1
- mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda2

We don't make swap anymore, recommend swap file

Video 4: Pacstrap

- mount /dev/sda1 /mnt

- mkdir /mnt/home
- mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/home
- mount -> you can see 2 new partitions mounted at the end
- pacstrap -i /mnt base base-devel
- genfstab -U -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
- UUID - hash that represents harddrive

Video 5: arch-chroot

- arch-chroot /mnt
- pacman -S openssh grub-bios linux-headers linux-lts linux-lts-headers
- pacman -S dialog network-manager-applet networkmanager networkmanager-openvpn
wireless_tools wpa_supplicant wpa_actiond
- mkinitcpio -p linux -> configuring the linux kernel, configure also the linux-lts

Video 6: Installation Wrap-Up

- nano /etc/locale.gen -> uncomment your locales

- locale-gen
- passwd -> set a root password
- grub-install --target=i386-pc --recheck /dev/sda
- cp /usr/share/locale/en\@quot/LC_MESSAGES/ /boot/grub/locale/
- grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
- fallocate -l 2G /swapfile
- chmod 600 /swapfile -> only owner has access to it
- mkswap /swapfile
- echo '/swapfile none swap sw 0 0' | tee -a /etc/fstab
- cat /etc/fstab
- exit
- umount -a -> unmount all mounted
- poweroff

Video 7: Enabling Networking and Creating a User

- log in as root
- ip a -> you don't have ip address
- systemctl start NetworkManager ->starting network services
- ip -a -> you should have ip address
- systemctl enable NetworkManager
- useradd -m jay -> -m tells it to create home directory
- passwd jay -> change the password for users

- userdel -r username -> deleting user account and home directory

- systemctl restart NetworkManager

Video 8: Installing MATE

- pacman -S xorg-server
- lspci -> see what components you have, search for graphics
- pacman -S xf86-video-intel libgl mesa --> for intel integrated graphics
- nvidia nvidia-lts nvidia-libgl mesa -> for nvidia cards
- virtualbox-guest-utils virtualbox-guest-modules-arch mesa

- systemctl enable vboxservice.service (only if you're in virtualbox)

- systemctl start vboxservice.service

- pacman -S lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter

- systemctl enable lightdm
- pacman -S mate mate-extra
- reboot

- in mate terminal
- su root
- pacman -S firefox

Video 9: Sudo

- sudo allows you to run commands as other users

- su -> switch user to root

- pacman -S sudo

- visudo -> opens the sudoers file, config file for sudo users
- uncomment %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL -> so everybody can use sudo, or you can
add your usersname under root ALL(ALL) ALL :wq
- usermod -aG wheel jay

Video 10: pacman

- sudo pacman -S packagename

- your system is subscribed to several online repositories, where packages are
to mirrors all over the world,
- cat /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
- pacman mirror generator list
- sudo nano /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
- sudo pacman -Syyy -> update the mirrorlist
- sudo pacman -S vim tmux
- sudo pacman -R packagename - remove package
- pacman -Ss tmux -> used for searching
- sudo pacman -Syu -> updating packages

Video 11: Process Managment

- service/deamon -> process in this video

- systemd handles services etc, handles services as units
- systemctl -> system control
- sudo pacman -S ntp -> everything you install you need to start yourself
- systemctl status ntpd -> check unit status
- sudo systemctl enable ntpd
- ntp - network time service
- sudo systemctl start ntpd
- sudo systemctl stop ntpd
- systemctl list-units -> see all working units
- journalctl -> gives you output of things in systems logs
- journalctl -b -> gives you messages about latest boot
- journalctl -f -> follows the log as its being written -> used for troubleshooting
- journalctl -fu ntpd -> follows only specific unit messages

Video 12: The AUR - Arch User Repository

- there are comments on packages on this website

- aur helper
- sudo nano /etc/pacman.conf -> configuration file for pacman, IgnoerPkg etc
- delete comments on multilib to include 32bit files
- sudo pacman -S yaourt
- yaourt google chrome
- you are trusting packets that you are installing

Video 13: Closing

- arch linux forums

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