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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)
English Education Program


NPM : 1002050500



TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................... i

LIST OF APPENDIXES.........................................................................................

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ............................................................................ 1

A. Background of the Study................................................................................ 1

B. The Identification of the Problem ................................................................. 4

C. The Scope and Limitation .............................................................................. 4

D. The Formulation of the Problems .................................................................. 4

E. The Objective of the Study ............................................................................ 4

F. The Significance of the Study ........................................................................ 5

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE ....................................................... 6

A. Theoritical Framework .................................................................................. 6

1. Description of Preposition ......................................................................... 6

1.1 Preposition in English ...................................................................... 7

1.2 Forms of Preposition ........................................................................ 11

1.2.1 Simple Preposition ................................................................ 12

1.2.2. Double Preposition................................................................. 16

1.2.3. Compound Preposition.......................................................... 20

1.2.4 Marginal or Participle Preposition ....................................... 21

1.2.5 Phrase or Complex Preposition ........................................... 21

1.3 Function of Preposition .................................................................... 23

1.4 Position of Preposition ...................................................................... 24

1.5 Types of Preposition in English .......................................................

1.51 Preposition of Place and Position........................................

1.5.2 Preposition of Direction ..................................................

1.5.3 Preposition of Time ............................................................

1.5.4 Preposition of Manner or Instrument ...............................

1.5.5 Preposition of Purpose and Reason ...................................

1.5.6 Preposition of Identification ..............................................

1.5.7 Preposition of Possession .................................................

1.5.8 Preposition of Agent .........................................................

1.5.9 Preposition of Distance .....................................................

1.5.10 Preposition of Materials ..................................................

2. Batak Toba of Preposition ......................................................................... 6

2.1. Forms of Preposition ........................................................................... 11

2.1.1 Simple Preposition ................................................................... 12

2.1.2 Double Preposition...................................................................... 16

2.1.3. Compound Preposition ............................................................. 20

2.2 Function of Preposition ...................................................................... 21

2.3 Position of Preposition ........................................................................ 21

2.4 Types of Preposition ........................................................................ 23

2.4.1 Preposition of Time ................................................................. 24

2.4.2 Preposition of Place .................................................................

2.4.3 Preposition of Direction .......................................................

2.4.4 Preposition of Time ................................................................

2.4.5 Preposition of Manner or Instrument ...................................

2.4.6 Preposition of Purpose and Reason .......................................

2.4.7 Preposition of Identification ..................................................

2.4.8 Preposition of Possession ....................................................

2.4.9 Preposition of Agent ............................................................

2.4.10 Preposition of Distance ....................................................

1.5.10 Preposition of Materials ..................................................

B. Conceptual Framework.....................................................................................

CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH ........................................................ 25

A. Research Design ............................................................................................ 25

B. Source of the Data ......................................................................................... 25

C. Technique of Collecting the Data ................................................................. 25

D. Technique of Analyzing the Data .................................................................. 25




A. The Background of Study

Language is an indicator of human civilization. It is the primary instrument in our life.

Language is important in daily activities. The principal function of language is transmission

of information. Without language, the people cannotmake a relationship between the others.

Language is an important thing in a society, every one to be a member in society. In other

words, there is no activity without language, such as communicating, conveying or

exchanging ideas and other. People have the languag since they were born. A baby gets the

language from his parents. It is called”mothertongue”. This language will be used as long as

his life. A child can understand a language because hears the people speaking in everyday


We use language not only for daily neccessities but also because if it is great concern

it field of sentence. Language has so many interrelationships with various aspect of human

life it can be studied from numerous point of view. It is natural hat there should be varieties

of language in the world. May be we cannot count the number of languages in the world.

Indonesia consists of thousands of islands and various ethnic groups who live there.

These ethnic groups who have their local language occupy these islands. One of the ethnic

groups in Indonesia is batak toba. They use batak toba language in their life especially the

people the people who live on Samosir Island.

Batak toba language is one of language of many tribes in Indonesia that need to be

developed, especially doe to the role of indonesia in tourism development. Indonesia tries to

defend the original of tradition the tribes. As one matter of the national culture. One of the
efforts to defend the original of tradition, the tribes is using the batak toba in daily

lifeespecially the batak toba.

English and batak toba of course are two different languages they have different

language backgrounds and different countries. Talking about language we have to talk about

structure. This research will analyze the comparison between English and batak toba, focused

in preposition cases in both languages, in order to give information about them. It is expected

will be helpful to learners by analyzing differences and similarities of language in order to

reduce learner’s difficulties in using constructions of those prepositions.

B. The Identification of the Problem

This research is identified as having relation to

1. The similarities of preposition in both languages, english and batak toba in terms of

formss, function and position and

2. The differences of preposition in both languages, english and batak toba in terms of

forms, function and position.

C. The Scope and limitation of the Research

This research is limited to comparison of the similarities that and differences between

english and batak toba abouth the functions, and position of the preposition.

D. The Formulation of the Problem

The formulation of the problem:

what are the similarities and the differences of preposition of english and batak toba?
E. The Objective of the Study

The objectives of the research are:

1. To describe the similarities of preposition in english and batak toba preposition, in

terms of form, function and position.

2. To describe the differences of preposition in english and batak toba.

F. The Significance of the Study

Findings of study are expected to be useful for:

1. The learners to have a board study in terms of linguistics by comparing the subject

matters in english and batak toba.

2. Those who are interested in of studying of speech both in english and batak toba.

3. Other researchers as an initial reference to conduct further language researchers.



A. Theoritical Framework

1. Description of Constractive Preposition

In supporting the ideas of analysis, the researcher has used some books that are relevant

the topic and giving large constribution in writing this thesis. Some important theories that

support the complection of this thesis are quoted some books, those are:

Thomson (1986: 197) says, “ A preposition is word placed before a noun of pronoun to

show the relationship to the rest of the sentence. Murpy (1987: 15) says that “ The use of

language” “came first” there is no doubt that a principal function of language is transmission

of information”

George E. Wishon (1980: 288) mentions that “Noun of pronouns always follows

preposotiona. They are connective word that shows relationship between the nouns following

them and one of basic sentence elements, subject, verbs, object, or compliment,”

Wedhawaty (1990: 105-110) says “Prepositions is called tembung ancer-ancer means that

or relates of one word to another word”. B.A Pytian (1990: 109)says that “Preposition is

word with a noun or noun equivalent, e.g. a ponoun or gerund to denote the noun’s

relationship to some other word”.

1.1 Preposition in English

The word preposition is delivered from the Latin preposition pare means before and

position means place. So prepotsition means placing before. Preposition is to relate a noun or

pronoun to another word or to the rest the sentence.

Many people define prepositions differently, according o how they think to show it.

Wishon and Burks (1980: 108) give the explanation about the prepositions. “preposition are

always followed by nouns or pronouns. They are connective words that show the relationship

between the nouns following them and one of the nouns following them and one of the basic

sentence elements: subject, verb, object or complement”.

Prepositions have the influence on the sense of the text. The meaning of the sentence is

different if the prepositions are different if the prepositions are different too. We can see it in

the following sentence.

 A motorcycle bought by reza

 A motorcycle bought to reza

May be the first sentence means that reza buys the motorcycle for someone or for his

self. The second sentence means that reza gets the motorcycle from someone that the

she bought for reza. We see above, the sentence have different meanings just by

changing the preposition that produce.

1.2 Forms of Preposition

In this research, the reseacher wants to explain of brief as the form of prepositions.

1.2.1 simple preposition

simple preposition is a word that consist of a single word and is often used. Such

as : at, of, in, on, for, from, by, with, to, till, over, since, under, through, above,

down, up, across, into, within, opposite, like, again, and near.

1.2.2 Double preposition

Double preposition are words that adding with other word and then get the new

meaning in preposition.
1.2.3 compound preposition

compoun preposition is a word that made from noun, adjectie or adverb, that is

compounded with preposisi “be”(= by) or “a” (=on)

Example: accross (on cross), long, amidst (on middle), behind), about, aboove),

before, amongst, below), beneth, beside, besides, between, beyond.

1.2.4 Marginal or participle prepositions

In particular, some prepositions are derived from verbs. The role: participle + ing like

considering, concerning, regarding, boring, referring, and respecting. These are called verbal


For example:

Preposition: including their house, they have to move now.

Verb: I have been considering him as my brother.

1.2.5 Phrase or complex preposition

Phrase or complex preposition are word two or more that always arrange in a

word and the last word is single or simple preposition its called phrase preposition.

e.g.: because of, by means of, by reason of, for the purpose of, for the sake of, in consequence

of, in place of, in point of, in behalf of, in the event of.

1.3 Function of Preposition

The prepositions have the function of connectine a noun or pronoun another word,

usually a noun or pronoun to another word, usually a noun, verb or adjective.

For examples:

- The woman with long hair is beautiful

With connects hair with the noun woman

- He worked in the hospital

In connects hospitsl with verb worked

- She is happy for her sucsess

For connects sucsess with adjective happy.

1.4 Position of Preposition

1. In English, prepositionsare normally place before nouns or pronouns.

For examples: He sits beside her.

2. Preposition is laced right after the verb

For examples: Rani does not agree with the meta’s opinion.

3. Preposition is placed when an interrogative pronoun is the object of the

preposition with question word.

For examples: What are you looking at?

Also in informal questions: what about?

4. A preposition placed at the end of a clause that begins with an interrogative.

For examples: the company where I hire in my TV set from.

5. In the beginning of the sentences.

For examples: before go to the mountain, we have to prepare all of those we


6. Preposition is placedbefore gerund.

For examples: He left the hotel without paying the bill.

1.5 Types of Preposition in English

In this thesis the writer wants to classify the types of preposition based on their


1.5.1 preposition of place and position

1. over

Over means that something at the higher that the top of some other thing.

e.g. The clock over the cupboard.

2. Above

Above means that felt to be indirectly higher than, or right a point.

e.g. A place which is 1000 metres above sealevel must be very cold.

3. Under

Under means that lower than a point, but we prefer under when something is hidden

or covered by what is over it.

e.g. you should not stand under a tree in a thunderstorm.

4. Below

We use below when one thing is felt to be indirectly “lower than” or right under a


5. Near

Near means a neighboring pint.

e.g. My college near the market.

6. next to

e.g. Their house is right next to my house.

7. Beside

Beside means at the of, ‘next to ‘ a person or thing.

e.g. The old man sits beside her.

Why is the girl standing beside you?

8. Between

Between means that if there are two of persons or things positioned around a


e.g. His shop between the library and the hospital.

9. Around

This preposition means one thing is encicling (wholly or partially)

e.g. I’II be here around 06:00 o’clock.

10. Up-Down

Up means higher position , down otherwise

e.g. We can run up the hill.

11. Behind-in front of.

Behind means on the rear of in front of otherwise

e.g. I was standing behind you.

1.5.2 Preposition of Direction

1. Across

Across means from one side to another side of

e.g. Our office is across from/ opposite “Sahid Tours”.

2. To- From

“from” refers to starting point or source of something.

e.g. I live close to the center of town.

3. Into – Out of

Into refers to something entering the interior of an object of otherwise.

e.g. He walked into the pub with a large smile on list is face.

He tools some money out of the bag.

4. Through

Means entering on one side until going out on the other side.

e.g. If you go from San Francisco to Marin Country you’II pass through the Golden

Gate Bridge.

5. Toward – Away from

Toward means in the direction, of away from means leaving destination or

other object.

e.g. Building vocabulary is the firs step towards improving your English.

As the bus speed toward Tanah lot, the tourist prepares their camera.

6 . Past (or by)

Past has the sense of moving straight from on- side of something to the other side without

stopping or touching.
7. On

On means something lands that contact with the surface or an object.

e.g. I took a cake, on the plate.

1.5.3 Preposition of Time

1. In

In is indicating time abd usually combined with centuries, years, months, and seasons

and for longer period of time.

e.g. I was born in July

The independent of Indonesia in 1945

2. On

On is combined days of the week and castes.

e.g. I went to Museum on Sunday

His birthday on November 16

3. At

At indicates a point of time.

e.g. I don;t like eating at night.

They usually go to the office at 7 o’clock.

4. Within

Gives a quantity if time before which something will happen.

e.g. I can waiting for you within an hour from now.

5. By

Implies no later than the given point of time should go by Sunday.

6. After

After following in time

e.g. We should back home after nine.

7. About

About is used of time an order.

e.g. May be, Rani will come about 8 o’clock.

8. Before

Before is used of time and order.

e.g. You can come to my house at any time beforw 5 o’clock. Can you go first before


9. During

During means through the duration of.

e.g. The lamp give us light during the night.

10. From-to, until.

Indicates the time began and the end point with to. If only theend point is given until


e.g. The course open from 19.00 am to 21.00 pm.

She can’t wait him until 8 o’clock.

11. Since

Indicates he beginning point.

e.g. A lot of things have changed since the last time we spoke.

12. For

Give quantity of time.

e.g. They lived in Medan for twenty one years.

Sara learned English for several months.

1.5.4 Preposition of Manner or Instrument

1. By

e.g. She will go to the school by motorcycle.

They do the work by them self.

2. With

e.g. I gone the hospital with my friend.

I’II make the soup with my hands.

3. In

e.g. Mona was watching television in the living room.

The man in the shop is my brother.

4. Like

Like indicates manner.

e.g. Veny loves eating like her aunty.

He always do the best like his father.

1.5.5 Preposition of Purpose and Reason.

1. For

e.g. Fresh fruit is very good for our skin.

She spends her time just for story.

2. Because of.

e.g. All of people loves him because of his kindness.

1.5.6. Preposition of Identification

1. With

e.g. The woman with long dress is candidate of cat walk.

Her sister with shorth hair is a principal.

2. At

e.g. The chair at the corner is my place.

3. In

e.g. The boy in the black hair is her husband.

4. On

e.g. The school on the third floor is dirty.

1.5.7. Preposition of Possesion

1. The members of the fitness club have to pay the administration.

The chief justice of the Supreme Court should be a wise.

1.5.8. Preposition of Agent.

1. By

e.g. The Monce was painted by prefossionsl person.

1.5.9. Preposition of Distance

1. For

e.g. I’ve live in Solo for eight years now.

1.5.10. Preposition of Materials.

1. With

e.g. I fill plate with rice.

2. From

e.g. The chair is made from plastic.

3. Of

e.g. Some medicine consist of chemical compound.

2 Batak Toba of Preposition

2.1 Forms of Prepositions

Preposition in Batak Toba language may be divided into four parts:

2.1.1. Prepositions

2.1.2. Prepositions

2.1.3. Preposition

2.1.4. Preposition

2.2 Function of Preposition.

The function of Batak Toba preposition is to relate to another word in a

sentence. It can be a noun or pronoun, adjective and verb.

For example:

1. Meta laho tu sekolah.

Meta goes to school.

Preposition tu conects sekolah with the verb ‘laho’

2. Lomo rohaku tu ho
She loves you
Preposition tu connects ho with the adjective rohaku.

3. Borua i ro sian Medan

The girl is from Medan.
Preposition han connects Medan with the noun Borua.

Beside that the prepositions in Batak Toba have the function as the indicator of the
subject. As we know in Batak Toba there are

2.3 Position of Preposition.

In Batak Toba position of preposition are various
1. Preposition placed before noun
For example:
Riko rap ahu lao tu market
Riko and I go to market.

2. Prepositions placed after verb.

For example:

Imana taong dape ro alana marsahit

She is not coming because sick.

3. The beginnning of the sentence

For example:

Through this way my request can be succesful.

4. In the interrogative pronoun.

For example:


Where will you go?


What for?
2.4 Types of prepositions in Batak Toba.

The researcher wants to explain abouth the prepositions that are often used in

daily life and based on their meaning.

2.4.1 Prepositions of Time


indicate the certain in time span.

For examples:

On Ramadhan, all of the moeslems are fasting.


For example:

Since yesterday, my stomach hurts.


For example:

The price of meat is very exvensive around of Idul Fitri.

2.4.2 Preposition of Place

2.4.3 Preposition of Instrument or Manner

2.4.4 Preposition of Purpose

2.4.5 Preposition of Reason

2.4.6 Preposition of Direction

2.4.7 Preposition of Quantity

2.4.8 Preposition of Material

2.4.9 Preposition of Thingg or Matter.

2.4.10 Preposition of Participation

2.4.11 Prepositions of Agents.

B. Concepcual Framework

A preposition is relation of function words that connects a lexical words, use a

noun or pronoun, or syntactic contraction, to another element of the sentence,

as to verb, as to a noun, or an adjective.

In english of prepositions consist of simple prepositions, complex

prepositions and marginl prepositions. The prepositions have the function of

connecting a noun or pronoun to another word, usually a noun verb or

adjective position of preposition consisted of six position and there is nine

types of prepositions.

In Batak Toba forms of preposition consist of prepositions.

Prepositions and preposition. The function of Batak Toba is relate a word to

another word in sentence. It can be a noun or pronoun, adjective and verb

positions in Batak Toba consist of four positions and there are twelve of

prepositions in Batak Toba.



A. Research Design

The research used descriptive qualitative design. It means that this study was collected the

description of English and Batak Toba preposition then library research will be used.

Whereas, the researcher was used descriptive qualitative technique to describe the differences

and similarities between English and Batak Toba preposition in term of forms, function and


B. Source of the data

As a library research, the data was collected from several boooks of English and Batak

Toba languages that contain the materials that related with the preposition case in each

language in the library. The main source of data in this story was collected from several

English and Batak Toba boooks, namely: Modern English by Marcella Frank and Tata

Bahasa Batak Toba, dictionary and other books of both languages that help the writer.

C. Technique for Collecting Data

The researcher collected the data by using descriptive analysis method, because the

researcher wants to compare of each sub element and find out some certain similarities and

dissimilarities of preposition between English and Batak Toba. In analazyngg the data the

following steps was used to apply.

1. Finding relating theory on the useof preposition in English and Batak Toba.

2. Identifying the forms, functions and positions of English and Batak Toba prepositions.
3. Finding similarities and dissimilarities between two languages in term of forms,

function andpositions by making example in sentence.

4. Describing similarities and dissimilarities of English and Batak Toba prepositions to

make conclusion.

D. Technique for Analyzing the Data

After collecting the data, the writer elaborated the step to analyze the data, the following

steps were taken in analyze the data:

1. Collecting the data; preposition in English and Batak Toba.

2. Selecting the data; preposition in English and Batak Toba.

3. Identifying the data; preposition in English and Batak Toba.

4. Tabulating the data; preposition in English and Batak Toba.


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Burton, S. H. (1982). Mastering English Language. Hongkong: The Macmilan Press Ltd.

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Martinet and Thomson. 1968. A Practical English Grammar. Oxford University Press.

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Sinaga, Anicetus B. 2002. Tata Bahasa Batak Toba. Medan

Surjadi H, Jhon dkk. 1986. Acurate Brief and Clear. Indah: Surabaya

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Nama : Ristami Sinurat

NPM : 1002050500
Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Nama Pembimbing : Dra. T. Winona Emelia, M.Hum

Tanggal Materi bimbingan Paraf Keterangan

Medan, May 2014

Diketahui Oleh: Dosen Pembimbing

Ketua Program Studi Proposal
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Hj. Dewi Kesuma Nst, SS, M.Hum Mandra Saragih S,Pd.M.Hum

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