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Lightning flashed across the sky at just the moment the door to the tavern opened.

The regular patrons of the Twisted Goat looked up from their dice games, evening
meal, drinks, or whatever else occupied their attention on a rainy Mordheim night.
Some gasped, but the old-timers just smiled as they recognized the dark-
cloaked figure that slid in the door, shutting the storm out behind him as he
closed the creaking door. "Old friend," Xhil called out, "Welcome back. What
can I get you?" "A bowl of your spiciest Lustrian stew, chili I believe you
called it. And a flagon of ale," came the reply as the newcomer made his way back
to the bar. A deformed hand reached out to catch Xhil's arm as the halfling turned
to go to the kitchen. "Make that two flagons, since I am sure your throat will
become parched from telling me of all I have missed." Xhil just smiled, "Well,
you've missed so much, Lupos, I better get us two each..." The tall, cloaked
stranger turned to survey the room. Those that dared stare into the recess of his
hood were greeted by eyes that appeared human to some, and animal to others. Lupos
reached up with misshapen hands, covered in a fine gray fur, and pushed the cloak
back from his face. Though his features bore a passing similarity to human,
there were startling differences as well. His long gray hair hung back from his
head, revealing a man's face with a wolf's muzzle. Lupos grinned at the open-
mouthed stares on the faces of some of the tavern's patrons. It was not a
completely comforting grin, and more than one thought it more fearsome than
friendly. Xhil came back around the bar, and led the man-wolf to a corner booth.
"Here we can talk, and you can tell me where you have been hiding all this
time," he said as he placed the steaming bowl of chili on the table, with four
large mugs of foamy dwarven ale beside them. Xhil looked on, bemused, as Lupos
put his face down to the bowl of chili, and didn't raise it until the bowl had been
licked clean. Without stopping to take a breath, Lupos downed one of the mugs of
ale, and half of a second. "Ahhhhhh! Xhil, as always, your meals are without
equal. And you spoke truth when you said two tankards would not be sufficient."
Xhil beamed at the praise, though he teased, "You liked the chili.
Interesting, since I'd have sworn you did not even take the time to taste it!"
Lupos looked at the halfling. "You spoke verily as well when you asked where
have I been hiding, for indeed I have been hunted through the very streets of this
accursed city, and beyond as well. But now I am back, and wish to catch up on the
fates of my friends." "Very well, but you cannot leave me hanging. Anything that
can hunt you must be fearsome indeed..." "Yes," Lupos responded shortly, "But you
will forgive me if I do not indulge your curiosity tonight. I have traveled far to
come home, such as it is, and would rather sit and enjoy your companionship without
giving thought to the past few months. But I give you my word, friend, that you
will know what has transpired, though you may with you had remained ignorant."
"Never," replied the halfling cook, "Though your tale be terrible and
terrifying, I wish to know what has befallen you, for friendship is stronger than
fear. But, until you are ready, I shall tell you of the past few months at the
Goat, and what few months they've been." And far into the night, indeed into the
following morning, the patrons of the Twisted Goat were treated to a remarkable
sight - a halfling and a man-wolf, seated in the corner of the tavern, with the
wolf alternately roaring with laughter and growing serious as his host shared his
stories, and his ale...

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