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SOAPSTone Graphic Organizer

Title of Piece:

The general topic, content,

and ideas contained in the
Subject text. What is this piece

The time and place of the

Occasio piece; the current situation
n or context which gave rise to
the writing or speech.

The group of readers to

whom this piece is directed.
The audience may be one
Audien person, a small group, or a
ce large group. What qualities,
beliefs, or values do the
audience members have in

The reason behind the text.

What does the speaker,
Purpos writer, or filmmaker want the
e audience to do, feel, say or
choose? In literature, we call
this the theme of the piece.

The voice that tells the story,

Speake or in nonfiction, the author.
What do we know about the
r writer’s life and views that
shape this text?

What choice of words and

use of rhetorical devices let
you know the speaker’s
Tone tone? Is the tone light-
hearted or deadly serious?
Mischievous or ironic?
PELIDS Template

Examples (what?) Description (how?) Effect

Locate examples Provide a few strong What was the
of emotional adjectives to author’s reason for
appeals in the describe HOW the using pathos here?
passage/selectio writer/speaker Is it effective?
n creates the
emotional appeal
Locate examples Provide a few strong What was the
where the author adjectives to author’s purpose for
uses the describe HOW the using ethos here? Is
strength of writer/speaker it effective?
his/her character creates the sense of
as an appeal trustworthiness
Locate examples Provide a few strong What was the
where the author adjectives to author’s reason for
uses logic as an describe HOW the using logic here? Is
appeal. Look writer/speaker it effective?
especially for creates the logic of
cause/effect the argument
Locate examples Explain the What was the
Reasoning wherein the premises and author’s purpose for
author argues conclusion; are the using inductive
from specifics to premises valid? Is reasoning here? Is it
the general. the conclusion valid? valid/effective?

Locate examples Explain the What was the
Reasoning wherein the premises and author’s purpose for
author argues conclusion; are the using deductive
from a general premises valid? Is reasoning here? Is it
point to a the conclusion valid? valid/effective?

Locate implicit Explain the X
or explicit premises and
syllogisms. conclusion.

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