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Appendix 1

Year Level: 7 Time: 9:10 Date: Students’ Prior Knowledge:

Learning Area: Health and Physical Education - Handball basics

- Use of iPad’s
- Spider scribe
Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum
Moving our body: Practise, apply and transfer movement
concepts and strategies with and without
equipment (ACPMP082)

Learning through movement: Practise and apply personal

and social skills when undertaking a range of roles in
physical activities (ACPMP086)

General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)

Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
competence creative thinking behaviour Social understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
histories and cultures
Proficiencies:(Mathematics only)
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)

As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

 Recall all key teaching points for a handball.
 Use iPad to add to their own spider scribe brain storm

Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:

Need to book iPads Injured players will be able to use the iPad and use the
Open up spider scribe on the computer coach’s eye app.

- iPads
- footballs
- makers
- projector
LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)
Assessment of Lesson Objective and Suggestions for Improvement:
1. Was the instructional objective met?
2. Did students archive the attended tasks?
3. Were the lesson objectives clearly defined?
4. Were the students productively engaged? How do I know?


Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:

1. Were the students productively engaged? How do I know?
2. Did I change my plan as I taught the lesson? Why?
3. What additional assistance, support, and/or resources would have further enhanced this lesson?
4. If I had the opportunity to teach the lesson again to the same group of students, would I do anything differently?
What? Why?

[OFFICIAL USE ONLY] Comments by classroom teacher, HOPP, supervisor:

LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant)

Time Motivation and Introduction:

Today lesson we will be covering some handball drills again, as well as use
the iPads to help us with brainstorming the lesson.

What are some key teaching points of a handball? (ask individual students).

Handball teaching points

• Ball on platform hand.
• Stand nearly side on to allow the punching arm to swing through freely
• Keep knees slightly bent to maintain balance.
• Swing arm like elephants trunk.
• Hit with a flat thumb side of clenched fist - thumb on outside the fingers for
• Follow through in the direction of the target; “catch the fist”.

9:15 Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):

Bridging organisation: students will help the teacher make a square 10

steps by 10 steps. There will be 3 cones on each corner. Other students sit
inside square ready to hear game instructions.

Warm up
Handball Tag
All players begin inside the marked area.
Players A, B & C must ‘tag’ the other
players by handballing the ball within the
square and touching them with the ball.
The ‘tagging’ players can only run when
they do not have the ball and must
therefore attempt to corner the free
players. Once a player is tagged they join
the ‘tagging’ team. This continues until all
players are tagged.
Teaching points
 Free players must use their evading skills to keep clear of tagging
 Tagging players must concentrate on hitting their target when
handballing and move the ball quickly


9:30 Bridging organisation: instruct students to leave cones and teacher

demonstrates the placement of the cones and then demonstrates hot
peppers activity. Prior to this placement open up football bag, so when they
get the footballs it is more efficient.

Activity 1
Hot Peppers

9:40 Bridging organisation: instruct students place the outer cones back one the
corner cones and line up with their group between the cones.

Activity 2
In pairs, one child stands outside
the square and the other inside
the square with a ball. Children
run in different directions and, on
the whistle, the inside child finds
his/her partner. Once together,
the children start throwing the
ball to each other, catching it on
their chest 10 times (five times
each). Children sit down when
finished. Children swap roles
and, for variation, are instructed
to skip, hop, leap and so on.


9:55 Bridging organisation: students will be instructed to bring in all the cones
and balls to allocate spot and head back into the classroom.

Activity 3
Brains storm key teaching points

Open spider scribe onto the projector and ask the students to open their
brainstorms on the iPads. Ask students for what are the main KTP’s or lesson
point they got out of the lesson today. Once they give them to you can write
them to help guide the discussion.


10:05 Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)

Once students have finished the lesson reflection they may get ready for next
class. Get the first few students to help pack up sports equipment.

10:10 Transition:

Need to collect up all the iPads and put away the sports equipment.


The assessment will be formative from the spider scribe activity.

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