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Page 1

Introduction~ What and When this website is about. 4,000,000,000 B.C.~ Prologue: A brief introduction to Sol
system, and the history of the moon. 6,000,000 B.C. to 70,000 B.C. The '1st Earth' of the Titan's, Giants, and
God's/Goddess's. Early Earth, early life, early humans. The 5 chromatic adaptations of Humanity ~ The 5
Adam's and Eve's.

Page 2

70,000 B.C. to 53,000 B.C. Lemuria! Geography, location, technology and civilization. The first civilization of
modern humanity. Earth's first sciences. Spiritual sciences. How Lemuria's disasters lead to a relationship with

Page 3

70,000 B.C. to 53,000 B.C.~Atlantis, the continental size version. Atlantis, the original 'superpower'. The other
continents and landmasses of Earth of this time period: Crescent Africa, Gobi (Cathay), Hyperborea, The
island continent of Sa-id (future India). The original 'Greenland'.

Page 4

70,000 B.C. to 53,000 B.C. This island Earth, the 2nd Earth. The land of the Giants, and Gods/Goddesses!
The Giants of Yore, men of reknown. All life forms are much larger in these early time periods.

Page 5

53,000B.C. to 52,010 B.C.~Ragnorak, the original! The 'bombing', break up and sinking of Lemuria! This event
triggers other cataclysmic Earth changes, including the first sinking and destruction of Atlantis!

Page 6

48,000 B.C.~The Recovery of Atlantis and of the Earth! The downsized 'new' Atlantis and the other 'new'
nations of Earth, and the high technology of this time period. Atlantean and global politics begin leading to
national aggression! Discussion of the Earth changes of this time period.

Page 7

28,500 B.C.~Misuse of high technology starts a chain of events that leads to a horrific world war! The
extremely destructive weapons used in this global war triggers an extinction level planetary catastrophe, The
Great Flood as recorded in many written and oral traditions of Earth! The 2nd destruction and sinking of
Atlantis happens in events just prior too and during the Great Flood. As the Great Flood recedes, only 7
'remnant' islands of Atlantis resurface above the ocean waters of a new world, which has been wiped clean of
all of what was.

Page 8

28,000 B.C.-18,000 B.C.~(Another) Recovery of the Earth, starting with the main survivor and his family, a
man called Noah! Descriptions of these new Earth changes, and further understandings of the Great Flood!
Also, the event called The Tower of Babel, and a new weather phenomona called rainbows! The rebuilding of
'The Nation of Atlantis (of the 7 islands)'. Other world powers of the time also rebuild, including a place
called Bharata (India) and two of it's Holy Men, one called Rama and later, Sri Bhagavan Krishna!

Page 9

The Earth, geography, nations and technology of 10,250 B.C. More on Sri Bhagavan Krishna. Atlantean
experimentations and technology begin to be used for aggressive reasons. The nations of Earth re-arm

Page 10

Shots fired at Greece of 10,001 B.C. lead up to another global war, this one waged with nuclear, atomic, sonic,
thought, mantra and other horrific weapons. The global mass destruction rained upon the Earth and upon
humanity again triggers massive Earth changes. Atlantis, itself triggering a lot of the destruction of the war, is
in turn horrifically bombed. The earth under Atlantis, losing stability during the destruction, causes the '7
Islands of Atlantis' to sink beneath the sea, to be wiped clean. The wiped clean small remnants of the '7
islands' we know today as Bimini and the Bahama's, Bermuda, The Azores, and the Canary islands. India loses
it's (previously larger) west and south east coasts after the end of the war. Other massive Earth changes,
started by humanities destructiveness, occur as well.-

Page 11

The rise of the 'remnant' civilizations of 9,000B.C. to 500 B.C. Why these remnant civilizations (and their
knowledge) were in turn lost to us. The 'karma' of Atlantis: how Atlantis (and others of Earth's high
civilizations) came to be not remembered at all, except as a myth! The dangerous electric aurora's, storms and
radiation of 9,000-5,000 B.C. How the remaining larger animals, and giant humans of Earth, were lost

Page 12

Present Day~The real ongoing 'war' of this Earth: The Nature and reason of cyclical inteligence, civilizations,
and technology that have come and gone on this Earth (and Solar system)! A PRESENT AND FUTURE
life and Spirituality, and why we must be able to expand and finally fly ("colonization with permission") free
from Earth if we choose (with the help of the Saints and other evolved beings)

Page 13

The Sciences continued and references.

Science Interlude:

Origins of Earth's impact craters.

About 90% of the impact craters on Earth, are not from Meteors. Most impact craters are from very high
technology weapons (including crystalline atomics)~ used in the last cataclysmic 'doomsday war' of 10,000
B.C. to 9,399 B.C.
Part 1


"All Religions end up in the Kitchen". "You have to conquer the last enemy, which begins with a 'D'." "If you
have an Immortal soul and a mortal body, I think you have a lousy deal", (A hint at deeper sciences)." From
Adano Ley*, on Longevity Lifestyles.

2012: our 'Cosmic jail sentence' ends ~


ॐ -

Om, Amen, Amin

{Ásato ma sád gamaya

Támaso ma jyótir gamaya
Mrtyór mamrtam gamaya} (x2)

Narayanaya vidmahe vasudevaya dhimahi

Tanno vishnu prachoyat
Narayanaya vidmahe vasudevaya

Om shanti shanti shanti

Om shanti shanti shanti
Om shanti shanti shanti

Om adityaya namaha
Om adityaya namaha
Om adityaya namaha

Ásato ma sád gamaya

Támaso ma jyótir gamaya
Mrtyór mamrtam gamaya,
Aum Narayanaya vidmahe, Vasudevaya dhimahi, tanno Vishnu prachodayat,
Jñanani manasa saha
Buddhis ca na vicestate
Tam ahua paramam gatim (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad)

Prayer: English Translation

Om ~Amen~Amin

{From delusion lead me to the truth

From darkness lead me to the light
From death lead me to immortality} (x2)

We meditate on The Creative/Intelligence that became her/his own creation

May his/her Supremeness guide us
We meditate on Beingness acting on Beingness, and bow to Beingness acting on Consciousness, The Christ.

Aum, peace, peace, peace (Peace be upon you)

Aum, peace, peace, peace
Aum, peace, peace, peace

Salutations to the Son of the cosmic Father/Mother

Salutations to the Son of the cosmic Father/Mother
Salutations to the Son of the cosmic Father/Mother

From delusion lead me to Truth. From the darkness lead me into Thy light, From death lead me to Immortality.
He who knows both knowledge and action, with action overcomes death and with knowledge reaches
immortality. In him are woven the sky and the earth and all the regions of the air, and in him rest the mind and
all the powers of life. Know him as the ONE and leave aside all other wor(L)ds. He is the bridge of immortality.
Beyond the senses is the mind, and beyond the mind is reason, its essence.
Beyond reason is the Spirit in man, and beyond this is the Spirit of the Universe, the evolver of all. When the
five senses and the mind are still, and reason itself rests in silence, then begins the path Supreme. And when He
is seen in his immanence and transcendence, then the ties that have bound the heart are unloosend, the doubts
of the mind vanish, and the law of Karma works no more.maps below and throughout the site.


What this web site is: An introduction to the Timing of events on this planet in which high knowledge was
gained, then lost. Main time frame of events: 6,000,000 B.C. to present day.
This website tries to be as Accurate as known~ possible. The intent of this website is to Awaken, to
remember, and to know the joy of remembering~Cosmic Continuity. And finally, being Awake, we want to
resolve, transmute, and transcend the ignorance which has held us.nts and/or civilizations found within:

Atlantis, Lemuria, Africa, Oz, Og, Ur, Gobi/Cathay/Serica/Mongolia/China, Sa~id/India/Bharata/Rama Empire,

Hyperborea/Cimmeria/Ultima Thule, Australia, the America's, Sundaland are all names that once existed here.

Human Ignorance (of all era's) can be said to be a 'Karmic feedback' of misuses of past High Knowledge,
technology, thought, powers, and civilizations.

World War 3, Armageddon, Ragnorak, and the Apocalypse, etc. have already happened as past events, (not as a
'future history' {God/dess Bless us All}~).

Three times since 52.010 B.C we have almost destroyed our home, the Earth. This explains our collective
(and perhaps horrid) fascination with 'end time' themes, arising from the collective subconscious. Sizeable
losses of knowledge about human continuity of this Earth were the result of past destructive behaviour. The
'reasons behind the reasons' why we became destructive, ignorant, and 'lost our (collective) memory' will be
covered on pages 12 and 13. Artists, writers, video makers and other creative types have brought forth some
reconstruction of what was, yet these ideas are presented mostly as fiction. So many intelligent beings of
those 3 past destructive time periods perished that the handfulls of survivors, struggling just to live, forgot the
glittering golden cities and technologies of what was. The last destructive period of 10,000-9,400 B.C. was the
worst, since humanity and the Earth had not yet fully healed from the previous Global destruction (28,500
B.C), otherwise known as the Great Flood.

Human collective memory being traumatized has allowed forgetfullness to reign, until now. Since 5,000 B.C.
surviving libraries and other sources of information of our past have been vandalized and destroyed, and artifacts
of those times repressed by intent. Most important of all there is the outside cyclical influence that needs to be
understood and mastered, which is described in the back pages of this site. Mastery, defined loosely here, is an
inner individual evolutionary processes, as well as an outer collective one.

Human history is a subset of (and dependant upon) intellect and deeper understandings of the Original
Physics of this Universe. The Original Physics (or Operating Protocal) was non other than what call a
Spiritual One. Human intellect in this Solar system has followed not a linear and rising pattern, but rather a
cyclical one. During the last 100,000 revolutions of Earth around it's parent Sun there have been spectacular
'highs' of human(oid) development and civilizations, and also immense periods of ignorance and
suffering. When understanding and intellect have been periodically reduced, collective misapplied decisions
resulted in planetary destructiveness through misuse of the high technology these civilizations had. Also
misused were the human powers of evolution, which we are re~discovering. This Earth and the Carbon based
beings that arise up here are not the only beings in the Solar system. All who reside in this Solar system are
affected by the elliptical orbit that this Solar system and it's twin go through every 24,000 cycles. *See the
below Mars link for the four original intelligences in this Solar System, and go to the back page here for other

Synchronizations of 'Recent' History: An exploration of the 'When'.

The most recent era of low and struggling intelligence was called the Iron Age, or Dark Ages. Medieval times.
---> Mid~evil. Middle of the lowest cycle. Events of this era are recorded as best as possible considering the
developments of civilization then, and are within the collective consciousness of human memory. What has
been thought mythical however, are the highest peaks of human development called the Golden era's, further
back in what we call linear time. There have been four 'crashes' and one severe decline of knowledge during
the last 650,000 revolutions of Earth around the sun. All four of this planetary crashes were the result of global
war. We did indeed bomb ourselves back to to 'Stone Age'. Past civilizations have risen, stabilized, and then
declined or disintegrated outright, very rapidly. Destructiveness was/is caused by the misuse of: thought,
sound, light, magnetics, and other unrediscovered processes, and triggered severe land mass alterations which
include continental sinkings (and risings) that are described in legends of traditional peoples around the Earth!
As an example (partially described by Plato), the '3rd'* Atlantean period of war and destruction triggered a
final sinking of Atlantis. Once a continental size land mass, Atlantis shrunk (over 3 different cataclysmic
events) until it was completely destroyed (as both a nation and a continent), and sunk off the world map!

Humanity and all other life (Consciousness) evolves (or 'moves') in an eternal process, at these more 'manifest'
levels of Creation. We are 're-evolving', rising again, after 'descending' from several advanced Human* Earth
civilizations! Prior high Earth civilizations include Atlantis, Lemuria, Gobi (Cathay), India <then known as
(Bharata) or (Said) or (the Rama empire)>, Hyperborea, Cimmeria, Africa plus a few others, including non
human ones! These prior continents and civilizations, and our present day world our only separated by a thin
veil of ignorance. Our thin veil of ignorance and forgetfulness was caused by planetary war resulting in
massive destruction of knowledge and collective trauma (that signaled the end of these prior era's) and which
are described in the following pages. Physical evidence of advanced civilizations does exist, and some of
evidence will be described on Page 12.

After the When of these past human and Earth events, the next question is Why? Is there some deeper
understanding of the Cyclical nature of these past, present, (and future) events? A partial answer, on page 12,
describes the great Yuga cycles of this Solar system, and the link to cyclical intellectual development here.

Science Interlude: Shifting Gravi~magnetics and many polar shifts.

Synchronizations: N~E~W~S Points of the compass and poles of the Earth; explanations of the differences
between past and present.

Our current 4 directions of the compass of north, east, west and south have not always described geophysical
references as we know them now. Earth's poles have shifted several times since 650,000 B.C. and Earth's
rotation has been offset, or completely turned over/around at least a few times during the same time span. For
the sake of simplicity here, all geophysical directional references of our collective past will be described in
'todays' directions of the compass. The north and south of Atlantis as described in the next pages would not
have been called 'north' and 'south' by the Atlanteans in those time periods, as the world's north, south,
equator, and planetary rotations were different than present day.

Map of the Earth circa @ 875,000 B.C.

Atlantis (Earth) History, Lemuria Her~story, and Earth {Our~story}.

6,000,000,000 B.C. to 4,500,000,000 B.C.

Prologue: Sol System: Early Terra ~ from ~

*Note, this early history segment on this website only describes the early history of Terra (Earth), and

~~~How the Earth gained it's Moon (scroll below).~~~

6,000,000,000 B.C. to 4,500,000,000 B.C.~ Creation, Build 1.0, a time of relative peace (after the initial Solar
and planetary creation process).

From out of the Unmanifest a Spark comes forth, That which ignites what will become this Universe. The
ignition process in a sense contained an 'error': the light of Consciousness, and the shadow of which:
which has not been endowed with the Same Conciousness. The Cosmic shadows were and are envious of the
Consciousness that comes with the Spark, and 'heaven and hell' have been warring ever since. *See <t.b.a.>.

In the beginning, First came the separation of Yang: arising out of Yin through Sonic pressurization,
precipitating out the first physical element~ Hydrogen (Divine Desire). The Desire for Creaation
(Brahma) led to fusion, which began to build the other lighter elements. The Yang element Hydrogen
combined with Consciousness (Oxygen) and thus Hydro generation (water) came into physical existance. All
these lighter elements in turn were processed through millenia of early super nova's which generated heavier
elements. In turn more Cosmic process such as exotic super nova's, pulsars, white dwarfs, neutron stars and
black (w)holes, to name a few, briefly generated the more exotic high end elements, up to element 144.

Terra, prior to 4,500,000,000 B.C. was a hot, rocky, dryer and larger planet with a methane/argon atmosphere,
which supported non carbon/silicon based life. Terra was then in a closer orbit around the sun, in between
where Venus and Mercury are now.

Terra was moonless, as were all the planets then in our Solar system. Intelligent life came to be, and on
certain planets in this Solar system, civilizations flourished.

Jupiter had the first intelligent life, followed by Uranus having the first 'peak' civilization. Saturn had the next
apex of intelligence, yet at the same time Krypton, Aldaraan, and Maldek also achieved the highest flourishments
of both technology and Spirituality.

Early life was not interfered with.

Non interference ment just that, no involvement other than observation of any life forms or their activities.

The non carbon based life that very long ago was indigenous to this planet, was related to some of the other
non carbon based life forms <then> existing on other planets. After a time the original 3 of the 4 intelligent
life forms native to this system began to have disagreements and arguments among one another. When the
4th elemental Sol system native life form showed up, disagreements and arguments increased, and kept doing
so. The Seers of all formats in this long ago time 'saw' Carbon based forms becoming prevalent on a future
Earth, as well as other changes. This led to interference on and with the life forms already here.

4,500,000,000 B.C.~The Prime directive ~ "Non interference with developing life on Terra". ~ What the
promise was, how it was broken, and by 'whom'. See

The early arguments and 'interferences' among Sol system inhabitants went on for some time, waning and
waxing. Eventually this led to squirmishes, and these in turn led to planetary 'pot shots', which escalated into a
local war, then a Solar system wide war. When the system wide Solar war of the 4 billion B.C. period broke out,
all agreements were nullified, and the results eventually became catastrophic, with all planets affected.

<4,000,000,000 B.C. War and the original apocalypse.>

Krypton was attacked first, pushed out of it's orbit into an unstable elliptical orbit.

Then, a system wide Great War occcured, which eventually affected every planet. Before and during this very
real 'Star Wars', what would become Earths moon was an almost Earth size chunk of planet Maldek, then
existing as a much larger rocky type planet where the asteroid belt now is. Maldek, at least 5 times larger then
Earth, had its own inhabitants, cities, civilisation and industry. 'Star Wars' occured here in this Solar System
amongst ourselves. Maldek became targeted, and was destroyed.

When the active warfare ended, there was then the asteroid fields of 3 destroyed planets, plus blasted out
'chunks' of some of the other intact worlds, all these chunks adrift throughout the Solar system. These large
blasted planetoid chunks would over time wreak as much havoc as the Solar War that produced them.

3,750,000,000 B.C. ~ The Earth gains a moon.

When Maldek was destroyed, an Earth sized chunk of Maldek survived, containing half water (iced up ocean)
and half solid matter (a good portion of which was still 'hot' from both weaponry and being torn asunder from
what had been it's mother planet of Maldek),

Terra, in it's original orbit, was eventually hit by this large chunk of planet, pushing it out of it's previous orbit
to eventually settle in our present day orbit, and with a new atmosphere consisting much of water.

After the initial impact and the 'dumping' of the water, the other larger solid (and radioactive mass) bounced
off, and was then gravitationally captured into Earth orbit around 3,750,000 B.C., settling and reconfiguring
through orbital hot processes and then other bombardments into what we now call the Moon. It then began to
act as a 'Cosmic Shunt' (lightning rod) for the Earth, and attracted meteoroids and especially asteroids from
Maldek's and Krypton's destruction(s) that would have destroyed Earth entirely.

For an updated more detailed history of our own Solar System, take a look in depth at the history of Mars, the
Solar System and the Great Solar war ~ The original 'Star Wars'! Click on the red link below~!

What would be called Earth, reconfigured.

After the Solar war, beings of in system and 'out system' intelligences in certain time periods became very
involved with Earth. Even with the protections of the the planetary shard that would become Earth's moon, the
planet for a long time suffered large bombardment by asteroids; broken up pieces of 3 different planets in this
Solar system. By 1,000,000,000 B.C. the bombardment had for the most part stopped, and the planet
stabilized. <t.b.a.> With new life forms and elements seeded from asteroid and cometary bombardments, Earth
finally grew, and greatly did life flourish!

4,000,000,000 B.C. to 6,000,000 B.C. During this time, Earth was colonized not just once, but many times. Also
present were beings of 'Etheric form' that had a desire to try a physical form. Spirit and Nature decided at this
time that creation on this planet, with all its myriads of life of including animal, plant, and mineral, was not
enough. There needed to be sentient beings, bodies made of the most available element on the planet: Carbon,
with Silicon being the second element by mass.<tba>
And as Sol and the planets formed, the waters of Earth separated into above (Atmospheric canopy) and below
(the original 7 seas). And after this, cam the green cellular forms, later evolving into plant life somewhat as we
know today.
Then along came the Animals (animated elementals moving in an ongoing process). After the Animals came
along, the Elementals, E.T.'s of both exo and indo Sol system type (along with other involved beings) wanted
more life. Their desires (in this regard) synchronizing with higher Divine Will. All of the below was
experimental, but Divine Will wanted sentient Intuitive operational life forms (and always Will). The first
human type forms were Giants of the primordial largest type, with at times cyclopean vision (instead of
stereo), and their forms were more Sol~plasma based then chemical~elemental. 12 was the original plan for
the number of desired native life forms. This was condensed over a longer period of time to 7 perhaps 8
forms. The Creative powers then present took the seven planned formats, and using the animal forms which
were then present evolved~accelerated~created the sentient bodies as solid forms, further condensing into 5,
and over a longer time into the two primary forms we now see on or beneath this planet. The original forms:
Primate forms into human, reptiles into Reptoids (various and sundry types through a longer time period),
birds into the feathered wise beings, insects into Insectoids (Praying Mantis style as seen in some E.T.
abductions), aquatics in evolved Aquatics, plus 3 others. The 3 other evolved Form~mats did not make it out
of the formative phases of the original era's of evolution, as perceived by current angles of recognition. One of
these missing 3 would of course be a fiber format. The 2nd of the missing 3 was somewhat Sloth based.
In the Giant sized Earth of yore, way before world War(s) cataclysmically reduced it's size to what our current
planet is, all forms of life were giant, humans being no exception. Originally, the smallest human form was the
9 meter/28 foot (give or take a few feet/meter) "dwarf", while some of the largest humanoid type formats over
60 meters in height.
Some versions of the Koran and other Holy books describe a very tall Adam of perhaps 90 feet, depending on
interpretation/, these beings and civilizations had E.T. origins, yet became 'naturalized'. A few
remnant civilizations, colonies and suvivors of the 'Great Solar War' (see Mars link above) also settled here.

Listings of sentient life and intelligence(s) living on Earth prior to 4,600,000 B.C.

1) Giants Before 6,000,000 B.C., Giant Humanoids making their home on Earth were of E.T. origin yet
'became naturalized'. 6 fingers and toes were normal for their biology. Some races of modern humans, up and
until the last prior golden era and Global War of 10,000-9399 B.C. also had 6 or more toes and fingers. These
beings (prior to 275,000 B.C.) were very large, up to 35 meters (100 feet) high! Giants of this height existed at
least until 275,000 B.C., then with a war, 'downsizing' began. *(The first wars of Poseidon, Atlas and
Atlantis). Giants, and the Earths original atmosphere : The Earth prior to 275,000 B.C. was a very fertile, with
a planet wide mild and protective climate. This, combined with the high pressure atmosphere and healthy
ratio of atmospheric gases not only allowed most of the planet to be lush, but enabled all life forms, plants,
animals and people to be very large! What today we know as myths, legends and fables are none other that
tarnished facts. The 'why' of how we lost so much information, our collective database, will be explored in
later pages of this website.
2) 'Little people' and others. Dwarves, Elves, Fairies, 'Nature Elementals' and other 'small folk' did and
still do exist. They are intelligent beings, on a co~evolutionary path from us. Prior to the first sinking of
Atlantis and the total the sinking of Lemuria, they were visable to most humans! At present, they are not
wholly in our physical dimension, yet can easily access our 'domain', if they so wish.

3) Non Human type ET’s and others. Earth has been colonized many times and visited even more, (even into
the present and will be in the future) by various groups of ET's. Carbon based humaniod types here now, or
in the past include Lizard types, Insectoid (Praying mantis) types, aquatic/amphibian types, and possibly a
fourth catagory. Non carbon based types include Greys of many and various types, Plasma/gaseous types
(Methane being a 'building block' for them), and beings with Sulfur as a biological 'building block'. *See Mars
website for more details of our non carbon based brothers and sisters of the Universe.

4) Others: These include (for lack of a better description) beings like Chupabacra's and 'Shadow people'
{GOD Bless} <more t.b.a.>

5) The original Chimera's:

The original genetic engineering on Earth. Gen-ed~"The first generations". Cross species genetic engineering,
causing much suffering. "Gen~ed"~human/animal crossbreeding. NOTE: “Gen~ED” "Genetic
Engineering~destructive". Means Genetically Engineered, Altered, or otherwise vastly accelerated (in a forced
way), with mostly a destructive outcome which caused much suffering!)

The first crossbreeding between animal and intelligent life was done purely as an experiment. Later, in other
times and era's of questionble morels and ethics, crossbreeding and creation of chimera's was done to make a
'working closs', in other words, chimera's were basically slaves in deed, if not in word. At certain times, these
suffering beings had no rights of civilization, and so were used, even horribly, in any way that the 'ruling class'
saw fit. The first chimera's predate Adam and Eve. They existed before 'modern' humans did.

This 'Gen-Ed' experimenting would be periodically continued to the last Atlantean civilization and has today)
*See page 11: Curing the Chimera's. The Chimera's of 10,000 B.C. mostly perished in the Great War of that
time, with the survivors able to be cured of their non human appendages. These beings were able upgrade
into full humans. This was one of the Sacred original purposes of the Great Pyramid of Egypt. *See pages 11
and 12 for more information on these subjects.

Today meanwhile, a few Skulls have been found in certain areas of Earth that have inexplicable deformities.
While a few may be ET type skulls from past interactions here, the other skulls (and more will be found) are
the remains of the Chimera's of those Eras. The Question now is, will we remember our mistakes from the
past, so as to NOT muck around and make Chimera's and more mucked up 'GEN-ED' beings again?

Science Interlude: Glaciation Era's and 'Snowball', an introduction to when, what, and why.
Historical Ice Era's~Glaciation. Only during the last 100,000 cycles of Earth around the sun, has there been
significant amounts of ice and snow, and then advanced Glaciation. There have been two succeding periods of
'Ice~up', and each was about as widespread and damaging as the other.
Whilst each of these glaciations was a natural process in and of itself, they were not started by natural
The first Glaciation period in which large parts of the Earth were covered in ice and snow started during the
Great Flood of of 28,500 B.C. and intensified immediately after. By 27,000 B.C. the Earth and it's Glaciers
reached that periods greatest extent. This period lasted until 22,000 B.C., about the same time the Rama
empire came into existence in Bharata (greater India). The Earth then slowly warmed up, reaching it's greatest
warmth (until now), at 11,500 B.C.
The next world war period of 10,000 to 9400 B.C., fought with massive weapons of thought and sound, down
to light and electricity, then to the relatively primative but very destructive crystalline nukes and fusion bombs
of the day, re~activated Earth's glaciation process. The massive amounts of vaporized land, water, large
amounts of ash including volcanic ash quickly blotted out the sky. Various types of radiation and the 'nuclear
winter' that resulted from the above weapons re~iced up the planet with glaciers so rapidly (at first) that
Woolly Mammoth elephants were literally frozen in their tracks with grass in their mouths. By 9,399 B.C. with
massive amounts of casualities and major Earth changes, climate shifts and a Pole Shift, the fighting ended,
whilst the Glacier's continued to advance.
From 7,500 to 7,000 B.C. they reached the longest extent, and from 7,000 to 4,000 B.C. there was a slow
receding. From 4,000 B.C. to 2,000 B.C. there was a faster reduction, and from that time till now, and slower,
more cyclical reduction, with accompanying rise in Ocean water levels.

The Five {original} Adam's and Eve's~The first Earth born humans!

RED (Cadmium) Adam and Eve were the first of five couples, each having a different color and other
superficial characteristics to help thrive in the climate/location in which they lived!

And where was Red Adam and Eve's Original home, or original continent? It was the Continent of Atlantis;
(The DESCRIPTION of this continent will be described on Page 3)!

The birth order of the 5 Adam's and Eve's. After much work by the elementals and E.T.'s, 5 different color
Adams' and Eve's stepped out of Divine thought (vortex of creation) tunnels, in their respective locations.

The <RED> Adam and Eve, first born of modern Humans. Born in Atlantis in the Eastern portion of the that

The <BROWN> Adam and Eve were the second born. Born in Lemuria in the Eastern portion of that

The <BLACK> Adam and Eve were the third born. Born in Southern Africa.
The <YELLOW> Adam and Eve were the fourth born. Born in what is now the Gobi desert in Mongolia
which then was a green and lush land.

The <WHITE> Adam and Eve were the fifth and last born. Born in the area of what is now the Caucasus
mountain region.

A Sixth 'Hue'-Man/Woman color has been present on Earth, though in very small numbers. The color
was BLUE, and a later Divine being named KRISHNA was the exemplar of this sixth color (see pages 9 and
10 for more on Krishna, India, and the last civilization of Atlantis). A Seventh Hue~color was also hinted at
for Carbon based Humans, in the beginning. The color was GREEN. As far as is known at the present, no
Green manifestations of Humanity have been yet found.

prologue~ The first civilizations of Earth: The first civlizations of Earth including (towns, cities, technology,
art, creativity, etc did not start on Atlantis.

The first civilization {native} to Earth giant human beings began after the second couple (the 2nd Adam and
Eve) awakened upon Lemuria (also called Pangeia) and began a lineage which founded the first cities,
temples, and pyramids of Earth. Lemuria, larger than Eurasia, was a land that existed where most of the
Pacific Ocean is now.

Next: The geography of Lemuria! *see Page 2

The Fall of man: (The Fall of Man, Woman, Humanity).

For the earlier peoples it was rampant curiosity about the external world; seeking distraction (a form of
DENIAL <which hints of an Original Traumatic Event>), they gradually forgot man's astonishing (Divine)
origins which were the foundation of their culture. They subverted the power of that knowledge — original art
— and created beautiful ideas and excellent things ('idol worship') instead of evolving/creating excellent men
and woman. This ignorance and moral laxity finally allowed the barbarians (of the mind) to invade their
subconcious (the psyche), and then the conscious mind, and eventually destroyed them. Vandalism of all era's
can live on in the hills of the mind.

This 'fall' would be repeated many times with many different intelligence's over the millenia.

The 'Barbarians' are of two accelerations:

The slow 'Barbarians' (which undermine) are; laxity, apathy, depression, ego, unwillingness to change (for the
better), adapt, or evolve.

The Fast 'Barbarians' (which tend to be surface level) are agression, war, intolergence, inability to empathesize
(or express compassion) excessive ego, and also unwillingness to change (for the better), adapt or evolve!
Dancing and Art were Originally considered (and always will be) DIVINE ART FORMS.
Page 2 ~ Lemuria, et all

~6,000,000 B.C. to 52,010 B.C.~ "The 1st and 2nd worlds of Earth."

"7 lands (continental size land masses) there were, and 7 seas to go with them!"

Lemuria, plus the lost Green and Blue continents.

Lemuria, the mega continent. The first civilization of 'native born' Earth humans (of Giant form). The
Inspiration and 'big brother/big sister' to the earliest Atlanteans.

Lemurian night view from Atlantean A.L.-3000 satellite circa @ 52,200 B.C. {reconstruction imagery}.




Called the First Continent. Pangeia, Gondwana, Gondwanaland, and Mu, and other names. This mega
continent was the largest landmass to emerge after the intial gathering of the waters following the chunk of
Aldaraan that collided with Earth and became our moon. for more information on
this event. For millenia, this was a geologically stable landmass. It was the first continent populated by what
came to be known is human beings, which then had a much larger stature.

Lemurian Geography:

Lemuria, as it existed then, was almost a mirror reversal of the pacific ocean below the 37th parallel, with a west
coast stretching between Japan and Australia and it's eastern coast stretching between the north and south
American continents.
6,000,000 B.C. to 150,000 B.C.~ The Classical Geology:

After the churning and long settlement of the Earth following the collison of what would become the moon,
Lemuria for a long time was known as a land of seemingly endless hills and plains, and much of what we would
call jungle, although the plant life was different then. Even though there wasn't much rain as we know it, there
were plentiful lakes, streams and rivers, due to the super abundance of springs, and the almost oozing thick
morning dew in some areas.

The eastern shore.

Lemuria’s northeastern shore started at the present day coast of Oregon and included California's coastline as
well as parts of the Baha California coast. A chain of islands (stretching north and south) then existed 80 to
100 miles east of this Lemurian Coastline, which later became the Sierra Nevada mountains.Lemuria’s large
eastern coast then extended south. Most of South America’s west coast was then part of Lemuria’s east coast.

The southern shore.

At what is now the southwest coast of South America, Lemuria’s coastline diverged to the west. Lemuria’s
southern coast then stretched across (what is now) Pacific ocean to the southeast coast of Australia. The
Easter and Galapagos islands were a part of Lemuria. The unique animal Life on Galapagos, just like the
unique Redwood trees in California, are remnant populations of that lush land!

The western shore.

At the northeast coast of Australia, the coastline of Lemuria headed north and a little east to include part of
the Philippines. A long Isthmus then extended northwest into a part of what is now parts of Japan. Then the
land headed back north and east to coastal Oregen. Hawaii was also part of Lemuria

The northern shore.

The northern shore, roughly flollowed what is today the 37N parallel, with two more northerly
extensions. The first northern larger peninsula/extension was in the vicinity of what is now Japan, and the
2nd northern peninsula was in the vicinity of what is now North America.


72,000 B.C. ~ 'Modern Geology':

An almost endless variated land.

After a millenia of stability, the Lemuria of 72,000 B.C. became geologically active. Many many volcano’s,
earth fault lines, hot springs, mud volcano’s, gas geysers, and other thermal features were spread throughout
this largest landmass. All theses features enriched the ground, which was already full of mineral, metallic and
beautiful crystalline deposits. Lemuria was known for the fertility of the earth. Huge green forests and jungle
existed in most areas. The megaflora in turn supported numerous Lemurian populations of
megafauna. These large animals and DINOSAURS, also numerous in many other parts of the Earth, caused
real problems for the peoples of Mu. The original Philosophy of the Lemurians was ‘non interference’ with all
life forms. While this is noble, this became an aspect of the one fallability the later Lemurians had~ the
inability to change. The original people(s) of Lemuria were Giants with a minimum stature of around 9
meters/28 feet tall. Some of this land were much taller than that, and no one in this time period had a 'short'
stature of today's 2 meters tall human's.

For the most part, Lemurians did not live in cities such as exist today, but rather gatherings or 'nodal' areas
where enhanced gravi~magnetics existed, as well as emanations of certain crystalline deposits, In these areas,
pyramids and other geometric amplifying structures were built, with some living in simple dwellings nearby, as
well as caves.

The atmospheric manifold and Lemurian weather.

Due to the different atmospheric pressure with different atmospheric gases and gas ratio's then existing as part
of the atmospheric manifold, the sky was not blue, but on non cloudy days, the sky was a yellow orange,
sometimes shading to a deep green color with sunrises and sunsets. Some areas of Lemuria had more of
these sky color variations, and these areas became places of interest and recreation. Violent weather, such as
we know now, was unheard of then. Drought and dryness were known, but deserts as exist now, did not exist
then. Sometimes rain itself was rare, but the megaflora, megafauna and other life including the giant humans
got most of the water then from 'the mists and dews of time' which collected in most places every early
morning. In this earlier atmosphere of Earth, the collection of these dews on the giant vegatation, then
dripping down into furrows in the earth, was of enough volume to collect into pools, which fed streamlets
which in turn became brooks and rivers, which in turn fed the shallower less salty seas of this era.

The rare areas of true rain become places of recreation, and rest.

In areas of increased geologic activity, the steam from the volcano's, mud volcano's, geysers and other thermal
features would sometime cloud up locally resulting in local rain showers. These places of increased local rain
became areas of recreation due the rarity of rain on most of the continent, and most of Earth at this
time. Even though later Lemuria had plenty of volcano's, most were on a 'slow' eruption cycle, which allowed
a steady building of the volcano, and Earth, but not erupting so much with violence and destruction. When
volcano's did very rarely erupt more violently, there would an unknown occurance of lightning, but not
thunder as we know it now. Increased local rain was a result.
Image Tree 1

Pre-Flood forest and vegetation with Earth's functioning atmospheric manifold; the above a reconstruction of
what was, from the Continent of Gobi/Cathay . *See Page 3 for the Continent of Gobi/Cathy~ the Solar
Dynasty, centered where Mongolia, China and southeast Asia are now.

The other 2 original continents of 'this modern Earth': The Blue and the Green (lands).

In the beginning stages of planning for human life on Earth, 7 different main forms resulting in unique colors
were originally agreed upon with Creative~Intelligence. All would have unique characteristics, and were to
help each other. Along with the 5 agreed upon lands and peoples, there were two continental size lands (large
island continents, such as Australia is today), that were known as the Blue and Green lands.

The Blue continent.

Was a land mass which existed in what is now the southern Indian ocean, about equidistant between
Australia, India, and Africa. A beginning of a '6th race' of blue humans was going to populate here, but after a
few came to exist, the rest of the population here did not come to pass.

The Green continent.

The original 'Green island' was located in what is now Antarctica. These lands were considered for eventual
human habitation. Two different 'color' (giant size) humans were to be evolved to these lands. Blue for the
Blue land, and Green for the green land. These additional human family members never came about in large
numbers; there was not the effort to significantly develop the blue and green races, although very small
numbers of these did show up later on in time, even in this present.

The missing humans of the blue and the green. <t.b.a.>


Historical High Sciences.

The first sciences of Earth ~ Location: Lemuria, and Atlantis.

Whilst the Atlanteans appeared on the world stage first, it was Lemurians who constructed the first Human
civilization. This first civilization was based on Spiritual principles, and promoted inner development of the
individual, then outer development. Lemuria, after building it's initial technology and massive pyramidal
constructs, never became a ‘world’ power like the Atlanteans. They were happy to just live in harmony. The
Lemurian debate of what harmony was would eventually lead to real trouble with their enviroment. Starting
with the 'non physical' sciences of Mind, Intellect, Consciousness and inner disciplines, the Lemurians became
proficient in the outer sciences of Biology, Botony, Astromony and Astrology, and the science that they really
mastered and gave the the rest of the world: Masonry, Stone works, Pyramids and Large Mathematical living
and working constructs.

The Lemurians at first have immunity to the lower Yuga cycles.

<re~editing below> t.b.a.

The Atlanteans of these earlier times were impressed with the Lemurian ability to avoid many of the effects of
the cyclical (Yuga) declines, including what became known as the ‘great decline’. During the 'Great Decline',
the Atlanteans lost many of their first great scientific achievements, technology and priceless knowledge which
came from the original King Poseidon and family including the giant Atlas! The partial Lemurian immunity to
these outer events was based directly upon their focus and quests for inner knowledge and Self~realization.
These inner quests took long term discipline for over a period of 12,000+ revolutions around the sun. This
level of inner discipline for this length of time was something that most later Atlanteans (and others) weren't
interested in. So the Atlanteans and others, without inner discipline, became affected by the periodic drift of
the Solar system.

The first Mathmaticians, the first Physics.

The first mathmatics and understandings of the building blocks of this Creation came from Lemuria. The
Lemurians were able to 'see' the underlying harmony of the principles of Creation. So they always sought, in
whatever their works, to work with this 'flow' of the Universe. While the later Atlanteans would far surpass the
Lemurians in some physical science developments, the Atlanteans as a whole never developed the ability to
Perceive as the Lemurians had done.

The first spoken and written language(s) of Earth.

The Lemurians developed the first (and highest) original spoken language; a Spiritually based
one~ Sanskrit. This language was to be used especially in the lower Yuga cycles, when the natural telepathic
abilities in human were muted or completely silenced. The language, shown to humans from Angels, was
based on the geometries contained within the human spine~Jacob's Ladder. First came the spoken word, and
later during one of the lower Yuga cycles, the written was developed, to preserve knowledge.

Music, Sonics, Photonics, Gravametrics, and Consciousness.

Along with the above related sciences, the Lemurians were the first to develop the arts, especially the
arts/sciences of Music and Sonics. They understood the original relationship of these processes in this

The first historians, the first astronomers.

The Lemurians looked to the sky, firstly within our own Solar system. What they found re~awakened
memories within some of them. What they found as they scanned the system were the remnants of war! A war
that some of them, in previous incarnations as different beings in non carbon based biology, had taken part in,
long ago. So they both looked within, and researched without, and thus the first Earth human histories began
to form.

Spiritual sciences~

They had the first astrophysics, the first astrology. They were the first ones to ask 'Why'? They discovered
inner ways, inner disciplines which would and did increase knowledge, understanding, awareness, and
Consciousness. They came to understand that the whole universe exists first as an IDEA, and that all created
things are first an IDEA. And they were able to apply this knowledge. With all these understandings, the
earliest Atlanteans were in awe of Lemuria! After Lemuria sank however, Atlantis became VERY NOT
endeared with some of the later Lemurian 'Colonies' of Sa~id/Bharata, Cathay/Gobi and other city/states of
those time periods, but this will be covered in a later topic.

Lemurians were very perceptive, they were not only able to see physical objects with normal vision, but they
were able to see what can be called the Grid, or aspects of Earth's energetic pathways. As they explored and
mapped these Ley Line systems (the 'Chi' systems of the Earth), they came to discover that the potentional
energy in these systems could be 'tapped' and used. This energy, part of the tremendous life flow of the planet
itself, could be used to further perception, for healing, and ultimately, for transportation! They discovered that
certain geometry of both buildings and certain shaped towers (in specific locations) and built with Intent, had
the result of magnifying this latent Universal energy. So the Lemurians built pyramids, temples, geometric
shapes and 'standing stone' based 'transformers' and tunnels. All these things were established on Ley Lines.
When Lemuria later sank, much information about Ley Lines, the Grid, and Masonry was lost. The
Atlanteans, who preferred to work with Crystals, Metals, and exotic glasses and elements, never had quite the
same finesse to build with stone as the Lemurians had.

Masonry: The original builders~

The masons of Lemuria, home of the Earth's first temples and pyramids. Masonry, the art of stone work and
buildings, originated in Lemuria with the need to build protection from giant animal life, especially dinosaurs.
Later, as the need for protection eased with rising of numerous buildings, masonry and giant stonework
emerged as an outlet for creativity, as well as Spiritual espression Later, after creating forms with advanced
mathmatics and geometry, the discovery of 'energetic focusing' (in and around pyramids of certain angles) took
place. Masonry, pyramid and temple building then developed for the Lemurians into a Spiritual science, where
building in harmony with the Earth and underlying Universal energetics enhanced human health, nurtured the
intellect through harmonics, and provided for lush gardens in and around the temples. Meditation and Prayer
practices became enhanced in these structures.

More Ley Lines and Standing Stones.

As the Lemurians expanded their population and civilization upon the mega continent, a need arose for
transportation. Ley Lines of the Earth, somewhat equivalent to energetic meridians upon and within the
Human body, were eventually mapped throughout Lemuria. Standing stones and dolmens, built to exact height
and configuration, were placed in intervals upon these lines.

The first miners, the first Alchemists. ~Fusion and other ways of changing the elements.

The Lemurians wanted to adorn their temples, so 'from the God's, they learned first about mining, then
chemistry, then deeper secrets of nature. When larger mines became destructive to the Earth, they perceived
ways, of turning one element into another. This art of 'Alchemy' they perfected, and very common elements
(of Earth of this period) such as Carbon, Helium, Oxygen, Argon, Sulfur, Hydrogen and Chlorine were
changed into more useful elements, especially the metals such as Gold, Silver, Copper, and Mercury. The
mines were then for most part dormant, no longer needed, and the Earth reclaimed these mines,,,, Atlanteans
would later use these particular Lemurian sciences and use them in other ways,,,,


Who were the first Lemurians?

The first Lemurians, the first intelligance(s) capable of creating civilization are not said to have been ('primate')
human, but one of the other 'evolved constructs' (animal and/or other life nature) particularly evolved of and by
Spirit and Nature, and agents of these.

The first Hue~man/woman Lemurians were said to be particularly crafted. Whereas benevolent E.T.'s and
others of Divine order used other templates for the other four races of (giant) humans, (in this round of
creation) the Lemurians were partially associated from the evolved version of primate known then as the Giant
Lemur. For a time, Lemuria was known as the Land of the Giants.

Lemuria; Land of the Giants, home of the house of El.

As all the early humanoid life on Earth, the Lemurians were giants, mostly of brown skin, at first. They had
some knowledge of what had went before: Earth's early history, and that of the Solar system itself, and the
cataclysmic re~arrangement of some planets, and outright destruction of others. As their first civilization arose,
so did Nobility, and they came to be known and highly respected and the grandfathers and grandmothers of
Earth civilization. In time, the world then knew and respected what came to be called the house of El.

The other giants of Lemuria: The dinosaurs.

Everything was larger in Lemuria. Lemuria had strongest nature, the most nourishing life giving land of all the
original continents. The trees and plants were mostly giant, but different plants than what the Earth has
now. Most of the animals, even insects were larger than present.

The Early E.T.'s, and interstellar trade.

Among other visitors, the original native Martian Greys (at this time a thriving civilizations after a long
recovery from the last large asteroid bombardment) noticed that there was light, power, and movement on
Earth, most notibly on the largest continent of this time period. E.T. visitors then came to Earth, and the
Martian Greys were among those who did interplanetary trading and other interactions with intelligences then
on Earth. Much of a beneficial nature was exchanged.

~77,060 B.C.~

The Lemurian Decline. "The Great Decline".

Stagnation of mental and Spiritual development, plus rampaging giant animals and Dinosaurs.

Lemuria, which had kept it's knowledge and understanding intact during the previous low aspects of the Yuga
cycles, began to have problems remembering what was,,,,,

The Lemurians of this period, for the first time in a long time, Lost the Ways of evolution/involution. They
still knew what they were supposed to do, what practices to continue, yet there was a feeling of 'stuck'. There
was a great argument among the people about what to do with newly resurgent, numerous and dangerous
animal life. There were many other questions the Lemurians no longer felt they had the answer for. Lemuria
in a way went into a funk, stopped developing "hard" technology, and began to disregard spiritual technologies
they no longer felt enthusiastic to practice. They always knew and remembered that if they wanted more ideas
or technology, all they had to do was tap into the “Cosmic Data Base”, (which we call ‘Akashic Records’), yet
they did not do so. Later on, when nature and even more large animals (including the dinosaurs) increased
their rampages and damages, the Lemurians still didn’t want to face the problem, and thus there was more
suffering. In an interesting note, in the far southwest of Lemuria in what is now Australia, a small mountain
range kept most of rampant nature, jungle, and dangerous large animals out. Yet the Lemurians did not move
into this uninhabited safer part of their own homeland. They didn’t want to move from their sacred sites,
temples, and jungles, no matter how many animals were tearing into people. So this land in Australia stayed
‘barren‘ of humans, until a later migration of people from a part of Africa came to the area. 2/3’s of the
Lemurians (around 6.5 billion people) choose to not leave their land, even with warning signs, and so
perished. But this is getting ahead of the story.

Isolationist tendencies, then events leading to a Atlantean and Lemurian partnership: circa 65,000 B.C.

Due in part to the genetic and species tampering (which included the creation of the Chimera's of those time
periods [by the ET's], and later from Earth Humans), both Lemuria and Atlantis had isolationist tendencies.
Other human groups and even civilizations, were (at best) observed discreetly, but no contact was made, nor
help offered in any problems. The 2 most advanced civilizations of the day, Atlantis and Lemuria, kept to

Prior to 65,000 B.C. both the Atlanteans and the Lemurians (with the 'leave Nature and the other humans
alone' mindset of the time), let Nature get out of control. With weather control of the 'vapor barrier' in the
atmosphere and globe spanning comfortable temperatures, plus the very fertile soil from the volcano's, plants
and animals on all the (then) continents grew easily very large. Mammoths and Giant Mastodons, giant cats,
and (very hungry) dinosaurs, as well as other then common large land and sea creatures either ate, trampled,
or otherwise destroyed human farms, gardens, and took many lives. Structures not made from Stone or metal
were crushed by the bigger creatures. Lemuria had many large dinos who liked to munch on humans. The
Lemurians, who cared less for technology then the Atlanteans of this time, had to take to living in fortified
caves, or the earlier built massive stone pyramids and temples, to avoid problems with the animals.
Atlantis, with its research and renewed interest in technology, was not going to let their cities and continent
be trampled. Atlanteans, which by this time had redeveloped flying craft, and was just finishing construction of
it's ultimate power source/networking device, (the Great Crystal!), soon overflew Lemuria. The Lemurians
knew who it was looking at them from the air, (and things looking very desparate) sent a sailing ship to
Atlantis, to ask the government for help!

The Atlanteans feeling awe and respect towards the eldar 'big brother/sister civilization' were more than glad
to help! Not much happened at first however, and very large animals and dinosaurs continued to roam and
trample (and eat) unchecked.

Later, Atlantis started focusing considerable resources towards helping Lemuria.

Shown above: Lemuria~ Western side of the continent as seen from present rotational path of Earth
Page 3: Early Atlantis, et all.
6,000,000 B.C. to 52,010 B.C.~ "The 1st and 2nd worlds of Earth" ~ continued.

The original continents of Earth continued (with human civilizations):

Crescent Africa, Atlantis, Gobi, and Hyperborea.

<re~editing t.b.a.>
Above view: Atlantis of 74,000 B.C. Super~imposed upon present day continents.

Data Reconstruction~ Atlantis grayscale view circa @ 52,200 B.C.

Earth Geography, 1st and 2nd Earth span civilizations 6,000,000 B.C. to 52,010 B.C.

Continuing from Lemuria, page 2.

Atlantis: the original size continent of~

After the partition of the waters above and below, Atlantis emerged as one of Earth's seven original continental
size land masses. The size of this continent/land was enlarged once, then later shrinking/sinking twice in size
through cataclysmic wars/technology until what remained were 7 islands. Starting aggression in 10,000 B.C.,
4th period Atlantis started wars and cataclysms which caused the remaining 7 Atlantean islands to sink or
otherwise be vaporized from existance. Volcano's and newer volcanic islands and islets are all that remain
today of 6 out of 7 of those islands. These Islets re-emerged are known as Bermuda, Bimini, The Bahamas,
The Azores, The Madeira's, The Canaries (plus a few others) which now constitute very small portions of
what was Atlantis, washed free of Atlantean structures, artifacts and even the red topsoil itself!

A very large Atlantean continent once existed.

Atlantis was (at first) larger than North and South America combined, and existed where most of the Atlantic
Ocean is now. Today's Atlantic Ocean is somewhat a mirror reversal of what this Atlantean land mass used to
look like. The 'new world' of the American continents did not then exist except as part of the original
Atlantean 7 seas. Original Atlantis was around 2/3's of the size of the present day Eurasian continent. Most
of present day Europe, Russia, and Antarctica were then under water. “Over the Pond” was originally a
phrase of the Atlanteans, who were describing how easy it was for them to reach Africa and Hyperborea across
2 of the original '7' seas. The Atlanteans were the first sailors of Earth. Later, during periods had high
technology and flight, they still sailed, such was their enjoyment of marine travel.

Before the first destruction (52,010 B.C), England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland were all part of the original
Atlantean land mass, connected via an Isthmus to mainland Atlantis to the south! Britain and Ireland were
connected together in the southern portions, the waters between the two then a small bay which emptied
north into the Hyperborean sea, as the Atlanteans knew it . The Isthmus to mainland Atlantis went under the
sea with the first cataclysm. At the time most of the British Isles were heavily forested with a temperate rain
forest, and not many Atlanteans lived there. It was then a flat land, with no hills and no mountains. There
simply was not much interest to live in what they called "The wild lands". Atlanteans, caring so little about
this area, did not mind when another group of humans migrated from the Caucuses mountains (in what is
now Russia) to settle this wild land. The English Channel did not exist then; instead it was part of a larger
shallow sea that covered Western Europe.

Atlantis’s south shore extended from near (what is now Africa), heading west (and slightly north) almost all
the way to what is now Yucatan, Mexico! Atlantis then included parts of Cuba, the Florida keys, Bimini, and
the Bahamas. The Atlantean West coast went further north and east, to include Bermuda. At that time all of
the eastern U.S. with the exception of Appalachia Island, was under water. The mountains on Appalachia
Island were much taller than the present day Appalachian mountians, and rose straight up out of the 'Western
Ocean', as the Atlanteans then called it. (In Atlantean myth <told then to children>, these mountains were
said to be guards). Before the first cataclysm, the Southern and Southwestern Atlantean coastal areas were the
most highly populated, and had the biggest cities and highest technologies of all that continent. The beautiful
RED/Crimson sand beaches of these south coast areas were world reknown then for their beauty. The main
GIANT Crystal power plant, as well as other crystal plants, pyramids, industry, GEN~ED biological science
and healing centers, were located East of Bimini. There was a giant zone of large connected cities and
industry that stretched from what is now Bimini south and east, paralleling the south Atlantean
coasts. Another Mega~metropolitan area, stretched north from Bimini all the way to Bermuda. At the East
Central Atlantean coast, (across and out a bit from present day Portugal), Spiritual temples, hot springs, large
gardens and pyramids stood. Some still stand yet, 500 feet below the present ocean level upon the sunken

From Western Atlantis, another sea covered what is now the North American continent, including
Mexico. From Bermuda, the Atlanteans North coast meandered north and east to eventually come back up to
the British isles area. Northeast of Bermuda, all the way to through todays British Isles was the least populated
area on the original Atlantean continent.
Above view: Atlantean Giant Crystal forest, on the original continental Atlantis. ~ (Human {28 feet tall} is seen
in profile lower left). The 'Solar fire effect' is seen immediately above the crystal forest, as a distance 'shimmer'

Crescent Africa.

Large parts of west African land were then under water, yet at the time Africa extended farther to the north,
and much farther east. What is now the eastern Sahara desert was then the Shara, a forest and jungle, very
lush, with a large lake at its center. The land was not as conducive to agriculture as the Mediterranean lands
to the north, but supported abundant number of large animals and dinosaurs. Shara lake, then a lake of
renown and commerce, was then fed by the *Nole River. This lake emptied west, into the Atlantic Eastern
Sea, which then covered large parts of North and west Africa. The lake supported 3 large cities, several smaller
towns, and many villages. Africans, Atlantean colonists, and later Lemurian and Hyperborean colonists all
existed harmoniously together here for quite some time.

Just a small distance towards central Africa coast, and also directly across from the large Eastern coast of
Atlantis, Atlanteans began to mine what we now call Uranium, and other radioactive elements. They mined it
from (what is now) Gabon. The Gabon of 52, 200 B.C. was an island, not connected to the Africa of that time.
Gabon is the only presently known place on Earth where a (natural process) atomic fission reaction has taken
place. When the Atlanteans first mined it, circa 61,000 B.C., the area was still active, and the then naïve
Atlantean miners later suffered radiation poisoning. Later period Atlanteans also mined there. The Atlanteans
of all these periods of time caused wars and skirmishes to mine these radioactive minerals. The land did not
ever belong to Atlantis.

In earliest Africa, the sciences of the Earth, of Spirituality, and music were first developed. Africans, even more
than Lemurians, were in touch with the harmonies of the Earth. Unlike the early Lemurians, they didn't feel
the need to build to show interest in these understandings. They were happy to just be, to always be in a
moving state of Union with Universal harmonics. They were the most serene of the original 5, and least
traumatized by outer developments. No others before or since, were able to be in a such a state of Flow.
These are only a few of the things Greater Crescent Africa (later just Africa) contributed to the rest of

The Mediterranean sea.

Did not used to exist, and what was, was then just a lake and a river, a part of the greater continent of
Crescent Africa. After the northern lands and seas of Crescent Africa shifted during first the 'Wars of the
Gods' of 375,000 B.C., Atlantis for the first time began looking at this area as a potential 'bread basket' ~ a
food growing area which would supplement mainland Atlantean agriculture. As a later agricultural colony that
had great success growing food and other crops, this Atlantean colony area, like later Atlantis itself, would
slide below sea level. The ‘Pillars of Heracles’: first built during these 'wars of the Gods and Titan's, were the
exit point for the then Mediterranean river. World Ocean levels were at least 300 feet lower than at present.

Gobi~ The Cathayan continent.

Gobi/Cathay was in this time period was a large singular continent in and of itself, and was the closest large
land mass to Lemuria. Where~as the earliest Atlanteans and Lemurians had 'home grown' advanced humans
(demi-Gods) and Titans, earliest Cathay had the first real visitors and interactions with E.T. guests and
consultants. The later Atlanteans with both technology and enthusiasm would attract much more E.T.
interactions then Gobi would have. However, very early, Gobi welcomed a species of E.T. to co-colonize their
continent. These near human E.T.'s would eventually interbreed (along with genetic engineering) enough with
local humans, that two different humanoid species merged enough to become fully Earth human. In medicine
(without machines), food production, biology and related sciences, Gobians of all era's were never surpassed.
This is an example of each continent, each of the 5 original peoples, as having certain specializations, which
ideally were to be shared freely with the world. Later Atlanteans were the first and became the worst, in both
withholding needed understanding(s), and then in harboring dangerous or misunderstood secrets.

Hyperborea was the last of the 5 original continents to 'get' a human population. It was one of the last in these
earliest times to develop knowledge, technology, and understanding. Hyperborea, up until 52,010 B.C., for the
most part contained the south pole of the Earth, specially centered on what is now the Caucauses mountains.
During this time period before the God's/Titan's war or any of the succeeding three global cataclysms,
Hyperborea then had 2 unique features. The South Pole proper in the Caucauses then was the only raised
elevation on Earth, at an elevation of 3,000 meters. (The North pole then was located in a sea south of
Lemuria, in what is now South Pacific Ocean). Early Earth before global calamities did not have a wobble, and
therefore did not have seasons. The other strange aspect of early Hyperborea was that without the seasonal
wobble, at the South Pole there wasonly perpetual twilight. No seasons, no sun and no night! The weather
then was part of the globe encircling Atmospheric Manifold, and the time mists are what watered most of the
giant plants, animals and humans of Earth! Hyperborea included within not only the Caucauses, but what is
now the Carpathian mountains, then a great green forested flatland. Since NO rising nor setting sun, nor night
there was, so the earliest Hyperboreans developed a peculiarly strong mental constitution to deal with the lack
of these things in their lives. In this perpetual twilight of the south pole, there was perpetual snow, located in
caves upon the high domain. The early Hyperboreans here experienced boredom at times, and so looked to
the skies beyond the twilight of the atmospheric manifold here, and always saw bright stars burning through
the twilight mists. They were the first to look to the stars, the first to develop instruments to see more stars
past the perpetual twilight mists upon the South Pole, the first to develop Astronomy, which they later shared
with the world. The coming high technology Atlanteans would later supercede the earlier Hyperborean
Astronomy developments, but by those times, Atlantis and Hyperborea were allies, so the Atlantean sciences
were somewhat shared back with the Hyperboreans.

A brief synopsis of events~

The '2nd Earth' early historical period.


1) The first Golden era of Atlantean civilization of Atlantis was heralded by (the first) King Poseidon, and the
Mightly hero of Atlantis: the Giant Atlas! CircaLONG After the 5 Adam's and Eve's and their families had
come and gone from the Earth (Around 375,000 B.C.) Atlantis needed a hero! Giant animals (including
dinosaurs!) ran free and rampaged, the weather and nature seemed out of control (almost always fog, mist,
brief but potentially deadly torrential rain showers or smog from the volcanos, both on Atlantis and upon
Lemuria), there was no government and not much civilization, and an unfriendly population of non human
type ofET's ruled what little civilization did exist. Loss of facts and later myth building would translate these
ET's and their constructs, technology, and control into words such as demon'. The Lemurians long had a
system of civilization by this time, but they, along with the 'Lemurian associated' small civilizations on Gobi
and India, were isolationist, and so thus Atlantis was on its own, trying to deal with the above problems.
Human Giants existed across the planet at this time, and were fairly common. Little people of various
types were also 'still visable'.

Not much is known (recalled/recovered) yet about the backgrounds of Poseiden and Atlas, but they did work
together to successfully pullAtlantis out of its life threatening problems, unite the continent under peaceful
rule, and provide the First of the fabled 'Atlantean technology'.
Poseiden was called a 'Demi-God'; an enlightend being (or more)! He could also be called a Sage, and perhaps
a genius, for it was he who first put together the 'vapor barrier' for weather control, built the first
Atlantean Pyramidal and Grid/Ley Line energy/transpostsystems (these perhaps with Lemurian help,
in exchange for giving Lemurians access to the Global vapor barrier/weather control), and promoted advanced
health and immortal lifestyle techniques and understanding. And of course then there was the devolopment of
MARINE TECHNOLOGY and sailing, and the creation of the First Fleet of Atlantis! Thus the legendary
association of Atlantis and sailing was born!

Atlas, leading an Army put together by

Since way before Adam and Eve had appeared on the planet, the Sun (by our view today), in Atlantean times
rose to the 'East' over Lemuria, and and set in what is now far northern Africa (PRE-FLOOD). The sun
then rising in the East over Lemuria (a reversed planetary rotation), was one of the reasons why the earlier
Atlanteans had an almost mythological reverance and respect for the 'Mother country' of Lemuria. In
Atlantean mythology, the planetary bombardments by gigantic asteroids (much earlier in Earths history, way
before Adam and Eve), the 'MoonCapture', and the sun rising 'East' over Lemuria were all related.

The Planet acquired its 'first' rotation/poles/equator during the 'Moon' capture. These were all stable, until the
'1st' cataclysm of Atlantis.

Poseidon is known for sailing his Fleet upon the '7' seas of Atlantis! And what (at that time) were the 7 seas?
And why were they called the 7 seas (instead of the oceans as we know them today)? At that time, there
didn't exist on Earth any unbroken body of water larger than what is now the Indian Ocean. 2nd in size was
the 'Atlantic Ocean' of that time, which extended south from Atlantis southern shore (which was then on the
Equator in the middle of todays Atlantic ocean) all the way to Antarctica, and included large parts of
todays South America and western Africa. 3rd in size then was the Arctic Ocean, which then covered large
parts of Russia and Canada.

Sailing up and down Atlantis's coasts (where most of its cities and civilization were then, especially on the far
southern coast), was one of the earliest (and easiest) ways to travel! Poseidon, with his love of sailing,
soon traveled and mapped adjacent lands and waters, and thus the Atlantean famed 7 seas were mapped!

The 7 seas sailed by the early Atlanteans were:

1) The 'Western' sea, (which started west of the island chain of what would become the Appalachian
mountains) that covered most of United States, Southern Canada, and Central America. Florida didn't exist at
all at this time, but the '4 corners' (and what eventually became the Grand Canyon) area of the U.S. was above
water, with an island chain extending south from there into Mexico.
2) The Sea of 'Bahia' (cover most of Brazil and large parts of eastern South America), which technically was a
part of the then Atlantic ocean, but the Atlanteans labeled it as its own sea, in a large part because the land in
the area was used as a 'vacation' area.
3) The Eastern Sea, covering most of what is now most of northwest Africa.
4) The 'Sea of Rocks', a smaller sea that then existed directly East of the Capitol (and linked to the above
Eastern sea), it also covered partsof Europe. 5) The Northern Sea, extending up from the 'wild coast of the
North', over parts of Green land and Iceland that were then under water. This Sea connected with the only
other Ocean (besides the Indian Ocean) of the time, the Sibr Ocean which covered the North pole area, large
parts of what is now western and central Siberia, as well as far northern Canada! 6) The Crescent Sea, a very
long narrow sea between Atlantis western shore and the Island chain that eventually became the Applachian
mountains! 7)
Earliest developments and technologies: The development of the Grid System

After the very long and prosperous kingships of Poseidon and then Atlas, Atlantis was ruled by 10 kingdoms,
the 10 sons and daughters of Poseidon! Atlantis became rich in material, cities and civilization during the time
of these above rulerships, and trade developed with other civilizations via the legendary Atlantean sailing fleet!


After A VERY long time of high civilization (called the 'Golden time of Atlantis' by the historians of this time),
a GREAT DECLINE (in humanities mental function) was noted by the Atlantean historians and scientists!
Those that were born at this time, could not keep running the masterful technologies of Poseidon and Atlas,
and machines and technology eventually fell into disrepair! Even the knowledge of operating the pyramids for
power, transport and healing was forgotten! Even the healers of time had lost some records of remedies and
methods, and so the life and health of the Atlanteans themselves was affected! Eventually there was a time of
great ignorance, and only the Holy Men and Woman of the land were considered to have any knowledge.

Gold: a 'common' metal in Atlantis and Lemuria.

Just like the 'GOLD VOLCANOS OF KRYPTON' made the metal a common place one upon that planet, 3
different sources of elements made Gold, precious and 'rare earth' metals common place in the Pre-Flood
Earth. The (3) sources are: 1) Large geothermal upwellings (common to both Atlantis and Lemuria) with
highly metallic waters. 2) Gold and the other metallics were commonplace and easily accessible in the crust
and soils of the Pre-Flood Earth indicating the ease of mining. 3) And finally the ability to (re) synthesize any
element out of just about any other element made Gold, precious metals and 'rare earth' metals very common
on Earth during those times.

Stone work, pyramids and MASONRY were high sciences then, carried over (or rediscovered) from the
previous higher civilizations of the 'Gods' of Lemuria and Atlantis. Yet the stone work and MASONRY were
not completed until the insides of these building were finished. Gold (and other metals) were used extensively
pre-flood to line the walls of homes and business and temples (as a type of decoration, somewhat similar to
the 'wallpaper' of today).

This Gold lining had other uses beside decoration.

Post flood, upon the re-emergence of 'Atlantean' technology, both Atlantean and other civilizations, as well as
Atlantean colonies (such as in South America and Egypt) once again used Gold, Silver, Copper, and other
metals to line the interiors of homes, businesses, and temples.

Post flood, many (what were) easily accessible Geo~thermal mining sites, as well as many land based (surface)
mining sites, were either covered over with hundreds to thousands of meters of debris, or were
destroyed/closed outright. Mining in post flood times became much more work (as it is even up to present
day) than it had been Pre-flood. Climate conditions POST FLOOD had changed drastically too, with an 'ice
age' that had come about as a result of both the great flood and the cataclysmic (in and of itself) WAR that

The GREAT FLOOD was much more destructive than the war that PRECEDED IT.

One Atlantean post flood copper mine was in present day Michigan.

Other Atlantean post flood mines were in Central and South America, parts of Africa (especially
RADIOACTIVE ELEMENTS AND METALS there), and parts of Europe and Russia.

GOLD was common place pre-flood, and scientists (in Atlantis) then were easily able to put together a 'gold
wall' and gold enclosure around 3 meters thick (located within an aligned and polished pyramid set up for
experiments) in 'quantum vacuum states' with Cosmic rays, Gamma rays, and other E/M fields or particles.

What is left of this building is now beneath the Atlantic ocean.

Image Tree 2 Circa @ 73,000 B.C,

Poseiden routed the rampaging giant animals of Lemuria, and thus began a deeper friendship between the
Atlanteans the Lemurians. <t.b.a.>
Page 4

75,000 B.C. to 52,010 B.C.

Top of page: Spirit and Nature ~ Humanity (the Giants of Yore) recover lost Knowledge, Understanding and

Middle: The Earth and it's inhabitants; Human, animal, plant, mineral, and non-physical beings, all bask in the
Glow of a new Golden Era.

1st 'modern' period of Knowledge, Understanding and technology.

Bottom of page: The long lasting beneficial effects of the Satya Yuga begin to fade, with this comes increasing
lack of discernment, lack of understanding, and 'animal problems'.

75,000 B.C.~ Descriptions of the second world (the 'second Earth').

Humanity consisting of giants and titans recovers from the Great Decline, the loss of knowledge of the original
(native) Earth Human civilizations. The original kings, queens, Sages and Saints of the first world are long
gone. A recovery of knowledge, health, Understanding and life itself.

Geography of the '2nd World'

[--------------------------------------A Garden Planet-----------------------------------------------------]

Prior to the wars and destructions of the future, the EARTH in these times was very lush, fertile, and vibrant
planet-wide. There were no true deserts. Seas and oceans were shallow, with no deep trenches and only a third
of the salt content as compared to the present. Storms, tornado's, hurricanes, lightning, droughts, and monsoon
torrents were unknown. There were no permanent glaciers along with very little snow, cold and winter as we
know it now, and these types of weather were only found near the polar regions, or on top of the tallest
volcano's witihin 500 miles of the poles. Very few volcano's existed then, and earthquakes were almost nil. Since
there were no torrent nor monsoon types rains, there were no floods. The the morning mists and dews were like
Manna, and these generously watered the vast flora, along with occasional showers. As mentioned in other areas
on this site, the atmospheric manifold kept cosmic rays, ultraviolet radiation, and other potentially harmful
spectra from the mostly flat lands. The manifold provided a rich air, high in oxygen, that felt alive in itself.
Mountain ranges as we know them now did not exist. The tallest mountains of this time period (usually a
volcano) rose skyward no higher than 4,000 meters. The 'gravity field' was less yet the planet then had more
mass, which combined with the manifold allowed for giant life forms.


Plant Life, nourished by the atmospheric manifold with its peculiar mix of atmospheric gases, plus the radiant
life force emanating from the planet, nourished giant trees, ferns, grasses and aquatic flora. Decidous trees
such as we have now, did not exist then.

All evergreen plants:

98%+ of plant life then was evergreen, as there were no seasons as we have them now.


Animals, rising up to eat these giant plants, and breathing this atomsphere, also grew large. Dinosaurs grew to
tremendous size, even larger than we have been aware of now. Those that were plant eaters had plenty to eat
about everwhere. There were no barren polar areas then, nor deserts, although the poles were slightly cooler
than the rest of the earth.

Human Beings

Carbon based human beings, like the other life forms during these earlier time periods, were also very large, the
giants of yore! As knowledge was regained after the Great Decline, health and longevity, along with lack of
disease was common. Life spans were easily 1,000 cycles around the Sun (as mentioned with Methuselah).
Those that had been on Earth for a long time would leave Earth for the most part when they would choose,
precluding wars or other traumatic impacts. Low birth rate. Much knowledge had been lost or forgotten during
the 'Great Decline, yet humanity at this time was again beginning to remember, and explore,,,

Explorations of the 5 continents of 70,000 B.C.


The Second rise of Atlantis: The recovery of knowledge after the Great Decline.

The Original kings, queens and giants of Atlantis, including the First Kings Poseidon and Atlas were long
gone. The knowledge of the first Atlantean civilization and all other earlier Earth civilizations had been lost
through a long period of attrition of both mind and Idea.

Then, as in all time periods after a loss of ideas and knowledge, the problem was one of energy, one of power.
How does one energize technology, how does one energize machines? How do civilizations, countries,
continents, cities in earth, upon earth, within oceans, seas and of sky and space energize, power, or move that
which needs to move? How does one power a transportation system? One might as well ask the secret to what
powers this Universe. The scientists and sages of this 2nd period Atlantis and Earth asked these and similar
questions, and the first answer found, was of using the natural energies of the planet, of creation.

One name for this 'energy' is the 'Grid' system of power and transportation.

The Gridwork of Ley Line is rebuilt.

The era of the flying men and woman

Before the construction of the Great Crystal, the discovery of planetary lines of Cosmodyne force, which we in
this present era call Ley Lines, was rediscovered. Earths own geometry (of that time period) was found to
naturally amplify (or negate) these bundles of primordial energetics. Some of these above were found to be in an
'unfocused' state, while other areas fairly 'thrummed' with power. Humanity of the time began building specific
geometric shapes, such as Pyramids, Dolmens, Ovals, and Loops, that either modified or focused these Flows of
natural energy. Further discoveries of Frequency, magnetic, phototonic and other activational anglarities added to
Human's ability to use this 'Grid' system. Finally, it was discovered the evolved Humans themselves were the
highest modifiers of the Ley Lines, and that the Human body was subject to an 'upgrade' process while within
these Ley Lines and other areas of spiraling power.

The Pryamids and the other built geometry helped entrain the Human brain to Theta (and perhaps some
Gamma) brainwaves. <t.b.a.>

Eclipses and certain other celestial events (including sunspots) could periodically power down (or overload, in
the case of sunspots) the whole system. The astronomers, astrologers and mathmeticians of that time period
worked together to insure optimum functioning of the system and warn the public of 'shut down' times, which
could be potentially disasterous if one was in transport.

An advance to this system occured when it was discovered that to tie the system into the north star, added
further stability to the the person who wanted to travel (and was fit to travel) then stood on the ley
line, facing the direction they wanted to go, at the locally calculated time of activation (on that particular day).
They had to be relaxed and willing to mentally be at their destination, and how fast they wanted to get there.
In more populated areas, 'spotters' with 'occulars' were used to spot the aproaching 'cloud' of people who were
being transported, with the fastest one passing through the area first, high over head. Top travel speed on the
ley line system seemed to be the speed of sound; one could also travel slower than this in divisions of 100,
down to (approx) 7.6 mph. People who traveled this slowonly just cleared tree tops, hill tops, pyramids and
mountain tops. When the gravity/magnetic wave came through through the local area on that line, those that
were prepared felt like the breathe was first drawn out of them, then they were 'grabbed' from the chest area
and pulled up into the air from that area, with the rest of their limbs drawn more back. If there was a moving
cloud of people coming through on that day, theywere drawn up into it. It was rare for anyone to speak during
travel, as the experience itself put one into a relaxed yet altered mental state. The mental focus that was
needed to control ones speed, destination, 'interphase' and/or turns upon meeting another active pulse (and
human cloud) on an intersecting ley line precluded one from speaking with ones neighbors much. Most
communication with ones neighbors during ley line travel was done with the eyes, a remnant of the original
times of poseiden, when telepathy was much more common. When the global grid system was recovered and
redeveloped after 'the great decline', the atlanteans, who were then in the highest period of pure poetic/artistic
creativity of their entire civilization, noted the purity of being, purity of heart needed for the flying and
devoted much thought to this. Their salutation then for 'goodbye' was (translated) "go, in unconditional love"
('of the heart', which was only natural, since that was the key to use the system to travel). These salutations,
through time and translation, eventually gave us a phrase that is said even now; "hearts in atlantis" (hearts of
atlantis). <t.b.a.>

The return of the E.T.'s!

E.T. beings, having already observed or interacted with Earth and it's life forms in the past, observed increased
activity, e/m emanations, and other signs of reviving civilization, and being naturally curious (along with some
groups with additional agenda's, decided to investigate, and again interact.

Before increasing of numbers of giant animals and dinosaurs and the future deadly rampages of these, certain
E.T. groups became so impressed with a harmonius yet technologically advanced Earth that these groups, long
in an obsevational role, decided to once again intervene in the affairs of men and woman. These earlier
interactions between Earth humans and E.T. human and non human types were especially beneficial.
Beneficial to humanities knowledge, and technology and material developments. Human potential, both 'good'
and 'bad', especially interested the E.T.'s. Lemurian, Atlantean and others application of knowledge via the
rebuilding the Grid/Ley line system was one of the early observations by offplanet groups .E.T.s of various
groups then began an 'interchange' program. 'Interchange of knowledge'. So humanity began to 'import'
technology from these groups. And the literally 'gem' of all information received from the E.T.'s and 'demi-
Gods' was:

The Great Crystal of the Atlanteans ~

The most notable of these imported techs was the Giant Power Crystal of the Atlanteans! This Great Crystal
would eventually supplant the grid system, which the E.T.'s had been so interested in, in the first place. The
Original uses of the Great Crystal were, like the Grid/Ley Line system, beneficial. Not just to humanity, but to
plants, animals, minerals and the movement of Planetary Life energy ("Orgone", "Chi", "Zero Point" etc). The
Great Crystal itself was in a way a part of Solar/Planetary energetics. Yet the crystal was also semi-
autonomous, and advanced, in it's function. At first, the Crystal only had significant powering functions during
the Solar Day of the Atlantean plain where it was constructed/grown. The Grid/Ley line system, when first
mapped out during the original Earth civilization of Poseidon, Atlas, and other very highly functioning human
beings (demi-Gods), was also at first semi depentant on the Solar day. The Atlanteans of this time period,
with the advice of the E.T. groups who had brought this technology to Earth did many experiments both on
and with the Great Crystal. They did obseve that while not able to be a source of power at night, there was
indeed residual power stored throughout the Crystalline complex at night. The whole complex acted as a giant
Capacitor at night, though at first this was not able to be used in any functional way. The other limitation to
the Great Cyrstal was even at full power during local Atlantean Solar noon, only devices, ships, disks, A.I. type
devices, networks and small transceiving crystals in the same Earth hemisphere as Atlantis were able to
powered or otherwise energized/useful. Even small pure crystals with no load, if located opposite of Atlantis
around the globe, were not significantly energized. The only later development/upgrade in this era of time was
that eventually, small bits of communications (and/or the empowerment of very small devices) could go
through the crystalline network, on the other side of the Earth.

Location of the Great Crystal ~ The Great Crystal was placed East and North what now is the present day
Bahamas. All this area, once a great plain of Atlantis, is now miles under the Atlantic ocean. This great plain
of Atlantis survived one reduction (of size) of Atlantis, but the plain and the Great Crystal did not survive the
Great Flood, which the Crystal itself helped to create. At the time of the original placement of the Great
Crystal, the Crystal was located (centered) in all then exisiting land masses, very similar to the centering of the
Great Pyramid of Egypt now. What was the power and range of the Great Crystal? <t.b.a.>
Part 3:

AFRICA; the 'crescent land', the land of the third appearing Adam and Eve! Prior to 52,010 B.C.,
Africa only existed as a large crescent. The parts existing above water then and included the eastern portion of
Africa, as well as some of what is todays southern and northern portions. In addition, Madagascar was then
connected with this large crescent through a penisula. This large crescent with the peninsula and land mass of
Madagascar to the east formed a symbol, orglyph, that was considered Divine in origin. The third appearing
Adam and Eve were Black in color, and like the rest had Divine Origins.
Out of the 5 original Lands (continents) of Modern Humans, Africa is the one continent that not only was
(mostly) not bombed (and not humanly altered), but also gained the most land mass (as a separate continent),
during the great land mass alteration of the Great Flood and after the Mahabharata/Atlantean World War!

Part 4: GOBI

was the original land of the 4th appearing, Adam and Eve. Gobi, an original continent, was washed over and
altered during the 1st Lemurian/Atlantean Cataclysm of 52,010 B.C. (see next page); bombed, rayed, destroyed
and finally flooded by the Great Global Flood of 28,500 B.C. (see page 7); and also bombed, flooded and had
major land mass alterations (during the Mahabharata/Atlantean World War of 10,000 B.C.) that changed Gobi
into today's Mongolia, China, and a few other lands (of that area) of present day Earth (see Pages 10 and 11).
More descriptions ! The 4th appearing Adam and Eve were Yellow in color, and like the rest had Divine Origins.


('Hyderborea', and known by other names also); also the later land of Cimmeria! Hyperborea existed in two
distinct 'sizes' (similar to Atlantis existing in 3 distinct sizes). Its first and Original size was a continental size
land mass that existed where the Polar Sea exists today above Russia, extending south into what is the
Caucuses mountain chain. Hyperborea also extended south and west into todays Scandanavia, and even
partially out into todays North Sea, above the British Isles. It 'overlaps' into what is today Central and
Northwestern Russia, also parts of Scandanavia. The 5th appearing Adam and Eve (white) originated in the
southern Caucuses area, of what was then Hyperborea. During the first Global Cataclysm of 52,010 B.C.,
Hyperborea was cracked in half, with significant portions of that continent subsiding under the sea, similar as
to what happened to Atlantis at that time. The Farthest Eastern and Northern portions were lost, many coastal
areas flooded, and quakes and the later storms significantly altered the landscape. Prior to 52,010 B.C., the
Caucuses area was flat, and only 100 to 200 meters above sea level. The first Cataclysm caused a land uplift in
that area. The Second size of Hyperborea (52,010 B.C. to 28,500 B.C.) was then much reduced, similar in land
area comparable to todays Australia. It still included the Caucuses area, extending North and West to include
Scandavia, and also extending out into the North Sea. Technically, like Atlantis of this same period, it was a
physically divided land, with a waterway and also had an 'inland sea'. After the land recovered from the quakes
and storms of the first cataclysm, the land was again lush and green and fruitful, as was Atlantis and most of
the other lands of Earth of this Pre Flood era. As stated elsewhere, The Pre Flood Earth was much more
nurturing, lush, green, and fruitfull, as compared to present day Earth. The Great Flood of 28,500 B.C.changed
everthing upon the Earth, Oceans and Seas where land once was, and vice versa. High mountain ranges and
volcanos where none used to exist. During the Great Flood, Hyperborea ceased to be any separate above sea
level land mass, with the Caucuses and Scandanavia area becoming part of new land forms. Parts of
Scandanavia became a part of a 'new' land, extending out into the North Sea, and it became to be known as
Cimmeria! The Caucuses area uplifted into a mountain range (during the Great Flood), and became part of a
greater size emerging land, now known as Greater Russia! Cimmeria, as a land and Country, existed post
Great Flood of 28,500 B.C. until the Atlantean/Mahabharata World War and subsequant Earth changes of
10,000 B.C! Cimmeria, as a land, covered parts of todays Scandavaia, extending out into the North Sea area.
The World War of 10,000 B.C. using advanced weapons, tiggered Earth changes and great Storms that uplifted
parts of Scandanavia, and sunk the western lands of Cimmeria under the now larger North Sea. Bombing, the
cataclysmic uplifting of mountains, and tsunami's and land sinking destroyed the civilization of Cimmeria.
Ancestors of Cimmerians of that time included larger numbers of 'ex pat' Atlanteans, some peoples from both
India and Gobi, and those that eventually migrated away from the Caucuses area. These migrations occured
sometime after the 'Tower of Babel'event (see elsewhen in this website), after humanity had gone through
another 'dark era'. Present day Scandanavia came to exist after Earth changes (caused by War) that sunk,
altered, and broke up Cimmeria.

65,000 to 55,000 B.C.

Atlantis flourishes and helps Lemuria~ The Golden era

Earth, now governed by enlightened giant human beings, is as like a heavenly planet~ for a time.
Those giants (humans of then normal size) then living on this version of Earth understood the cyclical nature
of the Yuga cycles, and thus inner work and preparations began to be made, then implemented.

<t.b.a.> So with the Atlanteans now helping the Lemurians try to solve their problems of Marauding Animals
and overgrown Jungle, the Atlantean scientist found a technology that their Great King Poseidon had
experimented and used (a little), so long ago.
It was a 'Gamma' type Nuclear device, small scale, but very affective with in its target zone. (This device is
only somewhat similar to what we have today). The records from Great King Poseidons time were not
complete, and were somewhat damaged, but the lack of information just made the Atlanteans more
determined to make this tech work.
Meanwhile, over on Lemuria, where the Spiritual leaders and Shamen/ess had never lost their clarity, and
foresite, there were warnings being sounded. For quite some time, these leaders had warned the Lemurians
that they to 'fixated' and were not adapting to new times and enviroments. Then the even bigger warning was
sounded that the Lemurians, as a civilization, had been loosing the ability to discern, to make the right
The spiritual leaders and Shamen/ness also began to feel uneasy about the Atlanteans help, but they didnt
know why, at least at first.

The Spiritual leaders and Shamen/ess had also long known that the 'foundation' (continental uplift pressure)
for Lemuria, deep down in the Earth in the semi liquid part of the core, was not stable. The Nature Spirits
and Earth elementals also whispered that Earth her self, was pondering change, especially since the Lemurians
no longer 'cared' about the land. (The Lemurians had become Apathetic towards change for the better).
Even before the Atlanteans tried to help, the Lemurian continent began shaking, and the Volcano's began
erupting. Poisoness gases began crossing some areas of land.
Then the Atlanteans, with zeal, and sincere desire to help (with the Animals, but not understanding the real
situation), stepped in. And that may have been a mistake. Soon the Spiritual leaders saw that the Lemurian
'mindset' was too fixed, and that Mother nature was probably going to step in. But they weren't sure (HOW
MUCH) was going to happen, yet. They did know that there would soon be some land changes,,,,,

The zealous Atlanteans bought in 20 'small yield' Nuclear 'Gamma' type devices. 20 was also the number of
Large Animal (Valley size Nests of Mastodons, Mammoths, and Dinosaurs), spread widely apart upon the
huge Lemurian continent.
Of necessity the Lemurians had long ago vacated these areas, so there would be mimimal harm to Human life.

In Atlantis, scientist and Seers, still moved by Compassion, begin to act.

So the Holy Men and Woman who lived in Atlantis at that time WARNED of trying to help Lemuria, in the
way the scientists wanted. The SEERS warned that even without Atlantean help, Lemuria itself was in danger,
but NOT FROM THE ANIMALS. As far as the majority of Lemurians and Atlanteans were concerned, the
ANIMALS were the problem. What the Seers were trying to say though, is that the ANIMALS were just the
WARNING DEVICE to the real problems of the land, ESPECIALLY the ATTITUDES (thought patterns and
collective INTELLIGENCE) of the Lemurians, and even the ATLANTEANS! TO MUCH NEGATIVE OR
system once again swinging AWAY FROM THE GREAT CENTRAL SUN, the SOURCE OF LIFE and
INTELLIGENCE IN THIS SOLAR SYSTEM! The Seers, further looking into the corridors of time, saw that
SUN, AND ITS AFFECT UPON INTELLIGENCE! (see Mars link on first page!).

Page 5

52,010 B.C.~ Ragnorak version 1.0

Part 1 (Lemuria), and Part 2, (Atlantis and the rest of the 2nd Earth).

The sinking and loss of the Gaia Mother Civilization!

A War only against the giants of nature, which backfires. Ment to help the Lemurians and the earlier
Alanteans against rampaging of giant animals and dinosaurs, the timed strikes of the Atlanteans upon
Lemurian wilderness begins a build up which leads to an apocalypse.

Spring. April 1st, 52,1010 B.C.

8:00 A.M. Eastern Lemurian time: Atlanteans were now ready to use the Gamma type devices. All of Lemuria
(about 6.5 billion people, remember, this was a huge continent near a peak in civilization!) was waiting on the
Atlantean tech to see if this would solve their problems! Yet strangely, there was an increase of earthquakes and
volcanic activity, and even the rainy weather bands of the vapor barrier/atmospheric manifold seemed much
more chaotic than usual, with storms and lightning being reported. These storms were unheard of by the
Lemurians and Atlanteans of this time, storms and lightning only being reported in legends of their past!

Some Lemurians, after hearing the warnings about the Earthquakes and storms (this was all prior to the 20
planned detonations), made immediate plans to move out, and groups began migrating to the Gobi continent,
and the (then) Island of India! At this time, the Gobi area was lush, green and forested, and was fronted then to
the East by the Much larger Yellow Sea!
Others migrated to islands in what would eventually become the South American continent, and also to Atlantis
proper! The Atlanteans welcomed their 'big brother/big sister' Lemurians with opens arms. Much smaller scale
migrations had actually been going on for quite some time.

Both Atlanteans and Lemurians were feeling hopeful, in spite of the strange increasing of the Volcanic eruptions
and the now torrential downpours caused by the eruptions, a few of which seemed to breach the vapor barrier!
The energetics coming through the pyramids, which Lemurians used a source of power, transport, and healing,
also became chaotic, and unusable. Large groups of Animals were noticed jumping into the ocean and
attempting to swim away. Pets started howling or screetching, and generally acting like they wanted to escape

Spring. April 2nd, 52,010 B.C. At long last the Atlantean/Lemurian science teams finished their placements and
yields of the Gamma Nuclear devices. Individually, they were all low yield, all placed in the 20 worst animal
'nest'/valley areas on the Lemurian continent. No One thought of RECHECKING THE sequencing or spacing of
the fusion events and implosions. They were all timed to go implode together. THE COUNTDOWN BEGINS.
April 5th, 8:00 P.M. 52,010 B.C. Central Lemurian time: Countdown Zero! The devices work as designed (they
thought), with the scientists breathing a 'whew' of relief! The Media/Net announces that come morning, results
should be apparent! That turned out to be and understatement, as well as a misstatement! The night from
hell had begun.
By 8 a.m. NEXT morning large volcanic cracks were spreading across the Lemurian continent! In the next few
days, Large areas of land began subsiding, and ocean was beginning to poor in!
Worst of all, in spite of offers of Atlantean help to flee (or be moved), most of the population either didn't
believe Lemuria could sink, or they acted like they just wanted to 'go down with the ship'! Within 2 weeks, half
the continent had water over it! The process slowed down some then, and the 'Great Sinking' actually took about
20 months to complete, leaving the Hawaiian, Easter, and many other current South west island chains above
water. Two larger exceptions also stayed above water: Australia, and another larger remant Island (now gone).
Small groups of Lemurians, towards the end of the 20 months, did take up the Atlanteans offer to move to
THEIR OWN CONTINENT! Overall over 4.5 billion people 'went down the ship!' The far northeastern shore of
Lemuria that was pushed up while the rest of the continent sank, eventually would become the far western coast
(including California and southern Oregon) of the eventually formed new continent of North America (after the
later Great Flood). The far southeastern coast of Lemuria that was pushed up and saved would eventually
become part of the west coast of the new continent of South America (this after the Great Flood). The far
northwestern coast of Lemuria that was pushed up and saved would eventually become part of what is now
Japan! Yes, Lemuria was big!

Ragnorak, Part 2 ~Atlantis, the first destruction and sinking

So at 8:00 P.M. on April 5th, 52,010 B.C. the combined science team of the Atlanteans and Lemurians
detonated the Gamma Nuclear type devices, all 20 of them, upon Lemuria, to solve a problem. What they
didn't know is that they just created 2 CONTINENTAL SIZE larger problems.
Many months before, the Atlantean News/net had interviewed the Spiritual adepts, and the Atlantean Oracle
that lived in the Holy pyramids on the far Eastern shore area of Atlantis. Both the Oracle (a type of construct)
and the group of Spiritual adepts warned strongly, if not harshly, about the course of actions the Atlanteans
were taking, via technology, to help the Lemurians! They also warned that the Lemurians themselves still had
the power, inside themselves, to save their continent both from the rampaging animals and MORE
IMPORTANTLY from other, more hidden dangers in their very land itself!
They further warned, worst of all, is that IF THEY CARRIED THROUGH THE PLAN TO HELP THE
LEMURIANS, ATLANTIS ITSELF WOULD BECOME IN DANGER. Finally, the E.T.'s, whose interactions
with both the Atlanteans and Leumurians had long since become public and commonplace, started boarding
their Air ships in Atlantis for a mass exodus that very night of April 5th! And of course, most Atlanteans
ignored these 'signs', and interviews! The Atlanteans themselves at one time had rampaging animals also, the
problem being solved through Atlantean technology. Some Atlanteans yawned, and some laughed at what they
considered 'bad' advice to stop these 20 planned detonations! "Sheep crying in the night at shadows!" were the
thoughts of most of the Atlanteans and Lemurians about the warnings of the Adepts, as well as warnings from
others (including the E.T.'s).

So the Atlanteans were horrified when they heard the morning report that Lemuria was now in the process of
cracking, splitting apart, and sinking just 12 hours after the detonations! 3 days after the Lemurian
detonations, Atlantean pets started acting crazy, like they too wanted to escape! Meanwhile, the Adepts and
the Oracle were now saying, "Now it begins here".
They also warned that Atlanteans living along the far southern (and also southeastern) shores (southern shore
at that time one of the most populated areas of Atlantis!), the far Southwest Isthmus (an industrial area that
lead to what would become Central America), and the Far North East country (including the Isthmus that
connected Atlantis to what would become the British Isles!) should ALL MOVE INLAND (or away) FROM
THESE AREAS. They further warned that anyone living along the Great Central River (that ran North/South)
should MOVE, and the ATLANTEAN CONTINENT AS A WHOLE WOULD NOW experience great
volcanic smokes, eruptions and earth quakes, for 36 months! It turned out to be a time of hell, for Atlantis!

If not the horrendous quakes, storms, slides crackings, and sinkings, there were also huge clouds of poisonous
gas emitted by the Earth, which destroyed whole regions of the Atlantean continent! Many Millions of
Atlanteans didn't make it through this, including several million that acted as the Lemurians did, not believing
it could happen to them!
The Great Atlantean Power Crystal, shifting position in a particularly violent quake, powered down, taking
more than 95% of the Atlanteans grid with it in a Domino effect. It would be literally decades of repairing and
realigning the Crystal before it would go 'online' again. 98% of the Flying sky Ships at the time then crashed
(since they were powered by the Great Crystal). Between this event, the severe ground quakes (and coastal
sinkings), 99% of Atlantean air fleet was wiped out. 85% percent of the water fleet, powered by the Great
Crystal, were now depowered and adrift. Great storms and waves then destroyed over 90% (both at the docks
and upon the open seas) of the Atlanteans Legendary Sailing/Water fleet, and the Atlanteans, 10 months after
the detonations, had a realization: The damage to the Atlantean grid and infrastructure was so great, that the
remaining Lemurians would now have to be on there own! Atlantis now had to focus all remaining resources
just to make sure they would survive!

The Great Waterway, in a series of above 9.5 magnitude quakes, began pulling apart. As this happened, severe
upthrusts of the Earth, literally the raising of mountains, occured on both sides of the fault that had once just
been a river valley! No human structure remained standing in this area, not even the megalithic pryamids.
Atlantis was now clove in two, split by a now continent stretching waterway running North/South, not unlike a
much longer version of the present day Red Sea. The populated and industrialized southern coast area was
now under water, as were the other areas the Adepts had warned about!

After 36 months, 4.5 billion people had perished on Lemuria, 2/3's of its population. Atlantis, though not as
populated had lost over half of its population! (This was before the Famine that came later). And no power, no
grid, very little technology working. Of course, then came the famine, and the weather took literally centuries
to 'reboot' and get the vapor barrier/weather control back operational. Atlantis eventually lost over 2/3's of its
population, through the above mentioned after effects. It became severe time of struggle and survival for the
Atlanteans. It was if Nature had literally 'wrenched' Atlantis apart, only to slap it horribly back together, with
large parts either missing or unrecognizibly altered! It was now a land of mountain chains (where before there
had been none), increased volcanos and poisoness areas, and new much further inland coastal areas. The 2
areas of the country relatively intact, interestingly enough, were first: the Far Eastern temple and Holy area
(around the Azores in present day), and 2nd; another known Holy area west (in the area of the Bahama's in
present day) of the Great Southern shore (that had slipped beneath the sea). The low point of Atlantean
civilization at this time bottomed out in 48,200 B.C.

***See article "The cyclical nature of Earth Civilizations and Intelligence! (And how to over come this
Challenge!)" on Page 12!
Page 6

52,009 B.C. to 28,750 B.C.

~ Descent into the Iron era and the dawning of '3rd world' Earth. Then, --------->

The Recovery of Atlantis ~

And the rest of the world. The ascending Yuga's. The Golden era: the cities of Gold, Silver and Crystal. The
coming again of Gods of men and woman, Titans and E.T.'s. The lands of the giants and the stature of human
beings of this time period.

52,000 B.C.~One decade after the first subsidence and downsizing of Atlantis, the AL-3000 Atlantean S.I.
satellite took one last Image of the 'new' size Atlantis. The satelite had lost all contact with its 'creators', and
shut down shortly after the last image was taken. Lava was still flowing across Atlantis, and new lands and
high mountain ranges surfaced above sea level in many different locations upon the Earth. The atmospheric
manifold/vapor barrier had been damaged, and for centuries afterword was observed the unknown and strange
white substances of ice and snow, covering higher altitude areas!
Above: Future location of the North American continent Circa @ 49,000 B.C. ~ Far Western Atlantis and the
new mountainous island chains then above sea level.

Traumatic continental size alterations of the Earth

The Atlanteans were a generous and open people when Mu existed, who tried greatly to ease the suffering of
their Lemurian brothers and sisters. Post sinking Atlanteans were much traumatized: by the loss of the
Lemurian peoples, continent and its civilization; by the violent loss of 1/3 of the Atlantis itself; and by planet
wide natural disasters caused by these sinkings. The Atlanteans had respected and admired the Lemurians, for
having the 'first' civilization. The Lemurians had also advised the Atlanteans to pursue growth and technology
("only for the greater good of the whole") as it were. The loss of the Atlanteans "kinder and gentler big
brothers and sisters", and the splitting of Atlantis right down the middle (that 'split' still exists today as the
now submerged Mid Atlantic ridge) were the worst of the hurts, and caused much upheaval in the Atlanteans
of this era, and its civilization and infrastructure were never the same afterword.

There was then a long period of chaos and decline on Atlantis (as well as Globally), before the recovery of
"New Atlantis". This corresponds with the descending Yuga cycle, as describe on page 12.

The incredible Shrinking Biology

In addtion to the damaging of the atmospheric manifold and great loss of land, Humans, animals, and plants,
there were other nourishing qualities of both Spirit and Earth that were diminished by this catastrophe. This
diminishment would have profound effects on the sizes of all life on Earth at this time, especially animals and
Humans. Animals and Humans of suceeding generations did not grow as tall in stature. While the animals and
people of this time would both be called giants from our present day perspective, they were diminished as
compared to their predecessors. Before the sinkings, titans had literally walked the Earth! This was the first
time that moving life forms of Earth shrank after a global disaster, but it would not be the last!

Unstable Geology

Geologically, Atlantis never again had the stability it had before the sinking of Lemuria. From this time
forward, Atlantis at times would lose and gain land to the sea! Earthquakes became common, though most
were not large. At least a few volcano's were always active, and when the later Atlanteans started
re~experimenting with technologies that were not quite under their control, there came to be periods where
many volcano's were always active. Later life under these eruptions would not have been pleasant, except by
then the Atlanteans had re~invented climate, weather controls, and later e/m shielding.

Earth Geography Circa 49,000 B.C.~ The lands and high mountain ranges recently pushed above sea level.


With Human civilizations wrecked and/or in decline as of 49,000 B.C., certain explorers still roamed the Earth.
They found a new large ocean where Lemuria had been, (then muddy and as yet un~navigable), that would
eventually called the Pacific Ocean. This also found a new island continent, the largest remnant from mighty
Mu, that would eventually be called Australia. In Australia, new high mountain ranges had risen up caused by
the Earth shifts of Lemurian and Atlantean disasters. These new highest craggy mountains in Australia would
eventually be worn down, and called the Blue mountains of Australia's eastern seaboard. Another new, high
and volcanic mountain range in northwest Australia would eventually be worn down and called the Kimberly.
Elsewhere, New Zealand, Hawaii and other pacific island chains, remnants from Mu, stayed above the waves.
Prior to the Lemurian sinking, a large Australian size low land salt marsh area had been emerging, to the west
of present day Australia. This area, originally called the salt marshes of Sa~id, fully emerged after the sinking
of Lemuria, and became lush and habitable. This island continent, to be eventually known as India, was not
yet near what would eventually be the Himalayan mountains to the North. At this time period, future India
existed a 1,000 miles south of it's present location. This new lush island continent is where most of the
Lemurian survivors escaped and settled. India (and Tibet) to this day have some Lemurian knowledge, even if
theoriginal source is no longer remembered. Later during the Great Flood, India, being shoved a 1,000 miles
north by cataclysmic Earth changes, slammed into a newly emergent land mass west of the Gobi continent,
which caused the first rising of the Himalayan mountains. This has been the only time that a land mass of this
size has been moved horizontally (and still remaining above sea level), with all other major shifts of Earth
having been vertical raising or lowering. There are deeper reasons why this is so, but this goes beyond what
needs to told in this website.

The America's

Nearer to the Atlantean west coast of this period was a new high island mountain range. This new high craggy
island mountain range would be worn down during the coming Great Flood, and called the Applachian
mountain chain. During this era however, there was no North American continent, and the Applachian island
mountains existed by themselves in a very large sea, with Atlantis to the east. Other new North American
islands came to be in what would later become the four corners area of the U.S. and the Great lakes area. In
the areas now known as the Rocky mountains and Sierra Nevada mountains, what previously had been sea
bottom had now risen up to be shallow underwater showls, a new hazard to Atlantean mariners of the the
time. And finally, Lemuria's far east coasts were not only left above water after the mega continents sinking,
but were pushed up to eventually become coastal mountain and hill ranges of both North and South America.
At this time period however, these ranges were not part of any continental land masses, and were surrounded
by the new Mega Pacific ocean.


Africa had for a long time called the crescent continent, yet after the sinking of Lemuria and parts of Atlantis,
the crescent aspect had started to fill in. Africa had gained some land to it's west, and North. A few high
mountain chains had also been pushed up during the above events.


Hyperborea,participating as observers during the Atlantean attempt to help Lemuria, lost some land mass, to
it's North and west.


Gobi also lost land, especailly on it's southern shores. There were two new mountain ranges.
Ur (Antarctica)

Antarctica, pre Mu sinking was a small island surrounded by underwater shoals and salt marshes. Post sinking,
it enlarged in size, and gained two companion islands both about the size of present day Sri Lanka. The total
land area then was only 1/3 the size of present day India. The 3 islands of Ur~Antarctica were (at that time)
not the South Pole of the planet, and ice and snow free.

The Third Atlantean civilization and technology.

The first Atlantean civilization was long ago, with the Original Poseidon, 1st King of Atlantis, and his faithful
friend and Master of Arms, the giant named Atlas! The second Atlantean civilization was the recovery after the
'long decline', the eventual helping of Lemuria, and the development and activation of the Great Crystal! This
third civilization of Atlantis emerged around 47,000 to 46,000 B.C.. With the Earth shifts from the sinking of
Lemuria, Atlantis was now much hotter in temperature than before. The Atlanteans of this period recalculated
and repaired the damaged 'atmospheric manifold' and vapor barrier. Even after the repair, the residents of
Earth of this era saw periodic 'storms' of color', along with intense rain, and something new~lightning and
thunder! The atmospheric manifold, though still able to be weather modified, was slightly, permanently
de~stabilized after the Lemurian cataclysm. Atlanteans and others then further modified local climates, and
were able to instigate city wide 'dome' temperature and weather control, including air conditioning.

With the Great Crystal repaired, a newer generation of Atlanteans started looking for ways to boost its power,
and decrease its limitations.

Alternate Power

The Ley Line/Grid/Pyramidal enviromental power and transport systems that had preceded the Great Crystal
were drastically altered, and somewhat destroyed by the pervious cataclysms which shifted the Earth's
magnetic fields and Ley Lines. Though no longer a main source of power for the Atlanteans after the Great
Crystal went online, these secondary systems were also eventually rebuilt and realigned, not just in Atlantis,
but other in many other locations as well. As depicted in our collective 'fiction', Atlanteans went on the
reinvent other energy sources such as ZPM's, and offshoot of crystalline technology.
From 46,000 to 41,000 B.C., Atlanteans and other Earth civilizations were again fruitful, and multiplied. From
41,000-31,000 B.C. the Earth it's parent Solar system basked in a new Golden period.

44,000 B.C.~ E.T'S return to Earth!

Around this time crop circles were seen, a sign that E.T.'s had renewed their interest in Earth. Finally the
E.T's landed, attracted (again) by technology of the Atlanteans, the Atlanteans themselves, and other humans
and Earth forms. A new pinnacle was reached for Atlantean civilization and technology. The analogy to
'pinnacle' is apt; if one climbs a pinnacle, one can also slide done the other side,,,,
In this time period, Prom~e~thus and his crews, (the original E.T. bringers of the Great Crystal technology
and manufacturing that provided power for Atlantis, its colonies, and others), were long gone. Prom~e~thus
had seen the Atlantean's misguided attempts to help the Lemurians (with their rampaging, multiplying giant
size animals and dinosaurs) using multiple low level 'Nuclear' devices all around the continent of Lemuria
(and elsewhere). Prom~e~thus saw that not all of Lemuria would have sunk, and not with some of the
violence that it did, if they had not used the ' Crystalline Nukes' and high level technology of the time. So he
and his crews, sensing the potential for the Atlanteans to further misuse their Crystal technology, withdrew
themselves and their technical support from the Earth. These 'new' Atlanteans now took full responsibility of
maintaining (and 'improving') the Great Crystal. But by 44,000 B.C. other races of E.T.s, long watching the
Planet Earth and Atlantis in particular, decided to once again intervene, and help with technology! And there
were two projects in particular they wanted to help with: Project Stargate, and Project Adam and Eve Version
2.0: The Cro-Magnon construct.

Cro-magnan man and woman: Adam and Eve Version 2.0

Cosmic Potential: Part Two

Starting about 45,000 B.C., Atlantean, Hyperborean, Gobi (Cathay), African, the new land called Bharata
(India) and other Earth civilzations again began to grow, and flourish. Even with the new time and new
growth, what had transpired before had not been forgotten: The loss of Lemuria. Atlantis and Hyperborea also
suffered much loss of lands, and life. Both continents had shrunk almost drastically, as compared to their
previous sizes. Even with the new growth of life and knowldge, there was much reflection throughout the
world, as to what had happened, and how it had happened. Humanity of the time, circa 43,000 B.C. went
through a period of much self doubt. This self doubt of whole societies brought a collective focus towards
Holy Men and Woman, the Oracles of this time period, and finally Creative~Intelligence itself. For a time, all
was good. Never before and never since had the world prayed together seeking a sign, to both resolve the
destruction of the past and to go forward into a better future. And Spirit replied: Come let us, let us make
someone new, someone better, who can both start afresh and who can lead the world into a new time of
harmony. The Atlanteans, who had never quite given up on genetics, had a template. And so it was decided
that a new upgraded version of humanity, Cro-Magnan would be born! Much work was to be done, and with
much praying for direction. Finally, about 42,000 B.C. with the Solar system re~entering a Golden era of high
knowledge, and with the blessing of the Great Saints of the day, two thought form vortexes were formed in
Eastern Atlantis. After much more work and preperation and with E.T help, life began to gather within the
thought form vortexes. First was born/made Cro-Magnan Adam, and from the template of this 'Adam
Cadmon' (Cadmium man) a Cadmium woman namded Eve was born/made in the second vortex. Fully human
with upgrades, in harmony with Spirit, Earth, and the elemental beings, Cro-Magnan Adam and Eve stepped
forth. They were Homo Superior.
Even though their color was red, in their genetics they contained within all the templates of humanity, even a
sixth 'code', this one of blue. They were also called the 'shining ones', and the 'pure ones' After a time in
Atlantis, this Cro-Magnan man and woman traveled to what we know now as the Middle East, and thus the
story of both them and their family begins.
Cain and Able: The anger of Cain, the Mark of Cain.

Cain and Able, along with their mother and father, the new Cro-Magnan Adam and Eve, did well in their new
lands, the lush Middle East. Friction did exist between Cain and his brother Able however. Before the sinking
of Lemuria, most of the human population on Earth, for a very long time, ate what we would call vegetarian.
In this new Earth sans Lemuria (and the cataclysms that when with this), food in many areas was not easy to
come by. Humanity, as it was then had to resort to being omnivores. And for a time, this was good. A
disagreement between the brothers arose.. The source was with Cain, who could not understand how Able
could be an omnivore, when there lush patch of land in the Middle East was abundent with plants. Cain also
was a traditionalist, and he saw it that since humanity for a long time had been vegetarian, then his brother
should be also. Later, with Cain being more frustrated with his brother, the disagreements became arguments.
Able was at Peace with the world, and his own ways of living. Cain, after a time, was not at peace with his
brother. Cain developed a 'holier than thou attitude'. Cain eventually came to feel disgust with his brother, and
no longer felt his brother as 'friend'. Able began to wander far at this time, indulging in his wanderlust of the
planet. After one particularly long time away, Cain, upon seeing his 'brother' return (and feeling happy and at
Peace about his meal of meat), flew into a rage. Cain attacked his brother Able, and Able defended himself.
This infuriated Cain more, and thus did Cain hit his brother Able once more, very hard. Able did not move
after this, the hard blow was too traumatic. Able, at Peace with his life, had been a Holy man. When the final
blow was struck by Cain, the Earth itself and the elementals let out a shriek of grief. Spirit itself confronted
Cain after this, asking why he had made the final blow. Cain, humbled, wondered the Earth for a very long
time. After a long time, Cro-Magnan Adam and Eve, still in the Middle East, had another son. This son in
turn married one of the daughters of 'regular' humanity, and thus the Cro-Magnan's legacy continues. A man
name Noah, would be a part of this legacy.

'Project Stargate'

The Star Gate complex, and it's operations.

About the same time that the new Cro-Magnan man and woman were being born/created of of thought
vortexes, the E.T.'s and Atlanteans were planning on a massive travel complex in West Central Atlantis. This
complex had no major surface, air or underground linkages. Air disks and cylinders were restricted over the
area. The E.T. crews helped the Atlanteans construct Large crystals never before seen on the Earth. They
seemed to shimmer brightly at times, were dull at others, and sounded like they softly hissed! They were very
different from the Great Crystal, other secondary power crystals, and the healing crystals. There were workers,
as they were finishing the crystalline installation into the complex, sometimes faded from sight, never to be
seen again! As work neared completion, there were even more strange flashes of light and sound, and
sometimes peculiar FLAT beings were seen! The Atlanteans confronted the E.T. groups who provided
technical guidence, and the E.T.'s redoubled their efforts with the Atlanteans to stabilize the complex. An
massive black satelite was constructed half way between the Earth and Moon. This Cosmic ray powered Black
A.I. station helped stabilize the crystals inside the complex. In Midsummer 40,023 B.C. the 'Trans-station'
opened! It allowed any Atlantean to beam travel instantaneously most anywhere in the Galaxy (and then
some). And more interestingly, a person could tranfer into other, alternate Earth universes. No other previous
Atlantean civilization before or after this one had this, the Star Gate. In some ways, this civilization of Atlantis,
(before the dark times and eventually Global war and worse), was the highest technically and materially of all
Atlantean civilizations.
The Great Crystal provided power to this complex, but the building also had its own power crystals of smaller
size. The building was huge and circular, built somewhat like a train hub underground, but the spokes of the
'wheel', instead of having tracks that went into the distance, each instead ended in a wall, (3 meters from the
entrance) of shimmering irridescent light that continually shifted, or reflected different colors. Sometimes
sound could be heard through the shimmering walls of light. The strange unearthly
'transport/transdimensional' crystals were not directly seen, but were placed in the floor under the shimmering
walls of light. After speaking to the A.I. in charge of that particular portal (the E.T's did this function at first,
until the A.I.'s were operational), and a wait of 15 seconds while the A.I. 'tuned' the frequency of the
destination, one then walked the wall of light, and into the destination, or other dimension! In this way, in
later dark days before the war, some Atlanteans and others left the Earth, and never came back!

Explorations of this Golden era. The return of the God's, Titan's, and men of reknown. Similar to the last two
high periods of planetary development, all life on the planet started upgrading, nourished by the intense
beneficial radiations from the center of the Galaxy. Many Animals and some plants, as before became self
aware, conscious as humans are. The most intelligent animals of each species would usually band together is
specific 'tribes', and some of these built villages and small towns. Some remained more animal like, and others
were near pare to human beings in function. A few developed sage/saint like qualities. Some of these are in
our 'legends'. Many could master the Humans languages of Earth, (and humans of this time could easily
decipher what the animals was woofing/tweeting about as well). So once again, the moving life forms of Earth
sometimes walked together, celebrated together, and sometimes the higher animal tribes would help the
humans fight their wars,,,,,Plants of these high era's while usually mute, would none the less know the humans
intent. Some plants, along with having intelligence, developed either moving vines and /or thorns, or other
specific moving defense against being attacked and eaten. While all life forms had shrunk from attrition after
the sinking of Lemuria and the planetary/geologic disasters that had happened with this event, during the
Golden era's especially, life forms increased in size. So the large animals and dinosaurs became larger, as well
as more intelligent. Some dinosaurs, which still existed in this time period, organized themselves enough to
travel and hunt in packs. Some human beings of the golden era's also grew much greater in stature, and most
folks then had much greater intelligence. This vastly increased intelligence, along with spiritual discipline, gave
a few 'understandings of the Gods', and these could act on these understandings accordingly. A few of these
advanced and large humans had (or earned, through long disciplined practices) the knowledge of how to fly,
and other powers.

About 36,000 B.C., Atlantis and the rest of the world reached a new high point in higher knowledge, and
technology. This was indeed another Golden era upon the Earth, with communciations, off world colonies,
marine, air, and space vehicles, and even Spiritual knowledge freely shared with all. This era of sharing,
knowledge, transportation, off world colonization, and peace would not last, however. This era's civilization of
Atlantis and other world powers was overall the highest developed Human technical civilization this Earth has
ever had, even up to present day. Preceding and succeding era's have overall, not matched this era's physical
high technologies.

Criminals Rehabilitated: The Atlantean Healing Pyramids, temples and their healing rays.

Above: A stormy atmospheric manifold looking out through a crystal wall in an Atlantean temple~ pre Great

During the peak era's of this Atlantean civilization, criminals were not imprisioned or used for labor to serve a
sentence. The collective thoughts of the Atlanteans of this time were of awakening, and rehabilitation. Any
Atlantean convicted of a crime (not counting the Chimera's or 'new citizens' and migrants) was automatically
referred to a Master Healer, and a healing temple with body and brain ray frequencies. What then, was the
procedure? The convicted criminal was released in a 'house arrest' type of arrangement, where family members
would come forward and would vouch for this persons behaviour, until treatment was completed. In the very
rare event of no family members available for this reponsibility (due to an almost immortal lifespan), there
were usually members of the public or even healers that would volunteer to take responsibility for the
'convictee', until treatment was completed!

The treatments.

The treatment consisted of beaming either light, sound, magnetic, electric or other cosmodyne forces into the
certain brain regions that scanning had showed wereunder functioning or hyper functioning. This was usually
followed by beaming the forebrain, to awaken higher level thinking. Thirty treatments in a 10 to 12 week
period usually worked, plus a 3 month rest period while the patients brain adjusted and ultimately rebooted
into a more awakened and balanced state of consciousness. Around 90%+ were usually helped. For the rare
person that wanted to continue his or her crime causing behaviour, banishment from the continent of Atlantis
forever was the punishment. Later on, in the dark days leading up to global was that preceded the great Flood,
these technologies were subverted by certain sects of high government operatives and others, and the Brain
rays became mind control technologies and worse!
By 32,000 B.C., the Atlanteans and the rest of the world were (again) experiencing the decline of the Yuga
cycles. Atlanteans of this time had decided to re~experiment with a technology that had failed spectacularly
before~'Crystalline Gamma Nukes'. This technology had played a large role in the sinking of Lemuria, and the
large reduction in size of the Atlantean continent. Yet the Atlanteans of these generations had forgotton most
of the strife and disaster that came from misusing this technology, and preceded to experiment. Around 31,000
B.C. a series of miscalculated experiments resulted in a chain reaction, which resulted a more of their
continent slipping beneath the sea. This heralded a whole new era of geologic instability, into what had once
been a large stable continent. When the Lemurian mega continent sank, not only did some parts of Atlantis
sink with it, but the remaining continent developed a crack right down the middle, a warning from nature
herself, that went unheeded in this era. A very large tsunami had swept the remaining Atlantean continent
also, burying a lot of plant and animal life very deeply. This event would have great bearing upon future Earth
events. After the chain reaction experiment went wrong, this crack down the middle turned into a full split.
This split, which became several miles wide in some places, became known as the 'Strait of Atlantis'. Volcano's
long dorment also re awakened, and from this time until the Great Flood, Atlantis had to continually clean up
either from quakes, or from volcanic eruptions. Some parts of the country were no longer pleasent places to
be, although these geologically unstable areas did yield both crystals and metals, if one could mine them
without being burned, or shook, or worse. After these events occured, and the Atlanteans became very insular,
not really trusting anyone outside their own borders, even as the land within their continental border
continued to show signs of instability.

The E.T. groups who had previous helped Atlantis with their 'Star Gate' and other crystalline technology,
began leaving the Earth. The Atlanteans and most other humans of this time period, suffering from the
descending Yuga cycle of this Solar system, began to disregard higher ideals and morals, advice from the era's
own Holy men and woman, and from the E.T.'s. Long forgotten (and thought resolved) conflicts within the
civilizations of Earth began to resurface. The highly advanced A.I. technologies and machines of the time kept
technical knowledge from disappearing, but there was no longer any higher minded leadership on Earth.
Atlantis seemed to be at the for~front of this 'forgetting' of morals and high ideals. Irritation with other Earth
civilizations and city-states increased. New leaders upon Atlantis decided to start punishing those with whom
they saw as 'enemies of the state'. These imprisonments and punishments became to be more and more
deadly, more dangerous. Other civilizations and individuals protested these increasingly irrational punishments
of individuals, cities and whole regions of Earth. Whole regions now struggled under invading Atlantean
occupation armies, navies and aircraft. Atlantis then re~activated it's Chimera genetic technology, long
shunned. Not only was a new slave class of animal/humans created, but Atlantis then began to really punish
and torture human beings by 'retrograding them'. The E.T. groups had seen enough, their own very advanced
technology told them a global war was upon the horizon. With the leaving (again) of the E.T.'s, the Atlanteans
began trying to improve their very high tech 'swords'. And whom was this enemy the Atlanteans were going to
go after now? None other than what became a Lemurian library, the civilization of Gobi!

The land of Gobi (Cathay) and it's brother civilization: India of the pre-war, pre Great Flood era~circa 28,750
Both during and after the sinking of Lemuria, the surviving Lemurians moved to two places. The first was
Sa~id (Bharata, India), and newly emerging island continent, and the second place they asked and received
answer to move to, was Gobi (Cathay). Later, working with descendents of the Lemurians, the Gobian
civilization developed and refined certain technologies such as biology/life sciences, masonry, pyramid building
and anti gravity technologies.

In this era Bharata (India) was still an island continent a thousand miles from any shore. Yet technology,
understanding, help and higher knowledge flowed freely between the two lands. Unlike the Atlanteans of this
time, knowledge was freely shared with any who asked. Atlantis had something else that no one else had
either; they still had the Great Crystal. Atlantis began work to increase the Great Crystals power and range.
Initally, increasing the Great Crystals range and capabilities was supposed to bring power, communications,
networking, and other 'tools of humanity' to the whole Earth, without the restrictions or the 'fading of night
power' (which had affected the Crystal originally). After making some progress in this regard, the Atlanteans
changed their minds; this new improved Great Crystal would not be further shared, and the Atlanteans would
only honor already existing agreements.

Hyperborea, the fifth continent and civilization, had long looked up to Atlantis as the Spiritual, technical, and
cultural leaders of the planet. In this era, most of the population and leadership still did. Yet the
Hyperboreans, with the Atlantean re~activation of the Chimera bio technology and especially the
retrogradation of human beings, began to question Atlantean ethics. In doing so, Hyperborea re-opened itself
up to the idea of talking, and establishing better relations with both Gobi, and India.
Above: The atmospheric manifold of Pre Great Flood Earth, at sunset.

Time period: 31,000 B.C. to 29,000 B.C. Aggresive tendencies and increasing misuses of Atlantean technology.
(The 'enemies of Atlantis').

Page 7

28,700 B.C.~24,999 B.C.

The "Men and Woman of Reknown".

The Golden apex of this Earth civilization, followed by Yuga and moral decline. All this eventually leads to a
cataclysmic war, which activates The Great Flood.

Puncturing the atmosphere and the Earth, humanities destructiveness unleashes uncontrolled water elementals
of the Great Flood! The Earth drowns, followed by a catastrophic world wide freeze up! ~A wonder that any
life survived at all!

28,700 B.C.~ Prelude to a war; but first: The Men and woman of reknown.

'Age of Hero's', Era of Hero's, 'Whom we call demigods, the (race) of humans preceding our own.'


28,630 B.C.

The Atlantean government starts an unprecedented and dangerous military buildup, with the aim of having
superior forces to those of Gobi, and Sa~id. Part of this was envy on the Atlanteans part, as Gobi was still
enjoying Golden Era benefits of knowledge, (due to the Solar Dynasty practices then known by most of the
residents of the Gobi continent).

. Demi~gods (the advanced humans and giants from the Golden era) on all continents begin to argue and
prepare for war with one another.


28,520 B.C.

120 cycles of Earth around it's sun before the Great Flood: The Atlanteans start seeking more power to
supplement the 'new and improved Great Crystal', grown/constructed out of the existing Crystal. The original
Great Crystal was two stories tall, mostly solar powered, and had E.T. guidence and technology to
grow/construct! But that was then, prior to 60,000 B.C. and one global catastrophy ago. The Atlanteans of this
era being secretive and aggressive believed they could reconstruct the Great Crystal into something even
better, a weapon!

The Great Crystal, already a bountiful power generator, when regrown was a larger generator that was able to
power air and sea fleets around 3/4's of the Globe (as well as to the moon, within a direct line of site). These
new power generation abilities were not enough for what the Atlanteans wanted: to focus all of the Crystal
power to beam through the Earth and strike Atlantean enemies, wherever on Earth they may be! For this they
wanted to employ a new type of reactor, The 'Star~heart' Irridium reactor!

The construction of the Irridium (exotic Iridium) reactor at Farpoint Isle (28,620 B.C.), and the first warnings
of the Great Sages.

After the rebuilding of Atlantis, technology within the Atlantean submarine fleet kept detecting a strange
radiation source. Its location was in a shallow sea, in what is now the Gulf of Mexico. The Atlantean
submarine fleet eventually brought this 'rock' to the surface, and this 'rock' showed several anomolous readings.
It was quite dense and heavier than Gold, and alloy analysis showed that it 'wasn't made on Earth'. The size
was roughly a meter wide, a meter long and a meter high. It was analyzed and found to be be mostly 'Irridium'
( with trace elements and isotopes), and the Atlanteans of this era could not synthesize it.

It was called the 'Star Heart', as the Atlanteans thought it was a remnant of a star that had gone Supernova. It
had peculiar properties, such as spontanously generating large electric sparks, magnetic pulses, and other even
stranger phenomana (kind of like the Great Crystal itself)! 120 Revolutions around the Sun before the events
that triggered the Great Flood, the Atlanteans figured out how to use the 'StarHeart' in a peculiar type of
Fusion reactor. This 'Star Heart' reactor was then linked to the rebuilt 5 story size Great Crystal. The
computations and construction of the linkages between the two had errors of timing, which were deadly.
Above all, the two constructs were planned to be used in destructive ways, further magnifying errors of

The Location of the Irridium Reactor was on Farpoint Isle, which was located in the Gulf of Mexico, about
500 Km east north east of present day Mexico City.

Warning of the Sages! Around this same time period (28, 620 B.C.) a man called Noah (Nua) (in what is now
the Middle East) heard the inner voice of intuition, which told him to prepare and start building a Great Ark,
a large ship! Not made of stone or ceramic, for it will sink! Not of metal, lest lightning and storms strike it!
Not of new or high technologies, for these will fail! Wood and pitch and tar were then used.
Priests/Priestesses, monks and nuns of the Eastern Atlantean temples, hearing about Noah, start praying for a
'Intercession' and blessings for the Atlanteans, so that they can make the correct choices, and not stray down
the path of destruction! At this time however, the majority of Atlantean society saw little need for a
Priest/esses or Holy Man or Woman. Wider warnings went out, but were scoffed at. Out of 1billion+ people
living on Atlantis at this time, a couple hundred Atlanteans began to make preparations to leave the continent,
for good. This effort would turn out to be too little, too late.

New years Day: 28,500 B.C.

For decades, all Atlantean 'progress' had been focusing on a war, force, and aggressive use of their technology.
Previously, the Atlantean net, media, and historians had lauded 'the great dark', a period of 2 Earth revolutions
around the sun in which Atlantis had powered down the Great Crystal, in order to further grow it! The Grid,
Ley Line and Pyramidal power and transport systems, which had long been relegated to secondary status or
even 'moth balled', were restored to primary duty during this 24 month period! The Atlanteans of this time
had long re-discovered yet other sources of power, but the further growing of the Great Crystal and doubling
its power output, (nullifying most of its previous weaknesses) was seen as the primary objective to over come
any 'enemies' of the 'Atlantean Empire' (as they now called themselves). The Original size of the Great
Crystal, (originally grown/constructed with the help of E.T. Prom~e~thus and his crew), was the height of 2
stories. This 'new' crystal, which the media~net had portrayed as 'being now perfect' was the height of 5
stories! Yet there were now inherant resonance instabilities in the Crystal, which the Atlantean scientists and
A.I.'s failed to compensate for!

Gobi, in the mean while, along with its brother civilization Sa~id (Bharata, India), and a few 'ex' Atlantean
colonies, saw that the Atlanteans were ignoring reason and started building their own weapons, airspace, naval
and military forces They also had high knowledge and construction abilities comparable to Atlantis, except for
the Great Crystal and the Star Heart. Hyperborea, while still warm to Atlantis, also began warning Atlantis of

The demi~gods begin a full war among each other, preceding by a few months only what their 'normal'
human counterparts will do.

Summer 28,500 B.C.

Gobians sensed that the Atlanteans had their 'new' crystal powered up (higher than even before) for several
weeks now. They had also been doing small scale tests with it, at only 1% beam power. Gobi also had reports
that Atlantis had a few severe Earthquakes recently, the highest ever felt since the sinking of Lemuria!
Atlantis's volcano's had suddenly sprung to new violence at the same time, and region wide new quakes were
now being reported daily. Atlantean news/net/media transmissions, for a long time freely accessable to most of
Earth, (as long as you had a 'receiver' crystal), were now 'shadowed' and no longer receiveable outside the
immediate continent of Atlantis!

Damage and Destruction from 1% beam power tests:

At just one percent power, the 'Death Beam' of the 'new Great Crystal', aimed into the Earth at Gobi,
produced an alchemical like 'sink of ash' about the size of small lake (after a 10 minute application). The
Atlanteans, upon further testing, found that the beam, even at 1% power, would keep 'burrowing into the
Earth', as long as they kept up the power to the beam. The second test proved disasterous, resulting a large
explosion which wiped out the nearest Atlantean town with a population of 10,000. This was not reported to
the public however, and the towns silence was blamed on one of the new quakes shaking the land. The
alchemical effects of the beam seemed to reduce everything in the beams path to a dark grey ash, which upon
chemical analysis was found to be made of Carbon (soot) and a dark colored yet strange form of Iron Oxide
(rust). The Atlanteans were amazed at the alchemical effects of the beam which was one of what would be
many unknown variants in the 'new' Great Crystals resonance frequencies!

But the Atlanteans also didn't care so long as they got the results they wanted, which was to beam through the
Earth and utterly destroy the Gobi civilazation! After Gobi, the secondary target was Bharata (India).

WITH MOTHER EARTH HERSELF!!! ~~~SO Thundered the Great Saints of that time!!!~~~

War part 1~ Autumn 28,500 B.C:

THE rains begin. The gentler first days of what would become the Great Flood, as recorded in scripture. For
many many weeks the 'new Great Crystal' had been powered up to untested levels. Along with this power
level, there was now an almost deafening 'shriek!' which seemed to emanate from the Great Crystal Power
building, and yet could be heard to resonate for over hundreds and hundreds of square kilometers in every
direction, even up into the sky!

Along with power up of of the Great Crystal, there began to quakes over most of Atlantis, (the exception being
the far eastern Atlantean temple region), and these became almost non stop. Volcanos, jets of searing water,
and other thermal areas through out oAtlantis were spouting and erupting at levels not seen since the sinking
of Lemuria! And yet the Atlanteans kept at it,,,,, With the powering up of the 'Death Ray' from out of the
Great Crystal and the 'Star~heart' reactor, great shrieks, groans and rumblings of both Earth and Sky could be
heard and felt first in Atlantis, and then over the whole Earth! Then it really began to rain, and storm like
never before in Atlantis! Soon, this band of rain and storms began spreading across larger areas of the Earth.
In a month, all of Earth's Atmospheric Manifold (pressurization)/ vapor barrier became affected by the
energetic distortions of the Great Ray. The Holy men and woman then on Earth, were not just warning about
the war, but especially the continuing rain. And this rain was still only a warning of what would happen if the
Atlanteans persisted.

Another deadly lack of perception among the Atlantean scientists was the bed of hydrocarbons (especially
Methane) which then existed under vast parts of Western Atlantis, the Sargasso Sea, Northern, and Central
Atlantis! What the Atlantean Scientists didnt know was the the Great Beam would do 2 things, right beneath
their feet!

The first event, was that the great beam, tunneling into the Earth toward Gobi, started to free up Hydrogen
from the Methane inside the Earth. This H2 in turn started combining with the rich Oxygen atmosphere (at
that time 30%+ Oxygen). Normally the Helium then present in Earth's atmospheric manifold would moderate
this combining process. The second event was the beginning of igniting the subterranean Methane. The
exposure to the Atomsphere, brought in with the Death Beam, helped the ignition process. Gobi itself began
to be affected by Earth quakes, and then the rain started~! Gobi then saw what the Atlanteans were going to
do them, regardless of all the entreaties not to. Atlanteans then turned the beam past full power still aimed
through the Earth, boring towards Gobi. The Sages of Gobi then gave a last warning, telling what the rain
would turn into!!! So the Gobians, Bharatans, and other affiliated countries launced a strike force against the
Atlantean with theri disk and cigar shaped craft, which included A.I. very high technology weapons.

War part 2~Mid fall: 28,500 B.C. The lightning strikes!

As Gobi launches its attack on Atlantis,

An 'overclock' power up of their Star Heart reactor is initiated by the Atlanteans upon sensing the incoming
Strike! With destruction eminent, the Atlanteans, against all warnings, turn the unstable Reactor up to 3000%

With the extra power provided by the Star Heart, the Great Crystals Death Beam starts boring through the
Earth very rapidly, causing a great deal of destruction, even upon Atlantis! The storms and the now torrential
rains, which had been continual in the last couple weeks became waterfalls from the sky. The Atlanteans had
no idea what was happening, and yet continued. Water, combining rapidly from the freed Hydrogen and
Oxygen within the Earth from the Great beam, started exploding out of Atlantean ground and the Sargasso
sea. There were great winds and moans up in the Atmospheric manifold, which could no longer be seen
because of all the water pouring out the de~stabilizing Manifold..
The Atlanteans receive (2) 7 day warnings in consecutive weeks from the Earth itself and from prophets,
oracles, and sages. The first warning is about the Star Heart reactor, and the second greater warning was
about the misuse of the Great Crystal itself.

The rains and storms both on Atlantis and over the whole Earth were unprecedented! The warring and
aggressive populations (including the demi-Gods and Giants) finally begin to feel fear, but this fear was not
enough nor soon enough. Volcano's and earthquakes awaken become widespread and deadly. The large
animals and dinosaurs begin stampeding in certain areas of earth, causing destruction . Panic begins, and
peoples of both Atlantis and Gobi, if not caught up in war itself, try to flee.

The mistimed Star Heart reactor begins immense irradiation, causing deep explosions. The Great Death Ray
of the Great Crystal begins to affect Gobi, and both Gobi and Atlantis suffer immense explosions,
innundations, volcano's, earthquakes, strange lights in the sky and numerous other deadly manifestations. The
Earth is shook so badly in the mantle from the mistimed Star Heart, that the poles begin to shift! This, along
with the continued rays and weapons including nukes, cause massive amounts of land to start raising and
draining, including what would be future new lands of the eastern coast of North America, portions of South
America, larger lands just off of the coast of Bharata, and several others. These newly risen lands are the first
warning of the Earth! These new areas drain for a week with unprecedented volume and force, forming the
submarine canyons (as we know them today) as these portions of land were again submerged by higher sea
levels post Great Flood. Noah and the prophets issue the second and final warning, yet the for another seven
days the wars of demi~Gods, men and woman, giants, and death rays continue. Water falls of rain now fall all
over the Earth.

7 days after the beginning of the waterfall of RAIN~ NOVEMBER FIRST 28,500 B.C. The day called the Day
of the Dead begins!

The fountains of the Earth and sky had now opened up fully, colassal storms raged, the the air, earth water and
sky continually shrieked, groaned and quaked! Very many volcanos exploded. Just when the combined fleets of
Gobi, India, Hyperborea and other had been expelled by the super high gravametric Atlantean shields, the Star
Heart reactor, over taxed and over drawn, went super critical! The isle of Far point, right in the middle of what
is now the Gulf of Mexico, disappeared in a preturnatural flash of blinding light seen by all of Atlantis, blinding
half way around the Globe even through the waterfalls of rain. This flash was seen even on the other side of
Earth. Most of the still living population of Atlanteans were blinded instantly. The flash was only a precursor of
what was to come, however. In another five seconds, all lands, waters in what today we call the Gulf of Mexico,
and parts of far western Atlantis were instant vaporized. The resulting mega fusion/fission vaporization blew
untold millions of tons of Earth, water, and atmosphere right out of Earth, into space! In twenty seconds this
wave front traveled the large Atlantean physical and wave conduits into the Great Crystal, and then followed the
Death Ray out of the Crystal into the Earth. For a minute there was no response from the Great Crystal, the
Death Ray, or the Earth, but that minute wouldn't matter, for only thiry seconds later, the sound wave/wave
front of the Star Heart vaporization hit all of Atlantis. The supercritical wave of e/m implosion from the Star
Heart instantly traveled through all Atlantean conduits, wave paths, and crystalline receivers, vaporizing anyone
within 50 Kilometers of any of these. A rapidly spreading web of death. The few Atlanteans surviving this
however, only had another 30 seconds. In the last 30 seconds, in spite of the tremendous noises of the volcano's
earthquakes, megastorms, waterfalls from the air, a tremendous groan was heard by the few survivors of the
above events. The groan came from the Earth itself, where the wave from the reactor had traveled through the
Crystal, into the Earth. The Earth itself in that location in just 30 seconds went supercritical, and fed back up
the Death beam into the Great Crystal, which vaporized with as much force as the Star Heart had just a minute
earlier. Together, the supercritical Earth (from the overclocked Death Ray) along with the Nuclear implosion of
the Great Crystal/Death beam combined, with the result being another hole in the Earth, sky, and water, that
was even bigger than the Earth wound which had opened in what became the Gulf of Mexico. The supercritical
Earth in turn ignited all of the Methane and freed Hydrogen under most of Atlantis, and even more water,
Earth, and atmosphere were blown into space!

Atmospheric effects.

The atmospheric manifold of pre-flood Earth is what had allowed the atmosphere to have a high pressure, high
oxygen enviroment. This in turn had allowed many 'Gardens of Eden' over time, to flourish. This manifold,
already weakened and damaged by previous events on Earth, was already collapsing permanently after the first
continent wide implosion of the Star Heart. The implosion of the Death ray and Great Crystal, followed by the
horrendus gas and volcanic explosions both on and under Atlantis, sped this collapse up catastrophically. In only
two hours, with a shriek that deafened any survivors on that part of the Earth, the atmosphere lost more than
half of it's previous pressure, and well as 1/20 of its combined land and water mass. The water vapor from the
flood still exists, and on a clear starry night, a certain glow can be seen out in space, and this is not the glow of
the Milky way, but the glow of all the water vapor, now ice, that trails in Earths orbit around it's sun. The new
atmospheric pressure of 14.7 psi at sea level acted as a vacuum on the remaining atmospheric manifold, and the
water that had been held deep within the Earth. Now the fountains of the deep were opened not just fully, but
few survivors of the above events saw something that has never been witnessed on Earth before, or since! The
Earth was depressurizing and the result was: Tremendus waterfalls, pouring straight out of the Earth, going up,
into the atmosphere, or out into space! Most of the water pouring up did not stay in space, but instead came
back into the shattered atmospheric manifold, where it joined the water that came back to Earth as continent
wide waterfalls! Atlantis, the little left of the continent that wasn't blown up or vaporized, was the first place on
Earth to be covered not just in 10's or 100's of meters of water, but thousands! And so Atlantis, the continent,
vanished forever. By this time the Man called Noah, his family and their wives and animals and seeds and eggs
of all creatures, was afloat, on the opposite side of the Earth from the atmospheric depressurization. An
atmospheric and water eddy protected the Ark from the worst.

Giant Tsunami. In days, the combined grouind water, atmospheric water and continued large undersea
explosions pushed the water now covering the Earth into a very large wave, about 12,000 Feet high! This wave,
when it reached the few mountain ranges still standing (underwater at this point), quickly wore down high peaks
of these mountains. The remaining great forests of Earth (now underwater), massive amounts of dead animals
and humans quickly were picked up into gigantic gyres, that moved over the Earth, and deposited large amounts
of what had been living debris into vast underwater fields. As more gigantic waves moved around the now fully
flooded Earth, the massive amount of land and topsoil picked up began to bury these fields of organic debris.
Buried in some cases, more more than 10 kilometers down.

The first and few immediately succeding waves originated in Atlantis, but then waves came to be out of
nowhere, as there was no land left above water. After a 150 days of this, a great sigh came from the atmospere
and Earth, which had just finally achieved a new stable equalization of 14.7 psi at sea level. The waters of the
great flood at first vaporized into space, with the remaining watergradually reaborbed by the Earth, and pooling
into new great lakes, seas, oceans, and becoming stable water vapor in the atmosphere.


The raising of new mountain ranges during the Great Flood!




GREAT QUANTITIES OF EARTH! A chain reaction started in Earths crust and THE SEMI MOLTEN CORE
(under western and central Atlantis) WAS PUNCTURED, SHAKENED, and STIRRED NOT JUST
The moon reaches the end of its GRAVITATIONAL SLACK and a planetary size 'crack the whip' effect occurs!
The Earth is again shaken so severely that the plantetary orbit around the sun shifts (a second time)! THE
10-15,000 FOOT HIGH (and higher) GLOBAL TIDAL WAVES swept INTO MOTION, drowing and
destroying all known land forms on EARTH! Examples: THE THEN SEPARATE island CONTINENT OF
INDIA gets slammed NORTH INTO the newly risen lands of EURASIA! WITH THIS TITANIC
THE SEMI MOLTEN CORE (yet under the 10,000 feet of water of the Great Flood!) AND SLAMMING INTO
AMERICA AND OTHER PLACES EVEN SURVIVED THIS! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 99.999999999+% of
triggered by Humans! MOTHER EARTH shows scars and MARKS OF SURVIVAL if this event ON A

POST FLOOD; 28,499 B.C.


being bombed/beamed from Atlantis as well), 2/3’s {THE CENTRAL AND WESTERN PORTIONS} OF
Page 9

21,999 B.C. to 10,002 B.C. ~ Earth, (the "4th World").

The ascending Yuga's, the Golden era and the beginnings of a descent. The High Civilizations of Earth prior to
the final conflict and destruction of Atlantis. <re~editing t.b.a.>

The civilizations, countries, and peoples of the 4th world Earth. ~ "Lord give us another chance and we won't
blow it like the last time."

(Above, the 7 islands of Atlantis circa @ 10,300 B.C.)

Overview: The ascending Yuga's and the Golden era of the 4th world.

In this time period, the 4th world civilization remembered and reconstructed most of the high knowledge of
the '3rd' world (through the recorded knowledge of Noah and family, as well as a few other survivors of the
previous Earth). Adding to global knowledge was the Intuitive database of Rama and the Rama empire
(Greater India), the Synchronistic sciences and Chrono~biology of Gobi/Cathay/Serica, along with Atlantean
(partially rediscovered) advanced Cosmo-magnetic properties of Crystalline forms, accelerated physics and
atomics, biology and other sciences. Greater Africa contributed to both the human social and the Shamanic
sciences. All these and more over the longer period of the ascending Yuga, gradually made this Earth almost a
paradise. This became a time of plenty, and not just buildings but most cities first were made of Copper, then
Silver and finally Gold, living Crystal, jewels, and other precious (yet common in that era) metals. The
ascending Yuga of the 4th world became a time of immortalist longevity lifespans; F.T.L, multiversal,
dimensional and E.T. travel interactions were commonplace, and (after much restoration), a very lush, vibrant
and fertlie Earth freely nourished all who lived upon, within, and above her. Most humans and animals could
communicate freely with one another, human telepathy was somewhat commonplace, small human
colonization projects went to other star systems, and multi~phasic Divinity was again explored. A few humans,
through much work, evolved into demi~Gods/Goddess's, as seen before during the previous Earth Golden
Era's. The Nature spirits and most humans interacted with one another, certain animals could rapidly and
naturally evolve into more human like existance, and humans called Sage(s) were commonplace. Plants,
humans and Elementals had much better understandings of one another. The 3 'sizes' of humans freely
interacted and lived together in most areas. Along with the above understandings, Spiritual knowledge was
much easier for some to grasp, and technology (in a few ways) reached a new peak of material development.
S.I. (A.I.) subatomically built-Sentient Intelligence construcrts were able to interpahse weith human thoughts,
and some of these could immediately build any object that was thought of, with all the elements of chemical
table immediately synthesizable. Kind of like a super powered version of the 'replicator' as shown on Star Trek
and other 'science fiction'. Mining in this Gold era was virtually unknown, since the knowledge of taking one
Earth element and making it into another element was commonplace. There were more than a few humans
and other who could fly. Many more had other lessor developed mind powers. As always, the E.T.'s were more
than intrigued with human developments.


Ascending Treta and Satya Yuga: Gods and Goddesses are 'made', then born.

Perhaps it maybe easier to say, that these caliber individual did the work, to unzip Potential (at least as a partial
process). <t.b.a.>Note* This is a (very) brief introduction of Divine evolutionary processes (of this era), and
will be explored only as an overview. There is so much information about the God's, Goddess's and demi~
god's of Earth in this era that a fuller exploration of these individuals and their events would in itself take
several websites. References for further explorations of these individuals will be found on pages 12 and 13 of
this website. 20,000 B.C. ~ With the approaching dawn of the Silver era on this 4th world Earth, knowledge
and understanding reached new heights. Certain individuals of higher intuition born in this era felt keenly
driven to increase understanding of life, death, Spirituality, and universal principles. Most, after more outer
explorations, ended up doing inner disciplines. A few of these took the inner stillness, and explored Spirit. Of
these, fewer yet extended their tapas into months, then seasons, then revolutions of the sun until they had sat,
or practiced for a decade. Then decades. A century, then centuries passed for these some few. And with the
'price' of time, and practice, awareness and Consciousness began to be unzipped inside these some few. Self
Realization, at least of a partial nature became manisfest in these individuals. Along with partial or more
Realization, some began to experience the inherent 'powers' of men, and woman,,,,

Living archetypes:

Of these partial realisations, some few of these found they had become living archtypes for the Solar forces,
Galactic forces, or others. Of these human beings whom self transformed into God's, a few became
well known. Zeus, Indra, and Odin among others <t.b.a.> -----


The cities of the God's and Goddess's etc.

This is only a brief introduction. There are other websites that specialize in the detail of past exploits of these
beings. The below is given, to outline a few of their outer attainments, and the fact that 'regular' humans were
highly influenced by the ways and doings of these individuals, as well as the giants and Titan's.


Rama Empire: Rama City; the capital city of the Greater Rama empire (Sa~id, classical India) was made out of
Mount Olympus: Capital of the Yavin's/Yavana's (Golden era greater Greece).

Asgard: Capital city of CImmeria/Hyperborea (still called Hyperborea during this time, although the land had
been completely altered and downsized during the Great Flood).


Captial of Atland (Atlantis of the 7 Isles).


Central city of Gobi/Oz/Cathay, then a greater continent not connected to the rest of present day Eurasia.

The dwelling of the Gods and Goddess's in Africa:


The cities of other intelligent life forms. <t.b.a.>

The Reptilians. The reptilians had, and still have, mostly underground cities, since they are still under the
Divine decree to 'live underground', which was given in Genesis since they tempted the re-booted new Adam
and Eve, known as Adam Kadmon (Cro~Magnan man/woman~ Homo superior).

The Avians.

The Insectoids.

The Primates.

The Water Dwellers.

The Others.


The cities and collabarations of the 'naturalized' E.T.'s.

The E.T.s who settled in The Solar Dynasty (Cathay, Gobi).


The cities of the Giants (pre-Adamic humanity), survivors of the Great Flood.



The lands, countries and continents of the 4th world Golden era.

Each continent and/or major world power of the time had it's own specialities in life sciences, especially
Spiritual sciences. All born in these time periods were born with advanced level intellect already activated.
They were indeed born 'half enlightened', or more. Along with fairly enlightened humanity, the animals, plants
and mineral/crystalline forms also were highly evolved.

Atlantis~ The 7 islands version of 4th world Earth.

During the war of the previous world cycle that brought about the Great Flood, what had been a continental
size Atlantean landmass cracked in two, then blew apart. The Great Flood then washed away any
distinguishing features on the 7 remaining islands of what had been a 'split continent'. These came to be
known as the 7 islands of Atlantis. Atlanteans of this period were the most advanced (in the material sense) of
all countries and continents, and possibly the most technically developed Atlanteans of all time periods. For a
time they were also humbled by collective past history, and were one of the most Spiritually developed

Before the pinnacle and descending gold period of the Yuga cycle, most Atlanteans were (in out present
language) were "Children of the Law of One". This gentleness did not last, however. Time and multi
centurians came and went, and the newest generations became known for not being the most Spiritually or
ethically developed. (*See next page). The 7 islands of Atlantis (existing from 28,499 B.C. until 9,399 B.C.)
were named Poseidia, <t.b.a.> Some of the larger and more important cities of this Atlantis were Mayre,
Poseidia, and Poes. On their 'mainland', ( the largest island of Poseidia which occupied an extended area
where the Azores are now), the pride of the Atlantis was (then) the tallest mountain on Earth, a volcano
named Mount Atlas, elevation 27,000 feet above sea level and extending another 8,000 feet below sea level.
This Mount Atlas somewhat survived the third (and last Atlantean) cataclysm and is known today as Mount
Pico, upon the little remnant island chain now called the Azores. The Atlanteans of this time colonized certain
areas outside Atlantis for food production, as had been done before. The Mediterrean area, most of north and
other parts of Africa, plus newly emergent parts of what would become South America all became controlled
by Atlantis. During this Golden era, all Atlanteans were well educated, or had innate knowledge.

Atlantean Sciences of the 4th world. MorphoGenetic Engineering:

For a long time after the rebuilding of Atlantis, Atlanteans left this area of sciences alone, but after the peak of
the Era (11,000 B.C.) they reconstructed the biosonic labs, and again studied and applied the knowledge of
these sciences, with eventually not so pleasant results. Thought constructs/telepathy/Mental Kineisis: The
Atlanteans of this period excelled and creating solid contructs out of thought, with no A.I. or machines to help
them out (*See the 1950's movie 'Forbidden Planet' for a good look at thought constructs gone
wrong). Transport/Disk and Cigar craft/Marine vehicles: Atlantis had a number of 'advanced concept' vehicles,
in part modeled on E.T. craft. All these craft, with all the amazing capabilities, were later outfitted with 'planet
cracker' weapons of devastation. Communciations/Networking/A.I.: Again the Atlanteans excelled in these
areas, and Atlantean 'shows', entertainment, and highly scripted and censored news and data was welcomed
gladly by others around the world. Building/Masonry/Geometrics: The Atlanteans and others of this Golden
era could build a city of large stone, Pyramids, and healing temples in a span on just one day and one night!*
(See pages 10 and 12, "The half finished city" of Tiahuanaco, Boliva).

India, (The Rama empire)~

For 11,000 revolutions of Earth the sun, Rama, his family and associates prevailed over an extended era of
peace, prosperity, Health, longevity lifestyles, enlightened intellect and calm minds. For a time, it was some of
Heaven existing on Earth. The Rama empire of this time was much larger than India of the present day.
Besides India, what is now Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Tibet, larger parts of Southest Asia including down
to Java, west into what is now eastern Iran, and north into the southern part of what is now Russia were part
of this United States of Veda. Some housing went beyond gold; some housing and palaces were made out of
light. The classical Vedic sciences were rediscovered, and increasing knowledge and Understanding
were paramount desires.

Surya Vigya(n),

The Solar science(s), were practiced throughout the greater land. The sister science of Kaya Kalpa,
regeneration as an aspect of Longevity Lifetstyles, was rediscovered here, originating with the Lemurians who
came here after that continent went beneath the sea. The Solar sciences were very similar to the Solar
Dynasty sciences of Gobi (greater classical Mongolia) described below. Other understandings of this land
included the mastery of the Vedic sciences. Ida and Pingala were harmonized, and flow was maximized so that
Sushumna arose naturally and spontanously in most of the population.

Gobi (The Solar Dynasty, Cathayan Dynasty, Serica)~

Just as the rest of the Earth in this time period, the population of this Oz was essentially immortal (although
each continent and land had unique ways to achieve this), and had regular trade not just with Earth's other
countries and continents, but with offworld E.T.'s as well. The Solar Dynastry contributed greatly to
Understandings and sciences of Health, biological, chemical, chromo, and Chronosynchronizations that
allowed for eternal now living as an ongoing process. The Solar Dynastry at this time was it's own continent,
as well as country, though it was not as large as the pre Great Flood continent of same. This continent at this
time was not connected with Eurasia/Russia as we know it today. This continental landmass then included
Mongolia, China, parts of southern Russia and neighboring countries. large parts of southeast Asia, over to
what today is Japan, which was then a eastern shoreline to this greater continent. During this time, the
submerged lands of the Yellow Sea, Sea of Japan/East Sea, Yellow Sea, and East China sea were all above
water, as part of the greater continent of the Solar Dynasty. Similar to the sciences of Vedic India, the sciences
of Yin, and Yang were well known, and mostly practiced. Humans of these times, in all lands, had latent or
actualized abilties to hover, or fly, plus many other 'powers'.

Cimmeria (Cimmaria)~ remnant of the continent of Hyperborea.

The planetary war that preceded the Great Flood had, similar to happenings in Atlantis, split the continent
of Hyperborea apart, leaving large remaining islands. These large islands were in turn washed over several
times during the Great Flood, washing the land clean of any distinguishing features. Molten lava and crustal
rock then rose in several larger areas, leaving a new land almost Australian in size with several very long
peninsulas. Cimmeria then existed both where the Scandanavian countries exist now, and extending out into
large parts of the North sea. Parts of northwestern Europe and far northwestern Russia were part of Cimmeria.
Most of the greater area of the British Isles and France were then part of Cimmeria, with a wide river flowing
south where the English channel is now. The British Isles were part of the original size Atlantean continent,
then part Cimmeria.This is one of the areas of Earth in which there was 'overlap of the land' in different times
periods with different continents/landmasses. Cimmeria, as a small version of what had been Hyperborea, was
also home of Asgard, the city located above the mountains and created by Thought, built of Light, and
maintained by Will. Home (of most of) the Gods/Goddeses (of this land) of 4th world Earth. Both with~in
and above Asgard existed Valhalla, a city of higher dimension, accessabile by only some few of Earth.

Anarc (Antarctica), the wild lands.

A very large series of islands had emerged from the earth in post Great Flood times. These large islands were
connected by lagoons and small shallow seas. These islands for a long time were uninhabited, but in time all
the major world powers had colonies, research stations and/or major city states located here (Similar to todays
research stations of different countries).

Australia (long lost remnant of Lemuria)~

Existed then in geography somewhat similar to today's island continent. This version of Australia was much
greener and much wetter with continental rains, and a great inland bay or sea where present day 'Red centre'
is now. The Blue mountains of eastern Australia were much higher and more defined with peaks ranging to
5,000 meters high. A northwestern mountain range then existed with peaks up to 3500 meters.

Greater Africa (Great Crescent Africa), The United Lands of Africa.

Africa, during the asecending Yuga and Golden Era was a pristine land, and there were no deserts as in
present day. Mount Kilimanjaro did not exist, yet there were then higher mountain ranges than at present.
The Atlas mountains of northwest Africa were newly risen after the Great Flood, and were of higher elevation
than present day. The inhabitants of Greater Africa were so developed that they did not need outer machines,
instruments, or artificial intelligence. During the ascending Yuga, Atlantis made a trade pact with most of
Greater Africa, and so Africa, as well as most of the Mediterranean served as an Atlantean breadbasket, source
of minerals and other similar commodities. During the beginnings of the descending Yuga, when prior
arrangements with the Atlanteans began to be of concern for some groups, a large scale pilgrammage was
made to the mostly unsettled land now known as Australia. The descendants of this original group are known
as the Aborigines of today. Africa had it's own variations of cities or towns of Light, and it's own more evolved
humans which came to be called Gods/Goddess's.

Classical Greece, nation of Gods, Goddess's and men/woman of reknown.

Classical Greece was much larger than the present day country. Besides extending into what is now the
Northern Mediterranean, Greece then extended into parts of Europe then above sea level, west into France,
east into what is now Iraq, and northeast up into what is now Ukraine. Mount Olympus: As one of lands or
abodes of the Gods/Goddesses on Earth, for a time it was a place of pilgrammages for those seeking
Knowledge. The Mount Olympus of these times as a city/stronghold located above the physical mountain
called Olympus. The Oracle of Classical Greece was another source of great interest to most of Earth in this
time period.

The 'New World' (the future American continents).

Where once was only ocean and sea, there came to exist new islands, new lands in what (in the future) would
be the North, Central and South American continents.

New lands in the future North America.

To the west of the 7 main Atlantean islands of this era, (west of what is now called the Sargasso Sea) a new
chain of high mountains appeared which had risen during the Earth shaking events preceding and during the
Great Flood. This mountain chain, now reduced in size, is known today as the Appalachian mountains of the
United States. To the west across a broad shallow sea, another long narrow land in what is now California up
into southern Washinton was pre~existing since the time of Lemuria. The 'four corners' area of the United
States first appeared above the waves at this time. The area of what is now Texas also rose above the
sea. "Texas was then called the The Love Star country". {A.C.L.}. Islands appeared in what is now western
Canada and also to the East.

In South America~
A long narrow flat land surfaced in what is now the west coast and Andean mountain areas. Pre Great Flood,
there had only been islands in this area.. To the north, south and south east of what is now the amazon basin,
islands and shallow shoals existed where before there had been just ocean and sea. The future continents of
North and South America were at this time disconnected islands, separated by broad, mostly shallow seas.



We almost made it!!

{Does "almost made it" even count, when a world is wiped clean}?

15,000 B.C. to 10,000 B.C. ~ Earth had almost had 50% of the global population (of that era) in
Understanding, collective flow, or enlightenment. The highest percentage of 'New~man/New~woman' was
right before 11,500 B.C. The 'tipping point of percentage' for the cascade effect of Universal knowledge to
mass unzip was just over 50% of the population. 50% would have amplified into 51%. If 51% percent, the
triggered cascade of Knowledge would have assured that the planetary karma of humans of all sizes (from the
previous armageddon/apocalypse known as the the Great Flood) would have kept the(then) present warring
and destructiveness from snowballing into another ragnorak. But in this timeline, in this universe, we didn't
quite get that 50% to 51%. External factors, both Sentient beings and non physical beings with 'an agenda'
helped persuade the ruling Priestess and Priest classes of Atlantis (the real powers behind the leaders,) as well
leaders of other countries and continents that enlightenment was not for all, and that the lowest classes of
humans should be 'crossbred' and only used as slaves. These 'cross~gene experiments' were treated worse then
animals. Animals forms were also experimented upon, adding partial human D.N.A., and also causing great
suffering. (Certain E.T. groups are doing this yet again today, see* for more information). World Leadership
long under the influence of 'shadows' and other negative Sentience began to behave in irrational ways with
long term bickering and arguments turning into active squabbles, which escalated into squirmishes. More
irrational thinking then was dissatisfied with small pockets of fighting and added more troops, weapons, A.I.
and other machine sentiences, with these results over time escalating to open war.

10,400 to 10,000 B.C.~ The descending Satya Yuga.

The movement of the Solar system away from the Galactic core began to be experienced as a bit of a struggle:
Higher states of Understanding, reasoning, and knowing were (in succeeding generations born at the time) not
a 'given', as had been for the last 6,000 to 7,000 revolutions of Earth around the sun. These generations had to
struggle to learn what their long lived forerunners were able to apply naturally. Generally, there were two
different compensation techniques to help these new generations: advanced A.I. and other myriad outer high
technologies, and inner techniques and disciplines, especially of a Spiritual nature. Some learners used both,
with some success. Overall however, the techniques were only somewhat of a success. More and more effort,
Will, and dedication were needed to maintain, or improve Knowledge. Probably the worst gradual loss was loss
of Compassion and Understanding of the plight of all life in it's struggle to improve itself, evolve. The loss of
morals, especially among the leadership of Atlantis and a few other lands/continents, would be of importance
in the future events of this time period. With loss of higher understanding, there was increasing loss of Trust,
and a slow increasing of misapplied decisions by those in leadership positions, and increasing apathy of the
general populations to do, or act to correct the misapplied decisions of leadership. In addition to lack of trust,
long buried desires and resulting tensions began to resurface. Again, a question comes as 'Why did problems
resurface when the planet had been an abode of Peace and trust for the previous 5,000 revolutions of Earth
around the Sun?' The last 5 millenia had the greatest magnetic flows, nourishing the intellect and other more
subtle aspects of human beings, and thus nourished (and content), there was very little reason for strife. With
the increasing magnetic (and other) attrition of the descending Yuga, plus the 'karmic cloud' hanging over the
Earth from the previous started world cracking catatrosphe that started the Great Flood, there was an
accelerated 'nightfall of God'. This manifested as a mental restlessness and an increase in more mundane
desires. These caused lands and nations to begin to infringe up neighboring lands and continents, to satisfy
what they thought right. These infringements and eventually irritations multiplied, and so common interests
sprang up among the lands. These interests eventually had political powers ally with those that thought
similarly. These are described below.

As misunderstandings arose and remained unresolved, the continental and world powers began to form
alliances, based on fixed ideals prevalent among the leadership, priests/priestess's and the general population.


The Alliances of Prewar Earth

Group A: The Atlantean League of Nations.

A) Atlantis <t.b.a.> B) Atlantean colonies: including former Atlantean Colonies still allied with Atlantis (such
as the islands that pre~existed the rise of South America) 12,000-10,000 B.C. C) The Allied City~States of
Sodom, Gomorrah and the 7 cities on the southern plain of (Includes other areas of the Middle East and parts
of the Mediterrean area. D) Atlantean Protectorates: Includes parts of what is now the British Isles (especially
Scotland). 12,000-10,000 B.C. E) Cimmeria~ The "new" smaller land/nation of Cimmeria (post-flood remnant
of the continent of Hyperborea. Another name for this above grouping was the Atlantean Alliances, or A.A.

Group B: The Neutral counties, lands, and territories

A) The Central and North American island confederations~ (those islands and narrow lands that were pre
existing Central America and the North American continent): Includes Atlantean expatriates and descendants
(who renounced both Atlantis and the then <Atlantean philosphy> of dominating the Earth through war or
force. Of these people, their descendants would eventually become the Native Americans of present day,
including Maya, Aztec, Hopi, Navajo, Cherokee, Iroquois etc. B) Central and southern Africa and Madagascar
(with the exception of Gabon area, which Atlantis claimed due to the radioactive ores and other minerals). C)
The large islands existing in what is now western Europe: These long islands included what was then called
the Neanderthal reserves.

Group C: The High Civilizations of India and Gobi

A) India~ The Rama Empire of India ~Saints, Holy men, woman and other descriptions of classical India.
India of this time period is what we would now call 'classical India', of which evolved Spiritualized human
beings were among the population. In this time period, one of the most famous saints was none other than Sri
Bhagavan Krishna. Other denizens of India at this time were other evolved life forms, such as monkeys, apes,
reptilians and snakes. A few Evolved humans of this time went and contimplated, prayed, or meditated for
very long periods, and upoin setting forth, became known as Gods or Demi-Gods, similar in powers and
knowledge to the Gods of other countries. B) Gobi, Mongolia, The Solar Dynasty, The Yellow Continent (as
just a few of the names known by). B1) The Sages and Holy People of the continent. <t.b.a.> C) Pacific Island
countries allied with India and Gobi. These called themselves the Eastern Alliance, or E.A.

10,250 B.C. Earth and Atlantis: The beginnings of a descent.

Increasing attrition of the Descending order.

Once again the Solar system of the Earth was cycling away from the Great Central Sun (and Black Hole!) of
the Galaxy. With the distance increasing, the RAYS OF LIGHT AND the MAGNETICS that supported
humanities higher mental and consciousness functions were increasingly faded. Without these Rays, and
humanities (collective) lack of discipline to keep the higher spiritual and mental functions operational in
succeeding generations, more errors in perception occured and misapplied decisions, small at first, then larger,
and eventually of a horrific nature began to be more and more manifest. Little misunderstandings, over time,
were now not resolved, and indignation increased. Little misunderstanding became bigger misunderstandings.

The higher sciences and mathamatics which described subtle (yet significant) functions of Creation itself,
especially in the realms of Consciousness and thought, began to be harder and harder to understand by the
newer generations of students. Eventually, when these learned teachers retired, or moved on in life, other
teachers of this calibre to replace them became increasingly harder to find. Over a longer period of time, these
higher classes in mathamatics, thought, and consciousness were no longer taught. Eventually, none of these
newer professors, nor their students understood these higher functions of life and Creation!

Yet this was still a "Golden Era" and much of the outer technology was still intact, and used.
Most "devices" of this time were thought activated. Telepathy was still used by about half the populations of
the Earth, but the newer generations were using this less and less.

Of the three main Global political alliances of this time (10,250 B.C.), the Alliance that suffered the effects of
cycling away from the Great Central sun and Black Hole the least, was the E.A. (specifically) the Rama Empire
of India, and its affiliates. Why? The Rama Empire of India and its affliates (in this time period) DID have at
least "10 <biblical terminology> good men and woman (Saints and Sages)" living within its borders. The
Greatest of these 10 was Sri Bhagavan Krishna! The second greatest of these was none other than the great
physical AND spiritual warrior, Arjuna!

The Saints and Sages have the power to protect (collective humanity) against time (and they would only do
this by an inner directive, which collective humanity would HAVE TO EARN), and time cycles, such as
OURS, in this Solar System. The Saints and Sages of ALL times act as Cosmic SHUNTS, against the negative
thinking (and realizations) of the REST of us. Deep prayers from any person (or a group of deeply sincere
people) can make a difference in any outcome, but generally, THEY (the saints of the world) ARE THE


(and UFO drivers) DO NOT HAVE THIS POWER (but they still hope the best for us, and try to advise us),

The Atlantis of 10,250 B.C., enlightened though it was, also had aggression. How so? This version of Atlantis
in 10,250 B.C. (the post flood Atlantis) was only (in land area) a remnant of its former self. It was not much
larger then (in total area) than the present British Isles of today. The population on Atlantis during this
Golden Era had prospered, and there was no longer much room on the larger remnant Islands to grow food.
Even though at this time most of the Mediterrean area and large parts of what is today the middle East (and
South America)were then Atlantean Colonies (literally these Colonies were the Atlantean 'bread basket'),
Atlantis still wasn't satisfied with the land under its control. Atlantis had also put small colonies on the Moon,
Mars and on a large A.I. type of Satelite up on a LaGrange point between the Earth and the Moon, but these
were not (yet) self sustaining colonies! The Atlantean Civilization of this time period had (as in previous Pre-
Flood Eras) trade with certain E.T. civilizations (that came back after the Great Flood), but even this was not
enough for the Atlantean Government of this new Golden Era. So they pushed their territories outward, and
especially East. In their Eastern expansion, they quite literally ran right into territories (In present day
Afghanistan) that were under the protection of The Rama Empire of India.

The Earth of 10,250 B.C., though still in a high "Golden Era of Development" suffered from a 'spiritual
malaise'. Mental and spiritual 'Dis-ease' do not originate with bacteria nor viruses, and our present day
sciences are still (r)evolving back up to where we will collectively understand 'higher level dis-eases'. Part of
this Malaise was the subconscious collective residue ("karma") from the PREVIOUS GOLDEN AND SILVER
FLOOD (*see back page 12 for fuller explanation of Ascending and Descending Era's). This collective residue
DESTRUCTION OF ALDARAAN/MALONA/MALDEK (that planet went by several different names), and
also the destruction of the Giant planet in the outer belt, and the horrific bombardments of the inner planets
after the destructions of the above! (*See Marshistory link)

The Atlanteans of this time did several things that either frightened, or infuriated the Alliance of the Rama
Empire. The Atlanteans formed associations with unfriendly type ET's, including the destructive/controlling
types of Lizards, and another group that were called (and acted like) Demons. Both of these groups of ET's
were very agressive at this time, and influenced the Atlanteans to be this way also.

The One and true Original Universal Stargate of the Previous Atlantean civilization, was sunk along with that
part of Atlantis, during the Great Flood. However, the "new" association with the above agressive ET's
produced a 'newer private' Star gate, but this one did not neccessarliy go into 'friendly dimensions nor planets'.
The Rama Empire knew about this 'Stargate' and was very concerned about Atlantis opening this 'bad'
Stargate and very unfriendly beings coming through.

Atlantis at this time period also resumed its 'experiments' producing Chimera's for slaves.

Some of these beings suffered much.

Atlantis, which had somewhat seduced the Northern Kingdom of Cimmeria (another large and high
civilization of this time) into neutrality, was agressively "adding" (by subtle force and manipulations) more
lands to its domain. The Island country of Sri Lanka, just south of INDIA, also became another of Atlantis's
allys at this time. Before becoming allys with Atlantis, when on better terms with INDIA, a long high tech
bridge was built between India and Sri Lanka. Later, not long before the last war and sinking of Atlantis, the
Atlanteans sailed and marched outright, adding lands, countries and people to the "Atlantean Empire".

The population on Atlantis during this Golden Era (14,000-11,000 B.C.) had prospered, and there was no
longer much room on the larger remnant Islands to grow food. Even though at this time most of the
Mediterrean area and large parts of what is today the middle East (and South America)were then Atlantean
Colonies (literally these Colonies were the Atlantean 'bread basket'), Atlantis still wasn't satisfied with the land
under its control. Atlantis had also put small colonies on the Moon, Mars and on a large A.I. type of Satelite
up on a LaGrange point between the Earth and the Moon, but these were not (yet) self sustaining! The
Atlantean Civilization of this time period had (as in previous Pre-Flood Eras) trade with certain E.T.
civilizations (that came back after the Great Flood), but even this was not enough for the Atlantean
Government of this new Golden Era. So they pushed their territories outward, and especially East. In their
Eastern expansion, they quite literally ran right into territories (In present day Afghanistan) that were under
the protection of The Rama Empire of India.
Page 10

10,001 B.C. to 9,399 B.C. The Mahabharata~Atlantean Planetary War <re~editing t.b.a.>

Subtitle: The 3rd, and final destruction of Atlantis~ The annihilation of '4th world' Earth (including the inner
planet colonies).

"If we don't press the button now, we will have another dead planet in this Solar system"~ (the subversion of
Reason and Rationality).

'They claim their labors are to build a heaven, yet their heaven is filled with horrors. Perhaps the world is not
made. Perhaps nothing is made. It's too late. Always has been, always will be. Too late.'


The Earth of 10,001 B.C.~ Humanity and other intelligent life (which includes the demi~Gods/Goddess's, the
El's and their cousins {the larger family of giant humans}, the Evadamics {us}, the human 'little people' {hobbits,
Ircenrraat, and others}, plus non human life and naturalized E.T.'s) comes very close to a planetary
enlightenment. Yet ignorance was fast approaching, and warnings were heeded not. A karmic snowball from
the previous destructiveness of the war of the Great Flood hung over the planet, looming large.

God's, Goddess's, woman, men, and other Sentient high Intelligences (then) on Earth had for an epoch
co~existed in relative peace. Starting some 400 cycles back from the beginning of the new epoch, a
lack discernment in all beings began to be noticed, along with increasing pride, vanity, and even a
shallowness. As had happened before during previous decending Yuga cycles, grievences and arguments
among individuals and countries resurfaced. These conflicts increased with each new generation, and the
world knew once again inequity. The increasing loss of clarity led to muddled or destructive thinking. Physical
conflicts and squabbles began sporadically during 10,001 B.C. leading up to global war in 9,401 B.C. This
expanded during 9,400 B.C. ~9,399 B.C. to the inner planets and colonies of Sol system. The Saints receive
the order to (again) press the red button, as humanity with it's partial knowledge of the God's is (again)
threatening the existance of Earth and the other inner planets. What was once a Golden era for all of Earth
becomes a world of ashes, almost immediately followed by a global ice up/nuclear winter and lethal ground
striking Aurora's circa @ 9,399 B.C. A horrible example of reverse alchemy: The Golden cities of this Earth
reduced to radioactive earth, and dust. Cities, sights of planetary wonder and men of woman of reknown
vanish destructively, like they had never been. A googleplex of Knowledge is consumed by the fires of war, lost
to this world.

<t.b.a.> Summary: Disagreements among the Gods, demigods, giants, and others. *Editors note: Other
websites and historical literature describe some of the arguments, conflicts and wars of the God's, demi God's
and other 'men of reknown'. The author will refer readers to these websites and literature as needed, as the
focus of this website is with the lost history of us, the Evadamic humans; the 'middle sized child' of carbon
based human beings.

Lingering resentments.

'Regular' humans, other intelligent life forms native to Earth and resettled E.T.s witness the above, and
disagree on which side or principle was 'right' and which above parties were the 'wronged' party. The Oracle
at Delphi issues her first direct warning of what will come if Earth's children do not stop the resentments and
bickering; disaster shall result.


The descending Yuga = increasing ignorance.

After the above "Skirmishes (in Earth's) heavenly realms", the humans, reptoids, E.T.'s living on Earth plus the
highest intelligent animals and others trespass, one upon the other. Atlantis, out of all the countries and
continents of this time period, manifested the most disturbing and disrupting desires. Many of these were not
new, but had not been discussed nor acted upon during the peak of the Golden era, a time of peace lasting
from about 17,000 B.C. until the 10,600's B.C.


<t.b.a.> Countdown to 9,401 B.C.


"They claim their labors are to build a heaven, yet their new heaven is being populated with horrors. It's too late,
always has been, always will be."

The return of greed, pride, and vanity.

The Atlanteans, following closely the passions and arguments of those that were then called God's, began
themselves to desire more than what they had, which in the Satya Yuga, was plenty. Plenty of Knowledge and
plenty of material wealth was freely available to all, yet all this became not enough, due to the beginnings of
forgetfulness that were beginning to appear among the Priests and the people. Attention became turned
without, towards other lands, and what goods could be obtained from these. The Atlantean first ministry
desired control of all land in the area areas surrounding the 7 islands., began political aggression towards
Greece. In turn, Greece's geographical closeness and reporting of Atlantean misdeeds angered the Atlantean

Atlanteans (again) to misuse technology and knowledge.

Atlantis had just done another 'test' of their 'dimensional gateway' and Greece reported to the world was that
some very disruptive E.T. types, such as certain 'Lizards', sulfur types, and non physical 'shadow' types had
come through this gateway and were living in and allied with Atlantis and its colonies. Other disputes:
Re~creating the Chimera's for a slave class, re-developing weapons of thought, sonics, light, and biology, as
well as global political aggression. Greece was the only country in that area of the world which Atlantis had no
influence over, and the Atlanteans were not 'pleased' with their eastern neighbor.

Image of Chimera's, the mixed human/animals.

The return of the Chimera's. Atlanteans, while rebuilding their civilization, discovered records of their past
civilization(s), including the creation and use of Chimera's. Underneath all the flowery words used by the
orators on the crystalline Atlantean net that animals were benefitting from faster evolution, they were basically
used for slave labor, and other unpleasantness. These above acts caused world wide anguish, and was one of
many things that created disagreements worldwide. As before, Chimera's were created mostly by Atlantis on
an increasingly larger scale. Chimera's were first created out of advanced animals, yet in the period before the
coming war, Atlanteans began to punish 'criminals' and perceived enemies of the State by retrograding Human
DNA/RNA to thus give humans animal characteristics. This was considered not just a moral crime by others,
but a Spiritual one. Altantis created more of these than any other countries of this time period. Curing these
beings by re~upgrading them to full human is one of the reasons why the Great Pyramid was constructed.
Even in curing some Chimera's, there were further problems.

"Tainted Humans' also become known as ----------------->

The chimera's (or 'things') who had been created out of advanced animals were cured by vastly accelerating
their evolution via resonance in the healing chambers of the Great Pyramids of the time, yet they were
considered 'tainted' by Homo Sapiens, Homo Sapians Gigantis, the God's of the era, and Cro~magnon
Humans. Chimera's that had been human found that upon being cured and returned to full Human form,
were still shunned and considered outcasts. The full restored human forms of the cured Chimera's did have
minute genetic differences, which showed up in the face, brain structure, and posture. There were further
differences in the restored humans, depending on what era they were cured, as the technology in the earlier
Copper and the beginning of the Silver era of the Yuga cycles was less advanced. There were one or two
Spirtual components missing in the cures, even in the highest healing chambers of the time. The greatest
advances in technology and understanding in the Golden era still resulted in differences. These restored
humans, shunned by the world even during the era of Gold, banded together into their own groups. The
processes of accelerating advanced animals, retrograding humans as punishment, and even the restoration and
healing processes themselves created immense trauma (even on the Spiritual level), both individually and
collectively. The large groups of many thousands settled before and after the war in sparsely populated lands
of the time, such as future Spain, Gibralter, parts of Europe them above water and few other places.
Atlanteans, the ones who created most of the Chimera's in the first place, wanted the cured humans least of
all. These cured humans shunned technology and certain knowledge, as misused knowledge created them in
the first place, instead preferring to live simply and in harmony with Nature as much as possible. These cured
humans still surviving, and still shunned in the post Atlantean~Mahabharata global war world, came to be
known as Neanderthals. "Neo" (one) whom had be a "Thrall" (slave) of the animal characteristics in the
Chimera form (as well as having a human slave master). Those descended from the earlier less advanced cures
and re~upgrades into human forms became known as Homo Erectus, Homo Habilis, Australopithecus
Africanus and the others.

The newest generations born did not automatically have the morels, ethics, and restraint of their long lived
parents and grandparents. Yet these generations still had understanding enough, and some powers enough, to
re open conflicts previously thought long delt with. These, coming into positions of power, re~instigated
forced genetic engineering, with the intent of again producing a slave class of Chimera's. The second
succeeding generation after these re~instigated a much further horror. Enemies of the official government,
official thought would be experimented upon, with anti-evolutionary processes not used since the last
descending cycle. Whether the enemies of the state were really guilty of crimes or not (and a lot weren't) they
were sentenced to be retrograded into Chimera's. Their human forms became increasing animal, until they
became a roughly 'half-and-half' construct, appearing half human and half animal. The brains of these
individuals were further retrograded, so that the brains became 1/4 human, and 3/4's animal. And of course
these retrograded prisoner beings were then shunned with horror, not only by most human beings (except for
slavery purposes), but by the animals themselves, whom during the Golden era of the Yuga's were fairly
intelligent. The process of retrogradation was fairly lethal, with only 1/4 (human into animal like beings)
surviving such a degree of shock, horror and trauma. The 'upgrade' process coming from animal to human had
a much higher survivability. This was due to the upgrades of an animal into a chimera being somewhat in
synch (yet at a horribly forced rate) with nature's evolutionary forces.

With most of the world unhappy with Atlantean experiments, the Atlantean government began taking notes
over who was protesting the most. Eventually, Atlantis decided to send a Naval fleet to the Eastern
Mediterranean for intimidation purposes. This was preceived as less threatening to non aligned countries than
sending flying craft there. What started as a show of force would eventually escalate, however.

Informaton censorship instigated by Atlantis. Where~as most of the world was fed censored information by the
Atlantean energy~net, Greater Greece was still able to get reliable information. In preceding era's, Greece and
Atlantis had been friends and allies. In that time many families migrated, with Grecian ex-pats settling in
Atlantis. These maintained close ties to family in Greece. Those in Atlantis then reported the doings of the
Atlanteans to family and other communicators in Greece. In early November 9,400 B.C., Atlantis sent a Naval
Fleet east towards Greater Greece, and commenced war exercises. The people of Greece were intimdated by
this Atlantean fleet so close to its shores.

The warnings of the Oracles, Saints and Sages.

Beginning about 10,500 B.C. and extending right up to 9,401 B.C. the Seers of all types in, above, and below the
world began to issue warnings of what would probably come to pass if ignorance, negative thinking, and
abhorrant behaviours would increase and become commonplace. What pray tell happens when either God's, or
humans/giants with the power of God's get angry and want to destroy? These above issues became major
challenges in this 4th world Earth. Those that retained either commonsence, some morality, or prescience
became very uneasy with the climate of destruction that began to be (re) built in Atlantis, and in other parts of
the world.

The Exodus of Atlantis and the establishment of (the new) underground cities.


<t.b.a.> Atlanteans of a non aggressive nature leave Atlantis. This Exodus predates the exodus of Moses and
the Isrealites by 5,000 revolutions of Earth around the Sun. Due to both previous events and forcasting, the
Oracles, Sages and Saints of Atlantis and the rest of the world begin to see a trend, with potentially
disasterous results. Atlantis as a whole, now seemed favor aggression and control, and no matter the cost.
Atlantis circa 9,400 B.C. with it's 7 islands and 5 islets had a population around 3,000,000,000 (billion) people.
The Oracles, Sages, and few Saints living on Atlantis at this time began to recommand leaving the
MotherLand, to any who would listen. There were a few who did, yet most did not try to move until Atlantis
had already begun to bombed and rayed, and was increasingly geologically unstable. The later migrations were
'to little to late'. Out of 3 billion people, a total of 375 million tried to leave Atlantis. Of the earlier and
successful transplants, only 1 Million left Atlantis early enough to successfully colonize parts of the 'new
world', along with a few areas of the 'original world', such as Egypt, and what would become Portugal (later
migrating to the Pyranees, during the Mahabharata/Atlantean war). A few went over to Gobi (with Gobi later
becoming (again) an 'enemy of Atlantis'. Principal areas of Atlantean pre-war migration were newly emerged
(or emergent) lands in South America, Central America, and a few places of North America then above water,
in descending order of colonization. A few places in emergent Antarctica were tried also: these froze when
planet disturbing/cracking advanced weapons were used, which as an end result caused the newly polar areas
of the (current) North Pole and South Pole/Antarctica to freeze to a couple hundred degrees below zero
almost instantaneously.

In the 'new' (newly) emerging lands (of what would become the North and South American continents) a
continum of people wanting peace from all lands would come together under what is now called Mount
Shasta, and form the city of Telos. Some other groups of Atlanteans and others built cities both above ground
and underground in Central and South America. Tiahuanico as a greater city was being built as a seaport
when the greater global war ignited Earth changes, and thrust Tiahuanico

9,401 B.C. ~Shots fired at Greece ignite resentment and conflict.

With the continued Grecian reports of Atlanteans re~arming themselves, Atlantis decided to begin a Naval
blockade. Atlantean agents, already in Greece, began to instigate trouble. Around 2 a.m. on a 10th of
November morning 9,401 B.C. shots rang out from the Greecian shore towards the Atlantean fleet. This was
the 'provocation' the Atlanteans were looking for. The Atlantean fleet immediately began shelling the Greecian
shore. The Atlanteans were looking for any excuse to invade Greece, they wanted the land, for their own use.
They also wanted control over the Crystalline Media/Net/communications grid that was in this area. The
Atlanteans wanted Greece to capitulate, and the skirmish to be over quickly. That is exactly what happened,
but not in the Atlanteans favor!

The population of Greece, warned by the Oracle and some of the Demi-Gods fired first upon the Atlanteans.
When shots began to be fired from land, the Atlanteans fired back, and Greece activated its 'borer worms'.
They were a intelligent swarm of non metallic 'spinners' and their sole purpose was to bore into ships hulls
and scuttle them. By 5 a.m. the next day (11th November) the Atlantean fleet was starting to sink.

By 8 a.m. the Greecian fleet was in the water surrounding the remnants of the Great Atlantean Fleet, mostly
picking up survivors. There were a few more shots exchanged, but it wasn't the full out battle that later history

Nationalistic Atlanteans felt deeply shamed, then very angry at loosing almost two thirds of the moderately
sized Atlantean naval fleet during what was supposed to be a warning exercise This Atlantean anger would
smolder, and it lead to a global war.

The opening movements of the war were not fought with physical weapons, vimana's, vailixi nor any other
machine or physical construct. Only Mind, thought, and Mantra weapons were used, and these were worse (at
least at first), greater in destructive power, than any physical weapon, even the much later used nukes.
Mind, thought, and Mantra were also used at first as defenses, and these defenses were greater then any
electrical and or magnetic screen.
So what is the discharge, the 'waste' product of thought weapons against thought screens? For the most part,
the waste product is heat. In certain circumstances early in the war, when thought weapons over came a cities
thought defenses, there was total anhilation of the area, instantanously, when the thought defenses came
down. The method of instant vaporisation was heat, upon loss or exhaustion of defensive thought screens.
Similtaneaously, in other areas, when thought based defenses overcame thought based weapons, the feedback
from the destruction of the thought weapons would travel back to the place of origin, causing around 80%
destruction of the source area.
For the most part semi evolved humans, in groups in a protected area usually underground, were the sources
of both thought based weaponry, as well as thought based defenses.
Even the semi superpowered humans of that time period eventually reached exhaustion levels after several
weeks, up to 8 weeks straight thought based fighting going on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The humans of
that time did not need much rest, but the lack of what little they did need started adding up.
In the ninth week of fighting, with the instant vaporization and desolation of now hundreds of cities and areas
of earth, physical constructs, machines and AI of previous era's were brought back online, to supplement the
now increasingly exhausted (and destroyed) thought and Mantra weapons groups. Artificial power sources now
began adding to or supplanting human based thought weapons sources. Humans began to be increasingly
reliant on machines, and other power sources, to keep both thought based weaponry, and defenses operational.
A movie that captures something of this stage of the war is the 1956 movie 'Forbidden Planet'. There was no
reason to use nukes yet however, as the high tech weaponry reactivated (from previous era's) more then made
up for an increasingly exhausted, and fearful remaining human population. The war destroyed the highest
technology first, that of the mind, and mental constructs of humanity. The war began to move backword in
developement, with humanity using what would be to them increasingly primitive weapons in desperation.

After 3 months of fighting and widespread destruction, more construct, and machine based weaponry was
brought back on line (after being mothballed for half a millenia), beginning with Magnetic type weaponry,
then electrical weaponry. Machines that aided or copowered human thought construct weaponry were
increasingly destroyed. Yet even with widespread global destruction and loss of life, cries for peace were
After four months of horrific global fighting, thought contruct groups, and most of the copowering machines,
were destroyed, and there began to be (re) used more machine, AI, flying disk, and other (physically
constructed) high tech weaponry. Plasma, Phaser, Magnetic, Sonic weapons were unearthed from long ago,
and redeployed. Most of these were mounted on the disks. At first, at this stage of the war, with redeployment
of physical high tech weapons, most weapons and flying disks were automated, and most of these had AI.
Now plasma and magnetic shielding was redeployed, and thought based defenses (the groups that has
manufactured these thought constructs), had either been destroyed, or dangerously exhausted, not to be so
easily regenerated now.
After 5 months, many of the AI equipped disks and weaponry had been destroyed (along with many of the AI
control bases), so human pilots began to be redeployed into flying disks and available weaponry.

Whereas the first four months of fighting had been mostly in air, and in space (including Moon and Mars
outposts), in the 5th month Navel ships and ground fleets, (with the mounting destruction and exhaustion of
the air and space fleets and weapons), began to be redeployed.
At first these Navel and ground fleets were AI equipped, but with mounting losses, human operators began to
take over the remaining ships and ground weapons.
After 6 months of constant fighting and destruction, very little AI was left, and now humans were physically
fighting humans, something that hadn't happened for many many centuries.
After 7 months, most of Earth's flying craft had been destroyed, and the atmosphere was becoming so toxic
with the destruction, that only limited air battles would be possible henceforth. Ground and Navel fights with
humans, and now in some cases chimera groups, became the main focus of the war. Larger swaths of some
continents had been wiped clean, or toxified to such and extent, then no life could grow, or live. And for the
most part, nukes had not been used much, yet. Mother Nature was waking up now, and many hundreds of
volcano's began to erupt. Earthquakes began, increasing in intensity, and destruction. Horrible firestorms
consumed all burnable matter in country sized chunks, and yet this was still the beginning, as humanity still
was fighting among itself.
At 8 months, a lot of Earth's Navel fleets and half the ground fleets and troups had been eradicated.
In India at this time, the two groups mentioned in the MahaBharata meet on the battlefield at this time, With
Krishna and Arjuna
After 8 1/2 months, the small percentage of disks and other flying craft still intact and able to fly in Earth's
now unstable toxic and stormy atmosphere, began to be equipped with an ancient, primitive, yet horribly
destructive weapon~nukes.
Plasma, etheric, magnetic, sonic, and electrical weapons had been used in force globally, and yet these were
now mostly destroyed.
At nine months, buttons were pushed, and along with launching nukes in hastily and primitively contrived
chemical rockets (the only flying device the could still fly with Earth's now horrible electromagnetic lightning
storms and out of control aurora), mushrooms clouds began to appear, first in the tens, then hundreds, then a
thousand! Along with the nukes, in a few previously neutral areas such as Africa, biological weapons were
At nine months, with most machine and motorized ground troups and devices destroyed, but with humans not
done fighting yet, humans began deploying on animals, including horses, elephants, zebra's, giant sloths, giant
bears, and in a few cases tigers were used to take humans into battle.

A Countdown to Annihilation.

On January 1st, 9,400 B.C. Atlantis had its close affliate the Nation/states of Sodom, start threatening Greece
with invasion. At the same time, Sri Lanka blows up the great bridge linking it to India, and Sri Lanka starts
massing troups on its Northern border, facing India. To the north, Cimmeria makes a full alliance with
Atlantis, and because the this Gobi goes to full alert, with India now saying strong words to get Atlantis to
stop the agression. Sodom launches a small naval fleet towards Greece. Greece immediately starts bombarding
this fleet from shore guns. Most of Sodoms fleet is sunk within 3 days. For the rest of the month of January,
most of the world net/media of the time reports troop movements, naval fleet movements and flying craft and
Vimina (India's UFO type craft of the time period) movements, but not actual war. February sees more of the
same movements, and more threats between the major Nations/countries of the time. In India, Gobi and a few
other places, Great Sages and Saints once again warm humanity that the present course of action will cause
great suffering and destruction! The aggression does not stop however.

March sees more threats and troops and fleets positioned directly across or near enemy nations. India's now
submerged, but then highly populated west and south east coasts see major war weapons rolled out, and
positioned near these coasts. Atlantis, still stinging after losing most of its Naval fleet, has been building both
new ships and the Atlantean version of the Vimina's, with manufacturing around the clock. Gobi, which was
attacked by Atlantis just prior to the great flood in the last world cycle, is also manufacturing flying craft with

ARJUNA, The Rama Empire of India's greatest battle field general, starts talking to his mentor, teacher and
Spiritual Preceptor Sri Bhagavan Krishna at this time! Through the summer months there are more Army
movements and rumors, but no actual war. The worst event of that summer of 10,000 B.C however was the
break out of a dis ease, in Africa, called The Marea. No one at the time knew what to make of it, except at
first it was extremely lethal, and had something to do with the blood stream. It was a horrible emergency with
the Nations of Africa at the time however, and great number of population were succumbing to this dis ease!
In spite of the aggression of the time however, there still was not an outright war, and the then Nations of the
world during that summer sent teams of scientists to Africa to try to both study this dis ease and hopefully
find a cure! But what they found was that it seemed to be rapidily changing, or mutating. Towards the end of
this summer, after whole populations of Africa had been affected, it was noticed by the survivors that the
Atlanteans were starting to send raiding parties, at night, to what is today called Gabon, in west Africa. After a
2 week skirmish, it was discovered the Atlanteans were mining the vein of Radioactive minerals, near the
coast. After threats of direct war, the Atlanteans retreated, but not before getting many kilos of the various
radioactive ores. After this, for the rest of the summer and into the fall, there was much more global tension.
Africa suffered horribly at this time, and though previously neutral, most of the remaining Nations and
Kingdoms of Africa now begin to side with India and Gobi, with the exceptions being Northern Africa, the
mediterrean area (except Greece), Egypt, and most of what is now the Middle eastern area, and north eastern
Africa. These above exceptions stayed allied with Atlantis, and it's friend to the far North, Cimmeria. Summer
and early fall of 9,400 B.C. brought massive troup movements and positionings, and manufacturing of weapons
around the clock!

October 6th 9,400 B.C. ~Atlantis and its Middle East Allies began putting conventional troops and armies on
the ground, marching them south into Africa, east towards what is now Afghanistan, and sailing a renewed
fleet towards Greece. India was instantly on alert.

October 7th, 9,400 B.C. As the A.A. armies continue to move south into Africa and east across what is now
Afghanistan, war is declared by India, Gobi and other Eastern Alliance countries, as well as the Kingdoms and
Nations of central and southern Africa. These Eastern Alliance countries begin to load armies and troops into
Vimana's, to bring them to the front lines that were then in Afghanistan and Central Africa. Upon the
declaration of war by the Eastern Alliance (composed of Gobi, India, and other smaller empires, kingdoms,
and nations mainly in what we now call the Orient), Atlantis begins loading ground troops onto its speedily
rebuilt Naval fleet. Small Scout ships are loaded and launched from Atlantis within one day, destination India!

October 10th, 9,400 B.C. Many flying craft and Vimina's from many different countries, nations, kingdoms,
empires and alliances are now in the air, spying on each other, upon armies, and countries. Upon
encountering enemy Vimina's, A.A flying craft began aerial skirmishes, using energy ray and other high
technology weapons.

October 15th, 9,400 B.C. The main body of the rebuilt Atlantean Naval fleet launches toward India. A.A.
ground armies in Africa, only encountering little resistance due to the desolation caused by The Marea, sweep
south across most of central Africa. In the eastern front, A.A. armies, having previouly swept easily east into
the mountainous areas of what is now called southern and eastern Afghanistan, begin to encounter resistance
from Indian troups newly placed by large Vimina craft. Aerial skirmishes build, and soon the night, in certain
parts of the world is lit up like lightning with the Vimina's exchanging fire with energetic and ray weapons. A
few of these various types of Vimina's are nuclear powered. The night of October 15th/16th, the world reacts
with horror, as for the first time since the last cataclysm (which almost extinguished humanity~the great
flood), a nuclear mushroom cloud is seen upon the Earth! Over the night skies of Eastern Africa, a Nuclear
flying craft is destroyed, its reactor going critical high up in the atmosphere. Most of western and central India
is lit up like daylight for about 20 minutes. To the north, Cimmeria, an ally of Atlantis, launches both flying
craft and ground armies towards Gobi.

October 17th, 9,400 B.C. High tech ground armies from Cimmeria have successfully and speedily rolled across
parts of what is now Russia, and are parked at Gobi's northern frontier. Air battles rage above this area.
Shelling from the Cimmerian ground troups to the North begins hitting Gobi proper. The speedy high tech
rebuilt Navy of Atlantis has sailed both through (this time periods version of the Suez) canal, and also around
the horn of Africa (shelling southern Africa as it does so). These two 'pinchers' of the Atlantean Navy then
reconvene several hundred kilometers west of India proper. A smaller strike force bombards and then invades
and conquers the then solid land mass we now call the Maldives, which was then connected to India's then
much larger west coast area. India begins shelling and bombarding this vast A.A. Naval fleet, but with shields
and flying craft protecting it, there is not much damage done. Fierce aerial fighting begins over parts of Africa
and to the west of India.

October 21st, 9,400 B.C. In India, Sri Bhagavan Krishna tells Arjuna to prepare to fight! All the saints and
sages of the world issue warnings at this time, including the then few sages in Atlantis. These Atlantean Sages
warn the government to stop their aggression, lest grevious harm (or worse!) should come upon Atlantean
shores! This advice is ignored however. In actuality, for the last several months a 'group of 50' Atlantean
adepts and meditators have been working closely together, even working in shifts 24 hours a day. After much
(personal) clearing, mental strengthing and meditation, this 'group of 50' at last begins to construct their
'project'. And what was this project? It was called a THOUGHT CONSTRUCT. In the lands (of Tibet) seers
began warning India and Gobi of this NEWLY BUILT WEAPON of A THOUGHT CONSTRUCT! The
present day Tibetan word for this is Tulspi, tupsli (various spellings). The 50 Atlantean adepts who
constructed this decided to give this THOUGHT CONSTRUCT the appearance of a HUGE, hideous,
terrifying DEMON, to better demoralize or terrorize enemy soldiers! And Of course their choice of weapon
did work, in exactly that way with the enemy soldiers during the war.

October 23rd, 9,400 B.C. Aerial skirmishes and bombardments continue to grow, now worldwide. India, Gobi
and the Eastern Alliance Vimina's now begin bombing Atlantean allies, colonies, and ex colonies in what is
now South America, Central America, and parts of North America then not under ice, nor water, and of
strategic importance to Atlantis (such as manufacturing Atlantean weapons). Some Ex~patriot Atlanteans in
North and South America, who have declared themselves neutral during this war, are mistakenly bombed by
Eastern Alliances forces at this time. At this time The Aerial and Naval aspects of this war have become so
intense and widespead that it is no longer easy to pick out neutral parties. Eastern Alliance forces choose these
above easier targets since they cannot get near Atlantis nor Cimmeria, the defenses to both of these are just to
good, so far. India proper begins to receive bombardment on this day, and this rapidly becomes worse.
Atmospheric dust starts to increase, even though the bombardments have so far not been Nuclear, or worse.
In a so far war untouched large Indian City that existed then 10 miles west of present day Jodhpur, a strange
dis~ease has broken out at the city center. Any and just about all living matter, from plants to animals to
living humans in the city center begin to turn grey. In the next 24 hours the greyness increases and spreads,
with the victems feeling like they are suffocating. Doctors, healers and scientists are brought in, yet for a little
while the greyness remains a terrible mystery. It begins to spread somewhat rapidly from the city center. The
only life form that seems to be immune so far is cockroaches. The greyness is analyzed, even as all life in the
city center succumbs to this and becomes part of a spreading grey blanket!

October 29th, 9,400 B.C. The A.A. Naval fleet, which has been bombarding west coast India and all the way
into central India, lands and starts to invade the Rama Empire! The A.A. armies, which have been pooling in
what is now Afghanistan, launch across the mountains and invade the Northwest part of the Rama Empire (in
what is now Pakistan)! This army attempts to march south and east, with the goal of eventually meeting the
landing troups of the A.A. Naval fleet! In the great city 10 miles west of present day Jodhpur, the spreading
greyness has not been halted, and it threatens to consume all life in the whole city. Those not touched by the
greyness flee out of the city. Scientists identify the greyness as some sort of artificial construct, but with the
demands of the war front now in India itself, they have not had the means to study or affect any
countermeasures! No country, nation nor group claims any responsibility for the grey blanket, though
suspicion points toward either Atlantis, or some affiliated group or country. In Africa, the southward marching
A.A. armies continue to find little organized resistance, due in a large part to the now almost continent wide
desolation of The Marea! Eastern Alliances troups, which have landed in southern Africa to help the local
Nations fend off the rapidly advancing A.A armies, notice that the A.A. armies seem to have immunity to this
dis~ease (The MAREA). This E.A. landing force, trying to help their stricken African allies, (though
innoculated to everything then known to humanity), eventually themselves begin to get sick, but not as
severely or as quickly as the local population! To the North and east, Cimmerian troups have now invaded
(after severe bombardment) the northern reaches of Gobi. Unknown to all at this time, A.A. troup carrying
Vimina's have landed to the south of Gobi, and are unloading soldiers, weapons, and ground craft. In India
proper, Arjuna leads the fight to defend India!

October 30th, 9,400 B.C. The A.A. armies and invasion forces have continued to advance on all three of their
fronts in Africa, India, and Gobi. But E.A. resistence is now increasing steadily, especially in India. As this
renewed Indian resistance occurs and is communicated back to Atlantis, Atlantis convenes its special
Meditation 'group of 50' and tells them to now seclude themselves and unleash the 'unstoppable weapon'; the
Tulspi (thought construct)! At 6 a.m. local time in India, a large whirlwind suddenly appears in the main
battlefield of west central India. It changes form into that of a very large translucent and glowing 'bigfoot' type
creature with red eyes. Its shape and outline constantly seems to shift, yet the damage it starts to do is almost
unbelieveable! As it draws the seeming air itself to its aid, it whirls and destroys first a forest, then whole
squads of the Rama Empires defending army and machinery! At the same tiime, the greyness spreading in the
Great Central City, consuming all life that is touches, is now poised to start moving beyond the city! And no
one knows what to do to stop it! In an emergency meeting convened that day, the great sages of that day tell
the governments of the Rama empire to do what has been so far unthinkable; use a Plutonium type dirty
Nuke, to destroy the spreading grey! Three hours later, at 9:00 a.m. local India time, the first ground Nuke of
the war goes off, not from Atlantean forces, but by Rama forces, which wipes out the Great Central City and
the horrific spreading greyness! 45 minutes later, with the Atlantean thought construct wreaking so much
havoc, and proving unstoppable, a small battlefield Nuke and other Energy weapons are brought to bear upon
the Tulspi! Amazingly, the Nuke and energy weapons begin to slow the Tulspi down, but not destroy it. India
also convenes advanced meditators at this time to try to neutralize this THOUGHT CONSTRUCT. At first
they have little success however. With the two Nuclear weapons launched this day (even though only one was
aimed directly at its forces), Atlantis ponders taking the war up to a more destructive level. By the end of this
day, with the exception of the A.A. army in India with the Tulspi at its side, all other A.A. forces are now no
longer able to advance, due to fierce resistance on all fronts.

November 1st, 9,400 B.C. The beginning of the 'days of the dead'. Atlantis and A.A. forces world wide now
launch, fly or other wise unveil Nuclear and other 'end time' type weapons or rays. The Two great cities of the
Rama Empire in what is now Pakistan are the first Nuclear targets of this day. Other Indian cities are targeted
next. Cimmeria, the Atlanteans main and strongest ally, now targets Gobi with Nukes. E.A. retaliation begins
At noon local Greece time with Greece, by now strongly allied with E.A. forces (as well as having some E.A.
weapons and Viminas), Nukes Atlantean allies (the Nation of Sodom~which includes Gomorrah). With help
from Indian craft, Greece then proceeds to Nuke a great staging area for the Atlanteans Africa Corps (in what
is now south west Egypt and south east Libya, hence the sea of glass now found in this area). Other middle
eastern Kingdoms, Nations and cities of Atlantean Allies are targeted next, and blown apart. By late afternoon,
Cimmeria responds to the Atlanteans request for help in this area, and Cimmerian versions of Vimina are
attacking and bombing and Nuking Greece and allied Greecian countries in this area. Over the next 2 days,
this bombing and Nuclear use will spread to almost engulf the world. Atlantean allies or outposts in what is
now Scotland, Ireland, Europe, south, central, and north America are now targeted and Nuked. Cimmeria
proper is now reached by a few Gobi flying craft, and the Nuclear exchange begins there as well. Africa is
targeted now by both Alliances. Atlantean defenses on the main Atlantean Islands are still holding for the
moment, so no bombing has occured there, yet. Yet in desperation, the E.A. forces, knowing of unstable
Atlantean geology, begin beaming subsonic waves at the Earth and Volcanos underlying the large Atlantean
Islands, and this beaming, as well and the stress caused in the Earth caused by severe explosive and Nuclear
events elsewhere on the Globe, begins to wake up long dorment Atlantean Volcano's as well as causing earth
quakes. These earth quakes cause the Atlanteans 'demon dimensional gateway' to close! As the Atlantean
'group of 50' begins to be affected by the quakes in their deep underground lair, the Tulspi on the Indian
battlefield starts losing strength!

November, 15th, 9,400 B.C. THE DAY OF RECKONING Due to the Nukes, bombardments and other
weapons used, many Volcanos are now erupting upon the Earth. The sky is now the color of lead in broad
daylight, and radioactive dust is beginning to rain down upon larger areas of the Earth! There are now also
massive forest fires in many areas, and many Earth quakes! Almost half of Earths population is already gone
from this conflict at this time (and many more suffering horribly!), and still the agressive parties do not stop!
Atlantean Island proper defenses are breached on this day, and with the Great saints and sages blessings, the
war is carried to Atlantis! With the first Nukes and high tech weaponry brought to Atlantis by the Vimina's,
Atlantean volcano's roar fully to life! Great quakes (not seen in this severity since the times of the Great
Flood) now rock the all the Atlantean Islands! With the quakes, the Atlantean 'group of 50' is broken up, and
the Tulspi thought contstruct, a very destructive 'monster', dissolves into thin air! Rama Empire troups almost
immediately start re~advancing, pushing A.A. forces back towards the sea! GOBI, WHICH HAS
NORTHERN HEMISPHERE IS DESTROYED! After this Gobi also begins taking back what it had lost, while
also continuing to fly. It now starts RAYING and Nuking Cimmeria proper! Meanwhile A remnant civilization
from long ago (cities of GIANTs from before the Great Flood!), allied with Atlantis and located in what is now
the Death Valley California area (which then was a great lake and green area!) was Nuked by Gobi forces in
Vimina's. Other previously missed Altantean allied cities in what is now North America (not covered by ice)
are targeted and nuked at this time. ONE OF THE LAST Nuked ATLANTEAN EX PATRIOT allied CITIES
This city was aiming a much smaller version of the pre-flood DEATH RAY at India. A Gobian Vimina
dropped a much smaller version of the CARBON FUSION BOMB upon this city. METEOR CRATOR IS
THE RESULT OF THIS SMALLER BOMB! This crator (unlike others upon the Earth) has survived by being
in dry climate. A few cities situated upon the then small iceless parts of Antarctica were also targeted. The
desolation and poisons upon the Earth now are horiffic. Eastern Alliance related cities and civilizations upon
the East and North coasts of what is now Australia are now targeted by remant Atlantean Vimina's. THE

December 1st, 9,400 B.C. All the Armies and Navies of the Atlantean Alliance have been driven out from the
Rama Empire by this time, and these A.A. remnant forces are now being pursued back to their homelands.
India now starts helping Gobi more directly. But there is not much of Gobi left to help, as the Nukes and
bombardments have taken their toll upon the country and earth there. All A.A. forces to the south of Gobi are
driven out by India, or destroyed outright. Indian begins to help Gobi push the remnant Cimmerian armies
back towards their homeland. The real horror of this day is that what humanity didn't destroy, MOTHER
EARTH NOW TAKES OVER WITH THE DESTRUCTION (as what happened similiarly with the Great
Flood!)! All over the planet there are now horrific Earth quakes, volcanos, smoke, poisons, tsunamis of giant
size, dust, winds, and radioactivity. There are now very few places on Earth where the sun shines, due to
smoke and dust. Plants the world over begin to succumb to these conditions! In India, only the direct
intervention of the Saints of the time, interacting with the ELEMENTALS AND THEIR FORCES, prevents
India from having the full onslaught of these conditions. Instead, the Elementals take there fury out upon
Atlantis, and the large Islands begin cracking, boiling over, and slipping into the sea! Very few Atlanteans
survive the sinkings, mostly small groups near the Atlantean Holy Temples, which were located near the then
Volcanos/mountains of Atlantis that today we know as the AZORES!

Purification by fire:

Of This third armageddon (of what had been the 4th world civilization of Earth) the wiping clean of
destructivess was done primarily of and by fire, although massive tidal waves enveloped almost half of the
world. Most of these waves, the tallest being 16,000 feet high, were generated with the sinkings of Atlantis and
Cimmeria, along with the upliftment of what would become the Andes mountains and the future continent of
South America. Other newly risen mountain ranges such as the North American Rocky mountains, the
Antarctic uplifts, and what are now the Scandanavian coastal mountains (to name just a few newly uplifted
ranges), also generated massive tsunami's. The fire elementals, acting with the anger of a disturbed Gaia,
burned more than 90% of the then existing forests and plant life. Many many thousands of volcano's erupted
after war caused disturbances inside the Earth, belching ash, smoke and fire which if not incinerating vast
tracts of land, covered same with in some cases thousands of feet of ash and lava.

What remains of Atlantis, Cimmeria/UltimaThule, Bharata, Gobi and other civilizations of the 10,000 B.C.
Golden era.
The vandalization, sacking, destruction of Earth's great library's and the burying of the remaining knowledge.
The hiding and misrepresentation of physical evidence.

Atlantis: Bombing, rays, and weaponry caused near apocalyptic damage to the 7 islands of Atlantis. In the last
days, the red zone buttons activating the Crystallized Plutonium doomsday weapons were pushed, followed by
'anything that was still left in the arsenal' (which included other Crystalized transuranics). These latter
weapons are what created most of the impact craters of Earth. rediscovered. The twenty or so impact craters
distributed throughout the Atlantic ocean generated 3km tall sweeping tsunami's. The remains of Atlantis that
weren't destroyed by bombs and weapons were swept clean by up the Mach 2 traveling waves. When the
waves finished their damage, the earthquakes and volcano's already triggered by war were increased 100 fold.
Mount Atlas exploded, and this began the sinking of the 7 islands. In a day, all 7 islands were gone. Upto 200
underwater volcano's surged in the places the islands had existed. The massive dust from the bombings and
ash from the global wide awakened an 'army of volcanos' started another Nuclear winter, plunging the Earth
into another severe long term glaciation.

According to Source, the 'Nuke' buttons were (again) pushed as Atlantis was (again) activating a weapon that
could have cracked the planet in half, similar to the World war preceding the Great Flood.
THE ATTRITION OF KNOWLEDGE has had a major affect upon past decisions whichn became

The valley of 10,000 smokes.

The valley of 10,000 smokes in Alaska was a small example in the modern day of what enveloped almost the
whole planet in the post war period.
What had been 4th world Earth became eveloped with the smoke of 10,000 volcano's and fires, reducing
breathable oxygen in large areas down to asphixiation levels. Once again, there was mass extinction of land
and water dwellers, as well as creatures and beings of the air.
With the plant life of fiber, the some seeds survived, some mutated in these extreme conditions (thus
surviving the new conditions) and some seeds were changed and evolved into new forms of vegetation with
the 'seeing' of what was to come, then stored for future survivor's, and their eventual offspring (us).

December 15th, 9,400 B.C. Most of the fighting is over and most of Atlantis has already slipped beneath the
sea, to cause mud for sailors trying to sail east or west for literally centuries to come! But with the war, the
radioactivity, the dust and smoke and the plant life not surviving, what war didn't finish, famine would. Most
of what was India's then larger west and south east coast also begin to slip underwater at this time. Much
later, when Sri Bhagavan Krishna leaves Earth, the last remnant West coast Indian city also slips beneath the
waves! The Maldives now also loose land and connection to India, becoming as today just a series of Islands.
Other land masses upon the Earth are altered, raised, lowered or other wise changed during the Earth's
changes, caused by the warring.

December 30th, 9,400 B.C. The last of the fighting ceases. All 7 of the Atlantean Islands are gone, with only a
few remaining volcanos still above the waters. NEUTRAL Atlantean Ex-patriots who had settled in areas of
North America prior to the war (shunning Atlantean aggression), vow to 'fully go back to the Earth' to live in
harmony with its rhythms. The stories of the 'previous world', and the War and destruction that ended it,
became legend to their decendants in these areas.

again begin to advance upon the Earth. A great Global famine (just starting at this time) due the loss of most
plants reduces the surviving populations upon the Earth. The World population that survives the War,
destructions, sinkings, radioactivity, dust and fires, and finally the new Era of Ice and famine is less than one
tenth of the Pre world war population! AS this Era comes to a close, coming into the 9000's B.C. Era, it will
literally be centuries before (somewhat) high tech REMNANT civilizations again come upon the Earth. And
still that is what they would turn out to be~REMNANT CIVILIZATIONS, not able to 'hold onto' what they
have recovered, or rediscovered. *See next article "THE rise of the REMNANT CIVILIZATIONS~circa 9,000
B.C!". Next Page, page 11!

Despite the greatness of their discoveries and their potential benefit to humanity, the Atlantean
Priest/Priestess leaders do not feel that this information should be shared with anyone else, outside of
Atlantis. They believed that knowledge should be kept by the elite few who are good enough to understand it
-- which excludes everyone but the elite.

Although this viewpoint was in error, the circumstances surrounding Atlantean technology make it
correct. We learn that the Atlanteans were destroyed by their false pride, ignorance, and self-inflicted
dependency on machines, and it becomes evident that some information should be kept from us, until the
day comes when the vast collective majority of humanity is enlightened, and even then the choices made will
be the correct ones.
The moral tells us that technology can be a good thing, but we must be careful to not allow inner ignorance
and outer technology to eclipse humanity.

At the end of the span of the 4th world of Earth, the planet's high art, thought, civilization, and most of
humanity and intelligence is destroyed, along with all of its high technology. This was a horrible yet
necessary process to prevent humankind from going the same route that the Maldek's and Aldaraanians did
{planetary destruction}. "Let's hope when the human race reaches the same level of development as the Krell
it will be better equipped to handle it."
Page 11

9,399 B.C. to The Present day.

~~~'That which survives'. ~~~

Remnant civilizations that partially rebuilt after the Mahabharata~Atlantean World War.

Earth changes; surface humans eventually sink into the Cosmic ignorance of another Kali Yuga, followed
by the eventual rising of (our own) 5th World Earth.

(Re~Editing page <t.b.a.>)

In the more immediate post war Earth, there was partial civilization recovery (with large gaps in Knowledge as
to What was), followed by the creation of secret societies and data centers of underground cities {to preserve


Post war survivors and their descendants had to survive the following (in decreasing order of severity).

1) Fire.

Volcano's/widespread lava flows, massive forest fires/boiling seas and lakes, global smoke/ash/radiation and
other 'hot' weapon debris.

Impacts, impactors awaken the fires of Earth.

The planet cracking wars were between the God's, giants, and humans, stirred and destabilized the liquid
mantle. The Earth's gravametric containment of what were then the lands and continents of the planet were
greatly disturbed. The pressurized plumes which had maintained the 7 large islands of 3rd period Atlantis
were indeed broken, and the 'fire fountains of the deep' rose up to consume the Atlantean landmasses as they
were sinking.
That which was before, was for the most part vaporized, leaving hundreds of crators, and many many many
more activated volcano's.

The first armageddon of Earth was of the earth elementals. The second was of the water elementals (the
Great Flood). This third apocalypse was of the fire elementals.

The destruction(s) of the Atlantean~Mahabharta global war (re) activated the 10,000 volcano's created during
the Great Flood, and the earth upheavals post war created tens of thousands more. These plus earthquakes,
forest fires, emitted gas, dust, and ash left most of the earth immediately post war with a very toxic
enviroment. Those that didn't lose their lives during the war suffered and perished by hundreds of million's
due to toxic atmosphere, land, and waters, which was accompanied by global famine.

Within 6 months time, nuclear fire and ash gave way to it's opposite: nuclear winter and almost global ice and

This 2nd nuclear winter was even worse than the post Great Flood glaciation.

2) Ice.

The Glaciation of Earth ~version 2~.

Even after thawing of the glacier fields starting about 6,000~5,000 B.C., residual war radiation(s) made many
exposed lands uninhabitable. Lifespans were generally short due to the toxicity.

The peak glaciation phase ended around 5,000 B.C. with the rest of the glaciation more or less melting off
by 3,000 B.C. The planet remained much colder even after this time.
Due to grava~magnetic, pressure, residual destructive thought constructs, and other undiscovered effects of
the weaponry used in the atomsphere and in the Earth and the oceans, the very elements that we use today
for time dating (carbon, radioactive and other types), were severely effected. Natural processes in these
elements were either severely sped up, slowed down, or otherwise altered. Hence today, carbon, radioactive
and other types of time dating only start to gain accuracy after 5,000 B.C., and gaining current stability and
highest accuracy after 3,000 B.C through the present time, (with the potential to again be affected, through
present day experiments).

The collective trauma of wars survivors (and immediate descendants) was so intense that most survivors swore
off technology and mental powers and 'went back to the land living a simple a existence. They blamed
misapplied mental constructs, tools, and technologies for the Global war. Wrong thinking, and destructive
reactions, are the chain reactions for most warfare, whether here on earth, or in any galaxy.

3) Famine.

The barren Earth.

Afte the fire, and with the widespread surface ice and snow, most of the Earth became barren for many
centuries. The plants and animal life that did emerge after the initial melting of the extended ice cap was
somewhat to vastly altered from that which had lived before. A few of the mostly below ground survivor cities
has some ability and technology to hasten the evolution of plant and animal life, to help these adapt to a
changed world.


Geography: the changing Earth.

"The Earth had been shifted, and was almost unrecognizable".

Post War ~ New lands and changed lands.

Atlantis ~ (What became of Atlantis?)

Remnants of Atlantis ~ technology and geography.

Technology ~ That which survived.
There were 3 areas on Earth with larger surviving 'Atlantean type' high technology which served the survivors
of that war, and their immediate descendents.

1) The Great Pyramid in Egypt.

Then erved not only the surviviors, but also, in the basement 'crypt', was able to upgrade the suffering genetic
crossings of animals/humans of prewar, into full humans. Not many of these genetic crossings survived the
Global war, so the basement 'Crypt' was the first area of the Great Pyramid to fall into disuse. 'Regular'
humans used the Queens chamber, for the healing of some ailments, including radiation and other poisenings
caused by the war, or to more quickly effect what today we call minor upgrades in physical, emotional and
intellectual development. The Queens chamber was the last chamber to fall into disuse, around 7,000 B.c.,
around the end of the descending Golden era. The King's chamber, used for much higher upgrades including
spiritual ones, fell into disuse around 8,000 B.C. Due to the collective human trauma of again almost blowing
the world completely up, there wasn't much interest in using the higher upgrades that the King's chamber
made possible. With the toxins and radioactive poisons still in the atmosphere and earth and in most areas of
the world, it was a time of raw survival, with no flourishment possible, even though it was still at the end of
the Golden era. After 7,000 B.C. all higher knowlege was gradually lost in this part of the world, and even
though the Great Pyramid would be used for prayer gatherings and religous functions for centuries, after 3,000
B.C. it was gradually disused, even for prayer functions.
With the fall of Soloman in the 800's B.C., the Great Pyramid began to be sacked, and vandelized. Sometime
during a long period of decline, someone with only partial knowledge of the Great Pyramid had attempted to
reactivate the higher functions of the King's chamber, which resulted in a small explosion and the partial
destruction of the King's chamber.

2) The Library of Alexandria, which contained Atlantean and other lost records.

Around 1000 B.C. Soloman, along with others of noble nature, saw the coming of the 'Dark' Era (Iron Era).
There was a decision to try to preserve the records of what was. This group rebuilt an already existing Library at
Alexandria, Egypt, and stocked it with much additional material containing records and technology of the high
civilzations and countriesthat existed before the Global war. Few men and women of Soloman's time and the
Iron era to come understood the writings or what they contained. With survival again threatening humanity, due
to famine, ignorance, pestilence, attrition, tribal wars, and general lack of understanding, the writings at
Alexandria became 'useless scrolls and records' (to those that vandalized them). Between 500 B.C. and 1200 A.D.
the Library was sacked twice, vandelized numerous times, later outright burned, and finally completely
destroyed. Large parts of the city eventually was flooded or eroded by tides an further destroying any records
and buildings. The records, last source of open knowledge of what was, did not survive its journey of time
through the Iron Era of the Yuga's.
3) The Fountain of Youth ~ 10,000 B.C. to 7,000 B.C. (with a forward in time to Ponce De Leon)

Another Atlantean technology still working after the war was on the one place that could still be considered
'true' Atlantis after the land and continental sinkings; a small islet that was within sailing range of Bimini, the
Bahamas, and Florida. It was the one and only place of prewar 3rd period Atlantis that was not immediately
sunk, tidal waved, resubmerged again, quaked, volcano'd, nuked, rayed, blasted bombarded etc etc and swept

Today' islands we call the Canaries, Azores, Bermuda, Bimini, Bahama Islets, (parts of Cuba) plus other
islands and islets in the Atlantic ocean, were all once part of 3rd period Atlantis (or it's territories). All these
areas were submerged or wiped clean by mountain size tidal waves. Later the above re~emerged much as
they are now, unrecognizable as to the prewar Atlantean features known then.

This islet, the remains of one the larger prewar 7 (3rd period) Atlantean main Islands, had been a large
healing pyramid temple upon a mountain top. Sages would mention that it survived the war due to it's very
high merit, or karma, of helping many many thousands of people (from all over the world), before the war. It
also was a Longevity temple that not only healed, but was able to reboot and cleanse the human body and
mind, which was one method, prewar, of Longevity Lifestyles. With periodic cleansing and resetting of bodies
and mind, this was one way humans lived indefinite lifespans, living as long on earth as that wanted. These
humans we would call today immortals.
As mentioned, the last Glaciation period of our 'present' time period was caused by immense
destruction/trauma to the Earth and atmosphere during the Global war.
During the 7000's B.C. Era, nature pushed out a last 'build' period of glaciation. During this last push of
Glaciers, a continent size piece of ice broke off, and floated free in the Atlantic Ocean. Then, during the first
of the melt cycles in the early 7,000's B.C. era, this continent size piece of ice melted causing sea levels to go
up 80 feet. This caused the submergance of many remnant cities, coasts and civilisations of earth, that had
been able to slowly and partially rebuild what once was.

This first postwar 80 foot rise in sea level also submerged this mountain top temple.
Later, more gradual melts of glaciers into the 3,000's B.C. era would raise the sea level another 40 feet, which
along with a gentle subsidence of the islet itself, would now bury this 'Fountain of Youth' temple under at
least 300 feet of water. The Sages would say of this, that the last of Atlantean war 'karma' had now been paid.

After the sinking of this Fountain of Youth temple, the fame of it, and what it could do, was passed along
from one generation to the next, becoming what we call 'mythical'. By the time of the Iron Era of 500 B.C. it
was considered a totally a myth, but not forgotten.

In 5,000 B.C. Florida, part of the newly risen postwar land, (considered part of the 'new world' since large
parts of it {North and South America} were literally new upon the Earth). Florida was the nearest large and
stable landmass to this sunken temple. Originally, Atlantis, in continental form before the first and second
destructions, wars and sinkings, slightly overlapped in land area with what is now parts of Florida's east and
south east coasts. All the Atlantean lands along the Florida coast were submerged, and washed clean by the
Great Flood. Even the underlying mineral substrates were washed out and changed. When Florida emerged
fully along with the rest of the 'new world' around 5000 B.C., it really was part of a new world.
Yet the legend of the Fountain of Youth persisted, and so Ponce De Leon sailed for Florida, and he actually
got the location correct, but with the wrong timing.

His dream was long swept clean, and otherwise buried by water and mud and time. Yet the Sonics and
Photonics of these 3rd period Atlantean healing and energy temples and pyramids, if which some were not
destroyed but only sunk, persist and partially function even now. These power the intermittent anomalous
effects reported even today, in the Bermuda triangle area.

The Fountain of Youth has it's basis in Sonics, and will be posted on another website (t.b.a.), as time, research
and results allow.

Other lands (+) and losses (-) of Earth, post war.


"The new World had emerged almost fully".~North, Central, and South America. Other Lands that rose above
water, and/or new mountain ranges: North Western Africa along withg parts of Europe, of China, Mexico,
South America. The Sipaupu (a womb of the Earth, a shelter of an underground city) immediately south of
what iis now the Grand Canyon of Arizona was built as a refuge for ex-patriot Atlanteans wanting no part of
the aggression of their original mother land. Near the end of the war, this underground refuge was targeted.
The weapon was deflected southeast by many tens of miles, impacting, exploding causing what we know today
as 'Meteor Crater' near Winslow, Arizona.

Around 9,000 B.C. the land had recovered enough (in some small parts of the Earth) to let life begin again.
Humanity was still at this time in a Silver cycle of intelligence ( a descending cycle as Earth once again was
moving away from the great central sun of the galaxy) and civilizations were able to rebuild, partially.

Cimmeria, Ultima Thule ("Doggerland").

The lands of Cimmeria/Ultima Thule were sunk outright during and after the war. Great Earth changes
were triggered by the tremendous weapons used with the mantle losing pressure, and out of the depths where
Cimmeria sunk new lands with new mountain ranges emerged post war. These new lands were almost
immediately covered by ice and snow. These new lands are now called the Scandanavian countries. These new
lands were additionally iced over for a very long period of time. No living thing was able to survive these
extreme conditions, except bacteria. Later, around 5,000 B.C., the climate moderated a little, and hunters were
able to survive. Later still by 1,000 B.C. the climate warmed (in enough in these countries) that other human
migrations became successful~people survived, and thrived. The only lands of Cimmeria/Ultima Thule that
were not completely destroyed still exist at the bottom of what is now parts of the
North Sea.

Poisoned, burned, rayed and destroyed by weapons and the battles fought there. Survivors here had
to move south to avoid poisoning by radiation and other war weapons. Gobi, once a nourishing land of green
and life, became a wasteland, desert and 'ghost' land.


Lost it's west coast, it's south east coast, and the Maldives western extension. It also lost part of the north
west coast including the Golden city of Dwarka. The Himalayan mountain range to the north was shoved
higher in altitude due to the planet rendering weapons used in this war. They became the highest mountain
on Earth, and for a long time after the war were covered in ice, in which not much life could
live. India's rivers gained their new courses after this


Mostly neutral thoughout the preceding wars and destruction. As a whole gained in land, but suffered from
bombing and bio-engineered diseases.

North Africa~Egypt.

Egypt, neutral as far as the Atlanteans were concerned, suffer no appreciable damage, other than the morale
of knowing a war of this magnitude had erupted, and that the whole Earth had for quite a while toxic wastes
as a result. ~Libya had been one of four Amazon groups/governments~ of female warriors only~. These
Amazon groups/governments especially in Libya were attacked by the Atlanteans, and overcome. There was
ray/nuke damage in southeast Libya, which in turn helped changed the green climate of northern Africa into
the Sahara desert of today. In the last 3 days of the war, about all remaining weapons possessed by anyone
were launched. Even though Africa was officially neutral, the air, earth, water, and Earth's magnetic field were
so disturbed that aspects of the weapon's Intelligence Phasic systems begain to fail, with weapons then
falling at random, including Africa.

The Middle East.

As described in The Bible, there was some destruction/radiation (the '5 cities of the plain'), yet overall there
was not total destruction. Further north in what is now Syria, the 'cities of the giants to the east' were all

South America, Central America.

South America and central America saw the most extensive rebuilding efforts immediately after the war, after
the new georgraphy of the Andes mountains and other lands had stabilized. In South America, very long lived
original Atlantean ex~patriots (the pacifists who didn't want the war and migrated before~hand) settled in
these new lands, and were viewed by their less evolved less knowledgeable descendants as God's/Goddess's,
Sages, Shamans, Holy People, and other revered status. These original Atlanteans had knowledge, longevity,
Understanding, technology, and health that their own post war descendants didn't have. One of these,
Naylamp, ruled an extensive kingdom in a partially rebuilt Atlantean style city in South America, in the area
of present day Bolivia (among other places).

King Naylamp, Nanlamp.

Ruled for centuries, yet with increasing entropy of knowledge, and more savagery exhibited by the latest
generation, he grew weary of existance on this world, during a descending Yuga, a descent into the hel(d) of
ignorance. Under his leadership, this area of South America was semi ~enlightened for centuries after the
war, something very few places on the surface world were.

Then, as did other king-gods like Quetzalcoatl and Viracocha, with the Mayans, Aztecs and other Andean
peoples, Naylamp decided that was the time to go and leave his people. He went to the sea shore, and taking
the form of a bird, disappeared, flying in direction to the horizon, leaving in the kingdom, his son, Si-Um, who
ruled the country for many years.

After the war, there were many "Bridges to No~where".

And for a long while only the animals roamed the ruined Earth, while humans huddled to survive.

Vandalism over 40 centuries.

The destructive affects of the descending Yuga, plus

karma (from the previous 2 armageddons). <t.b.a.>

The destruction of the libraries of knowledge/

{Vandalism and the effects of the Kali Yuga}.
In the ruins of Tiahuanaco,
in Bolivia:
as recently as the 16th century there still stood immense
walls with massive rivets of silver in the stonework as well
as lifelike statues of men and women in a thousand
animated poses.
Even until last century, travellers could admire and sketch
imposing colonnades.
Of these there is no trace today. The Spaniards and more
recently the Bolivian government plundered them for building
Again, many scale replicas of ancient apparatuses probably
perished when the Spanish conquistadors melted down all the
gold artifacts they could find in Central and South America.
The scale of destruction over the centuries will never be
The destruction of printed records has been much greater than
was originally thought.

The great library of Alexandria once contained one million

volumes in which the entire science, philosophy and mysteries
of the ancient world were recorded (including a complete
catalogue of authors in 120 volumes, with a brief biography
of each author).

In a single act of vandalism, Julius Caesar destroyed

700,000 priceless scrolls.

In the seventh century, the Arabs completed the wipeout.

Do you know how they did it? They used the books as a fuel
supply to heat the city’s 400 public baths for six months.

Totally destroyed also were the papyri of the library of

Ptah in Memphis.

Carthage, with a library of 500,000 volumes, was razed

in a seventeen-day fire by the Romans in 146 B.C.

The library of Pergamos in Asia Minor (with 200,000

volumes) likewise perished.

When the famous collection of Pisistratus in Athens was

wiped out (in the 6th century), surprisingly Homer’s
writings escaped.

In the 8th century, Leo Isaurus burned 300,000 books

in Constantinople.

In China, Emperor Tam Shi Hwang-ti issued an edict

(213 B.C.) to destroy innumerable books.

Thousands of Druidic scrolls in Autun, France, on

philosophy, medicine, astronomy and other sciences,
were obliterated by Julius Caesar. Not one survived.

Much classical literature was systematically destroyed

by the papal Inquisition.

Spanish conquerors searched out and destroyed the entire

Mayan literature (except for four documents now in
European museums).

It was related that Mayan scholars screamed in agony as

they saw their life’s purpose go up in flames. Some
committed suicide.

The Council of Lima (1583) decreed the burning of the

knotted cords ("quipas") on which the Incas had recorded
their history and that of their predecessors.

What a story of carnage, in which the greatest

depositories of knowledge from the ancient world are
lost forever!

(Yet somehow the Indian books escaped.)

Did you know that even of the Greek and Roman literature,
less than 1 percent has come down to us?

Is it any wonder we are ignorant of our early heritage?

I agree with Andrew Tomas that "we have to depend on

disconnected fragments, casual passages and meagre

"Our distant past is a vacuum filled at random

with tablets, parchments, statues, paintings and various

"The history of science would appear totally different

were the book collection of Alexandria intact today."


Undeciphered still are writings at Easter Island,
tablets at Mohenjo-Daro in Pakistan, and Mayan scripts.
Some finds will remain unsolved forever.

There are no inscriptions awaiting us at Tiahuanaco or

Machu Picchu.

Then there are many museum relics, whose significance

may have eluded us.

A methodical reexamination of pieces labelled "art

objects," "cult objects" and "unidentified objects"
would yield much new data.

So would a systematic exploration of museum vaults.

It is a well-known fact that museums are in the habit of

"burying" objects that do not coincide with current
theories, or that are not beautiful to look at.

The vaults of the Smithsonian Institution and the Museum

of Prehistory of Saint Germain-en-Laye are full of crates
of incomprehensible objects that nobody is studying.

Could it be that many objects we have discovered had a

purpose that we do not yet understand? The ancients may
have achieved results similar to ours by quite different

(For instance, look at what happened to German technology.

It diverged tremendously from that of other countries in
just twelve years, from 1933 to 1945, when Germany was
progressively isolated from the rest of the world.)

Then again, is it possible that some of the antedeluvian

artifacts we have found cannot yet be identified, simply
because they are ahead of our technology?

A point to remember. As any technology advances, its

methods and equipment do not become more complex; they
become simplified.

(Take, for example, printed circuits, silicon chips. Nano


Such equipment may not be recognizable to a civilization

of inferior knowledge.

The point is we may be looking at objects—quite exciting

objects—without recognizing them.

Who would have expected that items in Baghdad Museum,

long labelled as "ritual objects," would prove to be
components of batteries? Do you see what I mean?


Here is a tantalizing thought. Some authentic and

incredibly ancient documents are known to be safely
locked away. We may never see them.

These forbidden treasures are known to be concealed in

four places:

1. Catacombs beneath the Potala in Llasa, Tibet

2. Vaults in the Vatican Library, to which even the

pope does not have access

3. Morocco, where Moslem leaders are fiercely opposed

to making them public

4. A secret place known to a few initiated rabbis

(believed to be in Spain)

But this is not all. There must be numerous lost cities


Hold it, I hear you say. That’s overdoing things, isn’t

it? An occasional ruin, maybe, but numerous lost cities?
There aren’t any unknown areas in this day and age!

On the contrary, there are many totally unexplored areas

left about.

Quite a lot of things occur in out-of-the-way corners of

the world—and some not so out-of-the-way—that most persons
never hear of.

Still not explored from the ground are immense expanses

of the interior of Central and South America, New Guinea,
Asia and Australia.

Although Europeans have lived and worked in India for

some centuries, building bridges, railways and modern
cities, the jungles have scarcely been investigated.

There are remote villages that have never seen a white


In the trackless Central Australian desert, a structure

from an unknown civilization was discovered when vehicles
from a nearby atomic test site drove into it purely by

The largest unexplored jungle area in the world is the

Amazon Basin. This region is so little known that a river
tributary 200 miles long was only recently discovered —
and then only by satellite.

The Amazon system comprises 50,000 miles of navigable

"trunk rivers" and an estimated 16,000 tributaries.

The jungle on each side of the rivers is almost totally

impenetrable, at least for a European.

I know of settlers who have lived on riverbank clearings

for forty years and never ventured more than a mile back
into the jungle.
The Amazon contains some of the most solid jungles and
hostile environments to be found anywhere.

Surprisingly, this now mysterious region was once the

center of a very intense and highly active population.

Large cities flourished here, with high volume commercial

traffic to the Andes.

Despite satellite technology, we face almost insurmountable

problems in locating any remains.

A pilot over the Amazon may spy towers, villages or ruins,

pinpoint them and report them. A few days later, someone
setting out to verify the data will find they have already
vanished—swallowed again by the jungle since that forest
fire or whim of weather that exposed them.

Karl Brugger mentions that the "Transamazonica spur of the

road between Manaus and Barcellos on the lower Rio Negro,
built in 1971, was overgrown by tropical vegetation within
a year.

"The technicians even had difficulties locating the

approximate direction of the road. It is not surprising
therefore that there are no more signs of 'white cities.'"

Again, there are vast stretches where the fog never lifts,
and in others it doesn’t clear until late afternoon.

There is an area in Eastern Ecuador from which natives

have been carrying out thousands of artifacts belonging
to what they describe as giant pyramids and immense
deserted cities.

But don’t get carried away. This is a forbidden region;

local Indians still massacre inquisitive outsiders.

Intruders in the Matto Grosso region of Brazil can expect

a similar welcome. Yes, believe it! Documented accounts
are numerous.

Once an entire patrol of 1,400 vanished in the jungle

without trace.

This trackless, unexplored "green hell" swallows visitors.

The ruins clasp their secret.

Think of it. Five thousand years ago (when our forefathers

were supposed to be existing in caves or crude settlements)
a highly advanced culture reached over the whole globe —
from Siberia to Antarctica, from Greenland to Africa.

This super world vanished so completely we thought it never


It is not unlikely a whole empire could disappear like this.

The more advanced the culture, the more easily it could
vanish without a trace.

If it were so advanced, then its powers of destruction must

also have been enormous.

What an epic! The wonder is that despite wholesale

obliteration of evidence, many thousands of pieces do survive
— written records, oral traditions and physical remains.
More Vandal savages, vandal savagery of the Kalii Yuga.

That which survives (and thrives) Part 2:

The present Giants and little people of Earth.

Genetic anomalies.

Post war genetic anomolies of the survivors and their descendents (us).
Residue Karmic feedback of the arrogances of Cro~Magnan and Homo Sapien man/woman of the 4th world
Earth. Homo Sapien 'O', the giants, will be looked at separately.
In the longer lasting nightmare world (up to 5,000 B.C.) of post Nuclear armageddon Earth, most of the
Cro~Magnan and Homo Sapien populations (as distinct genetic groupings, with the exception of Africa) did
not survive the many centuries of Ice, radiation, and famine. Ne~an~derthal man/woman, a distinct and
newly evolved human grouping (accelerated evolution up from primates during the previous ascending Silver
and Gold era's of 20,000 B.C. to 11,500 B.C.), while not having a fully evolved/involved intuitive functioning,
were able to survive the ice/radiation world of then somewhat better than there more evolved cousins, hence
intermarrying and interphasing of the populations over a longer time period, over the landmasses of Earth
which were then populated (which did not include the newly surfaced American continents, for the most
With the exceptions of the African populations and the Native American populations/descendents which
(re~)surfaced from the Sipapu's (subsurface survival shelters and cities) after 5,000 B.C., Ne~an~derthal
man/woman and the rest of humanity got together~ to survive that very harsh world that existed then.
The small pockets of Homo Sapiens that did not mix with Ne~an~derthal across habitable parts of Eurasia
had desecendents whom did mix with descendents of Ne~an~derthal, hence the global mixing of today, with
the exceptions of these above two populations, although the Native American population has also seen a lot of
intermarrying over time,,,,
And the last true Ne~an~derthal did indeed transition way back about 8,000 B.C. (yet near the apex of this
2nd human caused ice era/nuclear winter) next to the Straits of Gilbraltor.


The plants and animals recovered first. They 'inherited the Earth' for quite a while as humans struggled to
survive a full blown nuclear/volcanic winter, lethal ground touching aurora's, massive tornadic and hurricane
storms, walls of fire tornado's, along with other toxicities.

he migrations of the Atlantean and Gobian/Cathay ex-patriots, and the current descendants of these war
refugee's from long ago.

The Atlanteans now:

Atlantean survivors and ex-patriots: Where they ended up, and who their descendants are today!

Atlantean ex-patriot and survivor groups left Atlantis in two waves. The earlier movers were
those which rejected technology used for horrible and destructive purposes. The later movers survived both
the war, it's aftermath, and the sinking of the 7 lands of Atlantis itself. These groups not only survived, but
their Atlantean descendents are still with us today. The earliest Atlanteans began migrating circa 10,001 B.C.,
and the last ones, the real war survivors and their descendants, arriving at their new destinations circa @ 9,399
B.C. The following is a partial list of peoples who can trace family heritage back to Atlantis.

North America

The Hopi:
The Hopi people of the southwestern U.S. were originally a large Spiritual and peaceful group of
Atlanteans that did not like nor agree with the Atlantean governments aggression, war mongering and the mis-
use of technology for destructive purposes. This group first came across to the (newly emergent) Americas
from Atlantis, arriving in what is now the southern portions of Central America. They migrated north, and
eventually found a land, south of what today is the Grand Canyon of Arizona, that the Sages assured would
survive the coming 'super-war'. Using the technology and knowledge they brought with them, they speedily
constructed a underground city, the Sipapu.

A little later, still in pre-war times, another Atlantean group of extended families came over from Atlantis, and
constructed another nearby underground city. The descendents of the surviviors of this second city also near
the Grand Canyon, would later come to be known as the Navajo, with extended family coming to be known
as the Apache's.
The original 'Native American's, from the original peoples of Calfifornia, Nevada and Utah to the Dakota's, the
Plains, the Midwest, the South and Southeast, to the peoples of the Northern and North Eastern states, all of
these are descended from groups, families, and clans that came over from Atlantis, before the war. A few made
it across during the war. The Creek, the Objiway, Cherokee, Ute, Crow, and many many others, all are
descended from groups or families that in that long ago time, came across from Atlantis, either before the war,
or during the war, when severe tremors in that land gave notice the land was beginning to subside,,,,,

Central and South America. The original peoples of these lands and continents also mostly came from
Atlantis. A few came from Cimmeria/Ultima Thule, and later a few grups came from the remains of

A Remnant (Atlantean colony) civilization in classical Egypt

Around 11,000 B.C. Sensitive Atlanteans and others foresaw that war and aggression would further upset the
geologically unstable 7 remaining Atlantean islands' (As well as other geologically unstable places), and started
an exodus to other lands, including Egypt. With them came most of their knowledge, and technology. To
serve the greater good of humanity, the Great Pyramid in Egypt was planned and then constructed! It was
still under construction when the Great Mahabharata/Atlantean World War broke out! Central and Northern
Egypt were spared the full effects of this world war, and the Great Pyramid was completed after this war! The
Great Pyramid was constructed with intent of serving THE HEALTH OF HUMANITY AND SENTIENT

1) Physical health (and other potentials realized, INCLUDING THE HEALING OF THE CHIMERAS!) in
the lowest

2) Mental, emotional AND ASPECTS OF HUMAN health (and other potentials realized) in the 2ND

3) Spirituality, and 'sonic' rejuvenation AND HUMAN REGENERATION IN THE 3RD (KINGS

VERY LONG LIVES, living a Longevity Lifestyle, was a result of using this technology and
DISCIPLINE. The great pyramid was built using technologynot yet available today. Aligned on the (then)
existing Ley Lines, Earth grid and North Star, the great pyramid at that time was a veritable powerhouse of
energy. The alignments of the above three Earth geomagnetics have changed since that time, hence the
pyramid is somewhat 'depowered' today. Some destruction of the 'tuning stones' above the Kings chamber
have also 'depowered' the pyramid somewhat.

The remnants of these are found in Egypt, the Middle East, and the American continents especially South
America. Other remains are in Greece, the Pyrenees of Spain, the bottom of the North Sea, and
other areas~ 9,399 TO 5,000 B.C.



An 'Atlantean' Colony that later became independant and which survived the Atlantean/Mahabharata war,
land mass sinkings, nuclear/volcanic Winter, toxicity and other natural cataclysms. The Great Pyramid, built
using anti-gravity technology of that era, begins with the lowest chamber (since partially sacked
and vandalized) was constructed almost specifically to Cure (evolve) the hybrid species Chimera's to full
human form, saving many of them from immense suffering. IN present day however, the Great Pyramid
'LOST' ITS KNOWN FUNCTION when humanity 'sank' into ignorance around 6,000 B.C. The GREAT
pyramid also lost some power due to a calamity that affected the geometrics of the top most chamber, and
lost further power due to the shifting of Earth's Grid and Ley Lines. Worst of all, humanity forgot the Great
Pyrmamid even worked! By the time of these events, the last of those Chimera's had either been cured,
destroyed by natural calamities, or had otherwise departed the Earth.

9,000 B.C. The land mass changes of the New Earth. The land mass losses, as compared to the Pre-War
Earth, include the LOSS of the Atlantean Islands, most of what had been the continent of Cimmeria, (which is
now under the North Sea), the extended west coast and south east coasts of India, and parts of what is now
east coast china and eastern Russia. Land mass additions to the Earth include the rest of the middle

9,000 B.C. THE RISE OF THE REMNANT CIVILIZATIONS. After a Millienia of recovery, radiation, dust,
and volcanos had settled down enough so that most of the Earth was now habitable again.

Civilizations that partially rebuilt circa 9,000 B.C. to 6,000 B.C.

Humboldt collectors/Tomb of the unknown.


Remnant civilizations in Central and South America had some knowledge of their prior civilizations, including
manufacturing and technology. When the newer generations lost the knowledge of how to repair the
remaining flying vehicles, they were eventually scrapped, and only the artisans and the secret orders
remembered anything at all. Artisans of the past then captured a small snapshot of what
Other than Egypt, India, parts of (what is now) China, and a few other isolated areas, no area of the Earth
rebuilt as well or as much as the Kingdoms/empires of South America!

On the South American Continent (specifically in the Amazon area), some of the societies resurrected
pyramid building, which occured, at least sporadically, until around 4,000 B.C. A few cities/kindoms even
rebuilt some of the simpler and (smaller crystalline) type flying craft, which again used the Nazca lines (mostly
for regional flight only), until succeeding generations could no longer repair nor maintain the craft. Cities and
technology rebuilt around this time eventually suffered from attrition of knowledge, necessary to maintain or
repair lighting and power. The MOTHER CIVILIZATION TO MOST OF these kingdoms of the America's
was of course Atlantis, and both due to The War and loss of the 'The Mother country', there was decline and
eventual loss of all tools and knowlege that had been used, and technology that had been known. The South
American (and a few of the Central American) civilizations/kingdoms had a much higher degree of rebuilding
and recovering than any civilization on the North American continent.


The 80% newly emerged land of North America rapidly went into a prolonged Glacial era! This new Global
Glacier era was of course caused by Earth changes, that were in turn triggered by destructive WORLD war. As
stated in most mainstream history books, at the worst of the Cold Climate/Glacier Era, Glaciers extended
south into the U.S. heading south of Chicago, and the cold weather of this time made areas south of these
Glaciers not very habitable. Only the 'deep south' of the U.S. was somewhat livable, until the glaciers began to
recede, circa 5,000-4,000 B.C.

After the Glaciers had retracted into Canada, there was some rebuilding of towns and trade, but the
knowledge to build greater things (as had occured in South America), had by this time been lost.

Africa, though not directly affected by the Ice, cold and snow (except in its few areas of high elevations) of
this new Glacial area, none the less still suffered from the Scourage of The Marea, which eventually mutated
into what today we call Malaria. There were a few areas upon the continent (not counting Egypt) that had
some rebuilding, some pyramids, and other technology, but the desolation caused by the War and The Marea
both prevented much higher rebuilding.


India (The Rama empire!), more than any other country with exception of South America, was able to rebuild
its cities, technology, flying craft, and civilization. The why, how and when of this will be explained on the
next page (12). Yet there was still damage, and loss of some knowledge, and land masses, and cities. India
was not unscathed. And between the three areas of the Earth that retained the most knowledge of the World
before the War, (Egypt, India, and South America) only India would be able to retain (in the long run of
history up to the present) even some knowledge of previous events and what transpired before. Other tales,
oral traditions, and Holy Books, such as the Original testament of the Bible, would have their accounts
transcribed into myth, and generally be not believed, or were altered, and have historicial accounts omitted.


Cimmeria ended up at the bottom of the North Sea.

THE END OF THE NEANDERTHALS. The Neanderthals in their European reservation, which had been
left alone by the pre-war high civilizations, did not survive the radiation poisoning, new Era of Ice, and famine
of the post war period.

GOBI and the Eastern Alliance countries

Abandoned Road to Nowhere.

Gobi, which eventually became the China, Mongolia and nearby areas of today, was also able to rebuild, but
the Cimmerian bombing ruined more here than other areas, and only a few cities and pyramids were
eventually rebuilt before knowledge was lost or forgotten. Other areas of what was the Eastern Alliances also
had only sporadic rebuilding.

EAST! Circa @ 2400-2200 B.C. 'Descending Solar Cycle'-'Copper/Bronze' Era.

Besides the South American remant civiizations, the one last higher 'remnant' civilization that influenced the
later Egyption, Babylonian, Sumerian, Greek and other more recent historical Nations, was that of Soloman, in
the Middle East. Soloman was able to retrieve the lost knowledge of the previous high eras, and apply it to
uplifting humanity. The Solar system at that time was cycling away from the Galactic center, and later,
without Soloman's uplifting influence, the knowldge and use of technology that he had regained was lost
again. Later vandalism and destruction of Middle Eastern Cities, temples and libraries furthur contributed to
the 'Dark Era' (low cycle) to come. See page 12 for fuller explaination of the Solar cycles.
Impact Craters, Earth's (newest) mountain ranges and other present day traces from this last war.

Present day impact craters

Most of the impact craters discovered at present are the remains of bombs, angular sonic disruptors, phasers,
Crystalline Plutonium and the other last ditch 'doomsday' weapons used during the Mahabharata~Atlantean
War. The repeated bombardments of this time were so destructive that Earths moltan mantle was churned,
which in turn (re) activated the larges amounts of volcano's and earthquake mega swarms that had been active
both during and after the events of the previous Great Flood.

The newest and highest mountain ranges.

Mountain ranges of Earth, of the sharp and/or 'saw tooth' variety, were emergent during and after the
Mahabharata~Atlantean war, with mountain building process of the Earth triggered by same.

Continuing timeline to the present:


5,000 B.C.

Moses, the wanderings (and re~discoveries), and manna.


Around 1000 B.C.

Soloman, along with others of noble nature, saw the coming of the 'Dark' Era (Iron Era). There was a decision
to try to preserve the records of what was. This group rebuilt an already existing Library at Alexandria, Egypt,
and stocked it with much additional material containing records and technology of the high civilzations and
countriesthat existed before the Global war. Few men and women of Soloman's time and the Iron era to come
understood the writings or what they contained. With survival again threatening humanity, due to famine,
ignorance, pestilence, attrition, tribal wars, and general lack of understanding, the writings at Alexandria
became 'useless scrolls and records' (to those that vandalized them). Between 500 B.C. and 1200 A.D. the
Library was sacked twice, vandelized numerous times, later outright burned, and finally completely
destroyed. Large parts of the city eventually was flooded or eroded by tides an further destroying any records
and buildings. The records, last source of open knowledge of what was, did not survive its journey of time
through the Iron Era of the Yuga's.

Page 12

The Science of Midnight Eternity.

<editing t.b.a.>


Geophysics: Continental plate Earth changes

The Primary and secondary gravity coils of Earth~ Human caused geophysical {traumatically activated} Earth

Primary process of Earth change(s): Vertical shifting {Primary coil shift}.

Evolutionary changes to landmasses and continents. Vertical land mass risings and sinkings have been the
primary (fast) process for Earth alterations. 98% {+/- 10%} of volumetric shits of land since at least 250,000
B.C. have been human~giant/war caused. Misuse of high technology weaponry (including weapons of thought:
~Divine weapons) are the primary cause of geo~magnetic pressurisation/depressurisations of Earth's semi
molten core, mantles, crust and the surface land masses . Earth's inner magnetic movements affect the risings
and sinkings of the land masses above. This primary coil effect (of vertical land elevations) is generally stable
when we don't muck it up. Most of the present day continents did not exist prior to 52,010 B.C. Most of
todays lands were once sea floor, and what is nowsea floor once existed as dry land.

Secondary process of Earth change: Continental drift, horizontal changes of Earth {Secondary Coil}.

So, much of what we call continental drift (horizontal movements) is actually a secondary Earth change
process. The primary process of Earth change isvertical, a geo magnetic pressurisation (or depressurisations)
involving the semi molton core, the mantles, and the crust. Earth's inner magnetic movements affect the
risings and sinkings of the land masses above. This primary coil effect (of vertical land elevations) is generally
stable. So, why has there been major changes to the geography of this planet? What has caused
depressurisation of the mantles, which has caused continents to sink and raise? Humanities misuse of
knowledge, and technology of prior era's. <>There are smaller scale present day examples of this vertical
function, and examples of present day land sinkings and risings will be found on Page 12. Behind the physical
aspects, there is an Earth (also called Elemental) intelligence(s) which both maintain(s) existing stabilities of
continental and land/sea forms and elevations, as well as controls changes. This intelligence ‘resides’ deep in
the Earth (as well as ‘topside’).

Much of what we call continental drift (horizontal movements) is a secondary process of Earth change. The
speed is slow, and the movements could be called (in part) the magnetic breathing of the Earth.

Constants, which are not constant.

Physics~The 'localized'~"Universal Constants", of certain photo- grava~magnetic processes, have been altered
each time there has been an Armageddon type Earth change.


The Elements: present distribution of substances and raw materials.

The formation and depositing processes of many of today's raw materials such as amber, oil, coal, diamonds,
gems, gold, most metallics and other materials of the mineral belts of Earth, were not triggered naturally. While
the processes of elemental formation itself are natural, that which started the (re)~desposition of elements were
human events!

Elements in current locations on or in the Earth (down to 26,000 feet or so) are a result of either the Great
Flood or the Mahabharata/Atlantean world war triggered Earth changes. Below is a partial list of materials
made through natural processes triggered by these events.


The tears of trees~ Most Amber deposits are from the gigantic forests and trees which covered the pre Great
Flood Earth and were shredded and buried during the Great Flood.

Oil and Coal.

90% of Earth's pools/fields of oil and coal were huge debris fields composed of giant trees, animals, giant
humans, and dinosaurs brought together by immense whirlpools created during the Great Flood! Towards the
end of the Great Flood, mountain size tsunomies swept through, bringing with them thousands of feet of
displaced soil which buried these debris fields. The pressuration (and heat) upon the CARBON in the buried
Flora and Fauna, (depending on moisture and other elements present), yielded COAL, OIL or other petroleum
type products. What we use today to fuel our cars, planes, powerplants, industry and transportation is actually
the residue of the past: elements (the crushed, processed and cooked skeletons/tissues/fibers) that lived prior to
the Great Flood as well as the Last Armageddon that occured after! And the same elemental residue (Carbon)
is now beginning to accumulate in our present day skies and seas!

Gold, other metallics and minerals.

Were commonplace in Pre~Flood times, and became buried during the Great Flood and one (perhaps more)
other Global cataclysm. The effort now we have to go through today to extract these minerals, in deposits and
bands deep in the Earth, (upto 10,000 feet deep) was again caused by humamity triggering the Great Flood,
which buried mineral deposits that used to be highly accessable on the surface of the Earth!

Carbon Oxide: C302.

A gas at room tempertures {present day}. Prior to the Great Flood (caused in part by explosive Global
decompression), the higher atmospheric pressure of Earth and different atmospheric gas ratios allowed
CARBON OXIDE to exist as a solid at room temperatures. THE UNIQUE AND PECULIAR PROPERTIES
of Carbon Oxide under higher pressure allowed it to be used as a Universal type semi conductor: AS A


Is the nearest present day analog~simulent to (what used to be the properties) of Carbon Oxide in the higher
pressure atmosphere prior to the Great Flood.


Most fossils come from the Great Flood of 28,500 B.C. and its aftermath. Flora and Fauna of the Pre-Flood
world were collected, buried and then pressurized by the Great Flood, under 10's to 1000's of metre's of debris
and earth. The difference between the Fossils described here and the creation of Coal and Oil deposits above,
is that with fossils the Primary ELEMENTS INVOLVED ARE pressurized SILICON AND CALCIUM,
instead the CARBON described above. The Carbon within the remains of plants, animals and humans of pre-
flood times was 'forced out' (or converted) by pressure, heat, (and in a few cases other processes) and replaced
by the Silicon and Calcium in the Earth next to these remains.


Darwin, Creationism and evolution.

All have a place and time in the process of life. What needs to be added to evolution is the DIVINELY sought
UPGRADE AND ACCELERATIONS of Humanity FOCUSED into the 5 original Adam's and Eve's, and later
the single pair of (further accelerated) CRO-MAGNAN ADAM AND EVE (Homo superior)! CREATIVE
INTELLIGENCE wanted and wants more out of we 'modern humans' sooner than what the Neanderthal
Humans were wanting or capable of doing (within their own timeframe)! This is part of why they 'didn't make
it' to the present time.

Some other solar systems do not experience this same 'coil of time' cycles as this system or it's twin. This is
one reason we are of such interest to 'space brothers and sisters' (ufonauts). We of this solar system and it's
twin, then face what has been an extreme challange to not only master these cycles of time(timing), but to
uncover/unzip our own real potential, as shown by the role models of saints and sages of all time
periods. Even before the original 'Star Wars' (Great Solar War) of this system, which blew apart 3 planets (clik
on and gave us our present in system asteroid belts, Oort clouds,planetoids, plutoids,
and the many moons of this system, the severely elliptical orbit of this solar system suggests an original cosmic
trauma, one which occured when the this solar system and it's twin were still in cosmic formation
stages, perhaps even as far back as when this sun and it's twin were still being formed in whatever cosmic
nursery formed this sun, and it's twin.

The Yuga cycles do have an association with astrology, as well as magnetic function(s).

One commonality about the last three World destructions, (the Global Wars, the three sinkings of Atlantis and
other land masses), is that all three events occured during a descending or away cycle of Solar system revolution.
What is a descending or 'away cycle'? An away cycle is when the Solar system IN its CIRCULAR
MOVEMENTS has revolved away from Great Central Sun, the center of the Universe, the Central Black (w)hole
in space. And why is this important to us, when we are further away from the Center? The Saints and Sages of
various times, even into the present, warn that life here, at this level of existence, on Earth, has hidden risks.
One of the risks here is that rises in intellect and intelligence are not 100 % guaranteed here!!! The
photomagnetics emitted by the Great Central Sun/Black hole are said to have a direct influence on humanities
intellectual development on Earth.

During theses 'Dark' cycles, not only is it a struggle to retain or remember higher principles and learning, but
add Global War, destruction, radiation, and above all the EARTH CHANGES THAT HAPPEN AFTER
GLOBAL HUMAN CAUSED DESTRUCTIVE EVENT(S), and the retaining of knowledge and technology gets
much more challenging. Then in ignorance, Vandels roam,, and ransack, and destroy that which would be clues,
that WE LEFT FOR OURSELVES FROM THE LAST HIGH ERAs, TO be able to help ourselves CLIMB

Another Way.

THE GREAT SAGES AND SAINTS OF ALL TIMES have recognized the problems of the cyclical nature of the
Intellect and Intelligence UPON THIS PLANET . Their answer to resolving this problem is one of what some
would call sacrifice. When the Solar system is again cycling away from the Great Central Sun and there is again
the danger of collective ignorance approaching, the Great Saints coach personal and collective discipline,
especially of a spiritual nature.

Yet another way.

START MOVING TO THE STARS. THE GREAT 'BLACK (Derelict) Satelite' said to even now still be in
HIgh Earth 'Lagrange' type Orbit, is a long abandoned ATLANTEAN (other countries of those times were
involved as well) artifact of Humanties then attempts to start moving among first our OWN planets, then to the
CHANCE AT THIS; TO GOTO THE STARS! This is another way to transcend the cyclical nature of this Solar
system, as well as (re) joining a Galactic and Cosmic family that has interacted with us since our (Humanities)
dawn upon this planet!

future reseachers, again to numerous to mention here, yet again a big thank you!

Summary of the HUMAN family migrations and the descendents of the wars survivors:


Today's descendents of the Atlanteans are those called Native Americans, in the North, Central, and South
America's. Also, the original Egyption Coptics (and today's real gypsy families), the Basques, the original
Etruschans and perhaps a few others. Celts/Gaelic Those who look white, but with RED hair or
beards/mustaches (usually of Gaelic or Celtic descent), are descended from an original mix of Atlantean and
Cimerrian (Hyperborean) DNA/RNA's.


During the sinking and post sinking mostly settled in India, with some settling in Gobi (southern and western
China, and Mongolia), southeast Asia, and a few Lemurian descendents came to Central and South America.
Also the Middle East, small parts of Northern Africa, and southern Europe.

The Inupiaq, Yupik, Eskimo.

Those today of the far north originally came as refugees passing through the remains of Gobi/Cathay.
Cathayans, Lemurian descendents from north east India, and a few Atlanteans all mixed together, and became
one group that then marched across the Bering land bridge, in search of un toxic land in which to survive, and

Continuity of lands.

The only land masses that stayed above sea level continously from 52,010 B.C. until present are larger parts of
eastern and southern Africa, Antarctica, Australia, Gobi (parts of Mongolia and China) and India. Smaller
areas of Earth that have stayed above sea level continously include parts of the middle East, Russia, France,
British Isles, Spain, Alaska, far western California, the four corners area of the continental U.S, and parts of
Central and South America. The Great Flood of 28,500 B.C, covered all land forms, for a time! Of the 3
human triggered cataclysms, the Great Flood was the most destructive of the 3. See Page 7 for more on the
Great Flood.


Balancing surface landmass.

When Lemuria (which was a huge land mass) and parts of Atlantis sank in 52,010 B.C., partial risings of what
is now Europe and Asia, plus a few other areas came (as a result) of what can be called landmass balancing.
Prior to 52,010 B.C., much more land mass was above water, and sea level was 300-400 meters lower than
present. Other water was contained in the atmospheric canopy and ocean size underground resevours, with
Earth's crust and mantles containing much of this water under pressure! For explanation of this affect, see
below article {Earths Atmosphere of preflood 28,500 B.C.}

Why there appears to be Coastal matching.

So How is it that the coasts of say, Africa and South America seem to match together like a seam? An answer
can be found on we Humans (or the animals) on the skin. When skin has been wounded, it starts to pull
together. The sides of a wound begin to match up, to pull together to facilitate the closing of the wound.
Earth, during and after the Great Flood, had great wounds. The worst wounds of the time, other than the
Great Flood itself, was that almost half of what used to be the continent of Atlantis was blown up and sunk, a
process started by human folly! Other parts of continents and landmasses also sank at this time. For balance,
larger parts of western Africa, and eastern South America and North America now began to rise above the
seas of post Flood Earth, and the coasts began to match each other, as the Earth tried to pull together after a
tremendously destructive event!

The coastal matchings are a form of a large bandaid of the crust layer of Mother Earth!



The spin of the Earth including the 4 directions, poles, and equator prior to 28,500 B.C.
28,500 B.C., the Earth's rotation spun in a 'reversed' direction and the poles were also reversed, as compared to
present day. The Equator then slanted on a south west by north east axis. For the sake of simplicity, all
descriptions of continents and land forms given in this website use 'present day' directions of the cardinal points
on the compass.


Atmospheric sciences.

The composition of Earths Atmosphere, 6,000,000 B.C. to 28,500 B.C.~

Elemental makeup of the atmosphere then: 30% OXYGEN, 4% Carbon Dioxide, 20% Helium, 40% Nitrogen,
6% other gases, from 27 to 33 p.s.i. @ sea level! The 30% Oxygen was not toxic, due to high pressure of the
atmosphere and the ratios of Helium, C02, other trace gases (then) present. Also contributing to the
atmospheric stability of the time was the Atmospheric Manifold (vapor barrier). Earth, pre Great Flood, had a
stable, life sustaining 'Manifold of the Skye', vaguely similar to what exists on Venus today. Venus's out of
control over pressureized Atmospheric Manifold is the result of planetary bombardment during the 'Star Wars'
of this Solar system circa 4,000,000 B.C. (See Mars files*). High atmospheric pressure with increased Oxygen
content Is what allowed plant, animal, and HUMAN Life forms to become quite large, on this planet, in the

The Giants.

The Giant plants, animals, Human beings and other large life forms of the Earth prior to the Great Flood of
28,500 B.C. Prior to this moment all life on Earth was much larger, then at present. Even insects were giant
size then. <tba>All were nourished by the rich high pressure atmosphere and mild climate, then existing
planet wide. Prior to the Great Flood, a 6 foot tall man or woman was considered short. The giant Humans of
the time period, large animals and dinosaurs were all fed by planet spanning giant forests and marine plants.
Redwoods, Sequoia's and other giant trees were commonplace. There were neither true deserts nor glaciated
and/or icy areas on pre-flood Earth. So how did the 5 Original Adams and Eves have it even better than
this?!? See Adam and Eve Article elsewhere on this website.


History: The WHEN of the Dinosaurs.

The end of the Dinosaurs! So were the Dinosaurs wiped out 65 million B.C. by an asteroid???? No! They
were wiped out both by cataclysmic events (including war) prior the Great Flood of 28,500 B.C., the Great
Flood itself, and the barren and icy Earth (and decreased atmospheric pressure) post Great Flood. Noah did
try to save the Dinosaurs! *See Noah on Page 8


Why current dating techniques of Archeology are not accurate.

How 'cosmic constants' including time, light, radiactive decay, fossilisation rates, even gravity, are actually not
constant. <T.B.A> From present time back until 5,000 B.C. most of our present day Carbon 14 radio isotope
dating as well as other time measurement techniques are fairly accurate. Before 5,000 B.C. however, there and
then existed a high amount of Global level radioactive waste as well as other heretofore unknown electric and
gravata-magnetic residue, all produced by the toxic residue of a Globe spanning (very) high technology war, that
occured circa @ 10,000 B.C. This Global war of 10,000 B.C. is datastreamed on Page 10 of this website------------
------------------Carbon-14 and other Radio-isotopes used in time dating are accurate, provided constants in
time~space remain 'constant'. The constants of atomic processes become 'un' constant during cataclysmic
events! Constants 'stay' constant, in the following two parameters.

Parameter 1: Stable 'flow' of local time~space. Stable flow of Time/space is what most of us, most of the
time, perceive as 'normal'. Certain high technology (of a cataclysmic nature) that humanity misused in the past
not only destroyed physical structures and geography, but also interfered and altered time~space processes
itself! Instead of taking tens, hundreds, or thousands of revolutions around the sun to process into different
elements, (then) existing isotopes were (cataclysmically) accelerated and took days or months to process into
different elements and/or isotopes, instead of decades and centuries that we see today.. Our current measuring
instruments need further refinement and updating to be able to scan or record such accelerated changes in a
given substance.

Parameter 2: Space. Some constants~processes are only applicable to this Solar system. A few are only
applicable and unique to Earth, some to this Galaxy, and most to this Universe (and physical dimension)! The
very high technology weapons and tools of previous high Earth civilizations would, when activated, invalidate
our present techniques of time dating of any given material.

Location of artifacts: Pre Flood vs post flood. What then, are physical indicators of Pre-Flood civilizations, vs
post flood civilization? Whether the artifact was found buried deeply, or found within the top 1 to 5 meters of
soil. If a given item was found tens, hundreds or thousands of meters down, then 80 to 90% of these buried
objects (regardless of WHEN the 'dating' technique says) are going to be pre-flood civilizations.


Sentient life on Earth.

Intelligence(s) living on Earth prior to 6,000,000 B.C. and the advent (invent) of 'modern' Humanity (Homo
Sapiens), other intelligent life existed on Earth. For the most part, these beings and civilizations had E.T.
origins, yet became 'naturalized'. A few remnant civilizations, colonies and suvivors of the 'Great Solar War'
(see Mars link above) also settled here.
1) Giants Prior to 6,000,000 B.C., Giant Humanoids making their home on Earth were of E.T. origin, but
'became naturalized'. 6 fingers and toes were normal for their biology. Some races of modern humans, up and
until the last prior golden era and Global War of 10,000 B.C. also had 6 or more toes and fingers. These
beings (prior to 275,000 B.C.) were very large, up to 35 meters (100 feet) high! Giants of this height existed at
least until 275,000 B.C., then with a war, 'downsizing' began. *(The first wars of Poseidon, Atlas and
Atlantis). Giants, and the Earths original atmosphere : The Earth prior to 275,000 B.C. was a very fertile, with
a planet wide mild and protective climate. This, combined with the high pressure atmosphere and healthy
ratio of atmospheric gases not only allowed most of the planet to be lush, but enabled all life forms, plants,
animals and people to be very large! What today we know as myths, legends and fables are none other that
tarnished facts. The 'why' of how we lost so much information, our collective database, will be explored in
later pages of this website.

2) 'Little people' and others. Dwarves, Elves, Fairies, 'Nature Elementals' and other 'small folk' did and
still do exist. They are intelligent beings, on a co~evolutionary path from us. Prior to the first sinking of Atlantis
and the total the sinking of Lemuria, they were visable to most humans! At present, they are not wholly in our
physical dimension, yet can easily access our 'domain', if they so wish.

3) Non Human type ET’s and others. Earth has been colonized many times and visited even more, (even into
the present and will be in the future) by various groups of ET's. Carbon based humanoid types here now, or in
the past include Lizard types, Insectoid (Praying mantis) types, aquatic/amphibian types, and possibly a fourth
catagory. Non carbon based types include Greys of many and various types, Plasma/gaseous types (Methane
being a 'building block' for them), and beings with Sulfur as a biological 'building block'. *See Mars website for
more details of our non carbon based brothers and sisters of the Universe.

4) Others: These include (for lack of a better description) beings like Chupabacra's and 'Shadow people' {GOD
Bless} <more t.b.a.>

5) The original Chimera's:

The original genetic engineering on Earth. Gen-ed~"The first generations". Cross species genetic engineering,
causing much suffering. "Gen~ed"~human/animal crossbreeding. NOTE: “Gen~ED” "Genetic
Engineering~destructive". Means Genetically Engineered, Altered, or otherwise vastly accelerated (in a forced
way), with mostly a destructive outcome which caused much suffering!)

The first crossbreeding between animal and intelligent life was done purely as an experiment. Later, in other
times and era's of questionble morels and ethics, crossbreeding and creation of chimera's was done to make a
'working closs', in other words, chimera's were basically slaves in deed, if not in word. At certain times, these
suffering beings had no rights of civilization, and so were used, even horribly, in any way that the 'ruling class'
saw fit. The first chimera's predate Adam and Eve. They existed before 'modern' humans did.

This 'Gen-Ed' experimenting would be periodically continued to the last Atlantean civilization (And has even
resurfaced to an extent today)! *See page 11: Curing the Chimera's. The Chimera's of 10,000 B.C. mostly
perished in the Great War of that time, with the survivors able to be cured of their non human appendages.
These beings were able upgrade into full humans. This was one of the Sacred original purposes of the Great
Pyramid of Egypt. *See pages 11 and 12 for more information on these subjects.

Today meanwhile, a few Skulls have been found in certain areas of Earth that have inexplicable deformities.
While a few may be ET type skulls from past interactions here, the other skulls (and more will be found) are the
remains of the Chimera's of those Eras. The Question now is, will we remember our mistakes from the past, so
as to NOT muck around and make Chimera's and more mucked up 'GEN-ED' beings again?

Historical Ice Era's~Glaciation.

Only during the last 100,000 cycles of Earth around the sun, has there been significant amounts of ice and
snow, and then advanced Glaciation. There have been two succeding periods of 'Ice~up', and each was about
as widespread and damaging as the other. Whilst each of these glaciations was a natural process in and of
itself, they were not started by natural processes. The first Glaciation period in which large parts of the Earth
were covered in ice and snow started during the Great Flood of of 28,500 B.C. and intensified immediately
after. By 27,000 B.C. the Earth and it's Glaciers reached that periods greatest extent. This period lasted until
22,000 B.C., about the same time the Rama empire came into existence in Bharata (greater India). The Earth
then slowly warmed up, reaching it's greatest warmth (until now), at 11,500 B.C. The next world war period of
10,000 to 9400 B.C., fought with massive weapons of thought and sound, down to light and electricity, then to
the relatively primative but very destructive crystalline nukes and fusion bombs of the day, re~activated Earth's
glaciation process. The massive amounts of vaporized land, water, large amounts of ash including volcanic ash
quickly blotted out the sky. Various types of radiation and the 'nuclear winter' that resulted from the above
weapons re~iced up the planet with glaciers so rapidly (at first) that Woolly Mammoth elephants were literally
frozen in their tracks with grass in their mouths. By 9,399 B.C. with massive amounts of casualities and major
Earth changes, climate shifts and a Pole Shift, the fighting ended, whilst the Glacier's continued to advance.
From 7,500 to 7,000 B.C. they reached the longest extent, and from 7,000 to 4,000 B.C. there was a slow
receding. From 4,000 B.C. to 2,000 B.C. there was a faster reduction, and from that time till now, and slower,
more cyclical reduction, with accompanying rise in Ocean water levels.


Summary of the HUMAN family migrations Atlanteans Today's descendents of the Atlanteans are those called
Native Americans, in the North, Central, and South America's. Also, the original Egyption Coptics (and today's
gypsy families descended from them), the Basques, the original Etruschans and perhaps a few others.
Celts/Gaelic Those who look white, but with RED hair or beards/mustaches (usually of Gaelic or Celtic
descent), are descended from an original mix of Atlantean and Cimerrian (Hyperborean) DNA/RNA's.
Lemurians from long ago mostly settled in India, some in Gobi (southern and western China, and Mongolia),
southeast Asia, and a few Lemurian descendents came to Central and South America. Also the Middle East,
small parts of Northern Africa, and southern Europe. The Inupiaq, Yupik, Eskimo and others of the far north
original came from a mix of refugees passing northest through the remain of Gobi/Cathay. Cathayans,
Lemurian descendents from north east India, and a few Atlanteans all mixed together, and became one group
that then marched across the Bering land bridge, in search of un toxic land in which to survive, and thrive.

Page 13

More Sciences; Chronometrics and Chronomentrics Reference page (lower part of page).

Health related Links---------------Longevity Lifestyles today <see links below>

The cyclical nature of this Solar system, and the potential of cyclical knowledge, intelligence, and

Chronometrics, spirometrics. If a circle becomes a square, then certain processes maybe repeated. If a square
becomes a circle, which then becomes a square again, matter transmutation is possible.

Cosmic Cycles: The SOLAR ARC. The cyclical movement of the Solar system and its potential affects on
human (and other) intelligence.

'Timing is everything, saith the Lord'.

THE YUGA CYCLES and 'mental nutrition'.

One Yuga cycle is the equivalent of 24,000 +/- revolutions of this Earth around our parent star Sol.
In what we as yet call astrology, a much unknown science up until now, the 'Grand procession of the Equinox' is
the equivalent of 26,000 +/- cycles of our Earth around our parent star, Sol. This is also called a 'Great year'.

During one Yuga cycle, this solar system and it's 'twin' (Alpha Centuri), revolve in one elliptical orbit around
the Milky Way. Into, and then away from the galactic center. According to saints and sages of various times,
this movement, revolving toward and away from the galactic center has a deep effect on humanities (and other
types of intelligence) collective development, on the 3 levels of Spiritual, mental, and physical. Just as we eat
physical food for nourishment of the cells and all life functions, it is said that the intellect of all life in this
solar system and it's twin is nourished by yet unlinked and/or yet undetectable magnetic and other 'rays'
emanating from the 'great central source' or black (w)hole, in the center of the galaxy. The Yuga Cycles
designates the collective terminology to describe past, present and future cycles of human (and other)
development, both of 'high' knowledge and possible 'low' knowledge. The sages and saints of past, present
and future have associated the 4 descriptions (era's) of human development with 4 different metal elements
out of the atomic table of elements. The 4 descriptions start with the Iron era, which we just came out of.

The Iron Era: called Kali Yuga.

The Iron era is the periodicity we have just (again) come out of. It'scycle is 1,200 Earth revolutions around the
sun descending phase, and 1,200 cycles 'ascending' phase, for a total of 2,400 contiguous cycles. Depending on
interpretation, we came out of the Iron era (what we also call the dark era's) approximently 1700 a.d. give or
take 200-300 cycles. During the Iron, or 'dark' era's, we of this solar system and our twin are at the maximal
distal orbit, away from the galactic center. It is said at these times of distal orbit, unless personal effort is
made, that there tends to be not much 'accelerated' development. At these times it is up to individuals to
choose to further there own evolution. The problem in the Iron era is, we may not that we have choices!

The Copper/brass/bronze era: called Dwapara Yuga.

We have just re~entered this era. Copper has been described as the 'electric arc', when collective
understanding of electric and other forces increases. Choices in living, understanding and development, are
again (re) discovered, and collective health, and prosperity increases. Copper is also described as the time
period of mastering space (travel). 'UFO technology' is rediscovered here. Copper era's span 2,400 cycles: one
ascending 2,400 cycles, and one descending 2,400 cycles. These Copper era's succeed Iron that is at the
bottom of the eternal (yet slowly ascending) 'coil of time' (timing). *See article of the Coil of time

The Silver era: called Treta Yuga.

Silver era's span 3,600 cycles. There is an ascending period of 3,600 revolutions around the sun, and a
descending period of 3,600 revolutions of Earth around it's sun . Both sitting atop the Copper era's, on the
eternal coil of time. It is said to be the era (along with Gold) of mastering time, and magnetic and other finer
principles of creation. Mastering time travel and dimensional travel is found in this period.

The Golden Era: called Satya Yuga. This could also be called the Diamond era.

The highest and longest stage of being in cyclical time, when the orbit of this solar system and it's twin are
nearest the galactic center. 4,800 cycles, ascending and descending, make for a contiguous 9,600 cycles of
highest mental, technological and (if choosen) spiritual development and understanding.
Time and AU's (travel to alternate times and realities/universes/'creations') can be mastered, or at least
experienced much more easily here. It is generally understood here, in this era, that time is a construct, as well
as space.Generally, collective prosperity is said to increase with the ascending arc's, (and if war or worse on
the descending arc's) then collective prosperity can (and obviously has) experienced drastic decreases.

Some other solar systems do not experience this same 'coil of time' cycles as this system or it's twin. This is
one reason we are of such interest to 'space brothers and sisters' (ufonauts). We of this solar system and it's
twin, then face what has been an extreme challange to not only master these cycles of time (timing), but to
uncover/unzip our own real potential, as shown by the role models of saints and sages of all time periods.
Even before the original 'Star Wars' (Great Solar War) of this system, which blew apart 3 planets (clik on and gave us our present in system asteroid belts, Oort clouds, planetoids, plutoids, and
the many moons of this system, the severely elliptical orbit of this solar system suggests an original cosmic
trauma, one which occured when the this solar system and it's twin were still in cosmic formation stages,
perhaps even as far back as when this sun and it's twin were still being formed in whatever cosmic nursery
formed this sun, and it's twin.

The Yuga cycles do have an association with astrology, as well as magnetic function(s).

One commonality about the last three World destructions, (Two global Wars, three sinkings of Atlantis and
other land masses), is that all these events occured during a descending or away cycle of Solar system
revolution. What is a descending or 'away cycle'? An away cycle is when the Solar system IN its CIRCULAR
MOVEMENTS has revolved away from Great Central Sun, the center of the Universe, the Central Black
(w)hole in space. And why is this important to us, when we are further away from the Center? The Saints and
Sages of various times, even into the present, warn that life here, at this level of existence, on Earth, has
hidden risks. One of the risks here is that rises in intellect and intelligence are not 100 % guaranteed here!!!
The photomagnetics emitted by the Great Central Sun/Black hole are said to have a direct influence on
humanities intellectual development on Earth.
During theses 'Dark' (distance, long distance) cycles, it has been the monumental struggle for both
individulual and collective humanity to retain or remember higher principles and learning, unless intensive
long term Self developement is done. Add global War, destruction, radiation, and above all the EARTH
retaining of knowledge and technology gets even more challenging. Then in ignorance, Vandels roam,, and
ransack, and destroy that which would be clues, that WE LEFT FOR OURSELVES FROM THE LAST HIGH
ERAs, TO be able to help ourselves CLIMB BACK OUT OF THE MUCK of ignorance.

THE GREAT SAGES AND SAINTS OF ALL TIMES have recognized the problems of the cyclical nature of
the Intellect and Intelligence UPON THIS PLANET . Their answer to resolving this problem is one of what
some would call sacrifice. When the Solar system cycles away from the Great Central Sun and there is again
the danger of collective ignorance approaching, the Great Saints coach personal and collective inner
discipline(s), especially of a spiritual nature.

The past can impinge upon the present. The past needs to be recycled to not impinge upon the present. A
very large black derelict satelite' said to even now still be in an Earth 'Lagrange' type orbit, and is a long
abandoned Atlantean artifact. We humans (with help) are redicovering the technology of the NATURAL
COSMOS, and we have another chance to goto the stars, and NOT blow ourselves up, as before! This is one
way to transcend, to go beyond the cyclical nature of this Solar system and it's twin. There will be a (re)
joining a Galactic and Cosmic family that has interacted with us since our (Humanities) dawn upon this

Some other solar systems have their own experience with the 'coil of time' cycles, and our own cycles of time
are unique as this system (and it's twin). This is one reason we are of such interest to 'space brothers and
sisters' (ufonauts). We of this solar system and it's twin, then face what has been an extreme challange to not
only master these cycles of time (timing), but to uncover/unzip our own real potential, as shown by the role
models of saints and sages of all time periods. Even before the original 'Star Wars' (Great Solar War) of this
system, which blew apart 3 planets (clik on and gave us our present in system asteroid
belts, Oort clouds, planetoids, plutoids, and the many moons of this system, the severely elliptical orbit of this
solar system suggests an original cosmic trauma, one which occured when the this solar system and it's twin
were still in cosmic formation stages, perhaps even as far back as when this sun and it's twin were still being
formed in whatever cosmic nursery formed this sun, and it's twin.

So, we deal with cyclical potential ignorance. The Saints answer to resolving this problem is one of what some
would call sacrifice. When the Solar system is again cycling away from the Great Central Sun and there is
again the danger of collective ignorance approaching, Saints coach personal and collective discipline, especially
GREAT 'BLACK (Derelict) Satelite' said to even now still be in HIgh Earth 'Lagrange' type Orbit, is a long
abandoned ATLANTEAN (other countries of those times were involved as well) artifact of Humanties then
attempts to start moving among first our OWN planets, then to the Stars. SO WE DIDNT GET IT
STARS! This is another way to transcend the cyclical nature of this Solar system, as well as (re) joining a
Galactic and Cosmic family that has interacted with us since our (Humanities) dawn upon this planet!



A Thank you to the Source(s).

The following is only a partial listing, as this is a work in progress yet still. I need to thank the following:
Creative~Intelligence, Edgar Cayce, J.G., Adano C Ley, J.G., Paramahansa Yogananda,,,


More information for the public, below.

The E.T.'s return.

Many different types of 'space brothers and sisters' have had a longer term interest with the Earth, and it's

Even during our dark era's, we have been specifically monitored by some and periodically monitored by others.
The first large return wave in our present era occured after city wide electric lights began to be turned on in
the 1890's.

The second increase in wave sightings and interactions occured after our collective early atomic tests (1940's-
1950's), and bombardment of Japan (in this universe).

The third increase in sightings and interactions began more recently, with the advent of increasing and better
communications and the computing power that comes with this.

Next will be re-integration, re-awakening and everyday awareness that we do have 'visitors' (and we them)
everyday, all the time.



Alt. e~mail (been having problems with google, <make sure you put the underscore_ in the following!> --->):

Jack Frazer

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