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Version 3.8
Documentation Version: R-Asset-v3.8, October 2007

Software Version: Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Module v3.8

Actix Radioplan v3.8

The content of this manual is provided for information only, is subject to change without notice,
and should not be construed as a commitment by Actix. Actix assumes no responsibility or liability
for any errors or inaccuracies that appear in this documentation.

Copyright © 2001–2007 by Actix GmbH.

All rights reserved.

Trademark Notice
Radioplan is a registered trademark of Actix GmbH in the European Union.
Actix and the Actix logo are trademarks of Actix Ltd.
All other product or brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective

Actix GmbH Actix Ltd
Altmarkt 10 200, Hammersmith Road
D-01067 Dresden Hammersmith
Germany London, W6 7DL
tel.: +49 (0) 351 404 29 – 0 United Kingdom
fax: +49 (0) 351 404 29 – 50

1 INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................5

2 ASSET IMPORT PROCESS ..............................................................................7

2.1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 7
2.2 HOW TO IMPORT AN ASSET PROJECT ..................................................................... 7

3 ASSET EXPORT PROCESS ........................................................................... 11

3.1 EXPORT A NEW NETWORK CONFIGURATION TO ASSET ................................................11
3.1.1 Export RET data ..................................................................................12
3.2 EXPORT TUNED PREDICTIONS TO ASSET ................................................................13

4 FILE FORMAT SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................................... 15

4.1 INDEX XML FILE ..........................................................................................16
4.2 PROPERTY-LIST XML FILE .............................................................................16
4.3 ANTENNA-LIST XML FILE ..............................................................................16
4.4 FEEDER-LIST XML FILE (OPTIONAL)..................................................................16
4.5 CELL-SITE-LIST001.XML FILE (GSM) ...............................................................17
4.6 GSM-CELL-LIST001.XML FILE (GSM) ...............................................................17
4.7 CELL-EQUIP-LIST XML FILE (OPTIONAL, GSM) ....................................................17
4.8 NODEB-LIST XML FILE (UMTS) ......................................................................17
4.9 UMTS-CELL-LIST XML FILE (UMTS) ................................................................18
4.10 MAST-HEAD-AMPLIFIER-LIST XML FILE (UMTS, OPTIONAL) ................................18
4.11 HEIGHTS INDEX AND MATRIX FILES ....................................................................18
4.12 CLUTTER INDEX, MENU, AND MATRIX FILES ..........................................................19
4.13 TRAFFIC MATRIX FILES ..................................................................................19
4.14 PATHLOSS FILES ..........................................................................................19
4.15 FILTER POLYGON (OPTIONAL) ...........................................................................20

5 MAIN FUNCTIONS, CONFIGURATION AND CUSTOMIZATION .................................... 21

5.1 DATA IMPORT FROM ASSET AND PARAMETER MAPPING RULES .......................................21
5.1.1 Project Settings ..................................................................................21
5.1.2 Coordinate Systems.............................................................................21
5.1.3 Network Layers...................................................................................21
5.1.4 Antenna Data .....................................................................................22
5.1.5 Site Data ...........................................................................................23
5.1.6 Transmitter, Cell, and TRX Data ............................................................23
5.1.7 Repeater Data ....................................................................................23
5.1.8 Additional Antenna Data.......................................................................23
5.1.9 Neighbor Data ....................................................................................23
5.1.10 Pathloss Data....................................................................................23
5.1.11 Simulation Area (Filter Polygon) ..........................................................24
5.1.12 Analysis Area ....................................................................................24
5.1.13 DEM Data .........................................................................................24
5.1.14 Clutter Data......................................................................................25
5.2 DATA EXPORT TO ASSET ..................................................................................26
5.2.1 XML File Changes When Exporting the Network Configuration ....................26
5.2.2 Asset Prediction File Changes When Exporting Tuned Radioplan
5.3 DEFAULT OPTIMIZATION SETTINGS ......................................................................28
5.4 CONFIGURATION FILE ASSETIMPORTMODULE.INI .........................................................29
5.5 CONFIGURATION FILE ANTENNAGROUPS.INI ..............................................................35

6 ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................... 37

7 REFERENCES .......................................................................................... 37
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide Introduction 5

1 Introduction
This document describes the Asset (Import and) Synchronization Module, the part of the
Actix Radioplan software for the automated data exchange with the Asset3G Radio
Planning Tool (a part of the ENTERPRISE suite by Aircom International,
It includes the following processes:

• Import creates a new Radioplan project from a set of Asset XML files, map data
and predictions (see chapter 2);
the supported Asset file formats are described in chapter 4;

• Export modifies a set of Asset XML files with Radioplan data or modifies Asset
predictions by tuned Radioplan pathloss data (see chapter 3).
A reference of the Asset Synchronization main functions, configuration, and customization
options is provided in chapter 5. Moreover, a detailed tabular overview of the imported
parameters and their mapping to Radioplan parameters is provided in the Annex
“Parameter mapping during project data import”.
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide Introduction 6
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide Asset Import Process 7

2 Asset Import Process

2.1 Introduction
The import process creates a new Radioplan project from:

• a set of Asset XML files containing the network configuration;

These XML files must be exported from Asset before starting the Asset Project
Import in Radioplan. The other data can be imported into Radioplan in the formats
as they are used by Asset. (See also chapter 4 for a file format specification.)

• heights data (e.g. heights/index.txt) – references one or more binary elevation


• clutter data (e.g. clutter/index.txt) – references one or more clutter files.

Clutter classes are imported from the section [ClutterClasses] of the
AssetImportModule.ini file or (if not present) from a menu or menu.txt file
located in the same folder as the index file is

• traffic data

• pathloss predictions

• (optional) filter polygon (Simulation Area)

2.2 How to Import an Asset Project

After Radioplan has been started, Asset project data can be imported by the menu entry
File Æ Import Æ Asset Project… . In the opened Import Asset Project dialog, Fig. 2-1, all
required and optional data to be imported can be specified in one step.
The following files and directories shall be selected:

• Project name (optional): The name for the newly imported project.
The project name can also be modified in the readily imported Radioplan project.

• Asset XML index file: The index XML file (typically INDEX001.xml) must be
specified, which references further XML files containing the network configuration
data including antennas, sites, cells etc. and their properties (refer to chapter 4).

• Loss calculation: If the respective boxes are checked, the XML index file shall
also reference a feeder list XML file (typically FEEDER-LIST001.xml) and a GSM-
specific cell equipment list XML file (typically CELL-EQUIP-LIST001.xml),
The contained information on feeder- and equipment-specific losses will be used to
calculate the Cable Losses of the corresponding cells in the Radioplan project (refer
to section 5.1.6).

• DTM index: The index.txt file for the heights (i.e. Digital Terrain Model (DTM))
data files.
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide Asset Import Process 8

• Clutter index (optional): The index.txt file for the clutter data files.

• Traffic matrix (optional): A *.tri file referencing traffic data.

• Pathloss folder: The directory that contains the pathloss prediction files (may be
in subdirectories).
It is only required if the Asset XML files do not reference the prediction filenames
including the complete absolute pathname.
Therefore, when importing Asset 6.0 XML data, the Pathloss folder is mandatory.
(See also sections 4.14 and 5.1.10 for more information.)

• Import only this pathloss resolution: The user can define which pathloss
resolution should be used during the import if pathloss files with different
resolutions are available.

• Filter Polygon (optional): By selecting a filter polygon, the user can restrict the
amount of imported data. Cell data and matrices are only loaded if they are
located inside the selected polygon.
If the user does not select a filter polygon, a rectangle surrounding the site
locations by 10km is chosen by default.
The entries in the Import Asset Project dialog can be pre-configured in the
assetimportmodule.ini configuration file (refer to section 5.4).

Fig. 2-1 Import Asset Project dialog
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide Asset Import Process 9

After clicking OK in the Import Asset Project dialog, the Coordinate Systems dialog is
shown, which shall be used to select valid projection and display coordinate systems,
Fig. 2-2.

Fig. 2-2 Coordinate Systems dialog

The Projection Coordinate System is the one used for the internal representation of the
project. All raster data loaded during the import process (e.g. DEM matrices) are assumed
to be in these projection coordinates. The display coordinate system might be needed if
the site locations are given in a different coordinate system.
Both coordinate systems can be pre-configured in the assetimportmodule.ini
configuration file (refer to section 5.4). If non-zero EPSG identifiers are specified there, the
Coordinate Systems dialog can also be suppressed by a further assetimportmodule.ini
In the Radioplan user interface, the Coordinate Systems can be also inspected by the
menu entry View Æ Projection… .

After clicking OK in the Coordinate Systems dialog, the specified Asset data is imported
into Radioplan as a new project.
The main steps of this process are logged in the Messages tab of the Radioplan Message

For a seamless use of the imported data in Radioplan,

make sure that there are no errors and warnings reported
in the Messages tab of the Radioplan Message window:

MSG – Asset import: done: 0 errors and 0 warnings

As the result, the new Actix Radioplan project is opened and can then be used for
comparing and synchronizing the network setup with drive test measurements including
pathloss tuning as well as for automated network optimization.
For more information, please refer to [R-UG] as well as to the Actix Radioplan
Measurement Module [R-Meas] and the Actix Radioplan ACP [R-ACP].
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide Asset Import Process 10
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide Asset Export Process 11

3 Asset Export Process

The Asset Synchronization Module can export the following Radioplan project data back to

• the network configuration, which may have been modified as a result of network
optimization using the Radioplan ACP;

• the tuned pathloss data, which may result from pathloss tuning in Radioplan.

3.1 Export a New Network Configuration to Asset

Start Radioplan and open a project imported with the Asset Import.
Select the menu entry File Æ Export Æ Update Asset Project…
In the dialog choose the option “Complete XML export” and select the XML index file
(usually INDEX001.xml) and press the OK button.

Figure 3-1 Export Asset Project dialog: XML index file selection

The original XML files will be saved as with additional extension “.bak”. If such backup files
already exist, the new, updated files will be saved with additional extension “.new” and a
warning message is displayed in the Radioplan message window.
With the option “Partial XML export” only those parameters will be exported into Asset XML
files that really have changed. This export compares the original XML files with the
Radioplan project and exports only the changed parameters to new Asset XML files.
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide Asset Export Process 12

Figure 3-2 Export Asset Project dialog: Partial XML export

3.1.1 Export RET data

The option “Export RET data” saves all remote electrical tilt values of the cells into a csv
file. For every cell where the RET was changed, a line is added to this file containing the
cell name and the RET angle in degrees.

Figure 3-3 Export Asset Project dialog: Export RET data
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide Asset Export Process 13

3.2 Export Tuned Predictions to Asset

Tuned pathloss matrices can be exported from Radioplan to a dedicated Asset directory by
the menu entry File Æ Export Æ Tune Asset Predictions , Figure 3-4.
This menu entry is only active if it has been enabled in the assetimportmodule.ini
configuration file before starting Radioplan (refer to section 5.4).

Figure 3-4 Export Tuned Pathloss Predictions dialog

There are two options, how to determine the Asset pathloss files.
The option to Update only imported unmasked files is subject to the following conditions:

• The directory that contains the unmasked Asset prediction files is specified in the
Asset Pathloss Folder field in this dialog.

• The mapping of the Radioplan pathloss matrices to the Asset prediction files is
based on the Asset prediction filenames, which are stored as Custom Parameters
in the respective Radioplan cells as a result of the Asset Import Process.
Thereby, any files with masked predictions for the same cells are neither modified nor
The option to Determine files from XML is subject to the following condition.

• Like for the Asset Import Process, the XML files are needed. The entire set of XML
files is referenced by the Asset XML index file (typically INDEX001.xml) (see also
section 2.2). It must be selected in the box below the option.

• The mapping of the Radioplan pathloss matrices to the Asset prediction files is
based on the cell names in Radioplan and in the Asset XML files as well as on the
prediction folder name defined in the Asset XML files.
Note that the cell names in projects of different systems (e.g. GSM and UMTS)
might differ, leading to the fact that cross-technology updates might fail.

• If a directory is specified in the Asset Pathloss Folder field, any prediction folder
name defined in the Asset XML files is ignored and the Asset prediction files to be
updated (or deleted) are searched in the given directory.
Thereby, the corresponding unmasked predictions are updated and all masked predictions
are deleted.
By clicking OK in the Export Tuned Pathloss Predictions dialog, eventually after browsing
and matching the prediction files, the Tune Asset Predictions dialog is opened, Figure 3-5.
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide Asset Export Process 14

It lists all identified actions based on the defined settings – associated with the information
described in Table 3-1.

Figure 3-5 Tune Asset Predictions dialog

Table 3-1 Columns in the Tune Asset Predictions dialog

Column name Description

Action Tune unmasked:
Remove masked
Filename The name of the Asset prediction file to be updated or deleted.
Tuning is possible Indicates whether tuning is possible or not.
Apply Defines which actions are applied upon clicking the Commit button.
As default, all possible actions are enabled. However, each
checkbox can be enabled/disabled by the user as necessary.
cells The Radioplan cell name(s) of the cell(s) that correspond to the
identified Asset predictions to be updated or deleted.
Note that there is always one pathloss matrix per cell in Radioplan,
whereas there is only one unmasked prediction per site and layer in
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide File Format Specifications 15

4 File Format Specifications

Before importing Asset project data to Radioplan, the
respective network configuration data must be exported
from Asset into a set of XML files.

The XML export from Asset can be done by the following steps:

• Select File Æ Export Æ XML

• In the opened XML Export dialog:

▫ specify the Export Folder;
it should be accessible to the Radioplan application;
▫ in the Project tab, select an Export Filter or check individual export items;
for the required items, please refer to section 4.1;
▫ additionally, for GSM data, select the GSM/AMPS Cell item, for UMTS data,
select the UMTS cell item, and then check the Options button:

In the Prediction tab of the opened … Options dialog, the option Export
Prediction Filenames shall be enabled, e.g. Fig. 4-1 for UMTS.

Thus, the exported XML files will reference the prediction files that
correspond to the contained cells.

Fig. 4-1 Export Prediction Filenames option in the UMTS Cell Options dialog
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide File Format Specifications 16

4.1 INDEX XML File

For the import to Radioplan, the INDEX XML file (with Content-type: text/xml; typically
INDEX001.xml) must reference at least the following further XML files (typically *001.xml):

• for any radio technology:

▫ optional: FEEDER-LIST

• additionally for UMTS:


• additionally for GSM:

▫ optional: CELL-EQUIP-LIST


For the import to Radioplan, the PROPERTY-LIST XML file (with Content-type: text/xml;
typically called PROPERTY-LIST001.xml) is required for network data of any radio

If this file is not available, the sites and cells cannot be


It contains the geographic information of the sites, coordinates of the site locations, and
the their height above ground.


For the import to Radioplan, the ANTENNA-LIST XML file (with Content-type: text/xml;
typically called ANTENNA-LIST001.xml) is required for network data of any radio
It contains the antenna beam patterns, information about gain, gain type, frequency,
electrical tilt, tilt type and beamwidths.

4.4 FEEDER-LIST XML File (optional)

For the import to Radioplan, the FEEDER-LIST XML file (with Content-type: text/xml;
typically called FEEDER-LIST001.xml) can be imported for network data of any radio
It contains for the feeder types the cable loss per meter and the connector loss.
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide File Format Specifications 17

Make sure feeder types, lengths and losses are maintained

in Asset. If the file is not available, no DL/UL feeder losses
will be considered in the Cable Loss DL/UL of Radioplan

Whether to import it or not, can be specified in the Import Asset Project dialog (refer to
section 2.2).

4.5 CELL-SITE-LIST001.xml File (GSM)

For the import to Radioplan, the CELL-SITE-LIST XML file (with Content-type: text/xml;
typically called CELL-SITE-LIST001.xml) is required for GSM network data.

If this file is not available, the sites and cells cannot be


It contains certain site flags.

4.6 GSM-CELL-LIST001.xml File (GSM)

For the import to Radioplan, the GSM-CELL-LIST XML file (with Content-type: text/xml;
typically called GSM-CELL-LIST001.xml) is required for GSM network data.

If this file is not available, the cells cannot be imported.

It contains the assignment of cells to sites as well as cell antenna parameters (orientation,
tilt) and further GSM parameters.

4.7 CELL-EQUIP-LIST XML File (optional, GSM)

For the import to Radioplan, the CELL-EQUIP-LIST XML file (with Content-type: text/xml;
typically called CELL-EQUIP-LIST001.xml) can be imported for GSM network data.
It contains equipment losses.

If the file is not available, no equipment losses will be

considered in the Cable Loss of Radioplan cells.


For the import to Radioplan, the NODEB-LIST XML file (with Content-type: text/xml;
typically called NODEB-LIST001.xml) is required for UMTS network data.

If this file is not available, the sites and cells cannot be


It contains the assignment of transmitters to sites including the Node B key as well as
transmitter information like antenna coordinates, height, azimuth, downtilt, and antenna
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide File Format Specifications 18


For the import to Radioplan, the UMTS-CELL-LIST XML file (with Content-type: text/xml;
typically called UMTS-CELL-LIST001.xml) is required for UMTS network data.

If this file is not available, the cells cannot be imported.

It contains the assignment of cells to transmitters as well as the power values, MHA use,
feeder attenuations for DL and UL of a cell and further UTRAN parameters like SC, carrier


For the import to Radioplan, the MAST-HEAD-AMPLIFIER-LIST XML file (with Content-type:
text/xml; typically called MAST-HEAD-AMPLIFIER-LIST001.xml) can be imported for UMTS
network data.
It contains for the MHA insertion loss.

Make sure MHA (gains and) losses are maintained in Asset.

If the file is not available, no MHA insertion losses will be
considered in the Cable Loss DL of Radioplan cells.

Whether to import it or not, can be specified in the Import Asset Project dialog (refer to
section 2.2).

4.11 Heights Index and Matrix Files

Radioplan imports the heights data files as used by Asset – including the index.txt file
and the binary map data files referenced by that index.txt file.
The index.txt file (content-type: text/ASCII) contains one line per height matrix file and
in each line a space-separated list of:

• matrix filename relative to the path of the index filename

• West (x-min in meter)

• East (x-max in meter)

• South (y-min in meter)

• North (y-max in meter)

• Matrix resolution (in meter)

The height matrix files are binary. Each file contains a row major matrix with the
orientation West to East and North to South. Each matrix value is a 2-byte big endian
integer (short).
The values in the height matrix files represent the height over NN [in meter].
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide File Format Specifications 19

4.12 Clutter Index, Menu, and Matrix Files

Radioplan can import the clutter data files as used by Asset – including the index.txt file,
the binary map data files referenced by that index.txt file, and the menu.txt file.
The index.txt file uses the same format like the index.txt file for the height data (refer
to section 4.11), just for referencing the clutter matrix files.
Likewise, the clutter matrix files use the same format like the height matrix files.
The values in the clutter matrix files represent the codes of the clutter classes – as defined
in the menu.txt file.
The menu.txt file (content-type: text/ASCII) contains in each line a clutter class code and
the corresponding clutter class name separated by a space.

4.13 Traffic Matrix Files

Radioplan can import the traffic data files as used by Asset – including the *.tri file and
the *.trr binary map data file.
The *.tri file (content-type: text/ASCII) describes the corresponding *.trr binary data
file and contains:

• a version tag: “Traffic File V2” and “Traffic File V3” are supported;

• West (x-min in meter)

• East (x-max in meter)

• South (y-min in meter)

• North (y-max in meter)

• Matrix resolution (in meter)

The *.trr binary data file contains a row major matrix with the orientation West to East
and North to South. Each matrix value is a 4-byte big endian integer (long).

4.14 Pathloss Files

Radioplan imports the pathloss prediction files as used by Asset.
The files may be located in the Pathloss directory specified in the Import Asset Project
dialog as well as in any sub-directory of it. They may contain unmasked predictions
(preferred) or masked predictions. And there may be files with different pixel resolutions.

It is highly recommended to export the Asset XML data

such that the prediction filenames are referenced in it for
every cell (see the introductory section of chapter 4 for

If the prediction filenames are referenced in the exported Asset XML data, then the
Radioplan Asset import can directly identify the according pathloss file for each cell.
Especially in case of an Asset pathloss directory with e.g. thousands of pathloss files this is
very important for a the speed of the import.
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide File Format Specifications 20

Alternatively (but not recommended), the Radioplan Asset import can try to automatically
detect the prediction files corresponding to the cells in the exported Asset XML data
according to the following rules:

• A masked pathloss file is assigned to a cell if it contains the correct position,

azimuth, tilt and antenna height. The resolution must be equal to the filename

• An unmasked pathloss file is assigned to a cell if it contains the correct position.

• The import of pathloss files starts with the preferred format, unmasked or masked,
(as defined in the AssetImportModule.ini configuration file) and with the highest
possible resolution (smallest pixel size).

• If a second pathloss file is assigned to a cell with an unpreferred format or lower

resolution (bigger pixel size), the user will be asked to resolve the conflict, Fig.

Fig. 4-2 Overwrite existing pathloss … message box

In this option, Radioplan has to read the header of all pathloss files located in the Pathloss
directory. Since this can be very time-consuming and the system may find a lot of obsolete
matrices, it is not recommend to use this option.

4.15 Filter Polygon (optional)

The filter polygon file may have one of the following vector data formats:

• shp – shape file

• mif – map info file

• Arc/Info binary coverage file

• Asset binary or ASCII vector format
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide Main Functions, Configuration and Customization 21

5 Main Functions, Configuration and


5.1 Data Import From Asset and Parameter Mapping Rules

A detailed tabular overview of the imported parameters

and their use in Radioplan is provided in the Annex
“Parameter mapping during project data import”.

Only additional information for parameters with more

detailed mapping rules is provided in the following.

5.1.1 Project Settings

The Project Title is defined in the Import Asset Project dialog.
The default project name to be displayed in that dialog can be defined in the
assetimportmodule.ini configuration file (refer to section 5.4).

5.1.2 Coordinate Systems

The coordinate systems are defined as follows:

• If non-zero EPSG identifiers are defined in the assetimportmodule.ini

configuration file (refer to section 5.4), then the respective projection and display
coordinate systems are applied in Radioplan – irrespective of any coordinate
systems used in imported Asset project.

• Otherwise, i.e. if no or zero EPSG identifiers are defined in the configuration file,
the coordinate systems are taken from the Coordinate Systems dialog in the
import process (refer to section 2.2).
For more information on coordinate systems in Radioplan, please refer to [R-UG].

5.1.3 Network Layers

The Radioplan Network Layer identifier is composed of 3 elements:
depends on the imported XML files:



Frequency Band:

• for UMTS data: set to 0 (zero); refer to HCS;

• for GSM data: set to 0 (zero); refer to HCS;
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide Main Functions, Configuration and Customization 22


• for UMTS data:

▫ set to UMTS-Cell-List.CARRIER-NAME;

• for GSM data

▫ set to GSM-Cell-List.GSM-Subcell-List.SUBCELL ID;
Customer-specific implementations may however apply different rules for the definition of
the network layer.

5.1.4 Antenna Data

All antenna beam patterns are imported.
If an antenna beam pattern name exists more than once with the same beam pattern, a
warning is created in the Radioplan Message log. However, an error is logged, if there are
two different beam patterns that but have the same beam pattern name.
If there is only one beam pattern defined for an antenna, the Radioplan Asset import tries
to guess the Antenna Family name according to the following regular expression:

<1 >< 2 >< 3 > < 4 >< 5 >

pattern = (.*)([_-.]?)("EDT"|"T")?([-+]?)(".txt"|"_U")?

if \1.exists and (\2.exists or \4.exists) then familyName = \1 + \5

The following table gives some examples.

Table 5-1 Mapping examples for Asset antenna pattern names to Radioplan antenna families

Asset antenna pattern name Radioplan antenna family

Abc_1 Abc
Abc_-1 Abc
Abc-1 Abc
Abc_1D Abc
Abc_1D.txt Abc.txt
Abc_1_U Abc_U
Abc-T1 Abc
Abc-EDT1 Abc

Antenna Groups can be initialized automatically, if CreateAutomaticAntennaGroups = 1 is

defined in the assetimportmodule.ini configuration file (refer to section 5.4).
Then, the separate AntennaGroups.ini configuration file is considered and all Radioplan
antenna names listed there are automatically initialized with the according antenna group
defined there (refer to section 5.5).
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide Main Functions, Configuration and Customization 23

5.1.5 Site Data

If a Filter polygon is specified in the Import Asset Project dialog (refer to section 2.2), only
the sites located inside that polygon are imported.

5.1.6 Transmitter, Cell, and TRX Data

Cable losses of UMTS or GSM cells are calculated as follows:
UMTS Cable Loss DL
+ UMTS-Cell-List.UMTS-Cell-Feeder.LENGTH * Feeder-List.LINEAR-LOSS
– Nodeb-List.UMTS-Antenna.CORR-FACT
+ UMTS-Cell-List.UMTS-Cell-Feeder.OTHER-LOSSES
(UMTS DL specific:)
– UMTS-Cell-List.UMTS-Cell-Feeder.DL-GAIN
– Mast-Head-Amplifier-List.INSERTION-LOSS
UMTS Cable Loss UL
+ UMTS-Cell-List.UMTS-Cell-Feeder.LENGTH * Feeder-List.LINEAR-LOSS
– NodeB-List.UMTS-Antenna.CORR-FACT
+ UMTS-Cell-List.UMTS-Cell-Feeder.OTHER-LOSSES
(UMTS UL specific:)
– UMTS-Cell-List.UMTS-Cell-Feeder.UL-GAIN
– UMTS-Cell-List.UMTS-Cell-Feeder.MHA-GAIN
A resulting value smaller than zero is set to 0 dB.
GSM Cable Loss DL and UL
+ GSM-Cell-List.Antenna-Config-List.FEEDLEN * Feeder-List.LINEAR-LOSS
(GSM specific:)
+ Cell-Equip-List.LOSS
– GSM-Cell-List.Antenna-Config-List.CORR-FACT

5.1.7 Repeater Data

(no additional information)

5.1.8 Additional Antenna Data

If an Asset cell has more than one antenna, the first antenna is mapped to the
corresponding Radioplan cell and the further antennas to Additional Antennas of that cell in

5.1.9 Neighbor Data

(no additional information)

5.1.10 Pathloss Data

The pathloss files to be imported may contain unmasked (and compressed) as well as
masked predictions.
The preference of importing unmasked or masked predictions can be defined in the
assetimportmodule.ini configuration file (refer to section 5.4).
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide Main Functions, Configuration and Customization 24

In any case, if one type of prediction is not available for a cell, the other type is still
imported as an alternative.

Unmasked predictions are to be preferred.

Masked predictions are automatically converted to

unmasked predictions by the Radioplan Asset import,
thereby taking antenna, cell, and height (DEM) data into
consideration. This requires extra processing, of course.

Pathloss data from Asset 6 can also be imported through an Asset API. That requires the
installation of an additional DLL by Aircom International Ltd. (Please contact for further information.)
When importing Asset 6 pathloss data using the Asset interface for accessing the
predictions, the following rules apply:

• The Pathloss folder must have been specified in the Import Asset Project dialog,
even if the prediction filenames are contained in the exported Asset XML files. The
reason is that the XML files do not contain the complete absolute pathname of the
prediction files.

• Unmasked predictions are imported at first.

If an unmasked prediction is not available, the masked prediction is imported.

• For either prediction type, unmasked or masked, if a correction pathloss file *.plc
is available, this file is imported. Otherwise, the corresponding *.pl pathloss file is

• The PRIMARY predictions are required and mapped to Low-Resolution pathloss

matrices in Radioplan,
the SECONDARY predictions are optional and mapped to High-Resolution pathloss
matrices in Radioplan.

5.1.11 Simulation Area (Filter Polygon)

If a Filter polygon is specified in the Import Asset Project dialog (refer to section 2.2), this
polygon is imported as the Simulation Area of the resulting Radioplan project.
Thereby, sites located outside of that Filter polygon are not imported.
Otherwise, the Asset import process imports all sites and automatically defines the
Simulation Area as a rectangle with a certain distance around all imported sites. This
distance can be defined as SimulationAreaBorder in the assetimportmodule.ini
configuration file (refer to section 5.4).

5.1.12 Analysis Area

No Analysis Area is created during the Asset import process.

5.1.13 DEM Data

If a valid path to a heights index.txt file is specified, the respective heights data (also
known as Digital Elevation Model (DEM) or Digital Terrain Model (DTM) data) is imported
as DEM matrix.
The resulting matrix is limited to a rectangle surrounding the Simulation Area as defined in
section 5.1.11. Its pixel size is the smallest out of all Asset matrix files referenced in the
index.txt file that are not outside of the Simulation Area.
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide Main Functions, Configuration and Customization 25

5.1.14 Clutter Data

If a valid path to a clutter index.txt file is specified, the respective clutter data is
imported as Clutter matrix.
The resulting matrix is limited to a rectangle surrounding the Simulation Area as defined in
section 5.1.11. Its pixel size is the smallest out of all Asset matrix files referenced in the
index.txt file that are not outside of the Simulation Area.
The Radioplan Clutter Classes settings are defined as follows:

• If the [ClutterClasses] section is defined in the assetimportmodule.ini

configuration file (refer to section 5.4), then the clutter class names and associated
Pathloss Offsets are taken from there – irrespective of any definition in the
imported Asset project.

• Otherwise, if a menu.txt file is available in the folder of the clutter index.txt file,
i.e. the clutter class names are taken from that file.
Clutter class codes from 0 to 255 are supported. Any value higher than 255 is set to 255.
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide Main Functions, Configuration and Customization 26

5.2 Data Export To Asset

5.2.1 XML File Changes When Exporting the Network Configuration
The Radioplan Export to Update an Asset Project can modify an existing set of Asset XML
The required files are the following (typically with the appendix *001.xml):
For the import to Radioplan, the INDEX XML file (with Content-type: text/xml; typically
INDEX001.xml) must reference at least the following further XML files (typically *001.xml):

• for any radio technology:

▫ INDEX, which references the other XML files

• additionally for UMTS:


• additionally for GSM:

The Asset export process reads the INDEX001.xml and ANTENNA-LIST001.xml files and
updates the NODEB-LIST001.xml and UMTS-CELL-LIST001.xml files for UMTS or CELL-
SITE-LIST001.xml and GSM-CELL-LIST001.xml for GSM.
The following Radioplan parameters may modify the corresponding Asset XML data:

• Azimuth

• (Mechanical) Tilt

• Electrical Tilt (i.e. the used beam pattern)

• Pilot Power (UMTS only)

• BCCH Power (GSM only)

If the XML file set is different from the one used for the
Asset import process, the results are undefined.

Warning: Do not change Cell or Antenna names in

Radioplan! If either cell or antenna names are changed, the
export will fail because the cells cannot be assigned or will
produce undefined results due to invalid antenna names.
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide Main Functions, Configuration and Customization 27

5.2.2 Asset Prediction File Changes When Exporting Tuned Radioplan

If there are several Radioplan pathloss matrices corresponding to one unmasked Asset
prediction, as it is typical for each multi-sector site, the Asset prediction is updated by a
super-position of the corresponding Radioplan pathloss matrices.
The super-position is done according to the following principles:

• The pathloss data is weighted over the horizontal angle in relation to the main
beam of the antenna. The angular weighting function is illustrated in Figure 5-1.

• If not all cells’ pathloss matrices at the site are tuned, then also the untuned
Radioplan pathloss matrices of the other cells are considered.

• Areas where the Radioplan pathloss matrices are not defined (e.g. due to clipping)
are set to “nodata”.


1+cos(Δ) 1

Weighting Factor




-200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200
Angle [deg]

Figure 5-1 Angular weighting for the super-position of pathloss matrices

With Asset 6, an API provides other applications access to the Asset pathloss predictions.
That requires the installation of an additional DLL by Aircom International Ltd.
If tuned Radioplan predictions are exported based on that, the *.plc files of the
corresponding unmasked Asset predictions are overwritten.
Thus, the tuned predictions are also made available in Asset.
Please contact for further information.
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide Main Functions, Configuration and Customization 28

5.3 Default Optimization Settings

Following a customer specification, pre-defined Asset

project settings can be used during data import to
Radioplan to initialize the optimization-relevant parameters
of antennas, sites, cells, repeaters, and additional antennas
in the resulting Radioplan project.

Such customer-specific definitions are documented in the

Annex “Parameter mapping during project data

If no customer specifics have been agreed, the following rules apply.


• If “generic” is set as Customer in the assetimportmodule.ini configuration file,

then an antenna is assigned to the antenna family “AntennaFamily” and initialized
with “Electrical Tilt[°]” as electrical tilt value, if the Asset antenna name complies
with the naming convention <AntennaFamily>_T<ElectricalTilt[°]> .

• Otherwise, antennas are assigned to “No Family” – unless customer-specific a

naming convention has been implemented.

• Default site optimization settings can be defined in the assetimportmodule.ini

configuration file. During the data import to Radioplan they are applied to all sites
(as default).

• Default cell optimization settings can be defined in the assetimportmodule.ini

configuration file. During the data import to Radioplan they are applied to all cells
(as default).
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide Main Functions, Configuration and Customization 29

5.4 Configuration File assetimportmodule.ini

The Asset Synchronization Module can be pre-configured and customized by means of the
the configuration file assetimportmodule.ini , which is automatically loaded by the Asset
Synchronization Module for each data exchange process.
This file is located in the \plugins\rnpintegration subdirectory of the Radioplan
configuration folder, which is (for Radioplan version 3.8) by default:
c:\documents and settings\all users\application data\actix\radioplan\3.8\
configuration .
For more information on customization of the Radioplan application, please see
[R-UG] and [R-Admin].
When editing this configuration file, comment lines, which start with a semicolon, may be
added at any place.
The following tables list for each section of the configuration file the pre-configurable and
customizable parameters. Additionally, the corresponding definitions in the sample
configuration file included in the Radioplan installation are given.

Table 5-2 General parameters

Parameter Description
Customer Identifier for a customized version of the
assetimportmodule.ini file. Default is “generic”.
DefaultProjectName The default project name to be displayed in the
Import Asset Project dialog.
The default paths for the DEM/DTM matrix, the
DefaultClutterIndexFile clutter matrix, the pathloss folder, and the traffic
DefaultPathlossFolder matrix to be displayed in the Import Asset Project
allowFeederImport The default settings for enabling the Feeder List and
Cell equipment List import for the Loss Calculation,
respectively, to be displayed in the Import Asset
Project dialog.
SimulationAreaBorder If no Filter Polygon is specified in the Import Asset
Project dialog, the Simulation Area of the imported
project is defined as a rectangle with a certain
distance around all imported sites. This distance in
[meter] can be specified by the
SimulationAreaBorder. The default is 10000 m.

Customer = "generic"

;; optional, defaults to "New Asset Project"

;DefaultProjectName = "Whatever you like..."
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide Main Functions, Configuration and Customization 30

;; optional, default path settings

;DefaultDtmIndexFile = C:\Asset_Data\heights\index.txt
;DefaultClutterIndexFile = C:\Asset_Data\clutter\index.txt
;DefaultPathlossFolder = C:\Asset_Data\Predictions
;DefaultTrafficFile = "C:\Asset_Data\traffic\cs-traffic.tri"

;; allow feeder import in dialog

;allowFeederImport = 1
;allowCellEquipmentImport = 1

;; If no simulation area is specified, a rectangle surrounding the property locations

is used ...
;; value must be >= 0; default is 10000
; SimulationAreaBorder = 10000

Table 5-3 Coordinate systems parameters

Parameter Description
The available EPSG coordinate systems are defined in the wkt.ini in the
\configuration\coordinatesystems subdirectory of the Radioplan configuration
folder (refer to section 5.4).
DefaultProjection_EPSG The EPSG identifier for the default projection
coordinate system.
If not defined or set to 0, the user must select the
appropriate coordinate system in the Coordinate
System dialog of the Asset Import Process.
DefaultDisplay_EPSG The EPSG identifier for the default display
coordinate system.
If not defined or set to 0, the user may select the
appropriate coordinate system in the Coordinate
System dialog of the Asset Import Process.
ShowCoordinateSystemDialog The Coordinate Systems dialog is only shown after
confirming the Import Asset Project dialog if:
- ShowCoordinateSystemDialog is set to 1
- either DefaultProjection_EPSG or
DefaultDisplay_EPSG is not defined or set to
Otherwise, the Coordinate Systems dialog is

; EPSG value of the preset projection coordinate system
DefaultProjection_EPSG = 0

; EPSG value of the preset display coordinate system

DefaultDisplay_EPSG = 0

; Allow the user to modify coordinate systems during project import or update
ShowCoordinateSystemDialog = 1
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide Main Functions, Configuration and Customization 31

Table 5-4 Pathloss parameters

Parameter Description
PreferMaskedPredictions If set to 1, the import of masked predictions (i.e.
including the antenna pattern influence) is
Otherwise, the import of unmasked predictions
(i.e. as for an isotropic antenna) is preferred.
If not defined, 0 is applied as default.
FilterByModelID If set to 1, then, in the absence of the prediction
filenames in the XML files, the import function tries
to assign the pathloss to the corresponding cells
based on the propagation models.
However, it is highly recommended to export the
XML files including the prediction filenames.
If not defined, 0 is applied as default.
UseOnlySmallestResolution If set to 1, then, if the XML files contain prediction
lists with possibly several different pixel
resolutions, only referenced predictions with the
smallest resolution are imported.
If not defined, 0 is applied as default.
ForcePredictionList If set to 1, the import of the XML files is aborted, if
they do not contain prediction lists.
If not defined, 0 is applied as default.
UsePathlossResolution The default settings for the Import only this
pathloss resolution option – to be displayed in the
Import Asset Project dialog.
If UsePathlossResolution is set to 1, then only the
predictions with the pixel size defined by
PathlossResolution [in meter] are imported.
If not defined, 0 is applied as default.
AllowTunedMatrixExport If set to 1, the export of tuned unmasked pathloss
matrices and thereby the removal of existing
masked predictions is enabled.
If not defined, 0 is applied as default.

;; 0 or 1; defaults to 0
;; if the value is 0 unmasked predictions are preferred
PreferMaskedPredictions = 0

;; 0 or 1; defaults to 1
;; (Try to) load pathloss by model
;; This option is only used if XML does not contain prediction lists
FilterByModelID = 1

;; only use pathloss of smallest resolution

;; if XML contains prediction list
;; 0 or 1; defaults to 0
;UseOnlySmallestResolution = 0

;; Stop import if XML does not contain prediction list

;; 0 or 1; defaults to 0
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide Main Functions, Configuration and Customization 32

ForcePredictionList = 0

;; Import only pathloss dedicated size

; UsePathlossResolution = 0
; PathlossResolution = 100

;; Allow export of tuned unmasked and the removal of masked predictions

;; 0 or 1; defaults to 0
;AllowTunedMatrixExport = 1

Table 5-5 Clutter classes parameters

Parameter Description
The order of the listed parameters is not important.
If this section is empty, the import process try to load clutter classes from a menu
class<n>_name The name of clutter class <n>.
class<n>_db The Pathloss offset for clutter class <n>.

;; clutter classes and clutter specific pathloss offsets.
;; The order is not important.
;; If this section is empty the import and update processes
;; try to load clutter classes from a menu file.
;class1_name = High Density Urban
;class2_name = Commercial / Industrial
;class3_name = Residential with Trees
;class4_name = Residential with Few Trees
;class6_name = Grass / Agriculture
;class7_name = Open
;class8_name = Seawater
;class9_name = Transportation
;class10_name = Airport
;class13_name = Forested / Dense Vegetation
;class14_name = Marsh / Wetland
;class15_name = Water

;class1_db = 25
;class2_db = 15
;class3_db = 22
;class4_db = 18
;class6_db = 10
;class7_db = 7
;class8_db = 0
;class9_db = 5
;class10_db = 25
;class13_db = 15
;class14_db = 10
;class15_db = 0

Table 5-6 Antenna groups parameters

Parameter Description
This parameter group allows an automatic definition of alternative antenna groups
for antenna type optimization.
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide Main Functions, Configuration and Customization 33

Parameter Description
CreateAutomaticAntennaGroups If set to 1, antenna groups are defined
automatically during import based on the
definitions in the AntennaGroups.ini file, which
is then required and has to be in the same folder
like the configuration file
assetimportmodule.ini .

;; Enable the import of default antenna groups from AntennaGroups.ini

;; default is 0 (or false)
; CreateAutomaticAntennaGroups = 1

Table 5-7 Default optimization constraint parameters

Parameter Description
[DefaultOptConstraints] Optimization constraints are taken from
customized Asset fields - with the following
settings as default (and without those settings
with Radioplan defaults from
defaultparameters.ini ).
Optimization parameters in Cell Settings Æ
OPT.TiltStepSize_deg Optimization tab
The PowerRange parameters may refer to
OPT.AzimuthRangeMin_deg either system: UMTS, CDMA, GSM, iDEN, or
e.g. OPT.PowerRangeMax_UMTS_dBm
OPT.PowerRangeMax_*_dBm The AntennaGroup parameters must refer a
valid Alternative Antenna Group, which is
OPT.PowerRangeMin_*_dBm defined in the Antenna Settings.
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide Main Functions, Configuration and Customization 34

Parameter Description
OPT.SiteReconfigurable Optimization parameters in Site Settings
Valid SiteStatus strings are “Existent”,
OPT.SiteStatus “Planned for Acquisition”, or “Not Existent”.
OPT.AzimuthLockedBetweenCells Valid SiteCandidateGroup strings are
“Group 01”, “Group 02”, …, or “Group 10”.

; Default Optimization Constraints:

; Optimization constraints are taken from customized Asset fields - with the following
settings as default
; (and without those settings with WiNeS defaults from defaultparameters.ini).
; To enable the OPT.* parameters in the following example, please un-comment them.

;OPT.MechanicalTiltReconfigurable = 1
;OPT.MechanicalTiltRangeMax_deg = 15
;OPT.MechanicalTiltRangeMin_deg = 0
;OPT.TiltStepSize_deg = 1
;OPT.MechanicalTiltShared = 1
;OPT.ElectricalTiltReconfigurable = 1
;OPT.ElectricalTiltRangeMax_deg = 15
;OPT.ElectricalTiltRangeMin_deg = 0
;OPT.ElectricalTiltShared = 1
;OPT.RemoteElectricalTiltInstalled = 1
;OPT.AzimuthReconfigurable = 1
;OPT.AzimuthRangeMax_deg = 360
;OPT.AzimuthRangeMin_deg = 0
;OPT.AzimuthStepSize_deg = 10
;OPT.AzimuthShared = 1
;OPT.PowerReconfigurable = 1
; Power parameter names may refer to { UMTS; CDMA; GSM; iDEN; WiMAX }
;OPT.PowerRangeMax_UMTS_dBm = 33
;OPT.PowerRangeMin_UMTS_dBm = 30
;OPT.PowerStepSize_dB = 1
;OPT.AntennaTypeReconfigurable = 0
; AntennaGroup* shall refer to a string defined as Alternative Antenna Group in the
Antenna Settings.
;OPT.MaxUsersPerCell = 20

;OPT.SiteReconfigurable = 1
;OPT.SiteRemovable = 0
; Valid site states are { "Existent"; "Planned for Acquisition"; "Not Existent" }
;OPT.SiteStatus = Existent
;OPT.AzimuthLockedBetweenCells = 0
; Valid groups are { "Group 01"; "Group 02"; ...; "Group 10"}
;OPT.SiteCandidateGroup = Group 01
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide Main Functions, Configuration and Customization 35

5.5 Configuration File antennagroups.ini

Antennas imported from Asset can be initialized automatically with the according antenna
group defined in the AntennaGroups.ini configuration file.
The initialization can be pre-configured and customized by means of the configuration file
assetimportmodule.ini .
The AntennaGroups.ini configuration file – like the configuration file
assetimportmodule.ini – is located in the \configuration\rnpintegration
subdirectory of the Radioplan configuration folder (refer to section 5.4).
It is automatically loaded by the Asset Synchronization Module for each data exchange
process, if CreateAutomaticAntennaGroups = 1 is defined in the configuration file
assetimportmodule.ini .
When editing this configuration file, comment lines, which start with a semicolon, may be
added at any place.
The following tables list for each section of the configuration file the pre-configurable and
customizable parameters. Additionally, the corresponding definitions in the sample
configuration file included in the Radioplan installation are given.

Table 5-8 Antenna groups parameters

Parameter Description
<Radioplan antenna ID> Line-wise each antenna name (“ID”) in
= Radioplan can be assigned to one antenna
< Radioplan antenna group name > group.

In the separate AntennaGroups.ini configuration file, Radioplan antenna names shall be

assigned with antenna group names.
;; You have to enable this option in the main ini file of the import module.
;; Please add Wines antenna names and groups.
AntennaXYZ = AntennaGroupABC
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide Main Functions, Configuration and Customization 36
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide Abbreviations 37

6 Abbreviations

ACP Automatic Cell Planning (tool)

DEM Digital Elevation Model
DL Downlink
DTM Digital Terrain Model
EPSG European Petroleum Survey Group
GSM Global System for Mobile Communications
MHA Mast Head Amplifier
TRX Transceiver
UARFCN UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number
UE User Equipment
UL Uplink
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System

7 References

[R-Admin] Actix Radioplan. Administration Guide. Version 3.8. Actix GmbH,

Dresden, Germany, October 2007.

[R-Meas] Actix Radioplan. Measurement Guide. Version 3.8. Actix GmbH,

Dresden, Germany, October 2007.

[R-ACP] Actix Radioplan. Automatic Cell Planning (ACP) User Guide.

Version 3.8. Actix GmbH, Dresden, Germany, October 2007.

[R-UG] Actix Radioplan. User Guide. Version 3.8. Actix GmbH, Dresden,
Germany, October 2007.
Actix Radioplan Asset Synchronization Guide References 38

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