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Learning activities/Teaching Strategies:

Students will be engaged in learning family ties and counting

through the transition of each word.

Students will start on the white symbol (Blackfoot man: triangle

and circle, together) and recite the first word Aapistootookii
(Creator). Then they will walk on each of the rectangles counting
from Niitooksaam(1), Naatookaam(2), Niiooskaam(3), Nissooy(4).
They will then jump to the next symbol and recite the second
word Kaasinoon (Our Grandfathers) and then continue with the
numbers once again. This will be repeated until they go though all
four symbols.
• Aapistootookii (Creator)
• Kaasinoon (Our Grandfathers)
• Niiksissta (My Mother)
• Ninna (My father)
This pattern can be repeated as many times as possible

(Source of Life)

Learning activities/Teaching Strategies:

Students will be engaged in learning the different sources of life
that are sacred to the Blackfoot people and counting through the
transitions between each word.

Students will start by hopping with one foot on to the yellow

circle, then go from right (red) to left (black) then forward
(white). On each of the colours they will recite the words below.
• Naatooysii (Sun), Yellow
• Iinii (Buffalo), Red
• Ksistaaki (Beaver), Black
• Piita (Eagle), White
Students will then jump with two feet on each of the rectangles
counting to two, Niitooksaam(1), Naatookaam(2).

This pattern can be repeated as many times as possible

(Grandmother Moon)

Learning activities/Teaching Strategies:

Students will be engaged in learning the colours and seasons.

Students will start by hopping with two feet onto each of the
circles repeating the same word for each colour.
The colours are below:
• Ksiksiinaatsi - White
• Ootaahkonaatsi – Yellow
• Maahksinaatsi – Red
• Siksinaatsi – Black
You can repeat the pattern but change the words to be the
seasons as well.
• Mootoo – Spring
• Yiipoo – Summer
• Okoo – Fall
• Stooyiists - Winter
This pattern can be repeated as many times as possible


Learning activities/Teaching Strategies:

Students will be engaged in learning the numbers from 1- 10

Students will play hopscotch using Blackfoot numbers from 1-10

The numbers are below:
1. Niitooksaam
2. Naatookaam
3. Niiooskaam
4. Niisooy
5. Niisitooy
6. No’oy
7. Iihkitsikaa
8. Naanisooy
9. Pihksooy
10. Kiipooy
This pattern can be repeated as many times as possible

(Morning Star)
Learning activities/Teaching Strategies:
Students will be engaged in learning the directions and counting
through a set of directions.

Students will start by hopping with one foot to the first triangle
(South), then go from left (West) to right (East) then forward
(North). On each of the directions they will recite them in
Blackfoot. The words are below.
Apotohsoohtsi- North
Pinaapoohtsi – East
Aamsskaapoohtsi – South
Aami’toohtsi – West

Students will then jump with two feet on each of the circles
counting to three, Niitooksaam(1), Naatookaam(2), Niiooskaam (3),
Nissooy (4).
This pattern can be repeated as many times as possible

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