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BENENSON STRATEGY GROUP SALVAGE PROGRAM 1.000 Potomac Street, N.W., Suite 420 Washington, D.C. 20007 TEL 202.339.6060 £ CLINTON 4 FOUNDATION » DB] @ BENENSON STRATEGY GROUP. as en Sal Interviews with 2.021 adult Americans conducted by teephone by BSG on October 10-13, 2016, The margin of sampling error for results ‘based onthe total sample is plus or minus 2 perentage points. The sumple uses a LVS based on voting history (656), sefattstation (12%), social-media data mining (10%), demographic socio-economic class (18%)-This sample includes 1101 Interviews among landline respondents and 920 interviews among cll phone respondents. NO SKEWS OR NARRATIVE SCREENS WERE EMPLOYED Executive Overview: Hillary Clinton Flash-Crash to 12% Favorable, Losing 19-77% Nationally _Atthis point Donald Trump has both momentum and enthusiasm, Disrustin the mainstrcam media is blunting the impact ofthe ‘collective polling narrative. As Fletion Day approaches, Hillary Clinton's fvorabe ratings have crashed to historic lows (1288) In non- ‘pardsans and Donald Tromp is consolidating support (97% of LV Republican dentin respondents are ether enthusiastic or very ‘enthusiastic about voting or Trump). _Amoagindependents, Hilary votes who are exposed to any alternative media (738) are aware ofthe WidLeaks emails and find them ‘either disturbing (95) or deply disturbing (18%). Among Hberal-Adensfing whites, suppor is shin ftom Hilary (-27 since Ocober 1°) tw Donald Tramp (788) or fl Stein (2189, For voters who solely consume mainstream media only 28% are aware ofthe WikiLeaks emails and of those, only 8% are aware ofthe ‘content. or these voters Clinton leads Trump by +8 “Minority voters ar ess likely to consume alternative media (only 14%) and are es ikely tobe aware ofthe email leak (only 18% for males, 98 for frales). Even with ths group, enthusiasm is down 63 poins compared to October 2008 On oer fronts, the counter-narrative i fling as wel. Most heavy consumers of social media understand thatthe allegations against ‘Donald ‘Trump of sexual misconduct have largely been debunked (77%). We understand that communication strategies in that space have ‘been unable reduce the impact ofthis messaging. Worse, among whit males in telephone poling 93% of them ether approve (72%) or strongly approve (21%) of Donald Trump’shot-mie tape Only 3988 of women approve of them however amajority (68) say they ‘understand that con‘ident men tlk that way. Tn effect, hese legations ave ben diffused. (Ona postivenots, most respondents who were libera-leaning (83%) or Independent (59%) were unaware ofthe messaging front ‘concerning Bl Clinton's semual misconduct. Walle the vat marry (88%) were aware of consensual extra-mazital relationships, the mainstream media approach othe stares hs lf only 84 of liberal: Teaning voter and only 19% of independents awe ofthe allegations fraps. (Onadisturbing note, some 70% of Republican Jeaning voters are aware bussed+in voting, alse face operations and dead-man's party registration drives. Tle may accesstate severe statepy changes for November. 1[Do Not Distribute | Do Not Copy BENENSON STRATEGY GROUP SALVAGE PROGRAM 1.000 Potomac Street, N.W., Suite 420 Washington, 0.C. 20007 TEL 202.339.6060 Top-Line Numbers {At this point Donald Trump has both momentum and enthusiasm. Distrust nthe mainstream med is blunting the impact Parr September 28-30 2016 ss or ea ees ~ into, ind made up Boa into. ind coud change 6 4 6 A Trp, mind could change 7 3B 4s ther mind made up EE , Other, could change boo 4 + Cinton Hard» Clinton Soft rs a Trump Hard = Trump Soft No opinion 2 4 October 5-7, 2016 O «= Cinton Hard = clinton Soft ‘Trump Hard = Trump Soft , CLINTON'S COLLAPSE IN BOTH SOFT AND HARD SUPPORT WAS STEADY AND October 10-13 PRONOUNCED FOLLOWING THE FIRST. -™ DEBATE (J) Benenson Group Intema oling + ton Hard «cinton Sot ‘Trump Hard = Trump Soft 2[Do Not Distribute | Do Not Copy BENENSON STRATEGY GROUP 1.000 Potomac Street, N.W., Suite 420 Washington, 0.C. 20007 TEL 202.339.6060 Findings |. The Damage Has Metastasized SALVAGE PROGRAM “lla is widely considered sick, untrustworthy, and mos Hillary leaning Democrats woud vot to replace her. [BEE Democrat Leaning | fpossble you would ‘wap Hilary Clinton for would keep Hilary 1 Bernie Sanders Toe Biden Julian Aseange Baward Snowden Joh Bdwards Not ure (BEBE ary sues from what allment? DolTDODE . o Pocumonia Brain eancet Paving’ disease Vascular dementia Alabeimer’s disease Anti-social personality disorder Not eure {UTA ccording othe WikiLeks ema, lary ater everyday people’ om ose oD 15% 33% 31D0 Not Distribute | Do Not Copy (GREEN p CREED peTAD ED CpCATENTET Donald Tramp hae the temperament tobe president Decauset COMME EMM . oD cho) Hels strong alpha-male personality His temperament is winning Apresidentwillingtoget 1% angry is what we eed ght now Histemperament wil fighter America's enemies Notsure/ other 21% ey 3% 2% [SESEDENDEHI p ppolEEwvnat steps must be taken to make the election fir? 2 RoEERCRED lection results must nee 1986 atch unadjueted ext polling Election supervisors from sevens 21% media euch a Breitbart, InfoWars, ee. lection supervisors from Russia Succession Not ure other BENENSON STRATEGY GROUP SALVAGE PROGRAM 1.000 Potomac Street, N.W., Suite 420 ~ ° Washington, 0.C. 20007 TEL 202.339.6060 IlcTrump Voters re Virtually Unstoppable [Where 119 of lard Clinton supporters could be dlisuadedffom voting by strong storm and 17% would bale at 90 miu walt, ‘Tramp's strong support only diminishes inthe events of catastrophic attacks on America. Some demographics (blue-collar white men between the ages of 30 and 6) were moreliely to say they would vow in the event ofan active rot standing between them and the ballot. [No Clinton supporters made past the Q20 screening question while 74% of Trump voters moved to question 2. {20000 EOE ppl Eat exes oul RDC ERE se an sop you ftom voting (LY Vote cee) ace hewn os lethal epidemiological 2% — ‘agent (smallpox) ‘A power toom * Zika or other . 12% None oe ‘nideisoica agent Nocsure other 1% “Thre of violence at se a polling places (DEBED MBCA p EppolTEWbat events could Longtines (mins) snsesncnnnninn 18 sop yo om ing (LY Vote Sen None on 00 an Thr of er ~ Notte other vo * Natal dsr * AatveRits/Ci om Unrest SH BE pppolEwa eves cola bran 1% stop you fom ting LY Vote Seen) stent (mabe). Astor stn 0 orn =m ‘A powefal tom Mv Notte other se 7% Zikaor other 1% ‘ideological agen tial agen EBADETD OMEN p MppoMAwnat events could stop “Thre of violence at se “ os from ving (LY Voie eee None on Qed) poling places Shooting waria o Longines (omins) * seighbortood ona a External invading force 17% Not sure other 1% oo om SRT biel vent 16% {ON EON ppc vet cou None 1% stop you fom ing (LY Voter Seen, None on Noteute/ thee “ us) Threat ofwar 1% Netra dian - a 4|Do Not Distribute | Do Not Copy BENENSON STRATEGY GROUP SALVAGE PROGRAM 1.000 Potomac Street, N.W., Suite 420 ~ ° Washington, 0.C. 20007 TEL 202.339.6060 Il, ‘The Public Has Lost Faith In Polling Poll-deven naratives have been pushed too fr, elienting most of the voting population. The wse of polls a paychologieal weapen has also been noticed (especially on social media). As the pol gap narrative becomes ever more extreme obvious Visible evidence (rally size yard signs, bumper stickers, memes social media poss) becomes more and more obviously contradictory. Attempts at shaming ‘utepoken pol-deners sucha Bl Michell on Twitter have fied in 2016 where they succeeded (Dean Chambers) 2032, We arein uncharted tertory. ven hooks into non-pllosophically compromised pro-Republican polling outs such as FOX, Rasmussen, and Gravis have not produced substantial resus. (BED rus poling to [BEEEEISOGOETp EppolEess rusted poling Provideanaccurte - 1% oust overview ofthe race CED om oy CEE N08 comm Monmouth Univessity- = ‘Theyhave never called ue Quinnipiac» Cannot 13% ounce name cant % a Rasmussen - They caved * in after 2012 (BEDFor an accurate vew of he race, Ttrust FoxNews om Nate Silver -He cheats 1 broadens News ow Netsure other 2” (apcixscicas) (Gable News (CNN, *% [MSNBC, FOX) ‘TVornewspaper analysis 2% En ED My gotnssinets a Donald Tromp 29K Hillary Cinton 1% Not sure other 2% D0 Not Distribute | Do Not Copy BENENSON STRATEGY GROUP 1.000 Potomac Street, N.W., Suite 420 Washington, 0.C. 20007 TEL 202.339.6060 Salvage Options (Recommendation & Alternatives) SALVAGE PROGRAM ‘Weave analyzed a umber of potent salvage options and havea strong recommendation. Non-Recommended Salvage Options Options! Scenario Red Deven Cobalt Rata BLRiot Zikpocaypse Stacia Escalation Uanstural Disaster Notes Support is too wide-spread. While an RD scenario using UN forces and Canadian-border nl would be effective in shutting down northern voting, it would simply day the ‘inevitable and result in hardened suppor for Mr, Tramp. “The public hasbeen primed fr sadiological tack and stockpiles have been positioned but while the psychological {Impact of Co-60 weapon i severe the threshold of ‘opportunity may have pasted fr thet stop a vote ‘Again, while staged vl unzest could prevent pockets of ‘Ameria from voting, the damage soo wide-spread. Improved strains of ZIKV have ben delivered and we have disseminated them to operatives, Unfortunately this will suppress women voters more than men (evenas ZIKY is lethal in aduls) This would hurt Hillary Clinton and “Trump voters are wilingto risk etal pathogens to vote States have blocked key immigrant operatives. Without the required Muslim-Ilamist population in place, the IE plan vr not be suficenty mpc. HAAR isin ekeleton crow mode, Subterransun ‘hermobatie devices in fracking mines are untested, Surveys suggest this might not top Tramp voters Recommended Salvage: RESIGN For almost two dacades the Department of Defense and NASA have ‘coordinated on aback book project under the codename FIRESIGN. FIRESIGN's aim io crestea religious “awe effect” in enemy populations to create an instantaneous psychological sot-Kil (abject submission). The operation uses high powered lasers to project eal- inks / rw oss of property (& ie) Aight forces are prepared for bate Loss of prot under martial law. Leaks could compromise (Command and controls dicey this ‘point a substantial numbers of employed ‘minorities have defeced to Trump Posteleton contol 1LE0 ispro“Trump and will aot rollover ‘due to Muslim demands of political Unproven techniques unintended ‘consequences Reactinsting HAARP mayhave PALE HORSE PROTOCOL ramifestions “seeming mages on the sodium layer Look above the eurice. These Image can cover hundreds or even thousands of square mies and ean appear completely real, three dimensional, and can move. Ser) ‘These visual cves are augmented with pulsed ELF electromagnetic ‘emissions (see: PROJECT SANGUINE) that attack the specif areas ‘ofthe prefrontal cortex that are stimulated dusing religious ‘experienc. In imitd tet, subjocis have been able tobe overwhelmed on both ais of vastness (an overwhelming ofthe subject’ frame of reference) and a powerl need-for- sccommodation. The mixof these two wil produce inaction, lack of focusonsef or individual interaction, nd gross transformations in mental equibrum (a Road to-Damascus Experience). 61D0 Not Distribute | Do Not Copy BENENSON STRATEGY GROUP 1.000 Potomac Street, N.W., Suite 420 Washington, 0.C. 20007 TEL 202.339.6060 cies ‘The ability to produce these eects across 23% of the continental United Sates isthe objective ofFIRESIGN and field tess in the Levant have proven success. “The FIRESIGN scenario ie thatof an invading etateretril force of aerly incomprehensible scale (massive floating ces descending, go -sived “walkers” among the ous with terrifying weapons, wheels of re and eyes et.) Tis phenomens, when activated wl bring electoral and social systems to halt nd, in ficted areas, wll permit _atraive wherein POTUS is able to "Call bal” to the invasion and then “hand over the torch" t9 Clinton, providing abasic continuity ofstte AFTERMATH “The aftermath of FIRESIGN willbe the psychologic ubjapation of rcs whece uprisings ‘re mos likly o occur. Th indeed trma of FIRESIGN wl provide ple cover ‘government and NGOs who wil be “providing sd” (peychotropic to induce docity) and ‘counseling services which wil ensure further domestication FIRESIGN will require 2 great del of power, mobile command stations with itrogen- ‘cooled super-computers, and the co-opting ofthe ELF array. We have crested a schedule and teams roster tha can be moved into position following the third debate. 7|D0 Not Distribute | Do Not Copy SALVAGE PROGRAM

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