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here are different types of cancer and leukemia is one of them that are related to blood cells.

All the
humans have bone marrow and abnormal growth of the blood cells is produced in it. White cells are
important because it fights infections and when abnormalities grow in them results in cancer
development. Now they act totally different in humans and they can grow, divide and eventually
overgrow over normal cells leading to death. In such case human body lose the power of fighting and
suffer from symptoms like infections, uncontrollable bleeding etc. In the United States there are over
fifty thousand people who suffer from this deadly disease every year.

Types of leukemia

There are different types and based on the development rate or say abnormal growth of cells. If this
disease is developing quickly, then it is known as acute leukemia. When cancer cells developing in the
bone marrow and blood, then individual suffer from easy bruising, tiredness becomes prone to
infections. Those suffering from acute leukemia will need fast treatments. Chronic leukemia on the
other hand develops slowly and initially you will find no symptoms. If not treated on time cells will
overgrow and leads to acute leukemia with similar symptoms. This type of cancer is also classified
further as lymphoid and myeloid, depending upon white cell type that is responsible for creating
cancer cells.

Types of leukemia and treatmentCommon types of leukemia are

• Acute myeloid

• Acute lymphocytic

• Chronic myeloid

• Chronic lymphocytic

There are less common types of leukemia as well which are APL, CMML, hairy cell cancer, JMML.

Causes of leukemia

Till now there is no data on the exact cause of this type of cancer, but environmental and genetic
factors are known to be its cause according to the scientists. Cells have DNA and when mutation
occurs it leads to abnormal growth. There are some horrible cases present and also have been
successfully treated. When this overgrowth occur the typical WBCs loses their function. One common
change that we find in DNA is chromosome translocation. In this type of change a part of
chromosomes breaks and is attached to other chromosome. The majority of the leukemia cases are
not hereditary, but certain mutations can be delivered to the next generation.

Risk factors

If you have increased exposure towards radiation, then you have a very high chance of developing
cancers like CML, AML or ALL. Radiation therapy can also cause risk of developing acute leukemia. In
the chemical industry benzene exposure also lead to leukemia. AML can be caused with smoking
habits. Li-Fraumeni and don syndrome and there are several other medical conditions that can cause
the risk factors of developing blood cancer. HTVL -1 is a virus that can create leukemia which is very
rare. Chemotherapies cab also increases the risks of ALL and AML. Having risks does not lead to
definite leukemia and in the majority of the cases a person will not develop cancer.

Symptoms of leukemia

Its symptoms will depend upon the type the patient is suffering from. Acute leukemia has initial
symptoms and arises from the abnormal cell growth. It typically shows symptoms such as

symptoms of leukemia

• Petechiae which are red spots occurring on skin

• Weight loss that is unexplained

• Joint pain or bone aches

• Consistent suffering from infections

• Red spots, bruising, easy bleeding

• Tiredness, loss of energy

• Night sweats

• Fevers

• Abdominal caused by enlargement of liver or spleen

Diagnose of leukemia

Doctors are going to find answers within your medical history and will also ask you about the
symptoms. A physical examination is done to explore its signs. A blood sample test is the typical way
to find abnormal growth in the cells. A sample of bone marrow is also taken in some cases which are
known as bone marrow biopsy. There are several other tests such as X-ray of chest which can
determine the signs of disease such as lymph node enlargement. For some patients doctors also go
for CT scan and MRI.

leukemia-treatment and symtom

Treatments for leukemia

Fortunately, there are a variety of medical treatments available and they are successful too. The
treatment which patients will get depends upon the type of cancer they are suffering from. These are

• Chemotherapy: – administration of various drugs that stops dividing cells.

• Biological therapy:- in this treatment help of synthetic of living organisms treat leukemia (
antibiotics & cytokines)

• Radiation therapy:- radiation energyleukemia treatment, cortical bore

• Targeted therapy:- drugs that will interfere with the function or property of cancer cells

• Supportive treatments: – includes vaccines, transfusions, antiviral medications etc.

Taking the treatment is a real challenge, but can highly reduce the developing and growing of cells
further. Your doctor is going to advice you with the best treatments and precautions. Leukemia is
curable though its cause is still unknown. It is important that you take treatments as soon as possible
to get successful results and enjoy a beautiful and healthy.

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