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Yield and nitrogen fertilization in crop production: Long-term

effect of organic fertilizers
Alexandra Malta, Raphael Charles, Vincent Bovet and Sokrat Sinaj Agroscope

Changins-Wädenswil ACW, 1260 Nyon

Information: Sokrat Sinaj, email:, Tel + 41 22 363 46 58th


Effect of nitrogen fertilizer to the growth in maize (A sub-procedures: none N-fertilization; B sub-processes: N-under-fertilization; C-sub-method: N-standard and D
sub-processes: N-over-fertilization). In 2011, the lack of nitrogen fertilization (A sub-procedure) acts in corn more in the GD process (left) than in the slurry process (picture
right), which should indicate with green manure on a stronger N deficiency in the process.

Introduction Material and methods

Since 1976 in Changins four techniques to maintain soil fertility are tested: test description

systematic return of the cereal straw, use of green fertilizers during the intercrop, The in Malta et al. ( Test-detailed 2012) began in 1976 in Changins (VD, 430 m.

regular addition of manure and application of manure or manure. These four Above sea level. M.). The experimental setup consists of a split-plot system with

techniques are based on the regular import of "organic fertilizers". Cereal straw, four replications. Six methods make it possible to test the nature and dose of the

green manure and manure run namely nutrients in organic form to, which can be organic fertilizer: minD (control, where only mineral fertilizers have been fed), GD

recycled to the mineralization, but also those in mineral form that can be directly (biennial insertion of mustard green manure), straw (recirculation of cereal straw),

utilized by the crops. In this sense, they have an improving and fertilizing role. Mi35 (35 t ha- 1 Cattle manure three year), MI70 (70 t ha- 1 Cattle manure three year)

Malta et al. ( 2011a) have examined the effect of these fertilizers to organic, and Gü60 (1975-1993 annual 60 m3 HA 1 and by 1993 every three years diluted

chemical and biological soil properties. The present study complements this work cow manure). The subprocedure A, B, C and D include increasing mineral nitrogen

by its effect be on the yield of crops and the mineral nitrogen content (N) measured gifts (Malta et al. 2012). The sub-method A receives no mineral nitrogen, while the

the soil and thereby quantify the N fertilizer value of manure. sub-method D is stickstoffüberdüngt (depending on the culture 105-200 kg N ha- 1).

In 2003 and 2004, the modalities of minD process were (no organic fertilizer

addition) to study the effects of the procedures and

156 Agricultural Research Switzerland 3 (3): 156-163, 2012

Yield and nitrogen fertilization in crop production: Long-term effect of organic fertilizers | Crop

Under procedures implemented in all six variants. The subprocess A is Since 1976, at the Agroscope Changins-Wädenswil ACW

continuously no nitrogen and the subprocess B, C and D are all the same high Changins the effects of using different organic fertilizer

dose of nitrogen (30 kg N ha- 1 in 2003 and 40 kg N ha- 1 in the year 2004). In 2003, (mustard green manure, straw, 35 and 70 t ha- 1 Mist every three

a rape culture, chose a winter wheat culture in of 2004. years and 60 m 3 Ha- 1 Manure every three years) tested. This

study examined the long-term effects (34 years) on revenues of

cultures, the need for nitrogen fertilizer and mineral nitrogen

When crop rotation, summer and winter crops alternate, thus allowing the content of the soil.

two-year import of green manure. In the five to six-year rotations 60 to 70% of

cereal and rapeseed and corn are used. Corn and rape straw to grind and then

incorporated into the soil. With the exception of the process, "Straw", where it is

returned to the ground, the straw is removed after harvest. The phosphorus

potassium fertilizer (as super phosphate and potassium salt) is in accordance with If the nitrogen (N) not limiting, the organic fertilizer have different

principles for fertilization in agriculture in all processes optimally (Ryser et al. 1987). effects on the grain yield of the cultures. In the organic imports

It takes into account the fertilizer value of the returned crop residues and the and in subsequent years the manure and the manure increase

aftermath of solid and liquid manure (Ryser et al. 1987). while reducing the yield of crops in comparison to the control

without organic fertilizer him the supply of green manure and the

systematic return of the cereal straw. On average, the 34 years of

the trial, however, this effect is small. If, however, the nitrogen

limitation, all organic fertilizers have a positive effect on the yield

of crops. The direct action (year of imports) of organic fertilizers

can be positive or negative. The unfertilized green manure

increases the need for nitrogen fertilizer in the year in which it is

Measurements and statistical analysis consumed, but lowers it the following year. Will it at 60 kg N ha- 1

The grain yield was measured every year at harvest time in all procedures. The

income received without N-limitation were described as potential income. Related

to the same year and the identical process, these yields correspond to the

average yield of the sub-methods, which do not have significant contrast to the

process with the maximum yield (usually the D-sub process).

The fertilizer value of organic fertilizers was calculated as follows every year: fertilized, it reduces the need for nitrogen fertilizer in both the

by comparing the yield increase, which was caused by the organic fertilizer, with year in which the green manure is decomposed, and the following

the yield increase, which was achieved by the nitrogen fertilization. This one has year. The fertilization effect of crop straw is negligible. Manure

applied the following equation: and slurry reduce nitrogen fertilizer demand significantly during

the three years, after which they were spilled. If the fertilising

effect of manure not taken into account, the mineral nitrogen

Fertilizer value = (ERTR iA endures Minda) * dose minDB / ( endures minDB - ERTR Minda content at harvest in the research rows of manure is higher than

endures iA, endures Minda and ERTR minDB: Grains yield of i-procedure A sub-process, in the control without organic fertilizer.

minD the method,

A sub-method, respectively, of the minD method, B-sub-method, in HA dt 1 expressed;

Dose minD B: nitrogen fertilizer in mind method, B-sub-method, in kg N ha- 1 expressed.

Thus, we assume that the response of crops is linear to the N application. The N

deficiency of cultures in the A and B sub-process should be sufficient to justify this


In the years 2003 and 2004, the N content of the plant (grain and straw) was

measured in the A sub-process to determine the power consumed by the culture


Agricultural Research Switzerland 3 (3): 156-163, 2012 157

Crop | Yield and nitrogen fertilization in crop production: Long-term effect of organic fertilizers

Tab. 1 | Effect of the process on the potential grain yields (without nitrogen limitation). The income as a percentage of control minD words (= 100%).

Average 1976 -
Corn Wheat for corn spring barley rape Spring oat wheat to
process oats 2010

(n 1 = 6) (n 1 = 5) (n 1 = 5) (n 1 = 5) (n 1 = 5) (n 1 = 5)

minD 100 (76) 2 100 (48) 2 100 (48) 2 100 (32) 2 100 (48) 2 100 (53) 2 100.0 a

DG 93 98 96 97 100 98 96.4 b

straw 90 92 96 96 102 97 95.3 b

Mi35 97 96 100 105 105 102 100.5 a

MI70 101 100 102 104 106 99 102.2 a

Gü60 98 92 104 104 106 101 100.4 a

1: Number of years.

2: Maximum, observed when minD method grain dry yield (dt HA 1).

Different lowercase letters within a column indicate significant differences between the means of the various methods in the% threshold according to Fisher's exact test.

In 2009, the mineral nitrogen in the C sub-processes were measured shortly R esultateund DISCUSSION
before sowing on 26 March and a month after harvest on 24 August (research

institutes ART & ACW 2011). The horizon samples 0-30; 30 - 60 and 60-90 cm Potential yield of cultures

were taken with the aid of an auger. Each sample was made up of eight to ten If the nitrogen is not limiting, so the observed yields of maize, wheat, barley, rape

carrots. It made four repetitions. and oats (1 tab.), Ie at 81, 51, 47, 33 respectively 47 are close to the german

fertilization bases, dry HA 1 ( sinaj et al.


The analyzes of variance were using the software XLSTAT 2010, Copyright The effect of the process on the potential yield remains constant independent

Addinsoft 1995 -, made in 2009. the Fisher's exact test was used for comparison of culture, since the interaction of process and culture is not significant (P> 0.05).

of mean values ​of the processes and sub-processes. in average of 34 years of the trial



Relative potential yield (%)


DG y = 408 + -0,16x R 2 = 0.06;

ns y = -0,04x + 176 R 2
= 0.005; ns

Mi35 y = 0.20x - 304 R 2
= 0.12; *

70 MI70 y = 0,38x - 652 R 2

= 0.36; ***

Gü60 y = 0,29x - 474 R 2

= 0.13; ***
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

Fig. 1 | Development of the relative potential income (min = 100%) in the method with organic fertilizers.

ns: not significant regression in the 10% threshold according to Fisher's exact test.

* : Significant regression in the 10% threshold according to Fisher's exact test.

* * : Significant regression in the 5% threshold according to Fisher's exact test.
* * * : Significant regression in the 1% threshold according to Fisher's exact test.

158 Agricultural Research Switzerland 3 (3): 156-163, 2012

Yield and nitrogen fertilization in crop production: Long-term effect of organic fertilizers | Crop

the effect of organic fertilizers significantly, but remains low (-4.7 to + 2.2%

compared to minD, Tab. 1).

Fertilizing value (kg N / ha)

The GD method has a significantly lower yield potential than the control 80

procedures minD (-3.6%, Tab. 1). Duval (1996) has also been observed that

particular green manure on the basis of cruciferous vegetables (mainly mustard) 30

can have a negative effect on the following crop plants due to the presence of toxic

compounds in the residue. In this experiment, the suspected allelopathic effects of - 20

mustard was observed both on the following to the green manure crops (maize
DG years with GD
and barley) and then to the following crops (wheat and canola, Tab. 1). Oats
- 70
appears to be unaffected as the only culture. The yield on the straw method is 1976 1979 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009
4.7% lower than that in the control method minD (Table 1). The return of the grain

straw in a grain-heavy crop rotation probably promoted cereal diseases (Charles et

al. 2011).

Fertilizing value (kg N / ha) 80


- 20

The average effect of farmyard manure (Mi35, MI70 and Gü60) over the Straw years with straw

period 1976 to 2010 is extremely low (+0.4 to + 2.2% compared with minD, Tab. - 70
1976 1979 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009
1), and not significant. However, these methods bring it all to higher income

potential than the control minD. This result is consistent with another carried out in

Changins long-term trial of an average increase of potential revenues 2-13% over

twelve years of the trial showed with manure (Malta et al. 2012). This increase may
Fertilizing value (kg N / ha)

be an effect of the organic mass, which improves the physical, hydrological and 80

biological properties of the soil (Lal 2009), and / or an increase in the availability of
nutrients (Zhang et al. 2009) are attributed. In the method the manure soils namely

higher levels of organic matter (OM) than in the control, but also higher contents of
- 20
extractable with ammonium acetate zinc and iron EDTA (Malta et al. 2011a). The
Mi35 MI70 years
micronutrients zinc and iron promote plant growth in low concentrations, however,
with dung

may be toxic effect (Marschner 1995) when exceeding a certain threshold.

- 70
1976 1979 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009
Fertilizing value (kg N / ha)



- 20

Gü60 years with

Because of the strong between annual fluctuations in the relative potential
- 70
yield is difficult, a significant development of the method effects (Fig. 1) detected.
1976 1979 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009
The effect of the GD and straw method does not change over time, while that of

the manure increases significantly. These effects remain even after 34 years entry
Fig. 2 | Annual fertilizer value of organic fertilizers from 1976 to
modest (+4, +6 +9 resp% at Mi35, resp MI70 Gü60;.. Fig. 1).
In 2009.

Agricultural Research Switzerland 3 (3): 156-163, 2012 159

Crop | Yield and nitrogen fertilization in crop production: Long-term effect of organic fertilizers

Tab. 2 | Effects of the process on the relative yields grains (min = 100%) after 27 Fertilizer value of the green manure average - 27 kg N ha-1 in its destruction to +7
years of the trial. When A-sub process in 2003 and 2004, no nitrogen was added, and kg N ha- 1 the following year (Fig. 2). The green manure takes up the nitrogen,
in the sub-process B, C and D of 30 kg N ha-2003 1 and 2004 each 40 kg N ha- 1 fed.
thereby reducing the N supply for the next culture compared to control minD. A

part of this nitrogen is delivered in the next year in the mineralization of green

manure residues available again. Before 1993, this negative effect of green

manure on the N supply in the year in which it was decomposed was not observed
Averages 2003 - 2004 (% minD)
(Fig. 2). then the fertilizer value was + 20 kg N ha- 1 a year in which it was

process decomposed, and +17 kg N ha- 1 in the following year (Fig. 2a). Apparently were
Under method B, C able to before 1993 being transferred to the green manure 60 kg N ha- 1 to
A sub-process
and D
compensate for the pictures taken by this nitrogen and even increase the N supply

for the next crops.

minD 100 b 100 b

DG 108 from 100 b

straw 102 b 99 b

Mi35 113 from 105 b

MI70 128 a 117 a

Gü60 113 from 108 b

Mustard is fertilized, its fertilizing value is within the two years after its
Different lowercase letters within a column indicate significant differences between the mean values ​of
the different sub-processes in the 5% threshold in accordance with Fisher test. decomposition at 37 kg N ha- 1 and without fertilization at -20 kg N ha- 1. The

difference of 57 kg N ha- 1 corresponds closely to the 60-kg N ha- 1,

which were discharged through the mustard, which shows that the nitrogen has

escaped to a slight extent from the soil-plant system. By contrast, the available

Fertilizer value of organic fertilizers nitrogen in the soil can possibly be taken worse and rather be lost through

The fertilizer value of the five types of organic fertilizers (DG, straw, Mi35, MI70 leaching.

and Gü60), who was raised from 1,976 to 2,010, shows large differences (Fig. 2).

Because the calculation method of the presented values ​include the direct, caused

by rapidly available nitrogen impact and indirect, caused by the mineralization of The fertilizer value of the cereal straw is very low (Fig. 2b). He is an average

the OS stored in the ground effect. of -3 kg N ha- 1 in the straw incorporation and at +3 kg N ha- 1 in the following year.

The straw has a high C / NVerhältnis, causing a nitrogen-immobilization by the

microbial biomass in the incorporation. The following year, this nitrogen is

available again by the reduction of the microbial biomass. sinaj et al. ( 2009)

In spite of the ever-increasing enrichment of the soil to OS in the methods suggest why in Switzerland an increase in nitrogen fertilization at 10 kg N ha- 1 in

with organic fertilization the fertilizer value of the organic manure decreases with summer crops, if straw is incorporated.

time not (Fig. 2) (Malta et al. 2011a). The fertilizer values, however, vary with the

number of years that have passed since the last of organic material supply.

Between 1994 and 2010 was the

Tab. 3 | Aftereffects of subprocess B, C and D on the grain yields after 27 years of the trial. The rape culture received 30 kg N ha- 1 in 2003, the wheat culture 40 kg N ha- 1 in the
year 2004

Grains yields (dt HA 1)

Year / Culture
B sub-process C sub-process D-sub process

2003 1- rape 19.9 A 20.8 A 21.2 A

2004- wheat 45.0 A 46.6 A 46.7 A

1 Particularly dry year.

Various capital letters within a row indicate significant differences between the mean values ​of the different sub-processes in the 5% threshold in accordance with Fisher test.

160 Agricultural Research Switzerland 3 (3): 156-163, 2012

Yield and nitrogen fertilization in crop production: Long-term effect of organic fertilizers | Crop

The fertilizer value of manure is positive and decreases with the number of years Tab. 4 | Effect of the method on the mineral nitrogen content (N min) in 0-90 cm

that has elapsed since the last organic gift. Entry years, respectively one and two depth in the C sub-process in 2009

years after the handover, the fertilizer values ​are +31, +15, respectively +10 kg N

ha- 1 at Mi35 (Fig. 2c); +58, +28, respectively. +21 kg N ha- 1 at MI70 (Fig. 1c) and
minD before sowing minD after harvest
+38, +18, respectively +10 kg N ha- 1 at Gü60 (Fig. 2d). The fertilizer values ​as a treatments
percentage of the supplied by the organic fertilizer total nitrogen provide an _________ kg N ha- 1_________

indication of the amount of recycled by the cultures total nitrogen. Thus manure is minD 44 c 45 b
(average Mi35 and MI70) the proportion of the recycled from the cultures total
DG 28 d 47 b
nitrogen in the entry year 16% one year after the entry 8% and two years after the
straw 41 c 49 b
entry 5%. Slurry with these values ​reach 37%, 18% and 10% respectively. The
Mi35 50 bc 56 b
existing in the slurry OS is generally less stable than that of the manure (Lecomte
MI70 76 a 75 a

Gü60 58 b 61 from

Different lowercase letters within a column indicate significant differences between the mean values ​of the
different sub-processes in the 5% threshold in accordance with Fisher test.

1980) and thus degrade faster (Su et al. 2006), which explains the higher levels in

manure. The basis for fertilization in agriculture suggest fertilizing values ​playpen the N-deficient culture, the greater is the aftermath of the method. This after-effect

crap in the same order of magnitude as in this experiment before (20% of the total is thus apparently due to a better N supply in the soil, which regularly receive

nitrogen in the entry year and 10% the following year, Sinai; et al. 2009). In this organic fertilizer. This is consistent with the previous results that showed all

experiment, the manure was degraded more slowly than suggested in the basis for positive organic fertilizer fertilizer values ​in the year following the entry. The

fertilization in agriculture (45% of the total nitrogen in the entry year and 5% in the increased supply of N could be due mainly to a stronger mineralization with better

following year, Sinai; et al. 2009). The slurries can apparently reduce poor in this OS providing these soils (Malta et al. 2011). The aftermath of the sub-process (B, C

experiment. However would require their organic substance a qualitative analysis. and D) was the average of the process in 2003 and 2004 studied (Tab. 3). The

Today in the nitrogen fertilization norms of the fertilizer value of manure is two yields do not differ significantly from the various sub-processes, but tend to

years after the entry no longer considered (Sinai; et al. 2009). These results and participate with the previous nitrogen fertilization to (Tab. 3). This can be revealed

those of Malta et al. ( 2011b) show that the fertilizer value of the manure and the by the positive effect of nitrogen fertilizer dose on the OS content of the soil

manure is high two years after the entry yet and should be taken into account. explain (Malta et al. 2011).

Mineral nitrogen content

aftereffect The mineral nitrogen content in the first 90 centimeters of soil (Nmin) in 2009 was

In the years 2003 and 2004 organic material was supplied at no procedure which measured before sowing and after the spring oat crop (Tab. 4). The straw of the
allows an estimation of the method aftermath. These were tested at supposedly preceding culture (oilseed rape) was incorporated in all procedures; in the GD
undersupplied with nitrogen cultures, namely in the sub-method A without nitrogen method, a mustard green manure before the oat culture was inserted and
and the average of subprocess B, C and D, where each 2003 30 kg N ha- 1 and discharged no manure (dung or manure). Manure were, however, supplied in 2008
2004 each 40 kg N ha- 1 Mi35, MI70 and Gü60. In all methods, the Nmin in the C sub-processes have been

where all 90 kg N ha-1 was fed, is measured.

(Tab. 2) were fed. When nitrogen deficiency, have all procedures with regular

organic fertilizer higher yields than the control minD (Tab. 2). The after-effect is

pronounced as in the sub-process B, C and D, 30 to 40 kg N in the A sub-method

without nitrogen HA 1 received. This means that the larger Before sowing and after harvest the Nmin of the straw method differ little

from those in the minD method (Tab. 4), with the weak Fertilizers

Agricultural Research Switzerland 3 (3): 156-163, 2012 161

Crop | Yield and nitrogen fertilization in crop production: Long-term effect of organic fertilizers

matches worth of grain straw, which was observed in the year after the discharge • • At N deficiency in cultures all organic fertilizers have a positive impact on

(Fig. 2a). earnings. This could be attributed to a better nitrogen supply in this OS richer

The GD method has a negative effect before sowing on the N min (Tab. 4) soils.

out. So unfertilized mustard takes actually to nitrogen, which is then no longer

available for the following crop. • • The mustard green manures without N fertilization increased the nitrogen
fertilizer demand in the destruction (by 27 kg N ha- 1) and lowers them (in the

The highest Nmin values ​before sowing in the methods of farmyard manure following year at 7 kg N ha- 1). If the green manure 60 kg N ha- 1

(Mi35, MI70 and Gü60; Tab. 4) was observed. These values ​could (on the strong

mineralization of soil OM Malta et al. 2012) associated with the mineralization offset, the needs for the next culture in the destruction and (in the following

based fresh, supplied in the previous year OM. However, the strong mineralization year to 20 resp. 17 kg decreased HA N 1).

in this process also takes after harvest higher Minn after it. In the methods of solid

and liquid manure the nitrogen Auswaschungsrisiko after harvesting is thus higher • • The fertilizer value of crop straw is both the year of incorporation (-3 kg N ha- 1)

if their effects in the calculation of the NF are not considered. as in the following year (+3 kg N ha- 1) negligible.

• • Solid and liquid manure clearly positive fertilizing values ​in the three years after

the entry. The current supplied by the manure nitrogen is equivalent to 16, 8

and 5% is supplied in the entry year, respectively one and two years later, of the

total nitrogen. For slurry these values ​reach 37, 18 and 10% respectively. If

these values ​fertilizer not considered in the calculation of nitrogen fertilization,

Conclusions the mineral nitrogen content at harvest and thus the Auswaschungsrisiko


• • For non-limiting nitrogen fertilization, the effects of organic fertilizer on the grain

yield of cultures are different. In the year of entry, and in the subsequent years

of income by the administration of manure, litter or manure higher (an average n

of + 0.4 to + 2.2%) is, however, lower (by the insertion of mustard green

fertilizers and systematic return of the cereal straw -3.6 respectively.

- 4.7%).

literature ▪ Malta A., H. Oberholzer, Charles R. & S. Sinaj, 2012. Long-term effects of organic
▪ Charles R., Cholley E., free P & Mascher F., 2011. diseases in winter wheat Influence of fertilizers on soil properties. Agricultural Research Switzerland 3 ( 3), 148-155.
the production system and the impact on yield.
Agricultural Research Switzerland (2 6), 264-271. ▪ Marschner H., 1995. Mineral nutrition of higher plants. (Ed., Academic Press). Harcourt

▪ COMIFER, 2011. Calcul de la fertilization azotée. Guide méthodologique pour Brace & compagny Publishers, London. 889 S.

l'établissement of prescriptions locales. Cultures annuelles et prairies. Comifer. 91 p. ▪ Sinaj S., W. Richner, Flisch R. & Charles R., 2009. Données de base pour la fumure des

grandes cultures et des herbages (DBF-GCH). Revue suisse d'Agriculture (41 1), 1-98.

▪ Duval J., 1996. Effet of crucifères sur les cultures qui suivent. Access: - 04.htm. ▪ Stations de recherche ART & ACW, 2011. Méthodes de référence of the stations de recherche

▪ Lal R., 2009. Challenges and opportunities in soil organic matter research. European Agroscope ed.. Agroscope. Zurich-Reckenholz. Vol. 1 | 30

Journal of Soil Sciences 60 158-169. p.

▪ Lecomte R., 1980. The influence of agronomic application of slurry on the yield and ▪ Su YZ, Wang F., Suo DR, Zhang ZH &. You MW, 2006. Long term effect of fertilizer and
composition of arable crops and grassland and on changes in soils properties. In: Effluents manure application on soil carbon sequestration and soil fertility under wheat-wheat-maize
from Livestock. (Ed. J. Gasser). Applied Science Publishers, London, 139-183. cropping system in Northwest China. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 75, 285-295.

▪ Malta A., Charles R. & S. Sinaj, 2011. Soil fertility and crop productivity: medium-term ▪ Zhang H., Xu M. & F. Zhang, 2009. Long-term effects of manure application on grain
effects of organic items and a conservation tillage. Agricultural Research Switzerland (2 3), yield under different cropping systems and ecological conditions in China. J. Agri. Sci. 147 31-42.

162 Agricultural Research Switzerland 3 (3): 156-163, 2012

Yield and nitrogen fertilization in crop production: Long-term effect of organic fertilizers | Crop

Effetti a lungo termine dei fertilizzanti organici sulla resa e la Long-term effect of organic fertilizers on crop yield and

concimazione azotata delle colture nitrogen fertilization


Consequences of the use of different organic fertilizers (green

Dal 1976a Changins- sono le testate conseguenze dell'Uso di manure, cereal straw, manure at 35 and 70 t ha- 1 every 3 years

diversi fertilizzanti organici (senape as sovescio, Paglia di and cattle slurry at 60 m 3 Ha- 1 every 3 years) and mineral

cereali, 35 e 70 t ha- 1 di ogni 3 anni e letame 60 m 3 Ha- 1 di ogni fertilizer (four doses nitrogen) are tested in Changins since

liquame 3 anni). Questo studio analizza i loro effetti a lungo 1976. This study analyzes the long-term effect (34 years) on

termine (34 anni) sulla resa delle colture, il Bisogno di crop yield, the need for nitrogen fertilizer and the stock of

concimazione azotata e lo stock d'azoto (N) minerals nel mineral nitrogen (N) the soil. When N is not limiting, organic

suolo. fertilizers have different effects on grain yield. The year of

organic input and the Subsequent years, manure and slurry

increase yields Compared to the control without organic

Quando N non è limit ante, i fertilizzanti organici producono fertilizer, while green manure and systematic restitution of the

degli effetti contrastati sulla resa in semi delle colture. cereal straw decrease it. HOWEVER, on average over the past

Nell'anno dell'apporto organico e negli anni successivi, 34 years, thesis effects remain weak. On the contrary, When

letame e liquame aumentano la resa delle colture rispetto al nitrogen is limiting, all forms of organic fertilizers have a

testimone senza fertilizzante organico, mentre l'Inclusione di positive long term effect on crop yields. The direct effect of

sovescio e la restituzione Sistematica di paglia di cereali la organic fertilizer (first year of field application) may be

diminuisce. positive or negative. The non fertilized green manure

Increases the need for nitrogen fertilizer during the year of its

destruction but it Reduces the Following year. When fertilized

Tuttavia, questi effetti, sulla media di questi anni di 34 prove, with 60 kg N ha- 1, it Decreases the need for nitrogen fertilizer

restano deboli. Per contro, quando l'è azoto limit ante, i the year of its destruction as well as the Following year. The

concimi organici raggiungono tutti un effetto positivo fertilizing value of the cereal straw is negligible. Manure and

retroattivo sulla Resa delle colture. L'effetto diretto (nell'anno slurry reduce Significantly the need for N fertilizer on the

dell'apporto) di fertilizzanti organici può essere positivo o three years Following the application. When the fertilizer

negativo. value of manure is not taken into account, the stock of

mineral N in the soil present at harvest what higher in

treatments with manure than in the control without organic

Il sovescio senza di apporto concimi accresce i Bisogni di fertilizer.

fertilizzanti azotati nell'anno della sua distruzione, ma li

riduce l'anno seguente. Quando è con concimato 60 kg N

ha-di 1, riduce i propri Bisogni sia nell'anno della sua

distruzione fino all'anno successivo. Il valore della Paglia

fertilizzante since cereali è insignificante. Nei tre anni

successivi al loro apporto, letame e liquame riducono le

esigenze in fertilizzante N in modo significativo.

Quando il valore del fertilizzante letame non è preso in

considerazione, lo stock di azoto minerale presente al

raccolto risulta più elevato nei procedimenti con letame Key words: crop yield, organic fertilizers, nitrogen

rispetto al controllo senza fertilizzanti organici. fertilization, long-term field experiment.

Agricultural Research Switzerland 3 (3): 156-163, 2012 163

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