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Beyond-the-Basic Productivity Tools (BBPT)

Lesson Idea Name: States of Matter

Content Area: Science
Grade Level(s): 2nd Grade

Content Standard Addressed: S2P1.a Identify the three common states of matter as solid, liquid,
or gas.
Technology Standard Addressed: ISTES-S 3c Students curate information from digital resources using a
variety of tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or

Selected Technology Tool: Inspiration Software

URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☐ Remembering ☐ Understanding ☐ Applying ☒ Analyzing ☐ Evaluating ☐ Creating

Levels of Technology Integration (LoTi Level): (Select the one best level)
☐ Level 1: Awareness ☐ Level 2: Exploration ☒ Level 3: Infusion ☐ Level 4: Integration
☐ Level 5: Expansion ☐ Level 6: Refinement

Universal Design for Learning (UDL): According to Principle II of Universal Design for learning, a student
has different ways that they are able to convey what they know. While many students do not have the
Academic language to say what they know tools like this word map can help a student group items or concepts
together to illustrate their relations. Also, the Inspiration software offers options, like substituting a word with a
picture or simply labeling an item so that a student can demonstrate the knowledge they possess. Students with
executive function disorders tend to struggle with organization, Inspirations word maps give the students
customizable structure to gather and exhibit the knowledge they know.

Lesson idea implementation: The standard requires students to identify the states of matter. In the lesson the
students will have to create a representation of their knowledge on the States of Matter. The lesson will begin
with the States of Matter video on Brainpop. Watching the video would be as a whole group. In three small
groups, each group will be assigned a state of matter. Each group will be responsible for defining their state of
matter, identifying a characteristic of their state of matter and coming up with 10 examples of their state of
matter. The following day the students will share what their groups with the class. Using the inspiration
software, each student will be responsible for making a word/picto map that represents the overall content.
Each student should exhibit each state of matter, it’s definition, and its characteristics.
They will also be responsible for picking three examples from the list of ten and put it into their map. Students
can use pictures or words to illustrate the knowledge they possess. Once the map is created the students will
turn them in for a summative assessment. A completed word/picto map shows that students have a an
understanding of what defines and differentiates the states of matter. To extend this further, the students can
work together to make a single word map that composites all of their knowledge and upload it to the teacher’s
weekly blog.

Reflective Practice: This activity is a summative assessment of what the students would have learned
throughout the unit. To extend, and involve the parents, the students and families can look for an item that can
be categorized in each state of matter at home or in their community throughout the weekend and post to a
discussion or class blog.

Spring 2018_SJB

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