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Lost and found Vocabulary Materials 1 4) Match wordhalvesfrom Aand Band write 3 i4# Complete the sentences with materials. the materials, You can see through las and some plat. 7 tw. onde come om trees ed cat dame pa plas 25 andg are expensive metas 8 3 Wegetl andw. fren anal, board pers tal tc tn 4c ismade of paper 5 Tomalec, objects youneed ahot oven. cardposré 4 e+ Answer the questions in your own words, Do you prefer cotton or woel clothes? Why? preter wool nthe winter because i's warmer Inthe ‘summer, cottons more confortable. 1 When do you use paper plates? 2 | Which material is least likely fr each object? 2 Describe what sin you bag and whatitis made of 3 What ceramic things are therein your home? Extra vocabulary rome 5 Av» The bold words ae in the wrong sentences. ‘a ealacad b leather ¢ cotton d wool ‘Move the words tothe conect sentences. 1 pote late some bad fish. Now miysmell hurts stomach ‘a plastic b cetamic ¢ paper d cotton 1 Hes rare Noone undestandshim. 2 boitie 2 Thatsa nice coin! What ae you cooking? ‘a gkss b paper € plastic d metal 3 spoon 4 These Roman fields ate made of gold a metal b ser € leather d wood 4 This metals strange, soit very valuable, 4 footbat 5 There are lots ofcows inthe stamach tod ‘a leather b rubber € ceramic d plastic 5 watch ‘a gold b metal c rubber d wool Unit 2 Lost ond found Grammar Past continuous 1 shopping /were / wel day yesterday We were shopping 1 having /you were dinner at 8pm? Write the bold wordsin the correct order. cher 2 listening / wasn't lan th 3 were /waiting /they forthe bus 2 4H Complete the past continuous sentences and ‘questions. Whatwere you doingatnine clack? 1 They sleeping They were awake! 2 ie snowing when you gat up? Noi Iwas sunny and diy 3 What Jorge wearing yesterday? 4 yourunning? "Yes we. 5 What cid you say? Som. lsening. 3 48 Lookatthe picture and write questions and short answers. Use the past continuous. ‘At2pm yesterday, ‘theman eat/hislunch asthe man cating hs lunck? Wo, he was’. 1 the gil and the man sit/ona bench 2 the boys/ talk 2 abus/artive 4 sex Answer the questions with your own ideas. Give two answers foreach question, Use affirmative and negative past continuous forms. why didrt you ansnermy Because was watching afl atthe cinema ‘Sorry was’ looking at my phone. 1 What were you doing when t started ining yesterday? 2 What were they doing when you aved atthe party? 3 What was the baby doing at midnight lst night? 4 what were you doing when you met John? Consolidation 5 Choose the conect option, lan | ATY/ ast night when a programme came on about Scrappers Did you seit? lyn No lant Whatare rappers? fan Theyre people who cole), wants and sellit lyn Canyou ely get money forthat? 3n_Itdepends.On the programme, they 2). ‘much money forplstic things. But). Was ‘valuable and not only siver and gold They money for fidgesand ovens, Ceramic things sucha 1... were sometimes valuable ifthey wererare, lyn Hmm | found an od fridge last week while | (5... nthe park Maybe | can salt and make lots of money! ‘A was watching B ‘m watching C were watching 1 Arubbish B rubber stomach 2A notgeting 8 werent getting C werent geting 3 A leather B ceramic C meta B plates 5 A walking 8 mwalking C wasvalking that nobody 4 A coins watches Lostand found Unit 2 1 Vocabulary Containers + Complete the puzzle and find the mystery word. botle bo cup envelope jar packet 1 Wouldyou tkea ... of coffee? 2 Can you get mea .. of pasta fom the shop? 3 This 4 Tokea cofjam fs nearly empty of water with you in case you get thisty. 5 I gave my mum... of chocolates for her bina 6 Have you got an ..?1 need to postaleter The mystery word is 4## Choose the best option. 1 Many cartons / bowls /eans are ceramic. 2 Heres 3 carton / envelope / packet of orange juice 3 Thore'sa ease / packet /bottle of bscults on the table. Help yourselt 4 The sugar isin that olas Jar / ease /tin over there. 5 Ikcep oldlettersina large paper glass /bowl/ envelope 6 Can you get me a cup /glass /box of eggs from the supermarket? ##) Complete the container words. Sony, Late the last packet of crisps 1 Ifyoute cold, why not have ab, soup? 2 Wewanted a quick lunch, so we just opened a t. ‘of beans and heated ther up. ofhot 3 Are you thirsty? Heres ac. ofcola 4 Tdike a largeg of water, please, 5 Icarit nd thee, for this OVD, Unit 2 Lostand found 4. e+ What do you and your family or friends eat land drinkin atypical week? Write sentences using ‘the words inthe box. bots) bowls) boxes) canis), ups) jas) packets) My mum drinks two or three cups of coffee every day. Extra vocabulary 5 ## Complete the text with the words. ‘heetl empty extraordinary full miserable specal = fe ‘Why do we feel cheerful when we eat sweet foods? When were very young, we lear to connect them with 7. ‘eccasions like binhdays ‘We learn that we feel happy when we eat sweet foods and. when there aren't any. ‘There’ anather reason too. In the past, there wasn't much to eat, so humans prefered foods that were a ‘of energy — ke sugar. Iwas dangerous when your stomach was w. This isa problem for modern society. Now itS not) 104at lots of sweet food. Because i's very cheap, we often eat too much, Grammar Past continuous and past simple 1 S589 Choose the correct option. Ge was going to New Yorklast month -rsxotlock this morning, he slept / was sleeping 2 Suddenly, they heard / were hearing 2 oie. 3 There isn't any milk Bid you drink / Were you drinking al” "Yes did was Sort 4 When sav you, waited / was waiting for mybus. 5 Last yea we tied / was trying sking forthe fist time. We were / were being tesible a it 2 “Complete the sentences with the words in imple or past continuous. Lup the sais when he noise. hear / walk) 2 you. lon the sofa when ome? (arrive sleep) 3 While you for the test, cake to cheer you up atudy /make) 4 They bout the neighbours when they loud music at midnight! (play /not think) 51 when you home. (come /not read) 6 Pete the teacher when she him a question. (not listen / ask) to say you were late, ve inner (cook / call 8 he when they his money? (shop / take) 7 When you 3H Write sentences. Use one past simple form and one past continuous form in each sentence. \When you /see/ me I/ have/a coffee When you aw me, Iwas having a coffe. 1 While we /talk someone /call/ my mobile 2 We /play /Tootball/ when / we / break / the window. 3 While Maria / walt /for a tax, /her bus /anve. 4 The police /arive / while / the men / rob /the bank. 4 wee Correct the mistakes inthe sentences, | was walking along the rver when Iwas seeing a fish jump into the a. [was walking along the river when I saw afih jump into the ar The children was playing in the park at nine clock this morning. Ididet stem to music at nine oclock ast night. was watching TV. lzzyhad breakfast when her parents told her the good news x 4 Mybrother was playing on his computer when suddenly the screen was going black. X Did you sleep when Iwas calling you? x {6 When you was walking to school this morning, we was waking the dog. X Consolidation 5 Choose the correct option. When larved home yesterday evening, my parents prepared ere pep 2 ot We vhome lt! the sai Your dirs the ide! The at 350) empty /extrardinary ar ark. 95 aly hungry, 5012 went / was going ino te kitchen. Inthe doe there was lass / bowl of cos spaghetti Ugh! ate was eating bscuts froma big. packet envelope wen sudden ‘heard washeating 3rd nase Who's there? | shouted /was shouting into she darkness lostand found Unit 2 | ny tae at #2 mn sift SH IS ‘A. When sat down in my favourite café last week | was having a realy bad day and was feeling tribe. | wasn't expecting to receive an extraordinary ait but that’ what happened! [ASL was wating for my coffe, | was ooking around the café. noticed a plastic bag under the table next to mine. opened it and found a book. Inside it was a ‘number and a message [tinvited me to take the book home, enjoy tand then ppassiton toa stranger. This was aBookCrossing book! ‘American Fon Hornbaker started the idea of ookCrossng in 200), He'released some of his favourtte books in public places. Each one had its own special ‘number. On his BookCrossing website, people who caught the books could record how they travelled across the world. 8y 2003, aver 100,000 people were ‘members ofthis world brary “Today, around two milion BookCrossing members enjoy shang over ten milion books international. Last week, became one of ther, 14 Read the text Tick (V) the mainideaineach 3k Answer the questions in your own words. paragraph. Write complete sentences. A.1 how the writer was feeling How was the writer feeling when she went to 2 how the writer gota present the café? B 1 what the present was ‘The writer was feeling realy bad when she went to 2 where the present was, the-cate. C1 the life of Ron Hombaker 11 What was the author doing as she was waiting for 2 the idea of BookCrossing her drink to arrive? D1 why the writers a member 2- membership today 2 What cid the writer find inside the book? 2H Read the text again. Write true (7), false (F) or doesn't say (05). The writer was surprised to find the book. T 1 Finding the book changed how the writer was feeling. 2 Tewesowatheboskennevasctkha gym acess hve mes hen? 3 In BookCrossing, what is'eleasing'a book? 3 The message wasin the front ofthe book 4 There are mote BookCrossing books than BookCrossing members '5 How many people were using the BookCrossing 5 The witer read the book and gave it to someone she ‘website two years after stated? didnithnow. a vit 2 bandos Writing A thank-you note 3 Tick(V) the things that Cathy mentions inher note Then number them in order. There are two things (apostrophes) that she doesn't mention. 1 choose the correct option A Thefirsned website Nina Theselitie ceramic BASS platessoreprety! 8 Arequestformore help. ‘ve they (your's yours? Ted No.they viaren't/arent Nina Ohi 0) Whose / Who's ae they, then? C Why her parents didi help 1D What happened after Rob helped her E Whyshe'ssaying hankyouto Rob. YT Ted) Mike / Mike's cl Toms Toms mum F Her homework this week brought them. She made those litle Future onine poets (6 cakes /eakes on the plates 100, om pose Nina Very rice! 718 tts OK to havea cake, Writing task ‘nism fist i? Ted Yes of couse itis oy Theyre /They'e for 4 Write anote to thank someone for something they everyone! did for you, Use the model text and the writing guide to help you. 2 Read Cathy's note. Whats the purpose oft? TE Say what you are thanking the person Paragraph jor and why it was important Pena: Rss. Paragraph 2 Give some persona details news isk «area Paragraph’ Wit closing sentence “Thank you so much for helping , ICT homemork last meek. U as having big -protlems with it, and Mam and Dad dont =, ten anything about computers, 91 eally ‘Use the past simple for completed actions seeded your help inthepast 1s finally finished and it looks Use the past continous for action in progress My website's finally finished amd it t putas eatin ito my ay te inthepast. Med teacher was watching —and she [ove itl She wants to we some of your ides forthe Jehol mebsite! Now Um planing fe start 9 toon lag tv. 10 Like to use yours to help me arith the sign. I hape Avnty Janet’ feeling beter Say hello to her from me. Ln, Cathy Use apostrophes for possession and contractions. ovarian ne 2 4 Self-evaluation Do the exercises and tick the boxes for your own evaluation, “44 Hhnow tise How most this Vocabulary Materials 1 Complete the materials. Dont wear that cotton coat today. I's too cold Have youget one made of woo! 1 tsalovely able made of dak brown w. 2 Wedontuse plates atthe beach 3 tm making a sgn Is there any c that! 4 Doyou lke my warm i the winter boots? Theyie very Containers 2 Complete the dialogue withthe words. could o this beter Wineedio susythisagan Extra vocabulary 3 Choose the corect option, ‘Who drankal ofthe orange juice? This carton is tuners 1 itor sis miserable eer hee sun ‘ine He esounne ete 2 When the ship hit the eeberg / luggage, ofthe passengers ran ta the wreck / lifeboats 3 This gold rubbish /eoin i fiom Ancient Greece I's ‘ecy Fare /strange = there aeet many io the word 4 Aways ake your luggage /uggages with you. 5 Have you goto stomach / tool for opening bots? ed Grammar Past continuous 4 Underline the mistakes and corec them. bow! emloe jar padet tin Uz —_1mgoing shopping later What do we need? Joe Letssee./An packet of pasta please And can you get aig) of svawberty jam? Geta/an.a. (of tomatoes to, and imake some soup, Liz Good idea Idle a/an 3) of temato soup forkinch Is that everthing? Joe On!imwrting letter need a/an @, fortt.Can you buy some cf those too? Thanks Le! a Unit 2 ostand ound Iwas haveing a shower at seven this morning ving 1 Was they wating fortheirbus? 2 Javier as writing an email to his best frend, 3 "Were you watching the fl?” No, we dt 4 Sony cit see you atthe weekend. vsitng my ‘randparents 5 What you were doing at five otlock yesterday? 6 The children was paying in the parkwhen i sated tosain, Past cont uous and past simple Practical English 5 Complete the sentences, Use the past simple or the past continuous form ofthe verbs parle os i poowen Yonica | got(get your text masage wile was watching © Match 1-5 responses A-F afi Host ny walt lst weck, 1 when ne arive} tthe hotel thay 1 What elour st? wee ceening ou room 2 What dest ok tke? 2 Aswas tying study, the baby. (3 Wratsemade of 3 vee (buy) books, we saw ou ee 5 bitany ofthese? 4 Tthink nas walking inthe park when a (drop) my watet ‘A Yes! Thats Thankyou! 5 Dad was reading the map as Mum 8B les smallandit's quite old (orive) tes Jones one 6 My sister was watching TV ast (do)my Leather. homework E Wes white and blue ~ dark lve. PP WF oe Be reetnomnheryutan ayyoy Cumulative review Units 1-2 7 Choose the correct option, ow doyeu fel fa fend Ba sce n your ea? For most of sharing saomsiea (0) pv end ut hat about the of varge? Fazer sear ol Noel this subj ven she a, The Secrets Wal pec at her sc Nota as thisking about seresassbe)__herblog one day She ad ani: askstudens ate school mie th onapiece of) __ and atachittoa wali chel conic, Seen, hundec facets), __anirg Alot of sucents shout schol elated e's copying re rend hom foreraple Some secrets were chee and made Nota?) Oihes wer fom people who were lonely angry ore bye) next toagi onthe bus evry ay and dds now how ttl here ied he Thanks The Sc neva 0), t2 lam that se kd him tela hang sen good ea Noda A shouts B whispers C cies 6 Avting —Bwited wrote TA special 8 rare 7A laugh B seal drop 2A vasstaring B stared BA miserable B energetic C calm 3 Aiswiting —B witing ——«C wasting A sat. Bek cow 4 A cotter 8 meta paper 10 A scared B surprised —¢ angry 5A vere 8 ais c eee 4

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