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EDUC 3601 Music C&I Griffioen/2018

Professional Growth Plan

Name: Tony Zappone

Semester: PS2
School Year: 2017-2018

Goal 1- Improve management of classes during work periods.

Strategies Indicators and Measures of
-Give students expectations and Achievement
consequences for work/practice time -Classes stay on task and do not get
beforehand progressively noisy
-Circulate classroom regularly to check in -No need to check in with whole class to
with students regain control
-Reward good behavior
Time Line Resources
-Expectations should be set and followed by
the end of PS2
1. How successful was my development of this goal?

Throughout my time in this semester, management styles varied. Not only between
grades, but individual classes. I was able to experiment with management strategies with
one grade and try them in another. Being that I saw every class, multiple strategies were
ran through to find what worked and what didn’t.

2. What resources were most effective for my development?

By far the best resources for management strategies came from my teaching associate.
They were there to bounce ideas off, and to make recommendations if I became stuck in a
rut. Observing other classes also gave me an insight at what worked with certain classes
when they were in specific environments.

3. If I approached this differently in the future, I would…

Go into practicum with specific behavior expectations made. Not just for music, but other
subjects. Management strategies can vary depending on the class; physical education class
will have different expectations than math.

Goal 2 Creating a variety of frequent, consistent formative assessments

Strategies Indicators and Measures of
-Use multiple strategies for assessing such as Achievement
self-assessment, note taking, polls -Solid evidence of each students’
-Take notes on specific students each day. progression of learning
-Able to see where specific students are
having specific troubles.
EDUC 3601 Music C&I Griffioen/2018

Time Line Resources

-This goal should be sufficient at the end of -Alberta Program of study with
my units taught, and clear by the end of PS2 achievement indicators
-I can statements
1. How successful was my development of this goal?

Though there was development of this goal, I feel more could have been done reflecting
back on it. Though formative assessments were successful, more opportunities would be
essential during class time.

2. What resources were most effective for my development?

The Alberta Program of Study for each subject was my largest asset. Knowing SLO’s and
SLE’s like the back of my hand aided in effective assessment.

3. If I approached this differently in the future, I would…

Plan at least one assessment per lesson, regardless of how many outcomes are covered in
that class.

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