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Installed Gephi - 0.9.2 and the latest version of Java, the Java 8 –(jre1.8.0_161).
I still can't launch Gephi and it prompts the message “Unable to find java 1.8 or higher”,
every time I try to do so.

Version used: Gephi 0.9.2

Java version: 8
Operating System: Windows 10 - Home,
Any help?

I was able to get it to work. So, I can verify that you have to add the line
jdkhome="C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jre1.8.0_161"
to the gephi.conf file, which you will find in C:\Program Files\Gephi-0.9.2\etc

You open and edit the gephi.conf file with notepad and after the changes, you save it..

However, I had some trouble with exactly WHERE to put it. As someone very new to this, I'll
describe all the steps I went through. Hopefully it will save you some trouble.

First of all, when I open the gephi.conf in Notepad, the whole file is in one long line.
Something like this:

#${HOME} will be replaced by user home directory according to platform

default_mac_userdir="${HOME}/Library/Application Support/${APPNAME}/0.9.2/dev" #
options used by the launcher by default, can be overridden by explicit # command line
switches default_options="--branding gephi -J-Xms64m -J-Xmx512m -J-Xverify:none -J-
Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -J-Dsun.awt.noerasebackground=true -J-
Dnetbeans.indexing.noFileRefresh=true -J-Dplugin.manager.check.interval=EVERY_DAY" #
for development purposes you may wish to append: -J-Dnetbeans.logger.console=true -J-ea
# default location of JDK/JRE, can be overridden by using --jdkhome
switch jdkhome="\path\here" # clusters' paths separated by path.separator (semicolon on
Windows, colon on Unices) #extra_clusters=

Without the correct format, it's not clear when a comment ends or begins. So I decided to
add the reference to java at the beginning. Like this:

jdkhome="C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jre1.8.0_161" # ${HOME} will be replaced by user

home directory according to platform default_userdir="${HOME}/.${APPNAME}/0.9.2/dev"
default_mac_userdir="${HOME}/Library/Application Support/${APPNAME}/0.9.2/dev"

And then I tried to open gephi again. And I got the message that they could not find the java
file in "C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jre1.8.0_161" # ${HOME}

Which means that somehow this ${HOME} was not commented out correctly.
When I added the correct spacing:
jdkhome="C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jre1.8.0_161"
#${HOME} will be replaced by user home directory according to platform
default_mac_userdir="${HOME}/Library/Application Support/${APPNAME}/0.9.2/dev"

Then everything worked perfectly...

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