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Post Science Lesson Reflection

Lesson unit/page Student teacher

To investigate living things. Khadija Mohammed

MST/MCT Taira Astab School Al Yasmina School

Class Date
Year 2 Rowling 5th March 2018
Overall aim and context of the lesson:

The aim of this lesson is to make students identify animals in their habitats and also use information they have
gathered to answer a question. In which, students will be conducting a survey about microhabitats in order to find
what kind of minibeasts live there. In addition, this lesson will enable students searching and enquiry skills since
they will be investigating. Also, students will develop their collaboration skills because they will be working in

Choose two aspects from the competency areas to evaluate and discuss (one paragraph each) according to

Firstly, discuss one aspect that YOU feel you did very well. Try to analyze why you think it worked well and
what hints you would share with other teachers about the successful strategy/ resource/activity/management
style etc.

Secondly, elaborate on the aspect identified by YOU that requires attention. Discuss what the problem was, why
it occurred and what action you intend to take to be more successful in the next lesson.

Planning and implementing learning were the most aspects I think that I have succeeded with. I know this
because, all students were excited and engaged throughout the lesson in order to conduct their investigation about
minibeasts who live in microhabitats. In order to hook them at the beginning of the lesson, I asked all of them who
likes spiders and insects and showed them manipulatives of them. This ensured that all students were attentive
throughout the lesson because they were curious about what they will learn and investigate since I attracted them
by showing them spiders and insects. In addition, when I was explaining the concept to the students I ensured to
explain it to them in a fun way in order to avoid boring them and keep them engaged. To elaborate, I explained to
them the meaning of microhabitats and minibeasts by showing them the spiders and insects. Thus, I asked them
their whether those creatures are big or small and do they live in big or small habitats. Such thing ensured that
students are processing the information effectively and all of them were participating when I asked them
questions. Adding to that, they were proposing many examples of minibeasts and microhabitats from their real life
experience. Subsequently, when I checked students work on the three parts of the investigation I noticed that
majority of them acquired the concept well because their drawing, labeling and descriptions were accurate. Such
thing proved to me that my teaching and directing skills are good because students work showed me that they were
on the right track.
In my opinion, I would share with other teachers that planning simple, short and fun lessons are very
important to ensure the lesson success. Also, this would help them with their time management skills in order to
make sure that teachers are covering everything within the topic and they are not rushing their students when
completing their tasks. Moreover, conducting hands on activities and experiments helps and benefits the students
more with processing and understanding the information instead of listening to long lectures.
Whereas, classroom management skills was the most aspect the requires attention and improvement. In
which, throughout this lesson some students were not following the directions and rules. Although, they were
informed at the beginning of the lesson about their classroom rules and the expected behavior they need to
maintain within the lesson. In my opinion, I think that such thing occurred because students were excited to
investigate and explore the microhabitats and minibeasts.
However, this misconception could be enhanced by informing them that students who will not follow the
rules will simply be told that he/she will not be able to do the investigation. However, the will be told that if the
teacher notices that they began to obey her and behave well she will rethink about allowing them to do the
experiment. In such way, the teacher is warning the students and informing them about the consequences behind
their negative behavior in a positive way.

Personal focus for next lesson:

In my future lesson, I will ensure that I improve classroom management skills by warning the students who
are misbehaving and informing them what will be the consequences behind their behavior. Thus, most importantly
is that I take immediate actions because if not, some students might think that I am just warning them and I will
allow them to complete a certain task.

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