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4/21/2018 Assignments - Show

Student: Lauren wu
Clinical Staff: Siva Sekar, Anita Malina-Litkowiec
Site: St. John Macomb Oakland Hospital - Macomb Campus
Evaluation Name: PTH 932 Spring 2018 - Class of 2018
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1.   Professional Practice – Safety

CI Mid-Term — Siva P. Sekar Ms. Wu able to recognizes the physiological and psychological changes in patients and modify the interventions
accordingly 80% of the time for simple condition patients and 60% for complex conditions patients

CI Final — Anita Malina-Litkowiec Lauren uses techniques and handling methods that are safe for the patients and self, applies precautions and
contraindications as needed . Organizes treatment area free of clutter an hazard for patient an self. She utilizes
equipment , tools and assistance of another personnel when need ,to maximize the effectiveness of her

Self +4
CI +1

2.   Professional Practice – Professional Behavior

CI Mid-Term — Siva P. Sekar Ms. Wu is very punctual she is acceptable to the feedback, caring and attentive to the patients needs, she is well
versed in communicating to patients and other staffs in professional manner.

CI Final — Anita Malina-Litkowiec Lauren is dependable and punctual . She initiates the conversation with the CI and others about patient's status,
concerns regarding the safety and treatment ideas if initial plan demanded modifications. Lauren demonstrates
integrity in all situations, manages conflicts in constructive ways. She treats all patients with dignity and respect,
provides modesty and privacy throughout interventions. Lauren maintains productive working relationship with
CI and other team members (nurses, OT, SLP , social worker) as well with her patients and family members.


Professional Self +1
Behavior CI +1

3.   Professional Practice – Accountability

CI Mid-Term — Siva P. Sekar Ms. Wu is very punctual she is acceptable to the feedback, caring and attentive to the patients needs, she is well
versed in communicating to patients and other staffs in professional manner.

CI Final — Anita Malina-Litkowiec Lauren places patient's needs first , by striving to select and to apply the best , evidence base approaches to meet
outcomes. She was always prepared for the individual sessions, in aspect of awareness of the patient's medical
status, changes ,as well as specific , custom made treatment plan .She was abiding to policies and procedures of
the Inpatient Rehab setting as well as federal regulations ( HIPPA, OSHA). 1/7
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Self 0
CI +2

4.   Professional Practice – Communication

CI Mid-Term — Siva P. Sekar Ms. Wu is taking responsibility in her assigned duty and communicates with CI about her findings and clarifies
her doubts. She is well versed in communicating to patients and other staffs in professional manner.

CI Final — Anita Malina-Litkowiec Lauren communicated with patients and other clients in the effective and efficient way; she uses various
communication modes as needed , and modified the context and complexity of her instructions according to the
feedback the recipient. Lauren communicated effectively with other team members including OT , SLP, RN ,
social worker, and physiatrist, during the formal meetings ( rounds) and daily rounds , and incidental
interactions. Lauren listens actively and attentively, provides patients with suffiecient feedback , and redirects as
needed .

Self +2
CI +2

5.   Professional Practice – Cultural Competence

CI Mid-Term — Siva P. Sekar She is very comfortable in handling and taking care of patients with different cultural background. She is very
respectable to their various needs.

CI Final — Anita Malina-Litkowiec Lauren treats all patients with respect and sensitivity to cultural differences, education level , cognitive status,
age . She provides care in non- judgmental manner, and makes and additional effort to customize her
interventions according to patients physical as well as individual preferences.


Cultural Self +2
Competence CI +1

6.   Professional Practice – Professional Development

CI Mid-Term — Siva P. Sekar She is eager to learn new knowledge and open mind for new ideas. Ms. Wu is looking forward to present in-
service in coming week. She took her own interests to initiate Case study and went to observed live Neuro
Spine Surgery during this rotation.

CI Final — Anita Malina-Litkowiec Lauren is eager to grow in Physical Therapy field; she seeks guidance and opportunities for learning
experiences. She is always motivated to apply new methods ,approaches into the practice. Lauren is searching
for evidence based practice , initiates conversation with CI re rationale behind the approach , and proposes new
techniques and approaches to maximize outcomes. Lauren participated in community Parkinson's Support and
Exercise Group, provided an in-service to the therapy staff on the requested topic.


Professional Self +2
Development CI +2

7.   Patient Management – Clinical Reasoning

CI Mid-Term — Siva P. Sekar Ms. Wu demonstrates clinical reasoning skills following the assessment of the patients for 80% of time for
simple surgical/non-surgical patients with CI cueing and 40% of time for complex conditions patients.

CI Final — Anita Malina-Litkowiec 2/7
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While managing therapist's caseload , simple and complex patients, Lauren based her clinical decisions on
findings from medical records, reports from other health professionals ( OT , RN , PA), feedback received from
the patient and caregivers. During the process of selecting therapeutic interventions, Lauren respected patient
values and needs. Lauren assesses patient response to the decision she made, modifies approach accordingly.
Lauren is capable to manage full therapist caseload , consulted CI with difficult and ambiguous situations.

Self +4
Clinical Reasoning
CI +1

8.   Patient Management – Screening

CI Mid-Term — Siva P. Sekar Ms. Wu is able to find the reason for PT referral and also able to recommend other professional secrecies for
patient care after the assessment - example Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and Social Worker and etc.

CI Final — Anita Malina-Litkowiec Lauren was screening patient disposition for the PT interventions by reviewing medical records (electronic,
paper chart), reports from patient and family. She utilizes test and measures to determine the necessary safety
measures to proceed with the single PT sessions.

Self +2
CI 0

9.   Patient Management – Examination

CI Mid-Term — Siva P. Sekar Ms. Wu is keen in performing a thorough examination 80% of the time for simple conditions patients and 60%
of the time for complex conditions patients with CI cueing, but she is able to complete the assessment in a
competent manner.

CI Final — Anita Malina-Litkowiec Lauren performs examinations in the efficient and effective manner ; she conducts tests and measures in the
timely manner, records the findings in the format acceptable by the facility. Tests and measures included , but
were not limited to : skin integrity, sensation, MMT, ROM, gait , balance, assistive devices, cognition, balance ,
coordination, ventilation, circulation. She organizes examination process in the logical, fluent and efficient way.
Lauren utilizes information from the various available sources ( electronic records) , and from the initial
interview with the patient and family/ cargiver . Manages full therapist's caseload, consultation base intervention
with CI to resolve unfamiliar and umbigious situations.

Self +4
CI +1

10.   Patient Management – Evaluation

CI Mid-Term — Siva P. Sekar Ms. Wu is thorough in collecting history from patient, family and data in skillful manner. She is also able to
complete the assessment professionally but need to improve clinical judgments skills.

CI Final — Anita Malina-Litkowiec Lauren bases clinical judgment on data obtained from examination process. Effectively and efficiently , she
identifies impairments , functional limitations , to further reach clinical decisions. Lauren is more confident with
her clinical decisions when managing complex cases, she is capable to manage full therapist caseload in IPR,
with consultation based interventions with CI to solve unfamiliar situations.

Self +4
CI +1 3/7
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11.   Patient Management – Diagnosis and Prognosis

CI Mid-Term — Siva P. Sekar Ms. Wu shows good progress in judging the correct diagnosis but need to improve in judging the patients

CI Final — Anita Malina-Litkowiec Lauren establishes the main diagnosis for Physical Therapy interventions , as well the other factors determining
prognosis as co- morbidities, cultural factors, health behaviors. she is effective and efficient with guiding patient
management - consultation based interventions with CI with unfamiliar complex cases, in areas of patient
discharge prognosis and length of treatment.


Diagnosis and Self +3

Prognosis CI +2

12.   Patient Management – Plan of Care

CI Mid-Term — Siva P. Sekar Ms. Wu is able to create Plan of Care 80% of time with CI cueing for simple conditions patients and 50% of
complex conditions patients, she may need to improve establishing POC based on functional level of patients,
co-morbidities and evidence-based.

CI Final — Anita Malina-Litkowiec Lauren selects goals and functional outcomes that are individualized, specify the time frame, reflect available
resources and family / caregiver support . She selects interventions that are safe, evidence based, and follow
established practices. Lauren reevaluates the effectiveness of the interventions on the daily basis , and during
formal midterm meeting ( rounds). She initiates the need to modify and adjust POC and discharge planning
,consults CI with unfamiliar situations.

Self +2
Plan of Care
CI +2

13.   Patient Management – Procedural Interventions

CI Mid-Term — Siva P. Sekar Ms. Wu is able to perform skilled PT intervention in a competent manner for simple surgical and non-surgical
patients with 20% CI assist (almost independently) and 60% CI assist for complex conditions patients

CI Final — Anita Malina-Litkowiec Lauren is capable to manage full therapist load; she is performing Physical Therapy interventions in the
effective and efficient manner, while managing simple and complex patients. She selects interventions based on
the patients needs and are consistent with plan of care and ultimate functional objectives. Lauren monitors
patient response to delivered treatment and adjusts accordingly. She delivers conventional exercises as well
interventions that required utilization of the equipment ( as Lite Gait system, Moveo Tilt table , Neuro Ifrah
braces and paddles) . Lauren provides rationale to support selection of interventions , consults with CI in
ambiguous situations.


Procedural Self +4
Interventions CI +2

14.   Patient Management – Educational Interventions

CI Mid-Term — Siva P. Sekar Ms. Ws is able to educates the patients / family for patients condition, home exercises, precautions and educates
the patient's family for providing care for the patient in safely manner, but she may need to improve on
educating the patients for their conditions without affecting other professional opinion .

CI Final — Anita Malina-Litkowiec Lauren educates her clients ( patients , family member / caregivers ) effectively and efficiently . She identifies
patient learning style, individual barriers, and delivers intended information using various approaches to reach
the outcome. Lauren performed formal family instructions educating caregivers on the patient progression and 4/7
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barriers . Provided Home Exercise Program , used handouts to review instructions,supported with
demonstration as needed.


Educational Self +2
Interventions CI +3

15.   Patient Management – Documentation

CI Mid-Term — Siva P. Sekar Ms. Wu is able to document very details and professional standard level but she may need to improve her timing

CI Final — Anita Malina-Litkowiec Lauren provides documentation that reflects all aspects of Physical Therapy care : examination, problem list ,
goals and interventions , in the format that is accepted by Inpatient Rehab Department. She produces
documentation that is detailed, reflects delivered care, patient response . Her "assessment" aspect of the notes
provides justification for skilled therapy and provides the sound reflection on the effectiveness of therapeutic
interventions. Lauren improved her time management delivering the documentation, her notes are timely and
concise, but continue to be detailed and accurate.

Self -1
CI +3

16.   Patient Management – Outcomes Assessment

CI Mid-Term — Siva P. Sekar Ms. Wu is able to able to examine the patients in a technically competent manner and able to analyzes data from
specific outcomes measures but she may need to improve in selecting outcomes measures based on evidence
based practice.

CI Final — Anita Malina-Litkowiec Lauren assesses patient response to delivered interventions, on the daily, and periodically basis. She is analyzing
functional outcomes and modifies accordingly to improve effectiveness of interventions in the functional
measures . Capable to manage full therapist load, consults with CI in unfamiliar and ambiguous situations.


Outcomes Self +4
Assessment CI +3

17.   Patient Management – Financial Resources

CI Mid-Term — Siva P. Sekar Ms. Wu able to bill the patient appropriately and timely manner for various insurance coverage, but she may
need to improve various insurance guidelines for Physical Therapy coverage

CI Final — Anita Malina-Litkowiec Lauren provides clinical documentation in the timely manner. She uses time allotted for Physical Therapy
interventions efficiently, utilized various methods and equipment to maximize outcomes. Adheres to 3 hour rule
in Inpatient Rehab setting. She submits accurate billing charges on time, independently assesses FIM scores.
Lauren utilizes space, equipment and time to maximize effectiveness of Physical Therapy interventions.


Financial Self +3
Resources CI +3

18.   Patient Management – Direction and Supervision of Personnel 5/7
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CI Mid-Term — Siva P. Sekar Ms. Wu able to provide details information and recommendation to patient and their family based on her
examination and findings for non complex patient without CI assist but she require 40% to 60% CI assist for
complex and challenged patient. She is also able to demonstrate discus about POC and her recommendations to
her subordinates and CI in details /professional manner

CI Final — Anita Malina-Litkowiec Lauren delegates tasks to Rehab Aids , following legal guidelines; she was using appropriate instructions
clarifying the expectations, and monitored aid's performance accordingly. Lauren had a limited opportunity to
mentor and monitor PTA, she evaluated the patient for PTA, and reviewed findings , problems , goals and
treatment ideas while transitioning the care. Lauren demonstrates the respect for the supportive staff and
developed healthy work relationship.


Supervision of Self +5
Personnel CI +2

19.   Summative Comments / Caseload / Days Absent

Areas of Strength

CI Mid-Term — Siva P. Sekar Ms. Laren Wu is highly flexible, accountable and adopts our schedule very well and eager to learn, she is
demonstrates high standard of theoretical knowledge, professionalism and communication skills and also safety
for our patients. She demonstrates patient exams in a technically competent manner and select appropriate
interventions to the diagnosis and POC for simple condition patients

CI Final — Anita Malina-Litkowiec Lauren is very professional and dependable. She is striving for high standard of delivered care, not afraid to try
new methods and approaches . Provides detailed documentation reflecting skilled therapeutic interventions .
Lauren has good communication skills and develops productive work relationships with her patients and other
team members. She adjusts easily, is eager to learn. Lauren is ready to practice as physical therapist , my
recommendation would be to have a designated mentor during an orientation process to consult and reassure the
management of the complex patients and ambiguous situations.

Areas for Further Development

CI Mid-Term — Siva P. Sekar Ms. Wu may need to improve selecting relevant examination procedures, efficiency of exam the patient with
complex conditions and differential diagnosis skills and also timing skills as entry level therapist.

CI Final — Anita Malina-Litkowiec Developing the skills to supervise and mentor PTAs.

Caseload/Other Comments
1) What is the full caseload at your clinical site for a new graduate?
2) Considering the rating anchors, what percent of a new graduate caseload is the student capable of managing at this time?
CI Mid-Term — Siva P. Sekar Ms. Wu is able to manage 50% of new graduate case load at this time

CI Final — Anita Malina-Litkowiec 1) 3-4 patients , based on complexity 2) 100 %

CI Final — Anita Malina-Litkowiec Facility with the established system re orientation process, have an access to the mentor for consultations during
1 st month of the employment.

Mid-Term Days Absent CI: 0 days

Final Days Absent CI: 0 days

Reason for Absence 6/7
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Evaluation Sign Off Dates/Times

Self Mid-Term

[CI] Siva P. Sekar - 03/02/18 04:17 PM

[Student] Lauren wu - 02/27/18 08:54 PM

Self Final

[CI] Anita Malina-Litkowiec - 04/20/18 11:48 AM

[Student] Lauren wu - 04/19/18 05:58 PM

CI Mid-Term

[Student] Lauren wu - 03/02/18 04:15 PM

[CI] Siva P. Sekar - 03/02/18 04:00 PM

CI Final

[Student] Lauren wu - 04/20/18 11:48 AM

[CI] Anita Malina-Litkowiec - 04/19/18 11:45 PM

Post-Assessment Comments
Please review this Mid-Term evaluation:

Please review this Final evaluation: 7/7

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