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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate: Kelsie Lee Date: 4/18/2018

Grade and Topic: 2rd Grade Science Length of Lesson: 60 min

Mentor Teacher: Cornelius School: U of Memphis


 How are mammals and birds similar; how are they different?
● Given a description of an animal, the student will be able to identify whether the animal is a mammal or
bird and present facts to justify their classification with 80% accuracy.
● The student is expected to work in groups to research and create a graphic organizer that includes information
about mammals and bird and their characteristics.

 2.LS1: From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes 2) Obtain and communicate information to
classify animals (vertebrates-mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish, invertebrates-insects) based on their
physical characteristics.
 ISTE 3: Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce
creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.
3A. Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for their
intellectual or creative pursuits.
 Animal description sheet
 Research question list
 Quiz
 Computer
 Creately software
 Pencil and paper
 Internet access to
 Mammals
 Birds
 Fun bird facts for kids
 Facts about mammals
*kids can also use the search bar in this site to find information on any animal*
 Free photos
 Print resources such as textbook and dictionary
 Students will use the websites above for information and fun facts about mammals and birds and
access to images. Creately will be used to create a graphic organizer that will be printed and
turned in.
● What are the Similarities and differences between mammals and birds (feathers, wings, live and hatched births)
● Academic Language is not addressed in IDT 3600.
● This lesson continues with animals and their habitats and how their characteristics help them survive.
● Subsequent lessons include the study of characteristics of living things.
●I am aware that the lesson will be differentiated for students who did not master the objectives and for
those ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of
this particular lesson.
● Introduction: You are a zoologist, or a person who studies animals. Recently some animals have been
discovered wandering around and they want you to figure out what they are. You are given a description
of what the animal looks like, what it eats, etc. It is your job to find out what the animal is and if it a bird
or mammal. The lead zoologists are trusting you!
For this assignment you will be put into groups of four. The first part, your research, will be done independently.
You will use your description and the websites provided to answer questions about your animal and discover what
it is. Then, you will come back into your groups to create a graphic organizer with all your information. The
graphic organizer will include the names of all four team members, your animals, whether they are birds or
mammals, how do you know, a fun fact about your animal, and a picture. Your group will then share their
descriptions they were given and what they found.
● Procedures:
Activity 1
Prior to the computer
1. The teacher will divide the class into teams of 4 students and distribute a description of an animal,
and a question list to each student.
At the computer
1. The teacher will have the sites bookmarked on each computer.
2. Each student will research their animal descriptions and answer the questions provided.
After individual computer time
1. Students will come together into their groups to discuss what they have found.
2. Teacher will then pass out instructions for creating the graphic organizer
Group computer time
1. Students, in their groups, will pull up Creately bookmarked on the computer.
2. Each student will complete their part of the organizer (Animal, mammal or bird, research that
brought them to that conclusion, fun fact about the animal, and a picture), using Creately.
The graphic organizer should include the following technical requirements in addition to the
required questions.
Title, student name on their portion of the organizer, appropriate color, and font (Times new roman
or Arial) in an easy to read color, little to no grammatical errors.
3. Students will then print their organizer (1 per group) and email it to the teacher.
After group computer time
1. Students will gather their thoughts for presentation of their organizers
2. The teacher will then pull up each group’s organizer on the smart board and have each student share
their initial description and what animal they discovered.
Closure: After the presentation of the graphic organizers, each student will complete multiple choice
quiz on birds and mammals.

● Students will present their graphic organizers and turn them in along with their questions for research
and their matching worksheet.
Team members will receive the same score for their graphic organizer (see rubric below). Students will receive
individual scores for their participation in the presentation and their quiz. The research questions will not be
graded because the same information will be found in the organizer.
Criteria Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
Graphic Organizer - Animal name is At least 3 of 5 At least 2 or 5 topics
Information provided listed. correct topics are are listed. Cool Fact
about topics: Animal, Classification is listed. One Cool may or may not be
Classification (bird or listed. Rational is Fact is listed. listed.
mammal), research provided. One fun
/rational, fun fact, fact is listed
picture (NOTE any
incorrect information
will result in a 0 for this
Graphic Organizer - Graphic organizer Graphic organizer is Graphic organizer is
Organization is well well constructed and not well organized
constructed and easy to understand and is difficult to
easy to but may have understand.
understand with missing some Connecting lines may
appropriate connecting lines, etc. or may not be
connecting lines. present.
Graphic Organizer - Organizer has a Organizer lacks 1 of Organizer lacks 2 or
Appearance title, identifying the following: at more of the
concept shape, least one graphic per following: at least
required font, at topic, a title, one graphic per topic,
least one graphic required font, a title, required font,
for each topic, colorful, identifying colorful, identifying
and is colorful concept shape concept shape
Participation Student Student Student lacked
(Presentation) demonstrated demonstrated knowledge of
knowledge of knowledge but did birds/mammals and
birds or mammals not speak clearly their characteristics.
and their and distinctly.
and spoke clearly,
Quiz Matching activity 6 or more correct Less than 5 correct or
had 8 or more unanswered questions
correct matches
 I am aware that modifications will be made for students who did not master the objectives and for those
ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this
particular lesson.
Animal Descriptions

I have round black spots all over my body. I have 1 to 8 cubs in a litter. My
speed is as fact as a sports car. What am I?

I am the national animal of the United States. I grab fish from the water and
take it to land to eat it. I live where there are tall trees. What am I?

I have a long body and large head. I can swim underwater. I have webbed feet.
I am unlike most of my kind. What am I?

I can consume around 350 pounds of food a day. I am an herbivore. I litter 1

calf in 5 years. What am I?

My favorite food is a yellow fruit. I reproduce very similar to humans. I am

very intelligent. What am I?

I am very small, about 3-5 inches long. I lay the smallest egg of my kind. My
speed is around 34 mph. What am I?
Research questions Name:____________________________

1. Description of animal given (copy the description of your animal):


2. Before you do any research, what do you think your animal is? And do you think it is a bird or a mammal?


3. List your research here. What information did you find about your animal? Include URL








4. What is your animal? How do you know? Provide reasons why your animal is a mammal or bird.




5. Write at least one fun fact you found about your animal.


Mammals and birds quiz Name:________________________________________

1. What type of animal is this?

A. Bird

B. Mammal

2. What type of animal is this?

A. Fish

B. Mammal

3. What type of animal is this?

A. Lion

B. Mammal

4. Birds ____. Circle all right answers.

A. Have two legs

B. Have feathers

C. Give birth to live young

5. All birds can fly True or false?

A. True

B. False

6. Mammals are hatched from eggs. True or False?

A. True

B. False

7. Bats are the only mammal that can fly. True or false?

A. True

B. False

8. Both mammals and birds breathe with lungs? True or False

A. True

B. False

9. Both birds and mammals rely on their mothers to care for them when they are born? True or False.

A. True

B. False

10. Why do birds have feathers? Circle all right answers.

A. To help them fly

B. To keep them warm

C. To look pretty

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