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Student Name ________________________________________________________________ Date


Task: Substance Presentation

4 3 2 1
W–9.6 analyze Clear and Insightful Relevant and Acceptable and Vague and irrelevant
addictions; e.g., research has taken complete research has somewhat relevant research has taken
stages, kinds, and place. Significant taken place. There is a research has taken place. There is little or
resources available to information and solid understanding place. There is a basic no understanding of
treat addictions understanding has been of the risks of the understanding of the the risks of the chosen
X2 provided on the risks of chosen substance. risks of the chosen substance. Students
the chosen substance. Student has provided substance. Student has has provided an
Thorough explanation proficient explanation provided an adequate inadequate
of the short term and of the short term and explanation of the short explanation of the short
long-term effects of long-term effects the and long-term effects and long-term effects
chosen substance. chosen substance. The of the chosen of the chosen
The stages of addiction stages of addiction are substance. The stages substance. The stages
to the substance are sufficiently detailed of addiction are of addiction are very
extensively detailed and appropriate. superficial and is limited and are
and accurate. limited in detail. inaccurately
W–9.8 develop 3 or more thoughtful 3 convincing 2 acceptable 1 limited strategy for
strategies to promote strategies for harm strategies for harm strategies for harm harm reduction, risk
harm reduction/risk reduction, risk reduction, risk reduction, risk management, and
management; e.g., management, and management, and management, and staying above the
differentiate between staying above the staying above the staying above the influence have been
choosing personal influence have been influence have been influence have been delivered with
challenges or acting clearly successfully slightly effective and insufficient detail
impulsively, communicated and communicated and basic. and is incomplete.
encourage others to elaborated upon appropriately
evaluate risks effectively. delivered.
Research is diverse Research is evident Research is adequate Research is
W–9.10 assess the and from reputable and from reasonable and from suitable inadequate and from
quality and reliability sources. At least 5 sources. At least 4 sources. At least 3 inappropriate
of health sources have been sources have been sources have been sources. Less than 3
information provided identified and used in identified and used in identified and used in sources have been
by different sources; the presentation the presentation the presentation identified and used in
e.g., on the Internet effectively. competently. simplistically. the presentation
Group Evaluation- Student clearly Student reasonably Student adequately Student did very
Based on what your contributed to the contributed to the contributed to the limited contributions
group members felt project and was a project and was a project and was to the project and was
you contriibued to valuable member to successful group slightly effective as a working insufficiently
your group for this their group. member. group member. as a group member.
presentation. Student has handed in Student has handed in Student has handed in Student either did not
their completed group their completed group a mostly completed hand in a group
evaluation. evaluation. group evaluation. evaluation form, or
handed in an
incomplete form.

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