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Effects of Too Much Cellphone Usage to Health of

Junior High School of Liceo de San Pablo

Thesis Presented to:

Mrs. Lilian A. Corales

In partial Fulfillment of the Requirements





Grade 10 - St. Nicholas the Great

March 2018

Chapter 1


Background of the study

Cellphone are also known as car phones. It was originally created so people could

take while they drove. The first cellphones created used to be bulky, cumbersome and

expensive. The first cellphone was Motorola DynaTAC mobile phone and it was

launched on March 6, 1983 where it hits the market at nearly $4000.

In present times, cellphones can be use as an emergency, entertainment, taking

photos and videos and especially it can be a communication instrument. Cellphones have

come to save almost everything like time and energy. You can send and receive

everything with just one press.

On the other hand, there are also bad effects when you get used to it. Too much

usage of cellphones can lead high blood pressure, higher heart rate, fatigue, headache,

numbness or tingling, lowers concentration or in some cases, this can cause tumors that

could lead to death.

Statement of the Problem

This research aims to know the effects of too much exposure to cellphone


Specifically, this study targets to answer the question:

1. What are the bad effects of too much exposure to cellphone to our mental health?

2. What will happen to your body when you get too exposed to it?

3. What’s the health difference between cellphone users and those who are not?

4. Who’s health is better, the one who’s exposed? Or the one who’s not?

5. Will it affect our daily life if we get too exposed?

Theoretical Framework

One study said by Srivastava (2005) “Today’s mobile phone is a pervasive tool. It

has become such an important aspect of a user’s daily life that it has moved from being a

mere ‘technological object’ to a key ‘social object’.”

Another study conducted by Butt and Phillips (2008) “extroverts and perhaps

disagreeable individuals were less likely to value incoming calls”. and “Neurotic,

disagreeable, unconscientious and extroverted spent more time messaging SMS.”

There are Taiwanese University Female students; Hong, Chiu and Huang (2012)

conducted a study that “social extraversion and anxiety have positive effects on mobile

phone addiction, and self-esteem has negative effects on mobile phone addiction.” In

Malaysia, there’s a similar study conducted by Zulkefly and Baharudin (2009) saying

“students were found to spend on average 6 hours daily on their mobiles and USD 18.70

monthly on their mobiles.”

Cellphones truly are pervasive tools in the way that it easily influence other people in

having their own unit. It influences other people and get addicted to it which is probably

the reason or cause of having a bad emotional, mental and physical health. And analyses

showed that students with lower self-esteem and spent more time on the phone were more

likely to be problem phone users.

Conceptual Framework

Process of the Study

The Effects of Too Much
Cellphone Usage to Health

1. Distribution and retrieval

of research survey and
 Background knowledge
of people about cellphones
2. Statistical treatment of
 The influence of
gathered data
Cellphones on the life of
everyone 3. Comparison of data
 Direct and indirect 4. Interpretation of result
effects on:

 Mental health

 Relationship with others

 Decision making

Cellphones can be
useful and fun but when
you become addicted and
get used to it, you should
be ready on what will be
the consequences that you
will encounter.

Significance of the Study

People nowadays are always brings their cellphones with them. Through this

research it will fill their knowledge about their favorite best friend. This can be their

guide on how to take care themselves and people around them. Not just a guide to lead

them take care about, it’s more like an eye-opener and preventing them from the bad side

effects of this kind everyday things.


1. Alternative: They now have learned their lesson on how they are going to use their


Null: They don't care what happens to them

2. Alternative: They will be more aware on how they are going to use their cell


Null: They will not be cautious on how they're going to use their phones

3. Alternative: People will be more a responsible owner since they now know how to

take care of themselves.

Null: Even though they already know how to take care of themselves they will not

follow the right protocol to use cell phones poperly

4. Alternative: All cellphone owners/users will be now more careful since they already

know what could happen to their body.

Null: They will ignore the consequences that could happen them.

Scopes and Limitations of the Study

This study focused on the bad side effects of too much cellphone usage of people.

This could also help and teach them to limit their hours spending staring down at their

glowing screens and living in a fantasy land.

This research is for every people who use their phone every single day.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are provided by the researcher for better understanding.

 Best friend - A person or a thing that is always with them

 Bulky - Large and difficult to carry or store

 Cumbersome - Hard to handle or manage because of size of weight

 Glowing Screens - Gadgets

 Instrument - a tool or device used for particular purpose

 Neurotic - Often or always fearful or worried about something

 Pervasive - Existing everywhere

Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature

Chapter 2.1: Review of Related Legal basis

“To assure safety, the Federal Government requires that cell phones meet radio

frequency (RF) exposure guidelines. If you carry or use your phone in a pants or shirt

pocket or tucked into a bra when the phone is ON and connected to a wireless network,

you may exceed the federal guidelines for exposure to RF radiation. This potential risk is

greater for children. Refer to the instructions in your phone or user manual for

information about how to use your phone safely”. This was the subject of the case,

known as CTIA v. City of Berkeley, pitted two giants of the legal world against one

another. On the side of the plaintiffs is Ted Olson, a former solicitor general under the

George W. Bush administration. Meanwhile, the defendants are armed with former

presidential hopeful and rockstar Harvard law professor Lawrence Lessig. According to

this case people can be exposed to RF radiation which can cause cancer unknowingly.

Radiofrequency energy is a form of electromagnetic radiation. This type of energy has

two categories: first is the non-ionizing which is x-ray, radon and cosmic rays. The

second is ionizing which is radiofrequency, extremely low frequency and power

frequency. Electromagnetic radiation is defined according to its wavelength and

frequency, which is the number of cycles of a wave that pass a reference point per

second. Electromagnetic frequencies are described in units called hertz (Hz). The energy

of radiofrequency is determined by its frequency. Ionizing radiation is high frequency

and therefore has high energy. Then non-ionizing has low frequency and therefore low

energy. The frequency of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation ranges from 30

kilohertz (30 kHz, or 30,000 Hz) to 300 gigahertz (300 GHz, or 300 billion Hz). A human

body cannot absorb all of the energy a mobile device can emit. Absorbing of energy that

is higher than the limit a human body can absorb can increase the risk of having cancer.

Having cancer is dangerous for everyone especially for the young ones who owns mobile


Cancer is not the only negative effects that too much exposure and radiation can

cause. It can also be the reason of malignant (cancerous) brain tumors, such as gliomas,

as well as benign (noncancerous) tumors, such as acousticneuromas (tumors in the cells

of the nerve responsible for hearing), most meningiomas(tumors in the meninges,

membranes that cover and protect the brain and spinal cord), and parotid gland tumors

(tumors in the salivary glands).

Chapter 2.2: Review of Related Literature

“A pooled analysis of two case-control studies conducted in Sweden that reported

statistically significant trends of increasing brain cancer risk for the total amount of cell

phone use and the years of use among people who began using cell phones before age


This article can support our thesis. Since then mobile devices caused cancerous

cells to be aggressive. Most of the young teens those days had hard times because of

radiofrequency energy. Even though there is still no clear evidence that radiation can

cause cancer, the radiofrequency energy that is being emitted can cause carcinogenesis,

which will eventually be formed into a cancer.Even though it may be developed after 20-

25 years, it still is potentially dangerous for everyone who uses phone often.

Children use cellular phones more than adults making kids more vulnerable to

developing cancer. Children are also still in the stage of maturing making them more

vulnerable. Children also has more years of using cellular phones than adults so they

have a higher probability of having cancer.

Chapter 2.3: Review of Related Studies

“72 percent of industry-funded studies have failed to discern any biological effect

from cell phone radiation exposure, whereas 67 percent of independent studies (those not

funded by industry) did find biological effects”.

“For example, by 1990, before there even was a consumer cell phone industry, at

least two dozen epidemiological studies on humans indicated a link between

electromagnetic fields (EMF) and/or radio frequencies (RF) and serious health problems,

including childhood leukemia.And in 1977, there was a Senate hearing on the subject of

radiofrequency radiation and brain tumors. The link between brain cancer and cell phone

use has been a particularly persistent one, and mounting research has only made this

association stronger”.

In this section, it is slightly proven that radio waves dangerous. As the days goes by the

brain caused by cellular phones became higher than its previous rate.

“In May 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the cancer

research arm of the World Health Organization (WHO), declared cell phones a Group 2B

'Possible Carcinogen,' meaning a "possible cancer-causing agent," based on the available


According to Dr. Mercola, In this study, the evidences of the link between cell

phone and cancer risk is strong. And according to IARC Director Christopher Wild “it is

important that additional research be conducted into the long‐term, heavy use of mobile


“Health risks associated with mobile phones use”

“In 2011, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified mobile

phone radiation possibly carcinogenic, means that there “could be some risk” of

carcinogenicity, so additional research into the long-term, heavy use of mobile phones

needs to be conducted”.

This study shows that abusing the use of cellphones might cause carcinogenesis-

also called oncogenesis or tumorigenesis, is the formation of a cancer, whereby

normal cells are transformed into cancer cells.Yet this study still has no clear evidence to

prove that cellular radiation can cause cancer and is still being studied by researchers and


“A study was conducted in and around North-East Kolkata, West Bengal, India to

find out the effect of Electro-Magnetic Radiation emitted by Global System for Mobile

(GSM) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) Mobile Phones on blood pressure,

heart rate, pulse rate, respiration rate and body temperature on 20 healthy people (10 male

and 10 female), age group within 21 to 60 years. In silent and calling mode, rapid and

arrhythmic heart rate, rapid and irregular pulse rate were noted in 5% male in the age

group of 21–40 years after 30 minutes exposure, when handset placed in ear closure to

brain. Same observations were found only in 5%male after 15 minutes exposure and in

5% female &10% male after 30 minutes exposure,when handset placed on chest closure

to heart in the age group of 41–60 years. “

In a study conducted by Rajdeep. The Radiation caused by mobile phones affects

the blood pressure, heart rate, pulse rate, respiration rate and body temperature. He

conducted this study with 20 people as subjects for this study. When the radiation from

the phone was emitted 5% male in the age group of 21-40 years were noted for rapid and

arrhythmic heart rate after 30 minutes of exposure and same goes for the other 5 % males

meaning radiations can affect your health.

Chapter 2.4: Justification of the Present Study

There was this case here in the Philippines that is related to our study regarding

“Prolonged use of gadgets causes seizure in children”. Mikayla, a grade 2 student, was having a

seizure when her mom saw her.According to her mom, Mikayla watches TV or use her

gadget for her everyday activity. She might have absorbed too much radiation to have a

seizure. According to Dr. Tan”prolonged use of gadgets and exposure to television and

computers can contribute much to a child developing seizure”.

The radiation emitted fromwirings in buildings, electrical appliances, power lines,

gadgets and other technologies. This is the reason why we are already prone to seizures,

tumors, brain cancers, high-blood pressure, higher heart rate, fatigue and many more, and

probably death.This is the reason why it is connected to our study. Use of gadgets more

than 2 hours a day is already more than enough.

Chapter 3: Methodology

Chapter 3.1: Research Design

The Research Design used in this study is a descriptive research design. It is

descriptive for it describes the possible effects to a health of a person for using too much

cell phone. Researchers and doctors have been studying if there is really an effect from

the waves that the pone emits. The argument goes radio frequency waves can harm our

body . That’s why we choose to explore about the effect of too much usage of cell phone

because of the danger it can produce us.

Chapter 3.2: Sample

We, researcher choose to use survey questionnaire for the convenience sampling. The

respondents of the study are the selected students in science class in Junior High School

from Liceo de San Pablo. There will be thirty-five (35) respondents and we need to

formulate ten (10) questionnaires in each grade level from Grade 7 to Grade 10.

Respondents will be only special science class students for us to conduct more serious

answers and responses. We are hoping for a great responses and results.

Chapter 3.3: Research Instrument

The researcher did the research instrument by preparing survey questionnaire

and making students answer it. Because it is known to be the easiest way to know the

effects to a human from the respondents or in the Junior High School Students compared

to the other known method. There is a huge number of humans that use their cell phones

everyday without rest. As a result of this, there are effects that can harm us in different

ways. That’s why we conduct survey questionnaire to know the main effect to a human

health and also to remind everyone who abuses the use of cell phones to reduce the time

he or she wastes on this.

Chapter 3.4: Data Gathering Procedure

The list of the students to be surveyed was carried out and from the researcher’s free

time, the survey forms is given to each students. This kind of data collection or survey

process is called one shot survey. The one shot survey is usually known as a type of pre-

experimental design where a single group of test units is exposed to an experimental

treatment and a single measurement is taken afterwards. It only measures the post-test

results and does not use a control group.

The study and the survey use a qualitative research method. Where the

researcher used a survey form to gather the information needed. The Qualitative answer

was categorized and grouped, then the answers that was grouped is tallied and using

graphs was compared. After the comparison the relationship between the answers was

then analyzed by the researcher.

Chapter 4: Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

Figure 1:

less than 1 hour, 5

More than 6
hours, 25 1-3 hours, 15

4-6 hours, 25

This pie graph shows the result of our questionnaire about the time people spend

on using their cellular phones. 5 out of 70 respondents use their cell phones for less than

1 hour a day, 15 out of 70 respondents use their cell phones for 1-3 hours a day, and for

the remaining 50 respondenst, half of them use their cell phones for 4-6 hours while the

other half for more than 6 hours.

Figure 2

, 10

Agree, 29

Neither agree or
Disagree, 31

Out of 70 respondents 29 agreed to the question that they can let the day to just

come without using their cell phones, while 10 of them do disagreed that they can’t have

a day without using their cell phones, and the remaining respondents wasn’t sure if they

can or cannot let the day pass without using their cellular phones.

Figure 3

Disagree, 0

Neither Agree or
Disagre, 21

Agree, 49

49 respondents agreed that cellular is an essential part of their daily life while 21

of them wasn’t really sure if that is or isn’t important of their daily life and none of them

feels that cell phones is not an important part of their daily life.

Figure 4

Purposes, 6


Studies, 24

, 17

23 respondents answered for communication, 17 answered for entertainment, 6

answered for emergency purposes while the remaining 24 answered for studies.

Figure 5

Purposes, 6


Studies, 24

Entertainment, 17

Just like in the previous question, the respondents answered the same things in

this question.

Figure 6

Yes, 33

No, 37

33 respondents answered that they don’t feel any discomfort or pain in their

shoulders or hands while there are 37 of them answered that they sometimes feel this

kind of bad side effect.

Figure 7

No, 29

Yes, 41

41 respondents said that they have felt this tangling sensation on their arms,

shoulders or hand after typing on their smartphones while the other 29 didn’t.

Figure 8

No, 26 Yes, 44 , 23 Eye
, 21

26 of the 70 respondents answered thtat they don’t feel any disorder from using

cellphone. Then the 21 from the 44 that said yes felt eye tension while 23 said that they

are having trouble getting some sleep because of the insomnia that they are already

experiencing from the excessive usage of cellphones.

Figure 9

Out of 70 respondents 38 told that they are not feeling any kind of symptoms

while the remaining others said that they did. 14 of this said that they’re feeling

headaches from a period of time. 7 said that they are feeling fatigued and the remaining

11 said that they being distracted. Totaling them up to 32 respondents are experiencing

from this kind of bad symptoms.

Figure 10

Purpose, 11

n, 20

Studies, 23

Our 70 respondents from the special science sections of Junior High School of

Liceo de San Pablo have 4 different answers as their main purpose of having a cell phone

in them. 20 of them answered that they have cell phone for communication as their

instrument to talk to others. 23 answered that they use this for their studies, searches,

assignments or projects. 16 of them are using cell phones for their self entertainment and

enjoyments. And the remaining 11 students wanted to have a cell phone for in case of

having an emergency.


The respondents think that the benefits they can have from using a cell phone are

mostly for communication and for entertainment. The results of the two are nearly the

same. Emergency and research purposes are also the answers of some of the

respondents. Nearly half the respondents we surveyed answered that they do not feel any

sort of discomfort or pain in their hands, arms and shoulders when using their

smartphones. Most of the respondents answered that most the time they the feeling of

having a headache, distraction, fatigue, inattention, eye tension and insomnia after

prolonged usage of smartphones.

Chapter 5

Summary of Findings

The main idea of our thesis is a negative possibility that can lead in some

serious injuries, accidents or worse, death. Excessive usage of cell phones has effects to

our body. Cell phones emits radiofrequency waves which can cause cancer, brain tumors

and other deadly diseases. Excessive usage of cellular phones can also cause headache,

fatigue, eye tension and other problems. People who use cell phones for more than 3

hours have a higher chance of having these symptoms.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions are drawn:

1. The researchers conclude that the more you use your cell phone the higher the risk of

getting diseases.

2. The researchers conclude that people should lessen their use of cellular phones.

3. The researchers conclude that the radiofrequency waves from cell phones can harm

other people's health.

4.The researchers conclude that being exposed to cell phones can be dangerous.


Based on the findings and conclusions presented, the following recommendations

are suggested:

1. The researchers suggest that people should lessen their time of using their cell phones,

making the maximum amount of time for using it is only 3 hours.

2. The researchers suggest that if a call must be made, use the speakerphone or a wired

headset. When holding the phone against your head for a call you are increasing the amount of

radiation your head will be absorbing.

3. Turn your cell phones to airplane mode when not in use.

4. When sleeping at night make sure that your cell phone is far from where you are


5. When possible you should text rather than calling because the phone is held farther

from the body when texting.


A. Articles

1." Prolonged use of gadgets causes seizure in children "

B. Internet Reference




















C. Legal Basis

1. Berkeley’s cell phone radiation warning law can go into effect, judge rules


Effects of Too Much Cellphone Usage to the Health of

Junior High School of Liceo de San Pablo

by: Aldeone Ceazar C. Pabustan & Xaero Nathaniel B Monpon

G-10 – St. Nicholas the Great


Grade level/Section:

Please spare a few minutes of your valuable time to answer this simple questionnare.Just
put a check (√) and answer it practically.
1. How many hours on average do you use your cell phne a day?

Less than an hour a day

1-3 hours a day
4-6 hours a day
More than 6 hours a day
2. Do you think it is possible for a day to just come without using your phone?

Neither Agree not Disagree
3. Would you classify cell phones as an important part of our daily life? Why?
Neither Agree not Disagree

4. What do you think are the benefits of having a cellular phone with you?

5. For what purpose do you use you smartphones or handleheld devices(HHD) most:
texting, conversation, entertainment?

6. Have you experienced any discomfort or pain in shoulder or hand after prolonged
usage of smartphones/HHDs? Please specify the reason

7. Have you experienced tangling sensation in your arm, shoulder or hand after typing on

8. Have you experienced such symptoms as a headache, fatigue, distraction, inattention

after prolonged usage of smartphones/HHDs? (Prolonged usage is considered more than
two uninterrupted hour of smartphones/HHDs) Please specify the symptons

9. Have you experienced any eye tension or insomnia after using smartphones/HHDs
longer than 2 hours? Please specify the reason.

10. What is your main purpose of having a cell phone around you?


Mr. Crisostomo L. Mapacpac


Dear Sir,

Greetings of peace!

We, the members of group 10 of Grade 10 – Pope St. Nicholas the Great are
going to conduct a survey to students of Grade 7 to Grade 10 science section students.
We will give 10 questionnaires per Grade level for our research entitled “THE EFFECTS
TOO MUCH CELLPHONE USAGE” opinions and responses will be kept confidential
and will only last for 15-20 minutes and would be possible at a time convenient to
availability of the students (e.g. during break time and vacant period). After the data
analysis, you will receive a copy of the summary that will be included in some parts of
our thesis

Thank you for your understanding and support!

Yours truly,

Aldeone Ceazar C. Pabustan


Xaero Nathaniel B. Monpon


Mrs Lilian A. Corales Ms. Emeteria P. Dayan Mrs. Loida H. Dumas

Research Adviser Academic Coordinator Academic Coordinator

Mr. Crisostomo L. Mapacpac




Name: Aldeone Ceazar C. Pabustan


Birthday: February 7, 2002

Gender: Male

Address: Brgy. San Antonio I, San Pablo City

Contact No.: 09201003464

Email Address:

Civil Status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Nationality: Filipino

Parents: Cesar D. Pabustan

Jocelyn C. Pabustan

Educational Attainment

Junior High School

Liceo de San Pablo 2014 - 2018


Name: Xaero Nathaniel B. Monpon


Birthday: August 4, 2001

Gender: Male

Address: Brgy. 1B City Subdivision, San Pablo City

Contact No.: 09293019005


Civil Status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Nationality: Filipino

Parents: Yolvir Monpon

Myra Monpon

Educational Attainment

Junior High School

Liceo de San Pablo 2014 - 2018

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