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 Descriptive Writing

= Have You Ever Seen an Oarfish? =

Humankind has resided on Earth for thousands of years. Though before the 18th century,
scientific progress had a rather slow pace, starting from the 20th century, however, humanity
quickly and dramatically increased the amounts and quality of knowledge about the planet
we live on. Discoveries made about Earth show that it is still full of wonders, despite constant
and persistent research conducted by scientists. One of the biggest mysteries today are
oceans. According to some data, 95% of oceanic depths are still
unexplored (LiveScience). This means there are an unimaginable number of wonders
awaiting to be discovered. A perfect illustration of this thesis is represented by weird
creatures regularly being found or filmed in the oceans across the entire planet. For an
example, one needs to look no further than giant squids, fish-devils, enormous mantas, and
other unique species that most likely had served ancient sailors as sources of inspiration for
their legends about deep sea monsters. One of such creatures is the oarfish, which
could be a prototype for famous sea serpents; one of the largest of its representatives
was found in October, 2013 on the Southern California coast(CNN).

An oarfish is a gigantic and extremely elongated sea creature; its length can reach
about 17 meters long. Presumably, they earned their name due to their length and a slightly
compressed body shape. However, its Latin (and scientific) name, which sounds like
Regalicidae, is translated as “royal” which makes this species a “king” of other fish. Anyways,
it does not mean that all the exemplars of the oarfish are that long; in most cases, their
length varies between 2-4 meters (New World Encyclopedia). Oarfish usually inhabit the
tropics, though they also can be seen in other regions of the world ocean. Besides its length,
oarfish have other curious characteristics. For example, despite its size, oarfish
possesses a surprisingly small mouth with no visible teeth in it. The oarfish does not
have any scales as well. Its color is mostly bluish, which is caused by small crystals of
guanine deposited in the upper layers of its skin. Their flanks and undersides may be
different in color, but in the majority of cases, they are also blue and black (New World

Though in the older times oarfish could most likely inspire sailors to have stories
about gigantic sea serpents, dangerous and carnivorous, oarfish are known to feed
entirely on plankton. It eats small fish, crustaceans, krill, and other smaller prey, which they
strain from the water with their grill rakers. However, there were documented cases when
oarfish ate cnedarian medusa and little squids. It is interesting to know that when oarfish
feed, they usually turn their bodies into a vertical position. An oarfish is a unique and
fascinating creature. Despite its size and feeding requirements, it does not possess a danger
to humans; also, it inhabits deep waters of tropic areas, though sometimes it can be seen
elsewhere. Its longest exemplar was known to reach 17 meters long; in October, 2013, one
that spanned six meters was found in Southern California. Oarfish are a perfect example of
the thesis that we still know little about our planet, especially about our oceans.


Wang, Kevin. “18-foot Oarfish Discovered off Southern California Coast.” CNN. Cable News
Network, 16 Oct. 2013. Web. 16 Oct. 2013.
“Mysteries of the Oceans Remain Vast and Deep.” N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Oct.
2013. <>.

“Oarfish.” New World Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Oct. 2013.


 Definition Essay

Success: The Myth

by Feross Aboukhadijeh, 11th grade

Do you know someone rich and famous? Is he confident, popular, and joyful all of the time the
epitome of mainstream success? Or, on the other hand, is he stressed, having second thoughts
about his life choices, and unsure about the meaning of his life? I am willing to be that it is the
second one. Mainstream marketing and media have effectively brainwashed our society into
accepting a false, even potentially dangerous definition of success. Marketers want us to
believe that having lots of money, living in a big house, and owning all of the latest cars,
fashions, and technology is the key to happiness, and hence, success. This overstated, falsely
advertised myth is hardly ever the case in real life. True success requires respect, appreciation,
integrity, and patience all of which are traits that by human nature are genuinely difficult to
attain, especially in the face of modern marketers who relentlessly deceive us, control our
thoughts, and usurp our independence in order to increase their bottom line.

When a person allows his mind to be restrained by mainstream television, magazines, and the
internet, becoming successful is an impossible task. Fortunately, there is a way to stop this
disgraceful masquerade before all Americans end up deprived of their wool—or worse—sent to
the slaughterhouse. In order to return to the traditional definition of success, Americans must
cast off the lifestyle that they have been force-fed and build a better one! Rather than using
money and popularity as the method to achieve the ever-so elusive success, Americans should
seek simpler, more effective solutions that might not be obvious at first glance. Ralph Waldo
Emerson gave priceless insight when he wrote:
To laugh often and much;
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.
Emerson’s quote provides a paradigm of success—a model to be admired and strived for.
Emerson teaches that learning to appreciate the subtleties in life can make it that much more
enjoyable and interesting. In addition, volunteering time and energy to good causes, like helping
the community, not only benefits others, but brings happiness and satisfaction. Furthermore,
learning how to act respectably and admirably in difficult situations can make life smoother by
helping to avoid unnecessary conflicts and spark lifelong friendships. Moreover, learning
patience and developing leadership skills can help one to gain a better understanding of life,
make well-informed decisions, and form healthy opinions – all of which are essential to
becoming a successful person. In the words of Bill FitzPatrick, founder of the American Success
Institute, a successful person is “strong when toughness is required and, at the same time,
patient when understanding is needed.” It is this kind of sound judgment and reasoning that sets
the exceptionally successful people apart from the mediocre.

At this point, a reader may be thinking “Wow! It takes all that to be truly successful? Maybe I’m
not meant to be successful.” or “This ‘success’ thing is just too much work. Is it worth it?” Well,
to answer these questions in brief: yes. It is not easy to become successful and hardly anyone
is truly successful – but it is a noble goal to strive for. Just like everything else in life, becoming
successful takes practice; no one becomes a success overnight. With courage and hope our
society can forget the marketer’s inadequate definition of success and work to
attain true success by modeling respect, appreciation, integrity, and patience – the keys to
happiness and success.

 Editorial Writing

= Cell Phones in Our Schools =

When you were a kid did you ever have to call your mother and the school
wouldn't let you? Kids today still have to call their mothers sometimes! But they school
won’t let them! Schools have become much more strict about the phones even when its
an emergency sometimes. So that’s why it would be a great thing if schools would let us
have cell phones in school.

Cell phones have been an issue in schools ever since they became a bug thing
amongst teenagers. Sixth grader Amber H. says, “There could be an emergency that no
one knows about and there might not be time to reach a phone!” In a lot of schools
teachers take it to far. They take students cell phones even when they aren't using them
and they are turned off and hidden so that they don't disturb anybody. Teachers
shouldn't be allowed to take cell phones when they aren’t even bothering anyone they
are put on silent and they are hidden from other classmates! Just two years ago in
October a girl took the case to the Supreme Court! She had had her cell phone taken
away. It was in her backpack turned off not disturbing anyone when the teacher saw it
and took it away and she never had it returned to her!

“I wasn’t even using it and the teacher saw it in my backpack and confiscated it!” I
tried to explain that I had to have it for later that day when my practice was over but she
wouldn’t listen!” So many students bring their cell phones to school for reasons like that!
Only to have there teacher confiscate it!

Imagine this….. You live in lower Manhattan and your child goes to school
nearby. It’s September 11th, 2001. You are working quietly and suddenly you hear a
loud bang and look out your window to see the North Tower of the twin towers in
flames! At your child's school they have been alerted. Suddenly the intercom comes and
the principal’s voice blares over the speaker, “Students, get out your cell phones and
call your parents immediately!” They could use the school phones but not only is there a
line to use the phones the first person finds out the lines are dead. Sure they could use
the cell phones that the very few students brought to school but so many students using
five or six cell phones wouldn’t you think that the battery would die out?! How would a
child reach their parents to tell them that they are ok? They can’t!

In emergencies like it is very important to have a way for a child to reach their
parents! Sixth grader Mimi W. says, “We need them in school because if there was an
emergency and we couldn’t use the school phones for one reason or another we could
pull out our cell phones!” Anything can happen in our world today and having a cell
phone with your child at all times could save their life!

Cell phones should be allowed in schools but they’re not! They keep a child in
touch with their parents and are easy to keep up with! They can even save lives! Please
let cell phones be allowed in schools!

 Advertisement
Nescafe. In its printed advertisement the Nescafe Company offers its
exotic Nescafe Cap Colombie. It is full of refinement, tenderness and
attraction for the person looking at it. The web address of the company is
situated at the right corner of the page. The only thing that hands it out is it
white color on a red background. The letters are small and the address
does not catch the viewer’s attention at once. At the same time it is quite
observable and not impossible to find, though not allocated by no means. It
stores the Arabic style of the whole advertisement and seems to be rather
harmonious within the advertisement. Though the address is not very
remarkable the advertisement still makes the viewer come and see that
web site of the company for more exclusive coffee. The message of
tenderness with which the coffee is made can be felt in every detail of the
advertisement. A beautiful body and tender hands holding the Cap
Colombie coffee assure the consumer that the quality of the product will be
the highest possible one. The web site does not lose this atmosphere, but it
also underlines the possibility of uniting people through coffee. It shows the
hands of two people holding a cap of coffee each. The viewer can almost
feel the unity through the unity of tastes, through the unity of making the
right choices - like the right choice of coffee. The web site confirms the
message from traditional advertisement that Nescafe is really the best
coffee company in the world.

The web site distracts form the image on the printed advertisement;
nevertheless it reinforces the desire of the consumer to get acquainted with
other sorts of coffee for making a choice that will emphasize his
 Propaganda
The process of economic development is a multi-sided one and requires a very intense
approach. The well being provided by the economical development has three major goals: life
expectancy, the average income per person, and development of the education. These three
major spheres require a lot of technological progress in order to convert the economy into a
developed one. It is possible to say that economic development is greatly dependent of the
technological progress and as the main development started occurring after the 1950’s this is
the period that should be investigated in a very profound way. The technological progress
leading to the economic development of the post 1950’s time had a pre history in the events of
the 1920-1040’s technological achievements. Dr. DeGregori in his “Origins of the organic
agriculture debate” emphasizes three main progresses of the pre 1950’s period: the biodynamic
farming in 1920’s, the movement of holism in 1926, and the organic farming in the 1940’s. As
professor DeGregori in his work reveals mainly the agricultural side of the economic
development through modern technology it is very hard to underestimate this side because the
life expectancy of a person greatly depend on the food that the person consumes. Dr.
DeGregori continues to underline the meaning of science for the well-being of the population
and in his “Origins of the organic agriculture debate” says: “Many have tried to play the role of
magus or magician…but it is the scientists who delivered”.
All the time starting from the beginning of the 20th century the economic development
and therefore the true well-being of people did not reveal any progress because of the techno-
phobia that appeared in the head of the humanity. It all started with people being against milk
pasteurization and continues in opposing food irradiation nowadays.The World War II greatly
influenced the economic stability of each country. As the Nazis were immensely fascinated by
everything natural it could not leave the world out of this “naturalistic& organic health” influence.
In 1943 they promotion of the chemical-free agricultural goods was immense. All of these
technological changes were simply the re-conditions of the changes that occurred in the 1950’s.
According to Dr. DeGregori’s “Agriculture and modern technology: a defense”, in 1950 28.7% of
children in the countries with a developing economy died before they got to the mark of being
five years old.All of the revolutionary technological advances of 20th century have changed the
life of contemporary people introducing bio-engineered food and tons of arguments around it.
The ability to bio-engineered food created opportunities to grow more food of bigger sizes and
therefore more products started being available. The most important figures that DeGregori
emphasizes is the since the 1950 the quantity of population has even more than doubled,
although 50 million people dies each year. It has been commonly believed after the WWII that
any of the advances that change food or anything natural do truly bring damage to the health of
the human race. Dr. DeGregori in his works shows that different kind of chemicals, including
DDT and other pesticides do not bring the harm they are believed to, but actually prolong the
lifespan of the human beings of the planet.
The economic development since 1950’s has contributed a lot of changes in the modern
life of the society. It has actually improved the quality and standards of life, making the life of
ordinary citizens safer. Though some people nowadays are still afraid of the GMOs, fertilizers
and pesticides without even knowing what those in reality are, still the economic development
provided by technology has converted a human life into a guarded fortress. The economic
development is an essential part of the life of the society of any contemporary country.
Economic development by itself provides the possibility to extend the potential of the country in
terms of education, life expectancy and average income.The importance of the economic
development is dictated by the necessity to make the living standards higher and therefore to
improve the living conditions of million of people. Economic development implies the growth of
the country’s wealth that is designated to improve the well-being of the country’s citizens.Ever
since the 1950’s a lot of changes have occurred in term of economic development, but the most
vital fact is that more people have overcome the poverty line and increased their financial
opportunities. All of these would not be possible without the development of technology. The
modern world is constantly developing and the economic development of every given country
implies the economical development of the humanity in general. So why not to accept the fact
that technology is here to protect us and to give us a better future?

 Analytical Essay
“Death of a salesman”
by Arthur Miller
Arthur Miller’s “Death of a salesman” has more to do with rationality
than with feelings. The play reveals the depth of the analytical mind of
Arthur Miller as he is inventive in his desire to describe the adequate reality
of the characters. As Arthur Miller is way too literal and documental they
play “Death of salesman” appears to be very real with its deep symbolic
The first symbol of the novel is represented by the seeds. Willy
plants the seeds like crazy right before he commits suicide. In such a way
he tries to prove that his whole life had a meaning; that he will leave
something after him so people can remember him. Basically the seeds are
Willy’s traces in this world. Growing vegetable is his last chance to feed the
family and to cultivate something as his cultivation of the American Dream
and Biffs’ cultivation turned out to be a failure. The second symbol of the
play is diamonds. As the diamonds are something that wealthy parents
pass to their children they become a symbol of wealth and the success in
life. Another meaning of diamonds in the play is that after Willy refused to
follow his brother Ben to Alaska diamonds made Ben’s fortune and Willy
resulted to a be an unsuccessful salesman. They become the symbol of the
hopes that never came to life and the missed opportunities. The only
“diamond” that Willy is able to pass to his family after his death is the
insurance that will keep his family up. In other words the American Dream
is the “diamond” that Willy was not capable of gaining throughout his whole
life. Willy creates his own version of this American Dream and truly
believes that he has it all.
The third symbol of the play is Linda’s stockings which are held by
Willy to the Woman. This transfer becomes the symbol of marital infidelity
and Biff loosing trust in his father. Afterwards Willy is always concerned
about Linda wearing new stockings as if it shows the well=being of the
house, the family and marital relations. Linda’s new stocking become the
symbol of the hopes for a better life and a part of Willy’s version of the
American Dream.
It is very hard to underestimate the importance of the symbolism of
the seeds, the diamonds and the stockings for the general concept of
Arthur Miller’s “Death of a salesman”. It is owing to these symbols the
author is able to reveal his message to the reader and show the ill-version
of the American Dream Willy Loman lived.
 Compare & Contrast Essay
"North and South" and "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”
The literature of the Victorian period is the synonymy of oppositions. Some of the oppositions introduced by this
period are to be considered “vital” as they deal with the major human values. The list of the works known to be the
best representations of the Victorian world outlook is very long; nevertheless some works are to be highlighted.
Opposition is the core of Stevenson’s “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”. Its outstanding resolution and the struggle of two
forces has become the embodiment of duality. Another works to mention is Mrs. Gaskell’s “North and South”. Being
based on a contradiction the book’s characters fight within the whole book in order to achieve the balance between
the opposing sides. These two works do not speak only about the duality of the material world but of the spiritual
world, too, which sometimes gives the impression of their insolubility. Both of the books deal with reconciling these
oppositions, and their reconcile turn out to have a lot of common aspects. Being so different from each other, they
therefore become a lot alike, for the message they are carrying is quite the same: a difference of a person from
standard society representatives causes this person incredible sufferings. Both of the books are the fight of
individuality against the society and the norms that it obtrudes but nevertheless there is something more to both of
them… The opposition between the desire to be different and the necessity to be like everybody create a perfect
base for the struggle both in “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” and “North and South”.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Stevenson’s “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” is a creation of the opposition of two spiritual essences. Basically, it goes about
the “mutation” that Dr. Jekyll’s personality goes through. Through the story of Dr. Jekyll the author talks about the
“unrevealed” side of the society. The analysis of the deep context of the book brings the reader to the understanding
that Dr. Jekyll’s duplicity is nothing but the personification of social issues. Everybody sees Dr. Jekyll as a fine
scientist, a rich, respected man. He understands the impossibility to reveal his terrifying and horrible second
personality. Society would not have approved Mr. Hyde, nobody would have loved him. Still, Mr. Hyde is a part of Dr.
Jekyll. And that is the real tragedy. Dr. Jekyll’s attempts to control his “personality conditions” with a special drug is
an attempt to reconcile these two oppositions that live inside of him. “Gentlemen like me have to be very careful of
what we do or say”, says Dr. Jekyll and indeed he is right. The story of Dr. Jekyll is the story of an unsuccessful
attempt to neutralize the opposing sides, as Dr. Jekyll dies. The novel also reveals that the upper society classes do
also have “dark sides” and are not “socially perfect” as it was put in the period of the book creation. No matter what
a person is in his life he still remains a simple human, no matter what a person seems to be – he will still have two
sides of a personality, if he cannot be what he really is: good or bad. The society does not allow it and it produces a
“North and South”
Gaskell’s “North and South” has a lot to do with oppositions, too. The main heroine Margaret Hale has a pattern of
everyday life that she has had while living in Helstone in the south of England. This is s story of the contradictions
that the girl faces as she moves from agrarian Helstone to industrialized Milton. This is the contradiction between the
life that she has known in the South and the life she faces in the North. This is also a fight of the values, which differ
in two different parts of the country. The equality of the South converts into the absence of rights in the North. The
book also opposes two different feelings of the heroine. Belonging to the class of workers she is against their poverty
and the way they are treated at the mill, at the same time she is in love with the owner of the mill. This converts into
the confrontation of two different social classes. The insolubility of all these oppositions makes the heroine want to
come back to the old ways in Helstone. But when she does… She realizes that everything changes and that her way
of life is not the only possible and perfect one. She reconciles the oppositions with the awareness of achieving the
balance through having the ability to help the “poor” people, even now belonging to the upper class. The reader also
faces the opposition of the upper class cruelty and the understanding that there people inside the class that do want
to be equitable.
The nature of tensions of the books
It is not surprising to see that both of the book have common aspects and the primary aspects of course the social
one. The both deal with the basic Victorian “discoveries”.
Stevenson’s: One person, being a solid creature may still have two different parts, two opposite identities, that
struggle for obtaining power over the person. It is the opposition of what a person seems to be, fulfilling the social
norms and what he is in reality.
Gaskell’s: One country, being a solid territory may still have two different and even opposite ways of life, depending
on the part of the country. The “North and South” also symbolizes the opposition of two different classes, belonging
to these two opposing ways of life – the agrarian and the industrial one.
Both of the books are definitely a part of the same society. It is a society in its attempt to reconcile from the
oppositions that are tearing it apart, destroying its essence. These Victorian works are the product of the society
understanding the weakness of its social aspects: class differences, social norms, and its desire to put everything in
abutments, which are “sociable” or in other words acceptable for observing. The society opposes itself in both of the
books. Both of the books are calls for achieving balance and harmony; Victorian calls for changing the perception of
the world.

 Cause & Effect Essay

Myositis, like every other disease brings not only negative emotional sufferings but also
significantly undermine the health of its carrier. This disease is not widespread. What happens
to the organism is that “the immune system chronically inflames the muscle tissue of the body”.
The inflammation does not only touch the muscles fibers but also the skin of the sick person.
Myositis may include such illnesses as: polymyositis, dermatomyositis and inclusion body
Polymyositis is the stage of muscle inflammation and the stage when myositis starts attacking
the skin is called dermatomyositis. The major problem concerning myositis is the difficulty to
determine the irritant triggering such behavior and harmful reaction of the immune system in
each individual situation. If the inflammation happens over and over the muscles of the body
lose their tonus. They become weak, making it very hard to move the parts of the body. It is
not a disease that appears suddenly. The development of the disease is rather slow and that it
why the symptoms do not start to disturb on early phases. Myositis is suffered by the age
categories starting from childhood, between the ages of 5 and 15 and strikes adults between
the ages of 30 and 60. There are also no gender peculiarities, as it touches both men and
Generally speaking myositis is the result of abnormal immune responses on healthy body
tissues, which is exactly what a normal body does in order to fight an illness. The cause of the
disease cannot be determined yet. As myositis attacks muscle fibers the first symptom of this
disease is muscular weakness. This muscular weakness and sometimes pain usually have places
of concentration: shoulders and hips. The early period of myositis with these places of pain
concentration is characterized by troubles to rise from a chair, to lift and arm and even going
upstairs. The organism stands walking a lot by a narrow margin, because it makes the muscle
pain very strong. The patient may experience breath troubles due to the possibility of myositis
to spread to the muscles in the front of the neck and throat and of lungs and chest. A person
with myositis is usually unable to stand for a long time. Muscle swelling is also a symptom of
the disease. The process of the disease progression is usually accompanied by fever. The
progress of the weakness and pain later spreads from the hips and shoulders and attacks the
whole body and the patients may even need a wheel-chair in order to be able to move around.
As it has been mention the cause of myositis is very hard to determine. Hypothyroidism, toxin
exposure, drug reactions and genetic disorders are among the possible reasons of the abnormal
reaction of the immune system. The diagnosis of myositis includes the analysis of the medical
history with all the symptoms the patients has every experienced. There are some tests that
came it easier to determine myositis. They are: creatine kinase, various blood tests and taking
an electromyogram. Along with the blood test, the measurement of muscle patters muscle
biopsy is usually also required to pass. Muscle biopsy analyzes in what way exactly the fibers
are destroyed through a little piece of a muscle taken from the body. The exact area of the
muscular inflammation is calculated with the help of magnetic resonance imaging.
Unfortunately, there is no way to cure myositis. The only way to help a person suffering from
myositis is to weaken the inflammation attacks on the body’s muscles. Nevertheless part or
almost complete remission may be achieved. Various drugs usually suppress the disease,
though these drugs sometimes have side effects. These drugs are called immunosuppresants.
The most common medicament treatments in association with myositis are corticosteroids. They
are used to maintain the immune system on the same level not letting it damage its own
organism. There are also some medicaments as aspirin or ibuprofen, which are used for snap
action relief.Both of them belong to the group of medicaments called NSAIDS (nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs). Aside from the medical treatment another important part of the
myositis treatment is physical exercising along with massaging the “weal areas” with warming
them up. Physiotherapy is often used as a possibility to keep the patients of feet, constantly
moving and able to live a full-fledged life. The last but no the least component of myositis
treatment is rest. A person with myositis must not overload himself with any kind of activity and
take enough time to keep the body vigorous.

 Classification Essay

Assessment is an integral part of clinical psychology. This is primarily due to the fact that
assessment is an evaluation of a person that is suspected of having a disability, which may
even relate to a medically related condition. One of the main priorities of the procedure of
assessment is the evaluation of the person’s capability to perform adaptive behavior. The
inability of a person to do so is often important in such field of assessment as classification of
mental retardation. Assessment is ordinarily conducted in the next spheres: intellect, memory,
language abilities, attention, behavior peculiarities, emotional and social maturity according to
the age, perceptual-motor abilities, and if it is a child, the present academic achievement are
required, too.
Owing to the farsigh of clinical psychology and its implication in different educational
establishments and family centers, the procedure of assessment is often conducted when a
person is still a child in order to identify his eligibility for special educational and care programs.
Assessment, or to understand it better it should be called – individualized evaluation - is the way
to determine whether a person is indeed experiencing difficulties and has disabilities in
cognitional, emotional or other spheres. The aim of assessment is to identification the disability
if it is present and to determine if the person is eligible for special type of development programs
according to his diagnosis. In other words assessment is a procedure conducted in order to
identify the type of the clinical exceptionality of the adult or a child. The result of the correct
assessment procedure should be the choice of the right placement/development program that
will provide the progress of the disabled person in different spheres of his life in term of his
limitations dictated by the “exceptionality”. The procedure of assessment itself is a multiphase
process. It primarily deals with the collection of the information of the assessed person. This
information is collected with the diagnostic and treatment purpose. The primary procedure
includes an interview and also a set of questionnaires. The interview and the questionnaires are
to picture the main area the person has troubles in.
The assessment can be called a “deep research” in the sphere of the suspected disability
including assessment and observational methods. It is important to mention that all the
assessment procedures are made individually and in the manner that is suitable and
understandable for the person. The procedure includes a number of assessment tests chosen
according to the area that is being evaluated. A specialist in the field the test deals with
conducts the given assessment test and controls the ability of the person with suspected
disability to complete it. The procedure involves both psychological and neuropsychological
testing in order to make exact evaluation of the possible disability of the person. As each
disability needs to be treated, the procedure of assessment leads to proper treatment decisions
in order to provide any progress in the sphere of the person’s disability. The procedure of
assessment does not necessarily deal with mentally retarded people, but works in to make sure
the suspected disabilities are not disabilities but difficulties and vice versa.

 Problem – Solution Essay

Joy is the most frequent emotion during the reporting period. Together with Tranquility the form
53% of the emotional conditions experienced by the person. This means that the majority of
time the leading emotions are represented by positive ones. But at the same time situational
emotions easily suppress the leading ones. At the same time the person does not get stuck on
one emotion, which shows the emotional lability of the person. This definitely shows that the
speed of the neural processes is high. Owing to the rapid change of the excitation and braking
in the cortex the emotions can switch very quickly.The interpretation of the mood diary results
reveal the presence of certain physiological and cognitive components of emotions. The diary
shows that every emotion is accompanied by some kind of manifestation. Let us start with the
The component that seems to be the core all the experienced emotions listed in the mood diary
is the sensation of emotion itself. The change of the state of mind while experiencing the
emotion can be seen in the diary. For instance, while experiencing anger the way of feeling of
the reality changed. This refers to the cognitive component of emotion. Being angry the person
yelled and even knocked with the fist on the table when alone. The set of behaviors performed
by the person changed according to the emotions experienced. The ideation, imagery, and
thoughts that occur during emotion also pertain to the cognitive component. For example it is
observed in the diary that when the person experienced joy and tranquility the emotions was
accompanied by positive thinking: “a desire to do something nice”, “being very kind to people”,
ect. Or while experiencing other emotions: “sorry about having been so angry”, “very reserved
but feeling nice” and so on.But actually the cognitive component including thoughts, feelings
and other cognitions is hard to measure. For example the statement:” No thoughts, just felt
calm” is very hard to judge. That is why the cognitive component is sometimes invisible. Talking
about physiological components, according to the mood diary there are a lot of them. Of course
besides the visible physiological components there also are invisible processes such as the
activation of the chemicals secreted by the body's various glands and the neural processes.
The visible manifestations of the physiological component listed in the mood dairy are: flushing
of the skin, blanching, saliva production, stomach activity, the feeling of the increasing heart rate
and so on. As far as the diary was taken for a short period of time it hard to make a conclusion
about the regularity of appearing of different emotions but we assume it does exist. Our
supposition is that it has to be circular and by this keep the emotional activity in balance. This
also concerns the emotional components, because the way they change among each other also
makes a perfect balance for the brain activity.

 Pro-Con Essay
As any other deeply impressing story, “The Crucible” has a strong touch of symbolism
throughout the story it presents. The author of the play has chosen one unique symbol
he reveals in his story. This symbol is unique as it deals with the witch trials and the
importance they had for the society of the America’s 1950’s.
The symbol of the witch trials is a symbol of an extreme controversy as it deals in the
first place with the opposition of the church and everything unreligious. Throughout such
symbolism the author reveals the fact of how hysterical and narrow-minded were the
people of the old Salem. The whole society seems to be completely unhealthy and
uneducated as they get focused on the issues that do not require such an excessive
attention. They do not know what to do with their lives and each smaller event in the life
of every Salem dweller becomes an issue of judgment. So basically, the Salem witches
were those who were different in any way either good or evil. Everything that seemed
scary and not understandable for the people of Salem obtained the tag of being a result
of practicing witchcraft.
It is obvious that the major symbol of the play is the mockery of the inability of the court
to make correct judgments or the judgments being so highly influenced by the church.
Due to the trial’s incompetence and inability to be objective innocent people got
accused of something they had no relation to. These dramatic accusations become the
reflection of the society of the America’s 1950’s. In other words, the witch trial is the
parallel to the collapse of the court system. The court does bring justice to the world but
it seems to make the social relations even more complicated.
Another moment that needs to me mentioned in terms of the symbolism of the witch
trials is the fact that witches belong to the female gender. As females were the most
unprotected social group of those years, correspondingly they became the “target” for
those trials.
Arthur Miller’s “The Crucible” is a complex play which is mostly represented by its
brightest symbol – the Witch trial. The accusations that were faced by women back in
the 1950’s and the incapacity of the court to protect the innocent ones resulted in Arthur
Miller ridiculing the court system.

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