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Belmont-Frontier Petroleum Services



Document ID Document Name Comment
BA-PE-FDPD-223 General Procedure for The Final Disposition of Project

Date Version Description Originator Reviewer Approver

18-11-2017 0 Project Management IA MJ NH
‫بــلــــمــونـــت فرونــتـــيــر للخدمات النفطية‬
FINAL DISPOSITION OF PROJECT Belmont-Frontier Petroleum Services

Document Number: BA-PE-FDPD-223 ISSUE WITH BID Dated: 18-11-2017


1. Purpose

2. General

3. Responsibilities

4. Procedure

5. Flowchart

6. Attachments
‫بــلــــمــونـــت فرونــتـــيــر للخدمات النفطية‬
FINAL DISPOSITION OF PROJECT Belmont-Frontier Petroleum Services

Document Number: BA-PE-FDPD-223 ISSUE WITH BID Dated: 18-11-2017

1. Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to provide a standard method for the close out of a proposal
or project file and the final disposition of documents and data developed during the progress
of the proposal or project.
This procedure shall be adhered for all proposals and projects unless otherwise directed by
the Project Manager.
This procedure does not address the disposition of departmental documentation not related
to projects. (Ref. 6.4).
This procedure does not address the compilation of job record books and mechanical
catalogues. (Ref. 6.2 & 6.5).
This procedure should be read in conjunction with procedure for microfilming project
documents. (Ref. 6.1).
2. General
For the final disposition of documents the following requirements shall be considered:
1. Contractual requirement
2. Legal engineering requirements.
3. Governmental tax and financial audit requirements.
4. Company future short-term reference.
5. Company future long-term reference.
It is Company philosophy in the matter of records to:
 Keep hard copies in the form of mechanical catalogue and/or job record books for quick
reference, for a period of 25 years
 Provide microfilms of fully comprehensive project documents which may be needed for
reference. Microfilms will not be destroyed.
 Archive all information/data which could be used as a basis for future projects, at the
close-out of a project.
By making microfilm copies it is possible to duplicate documents for the entire project and
thereby permit the destruction of a large portion of paper to save space. It also enhances
security against damage or loss by the use of duplicate microfilms which shall be stored
Originals, hard copies and microfilm are important to the company for future reference.
Efforts should be extended to make them as complete as possible.
Wherever it is possible Company will keep the originals of all correspondence, major
documents, specifications, calculations and drawings in a Intermediate Archive Storage for the
guarantee period of the contract after a project is accepted by Client i.e. from issue of a "final
acceptance" certificate.
‫بــلــــمــونـــت فرونــتـــيــر للخدمات النفطية‬
FINAL DISPOSITION OF PROJECT Belmont-Frontier Petroleum Services

Document Number: BA-PE-FDPD-223 ISSUE WITH BID Dated: 18-11-2017

Attachment 2 and 3 of this procedure is based upon the listing for standard coding for the
project engineering file and the project procurement file. Ref. 6.3.
3. Responsibilities
It is the ultimate responsibility of the Project Manager to see that all documents used or
developed for a project are properly identified, consolidated, microfilmed, stored, destroyed
or returned to Client all as noted herein.
The Project Manager will ensure that manpower, (see assignee) and manhours are
available to efficiently close-out a project in accordance with Client, Company and legal
requirements as stated in this procedure.
Departmental Managers are responsible for documents returned to them and disposition
will then be in accordance with procedures for disposition of departmental documents. (Ref.
The Assignee, is responsible for the collection of all data to be microfilmed, to ensure all
relevant data is microfilmed in accordance with this procedure.
The Vendor Print Supervisor shall ensure that all vendor supplied documents are
disposed of ie. microfilmed as required, inserted into mechanical catalogues, filed and disposed
of in accordance with procedure for disposition of departmental documents. (Ref. 6.4).
The Printroom Supervisor is responsible for the receipt or extraction from the main file,
of all documents for microfilming, for the return of all originals to the project clerk and
ensuring that microfilming instructions are carried out as requested.
The Archive Supervisor is responsible for carrying out the micro filming instructions given
by the project clerk and maintaining the microfilm files.
4. Procedure
4.1. Final Disposition
4.1.1 After a proposal is completed and issued to a Client there is a period when the client
reviews the offer. The length of time and the activity of the work in this period varies
considerably from job to job.
During this so-called "waiting period" the Proposal/Project Manager shall consolidate all of
the documents involved in the work into a proposal file.
If the job is awarded to Company the documents so collected will be transferred to the
Project Manager at the beginning of the new project (ref 6.3).
If the job is awarded to others the Proposal/Project Manager shall breakdown his proposal
file. He shall review the initial inquiry and arrange to return to the Client any documents for
which a return was obligatory. The Proposal/Project Manager shall decide the final disposition
of the remaining documents. These documents shall be reviewed for value for future
reference in coordination with the Manager of Proposals.
The documents retained for reference shall be filed with the Manager of Proposals. For
documents to be microfilmed refer to 6.1. All other documents shall be destroyed.
‫بــلــــمــونـــت فرونــتـــيــر للخدمات النفطية‬
FINAL DISPOSITION OF PROJECT Belmont-Frontier Petroleum Services

Document Number: BA-PE-FDPD-223 ISSUE WITH BID Dated: 18-11-2017

4.1.2 As a project approaches completion, the Project Manager shall develop a tentative
schedule for the close-out of the Project.
At the proper time, the Project Manager shall issue a "close-out notice" ref. 6.10.
The Project Manager shall determine the overall final disposition regarding the period of
retention and the type of copy to be retained which shall include as a minimum the
requirements as stated in section 2.0. He shall update the final disposition index (ref.
Attachment 1 thru 5) to suit the project and legal requirements.
The Project Manager shall inform key members of the project team, by a "close-out
memorandum", that the project is being closed-out and project files are to be broken down.
This memorandum shall instruct the final date for close-out of the project and the estimated
time for release of documents for microfilming, destruction of documents, storage of
documents and/or returning to Client.
The Project Manager's memorandum shall refer to this procedure and instruct the recipients
to advise both manhours and calendar time that will be required to complete the close-out
The time is to be charged to the project involved.
The Project Manager, or his designate will coordinate the project close out to ensure that all
documents are correctly identified, consolidated, microfilmed, stored, destroyed or returned
to the Client all as stated herein, without omission or duplication.
The following project disciplines shall be notified; these are as a minimum but not limited to:
 Project Control
 Construction
 Procurement (inclusive Vendor Print)
 Design Engineering Disciplines
 Process
 Authority
 Estimating and Cost
 Planning
 Proposals
 Sales
 Accounting
 Legal
 Safety
 Quality Assurance
Attachment 1 thru 5 identifies the final disposition of all project documents.
‫بــلــــمــونـــت فرونــتـــيــر للخدمات النفطية‬
FINAL DISPOSITION OF PROJECT Belmont-Frontier Petroleum Services

Document Number: BA-PE-FDPD-223 ISSUE WITH BID Dated: 18-11-2017

The job history report, the job record book or on request of the Client the mechanical
catalogue (files marked "mech. cat.") are included in a job close-out and may require actions
and time of departments involved. (Ref. 6.7, 6.2 and 6.5). The breakdown of the project file
should not occur until these books are completed, because some of the documents and data
can be used in their assembly.
All files marked "retain" shall be kept on file by the originating discipline for the stated period.
After this period the documents shall be destroyed.
All files marked "archive" shall be packed and identified and be sent to archive. After the
archiving period the documents shall be destroyed. All in accordance with procedure 6.8.
Depending on the nature of the project, the Department Manager in consultation with the
Project Manager shall decide if and which project activities are processed on a computer. The
"magnetic storage" colomn identifies all information/data which could be available on
computer storage systems.
As a mimimum all this information/data shall be stored on magnetic storage medium for the
stated period, ref. 6.9.
All other project related documents shall be sent per transmittal to the Project Manager for
final disposition. The transmittal shall also indicate the disposition of the documents after
microfilming is complete.
Files to be sent for microfilming and to the archive storage or to be destroyed, will be
reviewed to ensure that:

a. No valuable data is lost, i.e. valuable data must be stripped out of files designated for
scrapping and re-filed;
b. Only valuable data or that legally required to be retained is to be sent to the store, i.e. only
the minimum necessary volume will be retained.
The Project Manager shall assign personnel to forward these documents to microfilming.
The memorandum transmitting these documents to the microfilming department shall
indicate the disposition of the documents after microfilming is completed.
A copy of this transmittal memo shall be sent to the Project Manager.
Microfilming will be in accordance with procedure for microfilming project documents (ref.
Originals or latest copies of all documents shall be used for microfilming. If these are not
available in the common project file then they shall be obtained from departmental project
files in accordance with this procedure.
All files marked "destroy" can now be disposed of.
4.1.3 After the Project Managers written agreement, the disciplines working on a project are
allowed to close-out their project files at the completion of their project activities before the
‫بــلــــمــونـــت فرونــتـــيــر للخدمات النفطية‬
FINAL DISPOSITION OF PROJECT Belmont-Frontier Petroleum Services

Document Number: BA-PE-FDPD-223 ISSUE WITH BID Dated: 18-11-2017

planned close-out date. Disposition of these documents shall also be fully in accordance with
this procedure.
4.2 Project Management
Generally, original drawings are retained by the Client upon completion of a project.
See Attachment 2 for final disposition of the Project Managers central file.
4.3 Vendor Prints
All reproducible copies and originals are forwarded to the Client upon completion of a project
unless otherwise directed by Project Manager (ref. Attachment 3, file number 4.0).
Vendor Print Department shall check with the Project Manager whether any vendor
documents require to be retained, for legal reasons, as part of the project documentation.
Vendor documents may be required for the preparation of mechanical catalogues. (Ref. 6.5).
4.4 Design Engineering
During the progress of the work the originals of drawings specifications, and data sheets shall
be filed in the central file and the calculations shall be retained in the file of the Design
Engineering Section responsible for their production.
For final disposition see Attachment 5 point 1.0 and see point 3.0 for Authority Engineering.
4.5 Procurement
See Attachment 3 for the final disposition of the procurement groups project file.
4.6 Construction
Home Office Construction
The main project related construction files are held in the Field Office, therefore Home Office
construction files may be disposed of at the descretion of the Manager of the Construction
Department and are not covered by this procedure.
Field Construction
The field construction documents, as defined in the Field Construction Manual (ref. 6.6)
section IV point 15.0, will be released from the field files, consolidated and sent to the Project
Manager for final disposition (see Attachment 4).
4.7 Estimating Department and Cost Analysis
For final disposition see Attachment 5, point 4.0.
4.8 Planning Department
For final disposition see Attachment 5, point 5.0
4.9 Proposal Department
For final disposition see Attachment 5, point 6.0.
‫بــلــــمــونـــت فرونــتـــيــر للخدمات النفطية‬
FINAL DISPOSITION OF PROJECT Belmont-Frontier Petroleum Services

Document Number: BA-PE-FDPD-223 ISSUE WITH BID Dated: 18-11-2017

The Proposal Department retains the bound master copy of all proposals in their library for
an unlimited period.
All proposal books held by the Project Department and others shall be destroyed.
No microfilming will be undertaken.
4.10 Process Engineering
The Process Department maintains a file on all projects of originals of the documents listed
in Attachment 5 point 2.0 for a period of 25 years.
At the close-out of a job, the operating manual and process calculations, plus other documents
at the discretion of the Senior Process Engineer, will be sent to the Project Manager for
microfilming. These documents shall be returned to the Process Department file.
4.11 Sales Department
For final disposition see Attachment 5, point 7.0.
Copies of all sales correspondence on the project, from the initial sales approach to the final
Client's acceptance letter are maintained by the Sales Department. In all cases, except
documents of interest to the Legal Department, the original copy of the correspondence
should be reserved for the sales department file.
All documents of a confidential nature should be stamped or marked "limited distribution" or
"confidential" and they will be filed in a confidential section of the sales file.
Copies of the contract and/or letters of intent, stripped down version of the proposal,
commercial letter of the proposal, etc., will be filed in the confidential section of the sales file.
Documents related to the project will be identified by the Sales Department and sent to the
Project Manager for microfilming. Confidential information will be microfilmed on a separate
roll. Documents will be returned to sales department after microfilm.
Project Accounting Department
For final disposition see Attachment 5, point 8.0.
Governmental tax and audit requirements state that documents should be stored for 10 years
and be retrievable as required.
This department maintains and retains a complete record of all accounting documents.
For final disposition of legal/safety and Q.A. project documents see respectively Attachment
5, point 9.0/10.0/11.0.
‫بــلــــمــونـــت فرونــتـــيــر للخدمات النفطية‬
FINAL DISPOSITION OF PROJECT Belmont-Frontier Petroleum Services

Document Number: BA-PE-FDPD-223 ISSUE WITH BID Dated: 18-11-2017

5. Flowchart
5.1 Final Disposition Proposal Documents
‫بــلــــمــونـــت فرونــتـــيــر للخدمات النفطية‬
FINAL DISPOSITION OF PROJECT Belmont-Frontier Petroleum Services

Document Number: BA-PE-FDPD-223 ISSUE WITH BID Dated: 18-11-2017

5.2 Final Disposition Project Documents

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