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The Altar Flower today are given to the glory of God in honor of

Aldersgate’s 55th anniversary by the History and Archives Committee.

Write your prayer requests here
This Week at Aldersgate
If you would like your prayer request to
be included on the Caring For One Today, April 15
Another daily e-mail prayer chain, 9:00 am Worship (Sanctuary)
please check here.  10:00 am Sip ‘n Chat Refreshment and Fellowship (RR)
10:00 am Children’s Sunday School (106)
10:00 am Youth Sunday School (YR)
10:00 am Adult Sunday School
Friendship Class (208); Seekers (111); Agape (108)
Sermon Discussion Group (RR);
Adult Sunday School Class (FH)
11:00 am Worship (Sanctuary)
12:00 pm Sip ‘n Chat Refreshment and Fellowship (RR)
12:30 pm Confirmation (208)
3:15 pm Youth Praise Band (S)
If you have a prayer concern, 5:00 pm High School Youth Group (YR)
there are several avenues for 5:30 pm BlackBox Players (UFH)
sharing with the Aldersgate 6:15 pm Youth Group Dinner (K, HR)
6:45 pm Middle School Youth Group (YR)
Monday, April 16
You may submit your requests to 6:00 pm Finance (CR)
7:00 pm Boy Scouts Troop 119 (FH,106,107)
the Caring For One Another e-
7:00 pm Families Anonymous (108)
mail prayer chain. Contact Jeanne 7:30 pm Church Council (CR)
Hamlin (
Tuesday, April 17
The detachable portion of this 9:00 am Bulletin announcement submissions due
10:00 am Quilters Guild (FH)
bulletin includes a space for 10:00 am “Unafraid” Study (CR)
written prayer concerns that you 1:30 pm Alzheimer’s Support Group (208)
may place in the offering plate. 4:15 pm Cov. Discipleship (Parlor)
6:00 pm Aldersgate Ringers (S)
Also, please check out the “Prayer 7:00 pm Disciple 1 (208)
7:00 pm “Unafraid” Study (CR)
Wall” at
Wednesday, April 18
6:00 pm Instrumental Ensemble (S)
7:00 pm Women’s Bible Study (YR)
7:30 pm Chancel Choir Practice (S) “Make disciples of Jesus Christ for the
Thursday, April 19 transformation of the world.” Matthew 28:19
11:00 am Busy Hands Craft Group (RR)
5:30 pm BlackBox Players (UFH)
6:30 pm Sweet Adelines (FH)
7:00 pm Praise Band rehearsal (S)
1500 East Rio Road • Charlottesville, VA 22901
Friday, April 20
Key: 434.973.5806 • •
Saturday, April 21 CR = Choir Room
FH = Fellowship Hall • Twitter @CVAUMC
8:00 am Men’s Group (208)
HR = Hospitality Room
8:00 am Sweet Adelines (FH)
K = Kitchen
RR = Reed Room (Old Sanctuary)
UFH = Unfinished Fellowship Hall April 15, 2018
WC = Welcome Center
YR - Youth Room
Act of Praise at
55th Anniversary of
Communication Card
Gathering Music
Prelude “Joyfully We Sing!” Jerry Estes Aldersgate Church April 15, 2018
Joyful Noise Singers Please take a moment to fill out this
Welcome Rev. Rob Robertson, Lead Pastor Leader: Praise the Lord! Praise the
Welcome Rev. Rob Robertson, Lead Pastor card, then tear at the perforation and
name of the Lord!
*Opening Songs *Opening Hymn 304 “Easter People, Raise Your Voices” place it in the offering plate.
“This is Amazing Grace” People: Praise the Lord! Give
*Call to Worship Jeanne Hamlin thanks and praise! Name: ________________________
“In Christ Alone”
Leader: Come to Christ, that living stone, rejected by the world, Leader: God has blessed us and ______________________________
but in God’s sight chosen and precious. brought us to this time.
*Congregational Prayer Tim Breeden Email: ________________________
People: We have responded to Christ’s call,
O God of all creation, become for us once again the solid foundation upon People: God has blessed us and
and seek to be built into a spiritual house, ______________________________
which we build our daily lives. We gather before you, this first day of the brought us to this place.
a living reminder of God’s presence on earth.
week, to align our lives to the strong teaching and life of Jesus Christ, our Phone: _______________________
Leader: Once we were no people, but now we are God’s people, Leader: God has caused his name
Cornerstone. Receive our praise and thanksgiving as expressions of faith
called out of the darkness into God’s marvelous light. to dwell in our midst. ______________________________
and love. We come to you, O Lord, as people who desire to learn and
Therefore we sing with the Church in all ages: People: God has stirred our hearts
serve like Christ. We are ready to receive your blessing and direction
People: Blessed be your name, O God, our Redeemer. and made us glad.
today. Amen. I would like to:
By your mercy we have been born anew to a living hope
through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Leader: God has shown us his glory
Children’s Message Rev. Rob Robertson in his mighty word.  Name Tag needed for: _________
Children are invited to attend Children’s Church on the lower level. *Opening Prayer Jeanne Hamlin
O God of all creation, become for us once again the solid foundation upon People: God has shown us the
way of truth and life. ______________________________
Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer 895 which we build our daily lives. We gather before you, this first day of the
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, week, to align our lives to the strong teaching and life of Jesus Christ, our Leader: Praise the Lord! Praise the
 Learn more about Aldersgate
thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily Cornerstone. Receive our praise and thanksgiving as expressions of faith name of the Lord!
bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass and love. We come to you, O Lord, as people who desire to learn and People: Praise the Lord! Give  Be added to weekly e-Note
against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For serve like Christ. We are ready to receive your blessing and direction thanks and praise!
thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. today. Amen.  Explore membership at
Leader: For 55 years, God has Aldersgate Church
Come Now, Children nurtured and fed us.
Offering Prayer  Be baptized
Children’s Message Rev. Rob Robertson People: For 55 years, God has
Offering and Song of Response “I Surrender All” Children are invited to attend Children’s Church on the lower level. shown us God's grace.  Receive a call from the pastor
Prayers of the People and Lord’s Prayer 895 Leader: For 55 years, God has  Learn more about giving my tithe
Scripture 1 Peter 2:4-9 NRSV Tim Breeden given God's self in Word and
Anthem “Glory and Alleluia” arr. P.M. Liebergen and/or offering online
Chancel Choir Sacrament.
Sermon “Living Stones” Rev. Rob Robertson  Sign up for new study “Unafraid:
Scripture Lesson 1 Peter 2:4-9 NRSV Jeanne Hamlin People: For 55 years, God has
Living with Courage and
Holy Communion empowered us with the Holy
Sermon “Living Stones” Rev. Rob Robertson Hope in Uncertain Times”
All are welcome at the Lord’s Table. Gluten-free bread and cup available Spirit.
Select a time:
*Hymn 318 “Christ Is Alive” (v. 1,2,5) Leader: For 55 years, God has 10am or 7pm
Music During Communion “Great Are You Lord” *Act of Praise at 55th Anniversary of Aldersgate Church made us God's witnesses in the Order me a study book
world. at $14.50 (retail $24)
Prayer of Thanksgiving Offering Prayer
People: For 55 years, God has
Offertory “Were You There”/“Crown Him with Many Crowns” arr. M. Ham  Other:
placed us in loving fellowship with
*Act of Praise at 55 Anniversary of Aldersgate Church one another.
*Doxology 94
*Closing Song “Call Upon the Lord” *Hymn of Commitment 569 “We’ve a Story to tell to the Nations” Leader: Praise the Lord for 55
years! Praise the Lord for 55 more!
*Benediction People: Praise the Lord for
*please stand as you are able Postlude *please stand as you are able evermore! Oh, praise the name of
Additional information is projected on the screens Additional information is projected on the screens the Lord!

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