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Early Childhood Education (ECE)

Field Practice 58/59 Final Evaluation Form

Student: SUL>cu P4ELcocL

Age Group Host Site/Educator: rywidrco •~)oLth fur-f'S K:ut+urfe

Students will prepare reflections Of their leaming journey and identify how they ha`re demonstrated each e`raluation
criterla sectlon. They will electronlcalry submit thelr reflectlous to thelr Collexe Evaluator and ±g±Ed.ucator by week
6 of placement.

Dated Signature of Host Educator:

Status as determined bv Collere Evaluator (Please Hif!hliEht):

Field Evaluation Sections Include:

1. Designing curricula

2. Creating Quality Learning Environments

3. Supporting children's Learning:

4. Building Responsive relationships

5. Promoting safe, healthy and quality early learning environments.

6. Demonstrating professional Knowledge and Behaviour


Exiceeds expectations of a Semester 4 ECE student. Independently performs this

Exceeds Expectations competency/skill following instruction within this specific practice setting and seeks
appropriate support.

Consfs[ent/y meets expectations of a Semester 4 ECE student. Minimal supervision

Meets Expectations required to perform this competency/skill following instruction within this specific
practice setting. Seeks support most of the time as required.
/nconsjstent in meeting expectations of a Semester 4 ECE student. Requires assistance and
Working towards
guidance to perform this competeney/skill and/or does not seek support as required`
Oi.mcurty meeting expectations of a Semester 4 ECE student. Requires direct supervision
to perform competency/skill. Support sought inappropriately.

Not Applicable ( N/A) Competency/skill not utilized or assessed at this ageney or to this date.

NOTE: A passing grade will ONLY be accredited to students whose final evaluation is graded at a `'meets
or exceeds" expectation level in all areas AND has passed the Professional Review at Mid-Term and Final
/ Host Educator: Please indicate your assessment by placing a ( check) in the appropriate


Outcome: Designing Curricula: Demonstrate the ability to design play-based meaningful early learning curricula
through observed competencies, interests, and ideas (``working theories") of the children

Section 1: Designing Curricula: Exceeds Meets Working Unsatisfactory Not Applicable

Expectations Expectations Towards

Observes, identifies anddocumentsthelearning andthinkingofindividualchildrenandgroupsofchildren

Demonstrates anunderstandingof thecontinuumofdevelopment
Interprets observations andplansplay-basedexperiencesbasedon"childinitiated"ideas("workingtheories'),interestsanddevelopmentalcompetenciesofthechildren.

Assists, designs andimplementsquality play-basedenvironmentsandexperiences

Shows evidence of usingresourcestobuildmeaningfulexperiencesthatarebuiltfromchildren'sinterests,ideasandlearning

1. Please provide a short summary of the experiences the student has had as it relates to strengths and
areas of growth.

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Section 2: Creating Quality Learning Environments

Outcome: Build inclusive early learning environments that support diverse, equitable and accessible
developmental and experiential learning opportunities for all children

Section 2: Exceeds Meets Working Unsatisfactory Not ApplicableNA.

Creating Quality LearningEnvironments Expectations Expectations Towards

Recognizes that all childrenhavedif erentlearningstylesandconsidersthiswhendesigningcreativeenvironments&learningopportunities.

Recognizes children's uniquecharacteristicswhenpreparingexperiencesandenvironmentsforlearning(Cultural,linguistic,personality,developmental)

Promotes learningopportunitiesina naturalenvironmentthatfosters anappreciationfortheoutdoors,sustainablepracticesandgoodstewardship

Recognizes individual abilitiesaswellasdif erences,strivestocelebratedif erencesandprovideoptionswithinthelearningenvironment

Works towards establishingrelationshipswithchildrenandtheirfamilies

2. Please provide a short summary of the experiencesthe student has had as it relatesto strengths and

areas of growth.

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Section 3. Supporting Children's Learning:

children's learning

Section 3: Exceeds Meets Working Unsatisfactory Not Applicable

Supporting Children's Learning: Expectations Expectations Towards

Uses observations of childrentoobjectivelyseechildren'scompetenciesandpotential.Thisimpactstheirownthinkingaboutthelearningandteachingprocess.

Observations: Understandsthatobserving,documentingandinterpretingthechild'slearningprocessisanintegralpartofplanningrichplay-basedexperiencesforchildren

Thoughtful y able to use theroleofanobserverandresearcherinunderstandingtheplayinterests,ideasandtheoriesofthechildrentocho seap ropriaterelatedmaterialsmatchingthechildren's kil andknowledge.

Recognlzes the Importance ofthereflectiveprocessinusingobservationtoinformandtosupportpedagogicaldocumentation.

3. Please provide a short summary of the experiences the student has had as it relates to strengths and
areas of growth.

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Section 4. Building Responsive Relationships

Outcome: Establish and maintain intentional and responsive relationships with individual children, groups of
children, families and team and families.

Section 4: Exceeds Meets Working Unsatisfactory Not ApplicableNA.

Building Responsive Relationships Expectations Expectations Towards

Relationships with Children

lntentionality in relationships withchildren:Beingpresentandinthemomentwiththechild;individualizedcon ectionsthatgrowrelationshipsandextendinglearningthroughbuildingrelationships.(engagement,eyecontact,nar ationofplay,animatedplayfulnes ,openendedquestions)

Attuned to the needs of children andfosterstheunderstandingandexpressionofemotions,feelingsandempathy

Works to identify prosocialbehavioursandadvocatesforrespectfuldialoguebetweenchildren
Promotes techniques which arerespectful,supportiveandsupportschildren'sattemptsatself-regulation.

Relationship with Adults

Participates as a member of the teaminanopen,respectfulandprofes ionalmannershowingpositiveattitudestowardsteammembersandfamiliesandconductbecomingofanECEprofes ional

Initiates and engages in welcomingandauthenticrelationshipswithfamiliesshowingattentiontoinclusivenessandagencyexpectationsforstudentinvolvement.


4. Please provide a short summary of the experiences the student has had as it relates to strengths and
areas of growth

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Section 5. Promoting safe, healthy and quality early learning environments.

Outcome: Assess, develop and maintain safe, healthy and quality early learning environments based on current
legislation, agency policies and evidence-based practices in early learning.

(Standards of practice quote pg. 17, ECE Standards pg.12,)

Section 5: Exceeds Meets Working Unsatisfactory Not ApplicableNA.

Promoting safe, healthy andqualityearlylearningenvironments. Expectations Expectations Towards

Obtain and become familiarthemselveswithinformationconcerningrelevantmedicalconditions,exceptionalities,al ergies,foodrestrictions,andmedicalrequirements

Plan and adapt equipment,practices,orexperiencestoenhancesafetyandaccessibilityforchildrenbothindoorsandoutdoors

Responds appropriately tounsafeandemergencysituations

Supervise effectively including:positioningintheroom,

scanning regularly and avoidingunnecessaryadultconversation
/ /

Implement practices thatpromotepersonalandteamsafetyandmodelahealthylifestyle

Promote regular, healthyphysicalactivityinallchildren,bothindoorsandoutdoors.

5. Please provide a short summary of the experiences the student has had as it relates to strengths and

areas of growth.
Section 6. Demonstrating Professional Knowledge and Behaviour

Outcome: Professional Knowledge and Behaviour , Accountability and Ethical Standards: Pedagogy related to early
learning, daily actions demonstrate ethical practice as well as written, verbal, nonverbal and electronic
communicatl.on ( ECE Program Standards) Code Of Eth.ics and Standards Of

Section 6: Exceeds Meets Working Unsatisfactory Not ApplicableNA.

Demonstrating ProfessionalKnowledgeandBehaviour Expectations Expectations Towards

Works collaboratively with mentorsthroughactivelistening,embracingfeedbackandusingit ofacilitatechange:modelingrespectfulinteractions,anddisplayinganopenattitudetothementoringprocess

Profes ionalism is clearly shownthroughal formsofcommunication:writingshowsat entiontodetail,al verbalcommunicationisrespectful,openandhonestandnonverbalcommunicationisconsistentwiththeintendedmes age

Professional knowledge relating tochildren'sdevelopmentandbestpracticesisunderstoodandapplied

Communicates informationcomprehensively,concisely,accurately,objectivelyandin atimelymanner.At entiontoconfidentialityinandoutsideof theworkplaceisevident.

Practices in compliance with the ECECodeofEthicsandStandardsofPractice

6. Please provide a short summary of the experiences the student has had as it relates to strengths and
areas of growth.

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Host Educator Summary

Please provide a short overview of the student's work with your facility or school. Please
include areas where the student has excelled and areas of growth for setting goals as they
continue to advance their skills.

Student Final Self- Evaluation (Provided for Host Educator and ColleEe Evaluator in Week 6

Students will prepare a reflective summary to give to their Host Educator prior to a final
meeting to assess progress in the placement. Using the criteria outlined in the Host Educator's
final evaluation, students will provide a reflective summary for each section and outline their
successes or challenges at meeting professional expectations. They are also asked to complete
the conclusion questions.

Field Evaluation Sections Include:

> Designing curricula

> Creating Quality Learning Environments

> Supporting children's Learning:

> Building Responsive relationships

> Promoting safe, healthy and quality early learning environments.

> Demonstrating professional Knowledge and Behaviour

Conclusion Section.

How did you grow as an educator?

What did you learn about yourself?


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