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Earth’s Rotation

A topic that makes heads spin.

By: Damien Ungos

It is said that Earth spins because a giant meteor hit

Earth and caused it to have a moon, and spin. There may be

other ways Earth began to spin, but today we still do not

know the real reason. However, we know the effects of

Earth’s rotation.

The sun appears to be moving across the sky because of

Earth’s 24 hour cycles. Let’s say that you stay at a park for

a whole day. You will see the Sun slowly move across the sky

about every hour until it reaches about 7:00 PM. This cycle

is the same at night. The Moon moves across the sky and the

sun comes up at around 6:00 AM. Although you might not

know, Earth is moving pretty fast, but Earth is in constant

movement, so we can’t feel if earth is spinning. Earth spins

on an imaginary pole called an Axis. The parts of the pole

are the North Pole and the South Pole. Also, the earth is

tilted at a 45o Angle. There is an Imaginary line across

Earth called an equator. This is what divides the northern

Hemisphere and the Sothern Hemisphere.

There is another kind of rotation, which is called

orbiting. We used to think that the Sun orbits around us and

we are at the center of the Solar System, but we were

completely wrong. The Earth orbits around the sun. Earth’s

orbit around the sun is what causes the seasons. At one side

of the Sun, it is summer. Then moving in front of the sun,

there is fall. On the other side of the sun, it is winter. And

behind the sun, it is spring. Earth is not the only planet to

orbit the sun, there are other planets. Uranus is the other

planet that has a 24-hour day and night cycle. However,

Uranus is the

only planet in

our solar

system that is

at a 108o


Chose to compare Earth to Uranus because Uranus also

has a 24-hour day and night system, But Uranus is so

unique and one of a kind in our solar system and it is very

far from Earth, and has many other unique differences that

researchers have discovered over the years.

Earth has its own unique differences as well: water,

ground formations, and life to research, discover, and make

new pathways for new generations of researchers, and more

generations to come.

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