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Special Section on Neural

Networks for Systems

and Control
Editor’s Note: The Guest Editor of this spe- is due to advances in network training al- of biological neural networks. Much of the
cial section of the Magazine is Prof. Behnam gorithms and recent hardware advances that early algorithm work has been in computa-
Bavarian from the Electrical Engineering have made possible extremely fast, relatively tionally intensive areas of signal processing,
Department at the University of California inexpensive computers for implementing such as adaptive pattern recognition, real-
at Imine. Professor Bavarian was Chair of these algorithms. The envisioned implemen- time speech recognition, and image interpre-
the Robotics Session at the First IEEE In- tation of neural network algorithms is on tation. In systems and control, there are also
ternational Conference on Neural Networks special-purpose analog or digital computers, areas that are computationally intensive, such
held June 21-24, 1987, in San Diego, Cal- but much of the current development work as real-time identification and control of large
ifornia, and four of the papers in this special involves simulation of the algorithms on flexible structures in aerospace or robotics.
section are based on presentations at that ses- conventional digital computers. The five papers in this special section present
sion. In general, work on neural networks can an introduction to neural network approaches
A neural network is a system of intercon- be divided into the following areas: (1) find- and algorithms in systems and control. We
nected elements modeled after the human ing algorithms for determining the connec- thank Professor Bavarian for selecting and
brain. A network of “neuron-like’’ units op- tions and weights of a neural network to solve evaluating these papers, and we hope you
erates on data “all at once” rather than a problem, (2) mechanizing networks using will enjoy reading about this rapidly growing
“step-by-step” as in a conventional com- microelectronic or optical approaches, and field.
puter. Increased interest in neural networks (3) investigating the operation and structure

Introduction to Neural Networks

for Intelligent Control
Behnam Bavarian

ABSTRACT: In this paper, neural network Introduction Two simple examples are given to illus-
architecture is presented as one approach to trate control and optimization with neural
The purpose of this paper is to serve as an
the design and implementation of intelligent introduction to neural networks and to sug- network architecture. The first example de-
control systems. Neural networks can be velops a two-layer discrete-time neural net-
gest that neural network architecture can be
considered as massively parallel distributed used for design and application of intelligent work called a bidirectional associative mem-
processing systems with the potential for control systems [ 11. The neural network ap- ory, which can be used to increase the
ever-improving performance through dy- reliability of a control system through fault
proach is introduced by defining the problem
namical learning. The nomenclature and isolation. The second example uses a single-
of control as the mapping of measured sig-
characteristics of neural networks are out- nals for “change” into calculated controls layer continuous-time network to optimize
lined, and two simple examples are pre- for “action.” Neural networks represent analog-to-digital conversion.
sented to illustrate applications to control massively parallel distributed processing ca-
systems. pability with the potential for ever-improv- Motivation for Intelligent Control
ing performance through dynamical learn- One of the primary purposes of classical
ing. The development of fast architectures feedback control is to increase robustness for
An early version of this paper was presented at
makes implementation in real time feasible. a control system, i.e., increase the degree to
the 1987 IEEE International Conference on Neural
Networks, San Diego, California, June 21-24, Furthermore, neural networks represent the which the system performs when there is un-
1987. Behnam Bavarian is with the Electrical En- nonalgorithmic class of information process- certainty. Classical linear control provides
gineering Department, University of California, ing as opposed to current conventional al- robustness over a relatively small range of
Imine, CA 92717. gorithmic signal processing. uncertainty. Adaptive control techniques

0272-1 708/88/0400-0003 $01 .OO 0 1988 IEEE

A m i 1988 3
have been developed for systems that must Systems unable to handle heuristic infor- on only the extreme values of zero and unity,
perform over large ranges of uncertainties mation; then fuzzy sets reduce to standard set theory.
due to large variations in parameter values, Systems that cannot be used for high-speed In many cases, when information can best
environmental conditions, and signal inputs. real-time control because they require be characterized by fuzzy set theory, this
These adaptive techniques generally incor- time-consuming artificial intelligence cal- concept is valuable.
porate a second feedback loop, which is out- culations; In standard set theory, quantifiers such as
side the first feedback loop. This second “for all” and “for at least one” are used
Systems where sensor choice and place-
feedback loop may have the capability to extensively in relating elements of different
ment are still unsolved.
track system parameters, environmental con- sets. In fuzzy set theory, quantifiers such as
ditions, and input characteristics; feedback These examples provide motivation for the “for many” and “for a few” are used to
control then may vary parameters in com- concept of “intelligent control” and illus- relate elements of different sets. Fuzzy set
pensation elements of the inner loop to main- trate the need for real-time “intelligent” theory, then, is useful in those situations in
tain acceptable performance characteristics. components. Three approaches that have the which data and relationships cannot be writ-
Figure 1 shows a general block diagram of potential for intelligent control are: ten in crisp mathematical terms. For exam-
such a scheme. ple, an aircraft pilot who states that “the
(1) expert systems as adaptive elements in a
The objective of the design of an intelli- control system; rudder is not working correctly” is providing
gent control system is similar to that for the significant fuzzy information that should be
adaptive control system. However, there is (2) “fuzzy” calculations as decision-pro- integrated into the decision-making process
a difference. For an intelligent control sys- ducing elements in a control system; and of the outer control loop even though it can-
tem, the range of uncertainty may be sub- (3) neural networks as compensation ele- not be characterized by standard mathemat-
stantially greater than can be tolerated by ments in control systems. ical models. An innovative work by Bart
algorithms for adaptive systems. The object Kosko [2] on fuzzy estimation theory inves-
The expert system approach and fuzzy ap-
with intelligent control is to design a system tigates fuzzy set theory as an alternative to
proach will be examined briefly before con-
with acceptable performance characteristics probability theory in estimation theory.
tinuing on to neural networks. Expert sys-
over a very wide range of uncertainty. For The third approach to intelligent control
tems, or rule-based systems, embody a rule-
example, the range of uncertainty for avail- systems uses neural networks. With neural
based solving paradigm built around if-then
able data may be different than expected be- networks, the problem of control can be con-
rules. such as
cause it may be necessary to deal with un- sidered as a pattern recognition problem,
quantified data, highly complex data IF A IS TRUE AND IF B IS TRUE where the patterns to be recognized are
structures, or extremely large amounts of THEN TAKE ACTION X AND TAKE “change” signals that map into “action”
data. ACTION Y signals for specified system performance.
Traditional control systems, which operate The intelligent controller should recognize
with large uncertainty, typically depend on When the procedure works forward from a and isolate patterns of change in real time
human intervention to function properly. sequence of “if” conditions to a sequence and “learn” from experience to recognize
However, human intervention is unaccept- of “then” actions, it is called forward change more quickly, even with incomplete
able in many real-time applications and au- chaining. Forward chaining requires an ap- data. The properties of pattern recognition
tomatic techniques for handling uncertainty propriate data base and an appropriate set of and mapping with ever-improving self-or-
must be developed. In a typical control ap- rules. While the approach may be applicable ganization and decision making are some of
plication such as robotics, a number of prob- to the decision-making needs of a control the potential advantages when using artificial
lems must be faced that are also generic to system, it is generally too slow for high- neural networks for design and implemen-
design of controllers for large dynamic sys- speed systems and it has limited learning ca- tation of intelligent controllers.
tems. Some examples of these problems are pability. Backward chaining starts with a de-
presented here: sired sequence of “then” actions and works
backward to determine whether the appro- Applications for Neural Networks
Sensor data overload, which may arise
priate “if” conditions are met. It may be Neural networks research was popular in
from data redundancy or from specialized
more appropriate for control system appli- the early 1960s due mainly to the contribu-
data rarely needed by the system;
cations because a feedback loop is generated tions of Rosenblatt [3] and Widrow and Hoff
Sensor data fusion and mapping into the when an error detection and correction ca- [4]. Among the many contributors to the
proper control feedback law; pability is added to a backward chaining sys- field, Grossberg 151, [6], Kohonen [ 7 ] , and
Systems not robust enough to handle large tem. Fukushima [SI have maintained research ef-
parameter excursions; The second approach to intelligent control forts since the sixties with continued contri-
systems treats situations where some of the butions. More recently, increased interest has
defining relationships can be described by developed as people became aware of the
so-called fuzzy sets and fuzzy relational feasibility of rapid and inexpensive imple-
equations. In standard set theory, a set is mentation through very large scale integrated
defined as elements whose membership or technology and optical devices. Among those
nonmembership is verified by very specific who helped the new resurgence of activities
rules. The membership decision is zero or are Hopfield and Tank [9], [lo], Rumelhart
unity, so it is binary. In fuzzy set theory, the and McClelland and their parallel distributed
I membership function assigned to the ele-
ments is continuous and lies between zero
processing group [ 1 11, Hecht-Nielsen [ 121
and his pioneering work in neurocomputers,
Fig. I . Adaptive control systems. and unity. If the membership function takes and Kosko [13]. The following discussion is

4 IEE€ Control Systems Mogozine

taken from these original contributions in this
rapidly growing field of research; it is not
meant to be exhaustive.
Research in artificial neural networks can w,,= W,] + aw,,,
x,, X I ) (2)
be approached from several disciplines. Equation (2) is the update equation or, as
There has been continuing work in neuro- defined in literature, the learning rule by
biology, psychobiology, and studies of the which the weighting coefficients w,, are
brain and memory to establish the ground adapted through the nonlinear function G.
rules (models) of how the central nervous The function dk(xk)is usually a monotoni-
system actually works. At the same time, cally increasing nonlinear function.
computer scientists and researchers in the In addition to the activation rule [Eq. ( l ) ]
cognitive sciences have been pursuing iden- and the learning rule [Eq. (2)], it is neces- x, P1 P2 F
tification of intelligence and massively par- sary to specify the network topology. Figure
allel distributed information processing done 3 shows a two-layer neural network, which Scalar state, x
by biological systems. The engineering com- represents a bidirectional associative mem-
Fig. 4. Simplified energy landscape with
munity, which is becoming more involved ory (BAM) topology. Later, this network will
three minima.
in large-scale system design, is seeking al- be examined more closely in the first illus-
ternative technology in information process- trative example.
ing (other than existing conventional com- How does this large dynamical system
puters). Neural network architectures carry out information processing? One an- ity of order 1 . Furthermore, the convergence
represent a promising technology because of swer is obtained by considering a Liapunov time is not a function of the number of pat-
their attractive properties. or energy function for the system. The non- terns stored as equilibrium points. In the
Control engineers can consider neural net- linear dynamical system has very many equi- conventional artificial intelligence search ap-
works as a large-dimensional nonlinear dy- librium points, which define energy wells on proach, as the number of patterns increase,
namic system, which is defined by a set of the energy surface in the n-dimensional hy- search becomes more difficult. In general,
first-order nonlinear differential equations. perspace. Given an arbitrary input pattern as the energy landscape is a function of WU, the
The equations can also be difference equa- initial states of the system, the system is ca- elements of the weight matrix. In the adap-
tions and can be represented in the form of pable of approaching one of those equilib- tive learning networks, the more often a
connected elementary processing units as a rium points subject to the global stability of given information is recalled, the deeper the
graph. Following the definitions in the lit- the system. To illustrate this, Fig. 4 shows basin of attraction will get, and vice versa.
erature [12], the units in the network are an example of a crude landscape of the en- Hence, the system has the ability to reinforce
called processing elements. The directed ergy of the system E(X)as a function of the what it has learned and also to forget the
links connecting the processing elements are scalar X with local minima at P1, P2, and things that are seldom recalled.
called interconnects. Figure 2 shows an ex- P3. Action vectors (information attributes) Global stability must now be proved for
ample of a processing element with a hard can be assigned to the local minima P1, €2, systems defined by Eqs. (1) and (2). Since
limiter nonlinearity. Each processing ele- and P3. Then, if the system is initialized at the system parameters change in an unpre-
ment has many inputs with a single output. X(O), the system state will slide down the dictable way due to self-organization (learn-
The output fans out to serve as input to other friction-bearing energy well to P1. How- ing), this is the question of absolute stability
processing elements. In the case of Fig. 2, ever, if X(0) were closer to F’2 or P3, the of global pattern formation. This question is
the weighted sum of the n inputs is formed system state would converge to the corre- addressed in the original work of Cohen and
and then passed through the nonlinearity to sponding minimum. This interpretation re- Grossberg [141, and the main result is stated
get the output. In general, the weight vector sembles a nearest-neighbor classifier. As a here. In their paper, they use the general
or matrix varies through a given learning controller, it maps “change” signals into the nonlinear differential equation, and less gen-
rule. More general system equations can be proper “action” signals that are the best eral forms are included by proper selection
written as shown in Eq. (l), where i equals match for the situation. of parameters.
1 through n and represents n processing ele- How fast does this system do information For the system defined by a set of differ-
ments in the network; a,, b,, and d, are non- processing? The system converges to the an- ential equations ( l ) , a global Liapunov func-
linear functions; and x, is the state of the ith swer with the best and fastest time complex- tion is given by Eq. (3), as shown by the
element (which fans out as input to the other derivative in Eq. (4).
processing elements).

+ 21,k=I

d ( x ) dk(xk) (3)
y(k + 1) = f[WT(k)X(k)] Ik

t(x) = i:
- 1 = I a,(.&)d : ( x , ) b , ( x , )

Yl Y2
- i:
k= I w,kdk(xk)]2 (4)
Fig. 2 . Example of processing element Fig. 3. Topology of a two-layer network
characteristics with a hard limiter. for a BAM. Their paper then derives conditions on the

April 1988 5
functions and establishes convergence of tra- as Eq. (7) (where superscript T indicates A W T = (1 5 5 1)
jectories. Among the most notable condi- transpose), it follows readily that, for any
+(I 1 1 l)=L
tions required are symmetry in the weight update defined by Eq. (5) or (6), the change
matrix [Wv] and the requirement for d i ( x i ) in energy A E is not positive, and, hence, the L W = (4 -4 4 -4 4)
to be differentiable and monotonic nonde- system is stable for every W , i.e., every ma-
trix is bidirectionally stable [15]. -+(I 0 I O l)=A
There are still many questions that remain Hence, (A, L ) , ( B , M), and (C, N) are fixed
unanswered. What is the capacity of a neural E = -yWX’ (7)
points for the BAM defined by Eqs. (5) and
network? That is, how many patterns can be The Hebbian outer-product rule can be (6) and the W matrix defined in Eq. (8).
stored in a network with n processing ele- used to encode the q association (Xi, inx) Furthermore, with vector ( A 6) (a slight +
ments? What should be done with the spu- a BAM by changing the binary representa- variation to the A feature vector) introduced
rious equilibrium points? These questions tion of the vectors to bipolar representation, to the BAM, there is convergence to the
are, in general, still open questions in re- i.e., changing 0’s to -1’s. Let ( A i , B,) be closest failure label L. For example,
search. In what follows, two specific ex- the desired bipolar representation, then the
amples of neural networks are presented to resulting weighting matrix W is given by 6=(0 1 0 0 0)
help clarify concepts. These are simple ex- A+6=(1 1 1 0 1)
amples with more elaborate techniques given W = BTA, + B:A2 + . . . + B i A , (8)
in the references. The problem of sensor or actuator failure
(A + 6 ) WT = ( 2 2 2 2)
isolation is of interest in improving the con- +(I 1 1 I)=L
Fault Isolation Mapping Example trol system reliability. Here a BAM is used
as an associative mapping from system fail- More on the error-correcting properties and
A bidirectional associative memory is used the capacity of the BAM is discussed in [ 151.
to illustrate fault isolation and control. The ure feature space to system failure label
space. Define three classes of failure by the It should be noted that learning in the BAM
BAM is a two-layer feedback network of in- is fixed, hence it lacks robustness in the sense
terconnected processing elements that recalls following feature vectors and the corre-
sponding label vectors: that a one-bit shift in one of the patterns may
stored associations ( X I , Y,) for i = I , result in convergence to a wrong association.
2 , . . . , q. Thus, input of the n-dimensional The BAM is an example of a mapping net-
vector X , should give output of the m-di- Feature Vectors Label Vectors work. The single-layer network of Hopfield
mensional vector Y,, and vice versa. Figure is an example of an optimizing network.
3 shows the topology of the BAM. The net- A=(10101) L =(1111)
work is connected by a fixed-weight matrix B=(10100) M = ( O l 1 0 )
C = ( 0 1 0 1 1 ) N =(1001) Hopfield Network Optimizing
W of dimension m X n. The network dy-
namics for the ith processing element in layer Example
Y is given by Eq. (5). To encode the association using the preced-
The Hopfield network [IO] is a single large
ing Hebbian law, these vectors are converted
autoassociative neural network where the
y,(k + I) = I if y:(k + I) > O to bipolar forms.
outputs of the processing elements are fed
= y(k) if y:(k + 1) = 0
back to all the elements via a crossbar mesh
Feature Vectors with resistive weights connecting them to the
=O if y:(k + I) <O A’ = (1 - 1 1 -1 1)
input. Figure 5 shows a schematic diagram
B’ = of the network. The excitation dynamics are
(1 - 1 1 - 1 -1)
(5) defined by the differential equation in (9),
C’ = ( - 1 1 -1 1 1)
n where the nonlinearity f is a sigmoid curve
Y:@) = c WllS
Label Vectors
given by Eq. (10).

The network dynamics for the ith processing L’ = (I 1 1 1) x, = f

c wl,xl + I,] (9)
element in layer X is given by Eq. (6). M’ = ( - 1 1 1 -1)
N’ = (1 - 1 -1 1) f ( x ) = 1/[1 + exp (-41 (10)
x,(k + I) = I if x:(k + I) >O
The weights are obtained by defining a quad-
= x,(k) if x:(k + I) = O The sum of outer products of these vectors
gives the resulting weighting matrix W.
= O if x:(k + 1) <O
w = L J A ~+ M ~ T B +~ N ~ T c ~ /
x:w = Y,?,

The update can be done synchronously
when all the processing element updates oc-
cur at a clock cycle, or asynchronously when
only some subset is updated each time. De- Using the BAM equations (5) and (6), the
fining an energy function E for this network following example shows associative recall. Fig. 5. Hopfield crossbar network.

6 I€€€ Control Systems Magazine

ratic energy function and selecting the Neurocomputing technology is here and [IO] J. J. Hopfield and D. W. Tank, “Neural
weights to minimize the energy. For exam- advancing rapidly. There are neurocomputer Computation of Decisions in Optimization
ple, in the problem of the analog-to-digital boards available for your personnal com- Problems,” Biol. Cyber., vol. 52, no. 3,
conversion, where an analog input I is pre- puter capable of emulating over 100,OOO pp. 1-25, July 1985.
processing elements and one million inter- [Ill D. E. Rumelhart and J. L. McClelland,
sented, and it is desired to find the best bi-
Parallel Distributed Processing: Explora-
nary output, the energy can be defined as in connects. Currently, a simple neural net-
tions in the Microstructure of Cognition,
Eq. (11). work controller is being investigated for vi- vols. I and 11, MIT Press, 1986.
sion-guided robots, position and force con- [I21 R. Hecht-Nielsen, “Performance Limits of
trol in coordinated manipulators, and muscle- Optical, Electro-Optical and Electronic Ar-
like cable-driven robot links in our lab [161. tificial Neural System Processors,” Proc.
n Furthermore, preliminary results presented SPIE, vol. 634, pp. 277-306, 1986.
+ j =cO 2 9 X ; ( l - x;)] (11) at the First International Conference on [13] B. A. Kosko, “Adaptive Bidirectional As-
Neural Networks in the Applications and sociative Memories,” Appl. Opt., vol. 26,
Robotics Session appeared very promising. no. 23, pp. 49474960, Dec. 87.
When energy E is minimized, the second
One of the more interesting results was that [I41 M. A. Cohen and S. Grossberg, “Absolute
term in Eq. (11) is zero, while the first term
Stability of Global Pattern Formation and
biases the system to the closest state, in the with feedback/feedforward compensation
Parallel Memory Storage by Competitive
least-squares sense, to the analog input I . implemented by a neural network, as leam- Neural Networks,” IEEE Trans. Syst.,
Comparing this to the high-gain general en- ing was pursued, the compensation tends to Man, Cyber., vol. 13, no. 5 , pp. 815-826,
ergy function of the network move to the feedforward path with little 1983.
feedback compensation. The references pro- [I51 B. Kosko, “Adaptive Bidirectional Asso-
vided here will allow the reader to probe ciative Memories,” Appl. Opt., Nov. 1987.
further into many aspects of neural networks [16] B. Bavarian, “A Two-Loop Feedback Mus-
not covered in this introductory paper. cle Model,” Proc. 9th IEEE Annual ConJ
gives the weights and the input bias currents EMES, 1987.
w..11 = -2Ci+J) t
= ( - 2 0 - 1 ) + 2’1)
[I] A. R. Stubberud, “Intelligent Control,”
Note that this network defines an analog- presented at the Frontiers of Intelligent Sys-
to-digital conversion which is clockless. tems Symposium, University of California, Behnam Bavarian r
Hopfield and Tank have further solved the Irvine, Nov. 1986. ceived the B.S. degrre
[23 B. A. Kosko, “Foundation of Fuzzy Esti- in electrical enginernng
traveling salesman problem; an NP complete
mation Theory,” Ph.D. dissertation, Uni- from Abadan Institute of
optimization problem with the crossbar net- Technology in 1978 and
versity of California, Irvine, 1987.
works [lo]. [3] R. Rosenblatt, Principles of Neurodynam- the M.S. and Ph.D. de-
ics, New York: Spartan Books, 1959. grees in electrical rngi-
Conclusions [4] B. Widrow and M. E. Hoff, “Adaptive neering fmm Ohio State
Switching Circuits,” IRE WESCON Conv. University, Columbus,
We have looked at the general problems Record, part 4, pp. 96-104, Aug. 1960. Ohio, in 1981 and 1984,
of intelligent controller design and con- [5] S. Grossberg, “Nonlinear Difference-Dif- respectively. He joined
cluded that an alternative approach, rather ferential Equations in Prediction and Learn- the Department of Elec-
than classical artificial intelligence, should ing Theory,” Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 58, trical Engineering, Uni-
be pursued for real-time applications. The pp. 1329-1334, 1967. versity of California, Irvine, California, in 1984,
neural network architecture has great poten- [6] S. Grossberg, Studies of Mind and Brain, where he is currently an Assistant Professor. He
tial and promise. The control problem can Boston: Reidel, 1982. spent one year at Brown University, Providence,
be considered as a broad mapping of [7] T. Kohonen, Associative Memory, Berlin: Rhode Island, in 1978-1979. He is currently an
“changes” to “actions” and as pattern rec- Springer-Verlag, 1977. Associate Editor for the IEEE Control Systems
[8] K. Fukushima, “Cognitron: A Self-Orga- Magazine. He chaired the Robotics Session of the
ognition with complexity. The neural net-
nizing Multilayered Neural Network,” Eiol. First IEEE International Conference of Neural
work has the capability to do such mappings Cyber., vol. 20, pp. 121-136, 1975. Networks. His research interests are in intelligent
in order 1 search time, independent of the [9] J. J. Hopfield, “Neural Networks and Phys- control systems with application to robotics, and
number of mappings, with the property of ical Systems with Emergent Collective neuromuscular control of human motion. He is the
self-organization and ever-improving leam- Computational Abilities,” Proc. Nat. Acad. Director of the Robotics Research Lab at the Uni-
ing ability. Sci., vol. 79, pp. 2554-2558, Apr. 1982. versity of California, Irvine.

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