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/fli^«o afl)fHo a}+s lnld^]*

tx 5 jl/i& ;xfos -sDKo"^/ ck/]^/_ -k|zf;g ;]jf / ;'rgf k|ljlw ;d'x_ kbsf]
v"nf k|ltof]lutfTds lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf&\oqmd
kq ljifo k')ff{° ;do k/LIffsf] lsl;d pQ/ lbg" kg]{ k|Zg ;+Vof / c+s
k|yd a}+lsé, n]vf 100 3 #)^f laifout k|To]s ;d'xaf^ 1÷1 u/L hDdf 5 ;a} k|Zgsf] c+s
tyf Aoj:yfkg k|Zgx? ;f]lwg]%g\ / ;a} k|Zgsf] pQ/ ;dfg /xg]% .
clgjfo{ % .
låtLo Computer / IT 100 3 #)^f laifout k|To]s ;d'xaf^ 1÷1 u/L hDdf 5 ;a} k|Zgsf] c+s
Knowledge k|Zgx? ;f]lwg]%g\ / ;a} k|Zgsf] pQ/ ;dfg /xg]% .
clgjfo{ % .
kf&\oqmdsf] la:t[t ljj/)f M
k|yd kq M a}+lsé, n]vf tyf Aoj:yfkg k')ff{° –100
;d'x– s M a}lsé
-1_ a}+lsé cjwf/)ff / ljsf;
-2_ g]kfndf a}lsé ljsf; / xfnsf] cj:yf Pj+ r"gf}tLx? -Banking Development in Nepal, Recent Status and challenges)
-3_ txut a}lsé k|)ffnL -s,v,u,# juL{s/)f_
-4_ u|fxsd"vL a}lsé ;]jf
-5_ u|fxs ;+/If)f l;$fGt -Client Protection Principle)
-6_ u|fxs klxrfg (Know Your Customers / KYC)
-7_ lgIf]ksf k|sf/ Pj+ ;+sng tyf kl/rfng
-8_ shf{ nufgL / o;sf l;$fGtx?
-9_ shf{ juL{s/)f (Loan Classification) / Joj:yf (Provision)
-10_ /]ld^fG; (Remittance)
-11_ e"QmfgLsf ;fwgx? -Cheque, Draft, Letters of Credit, Debit/Credit card, Electronic Transfer,Branch Less Banking (
BLB), ABBS, ATM, Mobile Banking)
-12_ z]o/, l*j]~r/ / C)fkq ;DaGwL cjwf/)ff (General Concept of Share, Debenture and Bonds)
-13_ afl)fHo a}+ssf] sfd st{Ao / clwsf/ (Functions of Commercial Banks)
-14_ g]kfnsf] cfly{s tyf a}+lsé lasf;df /fli^«o afl)fHo a}ssf] e'ldsf (Role of RBB in Economic and Banking
Development of Nepal)
-15_ g]kfn /fi^« a}+ssf] sfd st{Ao / clwsf/ (Functions of Nepl Rastra Bank)

;d'x –v M a}s tyf ljQLo ;+:yf ;DalGwt P]g, lgod tyf lgodgx?
-1_ g]kfn /fi^« a}+s P]g, 2058 -Nepal Rastra Bank Act, 2058)
-2_ a}+s tyf laQLo ;+:yf ;DaGwL P]g, 2063 ( Bank and Financial Institution Act,2063)
-3_ a}lsé s;'/ tyf ;hfo P]g, 2064 (Banking Offence and Punishment Act,2064)
-4_ ;DklQ z"$Ls/)f-dgL nfpG*l/é_ lgjf/)f P]g, 2064 (Anti Money Laundering Act, 2064)
-5_ ljlgd]o clwsf/kq P]g, 2034 (Negotiable Instrument Act, 2034)
-6_ sDkgL P]g, 2063 (Company Act, 2063)
-7_ cfos/ P]g, 2058 / cfos/ lgodfjnL, 2059
-8_ ljB"tLo sf/f]jf/ ;DjGwL P]g, 2063
-9_ ljb]zL ljlgdo -lgoldt_ ug]{ P]g, 2019
-10_ ljb]zL nufgL tyf k|ljlw x:tfGt/)f P]g, 2049
-11_ ;"/lIft sf/f]jf/ P]g

;d'x –uM n]vf k|)ffnL (Accounting System_

-1_ bf]xf]/f] n]vf k|)ffnL (Double Entry System) / o;sf laz]iftfx?
-2_ gub vftf / ;fgf] gubL sf]if
-3_ ljleGg k|sf/sf vftfx?sf] hfgsf/L
-4_ ;Gt"ng k/LIf)f -Trial Blance_
-5_ gfkmf–gf]S;fg lx;fj (Profit & Loss Account)
-6_ jf;nft (Balance Sheet)
-7_ n]vfk/LIf)f / o;sf] dxTj (Auditing and its Important)

;d'x– #= M a}+ssf] cfGtl/s n]vf k|)ffnL

-1_ jfl)fHo a}+sx?sf] ljQLo ljj/)f Pj+ o;sf k|d"v tTjx? (Financial Statement of Commercial Banks & its core
-2_ lhG;L Joj:yfkg / o;sf] dxTj (Invontory Management and its importance)
-3_ :yL/ ;Dklt Pj+ x|f;s§L (Fixed Assets and Depreciation)
-4_ a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx?sf] k'¤hL Pj+ k'¤hLsf]if (Capital & Capital Fund of banks & Financial Institutions)
-5_ a}+lsé sf/f]jf/df lgxLt hf]lvdx?
-6_ g]kfn /fi^« a}+sn] hf/L u/]sf lgb]{zgx?

;d'x – ñ M Aoj:yfkg
-1_ Aoj:yfkgsf l;$fGt tyf sfo{x?
-2_ pTk|]/)ff (motivation) / åGb Aoj:yfkg (conflict Management)
-3_ Joj:yfkgdf ;'rgf tyf ;+rf/ k|)ffnLsf] e'ldsf
-4_ ;+:yfut ;"zf;g
-5_ sd{rf/L tflnd / o;sf] dxTj
-6_ sd{rf/Lsf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg d'Nof°g
-7_ lg)f{o Ifdtfsf] dxTj / e'ldsf
-8_ Joj:yfkgdf g]t[Tjsf] dxTj / e'ldsf
-9_ ah]^sf] l;$Gt / dxTj

tx 5 jl/i& ;xfos -sDKo"^/ ck/]^/_ -k|zf;g ;]jf / ;'rgf k|ljlw ;d'x_ kbsf] v"nf k|ltof]lutfTds lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf&\oqmd

Second Paper M Computer / IT Knowledge Full Mark –100

(a) Introduction of Computer: Types of Computer, Analog and Digital Computer, Hybrid Computer, Microcomputer,
Mainframe Computer, Super Computer, Comparison of Speed, Storage Capacity and Main Memory.
Basic knowledge: Applied Electronics, Digital Logic Design, Low level/High level Programming Languages, Data
Structures, Computer Organization / Architecture, Operating system, DBMS, Communication & Networking,
Internet/email system, web design, new media fundamentals, computer security, ERP systems, emerging
technologies,General knowledge on banking software used in Nepalese banking system.

(b) Communication & Network Technologies : Data Transmission models, Modems and remote network access,
switching technologies, Error detection and correction techniques, Data Compression Techniques, Network
Topologies, OSI Layers, TCP/IP, Networking Devices, Internet services, Internet Protocol/addressing, Network
security, Encryption/Cryptography, Digital authentication.

(c) Operating System and Information Systems : Operating System designs, Process Management & Scheduling,
Deadlock Characterization & Management, Memory management, Virtual Memory, Parallelism and Pipelining with
CPU, DOS Operating system, UNIX operating systems/Windows Operating system. Information System, Decision
support System, DBMS,

(d) Database Design and Data mining / Warehousing :- Management Database design methodology, Entity
Relationship models, Normalizations, Data models, Structure Query Language, Web technologies, Disaster
Recovery Planning. Data warehousing, Process in Data warehousing, OLTP system, Data warehousing
Team/Project Implementation, Data mining, Data mining models, Data mining functions/ Techniques .
(e) Information Technology :
- IT Policy and Development in Nepal
– NRB, IT Policy and IT Guidelines

b|i^Jo M
-1_ k/LIffsf] dfWod g]kfnL jf cu|]hL efiff x"g]% .
-2_ o; kf&\oqmddf h];"s} n]lvPsf] ePtf klg k|To]s ljifodf k/]sf P]g lgodx? k/LIffsf] ldlt eGbf 3 -tLg_ dlxgf
cuf*L ;+zf]wg ePsf] / vf/]h ePsf] hltsf] xsdf ;+zf]wg jf vf/]h eO{ sfod /x]sfnfO{ o; kf&\oqmddf k/]sf]
;Demg" kg]{% .
-3_ lnlvt k/LIffsf] k|To]s kqdf Go'gtd 40% -k|ltzt_ c° k|fKt ug"{ kg]{% .


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