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The Atatürk Institute for Modern Turkish History

ATA 621: The Young Turk Revolution and the Second Constitutional Period (Fall 2010)

Tuesday, 2:00-5:00 PM

Associate Prof. Ahmet Kuyaş

Galatasaray University: x295
Home: 216.478.36.93

Office hour: By appointment only


The present seminar is a survey course aiming to provide the students with a thorough understanding of the
Young Turks, their seizure of power and the nature of the socio-political system they tried to establish in the
decaying Ottoman Empire at the beginning of the 20th century. Accordingly, it will present the period with a
systematic coverage of its political, social, ideological, economic and diplomatic aspects. The study of a large
amount of primary source material will ensure that the survey won’t suffer from the usual flaws proper to the


Sina Akşin, Jön Türkler ve İttihat ve Terakki (DR584.5 .A37).


1) Regular class attendance, completion of reading assignments prior to class and participation in class
discussions (20 %),
2) Three short essays (10 % each),
3) One presentation (20 %),
4) One final research paper (30 %).


September 28: Introduction: The Reign of Abdülhamit II.

October 5: The Young Turks:

Leskovikli Mehmet Rauf, İttihat ve Terakki Ne İdi? 2nd edn. (İstanbul, 1991), pp. 81-101.
Hasan Cemil Çambel, Makaleler, Hatıralar (Ankara, 1964), pp. 105-107.
M. Şükrü Hanioğlu, Preparation for a Revolution. The Young Turks, 1902-1908 (Oxford, 2001), pp.

October 12: July 1908 and Its Aftermath:

İsmail Hakkı Uzunçarşılı, “İkinci Meşrutiyetin Ne Suretle İlân Edildiğine dair Vesikalar”, Belleten,
XX, 77(1956): 103-174.
Tanin’s coverage of the municipal elections in İstanbul, August 1908.
“Mebuslarımızı nasıl seçeceğiz?”, Anadolu, September 19, 1908.
The political program of the CUP, October 6, 1908.
Hüseyin Kâzım Kadri, Meşrutiyet’ten Cumhuriyet’e Hatıralarım (İstanbul, 1991), pp. 63-67.

October 19: The Legal and Political Aspects of the New Regime:

Recai G. Okandan, Amme Hukukumuzun Anahatları (İstanbul, 1977), pp. 297-330.

Meclis-i Mebusan Zabıt Ceridesi, Year 1, July 3, 1909, 2nd edn., vol. V, pp. 168-172.
Albert H. Lybyer, “The Turkish Parliament”, Proceedings of the American Political Science
Association, VII(1910): 65-77.
Maârif Nâzırı Emrullah, Osmanlı İttihâd ve Terakkî Cemiyeti’nin bin üç yüz yirmi yedi senesi
dördüncü kongresinde tanzîm olunan siyâsî programa dâ’ir îzâhnâme (Kostantiniye, 1330), pp. 11-

October 26: The Committee of Union and Progress and Its Opponents:

Osmânlı İttihâd ve Terakkî Cem‘iyeti’nin 1327 senesi siyâsî programı (İstanbul, 1327).
Osmânlı İttihâd ve Terakkî Cem‘iyeti program ve nizâmnâmesidir (İstanbul, 1329), pp. 3-13.
Rıza Nur, Hürriyet ve Îtilâf Fırkası Nasıl Doğdu, Nasıl Öldü, 2nd edn. (İstanbul, 1996), pp. 19-40.
20 Mayıs sene 328’de sûret-i fevke’l-âdede in’ikâd ile sekiz gün devâm eden umûmî kongrede bâzı
fıkarâtı ta‘adîl edilen Hürriyet ve ‘Îtilâf Fırkası programı ve nizâmnâme-i dâhilîsi (İstanbul, 1328),
pp. 2-21.
Gwynne Dyer, “The origins of the ‘Nationalist’ Group of officers in Turkey, 1908-1918”, Journal of
Contemporary History, VIII, 4(1973): 121-164.

November 2: Ottomanism vs. Ethnic Identities:

Isa Blumi, “Defying the State and Defining the State: Local Politics in Educational Reform in the
Vilayets of Manastir and Yanya, 1878-1912”, in Isa Blumi, Rethinking the Late Ottoman Empire
(İstanbul, 2003), pp. 103-122.
Zeine N. Zeine, Arab-Turkish Relations and the Emergence of Arab Nationalism (Beirut, 1958), pp.
Rashid Ismail Khalidi, “The 1912 Election Campaign in the Cities of Bilad al-Sham”, International
Journal of Middle East Studies, XVI, 4(1984): 461-474.
Vangelis Kechriotis, “Greek-Orthodox, Ottoman Greeks or Just Greeks? Theories of Coexistence in the
Aftermath of the Young Turk Revolution”, Études balkaniques, 2005, 1, pp. 51-71.

November 9: Turkish Nationalism:

M. Şükrü Hanioğlu, “The Young Turks and the Arabs Before the Revolution of 1908”, in R. Khalidi et
alii eds., The Origins of Arab Nationalism (New York, 1991), pp. 31-49.
Akçuraoğlu Yusuf, “İttihâd-ı anâsır mes’elesi”, Sır’at-ı müstakîm, V, 121(December 29, 1910): 280-
Ziya Gök Alp, “Üç cereyan”, Türk yurdu, III, 11(1913): 331-337.

November 23: The Fate of the Ethnic Minorities:

Fuat Dündar, Modern Türkiye’nin Şifresi (İstanbul, 2008), pp. 175-248.

Mithat Şükrü Bleda, İmparatorluğun Çöküşü (İstanbul, 1979), pp. 56-59.
Hüseyin Cahit Yalçın, Tanıdıklarım (İstanbul, 2001), pp. 34-51 & 80-83.

November 30: Secularism and Islamic Modernization:

Niyazi Berkes, Türkiye’de Çağdaşlaşma, 2nd edn. (İstanbul, 2002), pp. 429-472.

December 7: Ottoman Economy, 1908-1918:

Zafer Toprak, Türkiye’de “Millî İktisat” (1908-1918) (Ankara, 1982), pp. 50-68.
Akçuraoğlu Yusuf, “1329 türk dünyası”, Türk yurdu, VI, 3(1914): 2098.
Akçuraoğlu Yusuf, “İktisâdî siyâset hakkında”, Türk yurdu, XII, 12(1917): 179-181.

Akçuraoğlu Yusuf, “‘İttifak’a dâir”, in Akçuraoğlu Yusuf, Siyâset ve iktisâd hakkında birkaç hitâbe ve
makâle (İstanbul, 1924), pp. 21-32.

December 14: Ottoman Foreign Policy, 1908-1918:

Mustafa Aksakal, “Not ‘by those old books of international law, but only by war’: Ottoman Intellectuals
on the Eve of the Great War”, Diplomacy and Statecraft, XV, 3(2004): 507-544.
Allan Cunningham, “The Wrong Horse? Anglo-Ottoman Relations before the First World War”, in E.
Ingram ed., Eastern Questions in the Nineteenth Century. Collected Essays of Allan Cunningham
(London, 1993), pp. 226-248.
Feroz Ahmad, “Great Britain’s Relations with the Young Turks 1908-1914”, Middle Eastern Studies,
II, 4(1966): 302-329.

December 21: Ottoman Society during WWI:

Ahmed Emin, Turkey in the World War (New Haven, 1930), pp. 168-173 & 231-247.
Feroz Ahmad, “War and Society under the Young Turks, 1908-1918”, Review, XI, 2(1988): 265-286.

December 28: Mehmet VI Vahdettin and the End of the Constitutional Monarchy.

Mithat Şükrü Bleda, İmparatorluğun Çöküşü (İstanbul, 1979), pp. 93-94.

Rauf Orbay, “Rauf Orbay’ın Hatıraları”, Yakın Tarihimiz, II(1962): 176-178, 208-210 & 240-242.
Falih Rıfkı Atay, Atatürk’ün Bana Anlattıkları (İstanbul, 1955), pp. 84-88.
Ali Fuad Türkgeldi, Görüp İşittiklerim (Ankara, 1951), pp. 166-171.


Halide Edip Adıvar, Mor Salkımlı Ev.

Feroz Ahmad, İttihatçılıktan Kemalizme.
Feroz Ahmad, The Young Turks. The Committee of Union and Progress in Turkish Politics 1908-1914.
Ahmed Emin, Turkey in the World War.
Sina Akşin, Şeriatçı Bir Ayaklanma: 31 Mart Olayı.
Tahir Alangu, Ömer Seyfeddin. Ülkücü Bir Yazarın Romanı.
Ahmet Turan Alkan, İkinci Meşrutiyet Devrinde Ordu ve Siyaset.
M. S. Anderson, The Eastern Question.
Falih Rıfkı Atay, Zeytindağı.
Yusuf Hikmet Bayur, Türk İnkılâbı Tarihi.
G. R. Berridge, Gerald Fitzmaurice (1865-1939), Chief Dragoman of the British Embassy in Turkey.
Ali Birinci, Hürriyet ve İtilâf Fırkası.
Gökhan Çetinsaya, Ottoman Administartion of Iraq, 1890-1908.
Djemal Pasha, Memories of a Turkish Statesman.
David Fromkin, A Peace to End All Peace.
M. Şükrü Hanioğlu, A Brief History of the Late Ottoman Empire.
M. Şükrü Hanioğlu, Preparation for a Revolution.
M. Şükrü Hanioğlu, The Young Turks in Opposition.
Aykut Kansu, 1908 Devrimi.
Aykut Kansu, Politics in Post-Revolutionary Turkey, 1908-1913.
Hasan Kayalı, Arabs and Young Turks.
Marian Kent ed., The Great Powers and the End of the Ottoman Empire.
Ahmet Bedevi Kuran, İnkılâp Tarihimiz ve İttihad ve Terakki.
Ahmet Bedevi Kuran, İnkılâp Tarihimiz ve Jön Türkler.
Ahmet Bedevi Kuran, Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda İnkılâp Hareketleri ve Millî Mücadele.
Jacob M. Landau, The Politics of Pan-Islam.
Otto Liman von Sanders, Five Years in Turkey.
A. L. Macfie, The End of the Ottoman Empire 1906-1923.
Halil Menteşe, Osmanlı Mebusan Meclisi Reisi Halil Menteşe’nin Anıları.
Selim Ali Selâm, Beyrut Şehremininin Anıları (1908-1918).
William I. Shorrock, French Imperialism in the Middle East.
Banu İşlet Sönmez, II. Meşrutiyet’te Arnavut Muhalefeti.

Talât Paşa, Hatıralarım ve Müdafaam.
Yusuf Kemal Tengirşenk, Vatan Hizmetinde.
Zafer Toprak, İttihad-Terakki ve Cihan Harbi.
Ulrich Trumpener, Germany and the Ottoman Empire.
Tarık Zafer Tunaya, Türkiye’de Siyasal Partiler, 2nd edn., vols. I & III.
Frank Weber, Eagles on the Crescent.
M. A. Yapp, The Making of the Modern Near East.

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