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Οδυσσλεας Γκιλής


Θεσσαλονίκη 2018

Contents- περιεχόμενα

Wikipedia ................................................................................................................................... 5
Geographie ................................................................................................................................ 5
Geschichte ................................................................................................................................. 6
Nutzung ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Literatur ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Einzelnachweise ........................................................................................................................ 8
Μια ενδεικτικη μετάφραση ...................................................................................................... 9
γεωγραφία................................................................................................................................. 9
Αποσπάσματα από βιβλία ...................................................................................................... 12
ΕΥΡΕΤΗΡΙΟ ............................................................................................................................... 79


Der Kanal von Potidea (griechisch Διώρυγα της Ποτίδαιας,

Dioryga tis Potideas; alternative Transkription Kanal von
Poteidaia) ist ein künstlich angelegter und schiffbarer Kanal auf
der Halbinsel Chalkidiki der griechischen Verwaltungsregion


Der Kanal führt an der schmalsten Stelle des Isthmus der

Halbinsel Kassandra unmittelbar nördlich der Ortschaft Nea
Potidea vom Thermaischen Golf im Westen zum Toronäischen
Golf (Golf von Kassandra) im Osten und trennt damit die
Halbinsel Kassandra (1. ‚Finger‘) von der übrigen Halbinsel
Chalkidiki (‚Handteller‘) ab.
Der Kanal hat eine Länge von 1.100 bis 1.250 m (je nach Quelle)
und eine mittlere Breite an der Wasseroberfläche von 40 m.[1][2]
Die westliche Einfahrt des Kanals befindet sich auf Position
♁40° 11′ 47″ N, 23° 19′ 18″ O, die östliche Einfahrt des Kanals

befindet sich auf Position ♁40° 11′ 48″ N, 23° 19′ 59″ O. Die
mittlere Tiefe des Kanals beträgt 4,5 m, die Schwankungsbreite
der Tiefe ist 3,5 bis 5,5 m.[2] 1975 betrug die minimale Tiefe des
Kanals 2,8 m.[3] Die Wassertiefen vor der westlichen Einfahrt in
den Kanal betragen bereits in kurzer Entfernung zur westlichen
Einfahrt 35 m. Vor der östlichen Einfahrt beträgt die Wassertiefe
für 2 bis 3 km lediglich bis zu 5 m; anschließend fällt dann der
Meeresboden auf Tiefen von 38 m und darüber hinaus ab.[3]
Der Tidenhub am Kanal von Potidea beträgt 25 cm. Durch den
Kanal von Potidea fließen Wassermengen mit einer Flussrate von
18 bis 35 Kubikmeter pro Sekunde. Der Wasserfluss wird sowohl
in westlicher (in den thermaischen Golf) als auch in östlicher
Richtung (in den toronäischen Golf) beobachtet und wird durch
den Tidenhub und die Windkraft verursacht.[2]

Die Entstehungsgeschichte des Kanals ist nicht vollständig
aufgeklärt. Bereits Strabo erwähnte den Kanal im 1. Jahrhundert
n. Chr. Demzufolge wurde der Kanal von Potidea durch den
makedonischen König Kassander gleichzeitig mit der Gründung
der südlich von Potidea gelegenen Stadt Kassandreia 315 v. Chr.
gebaut. Bei der Beschreibung der Belagerung von Potidea durch
die persische Streitmacht unter Artabazos 480–479 v. Chr. wurde
der Kanal von Herodot nicht erwähnt. Ebenso wenig beschreibt
Thukydides in seinem Werk über den Peloponnesischen Krieg
den Kanal in seinem Bericht über die Belagerung von Potidea
durch Athen 432–430 v. Chr. Weitere Quellen zur Bestätigung
seiner Existenz ab Ende des 4. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. existieren
1407 ließ der byzantinische Kaiser Manuel II. Paleologos
gesichert den Kanal erneut ausheben und gleichzeitig an dessen
Südseite Befestigungsanlagen errichten. 1423 übernahmen die
Venezianer Thessaloniki sowie den Kanal von Potidea samt
Kassandra. Trotz der militärischen Sicherungsmaßnahmen fiel

der Kanal 1430 mit Thessaloniki und der Halbinsel Kassandra an

das Osmanische Reich. Während der osmanischen
Besatzungszeit sind keine exakten Informationen über den
Zustand und die Nutzung des Kanals überliefert.[1]
Im Rahmen des griechischen Unabhängigkeitskrieges von 1821
bis 1829 wurde der Kanal 1821 wieder ausgehoben und
gleichzeitig die am Südufer noch aus byzantinischer Zeit
stamMenden Befestigungsanlagen wieder errichtet. Im Gegensatz
zur Peloponnes und Südgriechenland gelang den Aufständischen
auf der Halbinsel Chalkidiki kein dauerhafter militärischer
Erfolg. Bereits im Verlaufe des Jahres 1821 zogen sich die
griechischen Aufständischen nach erfolgreichen Gegenangriffen
des osmanischen Heers auf die Halbinsel Kassandra hinter den
Kanal und die an seinem Südufer befindliche Festungsmauer
zurück. Nach nicht zweifelsfrei gesicherten Überlieferungen
gelang es dem osmanischen Heer durch Aufschüttung von
Schafwollballen die Hürde des Kanals zu überwinden, die
Festungsmauer von Potidea einzunehmen und nachfolgend die
Aufständischen zu besiegen. Während des ersten Balkankriegs
fanden am Kanal von Potidea keine militärischen
Auseinandersetzungen statt.[1]
1930 wurde der Kanal erneut ausgehoben. Im Gegensatz zum
Verlauf bis 1930, welcher einen Bogen von Nordwesten nach
Osten beschrieb, wurde der Kanal geradlinig von Westen
(Thermaischer Golf) nach Osten (Toronäischer Golf) ausgehoben
bzw. instand gesetzt. Bis 1970 war die Halbinsel Kassandra nur
durch eine Fähre erreichbar; durch Inbetriebnahme der Brücke
der Straße Nea Moudania–Kallithea wurde die Fähre
überflüssig.[1] Seit Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts führt parallel zur
Straßenbrücke von 1970 eine weitere Brücke über den Kanal von
Potidea. Beide Brücken werden als getrennte
Richtungsfahrbahnen einer vierspurigen Schnellstraße von Nea
Moudania nach Kallithea bzw. Kassandria genutzt. Weitere
Brücken über den Kanal gibt es nicht.

In der Antike war der Kanal für die recht küstengebundene
Schifffahrt eine große Erleichterung. Die Umfahrung der
Halbinsel Kassandra, um beispielsweise aus Byzanz per Schiff
Thessaloniki zu erreichen, entfiel durch den Kanal. Im
Mittelalter und vor allem in der Neuzeit nahm mit zunehMender
Hochseetüchtigkeit der Schiffe die Bedeutung des Kanales ab,
zumal die Zeitersparnis bei Auslassung der Umschiffung der
Halbinsel Kassandra mit der Nutzung von Schiffsmotoren
abnahm. In der Gegenwart nutzen den Kanal von Potidea
vorwiegend die örtlichen und regionalen Fischer, um auf kurzem
Wege mit ihren Schiffen vom Typ Kaika vom thermaischen in
den toronäischen Golf zu gelangen. Die Nutzung des Kanals ist
aufgrund seiner Ausmaße bezüglich Breite und Tiefe ohnehin auf
kleinere Schiffe beschränkt.

Strabo (Hrsg. Horace Leonard Jones): The Geography of Strabo.
Harvard University Press, Cambridge 1924.
Ioakim A. Papangelos: Chalkidiki. Griechenland. 3. Auflage.
Malliaris-Paidia, Thessaloniki 1987,.[4]
Établissement Principal du Service Hydrogéographique et
Océanographique de la Marine. Côte Est de Grèce. De Evvoïkós
Kólpos (partie nord) à Kólpos Kaválas. 1:250.000. BP 30316 –
29603, Brest Cedex 2005.
Klaus Bötig: Marco Polo Chalkidiki. Reisen mit Insider Tipps.
7. Auflage. MairDumont, Ostfildern 2006,.
Commons: Kanal von Potidea – Sammlung von Bildern, Videos
und Audiodateien

Ioakim A. Papangelos. Chalkidiki. Griechenland. 3. Auflage.
Verlag Malliaris-Paidia, Thessaloniki 1987.

Y. G. Savvidis, C. G. Koutitas, and Y. N. Krestenitis. Modelling

the water mass exchange through navigational channels
connecting adjacent coastal basins – application to the Channel
of Potidea (North Aegean Sea). Annales Geophysicae (2005) 23:
Établissement Principal du Service Hydrogéographique et
Océanographique de la Marine. Côte Est de Grèce. De Evvoïkós
Kólpos (partie nord) à Kólpos Kaválas. 1:250.000. BP 30316 –
29603, Brest Cedex. 2005.
HINWEIS: Die ISBN gilt nur für die Ausgabe des Verlages
Moorland Publishing vom 30. April 1987. Das Originalbuch des
Verlages Malliaris-Paidia weist keine auf.

Μια ενδεικτικη μετάφραση

Το κανάλι της Ποτίδαιας (Ελληνικά Διώρυγα της Ποτίδαιας,

διώρυγα tis Potideas? Εναλλακτική μεταγραφή Canal Ποτίδαια)
είναι ένα τεχνητό και πλωτό κανάλι στη Χαλκιδική Ελληνική
Διοικητική Περιφέρεια της Κεντρικής Μακεδονίας.


Το κανάλι οδηγεί στο στενότερο σημείο του ισθμού της

χερσονήσου της Κασσάνδρας ακριβώς βόρεια του θέρετρου της
Νέας Ποτίδαιας από το Θερμαϊκό κόλπο στα δυτικά στον
Τορωναίο κόλπο (Κόλπος της Κασσάνδρας) στα ανατολικά και τα
χωρίζει χερσόνησο της Κασσάνδρας (1ο, το δάχτυλο «) από το
υπόλοιπο της χερσονήσου Χαλκιδική ('φοίνικα') από το.
Το κανάλι έχει μήκος 1100 έως 1250 m (ανάλογα με την πηγή)
και έναν μέσο πλάτος στην επιφάνεια του νερού των 40 μ. [1] [2]

Η δυτική είσοδο του καναλιού βρίσκεται στη θέση ♁40 ° 11 '47

«N, 23 ° 19' 18" Ο, η ανατολική είσοδο του καναλιού βρίσκεται
στη θέση ♁40 ° 11 '48» N, 23 ° 19' 59" O. Το μέσο βάθος του
καναλιού είναι 4,5 m, το πλάτος μεταβολής του βάθους είναι 3,5
έως 5,5 m. Το 1975, το ελάχιστο βάθος του καναλιού ήταν 2,8 μ.
Τα βάθη του νερού μπροστά από τη δυτική είσοδο του καναλιού
είναι μόλις 35 μέτρα από τη δυτική είσοδο. Πριν από την
ανατολική είσοδο, το βάθος του νερού για 2 έως 3 χλμ είναι μόνο
μέχρι 5 μ. τότε ο βυθός πέφτει σε βάθη 38 μ. και πέρα. [3]
Το παλιρροιακό εύρος στο κανάλι της Ποτίδαιας είναι 25 εκ.
Μέσω του καναλιού της Ποτίδαιας ρέει νερό με ρυθμό ροής 18-
35 κυβικά μέτρα ανά δευτερόλεπτο. Η ροή του νερού
παρατηρείται τόσο προς δυτική (στο Θερμαϊκό Golf) και με
ανατολική κατεύθυνση (στο Τορωναίο Golf) και προκαλείται
από την παλίρροια και αιολικής ενέργειας. [2]
Η γένεση του καναλιού δεν είναι πλήρως κατανοητή. Ήδη ο
Στράβων π.Χ. αναφέρουν το κανάλι στο 1ο αι .. Ως αποτέλεσμα,
το κανάλι της Ποτίδαιας από το Μακεδόνα βασιλιά Κάσσανδρο
ήταν ταυτόχρονα κατά την ίδρυση της νότια της πόλης της
Ποτίδαιας της Κασσάνδρειας 315η Χτισμένο. Περιγράφοντας την
πολιορκία της Ποτίδαιας από την περσική δύναμη υπό τον
Αρταβάζο 480-479 π.Χ. Χρ., Το κανάλι του Ηρόδοτου δεν
αναφέρθηκε. Ούτε ο Θουκυδίδης περιγράφει το κανάλι στην
έκθεσή του για την πολιορκία της Ποτίδαιας από την Αθήνα 432-
430 μ. Χ. στο έργο του για τον Πελοποννησιακό Πόλεμο. Άλλες
πηγές επιβεβαιώνουν την ύπαρξή του από τα τέλη του 4ου αιώνα
π.Χ. Chr. Δεν υπάρχουν. [1]
1407 ο Βυζαντινός αυτοκράτορας Μανουήλ Β 'είχε.
Παλαιολόγου εξασφάλισε και πάλι το κανάλι για να σκάψουν και
να χτίσει στη νότια πλευρά οχυρώσεις της ταυτόχρονα. Το 1423
ανέλαβε τους Βενετούς Θεσσαλονίκη και το κανάλι της
Ποτίδαιας, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της Κασσάνδρας. Παρά τα
στρατιωτικά μέτρα ασφαλείας, το κανάλι έπεσε το 1430 με τη

Θεσσαλονίκη και τη χερσόνησο Κασσάνδρα στην Οθωμανική

Αυτοκρατορία. Κατά τη διάρκεια του Οθωμανικού χρόνου
κατοχής δεν καταγράφονται ακριβείς πληροφορίες για την
κατάσταση και τη χρήση του καναλιού. [1]
Στο πλαίσιο της Ελληνικής Επανάστασης 1821 - 1829, το κανάλι
είχε σκαφτεί το 1821 και πάλι και να κατασκευαστεί η οποία
εξακολουθεί να προέρχεται από τη βυζαντινή εποχή στις
οχυρώσεις νότια ακτή και πάλι. Σε αντίθεση με την Πελοπόννησο
και τη νότια Ελλάδα οι αντάρτες κατάφεραν καμία μόνιμη
στρατιωτική επιτυχία στη Χαλκιδική. Ήδη κατά τη διάρκεια του
1821, οι Έλληνες αντάρτες μετακόμισε στην επιτυχή
αντεπιθέσεις του οθωμανικού στρατού στη χερσόνησο της
Κασσάνδρας πίσω από το κανάλι και το τείχος φρουρίου
βρίσκεται στη νότια ακτή της πίσω. Μετά δε κατηγορηματικά
υποστηρίζεται παραδόσεις κατάφερε να ξεπεράσει το εμπόδιο
του καναλιού του οθωμανικού στρατού από την ανάκτηση των
μπάλες μαλλί προβάτου για να πάρει το τείχος φρουρίου της
Ποτίδαιας και νίκησε τους αντάρτες παρακάτω. Κατά τη διάρκεια
του πρώτου βαλκανικού πολέμου, δεν πραγματοποιήθηκαν
στρατιωτικές συγκρούσεις στο κανάλι της Ποτίδαιας [1].
Το 1930, το κανάλι εκσκαφίστηκε και πάλι. Σε αντίθεση με την
πορεία μέχρι το 1930, το οποίο περιγράφεται ένα τόξο από τα
βορειοδυτικά προς τα ανατολικά, το κανάλι κατ 'ευθείαν από τα
δυτικά (Θερμαϊκός Κόλπος) προς τα ανατολικά (Toronäischer
γκολφ) ανασκάφηκε και να επισκευαστεί. Μέχρι το 1970, η
χερσόνησος Κασσάνδρα ήταν προσβάσιμη μόνο με πλοίο. με
την αναχώρηση της γέφυρας του δρόμου Νέα Μουδανιά-
Καλλιθέα, το πλοίο ήταν περιττό. Από τις αρχές του 21ου αιώνα
παράλληλα με την οδική γέφυρα του 1970, οδηγεί μια άλλη
γέφυρα πάνω από το κανάλι της Ποτίδαιας. Και οι δύο γέφυρες
που χρησιμοποιούνται ως ξεχωριστά οδοστρώματα ένα ταχείας
κυκλοφορίας τεσσάρων λωρίδων από τα Νέα Μουδανιά, μετά
την Καλλιθέα και Κασσάνδρεια. Δεν υπάρχουν άλλες γέφυρες
πάνω από το κανάλι.

Αποσπάσματα από βιβλία

A Classical Dictionary of Biography, Mythology, and Geography Based

...William Smith - 1859 - - Four unsuccessful attempts were made to dig
a Canal across the isthmus, namely, by Demetrius Poliorcetes, Julius
Caesar, Caligula, and Nero. Corinthiàcus Sinus (Kopiv6iakos or Kopiv60s
róAros: G. of Lepanto), the gulf between the N. of Greece and ... on record
was between the Corinthians and their colonists the Corcyraeans. Its
greatness at an early period is attested by numerous colonies, Ambracia,
Corcyra, Apollonia, Potidaea, &c. It was adorned with magnificent
buildings, ...
A Classical Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography, Mythology and
...William Smith - 1904 -
A Commentary on Herodotus - Τόμος 2 - Σελίδα 172 1961 - - On the
Canal and its completion cf. ch. 23 n. "Ao-o-o : at the head of the gulf ; on
the Attic tribute lists "haaripa (Hicks, 33, 48). 2iyyos : the only important
town mentioned gave its name to the gulf ... the promontory in which
Pallene ends ; Scylax, 67 ; cf. Thuc. iv. no; Liv. xxxi. 45. t6 : referring
loosely to a<pr)v • cf. iv. 23. 3 ; v. 92 a. IIoTiScti]s . . . 6ep&p.pV On the
east side of Pallene, on the Gulf of Torone ; only Potidaea on the isthmus
also had a harbour on the Thermaic gulf, and was ...
A commentary on Herodotus: With intord. and appendixes by W.W. How
...Walter Wybergh How, Joseph Wells - 1961 - - On the Canal and its
completion cf. ch. 23 n. "A<rcra : at the head of the gulf ; on the Attic
tribute lists "Aoxnjpa (Hicks, 33, 48). ZiyYos: the only important town

mentioned gave its name to the gulf (Thuc. v. 18 ; Plin. ... only Potidaea
on the isthmus also had a harbour on the Thermaic gulf, and was of
importance (Thuc. i. 56 f.). Aphytis is Phormio's base against Potidaea
(Thuc. i. 64). 6ep£p.p&>. On Attic tribute lists QpApfiaioi is often coupled
with Scione (cf. C. I. A. i. 227, 229, 237). 2kiuvt)s ...
A Companion to Ancient Thrace Julia Valeva, Emil Nankov, Denver
Graninger - 2015 - - From Plataea to Potidaea: Studies in the History and
Historiography of the Pentecontaetia. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins
University Press. Balcer, J. M. 1988. “Persian Occupied Thrace.” Historia,
37: 1–21. Boteva, D. 2011. “Re-reading Herodotus on the ... Leiden: Brill.
Isserlin, B. S. J., et al. 2003. “The Canal of Xerxes: Summary of
Investigations 1991–2001.” Annual of the British School at Athens, 98:
369–385. Lendle, O. 1995. Kommentar zu Xenophons Anabasis (Bücher
A Companion to Greek Studies - Σελίδα 5 The easternmost of its three
projections, which was called Acte, is joined to the continent by an isthmus
about a mile and a half broad, where the remains of Xerxes' Canal are still
visible. From this point it extends for about 40 miles, until at ... the end of
Sithonia the town of Torone was situated, and close to the isthmus of
Pallene, which is narrower than that of Athos, being only half a mile wide,
lay the important Corinthian colony of Potidaea. At no great distance
from it, at the head of the ...
A Companion to Greek Studies: Edited by Leonard Whibley ; 4th Ed., Rev
Leonard Whibley - 1968 - - The easternmost of its three projections, which
was called Acte, is joined to the continent by an isthmus about a mile and
a half broad, where the remains of Xerxes' Canal are still visible. From
this point it extends for about 40 miles, ... Near the end of Sithonia the town
of Torone was situated, and close to the isthmus of Pallene, which is
narrower than that of Athos, being only half a mile wide, lay the important
Corinthian colony of Potidaea. At no great distance from it, at the head
of the ...
A Compendium of Ancient and Modern Geography: For the Use of Eton
School Aaron Arrowsmith, Charles Grenfell Nicolay - 1856 - - attending
the doubling of the Promontory Athos, now called Cape Monte Santo ; this
Canal, which commenced at Sana, was a mile and a half long, broad
enough for two galleys to row abreast, and occupied three years in
cutting90. ... On the neck of the peninsula Pallene, and not far from
Olynthus , was Potidaea Pinaca, founded by the Corinthians, from whom

it was taken by the Athenians, and from the latter again by Philip, who gave
it to the Olynthians ; Cassander increased and ...
A Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer Or Geographical Dictionary of the
...Angelo Heilprin - 1922 -
A Grammar of Ancient Geography,: Compiled for the Use of King's
...Aaron Arrowsmith, family of publishers Hansard (London) - 1832 -
Acanthus stood at the Eastern termination of the cana cut by Xerxes across
the neck of the peninsula Acte, to afford a passage fo, his immense
armament and prevent its encountering the dangers attending the doubling
of the Promontory Athos : this Canal was a mile and a hall long, broad
enough for two galleys to row abreast, and occupied three yean in
cutting31. The lofty M'. Athos, called now Monte Santo from the nurabei
of religious houses built round it, was said by the ancients ...
A Greek-English Lexicon - Σελίδα 1259 Robert Scott - 1889 -
A Greek-English Lexicon: Based on the German Work of Francis Passow
Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott - 1875 - - Shortd. form rrór', q. v.
I] orïárrru, rrorîßúhho, 170716261ш, Dor. for rrpoçd. THor-töat'a, ail, lon.
a[r], 11i), r?, Potidaea, a city in t e peninsula a lene, later merged in
Cassandrêa, Hdt. 8, 128; Ar. Eq. 43S; Strab. p. 330. Hence +Hartdatárrlç
ov, lon. atr'1rr7ç, ш, tl, an inhab. of ŕotidaea, a Potitlaean, Hdt. 8, 126: and
fHortdatärtxóç, n', 6v, of or relating to Potidaea, Thuc. ... Hence
Hortoniptov, au, râ, a Canal or ditch fw irrigation, LX . Horror-ng, ой, à,
(nor-1%) one who gives to drink, waters, LX.
A Guide to the Ancient World: A Dictionary of Classical Place Names
Michael Grant - 1986 - - Meanwhile, in the previous century, Greek cities
had begun the establishment of a number of colonies in the region, to which
they gave the name of Chalcidice; the last and most important of these
settlements was Potidaea (c 600). After temporarily submitting to Xerxes
I (480) — who had dug a one-and-a-half mile Canal through Acte three
years earlier — the people of Chalcidice joined the Delian League under
Athenian leadership, but revolted in 433/31 and established a league of ...
A History of All Nations - Τόμος 24 - Σελίδα 35 Ferdinand Justi, Sara
Yorke Stevenson, Morris Jastrow - 1905 -
A History of All Nations from the Earliest Times: Being a Vniversal ...
1905 -
A History of All Nations: General index - Σελίδα 35 1902 -

A History of Greece - Σελίδα 151 John Bagnell Bury - 2015 - - quarter of

the Greek world, a son of Periander founded Potidaea in the Chalcidic
peninsula. Cypselus and Periander did their utmost to ... of powerful
tyrant of Miletus sympathised with Peri- Goddess. ander the powerful
tyrant of Corinth. This change in policy is connected with the change in the
balance of mercantile power. Corinth is more prosperous than ever; and
Aegina is be Egyptian 22&722e of Periander's nephew. Aergander's
Canals. (Tyrants Patrons of art. III GROWTH OF ...
A History of Greece - Τόμος 2 - Σελίδα 537 Evelyn Abbott - 1892 - - 20;
Phoenicians at the Canal of Athos, iii. 4; Phoenicians in Sicily, xii. 3, 7, 8.
Sec Carthage. Phrynichus, an Athenian poet, fined, i. 21. Phylacus, a hero
of Delphi, iv. 8. ... 2; his temple at Potidaea desecrated, iv. 26 ; statue of,
consecrated from the spoils of Plataea, v. 16. Poseidonia (Paestum), a
colony of Sybaris, xiii. 14.Potidaea besieged by the Persians, iv. 26.
norcywyideq, xii. 15. Pottery, Greek, imported into Italy, xiii. 5. Prasias,
Lake, i. 2. Priests, kings as, Introd. 8. Prize of valour at ...
A History of Greece from the Earliest Times to the Macedonian Conquest
Charles Oman - 1890 -
A History of Greece: From the Ionian revolt to the thirty years' ...Evelyn
Abbott - 1900 - - 20; Phoenicians at the Canal of Athos, iii. 4; Phoenicians
in Sicily, xii. 3, 7, 8. See Carthage. Phrynichus, an Athenian poet, fined, i.
21. Phylacus, a hero of Delphi, iv. 8. ... 2; his temple at Potidaea
desecrated, iv. 26 ; statue of, consecrated from the spoils of Plataea, v. 16.
Poseidonia (Paestum), a colony of Sybaris, xiii. 14. Potidaea besieged by
the Persians, iv. 26. jroTiywyi'Ses, xii. 15. Pottery, Greek, imported into
Italy, xiii. 6. Prasias, Lake, i. 2. Priests, kings as, Introd. 8. Prize of
valour ...
A History of Greece: Fron the Ionian revolt to the thirty years' ...Evelyn
Abbott - 1892 - - 20; Phoenicians at the Canal of Athos, iii. 4; Phoenicians
in Sicily, xii. 8, 7, 8. See Carthage. Phrynichus, an Athenian poet, fined, i.
21. Phylacus, a hero of Delphi, iv. 8. ... 2. Poseidon, festival of, at Sunium,
ii. 2; the "Saviour," iv. 2; his temple at Potidaea desecrated, iv. 26 ; statue
of, consecrated from the spoils of Plataea, v. 16. Poseidonia (Paestum), a
colony of Sybaris, xiii. 14. Potidaea besieged by the Persians, iv. 26xii. 15.
Pottery, Greek, imported into Italy, xiii. 5.
A History of Macedonia: Historical geography and prehistory Nicholas
Geoffrey Lemprière Hammond, Guy Thompson Griffith, Frank William

Walbank - 1972 - - Lot B has no connection with Lot A, as it should have

if it too had come from Potidaea. There are further arguments against
Potidaea as a possible site. No object resembling anything in either lot has
turned up at Potidaea among the chance surface finds, in the digging of the
Canal, and in Pelekides's preliminary excavations.2 There is neither
evidence nor probability that Potidaea was occupied until Corinth planted
its colony on this exposed site c. 600 B.C. ; for it needed a fleet and ...
A Manual of Ancient History from the earliest times to the fall of ...1869 -
Potidaea, the most important of them all in the early times, was a colony
from Corinth. The cities of Chalcidian origin were chiefly in Sithonia;
they included Toréné, Singus, Sermylé, Galepsus, and Mecyberna. ...
Andros founded Sané, near the site of the Canal of Xerxes, and Acanthus,
Stageirus, and Argilus, on the coast between Athos and Amphipolis.
Chalcidicé first became a power in the Peloponnesian \Var, when its cities,
encouraged by Brasidas, revolted from Athens, B.C. 424.
A Manual of Ancient History: From the Earliest Times to the Fall of
...George Rawlinson - 1869 - - (a) Western Group. This comprised
Methone, on the eastern coast of the Thermaic Gulf, which was a colony
from Eretria, founded about B.C. 730, and the settlements of the Chalcidic
peninsula, including those of the three long projections from it, Pallene,
Sithonia, and Acte, or the peninsula of Athos. The greater part of the
settlements in this -quarter were made by the town of Chalcis in Euboea,
but some were from Eretria, and several from Andros. Potidaea, the most
important of them ...
A New and Literal Version from the Text of Baehr - Σελίδα 449 Herodotus
- 1879 - - ... Canal which was at Athos extending to the bay on which the
cities of Assa, Pilorus, Singus, and Sarta. are situate, after that, when it had
taken troops on board from those cities sailed with all speed to the
Thermaean bay. ... Xerxes's fleet, stretching across from the cape of
Ampelus to the cape of Canastraeum, which is the most prominent point of
all Pallene, thence took ships and men from Potidaea, Aphytis, Neapolis,
1Ega, Therumbus, Scione, Menda, and Sana, for these are the ...
BIOGRAPHY, MYTHOLOGY ...1860 - - (Aíožkog), or road by which
ships were dragged across from the Bay of Schoenus to the harbor of
Lechaeum. Four unsuccessful attempts were made to dig a Canal across
the isthmus, namely, by Demetrius Poliorcetes, Julius Caesar, Caligula,
and Nero. ... on record was between the Corinthians and their colonists the

Corcyraeans. Its greatness at an early period is attested by numerous

colonies, Ambracia, Corcyra, Apollonia, Potidaea, &c. It was adorned wo
magnificent buildings, ...
A Short History of Greece - Σελίδα 58 David Moore Robinson - 1936 - He
founded under his son, Evagoras, Potidaea on the east of Northern Greece
and Epidamnus on the west. He built triremes and subdued the rebellious
Corcyra. He plied both seas from Lechaeum and Cenchreae, even starting
a Canal through the isthmus to connect the two ports. Periander invited
literary men to his court as Pisistratus did at Athens, Chersias sang at his
banquets and the Scythian Anacharsis discussed philosophy. He did much
for the beautification of Corinth and for ...
A sketch of ancient geography, by a lady, for the use of her pupils Sketch
- 1857 - On the peninsula formed by the Singitic and Strymonic gulfs, was
M. Athos, through which Xerxes ordered a Canal to be cut, to avoid the
dangerous navigation of the headland. The chief towns were Stagira on
the Strymonicus sinus, the birthplace of Aristotle ; Potidaea on the
Thermaicus sinus, and Olynthus on the Toronaicus sinus, both of which
Philip took from the Athenians, though not without a long re- x sistance;
Therma (Thessalonica) at the head of the Thermaicus Sinus, ...
Academic American encyclopedia - Τόμος 15 - Σελίδα 139 1980 - -
Furthermore, the next year Athens demanded that Potidea, a Corinthian
colony north of modern Fourka, tear down its sea defenses and expel its
Corinthian magistrates. These actions, along with an Athenian embargo on
commerce from ... It is bordered on the west, south, and east by the Ionian,
Mediterranean, and Aegean seas, and is connected to the mainland by the
narrow isthmus of Corinth, which is cut by a Canal. Pa- tras is the largest
city and major port. The peninsula is ...
Academic American encyclopedia - Τόμος 15 - Σελίδα 139 Grolier
Incorporated - 1997 - - Furthermore, the next year Athens demanded that
Potidea, a Corinthian colony north of modern Fourka, tear down its sea
defenses and expel its Corinthian magistrates. These actions, along with an
Athenian embargo on commerce ... It is bordered on the west, south, and
east by the Ionian, Mediterranean, and Aegean seas, and is connected to
the mainland by the narrow isthmus of Corinth, which is cut by a Canal.
Patras is the largest city and major port. The peninsula is ruggedly ...
American Journal of Philology - Σελίδα 162 Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve,
Charles William Emil Miller, Benjamin Dean Meritt - 1937 - - If it had

been in the Bottic land west of Olynthos, they would have visited it on
their journey to Potidaia, for it would have been far out of their way to
return to it en route from Akanthos to Pallene. Thus there is no location
available for ... There is, in fact, one ancient reference to Stolos which
places it between Sithonia and the Canal of Xerxes (Sane) : Torone,
Siggos, Stolos, fretum quo montem Atho Xerxes Persarum rex continent!
abscidit (Pliny, N. H. IV, 36f.)ls Pliny's evidence, then, ...
An Illustrated Historical Atlas Map of Holt County, Mo: Carefuly ...Brink,
McDonough & Co - 1877 - - ... attempts to cut a Canal across the isthmus
of Suez. Failure after a loss of over 100,000 men. The circus Maximus,
Rome, is erected. Necho II. of Egypt defeated by Nebuchadnezzar.
Jeremiah's rophecy of the years' captivity. Nebuchadnezzar .... Potidea
besieged by the Athenians (taken in 429). Death of Pericles. Rise of Cleon.
Battle of Mt. Algidus; Volsci defeated. The plague at Athens. Plato born
(died 347). Siege of Platea. Naval victories of Phormio. Revolt and fall of
An Introduction to the Study of Grecian and Roman Geography. George
Long, Robley Dunglison - 1829 - ... over in silence the difficulty raised
about a Canal five or six miles long, and allow the declamation its full
effect, if Thucydides, whose authority is decisive, did not incidentally
mention the king's Canal, and Sane, an Andrian colony, situated on its
banks.” The mountain promontory of Athos is now covered with
monasteries, and has received in modern times the appropriate name of
Monte Santo. Torone in Sithonia was a Greek city, garrisoned by
Athenians during the long war.f Potidaea ...
Analysis and Summary of Herodotus: With a Synchronistical Table of
...James Talboys Wheeler - 1907 - - It then sailed through the Canal at
Athos, levying troops from Assa, Pilorus, Singus, and Sarta ; 123 doubled
Cape Ampelus, taking both ships and men from Torone, Galepsus,
Sermyla, Mecyberna, and Olynthus , whose country is now called Sithonia
; stretched to Cape Canastrceum, taking men and ships from Potidaea,
Aphy- tis, Neapolis, -ZEga, Therambo, Scione, Menda, and Sana, whose
territory was once called Phlegra, but now Pallene ; and coasted to the
Thermaic Gulf, ...
Ancient Greece and Rome - Σελίδα 586 Israel Smith Clare - 1893 -
Potidaea, the most important of these in early times, was a colony from
Corinth. The Chalcidian cities in Sithonia were Tor6ne\ Singus, Sermyle,
Galepsus and Mecyberna. Olynthus became a possession of Chalcedon in

B. C. 480. The colonies of Eretria were chiefly in Pall£ne, and the most
important was Mend£. Sane was founded by Andros, near the Canal of
Xerxes. Acanthus, Stageirus and Argilus were on the coast between Athos
and Am- phipolis. Chalcedon and Olynthus arose ...
Ancient Greece: A Handbook - Σελίδα 139 Lesley Adkins, Roy A. Adkins
- 1998 - There was no Canal across the isthmus, but it was easier to drag
small ships across a special road (diolkos) (or to unload from one ship and
load on to another) than to sail around the Peloponnese. Corinth's two ports
... Relations with Athens deteriorated in the later 5th century BC; disputes
with Athens concerning Corcyra and Potidaea led to the outbreak of the
Peloponnesian War in 431 BC, in which Corinth suffered badly due to the
loss of trade, ships and colonies. Corinth defended ...
Ancient history - Σελίδα 758 Israel Smith Clare - 1906 - - Potidaea, the
most important of these in early times, was a colony from Corinth. The
Chalcidian cities in Sithonia were Torone, Singus, Ser- myle, Galepsus
and Mecybcrna. Olynthus became a possession of Chalcedon in B. C.
480. The colonies of Eretria were chiefly in Pallene, and the most
important was Mende. Sane was founded by Andros, near the Canal of
Xerxes. Acanthus, Stageirus and Argilus were on the coast between Athos
and Amphipolis. Chalcedon and Olynthus arose ...
Ancient oriental nations and Greece - Σελίδα 586 1897 - - Potidaea, the
most important of these in early times, was a colony from Corinth. The
Chalcidian cities in Sithonia were Toroné, Singus, Sermylé, Galepsus and
Mecyberna. Olynthus became a possession of Chalcedon in B. C. 480.
The colonies of Eretria were chiefly in Palléné, and the most important
was Mendé. Sané was founded by Andros, near the Canal of Xerxes.
Acanthus, Stageirus and Argilus were on the coast between Athos and
Amphipolis. Chalcedon and Olynthus arose to ...
Ancient oriental nations and Greece - Σελίδα 586 Moses Coit Tyler - 1897
- - Potidaea, the most important of these in early times, was a colony from
Corinth. The Chalcidian cities in Sithonia were Toróné, Singus, Sermylé,
Galepsus and Mecyberna. Olynthus became a possession of Chalcedon in
B. C. 480. The colonies of Eretria were chiefly in Palléné, and the most
important was Mendé. Sané was founded by Andros, near the Canal of
Xerxes. Acanthus, Stageirus and Argilus were on the coast between Athos
and Amphipolis. Chalcedon and Olynthus arose to ...

Anders Lassen, Vc - Σελίδα 174 Suzanne Lassen - 1965 - They passed the
lighthouse on Cassandra and headed for the Potidaia Canal. It was
Anders's hope to be in Saloniki before the Germans managed to destroy the
town. The Potidaia Canal flows into the sea about thirty miles south of
Saloniki, and this whole area still remained in enemy hands; but Anders
reckoned that the two caiques would not attract attention as many other
similar boats sailed backwards and forwards in these waters. Through his
field- glasses he could observe the ...
Antiquitas: Abhandlungen zur alten Geschichte - Τόμος 5 - Σελίδα 106
Strabo, Wolfgang Aly - 1957 - - rierstadt auf einer durch einen Kanal
abschliessbaren Halbinsel gelegen hat, kommt nur die Wurzel der
nördlichen Nehrung in Frage. Die Lage gleicht sehr derjenigen von
Potidaia. Dann muss eine Station im Abstand von 200Stad. ausgefallen
sein, vermutlich dieWachttür- me der Klazomenier, die Strabon in seinem
Periplüs nicht fand und daher ohne nähere Ortsangabe zum Schluss
nachtrug. Problematisch bleibt die Lücke zwischen dem Achilleion und
Gorgippia, weil die Lage ...
Apollo History of Greece - Σελίδα 439 Cyril Edward Robinson - 1965 -
PELOPONNESE, etc. Megara Chalcedon, 660 and Sicilian Megara, 728,
Byzantium which founds Selinus, 648 Corinth Potidaea, 609 Corcyra, 735,
which founds Epidamnus Syracuse, 735, which founds Camaxina, 599
Anactorium, Leucas, c. 600 Achaea Croton, 710; Sybaris ... Tyranny
founded by Cypselus (657-630), carried on by Periander (625-585), who
encourages ' dithyrambic ' poetry; plans Canal through isthmus; builds
Archaeological Reports - Τεύχος 52 - Σελίδα 171 2005 -
Archaiologikon deltion - Τόμος 31,Μέρος 2,Τεύχη 1-2 - Σελίδα 244 1984
Π.χ. έπισημάνθηκε ή ύπαρξη «μεσαιωνικής» όχύρωσης στή θέση Τσεγ-
γενέ Χισάρ όπου άνοίχτηκε τό νέο κανάλι τού Αξιού ποταμού. Τό
κληροτεμάχιο άριθ. 830 είναι κατάσπαρτο άπό χοντροειδή όστρακα. Στόν
αύλόγυρο τού ... Ποτίδαια Στήν παραλία, περίπου 800 μ. στά νότια τού
οίκισμού. έκεί πού άπότομα κατηφορίζει τό έδαφος προς τή θάλασσα,
βρέθηκε τάφος κιβωτιόσχημος, μισοκαταστραμμένος, διαστ.
0,60x0,70x0,55 μ., τών ύστερορωμαίκών χρόνων. Στήν περιοχή αύτή
έχουν ...
Atlas antiquus: In forty-eight original, graphic maps, with ...Emil Reich -
1908 - - Hence, Xerxes proceeds to Therma ; where the fleet again joined

him, after going through the Canal of Mount Athos, made by the Persians,
doubling the promontory of Ampelos, and proceeding round the
promontory of Canastraeum by way of Scione, M ende, and Potidaea.
Meanwhile the Greeks had sent 10,000 hoplites under Euaenetus and
Themistoeles from the isthmus to Tempe, through the Euripus. These
generals, having disembarked at Halus, proceed to Tempe; but retreat ...
Atlas of world history Rand McNally and Company, Robert Roswell
Palmer - 1957 - - B4 140 Poti B6 67 Potidaea B5 23 Potomac R C3 150
Potosf G5 143 Potsdam C6 83 Povarkov, route of . ... C4 54 Oxford, Miss
E6 163 Oxford Canal 15a D8 31 Oxyrhynchus D2 20 Oyapok R F3 144
Ozolian Locris C3 26 Pa D5 119 Pachacamac H3 140 Pacific Ocean, 132
Padang H6 131 Paderborn A? 47 Paderborn, bishopric of 'J4 74 Padmavati
C6 118 Padua E6 55 Padus (Po) R B3 23 A3 26 Pagan F6 127 Pagasae B3
26 Pahang H7 127 Paita C8 132 Paithan C6 118 Paiute, ...
Aus Wikipedia. Nicht dargestellt. Auszug: Other reasons this message may
be displayed: ...
Books in print / Subject guide ] ; Books in print : an index to the ...
[Anonymus AC00156529] - 1990 -
Books IV-VIII and Historica index - Σελίδα 442 Thucydides, Benjamin
Jowett - 1900 -
Brill's Companion to Ancient Macedon: Studies in the Archaeology and
...Robin J. Fox, Robin Lane Fox - 2011 - - In 480 bc a Canal was even
dug by the Persians at Akte, a large-scale work whose traces still survive.10
Olynthus and Potidaia revolted after the battle of Plataia and for this
reason the Persians punished them both: they did not manage to capture
Potidaia, but they destroyed Olynthus and gave the city to the
Chalcidians of Torone. Selene Psoma has described in detail the political
alignments of. 10 B. S. Isserlin, “The Canal of Xerxes. Facts and
Problems,” BSA 86 (1991), 83–91; id., ...
Büyük lûgat ve ansiklopedi - Τόμος 10 - Σελίδα 299 1985 - - Potidaia,
M.Ö. VI. sonuna dogru Rorinthos'un zorba krall Periandros'un oglu
Euagoras tarafindan kuruldu. Yan bagimsiz bir koloni olan ve yalniz ...
Makedonyah Philippos II, halki köle olarak satilan ve yakilip yikilan
Potidaia'yi Olynthos'a geri verdi. Rassand- ros tarafindan yeniden ....
Washington'un yakinlarina kadar yer yer çaglayanlarla kesilen irmak,
Washing- ton'dan sonra derinlikleri 5 m'yi asan iki Kanal sayesinde sefere
elverisli hale gelir. (L) POTOMAN1 i. (fr. potomaníe).

Byzantina Mediterranea: Festschrift für Johannes Koder zum 65. ...Klaus

Belke - 2007 - Chr. Potidaia, seit 1924 Nea Potidaia genannt, an der knapp
ein Kilometer breiten Landenge zwischen Thermaikos Kolpos und
Torönaios Kolpos gelegen, wird in westlichen Portolanen mitunter als
Castro Andrea missverstanden20 und als la ture de chassandra, Türe tes
Kasandras bezeichnet21. Der isthmus war in der Antike durch einen Kanal
unterbrochen22. 1407 wurde ein Verteidigungsgraben geschaffen, der dem
heutigen, aus den Jahren 1935-1937 stamMenden, nicht aber ...
Chambers's Encyclopaedia - Τόμος 4 - Σελίδα 125 1950 - - The modern
town is not on the site of the ancient city but two miles SW. of the Canal
entrance; it owes its importance to its function as capital of Argolis-
Corinthia, its transit trade, the export of wine and the import of foodstuffs
and timber. It was built with broad ... The Canal, which was cut across the
isthmus in 1893 to connect the golf of Corinth with the Saronic gulf, is just
over three miles long. Its minimum dimensions are: ... founded 126 Apol
Ionia in Illyria and Potidaea in the Chalcidice.
Chambers's Encyclopædia: A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge 1868 -
- Plaue Canal, Germany, 718. Pleasant, Mount, WhiteMts. Plectrophanes,
Snow Bunting. Pleisse, Elster. Plcisscngau, Saxe-Altenburg. Plenum,
Germany, 721. Plessis les Tours, Tours. Plessur [r.), Chur (Snpp.)
PIcttcnberg Bay, Cape 0/ Good Hope. Pleurapophysis, Ribs. Plinlimmon,
[Supp.) Pliolophus, Hyracotherium. Ploermcl, Morbihan. ... Po tash- wa t
e r, A era ted I f 'a terr. Potato spirit. Fusel. Potato stones, Geodes. Potato
War, Succession Wars, Potidaea, Macedonia. Pot-metal ...
Chambers's Encyclopædia: A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge for the
...1887 -
Churchill's Secret Warriors: The Explosive True Story of the Special
...Damien Lewis - 2014 - - Four days after setting sail, the two caiques
pulled into the tiny harbour of Potidaea, lying some thirty miles to the
southeast of Salonika in the Gulf of Thermaikos – the long finger of sea
that stretches north to Salonika itself. Lassen's caiques pushed up the
Romanera Potidaea Canal, a short stretch of manmade waterway linking
the Gulf to the Bay of Toroneos on the far side, where they were able to
moor up and hide well out of sight of any prying eyes. Once his ships were
safely ...
Classical Geography - Σελίδα 62 Henry Fanshawe Tozer - 1877 - - The
easternmost of the three promontories that form the trident was that of

Acte, at the extremity of which the peak of Mount Athos rose to the height
of 6,400 feet ; through its isthmus, which is about a mile and a half broad,
the Canal was dug ... Gulf, was the promontory of Sithonia, with the town
of Torone ; and still further to the west, beyond the Toronaic Gulf, was that
of Paleene, with Mende and Scione on its southern side, and at its isthmus
the important Corinthian colony of Potidaea.
Collier's Encyclopedia: With Bibliography and Index Louis Shores - 1963
- - The digging of the Suez Canal revived interest in the island's strategic
position on the new shipping lanes that followed the ancient routes out of
the Red Sea to the East. In 1834 the British East India Company occupied
Socotra during their search for a good harbor at which to ... His military
record included distinguished service at Amphipolis, Potidaea (432 B.C.),
and Delium (424 B.C.). By 423 his teaching was sufficiently notorious to
attract the satirical attention of two dramatists, ...
Combined Atlases of Lenawee County, Michigan: 1874, 1893, 1916 1874
- Nacho Il. Egypt. attempts to cut s Canal across the isthmus of Suez.
Failure sfter s loss of 100.000 men. The Circus Maximus. Rome. is erected.
Hecho Il. of Egypt defeated by Nebuchsdneazar. Jeremiah'. prophecy of
the seva years' captivity. .... Motori, astronomer, nourished. Peloponnesiun
War begins between Athens and s confederacy with Sparta st the head,
lasting twenty~seven years and ending in the defeat of Athens. Potidea
besieged by the Athenians (takеп in 429). Death of ...
Copyright - Dionysius - Τόμος 8 1837 - Here was the narrowest part of the
isthmus, and a kind of Canal called the Diholcus, of which there are still
some remains, was carried from the harbour of Schoenus to the eastern
extremity of Port Lechaeum, and ships were run ashore at one of these
points and dragged to the other sea. This work existed in the time of
Aristophanes (Thesmophor. ... west of the isthmus. The most celebrated
were Syracuse and Corcyra. Potidaea, in Pallene, however, is an exception
to Müller's remark.
Course of Ancient Geography ... - Σελίδα 261 Henry Immanuel Smith -
1861 - - The navigation about these headlands was dangerous, particularly
about the precipitous promontory formed by Mt. Athos : it was here that
the first fleet of Darius was shattered : Xerxes constructed a Canal across
the peninsula, at the back of Mt. ... honorably mentioned in the Acts of the
Apostles; e, Olynthus , now Agia Maria, or Aio Mamas, at the head of the
Sinus Toronaicus, remarkable for its resistance to Philip ;Potidaea,
afterwards Cas- sandria, now Pinaka, a Corinthian colony, ...

Cyclopaedia of Universal History: Being an Account of the Principal

...John Clark Ridpath - 1885 - - A more authentic distinction was the
possession of the rich city of Potidaea, which occupied the neck of the
isthmus by which Pallene was joined to the main-land. This place was
founded at a very early date by a. colony of ... Acte abounded in towns, of
which the principal were Sane—on the Singitic gulf-—Umn0polis, Dium,
Apollonia, Thyssus, Cleonae, and Acanthus, which stood at the other
extremity of the Canal from Sane. This was perhaps the most important
city in this part of ...
Cyclopædia of Universal History: Being an Account of the Principal
...John Clark Ridpath - 1885 - - A more authentic distinction was the
pomession of the rich city of Potidaea, which occupied the neck of the
isthmus by which Pallene was joined to the main-land. This place was
founded at a very early date by a colony of ... Acte abounded in towns, of
which the principal were Sane—on the Singitic gulf—Uranopolis, Dium,
Apollonia, Thyssus, Cleonae, and Acanthus, which stood at the other
extremity l of the Canal from Sane. This was perhaps the most important
city in this part of ...
Cyclopædia of Universal History: The ancient world - Σελίδα 527 John
Clark Ridpath - 1885 - - A more authentic distinction was the possession
of the rich city of Potidaea, which occupied the neck of the isthmus by
which Pallene was joined to the main-land. This place was founded at a
very early date by a colony of ... Acte abounded in towns, of which the
principal were Sane——on the Singitic gulf—Uranopolis, Dium,
Apollonia, Thyssus, Cleonae, and Acanthus, which stood at the other
extremity of the Canal from Sane. This was perhaps the , most important
city in this part of ...
Day Otis Kellogg, Thomas Spencer Baynes, William Robertson Smith -
1902 - - ... which city gave its name to the district ; but the important town
of Potidaea was a Corinthian colony. The most eastern of the three
peninsulas, that of Acte, is far the highest, and rises from its isthmus until
it forms a steep central ridge, which gradually attains the height of 4000
feet, and finally throws up the vast conical peak of Mount Athos (6400
feet). The isthmus, which is about a mile and a half broad, still shows
traces of the Canal made by Xerxes for the passage of his fleet, in order ...
Demosthenis pro Ctesiphonte: De corona oratio - Σελίδα xxv
Demosthenes, Bernard Drake - 1897 - - ... Anthemus and Potidaea, he had
on the slightest of pretexts besieged and taken; and again by his

establishment of a servile oligarchy in Thessaly after helping the

Thessalians to expel their tyrants. 'I warned you'—says the orator—'not to
surren'der Thermopylae and the Phocians to him: but you 'would not listen.
Others had your ear. Philip was to 'be a benefactor of all Greece: was to
fortify Thespiae 'and Plataea, and thus check the insolence of Thebes. 'Was
to dig a Canal across ...
Diccionario enciclopedico hispano-americano de literatura, ciencias
...1894 -
Diccionario enciclopédico hispano-americano de literatura, ciencias
...1894 -
Dictionary of Battles and Sieges: P-Z - Σελίδα 814 Tony Jaques - 2007 -
Port Said I 1956 I Suez Crisis When Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal,
Anglo-French forces under General Sir Charles Keightley and Admiral
Pierre Barjot landed at Port Said and nearby Port Fuad against General
Salah ed-Din Moguy. ... Potidaea I 432-429 bc I Great Peloponnesian War
When the former Corinthian colony of Potidaea, on the Pallene isthmus,
revolted against Athens, it was quickly supported by the Corinthian
Aristeus and 2.000 Peloponnesian volunteers.
Die Ältere Tyrannis bis zu den Perserkriegen: Beiträge zur ...Konrad H.
Kinzl - 1979 - - Durch die Landenge zwischen Leukas und dem Festland
grub man einen Kanal, so daß die Schiffe nicht mehr um Leukas
herumfahren mußten. Periander plante einen Kanal durch den isthmus
von Korinth, konnte ihn jedoch nicht verwirklichen. Um sich Rohstoffe zu
sichern und ... Potidaia am isthmus von Pallene auf der Chalkidike war
offensichtlich dazu bestimmt, die Einfuhr von Bauholz aus Makedonien
und von Bodenschätzen zu sichern. In jede dieser Kolonien schickte man ...
Die Lakedaimonier und ihre Bundesgenossen - Τόμος 1 - Σελίδα 202
Georg Busolt - 1878 - - Im Westen entstanden die Colonien Leukas, Ana-
ktorion, Ambrakia, im Osten wurde namentlich das wichtige Potidaia
gegründet und eine nähere Verbindung mit den an Rohproducten so
reichen thrakischen Küstenländern eröffnet (J. Holle, De ... Zur
Herstellung einer bequemern Verbindung mit dem Colonial- gebiet am
ambrakischen Meerbusen und mit Kerkyra wurde der Isthmos von Leukas
durchstochen, und Periandros ging auch mit dem Plane um, einen Canal
durch den ...
Die Thraker: Studien zu einem versunkenen Volk des Balkanraumes
Joseph Wiesner - 1963 - den Kanal entlassen war, zog das Heer durch das

Land der thrakischen Krestonen und Mygdonen, wo auch Paionen

wohnten. Hier wurden die Lastkamele von Löwen ... Zwar gelang es dem
persischen Feldherrn Artabazos, der Xerxes mit einer großen
Heeresabteilung zum Hellespont geleitet hatte, Olynth zu erobern, das er
den Chalkidiern zur Verwaltung übergab; doch schlugen alle Versuche
fehl, Potidaia wiederzugewinnen (Her. VIII 126 ff.). Unverrichteter Sache
mußte ...
DuMont direkt Reiseführer Chalkidiki - Σελίδα 16 Klaus Bötig - 2017 - -
k D5 Ein Kanal trennt die Kassándra vom griechischen Festland, macht sie
streng gesehen zur künstlichen Insel. Als erster Ort begrüßt Sie hier
sogleich ... Am Kanal von Potidéa Eine schmales Sträßlein führt am Ufer
des1250 m langen Kanals entlang und auch unter den beiden Kanalbrücken
hindurch. Die ältere der beiden wurde erst 1970 ... Sogar als Soldat:
während der Belagerung des antiken Potidaia durch die letztlich
siegreichen Athener. Statt zu töten, dachte er lieber nach.
DuMont Reise-Taschenbuch Reiseführer Chalkidikí & Thessaloníki: mit
...Klaus Bötig - 2017 - - Deutlicher kann eine Halbinsel nicht vom Festland
getrennt sein: Bei Néa Potidéa im Norden markiert ein 1250 m langer
Kanal die Grenze der Kassándra, die sich zwischen dem Thermäischen
Golf im Westen und dem Toroneischen Golf im Osten 50 km weit in die
Ägäis vorschiebt. Ihre nördliche Hälfte ist sanftes, überwiegend von
Feldern überzogenes ... D5 ΝΕΑΠΟΤΙΔΑΙΑ, Νέα Ποτιδαια Néa Potidéa
(1600 Einw.) besteht aus dem älteren Ortsteil Chorió am Thermäischen
Golf ...
Early Greece - Σελίδα 151 Oswyn Murray - 1993 - - The tyrants also
exploited new areas: mutual friendship between Periandros and
Thrasyboulos of Miletus put an end to the old rivalries of the Euboean
period, and opened the eastern Mediterranean; Potidaea gave access to the
raw materials of the north-east. Periandros built a dragway across the
isthmus roughly on the line of the modern Canal, a stone track with
grooves for the wheels of trolleys on which boats were dragged across from
one gulf to the other. He also had close ...
Encyclopædia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and General
...Day Otis Kellogg - 1883 -The Encyclopaedia Britannica: latest edition.
A dictionary of arts, ...
Encyclopaedia britannica: a dictionary of arts, sciences, literature ...Hugh
Chisholm - 1911 -

Encyclopaedia Britannica: Or, A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and ...1911

Encyclopaedia Metropolitana, Or, Universal Dictionary of Knowledge:
...Edward Smedley, Hugh James Rose, Henry John Rose - 1845 - It was 60
stadii (7 miles) from Potidaea, and its ruins can now be traced near St.
Mamas, whence, says Meletius, (iii. 463.) ... an Andrian colony on its
Western side began the Canal ordered by Xerxes to be cut through the
Canal of isthmus. It was a mile and a ... or rather Problacas. a particular
part of it. where there are manifest of a channel, partly filled with mud and
rushes, forming ponds and corn-fields, and measuring : mile and a quarter
in length, and twenty-five across. (Dr. Hunt, in ...
Encyclopaedia Metropolitana: Miscellaneous and lexicographical Edward
Smedley, Hugh James Rose, Henry John Rose - 1845 - 4. Diod. Sic. xvi.
539.) It was 60 stadii (7 miles) from Potidaea, and its ruins can now be
traced near St. Mamas, whence, says Meletius, (iii. 463.) ... Canal ordered
by Xerxes to be cut through the Canal of isthmus. It was a mile and a half
... or rather a particular part of it, where there are manifest traces of a
channel, partly filled with mud and rushes, partly forming ponds and corn-
fields, and measuring about a mile and a quarter in length, and twenty-five
yards across. (Dr. Hunt, in Walpole's ...
Encyclopædia Metropolitana; Or, Universal Dictionary of Knowledge
...Edward Smedley, Hugh James Rose, Henry John Rose - 1845 - Diod.
Sic. xvi. 539.) It was 60 stadii (7 miles) from Potidaea, and its ruins can
now be traced near St. Mamas, whence, says Meletius, (iii. ... began the
Canal ordered by Xerxes to be cut through the Canal of isthmus. It was a
mile and a ... or rather a particular part of it, where there are manifest traces
of a channel, partly filled with mud and rushes, partly Problacas. forming
ponds and corn-fields, and measuring about a mile and a quarter in length,
and twenty-five yards across. (Dr. Hunt, in ...
Encyclopedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature
...Hugh Chisholm - 1911 -
Encyclopedia of the Ancient Greek World - Σελίδα 278 David Sacks,
Oswyn Murray, Lisa R. Brody - 2014 - - Knowledge about Potidaea comes
mostly from a few ancient literary sources: HERODOTUS,
been systematically excavated, but some of its archaeological remains have
been discovered due to the cutting of a Canal through the isthmus of the

peninsula in 1935–1937 C . E . There are numerous silver and bronze coins

from the site, as well as some bronze and terra-cotta sculptures. In addition,
one of the ...
Eutychia: mythistorēma Zülfü Livaneli - 2005 -
First steps in the physical and classical geography of the ancient world
James Pillans - 1855 - - Pursuing again the line of coast, we come to
Thessalonlca, at the head of Sinus Thermaicus (Gulf of Salonichi). To the
Christians of this city St Paul addressed his two ' Epistles to the
Thessalonians.' We fall in next with three peninsular projections, 1.
Pallene, on the isthmus of which stood Potidaea, and a little to the N.
Olynthus , places familiar to the readers of Demosthenes ; 2. Sithonia, and
3. Acte, across the isthmus of which, 12 stadia broad, Xerxes, we are told,
cut a Canal for a ...
Fodor's Greece - Σελίδα 192 Caragh Rockwood - 1997 - He also named a
city on the peninsula after himself, presently called Potidaia, which once
was important but gradually faded into insignificance as Thessaloniki
became the major port. The small Canal that leads to the town was cut
across the isthmus in 1937. Kassandra's marvelous beaches and its
proximity to Thessaloniki have made it the most popular — and populous
— resort area in Chalkidiki. Its variegated landscape and forested
promontories isolate the resort areas from one ...
Forhandlinger - Σελίδα 107 Nordisk filologmøde - 1896 -
Forhandlinger - Τόμοι 3-4 - Σελίδα 107 Nordiske filologmøde - 1893 - -
Der blev tegnet Kort over Olynth, Terrænet mellem denne By og Potidaia,
en Strækning, hvor mange velbekjendte Kampe bleve førte i den
peloponnesiske Krigs Tid og senere. Fremdeles er der optaget Kort over
Potidaia, Mende, hele Egnen ved denne By, Torone, Akanthos, Xerxes'
Kanal, to Stæder paa Athos samt endelig Stagejros, Aristoteles' Fødeby.
Af disse Byer har Olynth spillet den største politiske Rolle. Hvor den havde
ligget, gjaldt hos alle nyere Topografer for sikkert.
Forhandlinger paa det fjerde Nordiske filologmøde i København den
...Nordiske filologmöde - 1893 - Der blev tegnet Kort over Olynth,
Terrsenet mellem denne By og Potidaia, en Strsekning, hvor mange
velbekjendte Kampe bleve forte i den peloponnesiske Krigs Tid og senere.
Fremdeles er der optaget Kort over Potidaia, Mende, hele Egnen ved
denne By, Torone, Akanthos, Xerxes' Kanal, to Stseder paa Athos samt
endelig Stagejros, Aristoteles' Fodeby. Af disse Byer har Olynth spillet den

storste politiske Rolle. Hvor den havde ligget, gjaldt hos alle nyere
Topografer for sikkert.
From the earliest period to the end of the Persian war. v. 2 From ...George
William Cox - 1874 - - ... their zeal in promoting the digging of the Canal
under mount Athos. As this Canal was dug for the special benefit of the
Persian fleet, it must of course be used by them ; and we hear of no such
mischief as that which the storm on this iron-bound coast wrought on the
ships of Mardonios. Doubling the Toronaian promontory of Ampelos, the
fleet passed the Greek cities of Torone, Sermyle, and Olynthos. Thence,
having levied contributions of men and ships on Potidaia, Aphytis,
Skione, ...
Geographical Dictionary, Or Universal Gazetteer, Ancient and Modern:
...Joseph Emerson Worcester - 1823 - Austria; 4 NE. Steyregg. Potenza,
(an. Potentia,) t. Naples, cap. Basilicata; 54 SE. Benevento, 73 E. Naples.
Lon. 14. 4. E. Lat. 40. 40. N. Bp. see. It is built on the ruins of an ancient
town, which was destroyed in 1250. Potenza, r. which rises in the
marquisate of Ancona, and runs into the Adriatic, Lon. 1345. E. Lat. 43.
22. N. Potes, t. Spain, Asturia; 25 SW. Santillana. Potherie, (La,) see
Chalain. Poti, see Puti. Potidaea, now Cassandra. Potiers, t. France, Côte-
d'Or; 3 Molesmes. Potigny, t.
Geographie (Griechenland): Berg in Griechenland, Bucht in ...Bucher
Gruppe, Quelle: Wikipedia - 2011 -
Georgica: Greek Studies in Honour of George Cawkwell - Σελίδα 138
Michael A. Flower, Mark Toher - 1991 - - Nor is the sea idle later on, for
instance in destroying the Persians at Potidaea when it first changes to
land, and then, catastrophically, back again: and here it is explicitly
because of the Persians' impiety, their asebeia (8.129). It is utterly
appropriate that ... For instance, we should not naturally have worried
ourselves about how the workmen on the Athos Canal were fed, but
Herodotus tells us — food needed to be transported 711 Just as it did with
Mardonius before, 6.44.2-3. 71 Cf. the ...
Great Books of the Western World - Σελίδα 340 1952 - - ... his jealousy
of Themistocles, 283 Timoxenus, his plot to betray Potidaea, 283
Tisamenus, Grecian soothsayer, story of, 295, 296 Tomyris, Queen of the
Massagetae, refuses to receive the embassy from Cyrus, 46; sends message
to the king, 46; ... immensity of the expedition, 220; his Canal of Athos,
220, 221; his collection of stores, 221; his march from Critalla, 221; crosses

the Halys and marches through Phrygia, 221; reaches Celaenae, 221; he
and his army entertained by Pythius, ...
Great books of the Western world - Τόμος 6 - Σελίδα 340 Robert Maynard
Hutchins, Encyclopaedia Britannica, inc - 1952 - - ... 229 Thrasybulus,
tyrant of Miletus, 4, 5 Thyrea, 19 Thyssagete, the, 127, 145 Tigris, the, 42,
43, 81, 170 Timodemus of Aphidnae, his jealousy of Themistocles, 283
Timoxenus, his plot to betray Potidaea, 283 Tisamenus, Grecian
soothsayer, ... immensity of the expedition, 220; his Canal of Athos, 220,
221; his collection of stores, 221; his march from Critalla, 221; crosses the
Halys and marches through Phrygia, 221; reaches Celaenae, 221; he and
his army entertained by Pythius, ...
Great books of the Western World - Τόμος 6 - Σελίδα 340 Robert Maynard
Hutchins, Encyclopaedia Britannica, inc, University of Chicago - 1952 - -
... 81, 170 Timodemus of Aphidnae, his jealousy of Themistocles, 283
Timoxenus, his plot to betray Potidaea, 283 Tisamenus, Grecian
soothsayer, story of, 295, 296 Tomyris, Queen of the Massagetx, refuses
to receive the embassy from Cyrus, ... immensity of the expedition, 220;
his Canal of Athos, 220, 221; his collection of stores, 221; his march from
Critalla, 221; crosses the Halys and marches through Phrygia, 221 ; reaches
Celaenae, 221 ; he and his army entertained by Pythius, ...
Grecian History - Σελίδα 106 James R. Jay - 1900 -
Greece - Σελίδα 149 Karen Van Dyck - 1995 - - Potidea, on the first finger,
triggered off Sparta's declaration of war in 432 BC, while the Battle of
Amphipolis put an end to the conflict in this area ten years later. Armies
clashed across the land, and fleets fought offshore. Finds from ... Xerxes's
Canal, now filled up, was built around 482 BC to help the Persians avoid
the fate suffered in their previous campaign, when their fleet was wrecked
sailing round Mount Athos. This and Xerxes's bridge over the Hellespont
were considered by the ...
Greece - Σελίδα 306 Alan Tucker - 1994 -
Greece - Σελίδα 83 1991 - - The isthmus has been breached by a Canal at
Nea Potidea, the site of ancient Poteidaia. The peninsula offers pleasant
beaches and a number of hotels especially at Sani, Kalithea, Agia
Paraskevland Paliouri which lies at the southern end looking across a bay
to the Sithonia peninsula. CHALKIS (HALKfDA) Euboia Michelin map
fold 30 - Pop 44 867 Chalkis is the capital of Euboia (Euboea) which is

separated from the mainland by the Euripos, a channel 39m - 128ft wide
which is ...
Greece - Σελίδα 846 Larousse Harrap Publishers - 1989 - 32.5mls (52km):
Nea Triglia, road to the r. to the sea. 40mls (64km): to the r., Nea
Moudania, a very popular beach, in a somewhat unattractive location
(tourist police; Tel. 21-370). 40.6mls (65km): Leave the Polygyros road to
your l., unless you want to go straight to the site of Olynthus (see below,
117.5mls/188km) 47.5mls (76km); bridge over the Potidaean Canal cut
through the isthmus of the Cassandra peninsula (ancient Pallene
peninsula); the village of Nea Potidea partially ...
Greece: List of Monuments ... - Σελίδα 4 American School of Classical
Studies at Athens. Alumni, Charles Alexander Robinson - 1943 - Potidaea.
near Ludania, has walls just beyond the new Canal. There is a museum,
.also antiquities are to be found at .tthyto, i,.enae, bcione on the peninsula
of Pallene, Teronc. it south end of peninsula of Terone. lit, Athos. The
third peninsula of the Ohalcidice, has many xaonesteriea with important
ancient manuscripts, at the north end of the peninsula lie the ruins of
acanthus (T^risso), Poliryros, capital of Chalcidice, lies north of Olynthus
. It has a museum and a private collection, ...
Greece: The Mainland - Σελίδα 210 Nelles Verlag, Wolfgang Josing - 1995
- KASSANDRA / OLYNTHUS / SITHONIA building; but large
stretches of Sithonia, on the south and east coasts, are still unspoilt. What
were once little villages have spread like suburbs in the boom to meet the
needs of mass tourism, with all its benefits and curses. The road from
Thessaloniki runs through Nea Moudania (39 miles/63 km) and reaches
Kassandra first. Its narrow isthmus is crossed outside Nea Potidea by a
Canal 3/4 miles (1.2 km) long, which was built by King Kassandros ...
Greek History for Young Readers Alice Zimmern - 1903 - -
Grundriss der geographie und geschichte der alten, mittlern und ...Wilhelm
Pütz - 1852 - - Diese Hochfläche endet wieder in 3 kleinere (durch den
singitischen und toronaischen Busen gebildete) Halbinseln: a) Akte, die
Halbinsel des Athos, deren isthmus von Xerxes zu einem Kanal
durchstoehen wurde, b) Sithonia und c) Palläne, beide letztere weniger
gebirgig, als die erstere, daher für Ackerbau und Handel geeigneter und
vorzugsweise von Colonien angebaut. -— Der See Lychnitis. — Flüsse: a)
in den strymon. Busen: der Nestus und Strymon. b) in den thermaischen ...

Grundriß der Geographie und Geschichte der alten, mittlern und ...Wilhelm
Pütz - 1851 - - einem Kanal durchstochen wurde, b) Sithonia und c)
Pallene, beide letztere weniger gebirgig, als die erstere, daher für
Ackerbau und Handel geeigneter und vorzugsweise von Colonien
angebaut. — Der See Lychnitis. — Flüsse: a) in den strymon. ... seit
Archelaus; 3) Thessalonice (früher Therma, j. Salonichi; Cicero's Exil),
von Cassander erbaut; 4) Potidaea auf dem isthmus von Pallene ; 5)
Olynthus , von Philipp II. zerstört ; 6) Amphipolis am Strymon, Colonie
von Athen (Schi.
Guide to Greece, the Archipelago, Constantinople, the Coasts of Asia
...Macmillan & Co - 1908 - - ... the month of the Canal. It has suffered
much from earthquakes. That in 1858 completely destroyed what was then
left of the town. Half an hour's drive south-west of the modern town are
the remains of old Corinth. The situation of the ancient town on the
isthmus was favourable to commerce, and the wealth which the town
acquired was the cause of such a corruption of its taste and morals that it
became a by-word, and though it sent out many flourishing colonies, —
Corcyra, Potidaea, ...
Handbook to Life in Ancient Greece - Σελίδα 139 Lesley Adkins, Roy A.
Adkins - 1997 - - Corinth. Crete. The city of Corinth, its acropolis
(Acrocorinth) and its surrounding territory are situated by the isthmus of
Corinth, therefore controlling north-south communications between the
Peloponnese and north Greece, and east-west communications between the
Aegean and Ionian Seas (fig. 4.5). There was no Canal across the isthmus,
but it was easier to drag small ships across a special road ...
Handbuch der Erdbeschreibung und Staatenkunde in ihrer Verbindung
...K. F. Robert Schneider - 1857 - - Auf der Halbinsel Pallene lagen im
Grunde des Toronaicus das mächtige Olynthus , jetzt Agios Mamas, und
Potidaea, später Cassandria, jetzt Athilos, sind alte Ortslagen; Cap Paliuri
die SSpitze, Insel Cassandra. Die SSpitze der Halbinsel Sithonia ist Cap
... An ihrem NEnde liegt nach N der Busen Istillar, hier lag das alte
Äcanthus, in dessen Nähe Xerxes an der schmalsten Stelle der Halbinsel
einen Kanal, Persergraben, nach dem B... Monte Santo hatte graben lassen;
weiter ...
Handbuch der Erdkunde: ¬Die Staaten von Nord-, Ost-, Süd- und ...Gustav
Adolph von Kloeden - 1877 - - 48. ontremoli 913. ontypool 196. ontypool-
Canal 139. Pontyprid, Distrikt 221. onza-Inseln 938. onza 938. Dole 180.
Poole-Hafen 78. jtivj 2Ä2. – 56. ... Portsmouth 179. Portugalete 1115.

ofsagno 881. 888. Potschejow 539. Potenza 95lotenza, Fl. 797: 0tes 1100.
– 999. Potidaea 725. # Fl. 804. otterie-District 202. Pougues 186. Pouilly
1169. 1185. Pouilly-sur-Loire od. le Riche 1276. Ä 1260. Poult, Bg: 1297.
– 1978. # 1333. ovlen, Bg. 635. Poy 1314. Pozarevaz 671. 10 orcuna, Plat.
Handbuch der Erdkunde: 2 - Σελίδα 1373 Gustav Adolf ¬von Klöden -
1861 - - 298. 303. Possen 974. – , Bg. 793. Possenhofen 1009. Poszorita
1114. Potes 78. Potenza 206. - l. 179. Potidaea 1182. Potrace, Fl. 185.
Potschappel 979. Potschejow, Kloster 1278. Potsching 1100. 1101.
Potsdam 874. – , Reg. - Bez. 865. ... 1211. Pyrimont 422. Pyritz 880.
Pyrmont 955. Pyrnyjan, Bg. 1217. Pyzdry 1264. Q. Quaden 1037. Quaglio
1208. Quagliuzzo 274. Quakenbrück 947. Quarken, Str. 10. 674. Quarnero-
Busen 1066. – -Canal 1146. Quart 273. Quarteira, Fl. 48.
Handbuch der Länder- und Staatenkunde von Europa: 2 - Σελίδα 1628
Gustav Adolf von Klöden - 1867 - - -Canal 12. Pribislav 1251. Pribram
1250. Priebus 1023. Priego 77. 113. 114. – 2 (Geb. 36. Priel, Bg. 169. 1225.
Prien, Dorf 1168. Prinns 932. Priesterberg, Bg. 843. la Prieuré 504.
Prignitz, Ldsch. 994. 10.09. Prigrada, Felsbank 949 Prilip ... Poffen, Bg.
909. – , Schloß 1128. Poffenhofen, Schloß 1167. Possruck, Geb. 167.
Postum-Fließ, Fl. 10.11. Postyen 1276. Poszorita 1301. Powjenez 1529.
Potaschma, Dorf 1515. Potenza 302. , Fl. 186. 206. 286. Potes 80. Potidaea
1387, Potrace ...
Here are Set Forth the Histories of Herodotus of Halicarnassus: That
...Herodotus - 1959 - - ... the other two and was led by Smerdomenes and
Megabyzus. 122. Here, then, the fleet was dispatched by the king's order;
and it passed through the Canal made in the peninsula of Athos and came
out into the gulf on which the city of Assa lies and Pilorus and ... From the
cities of that region ships and men came to join the fleet; that is to say, from
Potidaea and Aphytis, Neapolis, Aege, Therambo, Scione, Mende and
Sane. The ships coasted past these and then made for their ...
Hermathena - Τεύχη 60-68 - Σελίδα 22 1942 - - ... the sixth century. " D.
S. Robertson, Greek and Boman Architecture pp. 88 sqq., says it ' ' cannot
be older than the middle of the sixth century B.C." For the proposed Canal
see ... 159 sqq. New drafts to Leucas and Anactorium may be inferred from
Plutarch de sera num. vindicta 7, together with Thuc. i 55, and Plut. Vita
Themist. 24 (which testify to Corcyrean settlers in the two cities).
Potidaea: Thuc. i 58, Nic. Dam. F.G.H. IIA 70 F59, Ps.-Scymnus 629,
Strabo vn fr. 25, J 330. Bacchiads ...

HERODOTUS - Σελίδα 425 A. D. GODLEY - 1922 - - Now when the

fleet had left Xerxes and sailed through the Canal made in Athos (which
Canal reached to the gulf wherein stand the towns of Assa, Pilorus, Singus,
and Sarte), thence taking on board troops from these cities also, it stood out
to sea ... to the Canastraean headland, where Pallene runs farthest out to
sea, and received ships and men from the towns of what is now Pallene but
was formerly called Phlegra, to wit, Potidaea, Aphytis, Neapolis, Aege,
Therambos, Scione, Mendi, ...
Herodotus - Τόμος 4 - Σελίδα 395 Hérodote - 1930 - - 62 ; his dictum
about the Olympian games, vm. 26 (unless " Tritantaechmes " be the right
reading) ; his personal beauty, ix. 96 ; his death at Myeale, ix. 102 Tigris,
the river, i. 189; junction with the Euphrates by a Canal, i. 193; Ninus on
... 98 Timoxenus of Scione, his attempted betrayal of Potidaea, vm. 128
Tiryns, in Argolis, a battle near it between Argos and Sparta, vi. 77;
occupied by the Argives' slaves, vi. 83; Tirynthians in Pausanias' army, ix.
28, 31 Tisamenus, (1) an Elean diviner ...
Herodotus, Books VI & VII: A New & Literal Version - Σελίδα 120
Herodotus - 1899 -
Herodotus: A New and Literal Version from the Text of Baehr with a
...Henry Carey - 1875 - ... had passed through the Canal which was at
Athos extending to the bay on which the cities of Assa, Pilorus, Singus,
and Sarta are situate, after that, when it had taken troops on board from
those cities, sailed with all speed to the Thermaean bay. ... Xerxes's fleet,
stretching across from the cape of Ampelus to the cape of Canastraeum,
which is the most prominent point of all Pallene, thence took ships and
men from Potidaea, Aphytis, Neapolis, Aega, Therambus, Scione,
Menda, and ...
Herodotus: Translated from the Greek, with Notes and Life of the Author
Herodotus, William Beloe - 1830 - - CXXII. As soon as the royal mandate
was issued,the navy entered the Canal which had been sunk at mount
Athos, and which was continued to the gulf, contiguous to which are the
cities of Assa, Pidorus, Singus, and Sarga. ... From the promontory of
Ampelos, they proceeded by a short cut to the Canastrean cape, the point,
which, of all the district of Pallene, projects farthest into the sea; here they
took with them other supplies of men and ships, from Potidaea, Aphytus,
Neapolis, AEga, ...

Hidryma Meletōn Chersonēsou Tou Haimou - Τόμος 131 - Σελίδα 613

1973 -
Histoire naturelle - Τόμος 1 - Σελίδα 189 Caius Plinius Secundus - 1860 -
- ... les montagnes d'Hypsizorus, d'É- pitus, d'Halcyone, de Leoomne ; les
villes de Nyssos, de Phinélon, de Mendes, et, sur l'isthme de Pallène,
Potidée, appelée aujourd'hui Cassandrie, colonie ; Anthémonte,
Olophyxos, le golfe Mecybernéen; les villes de Physcella, d'Ampelos, de
Torone, de Singos; le Canal, long de 1,500 pas, ... Oppida : Nyssos,
Phinelon, Mendae : et in Pallenensi Isthmo quondam Potidaea, nunc
Cassandria colonia : Anthemus, Olophyxos : sinus Mecybernacus.
Histoire naturelle de Pline avec la traduction en français par m. ÿ. ...1848 -
- ... les montagnes d'Hypsizorus, d'Epitus, d'Нalcyone, de Leoomne; les
villes de Nyssos, de Phinelon, de Mendes, et, sur l'isthme de Pallene,
Potidée, appelée aujourd'hui Сassandrie, colonie; Anthémonte, Оlophyxos,
le golfe Месуberneen; les villes de Physcella, 4 d'Ampelos, de Torone, de
Singos; le Canal, long de 1,500 pas, ... Орpida: Nyssos, Phinelon, Меndae:
et in Pallenensi Isthmo quondam Potidaea, nunc Cassandria colonia:
Anthemus, Оlophyxos: sinus Месуber- 4 nacus.
Historisch-Geographisches Wörterbuch zum Schulgebrauche Franz Rutte
- 1885 - Gr. 0|ут|юз, griechische Colonie in Makedonien, aut` der
Halbinsel Chalkidike, am thoronaìschen Meerbusen, zwischen Pallene
und Sithonia, nord 43 östlich von Potidaea, zerstört von Philipp von
Makedonien im olynthischen Kriege 348 v. Chr. Оп oder Heliopolis, Stadt
in Unterägypten am rechten Ufer des Nils und am Canal, der den Nil mit
dem arabischen Meerbusen verbindet, nordöstl. von Memphis, Sitz des
ägyptischen Sonnendienstes und der Verehrung des hl. Stieres.
Historisch-Politisch-Geographischer Atlas der gantzen Welt; Oder ... 1747
- - Wenn man zwischen dem Vorgebürge Palle und der Insul Fornigue
vorbey gehen will, so muß man bey den halben Canal vorbey gehen, indem
man, so wenig es auch sey, mehr bey der Spitze des Vorgebürges als der
Insul vorbey geht, weil eine sehr gefährliche Trockene bey der letztern
Klippe der Insul ist, und wo ... Stephanus der Geographus sagt, daß sie eine
triangulair Figur habe, und Scylax(b) setzt fünf Stadte dahin, welche sind:
Potidaea, Aphytis, Mende, Thrambus, Scione.
History of Greece - Τόμος 2 - Σελίδα 672 George William Cox - 1874 - -
134 Xenophon, general in command before Potidaia, ii. 136 Xerxes,
accession of, to the Persian throne, i. 436 ; Council of, 453 ; plan of, for

the invasion of Europe, i. 453 ; bridge of, across the Hellespont, i. 459;
scourging of the Hellespont by, i. 460 ; Canal of, across thepeninsula of
Athos, i. 462 ; march of, from Sardeis. i. 463; numbers of tho fleet of, i.
468 ; numbers of tho army of, i. 470 ; comparison of, with Napoleon
Bonaparte, i. 474 ; at Tempe, i. 480 ; rejects the advice of Demaratos ...
History of Greece: To the Death of Alexander the Great - Σελίδα 871 John
Bagnell Bury - 1922 - - Athenian colonists sent to Potidaea : Record of
this on a stone : C.I.A. i. 340 j Hicks, 45 ; Ditt.2 28. P. 409. — Aspasia :
cp. VVilamowitz-Mollendorff, Aristoteles und Athen, ii. 99. P. 410. ... with
the words, "the Athenians from the Pelopon- nesians, having conquered in
a sea-fight ": Ditt.2 30. P. 419. — The " peninsula " of Leucas : The Canal
of Periander, which had completely insulated it, seems to have been silted
up, for Thucydides mentions that ships were hauled across the isthmus.
History of Macedonia, 1354-1833 - Σελίδα 613 Apostolos Euangelou
Vakalopoulos - 1973 - - ... formerly the isthmus, of Cassandra, where the
Greeks resisted the forces of Mehmed Emin Pasha of Thessalonica. ships
gave protection to the flanks from the sea. On Mount Athos, the rebels had
entrenched themselves behind Provlakas (where Xerxes had constructed
his famous Canal). At Cassandra the defences were concentrated on the
narrowest point of the isthmus (see fig. 181), where it is only one kilometre
wide: at Portes near the village of Pinaka (present- day Potidaea).
History of the Hellenic World - Τόμος 2 - Σελίδα 334 1975 - Mt. Pangaign
oo: Macedonia -- Ennea Hodoo...googamos --- `---To-Ainos Foo Aroos”.
Fogo Thasos | | Ichnai- ... •Theme - Cape Sarpedonian - Chalestree on o -
- Melo > . . . oXerxes Canal - - - -Aineia o kanthos - oc Smilae A. - an o
o -Gigonos ssae .." -Olophyxos o, osestos o, ooo... •o. "... - Madytosobydos
- - - - - - Potidaia- Singos - e Akrothoon Elaiquse opardanos - - To Sanee
Galepsos • , C. N. al . Phrygia = Mt. Olymposo o Torone Nymphaion
lion.hoition Pnryg to.
History of the Hellenic World: The Archaic period - Σελίδα 334 George
Phylactopoulos, George S. Phylactopoulos, Ekdotik̄e Ath̄en̄on - 1975 - -
The fleet sailed through the northwards from Sardis, crossed the Hellespont
and camped at Canal at Athos, and having waited several days at Therme
(Thes- Doriskos where they joined up with the fleet which was sailing
salonike), continued down ... Thrace + »Agora fc°1' .tfardia i, □ Potidaia
Mende Gonnoi '"o X Mt. Ossa Meliboia •Torone • Skione Cape Ampclos
C3pe""Kanaslraia L^\S >Sestos Madytos. ,Abydos Elaious, •P»rdanos
ll(onrPhoition Phrygia ...

History of the Peloponnesian War - Σελίδα 167 Thucydides - 1835 - - He

thus repaid him the great obligation he had formerly received from him at
Potidaea. Strabo relates further, (Geog. I. 9.) that Xenophon also the same
day owed his life to Socrates. Having fallen from his horse, and being
trampled among the crowd, ... the light and understanding which human
nature hath to boast of, that did not come directly down from heaven. Sea.
2 About two English miles. stretcheth out into the sea from the Canal
History of the Peloponnesian War - Τόμος 4 - Σελίδα 411 Thucydides -
1958 - - Canal, " King's " (Xerxes'), cut by the Persians across the isthmus
of Athos, IV. cix. 2. Canatraeum, a promontory in Pallene, iv. ex. 2.
Oarcinus, an Athenian commander, II. xxiii. 2. Cardamyle, in Chios, vin.
xxiv. 3. Carta : the Carians expelled by ... mode of burial, I. viii. ; Athenians
send lookout ships to the Carian coast In the Samian insurrection, I. cxvi.
1 ; maritime Caria subject to Athens, n. ix. 4 ; Athenians send a squadron
of ships to the ships in the siege of Potidaea, II. lvi. 2; free 41 ...
History of the Peloponnesian War: A Companion - Βιβλία 3-5 - Σελίδα 4
N.K. Rutter, Thucydides - 1996 - ABORTIVE SECOND
Corinth, between the Gulf of Corinth to the west and the Saronic Gulf to
the east Goods or ships could be hauled across the isthmus, a distance of
four miles or so, along a paved way running a little to the south of the
present Canal. ...harvesting their corn: rather, by this season of the year,
their olives and grapes. m.16 ...the knights and the Pentacosiomedimni:
these were, in reverse order, the top two ...
History of the World - Σελίδα 613 John Clark Ridpath - 1923 - - A more
authentic distinction was the possession of the rich city of Potidaea, which
occupied the neck of the isthmus by which Pallene was joined to the main-
land. This place was founded at a very early date by a colony of ... Acte
abounded in towns, of which the principal were Sane — on the Singitic
gulf — Uranopolis, Dium, Apollonia, Thyssus, Cleonae, and Acanthus,
which stood at the other extremity of the Canal from Sane. This was
perhaps the most important city in this part of ...
Illustrated History of All Nations: Containing a Record of the Human
...Israel Smith Clare - 1909 - - Potidaea, the most important of these in
early times, was a colony from Corinth. The Chalcidian cities in Sithonia
were Toróné, Singus, Sermylé, Galepsus and Mecyberna. Olynthus
became a possession of Chalcedon in B. C. 480. The colonies of Eretria

were chiefly in Palléné, and the most important was Mendé. Sané was
founded by Andros, near the Canal of Xerxes. Acanthus, Stageirus and
Argilus were on the coast between Athos and Amphipolis. Chalcedon and
Olynthus arose to ...
Inland Waterways of Europe - Σελίδα 244 Roger Calvert - 1963 - - ...
GREECE Leukados and Corinth Canals. — Ships from Piraeus to Brindisi
(see Cook's timetable) and others. Euripe and Stylidon channels. — Local
coasting ships from Chalcis to Stylis and Bolos. Nea Potidaia, local
vessels. (12) HOLLAND Amsterdam to the following : Alkmaar (Zaan and
North Holland C), Marken and Voldendam (Ijsselmeer), Harderwijk
(Toekomstig Eemer- meer), Kampen (Oostvaardersdiep), Lemmer,
Merentocht Avifauna, and to Lelystad and Zuiderzeewerken.
Johnson's New Universal Cyclopædia: A Scientific and Popular ...1880 -
- ... of the Stomach (I SUB), and Fairy Book have been translated into
English, and found much favor. Mac'edon, post-v. and tp. of Wayne co.,
N. Y., on the Erie Canal and New York Central R. R. The township ...
Greece had very early planted many flourishing colonies in these regions,
as, for instance, Potidaea, a colony of Corinth, Chalcidice of Eubcea, and
Amphipolis of Athens. Greek became the prevailing language, and Greek
civilization the ruling spirit, but the dominant race was ...
Journal of the American Oriental Society - Τόμος 32 - Σελίδα 116 1912 -
- seventy-five miles south of the northern end of the modern Suez Canal,
between the larger and the smaller basins of the Bitter Lakes.1 The water
northeast of this peninsula, it may be supposed, was driven by a strong
east-wind into the larger basin of the Bitter Lakes, while the water in the ...
Herodotus relates that after the battle of Salamis (480 b. c.) Xerxes'
general, Artabazus, besieged the Corinthian colony Potidea, on the
narrow isthmus of the Macedonian peninsula Pallene.
Lectures on the Geography of Greece by the Rev. Henry Fanshawe ...Henry
Fanshawe Tozer - 1873 - ... which gradually attains the height of 4000 feet,
and finally throws up the vast conical peak. The peninsula of Sithonia,
also,_though lower than this, is still distinguished by its lofty broken
mountains; but that of Pallene nowhere rises to any height. This last,
however, claims our attention, because it possessed the important town of
Potidaea. This lay just within the isthmus, which is about half-a-mile
wide, and has evident traces of a Canal cut through it, which Strabo5
mentions, though it ...

Library of Universal History Vol.II - Σελίδα 586 Moses Coit Tyler - 1899
Potidaea, the most important of these in early times, was a colony from
Corinth. The Chalcidian cities in Sithonia were Toroné, Singus, Sermylé,
Galepsus and Mecyberna. Olynthus became a possession of Chalcedon in
B. C. 480. The colonies of Eretria were chiefly in Palléné, and the most
important was Mendé. Sané was founded by Andros, near the Canal of
Xerxes. Acanthus, Stageirus and Argilus were on the coast between Athos
and Amphipolis. Chalcedon and Olynthus arose to ...
Library of Universal Knowledge - Τόμος 2 - Σελίδα 586 Israel Smith Clare
- 1898 - - Potidaea, the most important of these in early times, was a
colony from Corinth. The Chalcidian cities in Sithonia were Torone,
Singus, Sermyle, Galepsus and Mecyberna. Olynthus became a
possession of Chalcedon in B. C. 480. The colonies of Eretria were chiefly
in Pallene, and the most important was Mende. Sane was founded by
Andros, near the Canal of Xerxes. Acanthus, Stageirus and Argilus were
on the coast between Athos and Am- phipolis. Chalcedon and Olynthus
arose ...
Library of World History: Containing a Record of the Human Race from
...1914 - - Potidaea, the most important of these in early times, was a
colony from Corinth. The Chalcidian cities in Sithonia were Torone,
Singus, Ser- myle, Galepsus and Mecyberna. Olynthus became a
possession of Chalcedon in B. C. 480. The colonies of Eretria were chiefly
in Pallene, and the most important was Mende. Sane was founded by
Andros, near the Canal of Xerxes. Acanthus, Stageirus and Argilus were
on the coast between Athos and Amphipolis. Chalcedon and Olynthus
arose ...
Limonia - Massachusetts - Τόμος 14 - Σελίδα 243 1839 - Potidaea,
afterwards called Cassandria from Cassander, king of Macedon, founded
by the Corinthians (Thucyd., i. 56), stood on the narrow isthmus which
connects the peninsula of Pallene with the mainland. It sent 300 men to
Plataea (Herodot., ix. 28), and after the Persian war was subject to the
Athenians. Potidaea revolted from Athens, B. c. 432; and was not taken
till after a siege of two ... The Canal of Xerxes can still be distinctly traced.
Herodotus enumerates six towns within this ...
Lippincott's Gazetteer of the World: A Complete Pronouncing ...Angelo
Heilprin, Louis Heilprin - 1922 -

Lippincott's New Gazetteer: A Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer Or

...Angelo Heilprin, Louis Heilprin - 1916 -
Lippincott's New Gazetteer: A Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer Or ...1906
Los nueve libros de la historia de Herodoto de Halicarnaso Herodotus -
1898 - - por el Canal abierto en Atos, Canal que llega hasta el potfo (l) en
que se hallan las ciudades de Asa, Piloro, Sim» y Santa. ... Torciendo la
misma armada desde Ampelo has ta el Cannastreo, que es el cabo que más
se entra en el mar en la region Palena (3), iba eu todas partes recibiendo
naves y milicia, a saber: de Potidea, de Aiitir, de Napoli, de Egea, de
Terambo, de Seione, de Menda y de Sana, ciudades de la region que al
presente se dice Palena y antes se llamaba Flegra.
Mainland Greece - Σελίδα 442 Michelin Travel Publications - 2002 - After
the bridge crossing the Potidea Canal, the road emerges at Nea Potidea,
built over the ruins of ancient Potidaea (tower and remains of the
ramparts). The road then follows the north coast to Nea Fokea (13km), a
small beach guarded by an ancient tower. Then it passes through Afitos
(7km), a typical little town perched on a cliff overlooking a beach where
several tavernas have set up shop. From Kalithea (4km) onwards, the coast
is nothing but a succession of hotels, ...
Medical Press - Τόμοι 213-214 - Σελίδα 41 1945 - - It may be mentioned
that even after the outbreak in the Athenian force before Potidaea the
plague had flared up again in Athens in 426 B.C. producing a state of still
greater exhaustion of the city's resources. ... A further point is that no
“drag" must be applied to the rising bubble of the drug in the spinal Canal,
such as would be caused by taking the needle out of the theca immediately
after the injection, and thereby causing a leak from the puncture with a
downward current, which in turn ...
Mediterranean Winter: The Pleasures of History and Landscape in
...Robert D. Kaplan - 2004 - - Corinth Canal — a dizzyingly deep and
narrow crevice with ships threading through the sparkling, turquoise
bottom. Connecting the Aegean and Ionian seas, the Canal separates the
Peloponnese from mainland Greece proper. The Pelo- ponnese, the
southernmost part of ... The Peloponnesian War began as a struggle
between Athens and Corinth over control of Corfu and the Macedonian
port of Potidaea, leading Sparta to attack Athens. After the Peloponnesian
War was over, the ...

Monographie - Τεύχη 24-29 - Σελίδα 58 1963 - - A seismic sea wave which

occurred during the winter of 479 B.C. at Potidaea in Calcidice is
described. The initial ebb of the sea was so intense and lasted so long that
an army seiging Potidaea had sufficient time to fall in rank and advance
nearly 1 mile, by-passing the city from the sea side which under normal
conditions was inaccessible and was protected by deep waters. Then the
sea ... "The Free Oscillations of Water in a Canal of Sp indie-Shaped Plan.
(Problems of Water ...
Monx-Ulen ΓΚΙΛΗΣ ΟΔΥΣΣΕΑΣ. John A. Alexander. Potidaea. Its
History and ...Τον αναφέρει ο συγγραφέας του Βιβλίου σαν Found in the
house of Th. Ghiles., ότι τον βοήθησε στον εντοπισμό ενός κεραμικού
αγάλματιδίου, τερακότας. [39]. ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΚΟΣ ΤΑΦΟΣ. Η Νεα
Ποτιδαια ιδρυθηκε μετα το 1922 από προσφυγες της Ανατολικής Θράκης.
[40]. Εκσκαφή από την ΟΥΛΕΝ της διώρυγας της Ποτίδαιας, ...
Monx-Ulen Η ρωμαϊκή αποικία.pdf - Repository of UOI "Olympias". από
ΔΚ Σαμσάρης - 1987 - Σχετικά άρθρα. J. A. Alexander, Potidaea. its
History and Remains, University of Georgia. Press 1963. Τα προηγούμενα
ονόματα της ..... Βλ. Θ. Στεφανίδου - Τιβερίου, «Στήλη λυρωδού από την
Ποτείδαια», Α Ε 1980. (1982) 53. 5. Βλ. πιο κάτω: Κασσανδρεωτική ....
40 μ. και βάθος 7-8 μ., διανοίχτηκε από την Εταιρεία Monx-Ulen το 1937.
Monx-Ulen Οδυσσέας Γκιλής. Διώρυγα Νέας Ποτίδαιας
Συμπληρωμένο.doc ...48 Φωτογραφία της John Monks & Sons Ulen &
Company, εταιρεία που κατασκεύασε τη διώρυγα. Στρυμώνας ή ...... Το
έργο της διάνοιξης της διώρυγας στη Νέα Ποτίδαια έγινε από την
αμερικάνικη εταιρεία, John Monks-Ulen & co. Η ίδια εταιρεία πρώτα ......
1935 Monx-Ullen Company η εταιρεία που άνοιξε τον ισθμό.
Monx-Ulen Ποτίδαια Κασσάνδρεια - ΓΚΙΛΗΣ
ΟΔΥΣΣΕΑΣ Απόψεις και ερωτήματα για Φλέγρα, Παλλήνη, Ποτίδαια,
Κασσάνδρεια.Α1. ...... Στην εργασία μου Ποτίδαια, ιστορικές και
βιβλιογραφικές αναφορές, γράφω σχετικά… The work on this canal was
started in 1935 by the Monx-Ullen Company and completed in 1937,
except for minor finishing work.
Natural history: With an English translation by H. Rackham Pliny (the
Elder.), Harris Rackham - 1958 - - The mountains in this district are
Hypsizonus, Epitus, Algion and Elaeuomne ; the towns are Nyssus,
Phryxelon, Mendae, and on the isthmus of Pallene what was formerly
Potidaea but is now the colony of Cassandrea, Anthemus, Olophyxus,

Mecyberna Bay, the towns of Miscella, Ampelos, Torone, Singos, Telos,

and the Canal, a mile and a half in length, by which the Persian king
Xerxes cut off Mount Athos 0 from the mainland. The actual mountain
projects from the level plain into the ...
Nelson's Encyclopaedia: Everybody's Book of Reference ... - Σελίδα 372
1907 -
Nelson's Perpetual Loose-leaf Encyclopaedia: An International Work
...John Huston Finley, William Peterson - 1920 -
Nelson's Perpetual Loose-leaf Encyclopaedia: An International Work
...1932 - - Corcyra. and Potidaea. After the expulsion of the despots, the
Corinthians were for two and a half centuries closely allied with Sparta,
and sided with them in the Peloponnesian War against Athens, which was,
after the fall of rEgina, their chief commercial rival. In the 4th century B.C.
their power declined; and from 335 to 197 ... Oct. '28 about 3 miles south
of the entrance to the Canal, and about 4 miles north from Acrocorinthus.
Pop. 5,000. Corinth, or LEPANTO, GULF OF, an arm of the ...
New Americanized Encyclopaedia Britannica: A-Z - Σελίδα 1086
Encyclopaedia Britannica, inc - 1903 - - As the river is not navi. gable as
far as the town, a Canal has been constructed which gives communication
with Lake Erie. There are fine county buildings, ten churches, an
orphanage, banks and newspaper offices. Pop. in (1901), 16,619. £
PIERRE ... The Athenians, on the other hand, sent out a new armament,
retook Mende, and repelled an assault on Potidaea. In 422 Cleon with the
fresh Athenian troops besieged Amphipolis. A swift sally, directed by the
skilful generalship of the ...
New Aspects of the Menon Painter - Σελίδα 262 Henry Roy William Smith
- 1929 - - To believe that the latter was their main purpose would be like
guessing that the Panama Canal was cut to further the trade in Central
American postage stamps (even to hold with Wade-Gery1" and with
Beaumont1TM that the silver of Damastion was important to the
Corinthian ... But is there not a fallacy rather grave in a view to which
Wade-Gery gives some countenance, namely, that Lynkestis was so
important to Periander that he founded Potidaia in order to secure the
eastern end ...
New classical dictionary of biography, mythology, and geography sir
William Smith - 1850 - - Four unsuccessful attempts were made to dig a
Canal across the isthmus, namely, by Demetrius Poliorcetes, Julius

Caesar, Caligula, and Nero. Corinthlacus Sinus (Kopiyflnwos or

KopiVflios K<JAiroT : (I. of Lepanlo), the gulf between the N. of Greece
and ... and the first sea-fight on record was between the Corinthians and
their colonists the Corey means. Its greatness at an early period is attested
by numerous colonies, Ambracia, Corcyra, Apollonia, Potidaea, &c. It was
adorned with ...
Notes on Herodotus Original and Selected from the Best Commentators
...Dawson Turner, Herodotus - 1857 - Čičkovgav—which extends,
stretches across, or reaches. Schw. A few lines below driáuevoc, breaking
up, departing. The Sinus Singiticus, into which the Canal drawn past the
city Sane opened from the Sin. Strymon ... 470–478. CH. CXXIII.—a. Of
the towns spoken of here, Potidaea, afterwards Cassandria, now Pinaka,
and Pella, now Alaklisi, the birth£ of Alexander, are the most noted.
Scione, Mende, Aphytis, ane, and Gigonus are mentioned in Thucyd, iv.
circ. fin. Most of the others ...
Nueva geografía universal: la tierra y los hombres. Europa. Europa ...Elisée
Reclus - 1890 - - Pórim = Lipeta, cordill., 222. Póros, ald., 105-125. Porta
Hungárica de Pozsony, desfil., 414. Porto-Ré = Kraljevica, puerto, 389-
403. Portmós-Izákis = Fishardo, Canal, 121. Posavina ó Sobre-Save,
comarca, 393. Postoina = Adelsberg = ARAE POSTHUMII, gruta, 670.
POTAISSA = Torda, ciud., 506. Potamós, ciud., 135. POTIDAEA, ciudad
antigua, 184. Poyarenatz = Passarowitz, ciud., 352-356. Pozsega, cond. y
ciud., 407. Pozsonv= Pressburg, ciud. y cond., 500-507-509, —
desfiladero ...
Of swords and strigils: social change in ancient Macedon - Σελίδα 58
Margaret Erwin Butler, Stanford University. Dept. of Classics - 2008 -
Canal through the Akti peninsula to aid the passage of Xerxes' fleet.85
We do not have a record of serious conflict between the Thracian tribes
and the Macedonians and the Greeks of Chalcidike until the reign of
Perdiccas II (454-413). In 433/2 he began to interfere in southern Greek
affairs by encouraging Potidaea, a Corinthian colony paying tribute to the
Athenians, to revolt. He also encouraged many of the communities along
the coast to abandon their settlements and, in league ...
Orations - Τόμος 1 - Σελίδα 229 Demosthenes - 1913 - -... of the isthmus
of Mount Athos, across which the famous Canal was cut for Xerxes. The
Acanthians were the first people that revolted from Athens, when Brasidas
came into their country. Their jealousy of Athens was now transferred to

Olvnthus. ... Eudamidas marched to Thrace, and put garrisons in the towns
that were friendly to him. Potidaea immediately revolted, and there ...
Our quaking earth - Σελίδα 245 Elliott B. Roberts - 1963 - Pacific Ocean,
53, 71, 77, 79, 81, 83, 99, 133, 158-159, 175-176, 177, 186, 189, 193-194,
197, 200 Palmieri, Luigi, 120 Panama Canal, 100 Panama City, Panama,
4 Paricutin volcano, Michoacan, Mexico, 60 Pasadena, California, 98-99
... 12, 33, 231 Portland, Oregon, 1 64 Portugal, 12 Poseidon, 36 Potidaea,
Greece, 183 Puerto Montt, Chile, 30 Puget Sound, Washington, 157-158
Quake Lake, Montana, 1 68— 170 Quiches Fault, Peru, 65 Rann of Cutch,
India, 64, 220 Rayleigh, ...
Outlines of ancient geography, with abstract of ancient history Scottish
school-book assoc - 1852 - ... Potidaea, a colony from Corinth — became
a colony of Athens, B.C. 431 — destroyed by Philip, 358, rebuilt by
Cassander, and called Cassandria: On the Toronaic gulf, Olynthus , a
colony and firm adherent of Athens, well known by the spirited orations of
Demosthenes — destroyed by Philip, 348 : On the Strymonic Gulf,
Stagira, b. p. of Aristotle ; on the top of Mt. Athos, Acroathon or
Ouranopolis (city of heaven); Acanthus, on the isthmus across which
Xerxes cut a Canal to convey his ...
1980 - - ... his jealousy of Themistocles, 283 Timoxenus, his plot to betray
Potidaea, 283 Tisamenus, Grecian soothsayer, story of, 295, 296 Tomyris,
Queen of the Massagetae, refuses to receive the embassy from Cyrus, 46;
sends message to the king, 46; ... 220; his preparations for war, 220;
immensity of the expedition, 220; his Canal of Athos, 220, 221; his
collection of stores, 221; his march from Critalla, 221; crosses the Halys
and marches through Phrygia, 221; reaches CeUenae, 221; ...
Paulys Real-Encyclopa Die Der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft:
...August Friedrich von Pauly - 1965 - - ersten Mal auch mit einem Plan
wenigstens der Nordmauer und ihrer Umgebung und mit einer Reihe von
Abbildungen Tafel I——XVII. Gegen das Festland war das Stadtgebiet
bereits nach Strab. VII 330 fg. 25 durch einen Kanal abgetrennt, von dem
wir nicht erfahren, aus welcher Zeit er stammte. In einem Chrysobull ' des
J. 1407 erklärt Johannes Palaiologos, er habe einen Kanal durch den
Isthmos graben laswaren in der Neuzeit verfallen, aber in Resten sichtbar;
danach oder ...

Paulys Real-encyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft.

...August Friedrich von Pauly, Georg Wissowa, Wilhelm Kroll - 1965 - -
Der heutige Kanal von 1200 m Länge, 40 m Breite und 6–7 m Tiefe wurde
in den J. 1935– 1937 gebaut, Alex an der 1. Unmittelbar südlich des Kanals
überquert eine mittelalterliche Mauer mit mehreren Türmen, zum Teil noch
hoch Terrakotten: Excavations at Olynthus part XIV 5f. Der einzige
größere Baurest außer der Mauer, wohl des Poseidontempels, aber erst aus
römischer Zeit, am Westufer ist o. in Abschnitt B b behandelt. Gräber vor
der Stadt Bull. hell. LXXXIV (1960) 792f.
Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft: ...August
Friedrich von Pauly - 1965 -
Penny Cyclopaedia of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
VIRGINIA.] POTO'MIDA, Mr. Swainson's name for a subgenus of Dr.
Turton's genus Mysca, placed by Mr. Swainson in the subfamily
Unionina”, family Unionidae. (Malacology.) ... the capital of the
government, the handsomest town in the Prussian dominions, next to
Berlin, is situated at the confluence of the Ruthe and the Havel, on an island
about 18 miles in circumference, formed by the Havel, some small lakes,
and a Canal.
Philip and Alexander of Macedon: Two Essays in Biography David George
Hogarth - 1897 - - ... 103, 209, 215, 2U, 243 O Onesicritus, 257
Onomarchus, 70 Orchomenus, 30-32, 213 Orestes, 11 Orestis, 9, 13 Orens,
87 Oropus, 32, 132 Paeonia, 9, 13 Pagasae, 72 ' Pallucopas (Canal), 270
Pammenes, 28, 40 Pangaeus, the mines of, 45, ... his staters, 49 ; army-
making, 50 ; territorial regiments, 54 ; scale of military honour, 55 ; pages
in peace and equerries in war, 58; new military ideas : his (anions phalanx,
60 ; the sarissa, 62 ; his principle of Empire, 64 ; Pydna and Potidaea, ...
Phoenix - Τόμοι 8-9 - Σελίδα 10 1954 - - Periander planned a Canal
through the isthmus of Corinth but was unable to carry it out. To secure
raw materials and to safeguard the routes to the West against any
interference from a hostile Corcyra, the Kypselids planted a series of
colonial foundations of a new and imperialist type on the north-west coast
of Greece: Leucas, Ambracia, and Anaktorion just north of the Corinthian
Gulf, and Apollonia north of Corcyra. Potidaia on the isthmus of Pallene
in Chalkidike was clearly ...

Physikalische Geographie von Griechenland: mit besonderer Rücksicht

...Karl Neumann, Joseph Partsch - 1885 -
Pliny: Natural History - Τόμος 2 - Σελίδα 145 Pliny (the Elder.) - 1989 - -
The mountains in this district are Hypsizonus, Epitus, Algion and
Elaeuomne ; the towns are Nyssus, Phryxelon, Mendae, and on the isthmus
of Pallene what was formerly Potidaea but is now the colony of
Cassandrea, Anthemus, Olophyxus, Mecyberna Bay, the towns of
Miscella, Ampelos, Torone, Singos, Telos, and the Canal, a mile and a half
in length, by which the Persian king Xerxes cut off Mount Athos " from
the mainland. The actual mountain projects from the level plain into the ...
Rand McNally World Guide: Selected and Adapted from the Columbia
...1953 - Chios (kl'6s) or Khios (Gr. khe'ds) , Greek Aegean island (321 sq.
mi.; pop. c.63,000) off Karaburun Peninsula of Asiatic Turkey (separated
by 5-15 mi. wide Chios Channel). Mountainous in N (4,256 ft. in the
Pelinaion), it forms a fertile ... Corinth (kfl'rlnth), Gr. Korinthos
(kd'rlnthos), city (pop. 17,699), NE Peloponnesus, port on Gulf of Corinth
near W end of Corinth Canal, and 40 ml. ... Syracuse, Corfu, Potidaea, and
Apolionla were among its colonies. The natural rival of Athens, Corinth.
Repertorium über die vom Jahre 1800 bis zum Jahre 1850 in ... Wilhelm
Koner - 1852 - 623. Prächting 4998. Praesus Mz. II. p. 550. Prag 5327ff.
Mz. If. 11105. Popcringhc 7910. Popocatepetl П. 8815ГГ. Poppenreuth
5029. Populonia II. 13616. Mz. II. p. 502. Porcia gens Mz. II. p. 620.
Pornic, Kanal von 4901. Poroselcne Mz. II. p. 561. ... 97541t Poslumia
gens Mz. II. 10)11 Postumos 289. 6552. Mi II HP — junior Mt. II. 10378.
Potidea Mz. II. p. 532. Potniac Mz II. p. 511. Potosi II. 91161. Posdara
2254. Pettendorf П. 4564. Powundcn II. 4151 f. Prambannn II. 7692. Prato
Repertorium über die vom jahre 1800 bis zum jahre 1850 in ...W. Koner -
1856 - - 502. Porcia gens Mz. II. p. 620. Pornic, Kanal von 4901.
Poroselcne Mz. II. p. 561. Porta Weslphalica II. 3863. Port Bowcn H. 9243.
Port Elizabeth II. 7960. Port Essington II. 9196. 9290. Port-Kunda II. 5479.
Portland 11580x. Portorico II. 8946. ... Potidea Mz. II. p. 532. Potniae Mz
H. p. 541. Potosi II. 91161. Posdam 2254. Pottendorf II. 4564. Powunden
II. 4151 f. Prambanan H. 7692. Pralo 10103. Praulen II. 5506. Preitenegg
5707. Prcschonnet 7416. Prefsburg 6974 If. Prcfsburgcr Grafen ...
Res maritimae: Cyprus and the eastern Mediterranean from prehistory
...Stuart Swiny, Robert L. Hohlfelder, Helena Wylde Swiny - 1997 - Its

occupancy was contested a number of times throughout the fourth century

b.c.e., but it seems to have become a significant Macedonian garrison in
the third and second centuries b.c.e., probably to guard one of the main sea
routes to Kassandreia — and Thessaloniki (once the Potidaea Canal had
been opened). In 169 b.c.e., C. Marcius Figulus, commander of a Roman
fleet in a war that would see in the following year the effective destruction
of Macedonian power, after an ...
Researches in the Highlands of Turkey - Σελίδα 99 Henry Fanshawe Tozer
- 1869 - - A Conversation on Canals. 99 shallower, dike has been cut
through the isthmus of Pallene, the westernmost of the three peninsulas
of Chalcidice. It runs across from sea to sea, and is now filled with sand,
and two dry lagoons have been ... length is about half a mile, and it was
probably the work of the Venetians at the time when they occupied
Salonica, as a wall of Venetian construction runs along the slopes on the
southern side of it, near the site of the ancient Cassandra or Potidaea.
Ridpath's History of the World: Being an Account of the Principal ...John
Clark Ridpath - 1901 - - A more authentic distinction was the possession
of the rich city of Potidaea, which occupied the neck of the isthmus by
which Pallene was joined to the main-land. This place was founded at a
very early date by a colony of ... Acte abounded in towns, of which the
principal were Sane—on the Singitic gulf—Uranopolis, Dium, Apollonia,
Thyssus, Cleonae, and Acanthus, which stood at the other extremity of the
Canal from Sane. This was perhaps the most important city in this part
of ...
Ridpath's History of the World: Greece. Macedonia. Rome - Σελίδα 613
John Clark Ridpath, Henri F. Klein, Winfred Trexler Root - 1936 - more
authentic distinction was the possession of the rich city of Potidaea, which
occupied the neck of the isthmus by which Pallene was joined to the main-
land. This place was founded at a very early date by a colony of ... Acte
abounded in towns, of which the principal were Sane — on the Singitic
gulf — Uranopolis, Dium, Apollonia, Thyssus, Cleonae, and Acanthus,
which stood at the other extremity of the Canal from Sane. This was
perhaps the most important city in this part of ...
Ridpath's Universal History: An Account of the Origin, Primitive ...John
Clark Ridpath - 1896 - - A more authentic distinction was the possession
of the rich city of Potidaea, which occupied the neck of the isthmus by
which Pallene was joined to the main-land. This place was founded at a
very early date by a colony of ... Acte abounded in towns, of which the

principal were Sane—0n the Singitic gulf—Uranopolis, Dium, Apollonia,

Thyssus, Cleonae, and Acanthus, which stood at the other extremity of the
Canal from Sane. This was perhaps the most important city in this part
of ...
Sailing directions for the Mediterranean: the Aegean Sea United States.
Naval Oceanographic Office - 1958 - the Aegean Sea United States. Naval
Oceanographic Office. in the text are not charted, having been recently
built with the rehabilitation of refugees from Asia Minor. Kassandra
(Pallini) Peninsula is the western one of the above-mentioned three
peninsulas formed at the southern part of Khalkidike Peninsula, with
which it is connected by the isthmus of Potidea, a narrow neck of land cut
by the Nea Potidhaia Canal. Forming the eastern shore of the outer part of
the Gulf of Saloniki and ...
Salmonsens konversationsleksikon - Τόμος 19 - Σελίδα 485 1925 -
Sammlung gemeinverständlicher wissenschaftlicher Vorträge Franz von
Holtzendorff, Rudolf Virchow, Wilhelm Wattenbach - 1898 - - Ob dieser
Kanal je ganz fertig ge» worden ist, weiß man nicht. Die Spuren, die man
heute von ihm sieht, scheinen gering zu sein. Lange Zeit ist der Athos von
Nichthellenen bewohnt gewesen, und im Gegensatz zu den beiden anderen
Zungen der Chalkidike, — großes städtisches Leben hat hier in dem meist
unwegsamen Waldgebirge nie geherrscht. Die Städte, deren Namen wir
hören, haben nur lokale Bedeutung gehabt und sind mit Olynth, Potidaia,
Torone nicht zu vergleichen.
Selected papers of Lionel Pearson - Σελίδα 193 Lionel Ignacius Cusack
Pearson, Donald Lateiner, Susan A. Stephens - 1983 - - 108: "Who does
not know that Corcyra occupies the most useful and strategic position of
all posts round the Peloponnese? that Samoa occupies a similar position
for Ionia, Sestos and Crithote for the Hellespontine region, Potidaea and
Torone ... when speaking of the new trade routes which would be opened
up by the Panama Canal: "Do you realize that New York, for example, will
be nearer the western coast of South America than she is now to the eastern
coast of South America?
Societies, Networks, and Transitions: A Global History - Σελίδα 142 Craig
A. Lockard - 2014 - - For example, to forge closer links with Egypt, Darius
completed the first Suez Canal, 125 miles long and 150 feet wide, that
briefly connected the Mediterranean and the BAS REliEf of dARiuS ANd
XERXES HoldiNG CouRT This relief was carved in one of the palaces at

Red Seas. He also began building a ... CHALCIDICE Potidaea Lemnos

H e Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not
materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning ...
Southern Europe: International Dictionary of Historic Places - Σελίδα 159
Trudy Ring, Noelle Watson, Paul Schellinger - 2013 - - These colonies
included Syracuse, a city on the eastern coast of Sicily founded in 735 B.C.;
Corcyra (Corfu), an island on the northwest coast of the Greek mainland
where a colony was founded in 735 B.C.; and Potidaea, a city in northern
Greece near Macedonia, established in 609 B.C. The colonies provided
Corinth with a steady supply of ... At one time the Corinthians planned to
build a Canal across the isthmus and connect the two seas, but this proved
to be an impossible project.
Strabon von Amaseia: Untersuchungen über Text, Aufbau und Quellen
...Wolfgang Aly - 1957 - rierstadt auf einer durch einen Kanal
abschliessbaren Halbinsel gelegen hat, kommt nur die Wurzel der
nördlichen Nehrung in Frage. Die Lage gleicht sehr derjenigen von
Potidaia. Dann muss eine Station im Abstand von 200Stad. ausgefallen
sein, vermutlich dieWachttür- me der Klazomenier, die Strabon in seinem
Periplüs nicht fand und daher ohne nähere Ortsangabe zum Schluss
nachtrug. Problematisch bleibt die Lücke zwischen dem Achilleion und
Gorgippia, weil die Lage ...
Strabonis Geographica: Strabon von Amaseia; Untersuchungen über
...Strabo, Wolfgang Aly - 1957 - rierstadt auf einer durch einen Kanal
abschliessbaren Halbinsel gelegen hat, kommt nur die Wurzel der
nördlichen Nehrung in Frage. Die Lage gleicht sehr derjenigen von
Potidaia. Dann muss eine Station im Abstand von 200Stad. ausgefallen
sein, vermutlich dieWachttür- me der Klazomenier, die Strabon in seinem
Periplüs nicht fand und daher ohne nähere Ortsangabe zum Schluas
nachtrug. Problematisch bleibt die Lücke zwischen dem Achilleion und
Gorgippia, weil die Lage ...
Strabonis Geographica: Strabons Geographika in 17 Büchern Strabo,
Wolfgang Aly - 1957 - - rierstadt auf einer durch einen Kanal
abschliessbaren Halbinsel gelegen hat, kommt nur die Wurzel der
nördlichen Nehrung in Frage. Die Lage gleicht sehr derjenigen von
Potidaia. Dann muss eine Station im Abstand von 200Stad. ausgefallen
sein, vermutlich dieWachttür- me der Klazomenier, die Strabon in seinem
Periplüs nicht fand und daher ohne nähere Ortsangabe zum Schluss

nachtrug. Problematisch bleibt die Lücke zwischen dem Achilleion und

Gorgippia, weil die Lage ...
Strabonis Georgraphica: Strabons Geographika in 17 Büchern. Text,
...Strabo, Wolfgang Aly, Ernst Kirsten - 1957 - - rierstadt auf einer durch
einen Kanal abachliessbaren Halbinsel gelegen hat, kommt nur die Wurzel
der nördlichen Nehrung in Frage. Die Lage gleicht sehr derjenigen von
Potidaia. Dann muss eine Station im Abstand von 200Stad. ausgefallen
sein, vermutlich dieWachttür- me der Klazomenier, die Strabon in seinem
Periplüs nicht fand und daher ohne nähere Ortsangabe zum Schluss
nachtrug. Problematisch bleibt die Lücke zwischen dem Achilleion und
Gorgippia, weil die Lage ...
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE GEORGE RIPLEY - 1875 - - ... the ast of
which terminated in Mt. Athos, a a Canal was said to have been cut
through: by Xerxes on his invasion of Greece. Among the cities were:
AEgae, or Edessa, the resident of the early kings; Pella, that of Philip in his
son Alexander; Thessalonica (Salonica, now the largest town), that of
Cassander, at the head of the Thermaic gulf; Olynthus former; one of the
most powerful cities of Th". besieged, taken, and destroyed by Philip:
Potidaea, a colony of Corinth, conquered M Athens, ...
The American Cyclopaedia: A Popular Dictionary of General Knowledge
George Ripley, Charles Anderson Dana - 1881 -
The American Cyclopædia: A Popular Dictionary of General Knowledge
George Ripley, Charles Anderson Dana - 1879 -
The American Express Pocket Guide to Greece - Σελίδα 111 Peter Sheldon
- 1987 - - On the Kassandra road the first branch to the w leads to Agia
Triada . The road continues via Eleohoria, where there is a branch left, 8km
(5 miles) N, to the Petralona Cave (E standard opening times), in which
bones and tools dating back 500,000yr have been found. Farther on are the
negligible remains of ancient Potidea, near the bridge which crosses the
Canal at the narrow neck of the Kassandra promontory. Potidea once
contributed to the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War.
The American Peoples Encyclopedia: A Comprehensive Modern-minded
...1953 -
The Collected Dialogues of Plato: Including The Letters - Σελίδα 1620
Plato, Edith Hamilton, Huntington Cairns - 1963 - - 243d; conquest of
Ceos, Laws 1.638b; defended Heraclidae vs. Argives, Menex. 239b; early

wars, ib. 239b; the Eurymedon, Cyprus, Egypt, ib. 24ie; expedition to
Potidaea, Apol. ... 3.404a; training, Laws 8.830a sq.; victorious, get free
maintenance, Apol. 36d athletic competitions: Laws 6.765c, 8.828c;
ordained for war, ib. 1.6333 sq., 8.830c sq., 832d sq.; see alto gymnastic(s);
physical training; training Athos, Canal cut through by Xerxes, Laws
3.699a Atlantic Ocean: named after Atlas ...
The Columbia Gazetteer of the World: P to Z - Σελίδα 3058 Saul Bernard
Cohen - 2008 - - Philip II of Macedon took (356) Potidaia and may have
destroyed it in the ensuing war. Rebuilt by Cassander, the city was named
Cassandreia. Formerly spelled Potidaea. Potiragua (PO-chee-rah-
GWAH), city (2007 population 10,372), SE bahia state, brazil, near Rio
pardo, 37 mi/60 km SW of camacan; 15 37'S 39 52'W. ... It is navigable
for large ships to Washington, D.C, and formerly many smaller boats went
to Cumberland (Maryland), via the Chesapeake and ohio Canal.
The Companion Guide to Mainland Greece - Σελίδα 214 Brian De Jongh,
John Gandon, Geoffrey Graham-Bell - 2000 - - from the colonies allied to
Athens under duress in the fifth century BC. At Nea Moudania, a
nondescript town with a fishing harbour, there are tavernas and a small
hotel. To reach the (Cassandra peninsula (the western 'claw' of the whole
Halkidiki peninsula) take the southbound road after the town over the
muddy Canal that crosses the isthmus. At the hinge of the 'claw', the site
of ancient Potidaia extends beyond this Canal. Xerxes' fleet, supporting
his invading army, anchored here in ...
The Early Age of Greece - Τόμος 1 - Σελίδα 129 Sir William Ridgeway -
1901 - - Though Thucydides cites only the quarrel between Corcyra and
Corinth and the siege of Potidaea as the proximate causes of the outbreak
of the Peloponnesian War, some of his Athenian contemporaries held that
it was largely due to the personal spite of Aspasia towards the Megarians.
Yet we do not for this discrepancy condemn Thucydides' history as a mere
tissue of inventions. It was a matter of dispute whether Xerxes had sailed
round Mount Athos, or through a Canal, ...
The Encyclopaedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, ...Hugh
Chrisholm - 1911 -
The encyclopædia britannica: a dictionary of arts, sciences, ...Hugh
Chisholm - 1911 -
The Encyclopædia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and ...1905

The Encyclopaedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and ...1896

- - Several of these were founded from Chalcis in Euboea, which city gave
its name to the district; but the important town of Potidaea was a
Corinthian colony. The most eastern of the three peninsulas, that of Acte,
is far the highest, and rises from its isthmus until it forms a steep central
ridge, which gradually attains the height of 4000 feet, and finally throws
up the vast conical peak of Mount Athos (6400 feet). The isthmus, which
is about a mile and a half broad, still shows traces of the Canal ...
The Encyclopædia Britannica: A-ZYM - Σελίδα 138 Day Otis Kellogg,
Thomas Spencer Baynes, William Robertson Smith - 1903 - - ... which
city gave its name to the district; but the important town of Potidaea was a
Corinthian c>\ony. The most eastern of the three peninsulas, that of Acte,
is far the highest, and rises from its isthmus until it forms a steep central
ridge, which gradually attains the height of 4000 feet, and finally throws
up the vast conical peak of Mount Athos (6400 feet). The isthmus, which
is about a mile and a half broad, still shows traces of the Canal made by
Xerxes for the passage of his fleet, in order ...
The Encyclopeadia Britannica - Σελίδα 216 1899 - - As the river is not
navigable as far as the town, a Canal has been constructed which gives
communication with Lake Erie. There are fine county buildings, ten
churches, an orphanage, banks, and Anewspaper offices. Population in
1871, 8107. ... The Athenians, on the other hand, sent out a new armament,
retook Mende, and repelled an assault on Potidaea. In 422 Cleon with the
fresh Athenian troops besieged Amphipolis. A swift sally, directed by the
skilful generalship of the Spartan ...
The Encyclopedia of Historic Places - Τόμος 2 - Σελίδα 753 Courtlandt
Canby, Gorton Carruth - 1984 -
The English Cyclopaedia ... - Σελίδα 218 1856 -
The English Cyclopædia: A Dictionary of Universal Information
The Geography of Herodotus ...: Illustrated from Modern Researches
...James Talboys Wheeler - 1854 - - europe. of the Canal to prevent its
mouths from being chap. yi. choked up.1 A market and bazaar were held
in a neighbouring meadow, and great abundance of meal was brought from
Asia. On the isthmus ... Bay of After leaving the Canal the fleet entered
the Bay smgus. of g^g^ now called the Gulf of Monte Santo, on which
were situated the cities of Assa, Pilorus, Sin gus, and Sarta. Having taken

... Phlegra. Pallene contained the cities of Potidaea, Aphytis, Neapolis,

Aega, Therambus ...
The geography of Strabo - Τόμος 8 - Σελίδα 300 Strabo - 1932 - - 317
Corinth, isthmus of; Canal through attempted by Demetrius, 1. 201 ;
inscribed pillar erected on, as boundary between Ionia and the
Peloponnesus, 2. 139; distant 1030 stadia from Cape Araxus (Kalo- gria),
4. 19; narrowest at the " Diolcus," 4. 155 Corinthia, extends from Sicyonia
to the isthmus, 4. 15; lies on the Crisaean Gulf, 4. 195 ; the Nemea River
a boundary of, 4. 207 Corinthians, the, with the Corcyraeans founded
Apollonia (Pollina) in Illyria, 3. 265 ; founded Potidaea, 3.
The Geography of Strabo, with an English Translation by Horace ...Strabo,
Horace Leonard Jones, John Robert Sitlington Sterrett - 1960 - - 317
Corinth, isthmus of; Canal through attempted by Demetrius, 1. 201;
inscribed pillar erected on, as boundary between Ionia and the
Peloponnesus, 2. 139 ; distant 1030 stadia from Cape Araxus (Kalo- gria),
4. 19 ; narrowest at the " Diolcus," 4. 155 Corinthia, extends from Sicyonia
to the isthmus, 4. 15; lies on the Orisaean Gulf, 4. 195 ; the Nemea River
a boundary of, 4. 207 Corinthians, the, with the Corcy- raeans founded
Apollonia (Pollina) inlllyria, 8. 265; founded Potidaea, 3.
The Geography of Strabo: An English Translation, with Introduction
...2014 - - The peninsula of Pallene, on whose isthmus lies that which
was formerly called Potidaia and now is Kassandreia, was called Phlegra
stillearlier. The mythical Gigantes lived there, an impious and lawless
people whom Herakles ... Here, in the regionaround Akanthos,a Canal is
visible thatXerxes issaid to havedug through Athosand whichwent
acrossfrom the Strymonic Gulf by bringing the seainto the Canal.
Demetrios the Skepsian [F46] does not believe that this Canalwas
navigable,for ...
The Hemlock Cup: Socrates, Athens and the Search for the Good Life
Bettany Hughes - 2011 - - SOCRATES THE SOLDIER MWWMMW
Potidaea, northern Greece, 432—429 BC ALCIBIADES: Tbm you we to
bear q' him in battle —_for Ibm' also be must have bi: due - on lb: day if
lbrfigb: in whirl: I gained my prizrjor velour from our commanders, i! was
be, out if the whole army, who ... Travelling south-east From Thessaloniki,
you have to screech off the Hymn/er and then track back on a sheer sliproad
down to sea-level — to the Canal hacked through the isthmus there in

The Histories - Σελίδα 445 Herodotus,, Carolyn Dewald - 2008 - - It sailed

along the Canal that had been excavated on the peninsula of Athos and
through to the gulf where Assa, Pilorus, Singus, and Sarte are situated.
Additional troops were recruited from these places, and then the fleet
steered for the Gulf of ... Cape Ampelus to Cape Canastra, which is the part
of Pallene that projects furthest into the sea. Next they recruited both ships
and men from Potidaea, Aphytis, Neapolis, Aege, Therambus, Scione,
Mende, and Sane, which are the settlements ...
The History of Ancient Greece, Its Colonies and Conquests;: From the
...John Gillies - 1831 - The Athenian garrison in Potidaea, who had
surrendered themselves prisoners of war, he took under his immediate
protection, and dismissed them without ransom, artfully lamenting that the
necessity of his affairs, and his alliance with Olynthus , obliged him ... By
his care the water was drained off; the Canals, broken or choaked up, were
repaired; and the bosom of the earth was again opened and ransacked with
eager avidity by a prince who well knew the value of the precious metals.
The History of Greece - Τόμος 2 William Mitford - 1823 - -
The History of Herodotus - Σελίδα 540 Herodotus, Manuel Komroff - 1932
- - ... defeated at sea by the lonians, 305; at the sea-fight of Lade, 312; their
conquests on the Hellespont, 318; their skill in digging the Canal of Athos,
366; their cables, 307; construct bridge at Abydos, 369; win the sailing
match on the Hellespont, ... iji- 192 Polycritus, exploit] of, at Salami, 459
Ponticum, the, species of wild cherries, used for food and drink by the
Argip- peans, 212 Potidaea, Artabazus lays siege to, 471-472 Prexaspcs,
is ordered to kill Smerdis, Cambyses' brother, 157; ...
The History of Herodotus - Τόμος 2 - Σελίδα 352 1924 - - 263 Timoxenus,
his plot to betray Potidaea, ii. ... 120; his answer to the speech of
Artabanus, 124, 125; his dreams, 125-128; his third vision, 128, 129; his
preparations for war, 129; immensity of the expedition, 129; his Canal of
Athos, 130, 131; his collection of stores, 131; his march from Critalla, 131;
crosses the Halys and marches through Phrygia, 132; reaches Celaenae,
132; he and his army entertained by Pythius, 132; his further march, 133;
reaches Sardis, 133; sends heralds into ...
The History of Herodotus. A new Engl. version, ed. with notes by G.
...George Rawlinson - 1875 - - 526, 527 ; captures Jerusalem, 532 ; invades
Egypt, 532 ; ii. 385 ; his Standard Inscription, 587. Necds, father of
Psammetichus, ii. 231. , son of Psammetichus, his Canal to the Red Sea,

ii. 239, 242 ... 156 ; his contention with Minerva, 302 ; altar at the Isthmns,
352 ; temple at Potidaea, 356 ; statue dedicated to him by the Greeks after
Plataia, 438. Nereids, not known to the Egyptians, ii. 93 ; Magi sacrificed
to them, iv. 155. Nergal, i. 654 ; iii. 23. Neriglissar, i. 534. Nestor, iii. 264.
Nestus ...
The History of Herodotus: A New English Version - Τόμος 4 - Σελίδα 518
George Rawlinson, Sir Henry Creswicke Rawlinson, Sir John Gardner
Wilkinson - 1875 - 526, 527 ; captures Jerusalem, 532 ; invades Egypt, 532
; ii. 385 ; his Standard Inscription, 587. Neods, father of Psammetichus, ii.
231. — , son of Psammetichus, his Canal to the Red Sea, ii. 239 ... 156 ;
his contention with Minerva, 302 ; altar at the isthmus, 352 ; temple at
Potidaea, 356 ; statue dedicated to him by tho Greeks after Platan, 438.
Nereids, not known to the Egyptians, ii. 93 ; Magi sacrificed to them, iv.
155. Nergal, i. 654 ; iii. 23. Neriglissar, i. 534. NOTHON. Nestor, iii. 264.
The Home Encyclopædia: Compiled and Revised to Date from the Leading
...1895 -
The isthmus of Corinth: Crossroads of the Mediterranean World David
Pettegrew - 2016 - - 26. Hdt. 7.235; Th. 1.7, 1.13. 27. Th. 1.13.5 (Corinth's
pedestrian corridor); Th. 2.13, 2.18, and 3.89 (Corinth's bridge for attack).
Examples of fortifying Isthmoi for offensive sallies include Th. 3.94
(Leukas), 4.45 (Methana), and 6.97 (Thapsus). 28. Hdt. 1.174 (Canal at
Cnidus); Ps.-Scyl. 94 (settlement at Cyzicus); Hdt. 6.36–37 and X. HG
3.2.9–10 (wall over Thracian Chersonese); Th. 4.113 (the garrison at the
neck of Torone); Th. 4.120.2 and Ps.-Scyl. 66.3 (Potidaea as barrier in
land ...
The Journal of Hellenic Studies - Τόμος 24 - Σελίδα 141 1904 - - From
this point to the southern limit of the city the course of the wall is indicated
by a broad l®w mound skirting the eastern marsh, and occasionally
retaining remnants of its granite facing : we found no break in this wall
which could have admitted De Rustafjaell's Canal, and the hollow- ness of
the ground between this and the central harbour may perhaps be accounted
for by the removal of earth for the embankment of the city wall on the inner
side. Demir Kapu is a mere mass of rubble ...
The Landmark Thucydides - Σελίδα 649 Thucydides, Robert B. Strassler -
2008 - - ... 7.33.1, 7.58.1 as neutral in conflict between Syracuse and
Athens, 6.88.1-2 Cambyses (Persian King), 1.13.6, 1.14.2 Camirus
(Rhodes), 8.44.2 Canal across Acte peninsula, 4.109.2 Canastraeum,

Cape, 4.1 10.2 cannibalism, 2.70.1 capes (points; ... See also money;
wealth accumulation in Athens as result of peace, 6.25.2 effect in Hellas of
lack of, 1.2.2 greater supply of, 1 .7 large fleets and Potidaea siege exhaust
Athens', 3.17.2-4 "maintains a war" according to Pericles, 1.141.5 ...
The Mediterranean Pilot - Τόμος 4 - Σελίδα 549 1918 - - ... Khios island -
399 || Promiri, Cape - - - 257, 266 shoal - - - - 372 Propetes rock - - - - 134
Postoria village - - - 253 | Prophetes Elias, mountain – 380 Potamia bay,
skala - - – 297 | Prophylaki islet - - - - 435 Potamo, Port, Antikithera - 91
Prosino, Cape - - – 215 town, Kithera - - 83 Psakum prom. - - - – 26 village,
Antikithera - 91 Psalis point - - - - 174 Potamos point - - - - 435 | Psamatus
- - - - - 71 - village - - - - 435 | Psara channel - - - - 396 Potidaea - - - - –
277 island - - - - 392 INDEX.
The New Encyclopaedia Britannica - Τόμος 6 - Σελίδα 723 1979 -
The New Encyclopaedia Britannica: Micropaedia, Holderness - Krasnoje
Robert P. Gwinn - 1987 - - Upon the narrow isthmus that links Kassandra
with Chalcidice stand the sparse ruins of the Corinthian colony of
Potidaea, a port founded by Dorians c. 600 bc; its site is the village of Nea
Potidhaia just south of the ship Canal cut through the isthmus in 1937.
The classical history of Kassandra revolves around the communities of
Olynthus and Potidaea. Settled by non-Greek Bottiaians in the 7th
century bc, Olynthus was subdued by Sparta (382-379), which dissolved
the Chalcidian ...
The New International Encyclopædia - Τόμος 5 - Σελίδα 412 1911 -
The Olynthiac and other public orations of Demosthenes - Σελίδα 229
Demosthenes - 1852 - - ... on the Strymonic gulf, north of the isthmus of
Mount Athos, across which the famous Canal was cut for Xerxes. The
Acanthians were the first people that revolted from Athens, when Brasidas
came into their country. Their jealousy of Athens was ... and put garrisons
in the towns that were friendly to him. Potidaia immediately revolted, and
there he established himself, and commenced hostilities against Olynthus
. Phoebidas, who was sent after him, stopped on his road OLYNTHUS .
The Orations of Demosthenes ... - Σελίδα 241 Demosthenes, Charles Rann
Kennedy - 1868 - - A new method of working the mines was adopted, the
waters being drained off into Canals; and in a short time they yielded to
the king of Macedonia such an amount of revenue, as enabled him not only
to maintain a large standing army, but to extend his influence among the

Greek states by corruption. A gold coin was struck, called Philippeum,

which ... The last mentioned conquest was effected B.C. 356, not long after
the reduction of Potidaea. In the same year his son Alexander was ...
The Orations of Demosthenes: Tr. with Notes - Τόμος 1 - Σελίδα 229
Demosthenes - 1903 - - Acanthus was a coast-town on the Strymonic gulf,
north of the isthmus of Mount Athos, across which the famous Canal was
cut for Xerxes. The Acanthians were the first people that revolted from
Athens, when Brasidas came into .their country. Their jealousy of ...
Eudamidas marched to Thrace, and put garrisons in-the towns that were
friendly to him. Potidaea immediately revolted, and there he established
himself, and commenced hostilities against Olynthus . Phoabidas who was
sent ...
The Oxford Companion to Classical Literature - Σελίδα 122 1951 - - The
chief colonies founded by Corinth were Potidaea, Corcyra, and Syracuse.
All three figured prominently in the Peloponnesian War: the first revolted
from ... Nero undertook the work of cutting a Canal through the isthmus
(the project had occurred to others before him) and actually started it with
his own hands and a golden pickaxe; but it was discontinued after a
considerable amount of excavation had been done. Corinthian War, see
Corinth. Coriola'nus, GAfus Marcius, according to ...
The Peloponnesian War - Σελίδα 709 Thucydides - 2009 - - ... snow 4.103;
rigour of winter in Potidaea 2.70; flash flood 4.75; wind 2.84, 2.85, 8.31;
storms at sea 2.25, 3.69, 4.344, ... 2.79 Xerxes, King of Persia (4864465),
father ofArtaXerxes: 1.14, 1.69, 1.73, 1.74., 1.118, 3.56, 4.50; and
Pausanias (1) 1.128%); and Themistocles 1.137; Canal dug across Acte
peninsula 4.109 Zacynthus, W. Greek island: colonized from Achaea 2.66;
independent ally ofAthens 2.9, 2.66, 3.9445, 7.31, 7.57; (433) help Corcyra
against Corinthians 1.47; (431) envoys ...
The Peloponnesian War: Athens, Sparta, and the Struggle for Greece Nigel
Bagnall - 2006 -An analysis of the twenty-seven-year-long war between
Athens and Sparta examines the historical forces that set it in motion as
well as its role in the evolution of western civilization, in an account that
evaluates the war's innovations, ...
The Penny Cyclopaedia - Σελίδα 470 1840 - observes Pothicr, ' which has
been reprobated by many divincs and moralists. and which appears to be
borrowed from the code of tire Inquisition.' Potidaia. [MACEDONIA-1

name for asubgenus of Dr. Turton's genus Mysca, placed by Mr. Swainson
in the subfamily Unioninw, family L'm'onida'. (illulucologyJ POTOROO'.
[M.tnsurutuk, vol. xiv., p. 462.] POTOSI', a town in South America, in the
republic of Bolivia, and in ...
The Penny Cyclopaedia of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful ...Society
for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge - 1840 - POTIDAEA..
POTO'MIDA, Mr. Swainson's name for a subgenus of Dr. Turton's genus
Mysca, placed by Mr. Swainson in the subfamily Unioninae, family
Unionidae. (Malacology.) ... the capital of the government, the handsomest
town in the Prussian dominions, next to Berlin, is situated at the confluence
of the Ruthe and the Havel, on an island about 18 miles in circumference,
formed by the Havel, some small lakes, and a Canal.
The Penny Cyclopædia of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful ...1839 -
Potidaea, afterwards called Cassandria from Cassander, king of
Macedon, founded by the Corinthians (Thucyd., i. 56), stood on the narrow
isthmus which connects the ... Potidaea revolted from Athens, B.C. 432;
and was not taken till after a siege of two years; when the Potidaeans
surrendered and were allowed to quit the place. A mutilated inscription in
elegiac verse, now in the British ... The Canal of Xerxes can still be
distinctly traced. Herodotus enumerates six towns within this ...
The Penny Cyclopaedia of the Society for the Diffussion of Useful ...1839
- - Potidaea, afterwards called Cassandria from Cassander, king of
Macedon, founded by the Corinthians (Thucyd., i. 56), stood on the narrow
isthmus which connects the ... and after the Persian war was subject to the
Athenians. Potidaea revolted from Athens, B.C. 432; and was not taken till
after a siege of two years; when the Potidaeans surrendered and were
allowed to quit the ... The Canal of Xerxes can still be distinctly traced.
Herodotus enumerates six towns within this peninsula: ...
The Role of the Physical Environment in Ancient Greek Seafaring Jamie
Morton - 2001 - - Finding the most economical route: coastal routes One
of the commonest 'compromises' between open-sea and coastal seafaring
was, as just noted, to follow the general outline of the coast, but to sail
directly across the mouths of often deeply recessed bays, rather than
following the longer route around their shores: Now when the fleet had left
Xerxes and sailed through the Canal made in Athos (which Canal reached
to the gulf wherein stand the towns of Assa, Piloros, Singos and ...

The sea of memories: the story of Mediterranean strife, past and present
Charles Moran - 1942 - - Palmer, James S., 228, 229, 232 Palmerston, 241
Pan-Sicilian congress, 17 Panama Canal, 241 Panormus, see Palermo
Paoli, 293 Paris, 144; Treaty of, 261 Paros, 254, 255 Parry, William, 200
Parienope, the, 226 Parthenopean Republic. ... Plutarch, 12, 18 Poland, 256
Polidoro, Girolamo, 121 Port Mahon, 136 Port Nausa, 254, 255 Port Said,
236 Porto Leone, 289 Portugal, 135 Posillipo, 165 Potidea, 15 Prevesa,
121, 122 Principium, the, 247 Provence, 84, 112 Proxenus, 22-24, ...
The Tutorial History of Greece: From the Earliest Times to the Death ...W.
J. Woodhouse - 1907 - - ... peninsula converted by means of a Canal into
an island, were perhaps all foundations of Cypselus. § 58. Under his
successor Periander (627–586 B.C.). room, or Corinth attained the acme
of her power. ) stubborn rivalry of Corcyra was broken by his subjugation
of that island. New settlements were planted— Apollonia on the Illyrian
shore; Epidamnus, farther north, a Corcyrean colony, fell also into the
hands of the Corinthians; Potidaea was founded in the Chalcidic
The Warring States of Greece: From Their Rise to the Roman Conquest A.
R. Burn - 1968 - - 5 3 To dig a Corinth Canal proved always beyond the
means of the ancient world, though the emperor Nero got as far as starting
work on one; but Periander did inaugurate a second-best project: a diolkos
or tramway, on which ships could be hauled ... But his later years were
darkened by family quarrels ; his sons died before him - one in a new
colony at Potidaea in Chalcidice, one in a chariot accident, one murdered
at Corfu - and his successor, a nephew, Psammetichus (named, it is ...
The Winston Dictionary. College Edition - Σελίδα 1231 1926 -
The World-wide Encyclopedia and Gazetteer - Τόμος 2 - Σελίδα 1086
William Harrison De Puy - 1899 -
The Year's Work in Classical Studies - Σελίδα 135 1970 - - Polybius, 8,
40 Pompeii, 36, 125, 126, 127 Pontus, IOO Poseidon, temple of, 109
Posidonius, 69 Potidaea, 109 Potters' settlement, 109 Pottery, 113, 116,
118 Praeneste, 122 Prayers, Roman, 11 Prehistoric antiquities, 128 ;
remains, 130; site, ... 43 ; milestones, 44 ; mining, 44 ; mining law, 38 ;
private antiquities, 39 ; private law, 76 ; roads and Canals, 38 ; soldiers,
37 ; state-ownership of land, 37 ; strategy, 41 ; trade, 38 Rome, 119;
imperial properties near, 36; topographical dictionary, ...
Thucydides - Τόμος 1 - Σελίδα 645 Thucydides - 1881 -

Topographischer Bildkommentar zu den Historien Herodots: Griechenland

Dietram Müller - 1987 - - Fingers der Chalkidike, der an dieser Stelle nur
etwa 1 km breit ist, in der Zeit Strabos1 und seit 1937 von einem Kanal
durchstochen. Die Stadt nahm mit ihrer Befestigung die ganze Breite des
Isthmos ein, wie auch durch den Bericht des Thukydides2 bestätigt wird.
Die Akropolis dürfte der scherbenbedeckte breite Hügel am Südrand des
Dorfs Nea Potidea gewesen sein. Das Poseidonheiligtum befand sich
vermutlich an der Stelle des süd- westl. des Ortes ausgegrabenen röm.
Travelaid Guide to Greece - Σελίδα 162 Michael Von Haag, Neville Lewis
- 1979 - - At the neck of the peninsula is Nea Potidaia which marks the
site of the important ancient city of Potidaea, a Corinthian colony, later
destroyed by Philip of Macedon; rebuilt by Kassander, it became the most
important town in Macedonia, but was finally destroyed by the Huns.
There are no very obvious remains of either Potidaea, or of the city of
Olynthos, 15 kms to the northeast. Olynthos, of ... Beyond Nea Roda, you
cross over a shallow ditch which marks the site of Xerxes' Canal.
Travels in Albania and Other Provinces of Turkey in 1809 & 1810 John
Cam Hobhouse Broughton - 1858 - - undertaken chiefly by Lord Elgin,
who had the good fortune to find there a stone with an inscription, in
elegiac verse, on the Athenians who were slain at Potidaea. At about a
furlong and a half from the foot of the Acropolis the plain of the Ceramicus
is terminated by the small gravelly channel of the Ilissus, a river, as
Boccaccio calls the Sebeto, " quanto rico d' onor tanto povero d' acque ;"
and which, during our winter at Athens, notwithstanding some rain and
snow, was never swelled ...
Travels in Albania and other provinces of Turkey in 1809 & 1810...John
Cam Hobhouse - 1858 - - undertaken chiefly by Lord Elgin, who had the
good fortune to find there a stone with an inscription, in elegiac verse, on
the Athenians who were slain at Potidaea. At about a furlong and a half
from the foot of the Acropolis the plain of the Ceramicus is terminated by
the small gravelly channel of the Ilissus, a river, as Boccaccio calls the
Sebeto, " quanto rico d' onor tanto povero d' acque ;" and which, during
our winter at Athens, notwithstanding some rain and snow, was never
swelled ...
Turkey and the Balkan States: As Described by Great Writers Esther
Singleton - 1908 - - ... town of Potidaea was a Corinthian colony. The
most eastern of the three peninsulas, that of Acte, is far the highest, and
rises from its isthmus until it forms a steep central ridge, which gradually

attains the height of 4000 feet, and finally throws up the vast conical peak
of Mount Athos (6400 feet). The isthmus, which is about a mile and a half
broad, still shows traces of the Canal made by Xerxes for the passage of
his fleet, in order 138 TURKEY AND THE BALKAN STATES.
Two Deaths at Amphipolis: Cleon vs Brasidas in the Peloponnesian War
Mike Roberts - 2015 - - siege, both for the people of Potidaea as well as
for the Athenians surrounding them. ... who, in 'The Symposium,' praised
his old paramour both for his toughness in the harsh winter conditions of
the siege and for saving his life when he was wounded in battle: 'when we
later went on a campaign together to Potidaea; and there we ... The
defences stretched the few hundred yards from the sea on one side to sea
on the other where the lovely blue-green waters of a Canal now show.
University of California Chronicle - Τόμος 16 - Σελίδα 406 1914 - - Less
often, too — and in a country so rent with earthquakes as Greece a
"catastrophic geology" was as inevitable as it was among the Jews17 —
less often, Poseidon is credited with what we may fairly call "tenants'
improvements ' ' — the gorge at Tempe, to let the water off the Thes- salian
plain; or the spring on the Acropolis, to make that fortress tenable; or a
change of shoreline, near his own earthquake-ridden towns of Corinth and
Potidaea. But when man, emulous of Olympian ...
University of California Chronicle - Τόμος 16 - Σελίδα 406 University of
California, Berkeley - 1914 - - Less often, too — and in a country so rent
with earthquakes as Greece a "catastrophic geology" was as inevitable as
it was among the Jews17 — less often, Poseidon is credited with what we
may fairly call "tenants' improvements" — the gorge at Tempe, to let the
water off the Thes- salian plain; or the spring on the Acropolis, to make
that fortress tenable; or a change of shoreline, near his own earthquake-
ridden towns of Corinth and Potidaea. But when man, emulous of
Olympian ...
University of California Publications in Classical Archaeology 1944 - To
believe that the latter was their main purpose would be like guessing that
the Panama Canal was cut to further the trade in Central American postage
stamps (even to hold with Wade-Gery1" and with Beaumont180 that the
silver of ... 7 But is there not a fallacy rather grave in a view to which
Wade-Gery gives some countenance, namely, that Lynkestis was so
important to Periander that he founded Potidaia in order to secure the
eastern end of the thoroughfare running from Adriatic ...

Venice and Thessalonica 1423-1430: the Greek accounts - Σελίδα 103 John
R. Melville-Jones - 2006 - It was the site of the ancient city of Potidaea,
and had been chosen by Cassander of Macedon as the site of a new city
named after himself which was founded in 316/5 B.C. (see Melville- Jones
1997). The point at which this peninsula joined the mainland was narrow
and sandy, almost quicksand, in ancient times, and it was relatively easy to
dig a Canal through it. This was probably first achieved in Cassander' s
time, and provided a harbour and a means of controlling both sides of the ...
Vergilius - Τόμος 26 - Σελίδα 90 1980 - - Two study sessions were offered:
the first, from 23 June to 6 July, included Athens (Acropolis, Agora,
National Archaeological Museum), Thori- kos (industrial quarter, theater),
Sounion, the Argolid (Mycenae, Nemea, and Corinth), Thessaloniki,
Vergina (the Royal Graves), Lefkadia, Palatitsa, Pella, and Edessa;
Olynthus , Potidaea, Xerxes' Canal site, Mount Athos, Ouranop- olis,
Stagira, Amphipolis, Philippi, and Kavala (Neapolis). Excursions to
Thasos and Samothrace, Komotini and ...
Wealthy Corinth: a history of the city to 338 BC - Σελίδα 217 J. B. Salmon
- 1984 - - Leucas was only less attractive because its fertile land was not
so extensive; in other respects it was an ideal site, so long as the Canal was
planned from the beginning. Anactorium was different; it was designed to
secure the entrance to the ... should have provided colonies for Corcyraeans
is unclear; but these cities, along with Potidaea, were founded significantly
later than those on the Ambracian Gulf. The latter may have opened the
eyes of the tyrants to the possibilities of naval ...
Webster's Geographical Dictionary: A Dictionary of Names of Places,
...1955 -
Xerxes at Salamis - Σελίδα 227 Peter Green - 1970 - - In early spring 479
(about the same time as the final failure of Artabazus's campaign against
Potidaea) Xerxes' squadrons, having lain low all winter, were reported to
be once more making ready for action. Those ships which had wintered at
Cyme now moved down to the great naval base on Samos. ... during the
construction of the ship-Canal through the Athos peninsula [see above, p.
89]. Ephorus (Diod. 11.27.1) estimates the total numbers of this new fleet
as 400; the lower figure is ...
διώρυγά protostrator: Το διατείχισμα της Κασσάνδρειας. 12 Αυγ 2013 -
Το διατείχισμα της Κασσάνδρειας. To τείχος, διατείχισμα ή κάστρο της
Κασσάνδρειας, βρίσκεται μέσα στο χωριό της Νέας Ποτίδαιας,

παράλληλα με τη διώρυγά της. (40°11'42"Ν 23°19'20"Ε ως 40°11'47"Ν ....

ένα νέο χωριό πού ονομάζεται Νέα Ποτίδαια. -Εφορεία Βυζαντινών
Αρχαιοτήτων Χαλκιδικής.
ΔΙΑΤΕΙΧΙΣΜΑ ...Έχω ασχοληθεί ξανά με το θέμα των τειχών, της
διώρυγας και του Βυζαντινού διατειχίσματος. Αυτές οι εργασίες είναι
«ανεβασμένες» στο Scribd. Com, στο Academia.Edu, αλλά μπορούν να
ανακτηθούν και από το Google. Οδυσσέας Γκιλής. Επιμέλεια υλικού.
Ποτίδαια, Ποτείδαια, τείχη. Κασσάνδρεια, Βυζαντινό Διατείχισμα.
Η ρωμαϊκή αποικία.pdf - Repository of UOI "Olympias". από ΔΚ
Σαμσάρης - 1987 - Σχετικά άρθρα. Ποτίδαια έν τώ μέσω τόν Ισθμόν
έμφράττουσα... Στραβ. VII, απόσπ. 27: ...επί τψ Ισθμος κεΐται
(Κασσάνδρεια). Plin., Ν.Η., IV, 17: ...Etin Pallenensi Isthmo quondam
Potidaea, nunc Cassandria colonia. 2. Βλ. J. Alexander, Potidaea, σ. 1-8.
3. Βλ. πιο κάτω, σ. 432, όπου τοπογραφικό διάγραμμα του αστικού
κέντρου της ρωμαϊκης...
Οδυσσέας Γκιλής ΠΟΤΙΔΑΙΑ. ΠΙΝΑΚΑΣ. ΠΟΡΤΕΣ. Θεσσαλονίκη 2016
...François Charles Hugues Laurent Pouqueville, Aristeidēs N. Kyriakos
1839 Ό ισθμός, δν έταμον οί έπαναστάται οιά διώρυγος επτακοσίων
τετραγωνικών πήχεων ..... John A. Alexander. Potidaea. Its History and
Remains. Επιμέλεια παρουσίασης, σημειώσεις: ΟΔΥΣΣΕΑΣ Κ. ΓΚΙΛΗΣ.
33 La Grecia Σελίδα 173. François Charles ...
Οι αποικίες στην αρχαία Χαλκιδική. Η περίπτωση της Κασσάνδρας -
iKEE. Ποτείδαια»,. ΑΔ 30 (1975), Χρονικά Β2, 247-250. Ρωμιοπούλου
1975(2). Αικ. Ρωμιοπούλου, «Πολύχρονον», ΑΔ 30 (1975),. Χρονικά Β2,
250. Ρωμιοπούλου .... Στράβων, Ζ. Ο. Χατζόπουλος (εκδ.), Στράβων.
Γεωγραφικά 7, Αθήνα. 1992. Στράβων, Χ. F. Lasserre, Strabon.
Geographie VII, livre X, Paris. 1971. Τίτος Λίβιος, XXVIII.
Οι αποικίες στην αρχαία Χαλκιδική. Η περίπτωση της Κασσάνδρας -
iKEE. Alexander 1963. J. A. Alexander, Potidaea. Its History and
Remains,. Athens 1963. Alexander 1968. J. A. Alexander, «Cassandreia
during the Macedonian period: an epigraphical .... Ι. Βοκοτοπούλου,
«Ποτίδαια», ΑΔ 39 (1984), Χρονικά ... έχοντας πρώτα διανοίξει τη
διώρυγα στον ισθμό του Άθω περιπλέει τη χερσόνησο ...
Deutsche Rundschau - Τόμος 148 - Σελίδα 254 1911 - - Chr. „Artabazus“.
berichtet er. ..belagerte drei Monate vergebens die fefte Infelftadt Potidea.
Plötzlich trat im Meere eine ftarke Ebbe ein. die lange anhielt. Als die

Barbaren die Trockenlegung des ... Die Nordfpitze des Golfes von Suez
ftand aber durch einen Kanal 1nit dem Süßwafferftrom Agyptens in
Verbindung. der fich aus einem Nilarm in den Meerbufen ergoß. Wenn nun
der Oftwind diefe Nordfpitze trockenlegen foll. fo müßte er den aus Weften
komMenden Ifraeliten und Ägyptern ...
Paulys Real-Encyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft: neue
...August Friedrich von Pauly, Georg Wissowa - 1933 - - müßte M. unweit
Olynthos und Potidaia gesucht werden. Die ErwähnuDg der Morylli als
gern bei Plin. n. h. IV 35 gibt darüber keinen weiteren Aufschluß. [Eugen
Oberhummer.] Morys (Moqvs). 1) Myser aus ... Chr. ließ Corbulo von
seinen Soldaten einen 23 Meilen langen Kanal zwischen M. und Rhenus
anlegen (Tac. ann. XI 20. Cass. Dio LX 30, 6), wahrscheinlich von
Viaardingen oder Maassinis nach Leyden, entsprechend dem 30 jetzigen
Lauf der Vliet (C. Jullian Hist. de la Gaule ...
Griechenland und Kleinasien - Σελίδα 90 Hermann Julius Meyer - 1901 -
Handbibliothek für Offiziere, oder; Populaire Kriegslehre für ...1828 -
Bulletin de l'Association internationale pour l'étude de la mosaïque ...1997
- - ... 10741081, 1319 Pavie (ITA) : 1279, 1316 Pays de Galles (GBR) :
906, 923-924, 1327 Pays-Bas (NDL) : 1327 Péchaudier (FRA) : 873 Pécy-
la-Croix-St-Pierre (FRA) : 849 Pedrosa de la Vega (ESP) : 1756 Pella
(Kanali) (GRC) : 78, 103, 414, ... Ostie (ITA) Postdam (DEU)
Friedenkirche : 1425 Potenza (ITA) : 1397 — Région : 1441, 1442 Potenza
Picena (ITA) : 1402 Potidaia (GRC) : 1096 Pouilles (ITA) : 1 12, 386,
1279, 13 19, 1321, 1353, 1390, 1395, 1404, 14151416, 1452-1454, ...
Regesten der Kaiserurkunden des ostroemischen Reiches von 565-1453
Franz Dölger - 1965 - - (Joh. VII.) - Xpua6ßouXXo? X6yo? (text) für die
klöster Pantokrator in Konstantinopel, Laura und Batopediu auf dem
Athos, Johannes-Prodromos in Thessalonike, Xeropotamu und H. Paulu
auf dem Athos: der K. hat die verfallene mauer von Pallene (Kassandreia,
Potidaia) erneuern, den Thermaischen meerbusen mit dem Toronitischen
durch einen Kanal verbinden lassen und auf der so entstandenen insel
einen landwirtschaftlichen betrieb eingerichtet. Zum dank an die
gottesmutter ...
Ibero-amerikanisches Archiv - Σελίδα 243 1939 - - ... Talanti-Kanal; der
Infant selbst wurde gefangen genommen und auf Umwegen nach Neapel
gebracht. Mit seiner Rücksendung nach Mallorca, die später König Robert
vornahm, findet das Abenteuer dieses Sprossen des Hauses Aragon seinen

vorzeitigen Abschluß. Auch Berenguer de Rocafort war jetzt am Ziele

seiner Taten und sogar auch seines Lebens angelangt: Zunächst setzte er
sich nach Plünderung des Klosters auf dem Athos-Berge in Kassandreia,
dem antiken Potidaia ...
Weltgeschichte: Bd. Die Randländer des Mittelmeers - Σελίδα 562 Hans
Ferdinand Helmolt - 1900 - - Knllisthcnes 124. 125. Kamarina 321.
Kambaules 13«. Kambyses 227. Kamel 223. Kompanien 311. 312. 335.
346. 37«. Kanaaniter 7. 319. Kanal 153. 32«. 328. Kanarische Inseln 221
f. 313. 528. Kanon 184. Kanopos 117. Kantnbriei, 397. 474. ... 144. 145.
Kassandreia, s. Potidaia. Kastanie 332. Kaste 12. Kastiliancr 472.
Kastilien 5««f. 505. 51«. 513— 52«. 523. Katalaunische Felder, s. Mau ria
- censische Gefilde. Katalonien 482. 492, 504. 511, 537. Katalonier 472.
Katana 32«. 324 ...
Weltgeschichte: Bd. Nachträge. Quellenkunde. Generalregister Hans
Ferdinand Helmolt - 1907 - - Kalpanit (Ägypten) III, 74. Klllpathen V,
225. 417. 420. 425. 445; VI. 32 f. 51. 271. Klllpen IV, 442. Kaipfen (Fisch)
II, 378. Kaipfen (Tllchsenlolonie) V, 394. Kanal II, 413. Kanhae, f.
Chanan. Wcltgeschichl«. IX. Kanoobelge III, 422. K«s V, 203. 586 ... 580.
Kasi el Kebil (Allazal) IV. 536. Kassa,. Fluß III, 399. 463. 468. — Fürst,
s. Kasai von Tigl». Kassala III, 551. 553. 563. s144f. Kassandel III. 670;
IV, 62. 131 ff. Kassandje III, 434. 458. 464. Kassandieia, s. Potidaia.
Kassapll, Buddhist II, 385.
Menge-Güthling griechisch-deutsches und deutschgriechisches ...
Hermann Menge - 1913 -
Repertorium über die Werke vom Jahre 1800 bis zum Jahre 1850 Gebiete
...W. KONER - 1856 - - 502. Porcia gens Mz. II. p. 620. Pornic, Kanal
von 4901. Poroselcne Mz. II. p. 561. Porta Westphalica II. 3863. Port
Bowen II. 9243. Port Elizabeth II. 7960. Port Essington II. 9196. 9290.
Port-Kunda II. 5479. Portland 11580 X. Portorico II. 8946. ... Posen, Stadt
2156f. Posidonia Mz. II. 9754 ff. Postumia gens Mz. II. 10314. Postumus
289.6552. Mz. II. 10376. — junior Mz. II. 10378. Potidea Mz. II. p. 532.
Potniae Mz. II. p. 541. Potosi II. 9U6f. Posdam 2254. Pottendorf II. 4564.
Powunden II.
Repertorium über die vom Jahre 1800 bis zum Jahre 1850 in ...Wilhelm
David Koner - 1853 - - 7149. Popaea Mi. II. p. 623. Prächting 4998.
Praesus Mi. II. p. 550. Prag 5327ГГ. Mi. II. 11105. Popcringhc 7910.
Popocaicpetl II. 8815ГГ. Poppcnrcuth 5029. Populonia II. 13616. Mi. II.

p. 502. Porcia gens Mi. II. p. 620. Pornie, Kanal von 4901. ... Portus Felix
II. 5196. Poseidon П. 136171Г. Posen, Grofsherzogth. 21 41 If. II 4157 ff.
Posen, Stadt 2156Г. Posidonia Mz. II. 9754ГГ. Poslumia gens Mz. II.
10314 Postumus 289. 6552. Mz. II 10376 — junior Mz. II. 10378. Potidea
Mz. II. p. 532.
Το Ελληνικο εθνος: γενεση και διαμορφωση του νεου Ελληνισμου. Νικος
Γ Σβορωνος, Spyros I. Asdrachas, Νασος Βαγενας - 2004 -
Corpus der griechischen Urkunden des Mittelalters und der neueren
...Franz Dölger - 1976 - - XpuaoßouXXoç Xoyoç (text) für die klöster
Pantokrator in Konstantinopel, Laura und Batopediu auf dem Athos,
Johannes-Prodromos in Thessalonike, Xeropotamu und H. Paulu auf dem
Athos: der K. hat die verfallene mauer von Pallene (Kassandreia,
Potidaia) erneuern, denThermaischen meerbusen mit dem Toronitischen
durch einen Kanal verbinden lassen und auf der so entstandenen insel
einen landwirtschaftlichen betrieb eingerichtet. Zum dank an die
gottesmutter und ihren ...
Zeitschrift für die österreichischen Gymnasien - Τόμος 58 - Σελίδα 52 1907
- - Indem der Verf. zunächst den Südwesten der Chalkidike und die
Landzungen Kassandra und Longos ins Auge faßt, kommen wir mit ihm
in die Gebiete der berühmten Griechenstädte Olynth os und Potidaia
(deren Umgebung durch ein Kärtchen verdeutlicht wird); auf einer
weiteren Tonr nach Stageira (dem Geburtsorte des Aristoteles) und nach
Akanthos, von wo aus wir zu dem auf Befehl des Großkönigs Xerxes
gegrabenen Kanal an der Wurzel der Athoshalbinsel geführt werden ...
Die Randländer des Mittelmeers - Σελίδα 562 1900 - Kallatis 135.
Kallipolis 327. 452. Kallisthenes 124. 125. Kamarina 321. Kambaules 136.
Kambyses 227. Kamel 223. Kampanien 311. 312. 335. 346. 370.
Kanaaniter 7.319. Kanal 153. 326.328. Kanarische Inseln 221 f. 318.528.
Kanon 184. ... Potidaia. Kastanie 332. Kaste 12. Kastilianer 472. Kastilien
500f. 505. 510. 513– 520. 523. Katalaunische Felder, s. Mauriacensische
Gefilde. Katalonien 482. 492. 504. 511. 537. Katalonier 472. Katana 320.
324. Katharina von Portugal 536.
Autoatlas der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik mit ...Haack
(Hermann) Geographisch-Kartographische Anstalt Gotha, VEB., Dieter
Bloch, Wolfgang Steinbrück - 1962 - ... 20 C 4 Potidaia 18 C 3 Potsdam 7
C 2 Potüčky 12 C 4 Potzehne 6 C 2 Potzlow 5 B 3 Pouch 9 B 3 Považská
Bystrica 16 B 4 Povlen, Berg 18 A 1 Povorino 19 B 5 Poysdorf 16 B 3

Pozarevac 18 A 2 Poznań 15 B 3 Prackovice 13 B 3/4 Praded, ... 16 A/B 2

Prahmkanal, Kanal Prahovo 18 A 3 Pro mort 3 B 2 Protau 9 B 4 Provcinsk
19 A 5 Prebberede 3 C 1/2 Přebuz 12 C 4 Preckleben 9 B 2 3 B 2 Preddöhl
4 B 4 Predeal 17 C 3 Preetz 2 B 1 Pregora, Fluß 15 A 5 Preilock 10 B 3
Premich 11 ...
Herodots Historie ... - Σελίδα 67 Herodotus, Martin Clarentius Gertz - 1904
- - Da Xerxes nu havde sendt Flaaden fra sig og den var sejlet gennem den
Kanal, som var anlagt ved Athos og strakte sig ind i en Bugt, hvor der
ligger Byerne Assa, Piloros, Singos og Sarte, saa optog den Tropper fra
disse Byer, og derpaa ... Derpaa stak Flaaden fra Forbjerget Ampelos over
til Forbjerget Kanastraion, som er det yderste Punkt af hele Pallene, og
optog herfra baade Skibe og Tropper fra Byerne Potidaia, Afytis,
Neapolis, Aige, Therambos, Skione, Mende og Sane; det er ...
Pisarze z VIII - XII wieku: - Σελίδα 395 Alina Brzóstkowska, Wincenty
Swoboda - 1997 - - 75 Pologici 191 Pologos/Połog 65, 1 98, 274, 276
Polotzika/Połock 63, 77 Polska 6 Polystylo&Paralia Abderon 45, 5 1 , 54,
62, 74 Porfiriusza Św. klasztor 299 Poroi/Lagos 45, 5 1 , 54, 6 1 , 74
Porthmos 44, 49, 53,60 Portinos 36 Potidea 43, 64, ... 116, 123
Rhos/Rusowie 138, 141,308,310,312,313 Rhosia Megale 63 Rhosia
Presthlaba 58 Rhosia/Ruś 56, 58, 63, 76, 77, 92, 97, 100, 103 Rhyndak
kanał 271 Rion cieśnina 281 Rodope prowincja 28, 29, 30, 33, 38, 39, 40,
41,42,45,47,51 ...
Dzieje powszechne illustrowane: Historya staroʼzytne (t. 1-4) Czesław
Pieniążek, Henryk Sawczyński, Alfred Szczepański - - Założył kolonię
Potidaia, strzegł jej zawisłości od siebie i za pomocą tej kolonii
utrzymywał bezpośrednie związki z wybrzeżem tracko-macedońskiem.
Handel koryncki zakwitł teraz tak świetnie, jak nigdy przedtem. Aby się
do jego rozkwitu jeszcze bardziej przyczynić, zamierzał Periander
przekopać kanał na lstmie. Również i polityczne stanowisko Koryntu
bardzo było poważne, czego najlepiej. 13. Perinnder. Rzeźba znaleziona w
Tivoli w r. 1780 w willi Cassiusa. (Podług Viscontiego ...
Testimonia najdawniejszych dziejów Słowian: Pisarze z VIII-XII wieku
Alina Brzóstkowska, Wincenty Swoboda - 1997 - - ... Pologos/Połog 65,
198, 274, 276 Polotzika/Połock 63,77 Polska 6 Polystylos Paralia Abderon
45,51,54,62,74 Porfiriusza Św. klasztor299 Poroi/Lagos45, 51, 54, 61,74
Porthmos 44, 49, 53,60 Portinos36 Potidea 43, 64, 141 Prabułgarzy 139,
... 50, 54, 61, 73, 77, 116, 123 Rhos/Rusowie 138, 141, 308, 310, 312, 313
Rhosia Megale 63 Rhosia Presthlaba 58 Rhosia/Ruś 56, 58, 63, 76, 77, 92,

97, 100, 103 Rhyndak kanał 271 Rion cieśnina 281 Rodope prowincja 28,
29, 30, 33, 38, 39 ...
Meyers Kontinente und Meere - Τόμος 5 - Σελίδα 160 Werner Jopp, Adolf
Hanle - 1972 - - Mai 1920 bestand. Korcula [serbokroat. 'ko:rtjula] (italien.
Curzola). jugoslaw. Adriainsel südl. von Hvar. Dalmatien, Rep. Kroatien,
von der Halbinsel Peliesac durch den nur 2 km breiten PeljeSki Kanal
getrennt. 47 km län«. 6-8 km breit. 273 km2. ... Kefallinia, Potidaia und
Epidamnps (heute Dürres) einen weitausgreifenden polit. Einfluß. Korimh.
Gewebe. Bronzen (sog. korinth. Erz), Töpferwaren (protokorinth. und
korinth. Vasen) und Tonplastiken waren berühmt. Nach Korsika den ...
Annales Geophysicae - Τόμος 23,Σελίδες 231-652 - Σελίδα 232 2005 - -
The Northern Aegean Sea the, modeled area and the Potidea channel. west
coasts of Thermaikos, mainly influence the north part of the inner
Thermaikos Gulf, while they can hardly affect the east coasts, where the
channel lies. It is also important to note that there are not significant rivers
or other sources of fresh water input in both areas, close to the west and
east side of the channel. Consequently, the influence of the river water
discharges, especially to the summer water circulation ...
Mainland Greece - Σελίδα 442 Michelin Travel Publications - 2002 - After
the bridge crossing the Potidea Canal, the road emerges at Nea Potidea,
built over the ruins of ancient Potidaea (tower and remains of the
ramparts). The road then follows the north coast to Nea Fokea (13km), a
small beach ... The setting is beautiful: the port is located at the head of a
bay protected from the sea by a narrow channel which looks as if it has
been chopped out of the rocky hills with an axe. The road passes some
superb views of Cape Drepano, a tongue of land ...
The history of the Greeks and the Persians volume 2 - Τόμος 2 Herodotus
- 2013 - The fleet, when it was let go by Xerxes and had sailed right
through the channel made in Athos (which went across to the gulf on which
are situated the cities of Assa, Piloros, Singos and Sarte), having taken up
a contingent from these cities also, ... And the fleet of Xerxes, cutting
across from the headland of Ampelos to that of Canastron, which runs out
furthest to sea of all Pallene, took up there contingents of ships and men
from Potidaia, Aphytis, Neapolis, Aige, Therambo, Skione, ...
Archaiologikon deltion - Τόμος 46,Μέρος 2,Τεύχος 2 - Σελίδα 271
1996 - - Νομός Θεσσαλονίκης: Θεσσαλονίκη (Αρχαία Αγορά, Οδός
Καρμπολά 8, Οδός Λούη 5, Πλατεία Κυπρίων Αγωνιστών, Πλατεία

Κυπρίων Αγωνιστών 7-9, Οδός Ευριπίδου 17), Άνω Τούμπα (Οδός Λωτού
1), Θέρμη (Αρχαίο Νεκροταφείο), Λητή (Οικόπεδο Μ. Ντονάτη), Όσσα,
Απολλωνία. Νομός Χαλκιδικής: Νέα Ποτίδαια (Οικόπεδο αριθ. 120,
Οικόπεδο αριθ. 228), Πολύχρονο, Ποσείδι, Σκιώνη, Αρχαία Στά- γειρα,
Ιερισσός. Νομός Κιλκίς: Ευρωπός. Νομός Πιερίας: Μακρύγιαλος
(Αγροτεμάχιο 947, ...
Oikonomikos tachydromos - Τόμοι 2243-2247 - Σελίδα 142 1997 - - - Ν.
Ποτίδαια-- Ν. Μουδανιά -. Κίνotos Club Hotel Aπέχει 35 χλμ. από την
πόλη της Μυκόνου, διαθέτει 30 δίκλινα δωμάτια και σουίτες και βρίσκεται
στον Ορνό, έναν από τους ωραιότερους κόλπους του νησιού. Όλοι οι χώροι
του ξενοδοχείου είναι διακοσμημένοι με μοναδικά κομμάτια αντίκες και
... Όλα τα δωμάτια διαθέτουν κλιματισμό, τηλέφωνο με απευθείας
εξωτερική γραμμή, δορυφορική τηλεόραση, βίντεο μετά από συνεννόηση,
φαξ στις σουίτες, 4 κανάλια μουσικής, μίνι μπαρ.
Deltion tēs Christianikēs Archaiologikēs Hetaireias 1988 - - Οι επόμενες
σειρές από ωμά τούβλα στρώνονται σε τρόπο ώστε να σχηματίζουν
κανάλια, πλάτους 15 εκ. στις κατώτερες στρώσεις, που γεμίζονται με
χονδρό κάρβουνο της τάξης των 10 εκ., ενώ κάθε στρώση τούβλων
εναλλάσσεται ... Νικήτης, στο χώρο του κάμπιγκ Σάνι, μεταξύ της μεγάλης
και της μικρής Κύψας, στη θέση Παπαχούμ της Νέας Ποτίδαιας και στη
θέση Κωβιού Νικήτης. Στα μεσόγεια κεραμικός φούρνος βρέθηκε από τον
ίδιο στην Παλαιόχωρα Αρναίας. 22. Βλ. υποσημ. 9. 23.
The Encyclopedia Americana: Cathedrals-Civil War - Σελίδα 244 2001 -
- Olyn- thus and Potidea, the two most important cities of Chalcidice, were
located on Pallene, the west- em prong. The dispute between Corinth and
Athens over the control of Potidea was one of the factors that led to the
opening of the Peloponne- sian War in 431 B.C. After ,348 B.c, Chalcidice
was under Macedonian control. Olynthus was ... Chalcis (Greek, Khalkis)
is located on the Euripus channel, which separates it from mainland Greece
by only 130 feet (40 meters ) . It was a trade ...
Encyclopedia Americana: Cathedrals to Civil War - Σελίδα 244 Scholastic
Library Publishing - 2005 - - Olyn- thus and Potidea, the two most
important cities of Chalcidice, were located on Pallene, the western prong.
The dispute between Corinth and Athens over the control of Potidea was
one of the factors that led to the opening of the Peloponne- sian War in 431
B.C. After 348 b.c:.. Chalcidice was under Macedonian ... Chalcis (Greek,
Khalkis) is located on the Euripus channel, which separates it from

mainland Greece by only 130 feet ( 40 meters ) . It was a trade center in

antiquity ...
The Encyclopedia Americana - Τόμος 6;Τόμος 8 - Σελίδα 244 1998 - -
Olynthus and Potidea, the two most important cities of Chalcidice, were
located on Pallene, the western prong. The dispute between Corinth and
Athens over the control of Potidea was one of the factors that led to the
opening of the Pelo nnesian War in 431 B. c. After 348 B. 0., Cha cidice
was under Macedonian control. ... Khalkis) is located on the Euripus
channel, which separates it from mainland Greece by only 130 feet (40
meters). It was a trade center in antiquity and remains an ...
Encyclopedia Americana - Τόμος 11 - Σελίδα 244 1970 - - Olynthus and
Potidea, the two most important cities of Chalcidice, were located on
Pallene, the western prong. The dispute between Corinth and Athens over
the control of Potidea was one of the factors that led to the opening of the
Peloponnesian War in 431 B. c. After 348 B. c., Chalcidice was under
Macedonian ... Chalcis (Greek, Khalkis) is located on the Euripus channel,
which separates it from mainland Greece by only 130 feet ( 40 meters ) . It
was a trade center in antiquity and ...
The Encyclopedia Americana - Τόμος 6 - Σελίδα 244 Grolier Incorporated
- 1988 - - Olynthus and Potidea, the two most important cities of
Chalcidice, were located on Pallene, the western prong. The dispute
between Corinth and Athens over the control of Potidea was one of the
factors that led to the opening of the Peloponnesian War in 431 b. c. After
348 b. c. Chalcidice was under Macedonian control. Olynthus was a
major state in the ... Chalcis (Greek, Khalkis) is located on the Euripus
channel, which separates it from mainland Greece by only 130 feet (40
Archaeological Reports - Τεύχος 53 - Σελίδα 68 2006 -An Essay on
Byzantine Fortification: Northern Greece 4th-15th C Nikolas Bakirtzis,
Philippos Ōraiopoulos - 2001 - It also had a built water channel that carried
water to the kastron 35. The long-wall at Kassandreia. 36. The long-wall
at Anastasioupolis. association with passes and isthmuses, as well as on
the outskirts of large urban centres, as a first obstacle to the progress of any
aggressor. The long-wall at Kassandreia (ancient Potidaia) cuts off the
isthmus of the Kassandra peninsula at right angles, running from the
Thermaic gulf to the gulf of Torone. It consists of a long wall with stout
towers ...

Greek and Roman oared warships - Σελίδα 62 John S. Morrison, John F.

Coates - 1996 - - Philip moved his fleet to Leukas and through the channel
into the Ambracian gulf to Limnaia from where he took a land force into
Aitolia and sacked Thermos. He then returned to Limnaia took his fleet to
Leukas and then ... Philip fitted these vessels out, gave his Macedonian
crews some training, and at the beginning of summer brought them,
possibly from Kassandreia (formerly Potidaia) where he built warships in
207 (L. 28. 8. 14), through Euripos and round C. Malea to Leukas and ...
Dictionary Catalog of the Research Libraries of the New York Public
...1979 -
Doxa - Τόμος 3 - Σελίδα 253 1950 - - Alcuni eccellenti contributi su singoli
momenti della guerra archklamica debbono essere menzionati: anzitutto
due studi topografico-militari di N. G. L. Hammond, Naval operations in
the south channel of Corcyra 435- 433, in « Journ. Hell ... 59-67 che,
esaminando quella iscrizione contenente i resoconti delle spese sostenute a
Potidea e altrove dagli Ateniesi per il 433-2, ritiene che la data dai più
accolta per la battaglia di Potidea (settembre 432) vada anticipata al giugno
dello stesso ...
ELAS: Greek resistance army - Σελίδα 472 Stephanos G. Saraphēs - 1980
- - Prisoners: 5 Germans, 2 Battalionists. Booty: one rapid-fire weapon,
50,000 okades of grain, and other supplies. 6 October 1944. An ELAN
vessel captured a German motor launch with a cargo of petrol between
Limnos and the Athos peninsula. Another vessel sank a German patrol
boat in the Potidea channel. By the time liberation was complete, ELAN
had reached a strength of more than 100 motor-sailing vessels and other
craft including one large tug and one torpedo boat, with a ...
Allied Submarine Attacks of World War Two: European Theatre of
...Jürgen Rohwer, J. S. Kay, I. N. Venkov - 1997 - - ... 1 20/night
bruMSHAKEN Whitton -D 4000 / A Off Genoa 20/ fr -D (Oasis/1327) – /
S coast France 2 20/ br SAFARI Bryant -T 400 + -T 36°04N/10°30E 20/ it
-D Constantina 345 = Sousa 20/ br SPLENDID McGeogh SS / -T N Bizerta
3. 21/1900 brSAFARI Bryant APM 300 + TA 5m S Hammamet 21/1930
it APM Rosina S. 297 + Trapani–Tripoli 22/1500 brTAKU Pitt -S 150 + A
40° 13N/23°19E 22/ gr -S Niki 150 + Potidea Channel 4 22/ -T 22/0229 it
-D (Etruria/2633) – f Marettimo 23/0820 ...
Greece - Σελίδα 83 1991 - - The isthmus has been breached by a Canal
at Nea Potidea, the site of ancient Poteidaia. The peninsula offers pleasant

beaches and a number of hotels especially at Sani, Kalithea, Agia

Paraskevland Paliouri which lies at the southern end looking across a bay
to the Sithonia peninsula. CHALKIS (HALKΙDA) Euboia Michelin map
fold 30 - Pop 44 867 Chalkis is the capital of Euboia (Euboea) which is
separated from the mainland by the Euripos, a channel 39m - 128ft wide
which is ...
Sailing directions for the Mediterranean: the Aegean Sea United States.
Naval Oceanographic Office - 1958 - Port 2-73 Potidea, isthmus 7-38
Potokoki 9-14 Potos -— 7-96 Poudha, Cape 6-69 — Shoal — 6-69
Poulioxeres 4-79 Poulithra 2-95 Poulithras, Ormos 2-93 Pounda, Cape
(Psara Island) 9-75 —,— (Skiathos Island) 6-69 — , Point (Methana ... 9-
63 ,— (Milos) 4-2 Prokopis Point 4-126 Prolimin 3-79 Promiri (Gulf of
Salonika) 7-2 — (Trikiri Channel) 6-75 — ,Cape — 7-2 Propetes Bock 3-
96 Prophetes Elias 9-6 Prophylaki Islet 10-29 Prosino, Cape 4-106 Provato
Bay 4-14 Provlakas, ...
The ancient Near East and Greece - Σελίδα 235 Donald Kagan - 1966 - -
In their time Corinth was an exception to the Greek rule that a colony was
independent of its mother city and connected with it by bonds of piety only.
Kypselos forced Kerkyra to submit and made it a vice-royalty for the Heir
Apparent of his house. His son Gorgos took possession of Leukas and dug
a channel through the low shelf by which it was united with the mainland,
and he founded the colony of Ambrakia. Peri- ander's son Euagoras
founded Potidaia on the Chalkidike which still in ...
The Annual of the British School at Athens - Σελίδα 216 1961 - - It also
had its connexion with the north Aegean (Potidaia). For the important
Egyptian hoard-evidence, which is later and sometimes difficult to
interpret, but which gives some indications on this north- south Aegean
and east Mediterranean ... There is an indication that Eretria sought to
control the channel, cf. 7G xii. 9. 1273, I274 (cf. Ziebarth, Seeraub and
Seehandel 123), unfortunately of uncertain sixth-century date. A good deal
of importance on trade routes is certainly concealed from ...

Διώρυγα Νέας Ποτίδαιας | Escape Greece. Η διώρυγα της Ποτίδαιας, με

μήκος 1.250μ., πλάτος 40μ. και βάθος 8μ., υπάρχει από τα αρχαία χρόνια.
Είναι πιθανό να την άνοιξε ο Κάσσανδρος το 315 π.Χ., όταν στη θέση της
αρχαίας Ποτίδαιας έχτισε την Κασσάνδρεια, για να διευκολύνει τη

ναυσιπλοΐα μεταξύ του Θερμαϊκού Κόλπου και του Τορωναίου και

συγχρόνως να ...

The Columbia Gazetteer of the World: A to G - Τόμος 1 Saul Bernard

Cohen - 1998 - - Corfu, Channel of, arm of Ionian Sea, bet. Kerkira (Corfu,
Greece) and Albania (Epirus mainland), opposite Albanian town of
Sarande; c.30 mi/48 km long; 1.5 mi/2.4 km wide at N entrance, 6 mi/9.7
km wide at S entrance, and 17 ... Syracuse, Kerkira, Potidaia, and
Apollonia were among its colonies. The natural rival of Athens, Corinth
was traditionally allied with Sparta. Athenian assistance to the rebellious
Corinthian colonies was a direct cause of the Peloponnesian War (431-
404 ...
Bulletin de l'Association internationale pour l'étude de la mosaïque ...1997
- - ... 10741081, 1319 Pavie (ITA) : 1279, 1316 Pays de Galles (GBR) :
906, 923-924, 1327 Pays-Bas (NDL) : 1327 Péchaudier (FRA) : 873 Pécy-
la-Croix-St-Pierre (FRA) : 849 Pedrosa de la Vega (ESP) : 1756 Pella
(Kanali) (GRC) : 78, 103, 414, ... Ostie (ITA) Postdam (DEU)
Friedenkirche : 1425 Potenza (ITA) : 1397 — Région : 1441, 1442 Potenza
Picena (ITA) : 1402 Potidaia (GRC) : 1096 Pouilles (ITA) : 1 12, 386,
1279, 13 19, 1321, 1353, 1390, 1395, 1404, 14151416, 1452-1454, ...
Ατλας των χριστιανικών μνημείων του Αιγαίου: από τους πρώτους
...Nikolaos Gkioles, Georgios Palles - 2014 -
Theatrum orbis terrarum: grande atlante geografico economico Istituto
mobiliare italiano, Luigi Visintin - 1958 - 211 E 8 Potidea, rov, 118 E 5
Potiony 102 C 7 Potinga, f. 215 G 2 Potiskurn 166 F 7 Potlatch 194 C 5
Potloer, m, 172 F 3 Potlogi 114 F 13 Poto 211 F 3 Potocho 138 H 7
Potomac, f. 186 F 6 Potos, Bolivia 209 D 3 Potosi, U.S.A, 190 F 9 .... 140
D 2 Preparis North Channel, can, 140 C 2 Preparis South Channel, can.
140 D 2 Perov 82 G 12 Prerow 82 B 7 Presa, La- 198 E 10 Pre-Saint-Didier
66 C 1 Pré-Saint-Gervais 102 1 2O PreSanella, m. 66 B 9 Presburgo =
Bratislava 82 H 11.12 ...
Elseviers moderne Atlas - Σελίδα 222 1964 - Tang.) G3 33 Natters (Oost.)
C3 50 Natuna Eilanden (etln. Indon.) C5 53 Naturaliste, Cape (kp. Austr.)
A3 33 — Channel (zstr. Austr.) A4 6 Natuurbad Boekelo (Ned. Ov.) H4
39 Nauchas(Z.-Afr.) Bi 39 Naudaus (Z.-Afr.) Ba 23 Nauders (Oost.) B4 39
... Bi 14 Neagh, Lough (mr. Gr.-Br.) C3 53 Neale, Lake (mr. Austr.) Es 27
Nelpolis (Griek.) F7 27 Ne Potidaia (Griek.) F5 44 Neba (Jap.) E5 20

Nebelhorn (bg. Du.) Ji 26 Nebit-Dag (S.U.) L8 37 Nebraska (tt. V.S.1 D-

El 28 Nebrodi, Monti (bg.
W. P. Wereldatlas: Samengesteld door het Geografisch en ...1964 - Austr.)
A5 82 Naturaliste Channel (zstr. Austr.) A4 62 Naubaran (Perz.) C4 54
NauchastZ. Afr.) BI 54 Naudaus (Z. Afr.) B2 32 Nauders (Oost.) B4 9
Nauerna (Ned. Nh.) Cl 93 Naugatuck (V.S.) A2 93 Naugatuck (riv. V.S.)
A2 54 Nauhaus(Z. Air.) B1 54 ... F7 36 Nea Potidaia (Griek.) F5 19 Nealh
(Gr.-Br.) D5 15 Neauohle-le-Chateau (Fr.) B3 69 Neha (Jap.) E5 29
Nebelhorn (bg. Du.) J2 35 Nebit-Dag (S.U.) L8 89 Nebraska (st. V.S.) C-
D2 89 Nebraska City (V.S.) D2 37 Nebrodi, Monti (bg.
Το Ελληνικο εθνος: γενεση και διαμορφωση του νεου Ελληνισμου Νικος
Γ Σβορωνος, Spyros I. Asdrachas, Νασος Βαγενας - 2004 -
Η Θεσσαλονικη των περιηγητων 1430-1930: επιλογες κειμενων και
μαρτυριων Αλέξalphaνδρος Χ Γρηgammaορίου, Ευαγγελος Α.
Χεκιμογλου - 2008
Διώρυγα Νέας Ποτίδαιας | Escape Greece alkidiki Chalkidiki Central
Macedonia Greece nea Potidea canal. Η διώρυγα της Ποτίδαιας, με
μήκος 1.250μ., πλάτος 40μ. και βάθος 8μ., υπάρχει από τα αρχαία χρόνια.
Είναι πιθανό να την άνοιξε ο Κάσσανδρος το 315 π.Χ., όταν στη θέση της
αρχαίας Ποτίδαιας έχτισε την Κασσάνδρεια, για να διευκολύνει τη
ναυσιπλοΐα ...
NEA POTIDEA (Small town) CHALKIDIKI - GTP Νea Potidaia is the
only point of access to the Kassandra Peninsula. Its enchanting canal is
one of its most unforgettable sights. Boats cross its waters on an everyday
basis, including boats with acetylene lamps and dragnet boats, which fill
up with a profusion of fish. There are 1601 permanent inhabitants in the
village, who ...
Nea Potidea | Kassandra, Chalkidiki - Grekomania Strategically located
at the narrowest, northernmost point of Kassandra peninsula, Nea
Potidea (pop. 1,500) is about 70km southeast of Thessaloniki. At this point
Kassandra is just a neck of land 1,200 meters wide. A 45 meter-wide canal
was dug across this neck of land, connecting Toroneaos Bay with the Gulf
of Thermi, ...
Canal of Potidea, Kassandra, Chalkidike - Greece HD Travel Channel
...23 Φεβ 2014 - Μεταφορτώθηκε από myVideoMedia. Kassandra in
Central Macedonia, is the westernmost of three fingers of the Chalkidike
peninsula. At its ...

Potidaia canal - YouTube 10 Αυγ 2016 - Μεταφορτώθηκε από Dance Soul

After passing the 2 bridges phantom 3 adv lost signal and rth initiated.
Result was to pass close to high voltage ...
Διώρυγα Νέας Ποτίδαιας | Νέα Προποντίδα - Visit Nea Propontida
Σύμφωνα με διάφορες ιστορικές πηγές η πρώτη διώρυγα στην Ποτίδαια
ήταν έργο του Κάσσανδρου, ενώ η ύπαρξή της αναφέρεται από τον 1ο αι.
π.Χ. Κατόπιν, η διώρυγα επιδιορθώθηκε από τον ο Ι.Παλαιολόγο κατά το
1407.Η διώρυγα επισκευάστηκε αργότερα, κατά τη την Επανάσταση του
1821 (οχυρώσεις και νέα διάνοιξη ...
Potidaea | ancient city, Greece | Other articles where
Potidaea is discussed: They served together at Potidaea (432) in the
Chalcidice region, where Alcibiades was defended by Socrates when ...
…of the Corinthian colony of Potidaea, a port founded about 600 bce; its
site is the village of Néa Potídhaia just south of the ship canal that was cut
through the ...
Nea Potidea canal, Kassandra, Halkidiki. Ruins of the ancient ...Halkidiki
Region, Central Macedonia Picture: Nea Potidea canal, Kassandra,
Halkidiki. Ruins of the ancient fortfication at the isthmus. - Check out
TripAdvisor members' 706 candid photos and videos of Halkidiki Region.
Nea Potidaia Halkidiki - Information about Nea
Potidaia, Halkidiki. Nea Potidea is a large village which is located at the
start of the first peninsula of Halkidiki, Kassandra. Before the village
there is a very thin strip of land on which was build one canal which is
called the canal of Potidea to serve ships that come and go to Toroneos
Gulf in order to ...
the-potidaia-canal-in-halkidiki | Οι Ισοτιμίες παρέχονται
από το Ελληνικά. Αρχική · Αγορές · Χρηματιστήριο
Αθηνών · XA Ανακοινώσεις · Επιχειρήσεις · Τράπεζες · Ενέργεια · Ξένες
Αγορές; Περισσότερα. Πολιτική – Οικονομία · Ο Μικρομέτοχος · Απόψεις
& Σχόλια · Επικαιρότητα. Edit with Live CSS.
Nea Potidea Canal - Nea Potidea Canal. . Greece Travel
TRIPinVIEW: Nea Potidaia Greece, Central Macedonia, Chalkidiki Nea
Potidaia Greece, Central Macedonia, Chalkidiki. Description. Nea
Potidaia Nea Potidaia: Large, organised beach with shallow waters. At its
northernmost part lies the Potidaia canal. Basic Characteristics. Parking

Blue flag Close to residential Easy access Family friendly Food & drink
Organized Shallow waters.
Churchill's Secret Warriors: The Explosive True Story of the Special
...Damien Lewis - 2014 - History Four days after setting sail, the two
caiques pulled into the tiny harbour of Potidaea, lying some thirty miles to
the southeast of Salonika in the Gulf of Thermaikos – the long finger of
sea that stretches north to Salonika itself. Lassen's caiques pushed up the
Romanera Potidaea Canal, a short stretch of manmade waterway ...
The Companion Guide to Mainland Greece Brian De Jongh, John Gandon,
Geoffrey Graham-Bell - 2000 - Travel To reach the (Cassandra peninsula
(the western 'claw' of the whole Halkidiki peninsula) take the southbound
road after the town over the muddy canal that crosses the isthmus. At the
hinge of the 'claw', the site of ancient Potidaia extends beyond this canal.
Xerxes' fleet, supporting his invading army, anchored here in 480 ...
An Introduction to the Study of Grecian and Roman Geography George
Long, Robley Dunglison - 1829 - Classical geography ... king's canal, and
Sane, an Andrian colony, situated on its banks.” The mountain promontory
of Athos is now covered with monasteries, and has received in modern
times the appropriate name of Monte Santo. Torone in Sithonia was a
Greek city, garrisoned by Athenians during the long war.f Potidaea stood
on the isthmus ...
Brill's Companion to Ancient Macedon: Studies in the Archaeology and
...Robin J. Fox, Robin Lane Fox - 2011 - History In 480 bc a canal was
even dug by the Persians at Akte, a large-scale work whose traces still
survive.10 Olynthus and Potidaia revolted after the battle of Plataia and
for this reason the Persians punished them both: they did not manage to
capture Potidaia, but they destroyed Olynthus and gave the city to the
Chalcidians of ...
Nea Potidaia – Travel Guide Nea Potidea Beach. 0.0. A popular and yet
large beach is located along the coast of Nea Potidea. Bathers have the.
Location: Παραλία Νέα Ποτίδαια, Μουδανιά, Χαλκιδική, Ελλάδα. View
Detail · Potidaia's Canal. Park - Nature ...
Portes Beach Hotel in Potidea Halkidiki: Potidea hotels greece ...Portes
Beach Hotel in Potidea Halkidiki is a 4 star property, located at the
beginning of the peninsula of Kassandra, just 2 km from historic canal
of Potidea.

Nea Potidaia – Travel Guide Nea Potidea Beach. 0.0. A popular and yet
large beach is located along the coast of Nea Potidea. Bathers have the.
Location: Παραλία Νέα Ποτίδαια, Μουδανιά, Χαλκιδική, Ελλάδα. View
Detail · Potidaia's Canal. Park - Nature ...
Potidaia Canal at Nea Potidea northern Greece the waterway ... - Alamy
Download this stock image: Potidaia Canal at Nea Potidea northern
Greece the waterway extends between the Thermaikos and Kassandra
Gulfs - BE8FA5 from Alamy's library of millions of high resolution stock
photos, illustrations and vectors.
Potidaia Canal at Nea Potidea northern Greece the waterway ... - Alamy
Download this stock image: Potidaia Canal at Nea Potidea northern
Greece the waterway extends between the Thermaikos and Kassandra
Gulfs - BE8P9D from Alamy's library of millions of high resolution stock
photos, illustrations and vectors.
TAVLARIDIS "HOUSE POPI" During your stay in Nea Potidea, we
suggest you start your tour from the Canal and the Castle ruins. Then you
can visit many important archaeological and historical sites featuring
Cassandra include Tower of St. Paul in New Fokea, the sacred temple of
Zeus Ammon in Kallithea, just a short distance from Polychrono, the ...
Potidea Canal, Halkidiki, Greece Stock Photo - Image of coastline
...Potidea canal, Halkidiki, Greece. Photo about coastline, Cassandreia,
sandy, landscape, macedonia, postcard, halkidiki, canal, Kassandra,
greek, greece, emerald, scenery - 70787596.
Nea Poteidaia, Nea Potidaia of Nea Potidea - Angelfire On the connection
between the Kassandra peninsula and the rest of Halkidiki is the village
of Nea Poteidaia, Nea Potidaia or Nea Potidea. The village was founded
in 1922 and it is an important harbour. The canal that runs here connects
the Toroneos Bay with the Gulf of Thermaikos. It was probably dug by the
Romans or ...
The Potidaia Canal At Nea Potidea Northern Greece The Waterway ...
Stock Footage of The Potidaia Canal at Nea Potidea northern Greece the
waterway extends between the ...
Nea Potidea - Kassandra tourist guide - 22 Δεκ 2016 - At the
entrance to Nea Potidea there's a canal that connects gulf Thermaikos with
Toroneon. This canal exists so ships can sail from side to side, without
bypassing the whole peninsula. The canal continues to be navigable, but

it was not foreseen for large vessels. It does not affect pollution, because it
is not ...
Apartments-Juli-Potidea Ενοικιαζόμενα Διαμερίσματα-Δωμάτια στη Ν
...Most visitors passing through the first foot of Chalkidiki do not miss a
stop in the unknown, for many, canal of Cassandra, in Nea Potidea. It is
the main attraction of the area and unites the two bays, Thermaikos and
Toroneos, facilitating navigation. The so-called Potidea canal serves the
boats that go on to Toroneos Bay to ...

Διώρυγα Νέας Ποτίδαιας | Νέα Προποντίδα - Visit Nea Propontida Η

διώρυγα επισκευάστηκε αργότερα, κατά τη την Επανάσταση του 1821
(οχυρώσεις και νέα διάνοιξη του καναλιού).Την σημερινή της μορφή την
απέκτησε το 1930, ενώ το 1970 κατασκευάστηκε η γέφυρα που ενώνει τις
δυο ακτές. Hotspots. (2). Διώρυγα Νέας Ποτίδαιας. Από τη γέφυρα του
ισθμού της Ποτίδαιας μπορεί κανείς ...
Νέα Ποτίδαια Χαλκιδικής - Βικιπαίδεια Η Νέα Ποτίδαια ή Νέα
Ποτείδαια (ή απλά Ποτίδαια) είναι παραθαλάσσιος μεγάλος οικισμός και
κοινότητα στο Δήμο Νέας Προποντίδας του νομού Χαλκιδικής. Ο
πληθυσμός της είναι 1.559 κάτοικοι, με βάση την πληθυσμιακή απογραφή
του 2011. Βρίσκεται στα 6 χιλιόμετρα νότια από τα Νέα Μουδανιά, στο
στενότερο σημείο ...
Ιστορικά στοιχεία · Αξιοθέατα Χαλκιδική: Το κανάλι που ''σκίζει'' το
πρώτο πόδι στα δυο - Η ... - Thestival 30 Απρ 2015 - Το πρώτο πόδι της
Χαλκιδικής, στη Νέα Ποτίδαια, κόβεται στα δύο κι έτσι η χερσόνησος της
Κασσάνδρας μοιάζει με νησί. Ολα αυτά χάρη σε μια διώρυγα μήκους
1.250 μέτρων και πλάτους 40 μέτρων, γνωστή και ως κανάλι της
Ποτίδαιας. Μια διώρυγα που είναι άγνωστο το πότε ακριβώς ανοίχτηκε.
Θεωρείται ...
Ιστορια της Ποτιδαιας | ΔΗΜ ΣΧ Ν ΠΟΤΙΔΑΙΑΣ Η Νέα Ποτίδαια, είναι
η πύλη της χερσονήσου Κασσάνδρας. Ιδρύθηκε μετά το 1922 από
πρόσφυγες της ανατολικής Θράκης, στο σημείο της αρχαίας Ποτίδαιας.
Είναι ένα από τα ομορφότερα χώρια της Χαλκιδικής και εκείνο με το
μεγαλύτερο ιστορικό παρελθόν. Βρίσκεται κοντά στο κανάλι (το οποίο
άνοιξε το 1930) που χωρίζει ...
Η γραφική διώρυγα της Χαλκιδικής | Newsbeast 17 Φεβ 2017 - Το
λεγόμενο κανάλι της Ποτίδαιας εξυπηρετεί τα σκάφη που μπαινοβγαίνουν
στον Τορωναίο κόλπο για να ψαρέψουν και προσθέτει και μια γραφική

πινελιά στην περιοχή, αναδεικνύοντας τον εντυπωσιακό συνδυασμό του

πράσινου της φύσης με το μπλε της θάλασσας σε μια ενδιαφέρουσα
Το όμορφο κανάλι της Χαλκιδικής | Newsbeast 6 Μαρ 2018 - Η Νέα
Ποτίδαια χρίστηκε από πρόσφυγες, στη θέση άλλου χωριού, που είχε
καταστραφεί το 1821. Η περιοχή όμως έχει μεγάλο παρελθόν, καθώς ήταν
αποικία των Κορινθίων από τον 7ο π.Χ αιώνα. Διώρυγα φαίνεται πως
υπήρχε από τον 1ο αιώνα π.Χ., περίπου 500 μέτρα βορειότερα από την
τωρινή, η οποία ...


Acanthus, 14, 16, 19, 24, 37, 38, 39, 44, Chalkidiki, 5, 7, 8, 26, 28, 74, 75, 78
47, 48, 57 Corinth, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 32, 37,
Aega, 34, 53 38, 39, 40, 42, 44, 45, 46, 49, 50, 51, 53,
Aege, 33, 34, 54 55, 57, 59, 61, 62, 69, 70, 72, 73
Afytis, 67 Corinthian colony, 13, 17, 23, 24, 25, 38,
Aphytis, 13, 16, 29, 33, 34, 35, 43, 53, 54, 43, 52, 56, 60, 75
68 Isthmos, 25, 44, 60
Aristotle, 17, 44 isthmus, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,
Athos, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 36, 37,
24, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,
42, 43, 44, 46, 48, 50, 51, 52, 54, 56, 57, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 70, 71, 72,
58, 61, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 71, 76 75, 76
Canal, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, Kallithea, 7, 77
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, Kanal, 5, 6, 7, 8, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 28, 31,
32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 32, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 60, 64, 65, 66,
43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 67, 68
54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 68, 71, Kanales, 8
74, 75, 76, 77 Kanals, 5, 6, 7, 8, 26, 45
Cassandra, 20, 29, 31, 32, 36, 47, 51, 76, Kassandra, 5, 6, 7, 8, 28, 31, 48, 50, 56,
77, 78 66, 74, 75, 76, 77
Cassandrea, 41, 46 Kassandreia, 6, 47, 53, 64, 65, 66, 70, 71
Cassandreia, 51, 63, 77 Kassandria, 7
Cassandria, 32, 35, 39, 43, 44, 58, 63 Khalkidike, 48
Chalcidians, 21, 76 Moudania, 7, 31, 51
Chalcidic, 15, 16, 59 Neapolis, 16, 18, 33, 34, 53, 54, 62, 67, 68
Chalcidice, 14, 22, 31, 38, 47, 56, 59, 69, Olynthus, 13, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 28, 31,
70, 75 32, 37, 39, 44, 45, 50, 54, 56, 57, 62, 69,
Chalkidike, 25, 35, 45, 48, 60, 66, 72, 74 70, 76

Pallene, 12, 13, 16, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 28, Potidhaia, 48, 56
31, 32, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 41, 45, 46, 47, Sane, 18, 19, 24, 33, 37, 39, 43, 47, 48, 54,
53, 54, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70 67, 76
peninsula, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 23, 28, 30, Scione, 13, 16, 18, 21, 23, 33, 34, 35, 43,
31, 33, 36, 38, 39, 43, 51, 53, 54, 55, 57, 54
58, 59, 60, 62, 70, 71, 74, 75, 76, 77 Stagira, 17, 44, 62
Peninsula, 46, 48, 74 temple at Potidaea, 15, 55
peninsulas, 24, 47, 48, 52, 60 Therambos, 34, 67
Periander, 15, 17, 20, 25, 36, 42, 45, 59, Therambus, 34, 53, 54
61, 67 Torone, 12, 13, 18, 19, 21, 23, 28, 29, 35,
Periandros, 21, 25, 26 36, 39, 42, 46, 48, 55, 70, 76
Persians, 15, 21, 29, 30, 37, 68, 76 Xerxes, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23,
Phlegra, 18, 34, 53 24, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37,
Potidaea, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 38, 39, 42, 43, 44, 46, 50, 51, 52, 56, 57,
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 58, 60, 61, 62, 66, 67, 68, 76
31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, διώρυγα, 9, 41, 63, 74, 75, 78
42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, Διώρυγα, 5, 9, 41, 74, 75, 78, 79
53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, διώρυγος, 63
68, 75, 76 Θουκυδίδης, 10
Potidaea revolted, 39, 58 κανάλι, 9, 11, 20, 78, 79
Potidaia, 18, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 28, 29, 35, Κασσάνδρας, 9, 63, 78
36, 38, 42, 45, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 56, 57, Κασσάνδρεια, 11, 41, 63, 74
60, 61, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, Μουδανιά, 11, 69, 76, 77, 78
74, 75, 76, 77 Ποτίδαια, 9, 20, 41, 63, 69, 75, 76, 77, 78,
Potidea, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 23, 30, 31, 79
38, 40, 46, 48, 50, 59, 60, 63, 65, 66, 67, Ποτίδαιας, 5, 9, 11, 41, 62, 69, 74, 75, 78
68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78 Σβορωνος, 66, 74
Potideas, 5, 9 Χαλκιδική, 9, 63, 76, 77, 78

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