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Logical Functions

A conditional formula essentially allows you to create a basic logical argument: “If (this), then (that).” At some point in
time, when you are faced with a lot of data in your spreadsheets, you may want to find a way to highlight some of
your data based on specific criteria.

The basic syntax of the IF formula in Excel is: =IF(logical_test,[value_if_true],[value_if_false])

 logical_test: the condition that you are checking for

 [value_if_true]: the result you want if the condition is true
 [value_if_false]: the results you want returned if the condition is false

Common use:

 Finding duplicates across rows or columns [e.g. =IF(A1=B1,”Same”,”Different”)]

 Finding values in a specific range [e.g. values greater than 4: =IF(A1>4,TRUE,FALSE)

SUMIF tells Excel to look in every cell from a range and see if the value (criteria) is there; and if it finds this value
then it must sum the corresponding cells from a numeric range.


AVERAGEIF tells Excel to look in every cell from a range and see if the value (criteria) is there; and if it finds this
value then it must calculate the average of the corresponding cells from a numeric range.

= AVERAGEIF (range,criteria,[average_range])

COUNTIF is a little different from SUMIF and AVERAGEIF - all you need is a test range and a test. If the test turns
out to be true, it counts them. You don’t need a sum range.


Nested IF – when you have an IF function within another IF function.

To illustrate, below there is a pass / fail and "incomplete" formula with a nesting IF inside the other:

Keep in mind that the more nested IFs you have, the more difficult the formula becomes, and with higher chances for

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