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PAC Performance Task Components:

PART 1: Print Advertisement Breakdown

• Choose 1 Print advertisement involving your PSA
• Answer the following questions in regards to the print

1. What is the main purpose of this print text and who is the
intended audience.
2. Who created this message and why did they create it?
3. What is the overt (directly stated) message?
4. What is the implied (indirectly stated) message?
5. How well does the text achieve its purpose?
6. Who might a different audience be? How do you know?
7. Whose perspective is presented, whose ave been left out?
8. What is some effective text/language that they have used,
how so?
9. Who paid for this advertisement? How do you know?
10. What kind of lifestyle is presented in this image?
11. What media conventions and specific techniques have been
used, explain their effectiveness.
12. How effective do you feel this advertisement was?

To Be Submitted:
• Print Advertisement

• Typed answers to above portion of the summative

Due Date: Tuesday May 1st 2018.

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