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James Cahill, "Confucian Elements in the Thec~ryof Painting," in The Confg-

cian Persuasion, A a h u r F. Wright, ed. (Stanfurd: Stanfc3rd University Press, 1960).
41. Charles N. Li, ed., Subject and Topie.(New Yc3rklSan 1;ranciscolLondon: Aca-
demic Press, 1976).
42. Here 1 am supplying the preposition "at"; the Japanese uses a genitive which
sounds quitc peculiar in English: "the frontier" song tunnel," o r "the long eunnd of
the frontier."
43, Williarn J, Puctte, Guide to the Tale of Cenji by Mrbrasdki ,$hikibtl (Rueland,
Vt./Tc~kyo:Tuttle, 1983).
44. Kicbard Bowring reports eliae Kitamura Kigin's edition wit11 commentary, KO-
getsttshoh (1675), "is full of notations whicli help the reader to icIentify who is talking
to whom at any given point, and whc:, is the subject: of any given sentence, This was a
major devetopment.'"ee The Z l e of Genji (Cambridge/New York: Cambridge Uni-
versity Press, 19882, p. "3.
45. Thus Laurancc P. Robens's A Ar"liclt-l'anar3rofjqanese Arrkts ('Ti-,kyo/Mew
Yc~r-k:Weatherhilt, 1976) inctudes a thircy-page "Index of Alternate Names."
46, Clearly, rhc adopticjn of ncw narnes is far from unknown in the West wlicrc, in
some euftures, women frequently take the surname of their husbands9amilies, per-
sons taking religious orders assurne new pcrsonal names, writers and actors often
adopt noms-de-plume, and the use of nicknames may indicate the degree of intimacy
o r length of the history of the person using it. It i s also the case, however, char these
instances in the West tend tts indicate either marginaiized social status, as in the ease
of actors o r religious persons, or differences in social hierarchy; especially those relat-
ing to gender: Wc>men,not men, change elicir narnes upon marriage, and nuns, ncst
priests o r monks, take new personal names-further evidence of the Western belief
that name bcars an inherent retation to the self.
47. This grammatical phenomenon began to change with the close interaction be-
tween J q a n and the West in %hefate nineteenth century.

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