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PRESIDENT - Compiled Juan Carlos David

Presenter: Britain is a democracy where any citizen can become Prime

Minister, as long as they've got a degree and aren't black.
Today, the Prime Minister is having a very important summit with the
American President.
P M: I hear what you say, but I think what you're proposing is an abuse of
our friendship.
American President: Look, there are no half measures. Either you are
with the United States on this or you are against us.
P M: Well, I think we'll have to take advice from the United Nations
because I refuse to be bullied into making a snap decision.
American President: The United Nations can go to hell! If you want the
special relationship with our country to continue, you’re gonna have to
start delivering!
P M: Before you rush into anything, perhaps you'd like to see what the
British intelligence has to say.
American President: And perhaps you'd like to see what the CIA has
P M: Sebastian, could you get the document for the President, please?
Sebastian: Yes, Prime Minister. I'll get it right now, Prime Minister.
American President: Marvin, can you get the CIA files for the Prime
Minister, please?
Marvin: Yes, sir, Mr. President, sir!
Sebastian: My Prime Minister is so much better than your President!
Marvin: Mr. President's big and powerful and so rugged. Your Prime
Minister sucks!

LITTLE BRITAIN - Season 2 Episode 2 - SEBASTIAN AND THE U.S. PRESIDENT - Compiled Juan Carlos David

Sebastian: How dare you! Get your hands off me! Get your hands off
P M: What on earth is going on? That's enough!
Sebastian: He was the one who started it.
P M: Enough! Mr. President, we have to go to the photo call.
This behaviour is completely inappropriate. This is a difficult enough
situation and you're making it a lot worse.
American President: Let me handle this. You two should be ashamed of
yourselves. Two senior aides acting like a pair of third graders! You're an
Sebastian & Marvin: Ooh!

prɪˈzentə | ˈbrɪtn̩ ɪz ə dɪ›mɒkrəsi | wɛ:r ˈeni ˚sɪtɪzən kən bi˚kʌm

praɪm ̖mɪnɪstə | əz ˈlɒŋ əz ðeɪv ˳ɡɒt ə di›ɡriː | ənd ˈɑːnt ̖blak |

tə›deɪ | ðə ˈpraɪm ›mɪnɪstə | ɪz ˈhavɪŋ ə ˚veri ɪm˚pɔːtnt ›sʌmɪt |

wɪð ði əˈmerɪkən ̖ prezɪdənt |

praɪm ˈmɪnɪstə | aɪ ˅hɪə wɒtʃu ˳seɪ | bət aɪ ˈθɪŋk wɒtʃɔː

prə ̗ pəʊzɪŋ | ɪz ən ə ̗bjuːs | əv ɑ: ˋfrendʃɪp |

əˈmerɪkən ˈprezɪdənt | ̖lʊk | ðɚ ɚ ˈnoʊ ˚hæf ˋmeʒɚz | ˈiːðɚ ju ɚ

ˋwɪθ ðə ju˳naɪɾəd ˳steɪts ɑːn ̗ðɪs | ɔːr ˈju: ɚ əˋɡenst əs |

praɪm ˈmɪnɪstə | | wel aɪ ˈθɪŋk wil ˚haf tə teɪk əd›vaɪs | frəm ðə

LITTLE BRITAIN - Season 2 Episode 2 - SEBASTIAN AND THE U.S. PRESIDENT - Compiled Juan Carlos David

juˌnaɪtɪd ˋneɪʃn̩z | bɪˈkɒz aɪ rɪˋfjuːz | tə bi ˋbʊlɪd | ɪntə ›meɪkɪŋ | ə

ˌsnap dɪˋsɪʒn̩ |

əˈmerɪkən ˈprezɪdənt | ðə juˈnaɪɾəd ˅neɪʃn̩z | kən ˈɡoʊ ɾə ˋhel |

ɪf ˈju: wɑːn(t) ðə ˈspeʃl̩ riˈleɪʃənʃɪp wɪθ aʊɚ ˈkʌntri ɾə kən˅tɪnjuː |

ˌjɔ:r ɡənə ˚hæv tə ˚stɑːrt dəˋlɪvərɪŋ |

praɪm ˈmɪnɪstə | | bɪˈfɔː ju ˅rʌʃ ɪntu ˳eniθɪŋ | pəˈhaps jud laɪk tə

›siː | wɒt ðə ˈbrɪtɪʃ ɪnˋtelɪdʒəns haz tə ˳seɪ |

əˈmerɪkən ˈprezɪdənt | ænd pɚ›hæps | ˅ju:d laɪk tə ˳siː | ʍʌt ðə

ˌsiː aɪ ˋeɪ həz ˳ɡæðɚd |

praɪm ˈmɪnɪstə | | səˋbastʃən | kəd ju ˈɡet ›ði: | ˅dɒkjumənt | fə

ðə ̗ prezɪdənt ˚pliːz |

səˈbastʃən | ˋjes praɪm ˳mɪnɪstə | aɪl ˈɡet ɪt raɪt ̖ naʊ praɪm

˳mɪnɪstə |

əˈmerɪkən ˈprezɪdənt | ›ɝ: | ˅mɑːrˌvɪn | kən ju ›ɡet ðə | ˈsiː aɪ

̗ eɪ ˚faɪlz | fər ðə ˈpraɪm ̗ mɪnəstər ˚pliːz |

ˈmɑːˌvɪn | jes ˋsɜː | mɪstə ˈprezɪdənt ˋsɜː |

səˈbastʃən | ˅maɪ praɪm ˳mɪnɪstə | ɪz ˈsəʊ mʌtʃ ˋbetə | ðən jɔ:

LITTLE BRITAIN - Season 2 Episode 2 - SEBASTIAN AND THE U.S. PRESIDENT - Compiled Juan Carlos David

ˋprezɪdənt |

ˈmɑːˌvɪn | mɪstə ˅prezədənts | ˋbɪɡ | ən(d) ˋpa(ʊ)əfəl | ən(d) ˈsəʊ

ˋrʌɡɪd | jɔ: praɪm ˌmɪnɪstə ˋsʌks |

səˈbastʃən | ˈhaʊ ˚dɛ: ˋju: | ˈɡet jɔ: ˋhan(d)z ɒf mi | ˈɡet jɔ:

˚han(d)z ɒf ˋmi: |

praɪm ˈmɪnɪstə | ˈwɒt ɒn ˌɜːθ ɪz ˚ɡə(ʊ)ɪŋ ˋɒn | ðats ɪˋnʌf |

səˈbastʃən | ˈhi: wəz ðə ˚wʌn hu ˋstɑːtɪd ɪt |

praɪm ˈmɪnɪstə | | ɪˋnʌf || mɪstə ˅prezɪdənt | wi ˈhaf tə ˚ɡəʊ tə

ðə ̖fəʊtəʊ kɔːl |

ˋðɪs bi ̗heɪvjə | ɪz kəm ̖ pliːtli ɪnə˳prəʊpriət | ðɪs ɪz ə ˅dɪfɪkəlt ɪ˳nʌf

sɪtʃu˳eɪʃn̩ | əndʒɔ: ˈmeɪkɪŋ ɪt ə ˚lɒt w

̖ ɜːs |

əˈmerɪkən ˈprezɪdənt | let ˈmiː ̖hændl̩ ðɪs | ˈju: ̗tuː | ʃəd ›bi: |

əˋʃeɪmd əv jʊr˳selvz |ˈtuː ˚siːnjɚ ̖eɪdz | ˈæktɪŋ laɪk ə ˚peɚ əv

˚θɝːd ̖ ɡreɪɾɚz | ˈjɔ:r ən emˋberəsmənt |

səˈbastʃən ən(d) ˈmɑːˌvɪn | ˄uː |

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