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Instructional Delivery We collaborated as a group through weekly meetings to create lesson plans for each session Many of our plans were open-ended because attendance fluctuated. I grew in my ability to adapt plans on the spot and lead sessions based on turnout. To the right are examples of one of our first and one of our last lessons plans to demonstrate the growth in planning and allowing space for improvised sessions. Learning Environment The Home utilizes the 10 Rey Areas of Life Recovery. Some of these areas include Self-Awareness, Emotional Control, Healthy Relationships, and Conflict Resolution. Each resident needs something different out of the sessions. I learned to alter my word choice, body language, and energy levels to facilitate trust between the residents and myself, giving them the space needed to open up, Songwriting at the Gemeinschaft Home REBECCA KENAGA that stots though song wating (Gemoinochaft is a tration home for previous offenders of nonsexval and nonvilent crimes The residents are ll male and of various ages and Professional Knowledge Because this is a research project facilitators had to be well-versed in IRB regulations in order to protect the privacies of participating residents and ourselves. also gained greater functional chord and songwriting knowledge. My ukulele skills greatly improved (as shown in the video to the right) and I learned how to make backtracks on GarageBand and modify them on the spot to fit residents’ desires, Assessment for/of Learning ‘We had to develop creative ways to assess development in the residents without creating an atmosphere of assessment We continuously asked the men to share their favorite eongs and explain why they ‘connected with them, providing more opportunities to shate their stories through different methods while keeping them engaged Another form of assessment used waa in- session performances ~ this was a fun way {for the residents to show their peers Cand us) what they had created. To hear thelr songs. come to the Forbes Center on Sunday, May 6th at 7001

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