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David Jones

Professor Jones

Calculus 1210

30 April 2018

Pipeline Project Reflection

The pipeline project in Calculus 1210 was a good learning experience in which it helped

me improve my problem-solving skills using calculus optimization problems and trigonometric

problems in real-world math applications. The scenarios in the project didn’t only use calculus

to find the cost of laying down pipe but had also used previous math course skills such as

trigonometry. This shows that math isn’t course specific, but that math can be built upon and

be used to solve various real-world math applications.

The pipeline project was divided into three different scenarios and a letter that was to

explain the results of the different calculated scenarios. The first two scenarios were

referencing easier math problems that would use simple linear equations and trigonometry to

solve the cost. The third scenario required lessons from calculus and trigonometry to solve the

cost. Each of the scenarios required for me to look at a problem and solve it with known math

strategies. After I had done the calculations I wrote a letter that helps explain and inform the

results given from the calculations, which is important for other courses. Being able to write out

explanations on math is important, because it gives the student the ability to fully understand

the calculations done and explain them into words.

The pipeline project from the calculus course has taught me the importance of problem

solving skills. It shows that if there is a problem in real-world applications, it can be solved with

math. The most important part of problem solving is the process because it is changing how we

look at a problem and determine what type of math is needed to solve it. The first important

step to problem solve is to figure out what is being solved. Then you would need to look at

given functions and constants. Lastly, you come up with a plan to solve the problem with the

given functions and constants. Recognizing these steps are useful when it comes to applying

problem solving into real-world applications.

The calculus project hasn’t changed the way I think about real-world math applications,

because I had always thought that math is important to solving problems. However, Calculus

has improved my math skills in which I am now able to understand and solve more complex

problems than I could not have before I had taken the course. Before I didn’t know how to

calculate the minimal or maximum cost of something until this pipeline project. This was

achieved by finding the min of the function, by finding critical values of the derivative. I hope to

keep expanding my math skills in future math courses and be able to apply them to my major of


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