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Neuroethics (2016) 9:37–43

DOI 10.1007/s12152-016-9248-9


Personal Identity, Direction of Change, and Neuroethics

Kevin Patrick Tobia

Received: 29 June 2015 / Accepted: 19 January 2016 / Published online: 27 January 2016
# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2016

Abstract The personal identity relation is of great Personal Identity and Neuroethics
interest to philosophers, who often consider fictional
scenarios to test what features seem to make persons The concept of “personal identity” is of great interest to
persist through time. But often real examples of philosophers. Among the questions asked about person-
neuroscientific interest also provide important tests al identity iswhat properties are required for persistence;
of personal identity. One such example is the case of what changes might result in a person who is no longer
Phineas Gage – or at least the story often told about the same person as before?
Phineas Gage. Many cite Gage’s story as example of Philosophers often consider fictional scenarios
severed personal identity; Phineas underwent such a to test theories about this question (e.g. [1–3]).
tremendous change that Gage “survived as a differ- For an instructive but very simple example, imag-
ent man.” I discuss a recent empirical finding about ine the two hemispheres of John’s brain are sepa-
judgments about this hypothetical. It is not just the rated and placed into two different bodies, the left
magnitude of the change that affects identity judg- hemisphere in Andy’s body and the right in Brad’s
ment; it is also the negative direction of the change. body. We might ask which person is John. Is John
I present an experiment suggesting that direction of the person with John’s left hemisphere in Andy’s
change (improvement or deterioration) also affects body? Or is John the person with John’s right
neuroethical judgments. I conclude we should con- hemisphere in Brad’s body? Or does John now
sider carefully the way in which improvements and exist in two places at once? Or has John ceased
deteriorations affect attributions of personal identity. to exist entirely?
This is particularly important since a number of the Philosophers employ these fictional thought- experi-
most crucial neuroethical decisions involve varieties ments to help learn about the nature of personal identity.
of cognitive enhancements (improvements) or But often, real examples of interest to neuroscience also
deteriorations. provide important tests of personal identity. For in-
stance, consider this synopsis of the historical Phineas
Gage case:
Keywords Advance directive . Deterioration .
Enhancement . Improvement . Personal identity . Phineas is extremely kind; he really enjoys help-
Neuroethics . Neurodegeneration . Phineas gage . Self ing people. He is also employed as a railroad
worker. One day at work, a railroad explosion
causes a large iron spike to fly out and into his
K. P. Tobia (*) head, and he is immediately taken for emergency
Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA surgery. The doctors manage to remove the iron
e-mail: spike and their patient is fortunate to survive.
38 Tobia K.P.

However, in some ways this man after the accident Other accounts of personal identity suggest that
is remarkably different from Phineas before the something important is missing from these debates.
accident. Phineas before the accident was ex- For instance, narrative theories of identity (e.g.
tremely kind and enjoyed helping people, but the [17–20]) argue that part of what matters in personal
man after the accident is now extremely cruel; he identity is the narrative structure, shape, or unity of our
even enjoys harming people. lives.
Damasio et al. [4] cite the story of Phineas Gage as an Others emphasize the relevance of relations to iden-
example of severed personal identity; Phineas tity (e.g. [21, 22]):
underwent such a tremendous change that the resulting
man was “no longer Gage” [5]. As Damasio et al. put it, We develop and live our lives as persons within
the greater significance of Gage’s case is that he “sur- complex networks of institutional, personal, pro-
vived as a different man.” fessional, interpersonal, and political
relationships—both chosen and unchosen. We
Controversy exists over the historical accuracy of this
are shaped in and through our interactions with
commonly told tale (see, e.g. [6, 7]). Nevertheless, the
others in ways that are ongoing; and we develop
traditional version of the story is cited as an example of
cognitive and moral capacities and skills, includ-
severed personal identity [8–10]. And even if the story
ing skills of moral reflection, in relational contexts
told is not entirely historically accurate, the (fictional) that not only give these capacities and skills spe-
hypothetical still provides a useful thought experiment cific content but also offer methods of evaluation
on the concept of identity: if some story like Gage’s took and self-evaluation. We come to understand our
place, it would seem the pre- and post- accident persons lives through how others respond to us, and our
are not the same. relational histories are significant determiners of
Of course, although theoretical focus often involves the tenor of our responses to others. ([22], 156).
one particular concept of personal identity, there are
various competing theories, some of which endorse Such relational theories look beyond our brains and
multiple conceptions of identity1 Alternatively, some bodies to relations with other persons. “Extended” the-
of these theories suggest that we can ask different ques- ories suggest that identity may be extended even further
tions about multiple conceptions of identity. Perhaps, for (e.g. [23, 24]):
instance, Phineas and the post-accident man are not
actually non-identical in the sense of numerical or quan- It’s not just other people who hold us in our
titative identity, but they are in some other sense of identities. Familiar places and things, beloved ob-
identity. jects, pets, cherished rituals, one’s own bed or
favorite shirt, can and do help us to maintain our
There are a number of competing theories of personal
sense of self. And it is no accident that much of
identity, and it will be useful to survey a few here. Often
this kind of holding goes on in the place where our
debates about personal identity center on psychological
families are: at home. ([23], 162–163).
versus bodily criteria. A number of theorists posit an
important role of psychological continuity in personal
identity (e.g. [11–13]). Others advocate a more funda- Another broad class of views is that denying the
mental role for bodily criteria (e.g. [14–16]). moral, legal, or practical significance or personal iden-
tity (e.g. [25]). In contrast, these views emphasize other
kinds of relations, like survival over time or the magni-
tude of psychological connections or continuities be-
Note that in the Phineas Gage case there is clearly some sense in tween agents over time. What matters (e.g. morally) is
which the pre- and post- accident persons are the same person. If not whether two individuals are quantitatively identical,
the two were in no sense the same, locations like “not still the
same” or “Gage survived as a different man” are nonsensical. The but instead whether they share significant connections
specific notion (or notions) of identity in which I am most inter- and continuities, like shared memories and experiences.
ested is the Lockean notion of forensic identity; the sense (or On any of these views, personal identity or diachron-
senses) of identity used for attributions of moral responsibility, ic connections are plausibly relevant to ethics, public
desert, blame, praise and so on. It is in this kind of sense, I take it,
that some intuit that pre- and post- accident Phineas are not the policy, and law. Identity (or sufficient connection or
same. continuity) is often taken as necessary for the
Personal Identity, Direction of Change, and Neuroethics 39

application of moral concepts like blame, praise, desert, the validity of non/identity attributions. For instance, if
or responsibility [26–28]. In order for person B at a later judgments about moral responsibility or the applicabil-
time to be blameworthy or responsible for the act of ity of a statute of limitations are guided by intuition
person A at an earlier time, it seems necessary that the about personal identity, whose application itself is driv-
persons are related in a particular way (i.e. that the en by some other factors, it is worth investigating the
“personal identity” relation holds or that relevant conti- effect of those others factors on identity intuitions.
nuity or connection conditions are satisfied). Investigation of these factors will provide greater evi-
In certain cases, the relevance of personal identity to dence upon which to assess attributions of personal
moral notions is obvious.Why is he but not she to blame identity and also the moral and legal judgments for
for the injury suffered two weeks ago? Because only he which identity is relevant.
stands in the personal identity relation with the injurer Recently, I conducted one such investigation, finding
(and the injurer deserves blame). that direction of change influences attributions of per-
In some less obvious cases, others have suggested the sonal identity [30]. To see this, consider a “reversed”
significance of personal identity or continuity to moral version of the Phineas Gage story, one in which Phineas
and legal concepts. Consider for instance, the motiva- improves rather than deteriorates after his accident:
tion for statutory limitations or forgiving past discretions
(Digeser 1995; [25, 29]); might part of the justification Phineas is extremely cruel; he really enjoys
for these practices be grounded in an understanding that harming people. He is also employed as a railroad
after many years the person in some way shares less of worker. One day at work, a railroad explosion
the identity of the transgressor – or is an entirely differ- causes a large iron spike to fly out and into his
ent person? head, and he is immediately taken for emergency
Many of these issues are of neuroethical interest. surgery. The doctors manage to remove the iron
Consider for instance, questions in neurobiology and spike and their patient is fortunate to survive.
pharmacology: would taking drugs to repress memories However, in some ways this man after the accident
or enhance cognition be identity-preserving or break- is remarkably different from Phineas before the
ing? Would more permanent or extreme cognitive en- accident. Phineas before the accident was ex-
hancements break identity? Similar questions arise in tremely cruel and enjoyed harming people, but
the man after the accident is now extremely kind;
the context of neurodegenerative disease: is a person
he even enjoys helping people.
who develops Alzheimer’s disease or frontotemporal
dementia non-identical to a younger person with the
same name? Would an advance directive signed by the I found that in this revised case more people judge
younger no longer be applicable if we think the older is that Phineas is still the same person after the accident,
no longer the same person? while in the historical case more judge that the man after
I mention these neuroethics issues briefly now, but I the accident is a different person.
return to them in section 3. There may be implications The “classic” Phineas Gage case is often taken to
for all of these from the discovery of a surprising factor show that magnitude of similarity is highly relevant to
that affects personal identity attributions. This surprising identity; any very big change seems to break identity.
factor affecting personal identity attributions (and, there- However, this experimental result suggests that precise-
fore, certain neuroethical issues) is the direction of ly the opposite is true (it is not the case that any very big
change. change seems to break identity). Intuitions about the
classic Phineas Gage story are not driven by the sheer
size of the person’s change, but by the negative
Direction of Change direction.
This research builds on important recent findings that
The moral, legal, and practical relevance of personal “good” parts of one’s self are seen asmore essential than
identity warrants more substantial effort in investigating bad parts [31] and that this explains other moral judg-
the cognitive processes driving judgments about person- ments, for example whether a person is happy [32]. Part
al identity. Understanding these effects and mechanisms of what the Phineas Gage study shows is that “good”
would provide more evidence for determinations about parts are not only seen as essential (an implication for
40 Tobia K.P.

synchronic identity), but changing for the better is more not like the research about extremely kind [cruel]
identity-preserving than changing for the worse (an John and prefers it is all destroyed.
implication for diachronic identity).
Participants were asked to indicate on a 1–7 Likert
Direction of change does not only affect judg-
scale whether they agreed (1) or disagreed (7) that the
ments about the identity of other persons; very
man after the surgery was the same person as John and
recent work shows direction of change affects
should therefore be allowed to destroy the data2
personal identity intuitions about oneself [33]
Improvement ratings (M = 2.77, SD = 2.00) were lower
and certain individual entities like a country or a
than Deterioration ratings (M = 3.80, SD = 2.00),
band [34]. All else equal, it seems when evaluat-
t(120) = 2.88, p = .0047, d = .52. The “Phineas Gage”
ing ourselves, others, and certain other individual
finding suggests direction of change affects judgments
entities, we see improvement as more identity-
of personal identity, and these “John” findings suggest
preserving than deterioration.
that direction of change affects neuroethical judgment;
Direction of change affects personal identity
an ethical decision about the right of a participant to
attributions, and it might also bear on certain
request destruction of personal data is informed by
neuroethical judgments, particularly ones informed
whether the agent in question improved or deteriorated.
by personal identity. In previously unpublished
research, I presented participants with the follow-
ing vignettes, in one of two versions, Deterioration
or Improvement [in brackets]: Implications for Neuroscience and Neuroethics

John is an extremely kind [cruel] person; he really These findings and the underlying insight – that im-
enjoys helping [harming] people. John partici- provements and deteriorations affect attributions of per-
pates as a paid volunteer in a research program sonal identity – may have implications for a variety of
with the “SCI-Lab” researchers. As part of theories of personal identity. However, what I wish to
the research, John allows the researchers to
focus on for now are plausible implications of this
collect data about him, including brain scans,
finding for a range of neuroethical issues. At the most
collection of genetic material, as well as self-
general level, the finding has implications for those
reports of John’s personal memories and
issues where personal identity is relevant and where
ideas. The SCI-Lab researchers, aware they
are collecting a lot of personal data, allow changes are perceived as improvements or deteriora-
their volunteers to request the destruction of tions. In many of these cases, the perception of improve-
these materials at any time after it is collect- ments or deteriorations affects judgment about personal
ed. However, only volunteers can request identity (perceptions of improvements leading to judg-
destruction of their own data; no other per- ments of persistence and perceptions of deteriorations
son, for instance John’s brother, could request leading to judgments of non-persistence), which in turn
destruction of John’s data. affects judgment about neuroethical issues.
One day, John is in a terrible car accident and he 2
The full question read as follows (in deterioration or [improve-
suffers major brain damage. He is in a coma for
ment] condition): “Art and Bart disagree over what happened in
several days, and the “Metro Hospital” doctors this story. Art thinks that John before the accident and the man
conclude that they must perform an experimental after the surgery are different in some respects but are still the same
brain surgery. The surgery involves transplanting person. To Art, it seems like one person (John) experienced some
part of another brain into their patient. The doctors changes. As such, Art thinks the man after the surgery should be
allowed to request that the data about kind, helpful [cruel, harmful]
perform the surgery, and it is successful! The
John is destroyed, since the man after the surgery is still John. Bart
doctors see their patient wake up, but they notice disagrees. He thinks that after the surgery, the original man named
some major differences in his behavior. He is now John does not exist anymore; the man after the surgery is a
extremely cruel [kind]; he even enjoys harming different person. To Bart, it seems like one person died (John),
[helping] people. and it is really a different person entirely that exists after the
surgery. As such, Bart thinks that the man after the surgery should
Moreover, upon learning about the SCI-Lab re- not be allowed to destroy the data about kind, helpful [cruel,
search, the man after the surgery wishes to destroy harmful] John; only John has that right and the man after the
all of the material collected about John. He does surgery is not the sameman. Do you agree more with Art or Bart?”
Personal Identity, Direction of Change, and Neuroethics 41

As a first example, consider neuroethical issues signs an advanced directive and many years later de-
raised by pharmacology and cognitive enhancement. velops Alzheimer’s (cf. [40]). Some philosophers suggest
Gregory [35] notes, “ethical issues related to personal that in such a case, the Alzheimer’s patient is so different
identity and moral agency will assume a new shape from pre-Alzheimer’s Maria that they are actually two
given the best of recent neurobiology and pharmacolo- different people; they do not share the personal identity
gy. These developments raise specific issues like the use relation. If so, one might conclude that Maria’s advanced
of drugs to suppress memories of traumatic stress.” As directive does not apply to the Alzheimer’s patient, in the
Farah [36] puts it: “neuropsychological enhancement same way some person P’s advanced directive would
raises profound questions about human effort and just apply only to P and not to any other person.
deserts (did I earn my A if used Ritalin?) and personal The possible relevance of personal identity to ad-
identity (am I the same person off Prozac as on?” Those vance directives is acknowledged by Capron [41]:
who are inclined to see such changes as identity-
preserving should also consider whether such a judg- [S]ome have argued that it is inappropriate to rely
ment is driven or tempered in part by the fact that certain on an advance directive in making decisions about
enhancements are likely seen as improvements and patients who have suffered severe and permanent
whether this itself ought to be relevant to personal injuries, such as those in a persistent vegetative
identity and the neuroethical judgment. state, because these patients are no longer the
A tendency to see persistence where there is improve- persons they were at the time the directive was
ment arises even with more permanent or extreme cog- executed. This shift in personal identity makes it
nitive enhancements. “[C]ognitive enhancement has the wrong to dictate the treatment of the patient in the
potential to radically change a person’s sense of self ... [or bed by the wishes of the person that formerly
result in] a change in identity ... [G]enetic enhancements occupied this body.
to improve memory, especially in those with normal age- In these cases, the older person is not just seen as
related memory decline, would remain attractive and different from the younger person – the older is often
preserve rather than reduce personal identity” [37]. Here seen as worse. In determining whether such consid-
is an endorsement of extreme enhancement (presumably erations (about personal non-identity or less connect-
seen as improvement) preserving identity. Other research edness) support conclusions about the guiding force
suggests neurosurgical patients feel similar sentiments; of an advance directive, we ought to also consider
Lipsman et al. [38] report that in interviews with neuro- the processes and factors underlying these consider-
surgical patients, “impact on personality or identity is not ations; in other words, we ought to also consider
a concern before brain surgery.” Perhaps this is not a whether it matters that our judgment would be dif-
concern in part because these changes are seen as im- ferent in the case of an equally-sized improvement
provements, either involving “the enhancement of nor- rather than deterioration.3
mal traits” or “fixing personality defects.”
While there is a tendency to see cognitive enhance- 3
One way to expand this suggestion is through the language of
ments (presumably improvements) as more identity-pre- Bostrom and Ord’s [42] reversal test: “When a proposal to change a
serving, cognitive declines (presumably deteriorations) certain parameter is thought to have bad overall consequences,
are often seen as more identity-breaking. Rabins and consider a change to the same parameter in the opposite direction.
If this is also thought to have bad overall consequences, then the
Blass [9] link personal identity to intact brain function-
onus is on those who reach these conclusions to explain why our
ing, suggesting identity was broken in the Phineas Gage position cannot be improved through changes to this parameter. If
case and perhaps also is in some frontotemporal demen- they are unable to quo bias.” Here the test is not to discover the
tia cases. Strohminger and Nichols [39] also report judg- appropriateness of status quo bias, but rather the appropriateness of
improvement/deterioration effects in asymmetric attributions of per-
ments of non-persistence in what are likely seen as cases
sonal identity (particularly when such attributions have
of cognitive deterioration. (neuro)ethical implications): (If direction of change is not relevant
The effect of improvement/deterioration on personal to personal identity, then) when a change to a certain parameter is
identity judgment has practical implications, specifically thought to lead to persistence/non-persistence, consider a change to
the same parameter in the opposite direction; if this is not also
where intuitions about identity or connectedness are in-
thought to lead to persistence/nonpersistence, then the onus is on
fluenced by direction of change. Consider, for instance, those who reach these conclusions to explain why such changes lead
the domain of health decision-making. Imagine Maria to persistence/non-persistence.
42 Tobia K.P.

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