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Academic Plan of Study

 Introduction of Academic Program

My major management is a discipline that teaching people to co-ordinate each

member of the organization and operate the organization reasonably. It exists in

corporate, government and any other form of organizations. Most work of the world

need to do and communicate with other people, so dealing with and managing human

relations has a significant meaning for all of the world. In the past, I knew very little

about management, so when I saw a person who is in suits, I think he or she is very

excellent in the society. They can handle a lot of thing at the same time, and they also

have a great workplace, high salary and a good prospect. All of these encourage me and

inspire me want to become one of them. They made me want to know more about this

field, so I choose this major. Actually, after I learned management, I found that it does

not like what I thought. It is also an ordinary member of many other fields, and

managing any organization is not an easy work. It means a lot of responsibilities and

high level of academic knowledge. Therefore, I need to follow the academic

requirements and achieve a high level goals about my discipline.

 Academic Goals

One of the key skills in achieving success at the university is learning how to set

academic goals, goals can be short term or long term. Defining the academic goals

will help me structure my time so that I can focus on what’s important to myself.
My first and also the most important academic goal is that I want to get high GPA

each semester. As far as we know, universities will take into account all the

information they have about the application when assessing student’s GPA. We want

to get impressive grades so we can get a good job. I definitely know it is hard to

realize. However, I will do my best and enjoy the whole process. To accomplish this

goal, I should attend class regularly regardless if attendance is required; and make

sure know when tests are and exactly what I have to study. Moreover, keep in mind

that GPA 4.0 is the number one priority. This means I will be ready to sacrifice things

such as going out with friends, keeping up with my favorite television shows, and

sometimes sleeping. Furthermore, I am supposed to finish every assignment that

professors arrange, each assignment is valuable for us because it occupies with a great

contribution to the final grades as well as I can use it for preparing the exams or quiz.

The second goal is that I should build the ability of analyzing uncertain complex

management situations using appropriate tools, techniques and information systems.

In addition to the business core learning goals and objectives, accounting graduates

will be professionally competent in Preparing financial statements in accordance with

appropriate standards and Interpreting the business implications of financial statement

information. It is easy to learn something from the textbook. On the contrary, it is

hard to use those knowledge into the real practice. This goal is very useful for my Job

Hunting & Careers.

My last goal is to prepare for the CPA Exams. To pass the CPA Exam, it takes a

significant amount of time, discipline, energy, and courage to obtain the knowledge

necessary and to apply that knowledge into practice. Knowing that the CPA Exam

represents a tremendous growth building block for the rest of my career, so I have to

know what preparing for and be master of some techniques that are useful the CPA

Exam journey.

Creating and focusing on an important goal, managing my time, maintaining

discipline, accepting and learning from failure are very critical skills that can be

building blocks to reach new heights in my career. I should study hard, and give my

parents a better life in return.

 Disciplinary Resources List

The following list is the most frequently used sources of my current academic


I. Bhimani, A. (2003). Management Accounting in the Digital Economy. Oxford

University Press. This book will be of interest to scholars, advanced students,

and practitioners concerned with the management accounting and control

implications of the growing ubiquity of digital technologies across

organizational spaces and economic platforms (Bhimani, 2003).

II. Fields, E. (2011). The Essentials of Finance and Accounting for Nonfinancial

Managers. American Management Association. With over 40,000 copies sold,

this book has long provided readers with insight into the financial

fundamentals. It demystifies the role accounting and finance play in a

corporation, demonstrates how financial decisions reflect business goals, and

shows how managers can connect corporate financial information directly to

their own strategies and actions. (Fields, 2011)

III. Harris, J., & Durden, C. (2012). Management Accounting Research:

An Analysis of Recent Themes and Directions for the Future. Journal of

Applied Management Accounting Research, 10(2), 56-68. This paper reviews

some of the most recent published literature in the field of management

accounting. This paper provides a focused analysis of management accounting

research published in recent years, allowing researchers to gain a better

understanding of the direction of the contemporary management accounting

research. In addition, this paper highlights the emergence of intellectual

resource management as a major area of management accounting research

(Harris & Durden, 2012).

IV. Cheffi, W., & Beldi, A. (2012). An Analysis of Managers' Use of

Management Accounting. International Journal of Business, 17(2), 28-38.

This study examines the use of management accounting by managers who are

not specialists in accounting. The finding shows the usefulness of MA for

managers in order to legitimate managerial decisions and to control

organizational resources. In addition, the findings reveal that MA is not

integral part of managers’ representation of organizational reality. It is used

much more for legitimating actions than for decision-making (Cheffi & Beldi,


V. Kaye, R., & David, H. (2003). Learning & Teaching for Business:

Case Studies of Successful Innovation. Kogan Page. This book of best practice

examples of business teaching will inspire those involved in the improvement

of teaching in Higher Education. While individual case studies focus on

everything from the use of action learning, resource based learning, using

technology and peer assessment to the development of a knowledge

management system. (Kaye & David, 2003)

VI. Heely, J. A., & Roy, L. N. (1993). Global Management Accounting:

A Guide for Executives of International Corporations. Quorum Books. This

book provides a comprehensive introduction to the ways in which financial

information is gathered, analyzed, and interpreted. The authors describe

important accounting issues, such as currency exchange risks and hedging

techniques, transfer pricing and its effects on taxation, the special problems

associated with hyperinflationary economies, and other topics that are crucial
to management decision making in international operations. Concrete

examples and step-by-step explanations make the book readable and

immediately useful, not only to experienced international managers but also to

their corporate staffs as well. (Heely & Roy, 1993)

VII. Lee, M, & Cobia, S. (2013). Management Accounting Systems Support

Start-Up Business Growth. Management Accounting Quarterly, 14(3), 111-

123. This paper examines the multidimensional scope of management

accounting and establishes a frame of reference for the rest of the text. As we

known, management accounting involves consideration of the ways in which

accounting information may be accumulated, synthesized, analyzed, and

presented in relation to specific problems, decisions, and day-to-day tasks of

business management. An appreciation of management accounting requires a

good understanding of the different facets of accounting organizations. (Lee &

Cobia, 2013)

 Course Plan

Fall 2017
Course title Course name credits
PROV 501  Introduction to Graduate Study I 2

EAP 505 Advanced EAP Reading and Writing 2

EAP 506 Graduate Communication in disciplines I 4
PROV 096 GRE Preparation 0
BMGT 633 Statistical Analysis for Management 3

Spring 2018
Course title Course name Credits
PROV 502 Introduction to Graduate Study I 2
EAP 507 Graduate Communication in disciplines I 4
PROV 096 GRE Preparation 0
BMGT 613 Financial Reporting and Firm Analysis 3

Fall 2018
Course title Course name Credits
Module 1
BMGT 653 Fundamentals of Behavior in 3
BMGT 662 Management of IT 3
Module 2
BMGT 603 Economics for Successful Firm 3
Module 3
BMGT 643 Financial Management in a Global 3
BMGT 612 Performance Evaluation through Cost 3
BMGT 692 Internship 3

Spring 2019
Course title Course name Credits
Module 4
BMGT 638 Operations Management 3
BMGT 623 Marketing and Firm Performance 3
BMGT 692 Internship or MBA 7XX elective 3
Module 5
BMGT 678 Business Strategy and Firm Leadership 3
BMGT 695 Global Business Perspectives or 7XX 3
Global selective

 Academic Reflection

Over the past two semesters, I have greatly gained and learned some valuable skills

from my achievements, insights and cultural perspectives. This semester is my first

semester of the management pathway program, everything has changed

I sometimes felt overwhelmed because of the heavy study work. Being a real graduate

student, the biggest challenge is to master the time management, every classes have

their own assignments and due time respectively. At the beginning, I cannot keep the

balance between my studying and entertainment because I was always curious about

the different environment. I cannot accomplish my study plans. This situation went on

for a short time. After all, I realized that my goal to be here is to graduate

successfully, so I correct the study attitude with the help of my teachers and friends in

time. Now, my study habits have already formed as a flexible pattern. Since I live in
Masonvale which is in the GMU, I can easily get access to the learning resource, such

as the Fenwick library and the classroom. This can dramatically save a lot of

transportation time compared to my other friends who have lived off campus. At the

most of my study time, I usually go to the library because there are so many

temptations at home. I always set a study schedule during the morning and try my

best to achieve it at the rest of that day. There is a Chinese saying, that is “never put

off till tomorrow what you can do today”, is quite motivated. My life goal is to

become an accountant with the Big Four. I know this dream is difficult to complete; I

will take significant efforts and sacrifice a lot of fun time.

Management. (2017). Master in Management | School of Business. Retrieved from
George Mason University:

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