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Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)

Program evaluation and review technique (PERT) is a technique adopted by organizations to analyze and represent the activity in a
project, and to illustrate the flow of events in a project. PERT is a method to evaluate and estimate the time required to complete a
task within deadlines. PERT serves as an management tool to analyze, define and integrate events. PERT also illustrates the activities
and interdependencies in a project. The main goal of PERT is to reduce the cost and time needed to complete a project.
Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
PERT was developed in 1950 by the U.S. Navy during the Cold War and is intended for large projects, which are:
 Complex
 Require a series of sequential tasks
 Performed in parallel with other projects
PERT planning usually involves the following steps:
 Identifying Tasks and Milestones: Every project involves a series of required tasks. These tasks are listed in a table allowing
additional information on sequence and timing to be added later.
 Placing the Tasks in a Proper Sequence: The tasks are analyzed and placed in a sequence to get the desired results.
 Network Diagramming: A network diagram is drawn using the activity sequence data showing the sequence of serial and parallel
 Time Estimating: This is the time required to carry out each activity, in three parts:
1. Optimistic timing: The shortest time to complete an activity
2. Most likely timing: The completion time having the highest probability
3. Pessimistic timing: The longest time to complete an activity
 Critical Path Estimating: This determines the total time required to complete a project.
PERT not only determines the time to complete a specific software development activity, but also determines the cost.
Advantages of PERT:
PERT technique offers the following advantages:
1. It determines the expected time required for completing each activity.
2. It helps complete the project within a given period of time.
3. It helps management uncertainties involved in the project and thus, reduce the risk element in the project.
4. It enables management to make optimum allocation of limited resources.
5. It presses for the right action, at the right point and at the right time in the organization.
Limitations of PERT:
PERT also suffers from the following limitations:
1. PERT network is mainly based on time estimates required for each activity. On account of wrong time estimates, the network is
bound to become highly unrealistic.
2. This technique also does not consider the resources required at different stages of the project.
3. For effective control of a project by using PERT technique requires frequent updating and revising the PERT calculations. But, this
proves quite a costly affair for the organization.
Characteristics of Good Supervisor
 Great communication skills: As a supervisor one must communicate clearly and correctly to avoid misunderstandings and
frustrations. When receiving information from a subordinate, she should be sure to receive it correctly – There is no harm in
asking again if necessary.
 Adapt to the changes: World is changing at a fast pace. The efficient supervisors ought to keep up with it. Do not just blindly follow
the age old norms and rules. Think out of the box if required. Adjust to the needs of the organization.
 Value the employees: The people are any supervisor’s real asset. They are ones running the business and the work. A good
supervisor understands their worth and treats them accordingly.
 A coacher/mentor: Share your experience. A good supervisor shares her wisdom, knowledge and experience with the employees.
She helps them perform better. This also strengthens the bond and the trust between them.
 Disciplined: If a supervisor is disciplined then only can she expect the people to be so. The boss is an example – Come on time,
meet the time-lines, set a behavioral code if necessary.
 Feedback/incentives: Promotions, feedback, raises and accolades should be showered on the deserving people.
 Be an example: Be hands on – Do not just always delegate. At times the boss should take on projects too. She may try picking up
something less attractive or uninteresting and complete it wonderfully. This sets an example to all the team about taking up
challenges and about how any work is important.
 Be approachable: The employees should not hesitate in approaching the supervisor with their concerns and problems. An
efficient supervisor will make sure that there is enough trust and openness between her and the employees for the latter to come
to her with their grievances.
 Be considerate: People are not just employees. They have families, friends and a life beyond work. Unless there is something
urgent, do not make them work beyond the usual hours. Let them have their weekends and vacations. Be practical when setting
the time-lines. This all will in turn improve the efficiency and the productivity of the employees.
 Positive attitude: Be polite. Wish employees good mornings and be generous in thanking them. Inquire after about their families
off and on.
 Criticize constructively: When mistakes happen a good supervisor tries and understands the reasons behind the mishap. She
criticizes or assesses the employee in proportion to the mistake. And it is always better to not to scream or scold in front of the
others. Give constructive feedback; show them the right way to do things.
What is time management?
It is a set of principles, practices, skills, tools and systems that help you use your time to accomplish what you want. “Time
management shouldn’t take your time, but rather make extra time for you.”
Importance of Time management
Administrators think the importance of time management and the usefulness of a time management system lies in allowing people to
accomplish more things faster. Time management teaches people how to manage their lives and time effectively. Here are some
reasons why it is important to manage time advantageously:
 Time is limited: Time is a very special resource in that you cannot store it or save it. Everybody gets the same amount of time each
day, but if you don’t use your time profitably and wisely, you may end up loosing all the number of man hours for the day. Time is
limited to 24 hours a day. So we must plan our life wisely.
 Time Helps to accomplish more work with less effort: When Senior Members become more productive using improved time
management skills and tools, they can accomplish more with less effort. Reducing wasted time and effort gives us even more
productive time throughout the day.
 Time Keeps us on track: Whether it is a daily work list, or a long-term career, plan-time management keeps us on track. With our
goals stated and time allocated, the likelihood of us staying within the boundaries we have given our self is higher.
 Efficient
Time management involves setting up targets and pushing oneself to do it within a period. What it does is make you more efficient.
You will not only find yourself completing your tasks well within the allotted time, but will also find yourself with more than enough
time on your hands for other activities. You will also find yourself without the need to procrastinate every small task that you know
for sure will multiply over time.
 Stress-Free
You must be familiar with that feeling of burden that you feel every time you fail to complete your work within the allotted time.
Having to handle the pressure of pending works and your present assignments often gets to you and you find your performance
dropping. Time management allows you to be free of all this stress and actually increases your output and performance.
 Sense Of Achievement
There is nothing that spurs the confidence of a person than the feeling that they have achieved something. You feel a sense of
achievement that is sure to improve your self-confidence manifold.
 Improves quality of life: Effective time management improves the quality of life. By managing the time, some of the most common
problems such as stress and lack of time for personal interests, can be solved very effortlessly.
 Reduces frustration: Time is the only tool that can make or break you. This is applicable, especially when you have to create a
balance between your professional and personal life in your hectic and tiresome routine. To serve the purpose, you would have to
find time to do everything that your heart desires. By managing our time in a proper manner, we will get rid of all frustration.
 Gives peace of mind: A peace of mind is required to lead a healthy and disease free life. Restless and stress are the root cause for
the lack of peace. Stress causes us to think and perform work undesirably, and this leads to chains of emotion which adversely
affect people around us. By managing the time wisely, we will be able to give ourselves and our loved ones the much desired time
and attention. Since the social ties between the administrator and the people around us are strong, there is the need to manage
time effectively.
 Increases energy level: Effective time management increases the energy level of administrators to a great extent. This is because
proper time management gets a cluttered mind organized. By proper time management, the unhandled jobs and unfinished
business can be done within the deadline. By managing time correctly will boost up ones energy level than the past. This, in turn
enables us to concentrate on the task at hand, without bothering about the pending ones.
 More Opportunities – Being on top of your time and work produces more opportunities. The early bird always has more options.
As well, luck favors the prepared.

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