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Saran-saran mengenai Rancangan Workshop

1. Perjelas pendefisian yang membedakan antara seminar, workshop, kongres, konferensi, dan
 A Symposium is a formal gathering in an academic setting where participants are experts in
their fields. These experts present or deliver their opinions or viewpoints on a chosen topic of
discussion. It would be correct to label a symposium as a small scale conference as the
number of delegates is smaller. There are the usual discussions on the chosen topic after the
experts have presented their speeches. The chief characteristic of a symposium is that it
covers a single topic or subject and all the lectures given by experts are completed in a single
day. A Symposium - prestigious conferences, generally leading venues in their respective
 A Conference refers to a formal meeting where participants exchange their views on various
topics. Conference can take place in different fields, and it need not be academic in nature all
the time. Thus, we have parent teacher conferences, sport conferences, a trade conference, a
conference of journalists, conference of doctors, a conference of research scholars, and so on.
A conference is a meeting that has been prearranged and involves consultation and discussion
on a number of topics by the delegates.Conference and symposium are similar events where
speakers come together and give their opinions on a chosen subject. Symposium can be
described as a smaller conference that gets over in a single day with a lesser number of
 A Seminar is a form of academic instruction, either at a university or offered by a
commercial or professional organization. It has the function of bringing together small groups
for recurring meetings, focusing each time on some particular subject, in which everyone
present is requested to actively participate. The Instructor has prepared the concepts and
techniques they will present and discuss through a combination of visual materials, interactive
tools or equipment, and demonstrations. It includes some take home material for the
participants that relates to the lecture. A full laboratory phase is not a requirement.
 A Workshop includes all the elements of the Seminar, but with the largest portion being
emphasized on “hand-on-practice” or laboratory work. The Lab work is designed to reinforce,
imprint and bring forward an immediate functioning dimension to the participant’s eye and
hands by implementing and practicing the actual concept or technique that was taught through
the lecture and demonstration process.
 A Congress - would typically be held once a year per discipline, highlighting the
achievements, notable results in that field. These are typically attended by leaders in that
field, and feature a series of invited talks
Workshop Definition:
 a place where things are made or repaired
 a class or series of classes in which a small group of people learn the methods and skills used
in doing something
 a small establishment where manufacturing or handicrafts are carried on
 a usually brief intensive educational program for a relatively small group of people that
focuses especially on techniques and skills in a particular field
 a room, group of rooms, or building in which work, especially mechanical work, is carried on.
 a seminar, discussion group, or the like, that emphasizes exchange of ideas and the
demonstration and application of techniques, skills, etc.
 a theater workshop; opera workshop.
 A workroom
Workroom Definition:
 a room used for work
 a room in which work is carried on.
 (Building) a room in which work, usually manual labour, is done
 (Building) a room in a house set aside for a hobby, such as sewing
2. Memahami fungsi workshop, yang dapat dibedakan dengan seminar
 Functions of a Seminar:
This class structure is based on the lecture and demonstration format. This means the
instructor has prepared the concepts and techniques they will present and discuss through a
combination of visual materials, interactive tools or equipment, and demonstrations. Note
taking is always a good thing to do so that you have a form of review once the class is over.
This format should always include some take home materials for the student that relates to the
lecture and demonstration, and that gives them summary points to review along with their
notes. A full laboratory phase (direct student hands-on working opportunity) is not a
requirement for this kind of class structure, nor is it necessary in order for the seminar to be
considered fully and successfully integrated into the student's educational and skill acquision
process. As long as the lectures, demonstrations, visuals, materials/interactive tools are
appropriately networked throughout the seminar content for full educational impact, a
seminar is a complete learning experience. Seminars are often larger classes because there is
no laboratory phase, and the benefit of student questions brought up for discussion always
enhances the collective knowledge of the attendees.
 Functions of a Workshop:
This class includes all the elements of the seminar mentioned previously, but with the largest
portion being emphasized on student hands-on practice, or "laboratory" work. Workshops are
more expensive than seminars to produce because of the time-intensive labor of preparing and
teaching the laboratory phase, along with preparing materials apportioned to each student’s
practice. The lab work is designed to reinforce, imprint, and bring forward an immediate
functioning dimension to the student's eyes and hands by implementing and practicing the
actual concept or technique that was taught through the lecture and demonstration process.
The laboratory phase is a very important part of the workshop to establish the newly learned
method into real skill performance, by patterning the "brain to eye to hand" in the lab
exercises or creative techniques. A crucial factor for student success in a workshop is the
student to teacher ratio. It should be small enough so that the instructor can closely monitor,
provide oversight, and extra help personally to each student without compromising the day’s
agenda. The laboratory element must be a significant phase of the workshop or it risks being
an incomplete integration of the knowledge process and skill in technique to the student.
It is my strong opinion that the laboratory phase should never be less than ½ of the entire
day’s presentation, meaning the student should be spending half of the time in active hands-
on work. If the class does contain more lecture and demonstration than lab work then
consider that the course might be too restrictive to accomplish satisfactorily for students who
do best with hands-on learning.
I also believe that the teacher to student ratio in a workshop should never be greater than 6 – 8
students, and if so, there should be professional assistants that have the same knowledge base
and ability to provide oversight as the instructor. This is so that the instructor never loses the
ability to keep close and personal oversight with each student during the laboratory phase
while fulfilling the day’s lesson plan.
In my many years of teaching experience I can honestly say that a workshop that exceeds this
student to teacher ratio risks more unhappy and unfulfilled student experiences, and negative
“word of mouth” feedback about the instructor and the workshop. More than 8 students in a
workshop taught by just one instructor significantly changes the dynamics of the learning
curve where the instructor can often lose control over the pace. This resorts to more to lecture
and demonstration being done than laboratory work as a fail safe mechanism, which ends up
shortchanging the students and the day’s agenda.
ِ ‫اس أ َ ْنفَعُ ُه ْم لِل َّن‬
‫اس‬ ِ َّ‫َو َخي ُْر الن‬

Sebaik-baiknya manusia adalah yang paling bermanfaat bagi manusia lainnya.

(HR. Ath Thabarani, Al Mu’jam Al Awsath No. 5787. Al Qudha’i, Musnad Syihab No. 129.
Dihasankan Syaikh Al Albani. Lihat Shahihul Jami’ No. 6662)

َّ ‫ي خَـي ٌْر َوأ َ َحبُّ إِلَـى هللاِ مِ نَ ْالـ ُمؤْ مِ ِن ال‬

، ِ‫ض ِعيْف‬ ُّ ‫ ا َ ْلـ ُمؤْ مِ نُ ْالقَـ ِو‬: ‫سلَّ َم‬ َ ُ‫صلَّى هللا‬
َ ‫علَ ْي ِه َو‬ َ ِ‫ قَا َل َرسُ ْو ُل هللا‬:َ‫ع ْنهُ قَال‬ َ ُ‫ي هللا‬
َ ‫ض‬ِ ‫ع ْن أَبِ ْي ه َُري َْرة َ َر‬
، ‫ لَ ْو أَنِـ ٍّ ْي فَعَ ْلتُ َكانَ َكذَا َوكَـذَا‬:‫صابَكَ شَـ ْي ٌء فَ َـَل تَقُ ْل‬ َ َ ‫ َوإِ ْن أ‬، ‫ـز‬ ْ ‫عـلَـى َما يَـ ْنـفَـعُـكَ َوا ْستَع ِْن بِاهللِ َو ََل ت َـ ْع َج‬
َ ‫ص‬ ْ ‫ اِحْ ِـر‬، ‫ْـر‬
ٌ ‫ـل خَـي‬ ٍّ ‫َوفِـ ْي ُك‬
ِ ‫ط‬َ ‫ش ْي‬ َ ‫ فَإ ِ َّن لَ ْو ت َـ ْفـت َـ ُح‬،َ‫ قَـدَ ُر هللاِ َو َما شَا َء فَعَل‬:‫َولَـك ِْن قُ ْل‬
َّ ‫ع َم َل ال‬

Dari Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu ‘anhu , beliau berkata, Rasûlullâh Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam
bersabda, Mukmin yang kuat lebih baik dan lebih dicintai Allâh Azza wa Jalla daripada Mukmin yang
lemah; dan pada keduanya ada kebaikan. Bersungguh-sungguhlah untuk mendapatkan apa yang
bermanfaat bagimu dan mintalah pertolongan kepada Allâh (dalam segala urusanmu) serta janganlah
sekali-kali engkau merasa lemah. Apabila engkau tertimpa musibah, janganlah engkau berkata,
Seandainya aku berbuat demikian, tentu tidak akan begini dan begitu, tetapi katakanlah, Ini telah
ditakdirkan Allâh, dan Allâh berbuat apa saja yang Dia kehendaki, karena ucapan seandainya akan
membuka (pintu) perbuatan syaitan.
Hadits ini shahîh. Diriwayatkan oleh Muslim (no. 2664); Ahmad (II/366, 370); Ibnu Mâjah (no. 79,
4168); an-Nasâ-i dalam Amalul Yaum wal Lailah (no. 626, 627); at-Thahawi dalam Syarh Musykilil
Aatsâr (no. 259, 260, 262); Ibnu Abi Ashim dalam Kitab as-Sunnah (no. 356).
Dishahihkan oleh Syaikh al-Bani rahimahullah dalam Hidâyatur Ruwât ila Takhrîji Ahâdîtsil
Mashâbîh wal Misykât (no. 5228).





a. Pemateri : Bapak Reza Abdul Kodir
b. Estimasi Waktu : 60 menit
c. Tema Materi :
d. Poin-Poin Materi :
No. Materi Tujuan
e. Metode :

Waktu Durasi Acara Penunjuk Teknis
Logistik beserta panitia lain
14:30-15:00 30’ Briefing panitia
menyiapkan tempat acara
Seluruh panitia menyiapkan
15:00-15:15 15’ Persiapan tempat acara
tempat acara
Panitia diarahkan untuk
15:15-15:45 30’ Istirahat Shalat
shalat di Al-Furqan
Pembukaan secara formal
15:45-15:50 5’ Pembukaan dan tilawah
oleh MC dan tilawah
Sambutan diberikan oleh
Sambutan dari Ketua
15:50-15:55 5’ ketua umum LBM untuk
Umum LBM
membuka acara
Pematerian “Menjadi Pematerian disampaikan oleh
15:55-16:40 45’ Mahasiswa Muslim pemateri
Peserta melakukan Tanya
16:40-17:00 20’ Diskusi
jawab dengan pemateri
Pemberian plakat kepada
Pemberian Plakat kepada
17:00-17:05 5’ pemateri oleh penanggung
jawab acara
Halal bi Halal dipandu ole
17:05-17:25 20’ Halal bi Halal
ketua umum LBM
Peserta dan panitia diarahkan
17:25-17:45 20’ Makan
untuk makan
17:45-17:50 5’ Penutupan dan Do’a Acara ditutup dengan do’a
Panitia membereskan tempat
17:50-18:00 10’ Operasi semut

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