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For the

April 27

Resignation of House Chaplain: The House

Y Y N N tabled, 215-171, a Democratic bid for a
committee probe of the forced resignation of
the Rev. Patrick Conroy as House chaplain.
Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., has not publicly
explained his request for the resignation. A
yes vote was to kill the bid.
$100 Billion For Aviation: Voting 393-13,
Y Y Y Y the House authorized nearly $100 billion in
spending through September 2023 for federal
aviation programs. The bill will be funded by
annual appropriations along with revenue
from fuel taxes and ticket fees. A yes vote
was to pass HR 4.
Rules for Lithium Batteries: The House
N N Y Y defeated, 192-223, an amendment to HR 4
(above) giving the Federal Aviation
Administration rather than an international
civil-aviation organization primary authority to
set rules for shipping flammable lithium
batteries on U.S. cargo flights.
Mike Pompeo Confirmation: The Senate
N N confirmed, 57-42, Mike Pompeo, the CIA
director and a former Kansas congressman,
as the 70th secretary of state. A yes vote
backed Pompeo over Democratic criticism of
his record as a four-term lawmaker identified
with the Tea Party faction.
Kyle Duncan Confirmation: The Senate
N N confirmed, 50-47, Kyle Duncan to sit on the
5th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. He was
lead attorney on the winning side of the
Supreme Court’s 2014 “Hobby Lobby” ruling,
which limits access to birth-control coverage
under the Affordable Care Act.
Richard Grenell Confirmation: Voting 56
N N -42, the Senate confirmed Richard Grenell,
51, a Fox News contributor and head of a
global public-affairs firm, as ambassador to
Germany. He formerly worked as the U.S.
spokesman at the United Nations in the
George W. Bush administration.
KEY VOTES AHEAD ©2018 Voterama in Congress
Congress is in recess until the week of May 7.

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